Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-30

Voices, The Peoples News

August 30, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Biden restarts immigration program for 4 countries with more vetting for sponsors

Arizona migrant busing continues as feds send nearly $50 million more in aid

Migrants keep trying to ride San Diego school buses with students on board

Ducey’s migrant bus policy divides immigrant aid organizations: As similar programs in Texas & Florida come under fire, Arizona’s attracts new scrutiny from immigrant advocacy groups

Florida delegation demands Cuban Communist officials, ‘evil dictators’ be denied entry

What is Tren de Aragua, the Venezuelan gang running amok in Colorado? Venezuela‘s largest criminal gang, Tren de Aragua, is wreaking havoc in Colorado, driving national attention.

Immigrants in CO ‘harmed’ by national attention on Tren de Aragua, activists say

US-Mexico Border Agents Ordered to Stop Trashing Migrants Possessions

‘Biden opened the doors’: Border town residents reveal impact of immigration on community

Colorado mayor speaks out after video of armed Venezuelan gang in apartment goes viral: ‘Failed policy’

Video shows armed gang at troubled Colorado apartment building believed to have been taken over by migrants. One anonymous resident, ‘there’s no help coming for any of us’

Venezuelan Gang Takes Control of NYC Migrant Shelters: Alarming Crime Surge

# Border / Immigration / Migrants / Global Panama deports Ecuadorean migrants in second US-backed flight

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Summer COVID surge shows we may have to return to 2020 pandemic measures

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
La. Congressman looks to replace two Social Security provisions

# Education / Schools
Trump’s Supreme Court Trashes Student Debt Relief: The Supreme Court discarded the Biden administration’s request to temporarily reinstate its new student debt plan that would lower payments for millions of borrowers.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Biden Admistration Bans Drilling, Mining on 28 Million Acres in Alaska after Feedback from Tribal Communities

# Environment / Climate / Infrastructure / Water Nasa captures giant swirling gases in the sky

Utah wants your public land for more roads: The state wants to build a highway through tortoise habitat

Here’s Utah’s latest attempt to bring federal lands under state control: State Rep. Ken Ivory is proposing a bill for the 2025 legislative session aimed at giving Utah authority over issues not exclusively given to the federal government in the U.S. Constitution.

Fish are swimming the Klamath River freely for the first time in more than a century

# Environment / Climate / Infrastructure / Water / Global
Villagers in Zimbabwe dig riverbeds for water as drought worsens: One of the worst droughts in living memory is sweeping across southern Africa, leaving close to 70 million people without enough food and water.

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering
USDA chief admits ‘mistakes’ as food shortages hit tribal populations, low-income seniors

# Food / Alerts / Recalls / How-to
Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, Doritos, and Takis could be banned in California public schools under new bill: “This legislation will not ban any specific foods or products,” said Gabriel. “The goal here is to encourage companies to make minor modifications to products sold in California if they want their products to be sold in public schools, and let’s be clear, that’s a big market.”

# Gov / Politics / Global
Germany deports first Afghans since Taliban govt took control: ‘Our security counts,’ German interior minister says as government confirms those deported are convicted criminals.

Iran is closing in on nuclear weaponization. America and Israel need a strategy

Terrorism threats on the rise 3 years after Afghanistan exit

‘Street Thug’ Putin and His Allies Considering Invasion of 3 More Countries

Israel Withdrew Gaza Evacuation Order After Leaked Memo Shows US Urged Restraint The move is a show that the U.S. does hold power over Israel’s actions — but chooses not to act in crucial ways.

Hamas Strikes Israel in Unexpected Assault: On the morning of October 7, 2023, the Palestinian fundamentalist organization Hamas orchestrated an unanticipated assault on Israeli soil, marking it as one of the most significant attacks in recent years​​

# Gov / Politics
Army says Arlington National Cemetery worker was ‘pushed aside’ by Trump aides

The Trump camp is doubling down on the Arlington mess and picking a fight with the Army

Trump Tries New Excuse for Messy Fight at Arlington National Cemetery: Donald Trump’s campaign staff reportedly got into a physical altercation with staff at Arlington National Cemetery—and Trump wants to make the story disappear.

Politics and Arlington National Cemetery show the need for Americans to confront their sacred places

Project 2025 started a half century ago. A Trump win could solidify it forever

The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 wants to reshape America underTrump: The project outlines a series of moves to transform the executive branch of the government

Sanders Says ‘Congress Must Investigate’ War Profiteering by US Military Contractors: “The greed of these companies is fleecing the American taxpayer and killing Ukrainians,” said the senator.

VIDEO: Secret chats expose decade of US meddling in Ecuador: Recently-leaked secret chats obtained by The Grayzone expose how Ecuadorian prosecutor Diana Salazar acted hand-in-glove with the United States government, which essentially selected and controlled prosecutions from Washington.

This Election, Dark Money Is Blackmailing Lawmakers: This week, Colorado state representatives gathered at the capitol for an emergency effort to slash state property taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars, cutting government funding for public schools, health care, and other essential services.

“Genocide Will Continue”: Fury Grows as Harris Vows to Keep Biden’s Gaza Policy: Polls have shown pivoting away from Biden’s Gaza policy is popular among the public — but Harris is refusing the change.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Texas State Police Gear Up for Massive Expansion of Surveillance Tech: DPS plans to spend millions in taxpayer dollars on a controversial software, used first as part of Gov. Abbott’s border crackdown, to ‘disrupt potential domestic terrorism.’

A Jail Diagnosed Him With HIV — Then Denied Him Life-Saving Medication, Lawsuit Says

US police use force on 300,000 people a year, with numbers rising since George Floyd: ‘relentless violence’: Exclusive: groundbreaking Mapping Police Violence data estimates scale of physical force and civilian injuries

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court [ICC] Texas sued by environmental activist over ‘unconstitutional’ anti-ESG law

Texas boosts oil-friendly courts to safeguard industry interests: On September 1, Texas will open new business courts, heavily influenced by Big Oil

The Supreme Court Just Signaled What It Will Do If the Election Is Close

Nebraska Supreme Court hears case that could upend voting rights for thousands of felons

# Medical / General News
Scientists Find ‘Tiny Shards’ of Plastic in Lungs, Placentas and Other Human Organs

VP Nominee With ‘Rural Appeal’ Signed Law Hurting Rural Healthcare Providers

# Medical Science / Technology
Gene therapy gets a turbo boost from researchers: Gene therapy, the idea of fixing faulty genes with healthy ones, has held immense promise. But a major hurdle has been finding a safe and efficient way to deliver those genes.

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
US forces ready with a ‘range of options’ to deal with South China Sea aggression, US admiral says

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Houthi operatives placed explosives on a tanker and detonated them, risking a catastrophic oil spill in the Red Sea

# NASA / Rocketry / Space
SpaceX releases footage of Falcon 9 launch of the Transporter-11

NASA and Boeing Prepare for Uncrewed Starliner Return Mission

NASA’s Advanced Solar Sail Successfully Deploys in Space

NASA discovers an invisible electric field surrounding Earth: NASA’s Endurance mission, have confirmed the existence of the ambipolar field and quantified its strength, revealing its role in driving atmospheric escape and shaping our ionosphere – a layer of the upper atmosphere – more broadly.

Curiosity Accidentally Breaks Open Boulder, Makes Monumental Discovery

# Other Interesting Things / UFO Disclosure 41,000-year-old ‘zombie viruses’ discovered frozen 20,000ft up mountain – & they could solve mysteries of ancient Earth

Discovery of submerged bridge built by ancient humans rewrites Mediterranean island’s history: Early settlers ‘strategically’ built bridge to navigate island some 1,600 years earlier than the first confirmed human activity on Mallorca

Israeli archeologists unearth rare, 2,700-year-old stone seal near Temple Mount

Ancient Aliens: Cosmic Communication System Carved into Earth (S14, E2) | Full Episode

Mt. Stromboli has been in almost continuous eruption for the past 2,000 years.

Evidence of a Wooden Structure That Predates Our Species Uncovered: A pair of interlocking logs that haven’t seen sunlight in half a million years could challenge some fundamental assumptions about the technology and culture of our Stone Age ancestors.

# Space / Global
Notorious Iranian Hackers Have Been Targeting the Space Industry With a New Backdoor: In addition to its long-standing password spraying attacks, Microsoft says Iran-backed hacker group Peach Sandstorm—or APT 33—has developed custom malware dubbed “Tickler.”

Watering Hole Attacks Unveiled: A Comprehensive Cyberthreat Overview: These cyberthreats involve the meticulous compromise of websites frequented by specific target individuals or organizations, transforming trusted online spaces into unsuspecting traps.

What is a watering hole attack? A watering hole attack is a security exploit in which the attacker seeks to compromise a specific group of end users by infecting websites that members of the group are known to visit. The goal is to infect a targeted user’s computer and gain access to the network at the target’s workplace.

# Social
Here’s The Real Story Of How America’s Squatter Epidemic All Began: Squatter’s rights are about as old as America itself, and they once served a noble purpose. Just like everything that once made America great, liberals have perverted them to their own nefarious ends.

Triumphant homeowners who spent millions on houses reveal how they took on squatters — and won

# Technology / Global
China is still getting its hands on US chips — and striking back too

Powerful Spyware Exploits Enable a New String of ‘Watering Hole’ Attacks: Suspected Russian hackers have compromised a series of websites to utilize sophisticated spyware exploits that are eerily similar to those created by NSO Group and Intellexa.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-29

Voices, The Peoples News

August 29, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
California legislature allows undocumented to get free $150K home down payments

Massachusetts GOP demands information on state’s $1 billion in ‘secret’ migrant spending: ‘Veil of secrecy’

Brutal Venezuelan gang violence spills into quiet suburb from the sanctuary city next door – despite efforts to keep migrants out

A group of illegals tried highjacking school buses carrying children on their way to school in California. The school now says if migrants are spotted at bus stops then the bus won’t stop.

# Corporations / Industry / Business
Exclusive-US government funding yielded hundreds of patents for China-based researchers

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
COVID-19 surge causes closure of two schools, more might follow suit: A COVID-19 surge has resulted in the closure of two schools and more might follow suit. So far, the two schools that have closed are located in Alabama and Tennessee.

Fauci wants to bring back masks after contracting COVID:  It was his third Covid  infection and he has been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times.

# Education / Schools
Over 100 students without bus service as Massachusetts funds buses for migrants: Some 150 students will be denied a school bus service when term starts. But Stoughton’s migrant kids get two buses thanks to special state funding

Tim Walz Signed A Law Creating ‘Ethnic Studies’ Requirements Extending To Elementary School Students: Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz signed a law in 2023 as Minnesota governor that will require schools to offer “ethnic studies” courses.

# Employment / Labor / Unions
In the first three months of 2024, the business services sector had the most layoffs; the construction sector had the highest layoff risk. Professional and business services. Trade, transportation, and utilities. Leisure and hospitality. Construction. Education and health services. Manufacturing. State and local government.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Global
Opposition builds as northern British Columbia pipeline construction begins: Nisg̱a’a tribal protectors briefly blocked construction of the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water Pesticides linked to sharp decline in wild bee populations, study finds: The increasing use of specific pesticides is significantly reducing the populations of wild bees.

This man saved his town from deadly floodwaters. So why did the US government try to stop him? Windell Curole built a vast levee to protect his district from disappearing into the ocean – despite federal resistance to his plan. Had he listened to officials, he says, ‘we wouldn’t have a community’

# Food / Alerts / Recalls / How-to
A Burger King Employee Reveals Their ‘Nasty’ Sweet Tea That Never Gets ‘Changed’ Or ‘Cleaned’ At Most Stores: Comments highlight a broader issue with cleanliness in some fast food establishments, particularly when it comes to beverages that customers assume are safe to consume.

# General News
Trump Goes on Crazed, Violent Rant Calling for Death of His Enemies: Donald Trump went on a fascist posting spree on Truth Social after receiving news of his latest indictment.

Tulsi Gabbard Says She’s Stuck on TSA ‘Terrorist’ Watchlist

Vets Horrified by Trump’s Controversial Arlington Photo Op

Report filed on Trump Arlington National Cemetery “incident”

Trump’s Arlington Cemetery dispute escalates

Arlington Official Feared Retaliation Over Trump Incident

A defense official told The Associated Press that Trump’s campaign was warned about not taking photographs, even before their arrival at the cemetery. Trump has posted a video of the visit on his TikTok account. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter concerning Monday’s events.

Trump Posts Video Of Arlington National Cemetery Visit After Alleged Altercation: Cemetery staff say campaign-related photos and videos are prohibited on its grounds.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Zelensky to present peace plan to Biden, Harris, Trump: Zelensky, speaking at a news conference in Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv, touched on the four-stage plan, saying the country’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk region was the first pillar.

Dozens of Muslim organisations demand independent investigation into Islamophobia after violent riots

Christians arrested for their faith in Egypt are running out of time: Religious persecution is on the rise globally, and it takes many forms. One form that is becoming increasingly popular is that of prolonged pretrial detention. Individuals from religious minorities are imprisoned after the authorities learn of their faith, but no official charges are brought. No trial takes place. The process itself is the punishment.

# Gov / Politics
Two men from Europe are charged in a plot to call in bogus reports of police emergencies to harass and threaten members of Congress, senior U.S. government officials and dozens of other people, according to an indictment unsealed on Wednesday.

China Defense Head Meets Top Biden Adviser And Clashes Over Taiwan: The head of China’s defense and President Joe Biden’s top adviser met Wednesday and sparred over the U.S. ongoing relationship with Taiwan.

How the 14th Amendment prevents state legislatures from subverting popular presidential elections

Meet the think tank planning a second Trump administration. (It’s not Project 2025.) Planning for a second Donald Trump White House has been years in the making.

Trump Threatens Mark Zuckerberg With Prison For ‘The Rest of His Life’ If He Uses Facebook to ‘Cheat’ in 2024: ‘We Are Watching Him Closely’

Trump Is Sharing QAnon Posts While His Campaign Staff Runs Damage Control: Former President Donald Trump once tried to keep a healthy distance between himself and the conspiratorial elements of his supporter base, admitting only a vague familiarity with their beliefs.

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court [ICC] Former Las Vegas politician found guilty in murder of journalist: The former politician could face life in prison without a chance of parole, life in prison with a chance of parole after 20 years, or 20-50 years in prison.

# Medical / General News
EPA must increase transparency on chemical reviews, judge rules: A federal judge in D.C. has ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to disclose more information about chemicals under review

# Medical / Global
A chemical mishap in Puerto Rico reveals the dark side of sterilization plants: A Puerto Rican community grapples with the lingering effects of ethylene oxide exposure, decades after an industrial accident. Ethylene oxide, a gas used to sterilize medical equipment, has been linked to severe health issues, including cancer, in Salinas, Puerto Rico. A 2003 workplace accident exposed worker Henry Morales to the gas, leading to lifelong neurological damage.

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
US Navy carrier strike group and other warships fired $1.16 billion in weapons battling the Houthis in the Red Sea

Australian PM caught on camera joking with senior US official over funding of Pacific policing plan

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Ukrainian draft office threatens lethal force against citizens: Officers are within their rights to open fire in “self-defense,” a regional enlistment authority has warned

Israel targets West Bank with new wave of strikes and assassinations: The IDF has launched a significant “counterterrorism operation” in response to a failed suicide bombing attempt in Tel Aviv

Taiwan is rethinking its use of US-made anti-tank missiles after less than half hit their targets in recent combat drills

Taiwan drills with anti-amphibious landing missiles to deter China

A social time bomb? Think tank believes most Russians fighting in Kursk are conscripts

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space NASA JPL Developing Underwater Robots to Venture Deep Below Polar Ice

# Nuclear
“In the name of the victims of nuclear tests and future generations, I call on all countries whose ratifications are needed for the [Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty] to enter into force to do so, immediately and without conditions. Let’s pass the test for humanity, and ban nuclear testing for good.” UN Secretary-General António Guterres, “The Secretary-General: Message for the International Day against Nuclear Tests,” United Nations

# Other Interesting Things
Mysterious ancient Egyptian observatory from 2,500 years ago shows ‘advanced knowledge of stars’

# Social
Driver takes problem into own hands after seeing tow truck stalk mall, illegally lift cars and overcharge owners

# Technology / Global
Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered billionaire Elon Musk on Wednesday to name a legal representative for his messaging platform X in Brazil within 24 hours or face the site’s suspension in the country

EU investigating Telegram: The European Commission is reportedly looking into the messaging app’s possible failure to provide accurate user data

Telegram CEO charged in France, released on $5.5M bail: Court bars Pavel Durov to leave France

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-27

Voices, The Peoples News

August 27, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants / Global
Federal Judge Issues Temporary Stay, Pausing Implementation of “Keeping Families Together” Program

A Texas judge on Monday temporarily blocked the Biden administration from granting legal status to unauthorized immigrants married to American citizens following a challenge by 16 Republican-led states.

# Cartels / Drugs / Trafficking
Drug gang busted after smuggling cocaine worth millions in pallets of raw chicken

Fugitive ex-official implicates Mexican ex-president, others in tale spun of student disappearances

# Censorship
Mark Zuckerberg admits Biden administration ‘pressured’ Facebook to censor Americans: Zuckerberg explained that the Biden administration pressured his team for months in 2021 to censor “certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our team when we didn’t agree.”

Did Biden’s White House pressure Mark Zuckerberg to censor COVID content? In a letter to the House Judiciary Committee, the Meta chief said he regretted caving in to government pressure.

# Education / Schools
Two people found dead in Rice University dormitory Monday in apparent murder-suicide: All Monday evening classes were cancelled on the first day of the school year and the campus was placed on an hour-long lockdown while police investigated the incident.

A school assignment asked for 3 benefits of slavery. This kid gave the only good answer. The school assignment was intended to spark debate and discussion, but isn’t that part of the problem?

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Flawed federal assessment for Gulf oil drilling is thrown out by court

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Global
Mexico’s next president faces challenges in moving away from oil dependence

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water Louisiana court stops EPA from enforcing civil rights rule on environmental impact

# General News
An Australian scientist has claimed he’s found the “perfect hiding place” for missing plane MH370.

# Gov / Politics
America is an experiment. From the time of its first white settlement, America has been a place where people came to experiment with doing things differently. The experiment continues. Like all history, America’s was written by the winners

A Forgotten Founding Father and America’s Uptick in Antisemitism: Jews have played a significant part in the success of the United States. Like Founding Father Haym Salomon.

The Golden Age of American Jews Is Ending: Anti-Semitism on the right and the left threatens to bring to a close an unprecedented period of safety and prosperity for Jewish Americans—and demolish the liberal order they helped establish.

Georgia governor inquires whether he can remove MAGA election board members after series of alarming votes: Donald Trump recently praised the right-wing coalition on the Georgia state election board

‘You’re fired’: Trump vows pink slips on Day 1 for every official responsible for ‘Afghanistan calamity’

U.S. Latinas contributed $1.3 trillion to the GDP, about as much as Florida’s economy, report finds

Dem Senator Says There Is ‘Moral Obligation’ To Quell Fears About ‘Migrant Crime Wave’: Sen. Chris Murphy said it was “important to push back” against the “narrative” that there is a “migrant crime wave.”

Ex-Trump Adviser Drops Bombshell About Trump’s Taliban Deal: H.R. McMaster is pointing to Donald Trump for the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Biden Failed to Ban Foreign Lobbyists. Kamala Harris Can Do Better: Washington is crawling with lobbyists for dictators and other unsavory leaders around the world. Harris should promise to rid the capital of them.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
GOP rep on Secret Service after Trump assassination attempt: ‘Huge failure’

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court [ICC] Special Counsel Jack Smith Urges Appeals Court To Reinstate Classified Documents Case Against Trump U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon threw out the case last month.

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
How USAF helped Ukraine upgrade the electronic warfare systems on its new F-16s

Special Operations forces want to use AI to reduce civilian deaths in combat: Automation could eventually turn “trigger pullers into the experts that can do this,” one official said.

Exclusive-Top US general says risk of broader war eases a bit after Israel-Hezbollah exchange

Navy commander who oversaw carrier strike group in Red Sea says US command rejected suggestions to hit the Houthis harder over concerns about Iran

US military open to escorting Philippine ships in the South China Sea, senior admiral says

Roosevelt deployment extended in Middle East, US to keep 2 carrier strike groups in the region

Navy sub arrives Down Under to initiate Australians in nuclear-power maintenance

# Military / Nuclear / Global
With the second anniversary of the American military exit from Afghanistan fast approaching, advocates worry they are running out of time to address the plight of tens of thousands of Afghan refugees who remain stuck in immigration limbo as the issue fades out of public consciousness.

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Unveils New Exploding ‘Suicide Drones’

# Nuclear
Downwinders in New Mexico: Unveiling the Untold Stories:  In the wake of the monumental events like the Trinity test during World War II, the impact on New Mexico and its residents has been profound but often forgotten. Here, we dive into the heart of these stories from downwinders in New Mexico, offering a voice to an underrepresented community while calling for awareness and action.

Survivors of the first atomic test in New Mexico are demanding recognition and justice

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space NASA astronauts who will spend extra months at the space station are veteran Navy pilots: The two astronauts who will spend extra time at the International Space Station are Navy test pilots who have ridden out long missions before.

SpaceX Preparing to Drain All Air From Spacecraft While Astronauts Are Inside

# Other Interesting Things
Sacrificed ‘frozen’ Inca child in Chile did not die peacefully as previously thought, study finds: A New Cause of Death for an Inca Ritual Sacrifice: The Prince of El Plomo. For over half a century, it was believed that the child from Cerro El Plomo died from hypothermia during an Inca ritual sacrifice. However, new scientific studies challenge this idea.

Scientists Stumble Upon 7,000-Year-Old Preserved Landscape Beneath Adriatic Sea: Researchers have uncovered a preserved ancient landscape beneath the Adriatic Sea near the submerged city of Soline, dating back
7,000 years.

# Veterans / VA
More veterans enroll for benefits under the PACT Act as claims surge: Veterans continue to file claims for benefits under the PACT Act at increasing rates

The PACT Act and your VA benefits

More than 1 million vets have received new toxic exposure benefits

3 years after Kabul’s fall, veteran still helping allies left behind: He wants to make sure those still awaiting a pathway out of Afghanistan are safe. He tries to boost spirits with his messages, adding funny memes and links to music like the theme song from “Rocky.”

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-26

Voices, The Peoples News

August 26, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Migrant Convicted Of Sexually Assaulting, Attempting To Murder Two Preteen Girls

Do Immigrants Make Us Less Safe? Immigrants are highly motivated risk-takers seeking economic opportunity and have a lower propensity toward crime.

California close to approving $150K loans for illegal immigrants to help purchase homes

# Corporations / Industry / Business
‘Corporate Greed at Its Absolute Worst’: FTC Challenges Kroger Merger:
Largest supermarket merger in U.S. history will eliminate competition and raise grocery prices for millions of Americans, while harming tens of thousands of workers, FTC alleges

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Case Report: Pfizer COVID Vaccine ‘Catalyst’ in Death of 34-Year-Old Man: When Henrietta Simoes’ son Victor died suddenly 16 days after his first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, she began seeking answers. Now, the details of his case have been published, providing important evidence for how the vaccine can injure the heart.

We have the tried and true clampdowns making a comeback: Covid surge forces schools to close and bring back pandemic-era measures, and more are at risk as millions head back to class

# Drugs / Trafficking / Cartels
The CCP’s Business Model Fueling the Fentanyl Crisis: Communist China is an ideological, military, economic, technical, commercial, intelligence, and diplomatic rival of the U.S. and the West. The People’s Republic of China. (PRC) has a growing exploitative presence in the developing world. While these threats are known, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) involvement with transnational crime and money laundering is not.

# Education / Schools
The Unequal Effects of School Closings: As more families opt for charter and private schools or homeschooling in the wake of the pandemic, cities around the country are shuttering schools.

School vouchers were supposed to save taxpayer money. Instead they blew a massive hole in Arizona’s budget.

Conservatives go to war — against each other — over school vouchers

To Get Students to Understand What Racism Is, I First Had to Teach What It’s Not: Fallacies of racism must be interrogated, or they will (re)produce white supremacy, both ideologically and materially.

Teaching about Race and Racism in College Classrooms: The realities of race and racism in the United States are uncomfortable. But we can teach about these realities in ways that allow that discomfort to happen while also moving past it to real understanding.

What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is It Under Attack? Is “critical race theory” a way of understanding how American racism has shaped public policy, or a divisive discourse that pits people of color against white people? Liberals and conservatives are in sharp disagreement.
Encyclopedia Britannica:

# Employment / Labor / Unions
Climate Change Extreme Heat Is Killing Workers; Abbott Makes Health Care For Immigrants Harder

It’s not the heat, it’s the inhumanity: People who have to work outside should be protected with simple measures: shade, water, rest. So why did the state with the highest number of worker heat fatalities just roll back the few flimsy protections it had in place?

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Grid Operator Pays 700% More to Buy Power, Warns Price Hikes Will Follow: It’s quite a shock for a nation that leads the world in natural gas and wind power production and ranks second in solar electricity.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Global
US-Trained Military in Uganda Targets Oil Pipeline Protesters: “The arrest of climate activists against EACOP is a blatant move to silence crucial advocates for change,” said Fridays for Future Uganda.

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals
Walmart Great Value Apple Juice Recalled For High Arsenic Levels: Walmart recalled 9,535 cases of its 8-ounce Great Value brand apple juice bottles on August 15 after discovering the bottles contain high levels of inorganic arsenic that exceed industry standards

FDA Lets Chemical Companies Decide if Recycled Plastics Are Safe for Food Containers

# Gov / Politics / Global
Indian Prime Minister Modi offers to help ‘as a friend’ to bring peace to Ukraine

How Israel Is Exploiting Google Ads to Discredit a UN Aid Agency: The UNRWA, the leading humanitarian aid provider in Gaza, calls Israel’s strategy of promoting alleged misinformation “destructive.”

# Gov / Politics
Anti-Trump PAC Continues To Shuffle Millions Of Donor Dollars To Firms Owned By Insiders: Roughly one-third of the funds spent by the Lincoln Project this election cycle has gone to firms owned by its leaders, FEC records show.

Congressional gridlock leaves key national security posts vacant: China is eager to fill the diplomatic void, officials warn

Trump’s shameful belittling of the US military: Returning Trump to the White House would be a disservice not only to the armed services, but also to the nation.

Over 1.1 million removed from Texas voter rolls: Those removed include noncitizens illegally registered to vote, those who moved out of state, the deceased, those with a felony conviction, among others.

Refusing to Certify Elections Isn’t About Fairness. It’s Aimed at Sowing Doubt: New rules in Georgia are worrisome, but safeguards prevent rogue election officials from refusing to certify the results.

Election Denial Can’t Overcome Election Certification Protections

Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win: Trumpist county election officials are preparing to throw the process into chaos.

These Swing State Election Officials Are Pro-Trump Election Deniers: Nearly 70 pro-Trump conspiracists are election officials in key battleground counties, and they are poised to make a giant mess on Election Day

Harris Gets Massive Outpouring of Support From Unlikely Group: More than 200 former Republican staffers have endorsed Kamala Harris over Donald Trump.

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court Here’s Who Court Watchers Think Could Be Included On Trump’s Next Supreme Court Shortlist: Former President Donald Trump has yet to release an updated list of potential Supreme Court nominees.

ICC Urged to Probe Israel’s Alleged Torture of Gaza Medical Workers: “The torture of Palestinian healthcare workers is a window into the much larger issue of the Israeli government’s treatment of detainees generally,” said one Human Rights Watch expert.

# Media
American Journalists Beware: A Second Trump Term Could Pose Very Real Risks: The former director of the Committee to Protect Journalists lays out the grave threats that news outlets might confront—and offers proactive safeguards.

# Medical / General News
A new mpox variant is taking off in Africa. The WHO plan for stopping it isn’t realistic.

Her Life Was at Risk. She Needed an Abortion. Insurance Refused To Pay: In Wisconsin an 1849 law had sprung back into effect, halting abortion care except when a pregnant woman faced death.

CDC Reports 2 More Variant Flu Cases, Both With Swine Exposure: (CDC) today reported two more variant influenza cases, one in Ohio and the other in Pennsylvania, in people who had contact with pigs

Abbott’s Order On Texas Hospitals Will Alienate Vulnerable Populations: Recently, Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order directing the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to collect and report health care costs associated with undocumented immigrants.

Who among us had mosquito lockdowns on their 2024 “October Surprise” bingo card? We’ve recently learned: Northeastern towns issue voluntary lockdown to prevent spread of potentially deadly mosquito-borne disease Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)
Eastern Equine Encephalitis:

# Medical / Global
Relentless Israeli Assault Keeping Medical Teams From Delivering Polio Vaccines, Aid: “Children in Gaza are already suffering from starvation and rampant infectious disease as a result of Israel’s blockade and attacks on civilian infrastructure and are now facing an unprecedented polio outbreak.”

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
The Battle of Kursk probably won’t result in nuclear weapons use against Ukraine. But Russian escalation vis-à-vis NATO can’t be ruled out.

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt says the US military is falling behind in AI warfare and needs a ‘systemic overhaul,’ warns US ‘unprepared’ for AI warfare against China and Russia

Australia offers US a vast new military launchpad in China conflict: Deep in the outback, a flurry of construction by Australia and the United States is transforming this once quiet military installation into a potential launchpad in case of conflict with China.

How US military planning has shifted away from fighting terrorism to readying for tensions and conflict with China and Russia: The Pentagon is preparing for what it calls ‘great power competition’ among the US, Russia and China.

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Israel, Hezbollah Exchange Fire After IDF Launches Massive Preemptive Strike

Kyiv’s incursion into Russia sends a defiant message to its Western backers: We can win this war

5 people die in shelling of a Russian border region while Russian fire hits a hotel with reporters

Escalation in Lebanon sparks fears of regional war amid ongoing conflict

Israel Is Forcing One of the Last Remaining Hospitals in Gaza to Evacuate, has vowed “aggressive” military action in areas surrounding the hospital.

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space
Is satellite rideshare worth it? Lessons from Optimus

NASA astronauts will remain stranded on ISS until February

SpaceX to carry Space Machines’ 2023 satellite taxi into orbit

Pentagon appoints new UFO office director: The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), which studies incidents involving what the military now calls Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), announced on Monday that Dr. Jon T. Kosloski has been selected as its new full-time director.

Full special: Confessions of a UFO Hunter: Whistleblower alleges UFO retrieval, reverse engineering program. ‘Reports substantiate not all these interactions are necessarily peaceful.’ He claims his allegations cost him nearly everything

# Other Interesting Things
Do ancient human fossils in Africa tell the whole story, or is there a bias?

Ancient Aliens: UFO Landing Site Discovered in Columbia (Special)

# Social
Squatters Take Over Multi-Million Dollar Mansion Next Door To LeBron James: No one knows Los Angeles better than John Woodward.

This California handyman found a creative way to force out squatters, but it’s a dangerous tactic. Dealing with squatters, or even tenants, can get complicated and costly. Squatting is fueled by homelessness, and politicians have been reluctant to address it. News reports suggest the current system is stacked against homeowners and gives rise to long court battles. Thankfully, there are safer and easier ways to make your mark in real estate.

Georgia state representative says laws unfairly favor home squatters: “When I saw this story, I said, I have to do something immediately now.
It’s urgent.”

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
A New U.N. Cybercrime Convention Could Land You in Jail: Cybercrime laws are used to attack freedom of expression, undermine privacy, and tighten control over legitimate online activities

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-25

Voices, The Peoples News

August 25, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
‘It’s Just No Place for an Oil Pipeline’: A Wisconsin Tribe Continues Its Fight to Remove a 71-Year-Old Line From a Pristine Place

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Recalls
Check out the stunning and unique look of the razorbill bird!

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Kamala Harris touted the U.S. Citizenship Act, a House bill which would allow illegal immigrants deported by former President Trump to apply for legal status.

Texas sues over Biden legalization program for immigrants married to US citizens

Two undocumented immigrants have been charged with Battery by Means of a Deadly Weapon and Criminal Recklessness following a Sunday evening shootout that resulted in the deaths of three men.

US Border Patrol agent arrested and accused of forcing women to expose themselves in virtual interviews

Border Patrol Agents Seize 92,900 Rounds of Large Caliber Ammunition at Checkpoint

Dozens of illegal workers detained in immigration crackdown on ‘dodgy employers’

The Rise and Fall of Employer Sanctions: The administration defends these “softer, gentler” operations, yet the result is the same: workers who are here to support their families are out of work

Texas Border: Cartels Recruit U.S. Soldiers as Smugglers

# Corporations / Industry / Business
Target’s successful closures could spark a tidal wave of shutdowns as biggest US chains still battle theft, experts warn

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Mpox Vaccine Manufacturer Is Profiting From Accelerating Global Health Emergency: Bavarian Nordic’s refusal to lower prices could repeat the vaccine apartheid that undermined the global COVID response.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
DoorDasher notices a unique trend with customers that indicates the economy is pretty bad

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water US District Court Throws Out Federal Agency’s Assessment Allowing More Drilling for Fossil Fuels in the Gulf of Mexico

Court Rules Federal Agency Failed to Protect Rare Whales, Sea Turtles  From Gulf Offshore Drilling

# Gov / Politics / Global
Rohingya refugees mark the anniversary of their exodus and demand a safe return to Myanmar

Taliban vice and virtue laws provide ‘distressing vision’ for Afghanistan, warns UN envoy

# Gov / Politics
Exclusive-Top U.S. general makes unannounced Middle East trip as Iran threat looms

Ohio state secretary says 100 non-US citizens voted in recent elections, begins process to prosecute

With eyes on November, Colorado Republicans keep voting against certifying elections

Democratic convention fails to meet uncommitted delegate deadline for Palestinian speaker

At DNC, the Squad Warns Democrats to Wake Up to the Threat of AIPAC: “It was Jamaal and I this time,” said Rep. Cori Bush, who was ousted by AIPAC millions, “but who is it going to be in two years?”

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
US residents found dead in Mexico in bullet-riddled SUV in same area American student vanished & mass grave discovered

Black Death Row Inmate Argues For Resentencing Based On North Carolina’s History Of Racial Bias

The shooting death of a 16-year-old girl by police is among a spate that’s upset Anchorage residents

Second Officer Pleads Guilty To Violation Of Tyre Nichols’ Civil Rights

# LGBTQ / Gender
Supreme Court leaves LGBTQ+ students without crucial civil rights protections ahead of school year

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
US updates nuclear strategy to include China, North Korea: While updating nuclear strategy might seem alarming, White said the move is both logical and timely, especially given the shifting global power structures

The Pentagon wants to use special operators in new ways to train Taiwan and others for a different kind of fight

# Military / Nuclear / Global
North Korea condemns new US nuclear strategic plan report

N.Korea slams revised US nuclear plan, warns it will further strengthen its nuclear capability: Pyongyang says they will bolster strategic strength in every way to control and address security challenges

Israel carries out airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon –Israeli military says Hezbollah was preparing to fire missiles and rockets towards Israeli territory, amid growing fears of escalation in the region

These Chinese nuclear submarines show it’s serious about countering US dominance under the waves

Egypt looks elsewhere to get the stealth fighters the US reneged on https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessinsider.com%2Fegypt-china-stealth-fighter-jets-us-f35-offer-2024-8%23%3A~%3Atext%3DThe%2520US%2520reneged%2520on%2520Trump%27s%2Csomething%252C%2520an%2520analyst%2520told%2520BI&data=05%7C02%7Cmunsup.seoh%40wright.edu%7Caa0502ed77b6402c3d9108dcc5448545%7C5c46d65dee5c45138cd4af98d15e6833%7C0%7C1%7C638602145352803201%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C40000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=fCeo3lLFXNHjpTCp9E9nds4gkmSvVjrNdxWPvJLR5z0%3D&reserved=0.

Major Israel-Hezbollah missile exchange as region watches for escalation

Israel Launches Massive Attack on Lebanon, Pushing Region Toward All-Out War: Israeli leaders appear eager to spark a regional war as the U.S.-backed assault on Gaza continues with no end in sight.

# Other Interesting Things
Chamber discovered deep within Great Pyramid of Giza could be missing piece of the puzzle

Twilight zones discovered deep underground – and sceintists don’t know what they are: The mysterious zones have the power to slow down seismic waves by up to 50 per cent, yet experts don’t know what they’re made of or what role they play.

# Science / Biosciences / Global
Brazil opens maximum-security lab to study world’s deadliest viruses

# Social
Homeless Sweeps Are Expensive, Useless and Cruel, Human Rights Watch Charges: Punitive city policies are also woefully counterproductive, only perpetuating the very malady they purport to address.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-24

Voices, The Peoples News

August 24, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
A uranium mine threatens the Havasupai Tribe’s sole water source: A new study challenges the safety assessments of the mine, suggesting the rock layers could allow uranium to contaminate the tribe’s water.

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Migrants Allegedly Connected To Tren de Aragua Indicted In Jewelry Heist: A federal grand jury indicted four Venezuelan nationals on charges stemming from an armed robbery at Denver-area jewelry store.

# Border / Immigration / Migrants / Global
16 state coalition sues Biden administration to block amnesty plan: The new lawsuit aims to stop an unlawful agency rule granting hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens the ability to “parole in place.”

New arrest in connection to deadliest tragedy involving migrants in U.S: New arrests in smuggling of migrants who died in a Texas truck. Guatemalan officials announced the dismantling of a smuggling ring behind the deadliest incident of its kind on U.S. soil.

Migrant crisis stirs frustration and resentment in Chicago

# Drugs / Trafficking / Cartels
The Dark Truths Behind the US War on Drugs That Mainstream Media Ignores:  The drug war is not working, and if alternatives are not considered now, a solution may never be possible.

From Misinformation to Mass Incarceration: The Role of Racism in Drug Policy Hysteria: At this critical juncture, with overdose deaths at record highs, it’s time for a fundamentally new approach – one that recognizes substance use disorders as a public health issue, not a criminal justice issue.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
The Fed Doesn’t Need to Cut. What Economists Are Missing: Rate cuts won’t prevent a recession and the economy is deteriorating ‘quite rapidly,’ investment strategist says

Interest Rate Cuts Now Could Help Workers. But That’s Not Who the Fed Serves: Progressive economist Gerald Epstein says the Fed is more sensitive to the needs of the wealthy few than the rest of us.

# Education / Schools
Ron DeSantis banned lessons on racism in Florida public schools. ‘Freedom schools’ fill the gaps

Florida’s New African American History Standards: What’s Behind the Backlash

# Employment / Labor / Unions
Class Contradictions Were on Display as Democrats Courted Labor at the DNC: Differences could remain between unions and a potential Harris administration on Gaza and corporate allegiances.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Coal Baron a No-Show in Alabama Courtroom as Abandoned Plant Continues to Pollute Neighborhoods

In Alabama Meeting, TVA Votes to Increase the Cost of Power, Double Down on Natural Gas: The 5.25 percent base price hike will fund ongoing construction and energy development, including fossil fuel infrastructure

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water Noem rejects more than $70 million in federal funds for energy and environmental programs

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals Mystery Of 10 Billion Snow Crabs Dying In Alaska Solved: Scientists are increasingly confident that man-made climate change is to blame for an ecological shift that killed them off.

# Gov / Politics
Republican group cites notorious Dred Scott ruling as reason Kamala Harris can’t be president: Group also challenged right of Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley to appear on Republican primary ballots
See also: Dred Scott Rulling: The U.S. Supreme Court stated that enslaved people were not citizens of the United States and, therefore, could not expect any protection from the federal government or the courts. The opinion also stated that Congress had no authority to ban slavery from a Federal territory

The United States and the Philippines reached an agreement that will allow Afghan nationals who assisted the United States military in war to stay in the Philippines while they wait for visa processing and resettlement in the U.S.

It’s No Surprise RFK Jr. Endorsed Trump — They’re Backed by the Same Billionaire

# Juvenile / Children / Youth
10-year-old and 11-year-old get 2 years for ‘borrow pit’ killing of 8-year-old boy who was held under the water until he drowned

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court
Federal Judge Undoes Key Civil Rights Protections in Louisiana’s Cancer Alley: The decision may open the door for other states to file similar lawsuits blocking efforts to fight environmental racism.

Court permanently blocks environmental civil rights protections for Louisiana’s Black communities The new ruling bars the state from considering whether to permit industrial facilities in communities already facing a disparate impact from pollution

MIT Researchers Find That Lawyers Do Something Very Sleazy to Keep Themselves in Demand: Well this completely checks out. According to the researchers’ findings, lawyers use so-called legalese, or the cryptic language associated with court filings and laws, to assert authority over those less versed in such language.

The DOJ Sued an AI Software Company It Says Artificially Inflated Rents for Millions of Americans: The lawsuit comes after a two-year investigation that included an unannounced FBI raid.

# Media
The US Postal Service is discussing a plan to save $3 billion a year by delivering mail slower

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Dozens killed in strikes in southern Gaza as preparations for cease-fire talks move forward

Russian sailors are practicing flying drones in swings so they can hunt Ukraine’s exploding drone boats from warships on the waves

Saudi Arabia’s Neom is getting electric shuttle ships that appear to hover over water to transport passengers in its waterways

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space NASA Fears Another Tragedy If Astronauts Return on Starliner

UFO investigator did us a ‘public service’: Michio Kaku: Kaku told NewsNation’s Brian Entin on Friday that Elizondo has “done a public service” by releasing a “mountain of classified data, which gives us hard numbers for the first time.”

NASA to keep Starliner crew in space until 2025, with SpaceX handling return

Nobody Can Explain 1000s of Strange Little Red Dots Found by JWST Everywhere

Full interview: Investigators say 2nd Roswell UFO debris field discovered

# Other Interesting Things
Scientists demand the Shroud of Turin to be re-analyzed amid growing evidence it could be authentic

10,000-Year-Old Stonehenge-Like Sculpture Discovered at the Bottom of a US Lake: An ancient mini-Stonehenge stands underwater in Grand Traverse Bay, part of Lake Michigan.

# Social
Squatters are taking over America: These aren’t homeless people who don’t have anywhere else to go. They are professional squatters, often heavily armed and dangerous. This can happen to anyone.

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
The founder of a software-development company says there’s a ‘huge demand’ for training and education applications — extended reality can help

# Technology / Global
18-Year-Old Khalifa Aminu Creates Sensory Glasses That Help Those Who Are Visually Impaired Walk Safely On Their Own: Born in Kano, Nigeria, he cites other works, including a radio station, a bomb detector, and an automatic water spray for farmers.

# Veterans / VA
Government Has Clawed Back More Than $2.5B Given to Veterans to Leave the Military, Data Shows

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-23

Voices, The Peoples News

August 23, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants / Global
Panama to launch deportation flights to China and India, as well as regional neighbors

Coalition of Republican states sues Biden administration over immigration program: In order to qualify for the program, the spouse must have been in the United States for at least 10 years, have no disqualifying criminal history, and have been married to the U.S. citizen by June 17.

Taxpayer-Funded Group Offers $30,000 To New Homebuyers — As Long As They Aren’t US Citizens

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
Fed Chair Powell indicates bank ready to start cutting its key interest rate: The Fed is expected to announce a modest quarter-point cut in its benchmark rate when it meets in mid-September

# Education / Schools
A 10-Year-Old Pointed a Finger Gun. The Principal Kicked Him Out of His Tennessee School for a Year.

# Employment / Labor / Unions
Florida’s Brazen Assault on Public Sector Workers Puts Unions in Survival Mode. More than 50,000 Florida workers have lost their union membership in the advent of S.B. 256.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Democrats Call for the Elimination of Billions in Oil and Gas Subsidies: The oil and gas industries spent $72 million on federal lobbying on various issues in the first half of 2024

The New Mexico utility that wants to go all in on green hydrogen: The project, like the larger green hydrogen economy, will need to overcome skepticism from local communities and funding challenges.

Like it or not, a hydrogen ecosystem is coming to New Mexico: Production, distribution, power generation, carbon capture all in the works: Questions, concerns, confusion abound.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Global
Japanese-owned Nippon Steel’s deal to acquire U.S. Steel spurs record lobbying spending

One key country is holding up a natural-gas pipeline that would deepen ties between Russia and China

As Power of Siberia 2 Pipeline Stagnates, So Do Russia’s Hopes for Pivoting Gas Exports Eastward

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water
Why Utah is suing the U.S. for control of public land: The state asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to weigh in on the future of federal lands.

Emissions interventions that really work:
An analysis of roughly 1,500 climate policies found 63 that led to significant reductions in emissions, cutting them by 19% on average. Using the right mix of policies is more important than using a lot of policies

Massive Crater 3x Larger Than the Grand Canyon Discovered in the U.S: Scientists have deemed the Chesapeake Bay Crater to be the most significant impact crater throughout the entire United States, as it’s enormous.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure/ Water / Global
Volcano Erupts for the Sixth Time Since December After Lying Dormant for 800 Years

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals
After years of discrimination, US makes a historic $2.2 billion payout to Black farmers: Black farmers lost an estimated $326 billion worth of land due to discriminatory lending practices from the USDA

Can Plastic Waste Be Transformed Into Food for Humans? DARPA is taking a slightly different approach in seeking a compact and mobile solution for field use that uses plastic to create something else entirely: food for humans.

How we could turn plastic waste into food: Using bacteria to take a bite out of plastic pollution is not new. But can the same microbes be used as a food source

# Gov / Politics / Global
Mexico to bring charges against capo, not for drugs, but for turning over another drug lord to US

Fears grow for women’s rights activists jailed in Iran after 87 executions in one month: Prisoners including Nobel prize winner Narges Mohammadi were reportedly beaten for protesting against a recent execution

New Taliban laws ban women’s voices and bare faces in public

Russia opens criminal investigation into CNN correspondent for reporting in Ukrainian-occupied Russia

Turkey’s NATO Tensions Are Heating Up

Turkey is not “lost,” but it is time for other NATO allies to more strongly reengage

North Korea Warns of ‘Serious Consequences’ as Kamala Harris Condemns ‘Tyrant’ Kim Jong Un

# Gov / Politics
Donald Trump Hosting Fundraiser For Domestic Terrorists Who Assaulted Cops On Jan. 6: The “J6 Awards Gala” is to take place at the coup-attempting criminal former president’s New Jersey country club next month.

Trump’s businesses are raking in millions of dollars from Republican political campaigns – including his own

Kemp and Trump end feud with full throated embrace, upstaging Harris coronation night: Trump is leading in the polls in Georgia and Kemp owns one of the country’s most formidable state party machines.

‘Guardian angel’ megadonors give $196M to influence 2024 elections

Muslim Women for Harris disbands and withdraws support for candidate

No, the world isn’t heading toward a new Cold War – it’s closer to the grinding world order collapse of the 1930s

Opinion: ‘Head of household’ no more: Republicans want to make being a single parent more expensive

House Republicans’ Proposals Could Take Food Away From Millions of Low-Income Individuals and Families

The US has announced new sanctions targeting Russia’s war machine — and says more are coming

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says suspending his independent presidential campaign, supporting Trump: Prior to his announcement, Kennedy Jr. said in a Pennsylvania court filing that he would be endorsing former President Donald Trump.

Trump Announces New Grift as He Tanks in the Polls: Donald Trump is flailing—and he’s hoping a crypto scam saves him.

Bombshell Report Exposes How Trump Is Lining His Pockets With Campaign: A new investigation reveals how Donald Trump is profiting off Republican campaigns—and using his own to rake in millions.

# Juvenile / Children / Youth
‘We want to be heard:’ Angel moms describe brutal murders of daughters

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Black Man Fired From Job After Calling 911 To Report His Child Missing

‘Cold-blooded’ killing of migrant leads to hate crimes charges against parks worker

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court Supreme Court rejects Republican effort to block over 40,000 Arizona voters, but partly approves proof of citizenship law

# LGBTQ / Gender
This New Texas Policy Is A ‘Gut Punch’ To Trans People: The new policy could have wide-reaching impact and could affect many of the 92,000 trans adults living in Texas.

# Media
‘We’re in danger here’: Trump whisked away from NewsNation interview

# Medical Science / Technology
The Next Frontier for mRNA Could Be Healing Damaged Organs: Researchers are testing the use of mRNA to get damaged livers to repair themselves, in a move that could one day lessen the need for organ transplants.

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
Fort Cavazos soldier faces murder charge in shooting death of civilian

Biden Ordered Military to Draw up Plans for Possible Nuclear War With Russia, China, NK in March

New military photo captures a NATO warship taking out an explosive-packed drone boat during a Red Sea rescue mission

When War Hit Ukraine, They Built a Map to Track Conflict: The Telegram channel and website Deep State uses public data and insider intelligence to power its live tracker of Ukraine’s ever-shifting front line.

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Parents hide children from mandatory evacuations as Ukraine says Russia advancing fast on key city

Israeli Forces Kill 3 Palestinians, Destroy Homes in West Bank Raid on Tulkarm

Israel’s War on Palestinian Territories Has Driven a Spike in Water-Related Violence

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space
Out-of-control 1,120mph debris from Nasa asteroid impact headed for Earth as experts share when first chunks will strike. Nasa is finding ways to divert asteroids from crashing into Earth – but the methods result in a shower of debris

David Grusch UFO whistleblower Says There Was a Secret Pentagon Program to “Trap” UFOs

# Other Interesting Things
Archaeologists Uncover Remains of Two Children and an Adult Believed to be 3,800 Years Old, Linked to Ancient ‘Water Cult’

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
Big Tech Is Freaking Out at New Law That Would Hold Them Accountable When Their AI Does Bad Stuff. What, you want them to follow rules?

Watch what happens when a white laser beam meets a diffraction grating

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-22

Voices, The Peoples News

August 22, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
The US Created the Border Crisis: Justified by the Monroe Doctrine, the United States’ claim to unchallenged dominance over the Western Hemisphere, the United States has criminalized asylum seekers, militarized the southern border, and intervened directly in Latin America.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
NextDecade drops carbon capture plans for Texas LNG terminal:  The court found that federal regulators did not adequately assess the project’s environmental and community impacts.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure/ Water / Global Ice loss from Greenland and Antarctica hits new record

Antarctica is rapidly losing more ice: Satellite observations and geophysical surveys of the flow and form of Antarctica’s giant ice sheet point to a continent being changed irreversibly by fossil-fuel burning.

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals
‘People Need to Go to Jail for This Sh*t’: Video Shows How US Meat Industry Colludes to Boost Prices: “This is probably one of the top five food scandals of the 21st Century,” a former grocery industry executive told More Perfect Union.

# Gov / Politics / Global
China says it is ‘seriously concerned’ about US nuclear strategic report

China demands ‘drastic and substantive cuts’ to US nuclear arsenal

Countries like Malaysia and Thailand are flocking to join BRICS as a potential ‘counterweight against U.S. economic hegemony’

# Gov / Politics
White House downplays Chinese concerns over possible US nuclear strategy change

For a third month, the number of members of Congress who have announced retirement so far this year is 53

Robert Kennedy Jr.’s running mate suggests ticket may drop out, join forces with Trump to stop Harris –‘Is the risk of a Harris-Walz presidency worth us staying in?’ Nicole Shanahan asked

Supreme Court reinstates part of Arizona voter citizenship law: Individuals filling out voter registration forms for state elections must provide proof of U.S. citizenship, unlike those filling out the federal voter registration forms

Americans with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s state TV networks are being investigated by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice as part of a sweeping push to quash potential interference by the Kremlin in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Inside the L.A.P.D.’s Experiment in Trust-Based Policing

# Medical / General News
Microplastics found in human brains raise urgent health concerns: Tiny plastic particles have been found throughout the human body, but researchers say they’re just starting to understand the impact.

# Medical Science / Technology
CDC Stands by Water Fluoridation After Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQs in Kids Finally Published

Toxicity of fluoride: critical evaluation of evidence for human developmental neurotoxicity in epidemiological studies, animal experiments and in vitro analyses

US government report says fluoride at twice the recommended limit is linked to lower IQ in kids: A U.S. government report concludes that fluoride in drinking water at twice the recommended limit is linked with lower IQ in children

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
Aircraft carrier Bush gets first-ever Stingray drone control room: The carrier George H.W. Bush is now the host of an unmanned air warfare center, and more carriers are getting it soon.

The Missile Defense Agency is developing a command center integrating a variety of capability for an air and missile defense architecture for Guam

This system could allow small Army teams to hit 1,000 targets per hour

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Thousands flee after Myanmar rebels use drones to bomb Rohingya villagers

The U.S. Fueled Saudi Jets Bombing Yemen. Now the Saudis Won’t Pay Their Gas Bill.

Russia appears to be using wired, unjammable fiber-optic drones that could fix a big problem its operators have faced in this war

Iran Freaked Out: F-22 Raptor Flew Under Iran’s Fighter Jet ‘Undetected’

# Nuclear
Global threats don’t happen in silos. They shouldn’t be managed separately, either. “As global risk grows—becoming both more likely and lethal—the slow, and at times boring work of risk governance could mean the difference between catastrophe and survival.”

Is America buying nuclear weapons to win a war or to prevent one?

How Thinking Outside Silos Helps Risk Management and Cyber Threat Response

How to Break Down Silos: 4 Ways to Eliminate the Enemy of Digital Transformation

# Other Interesting Things
Centuries-Old Tunnels Linked To Secret Freemason Rituals Excavated Underneath Poland’s Wilanów Palace

Archaeologists Say They’ve Just Solved The 400-Year-Old Mystery Of The Lost Colony Of Roanoke

Amateur Archaeologist’s Discovery in 20,000-Year-Old Cave Paintings Suggests Math Isn’t Just a Human Trait: An amateur archaeologist from Britain has made a groundbreaking discovery that could potentially rewrite history.

# Science / Biosciences
This Is the Most Detailed Map of Human Brain Connections Ever Made: In a world first, Harvard biologists worked with Google to diagram a cubic millimeter of human cerebral cortex at the subcellular level, paving the way for the next generation of brain science.

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
Managing Increased Cyber-Physical Security Threats in a Hyper-Connected World: Physical security and cybersecurity can’t be managed separately.

An ‘AI Scientist’ Is Inventing and Running Its Own Experiments: Letting programs learn through “open-ended” experimentation may unlock remarkable new capabilities, as well as new risks.

# Transportation / Travel
Canada: Major Freight Railways Come to Full Stop, Leaving Food Rotting, After Trudeau Inaction

# Veterans / VA
Donald Trump Wins Court Victory Over Veterans’ Organization

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-21

Voices, The Peoples News

August 21, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Department of Homeland Security may have lost track of thousands of unaccompanied migrant children: ‘ICE has no assurance they are safe,’ agency watchdog report finds

Suspected Kenyan serial killer among 13 prison escapees; 8 officers arrested

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
The Covid-19 Summer Wave Is So Big, the FDA Might Release New Vaccines Early: The latest Covid-19 surge reportedly has officials considering approval of the new strain-matched vaccine as soon as this week.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
The economy is flashing a recession signal that’s only been seen 4 times in the last century, veteran economist Steve Hanke says

Critics: Where’s Debt Plan as Deficit Hits $1.5 Trillion, Debt Tops $35 Trillion? For now, neither Republicans nor Democrats have prioritized getting the deficit under control or showed unity in putting a plan forward to do so.

# Education / Schools
Over 3 Million Students Are Homeschooled, Here Are Some of the Reasons Parents Cite

# General News
An Introduction to Digital Identity Verification: The identity verification service market was valued at $11 billion in 2022. With more companies realizing digital technology’s security and customer service advantages, forecasts predict the sector will nearly quadruple in size by 2032.

How Soon Before You’ll Need a Digital ID to Access Public Services?

The Terrifying Way Literal Nazis Are Using Steve Bannon’s Podcast: Neo-Nazis have co-opted the far-right podcast to recruit new members.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party sets dates for election to replace PM Fumio Kishida

Meet the secretive Colombian guerrillas who could deal final blow to peace plan

North Korean defects to South, says Seoul military: Authorities are questioning the man who came across the border near the northeastern coast of South Korea.

Israel Confirms Hostage Bodies: Israel recovered the bodies of six hostages, who were abducted during the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas terrorists, from a tunnel in the Khan Younis area of southern Gaza

The UAE accepts credentials of Taliban ambassador in major diplomatic coup for Afghanistan’s rulers

# Gov / Politics
Trump’s Latest Scheme to Beat Harris May Have Crossed Legal Lines: Donald Trump is reportedly advising Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which would be a violation of the Logan Act.

Ex-Trump Press Secretary to Address DNC, Says She Must Speak Out About ‘The Threat He Poses To Our Country’

Leonard Leo’s Swing-State Voter Purge: Lawyers with deep connections to the Supreme Court dark-money operative are attacking voting rights in battleground states in the lead-up to the 2024 election.

New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez resigns from Senate after bribery convictions

“Extremely dangerous”: Economists say Trump’s inflation plan could badly backfire on workers: Donald Trump told voters during a speech last week that he would bring prices back to pre-COVID levels if elected, drawing heavy skepticism from economists who have studied his proposals.

The protesters set fire to a American-Israeli flag: Pro-Palestinian protesters in Chicago were seen attempting to burn an American flag on Tuesday evening, before a man stepped in to try and stop them.

The Democrats Just Erased All of Their Progress on Foreign Policy: The party’s brand-new 2024 platform looks a lot different than the 2020 one—in a bad way.

Experts: Supreme Court left a “clear road map” to prosecute Trump — but now it’s “up to Jack Smith”

Israel keeps retrieving dead hostages, and American Jews keep avoiding political action: The American Jewish world shows concern for the hostages’ plight but doesn’t want to spend political capital to force the issue

Joe Biden Quietly Authorizes New Secret Nuclear Strategy Against China: Everything We Know About New Plan

These ceasefire talks have been doomed to fail – Netanyahu and Hamas have tied negotiators’ hands

US sanctions ex-Haitian president for drug trafficking: US Treasury Department says Michel Joseph Martelly ‘abused his influence’ to facilitate drug trafficking to the US.

RFK Jr. to address nation on Friday as rumors swirl of his withdrawal: Kennedy’s speech comes amid mounting speculation that he will drop out of the presidential race and endorse former President Donald Trump.

Blinken says Israel has agreed to Gaza withdrawal terms in ‘bridging proposal,’ despite reported comments from Netanyahu

Why is Citizens United so bad, and where did the case come from? The
2010 Supreme Court decision further tilted political influence toward wealthy donors and corporations

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court The Trump Hush Money Trial Judge Is Getting Pretty Tired of This:

# LGBTQ / Gender
Queer students look for alternatives after Texas A&M ends transgender health care services: The students saw the move as part of a political environment that has become increasingly hostile against LGBTQ+ people in Texas.

# Medical / General News
Lilly’s weight loss drug cuts diabetes risk by 94% in three-year trial, company says

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
U.S. Security Cooperation with Ukraine: The United States reaffirms its unwavering support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, extending to its territorial waters.

Special Operations Forces from the US Navy, Army and Air Force all took part in Operation Polar Dagger.

The US Air Force is going to mass airpower in the Western Pacific from all over the place to test its ability to get forces into a fight

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Some Ukraine allies are failing to follow through on air-defense pledges: A number of Ukraine’s NATO allies are falling short on pledges to accelerate deliveries of air-defense systems and other military equipment to fend off Russia’s offensive

Commercial ship ‘not under command’ after repeated attacks target it in Red Sea, British say

Israel-Hamas war latest: Hezbollah fires more than 50 rockets, hitting Israeli-annexed Golan Heights

Ship hit by 3 suspected Houthi missiles in latest Red Sea attack

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space Ex-Pentagon official claims US has recovered nonhuman specimens

SpaceX sends 22 Starlink satellites into orbit using new first stage booster

# Social
# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
California Lawmakers Set to Scrap Legislation Requiring Big Tech to Pay for News in $172.5 Million Google Settlement

In a leaked recording, Amazon cloud chief tells employees most developers could stop coding as AI takes over

# Technology / Global
Microsoft is building a data center in a tiny Indian village. Locals allege it’s dumping industrial waste: A group of local residents has filed a petition against Microsoft, claiming encroachment and the dumping of industrial waste in a nearby body of water. The court hearing for the petition is pending.

# Veterans / VA
GOP military veteran lawmakers sign letter denouncing Walz

Does sleeping on the street make this disabled Marine Corps veteran a criminal? What happens next could be dire, advocates warn. Unsheltered veterans like Spencer are uniquely vulnerable to losing not only their possessions but also their benefits.

The VA withheld $84M from eligible disabled veterans. Now nonprofit legal clinics are stepping in. A new report revealing more than $84 million in underpayments to qualified veterans is a sign the Department of Veterans Affairs needs to improve its training for employees.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-20

Voices, The Peoples News

August 20, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose
our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
– Abraham Lincoln
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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Texas ‘Border Wall’ Build Continues

Another Texas National Guard member charged with human smuggling.

Texas stopped busing migrants to Democratic cities despite Abbott’s claims the program is ‘rolling’

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
‘The banks have won’: Fed, regulators at impasse over capital rule overhaul: Since the draft regulation was put out last year, big banks have gone to war over it, making it a top lobbying priority to rein it in.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks / Global # Education / Schools
‘Hitting kids should never be allowed’: Illinois bans corporal punishment in all schools

The Federal Communications Commission issued an alert this spring to students and parents, warning them to be wary of “scammers seeking to capitalize on the busy academic season, online as well as over the phone.” One of the top student scams the FCC says to be wary of? The scholarship scam.

Teachers sharing the biggest differences in kids from the time they started teaching to 2024, and it’s concerning

50 Pictures That Prove The American Education System Is 100% Totally And Completely Doomed

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Revealed: Shell Oil nonprofit donated to anti-climate groups behind Project 2025

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water
Caution! A toxic plant is silently spreading across America: Giant Hogweed, the invasion you might not know about

Climate scientist says 2/3rds of the world is under an effective ‘death sentence’ because of global warming

# Gov / Politics / Global
Blinken says Israel OKs a plan to break the cease-fire impasse and urges Hamas to do the same

Former Saudi official alleges Prince Mohammed forged king’s signature on Yemen war decree, BBC says

Ukraine’s Kursk counteroffensive defied NATO predictions and shows Kyiv has its eye on the US election, experts say

Day after Putin’s visit, Azerbaijan applies to join Russia and China in the BRICS alliance

# Gov / Politics
Election Deniers Secretly Pushed Rule That Would Make It Easier to Delay Certification of Georgia’s Election Results

Biden wanted his Democratic convention speech to be a launchpad. It became his swan song.

Blinken warns Israel, Hamas of last chance to end Gaza war

Israel-Hamas war latest: Blinken says ‘complex issues,’ ‘hard decisions’ remain over cease-fire plan

Experts: Pro-Trump officials could face “severe” punishments if they refuse to certify election

Palestinian bomb maker arrested in New Mexico, hunt continues for another

DHS warns of heightened threat as 8 with suspected ISIS ties arrested

The Con at the Core of the Republican Party: The conservative movement’s total abandonment of even the appearance of principles has been decades in the making.

Trump’s Answer on Whether He’ll Accept Election Results Is a Warning: Donald Trump is clearly promising mayhem if he loses the 2024 election.

The Guardian view on the Democratic convention: Kamala Harris must be the candidate of change as well as continuity

The Plan to Take Down the Hyde Amendment

The US Government Is Paying Buffett $13B a Year Right Now

Trump Plans Rally In KKK-Linked Michigan County Where White Supremacists Chanted ‘We Love Hitler, We Love Trump’

US concludes Iran is behind hacking attempts targeting Trump and Biden-Harris campaigns

In 2024 Platform, Democrats Lurch Right on Policing and Immigration: DNC delegates will vote on a platform that pledges to crack down on asylum and fund the police.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Trump Assassination Attempt Laid Bare Long-standing Vulnerabilities in the Secret Service

‘I’ll go lethal.’ State AG releases bodycam video of fatal shooting of Fort Lee woman

In Alabama, a former police sergeant ‘lost his composure and beat an arrestee inside his cell’

Reputed Peruvian gang leader arrested in NY as suspect wanted for 23 killings in his home country

As an ex-prison officer, I know how to make space: let out drug offenders and low-level gang members

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court George Santos to plead guilty to federal charges Monday, sources say

DOJ pressed by legal group to make pro-Palestinian activists register as foreign agents

One of the Principal B-2 Spirit Designers Is Serving a 32-Year Prison Sentence for Industrial Espionage: It remains unclear how damaging Gowadia’s secret selling has been, but it is known that Germany, Israel, China, and other nations benefited from his espionage.

# Medical / General News
Missouri Outlawed Abortion, and Now It’s Funding an Anti-Abortion Group That Works in Other States

There is a reason why there is no cure for cancer after the trillions that’s been poured into research.

What the Proposed ‘Treatment-in-Place’ Model Means for Seniors

# Medical / Global
Robotic Russian Progress 89 cargo ship docks at ISS with tons of fresh supplies (video)

# Medical Science / Technology
# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
Inside the turbulent, secret world of an American militia

Wanted former US airman appears as Russian soldier in propaganda video appears to feature an American former airman who says he’s now a drone operator fighting alongside Kremlin forces waging war in Ukraine.

US and South Korea begin joint military drills as North Korea accuses them of invasion rehearsal

US approves $3.5 billion sale of Apache helicopters to South Korea

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Russia Ukraine Bridge (CR) The bridge connecting Crimea and Russia carries heavy significance for Moscow, both logistically and psychologically

Ukraine blows up key bridges and says aim is to carve out a buffer zone inside Russia: Kyiv’s troops appeared to be targeting Russian supply lines across the Seim River in Kursk. [Video]

An elite Russian commander told Moscow’s troops that they would ‘go to heaven’ if they died in Kursk

China’s shipbuilders are teasing a new coast guard ‘mothership,’ and there’s talk it could be an aircraft or drone carrier

Dramatic video shows Ukraine evacuating troops with a US-made Bradley fighting vehicle

Russia Deploying ‘Space Troops’ to Defend Kursk

Ukraine says over 100 Russian soldiers surrendered in one go after being abandoned by their commanders in Kursk

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space Colossal rogue object spotted shooting through space at 1million mph and Nasa scientists are baffled about what it is: Most known stars orbit the centre of the Milky Way peacefully. It has a surprisingly low mass, which Nasa said makes CWISE J1249 particularly hard to identify.

# Other Interesting Things
The royal flycatcher bird

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
Google spares you from horror bank-emptying mistake by automatically censoring your screen in surprise Chrome update: The automatic tool prevents users from accidentally revealing their passwords, bank card details and any other sensitive information.

# Veterans / VA
Vets may see only a small cost-of-living boost in benefits next year

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