Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-03-23

Voices, The Peoples News

March 23, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls Saving starving manatees will mean saving this crucial lagoon habitat.
An unprecedented die-off of manatees in Florida is now projected to last years. The state has allocated millions to clean up polluted waters and restore the seagrass manatees need to survive.

4 Employees Charged With Animal Cruelty After Another Dog Dies At PetSmart https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/petsmart-poodle-kobe/?utm_source=glp-12t&utm_medium=social-fb&fbclid=IwAR1FBzV0VRwMqpbZ5_AsE8oaLf4mNqXL80jhgDn1lOjggY7nOSsYXXIzbW4__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau5FmqxrA$

# Covid / Pandemics
Home COVID tests can cause harm if not stored safely: FDA https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-03-home-covid-safely-fda.html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-nwletter__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZauzkPxF2j$

Aspirin may improve three-month survival for patients critically ill with COVID-19 Antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin have little effect on the need for life support in COVID-19, but they may improve survival in the following months.

Doctors have successfully used vaccination to treat a patient with
COVID-19 in what is thought to be the first instance of the vaccine being used for therapy instead of prevention.

US Out Of Money For Buying Second Covid Booster Shots, Official Says https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://people.com/health/white-house-says-theyre-out-of-funding-to-pay-for-fourth-covid-vaccine-dose-for-all-americans/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau40K2PZk$

Program That Funds Covid Testing And Treatment For The Uninsured Runs Dry https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://khn.org/morning-breakout/program-that-funds-covid-testing-and-treatment-for-the-uninsured-runs-dry/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau9G4b5dR$

Federal Agency Ends COVID Coverage for Uninsured After GOP Blocks Funds https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://truthout.org/articles/federal-agency-ends-covid-coverage-for-uninsured-after-gop-blocks-funds/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau3eEcNdI$

Biden Administration to Stop Reimbursing Hospitals for Covid-19 Care for Uninsured. Hospitals and administration urge lawmakers to approve more funding for program https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-administration-to-stop-reimbursing-hospitals-for-covid-19-care-for-uninsured-11647955166__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau11akfC5$

# Education / Schools
Highschoolers develop a cheap, eco-friendly filter to remove lead from tap water: Such a device may help millions avoid exposure to harmful, heavy metals.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Enbridge crews punctured 3 aquifers during pipeline work in Minnesota https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.startribune.com/enbridge-crews-punctured-three-aquifers-during-line-3-oil-pipeline-construction-dnr-says/600158140/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZauzMlKZRd$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global Ships Are Dumping Oil up to 3,000x per Year in Europe’s Waters, Investigation Finds https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ecowatch.com/ships-dumping-oil-europe.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau6bmWFMr$

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure While the Biden administration has touted last year’s $550 billion infrastructure package as a win for climate and equity, the federal government has limited control over how states spend the money.

Environmental groups sue the Interior Department for information on a recent leasing report that sidestepped the issue of climate change.

The EPA is planning new emissions rules for gas-fired power plants, but the process could be curtailed if the Supreme Court rules against the agency’s climate authority.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Antarctica Crushes Records: The planet’s climate system appears to be entering an era unlike anything ever experienced throughout human history.

Despite warnings, destructive African dam project moves ahead. A massive hydroelectric dam under construction in Tanzania threatens to flood part of a famed game reserve and deprive villages and mangrove forests of the water they depend on. Fear of the country’s authoritarian government has silenced the project’s critics.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other / Global Believing shipment was GMO crops, anti-technology organization ‘Extinction Rebellion’ illegally dumps 1,5000 tons of conventional wheat intended to feed poultry in countries hard hit by Ukrainian war https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2022/03/23/believing-shipment-was-gmo-crops-anti-technology-organization-extinction-rebellion-illegally-dumps-15000-tons-of-conventional-wheat-intended-to-feed-poultry-in-countries-hard-hit-by-ukrai/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau6CtRLqE$

# General Information / Other News
Here’s how your trash gets recycled into new plastic bags: The shreds are dropped into a special liquid-filled machine with rotating paddles that force the shreds through the liquid to clean and partially liquefy them. This forms a sort of plastic shred mush that is pushed through the machine until it reaches the next phase of the recycling process https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://interestingengineering.com/video/trash-recycle-plastic-bags*:*:text=In*20this*20facility*2C*20the*20shreds,phase*20of*20the*20recycling*20process__;I34lJSUlJSUlJSU!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZauzymi-HC$

Trump Rips the Heart Out of Groveling Loyalist by Rescinding Senate Endorsement https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/trump-rips-heart-groveling-loyalist-135823703.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau_g-nAQ3$

# Global Politics
Navalny’s Big ‘Plan’ for Putin’s War Revealed: A 9-year-long sentence in a maximum security prison is not stopping the opposition leader and his team from taking on the Russian leader.

Egypt, UAE, Israel leaders meet for first ever three-way summit: Leaders of Egypt, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates have met for a three-way summit, the first of its kind since the UAE normalised relations with Israel, with the aftermath of the invasion of Ukraine, as well as the Iran nuclear deal, on the agenda https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/22/egypt-uae-israel-address-energy-and-food-stability-at-summit__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau7d4k54G$

Putin Envoy Quits Over Ukraine War, Leaves Russia: The man who first recommended Vladimir Putin for a job in the Kremlin is now the most senior figure to resign over the invasion of Ukraine.

Ukraine Sees Signs Of Another Neighbor Planning ‘Direct Invasion.’ There are “signs of preparation…”

Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA
Cutouts: Dan Cohen reveals the network of foreign strategists, Washington DC lobbyists, and intelligence-linked media outlets behind Ukraine’s public relations blitz.

China, Eyeing Taiwan, Sees Lessons in Russia’s Reckless Ukraine War:
Ukraine offers Beijing a hazy window into its own future. Russia’s many failures and miscalculations in its blitzkrieg, and Moscow’s struggle to control in Ukraine against a fierce, well-armed, and highly motivated resistance, are tough meat for Xi’s Taiwan planners to chew on.

# Gov / Politics
The GOP’s War on Abortion Is Now a War on Privacy Rights:  These efforts represent the next phase of advancing Republican authoritarianism:
repealing the constitutional right to privacy affirmed by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut over half a century ago.

US Unexpectedly Sanctions China Officials Hours After Demanding Beijing Condemn Russia. Blinken cited “human rights” related to Uighurs, however.

Critics Blast ‘Absolutely Shocking’ Supreme Court Decision on Wisconsin Voting Maps. Journalist John Nichols called it “a stunning decision that confirms just how extreme the U.S. Supreme Court’s majority has become.”

US formally accuses Russian forces of committing war crimes in Ukraine https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/23/russia-war-crimes-ukraine-us-blinken__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau-BFg9Bt$

# Law Enforcement
Dashcam video released showing officer fatally shooting unarmed man.
Cassandra Dollard was arrested and charged with voluntary manslaughter.
She was also terminated from the Hemingway Police Department.

Thieves With Sledgehammers Steal $5 Million In Jewelry From Beverly Hills Store In Broad Daylight https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://dailycaller.com/2022/03/23/sledgehammer-steal-jewelry-beverly-hills-california/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau4lxfHkn$

# Legal / DOJ
Beto Vows to ‘Never Back Down’ Against Billionaire’s Lawsuit: The Texas gubernatorial candidate has demanded a public trial against a Dallas oil tycoon’s defamation lawsuit, saying, “I am ready for this fight.”

# Medical / Health Care
Google, MEDITECH and the Future of Electronic Health Records:  At the March 2022 conference of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, Google announced a partnership with MEDITECH, a giant in the field of electronic health records (EHRs). If this deal pans out, Google will embed its clinical software technology into MEDITECH’s EHRs.

Planned Parenthood: Texas congressional Democrats urged the Biden administration to allow Texans on Medicaid to receive family planning services from Planned Parenthood. About 8,000 Medicaid recipients were seen at clinics in Texas for non-abortion-related services before Texas dropped the health care provider from its Medicaid program https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.texasobserver.org/texas-legislators-ask-biden-administration-to-reinstate-planned-parenthood-as-a-medicaid-provider/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau-lj-Vi2$

A Brain Implant Could Restore Communication for ALS Patients: Some neurodegenerative diseases steal the ability to talk or even move. A new computer technology could help patients regain their voice, so to speak.

Proposed Missouri anti-abortion bill would ban women from life-saving ectopic pregnancy surgery https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2022/03/23/proposed-missouri-anti-abortion-bill-would-ban-women-from-life-saving-ectopic-pregnancy-surgery/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZauz3K_GyT$

A non-hormonal pill could soon expand men’s birth control options: Men’s birth control options, and, therefore, responsibilities, could soon be expanding.

Novel therapy could help people with asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis and cancer-related lung disease: A multicenter research team co-led by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center developed the first drug to treat the uncontrolled secretion of mucins in the airways, which causes potentially life-threatening symptoms in millions of Americans https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mdanderson.org/newsroom/novel-therapy-could-help-people-with-asthma-copd-cystic-fibrosis-and-cancer-related-lung-disease.h00-159538167.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZauyolJ1Qc$

# Military / DOD
An independent commission will review the military’s suicide prevention efforts. Despite more than a decade’s worth of effort to prevent suicides among service members, the numbers continue to rise, including a 16-percent jump during 2020 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/03/22/an-independent-commission-will-review-the-militarys-suicide-prevention-efforts/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau85gvTi_$

An Army vet’s realization in Ukraine: ‘So horrible or heartbreaking that you can’t continue’: After spending 13 hours hiking into enemy territory and back to retrieve the body of a Georgian soldier who had been killed near Irpin, Ukraine, U.S. Army veteran Hieu Le knew that his war was over.

US poised to have three armored brigades in Europe at once as troop numbers climb. The Army soon is likely to have three armored brigades in Europe for the first time in well over a decade.

US Sending Soviet Anti-Air Defense Systems To Ukraine That Were ‘Secretly Acquired decades ago…’

# Military / Global
Russia’s alleged use of first hypersonic missile in combat downplayed by US military and allies. Russia’s defense ministry claimed its military used hypersonic missiles against an underground ammunition warehouse as well as a fuel depot last weekend, reportedly marking the first-ever use of the new type of weapon in combat https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/03/22/russias-alleged-use-of-first-hypersonic-missile-combat-downplayed-us-military-and-allies.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau5b7G6-7$

Russia sends more warships through Japanese strait, halts peace treaty talks after sanctions https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2022/03/e9da51ceb89c-urgent-russia-to-halt-peace-treaty-talks-with-japan-over-sanctions.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau-P-MLGw$

Viral Video Reportedly Shows Massive Gun Battle Near Kyiv With Russian Forces https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://dailycaller.com/2022/03/23/gun-battle-kyiv-nexta-viral-video-russia-ukraine/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau8ZCk3_F$

# Nuclear
Finland is building a facility more than 1,000 feet below sea level to store nuclear waste for 100,000 years. Yikes! At 1,377 feet below sea level, Finland is making a permanent site to store its nuclear waste for centuries to come. The facility will be opened up in 2024 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://interestingengineering.com/finland-to-store-nuclear-waste-for-100000-years?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=Newsletter-23-03-2022__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZauwMQ5MGC$

# Science
Team develops new process for evaluating impacts of gene edits that alter rather than ‘knock out’ DNA code https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-03-team-impacts-gene-dna-code.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZau60jVdmr$

Researchers studying epileptic seizures of the temporal lobe, discovered a compound that reduces seizures in the hippocampus, a brain region where many such seizures originate. The compound, known as TC-2153, lessened the severity of seizures in mice.

Taste, temperature and pain sensations are neurologically linked, study finds https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/947087?utm_source=ourcommunitynow&utm_medium=web__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lmKE3Ee4KPIRy_L-8eE5GUohDmJBFD5IeKV4132t4psnZ3WiGuUUTYbtJuZauwiS7adz$

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