Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-05

Voices, The Peoples News

August 5, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate
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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Tribal and environmental concerns stand in the way of obtaining 25% of US copper: Arizona officials claim the land that is planned for use by the mine contains resources that are crucial for transitioning the U.S.
energy sector to renewables.

# Borders / Immigration
Nearly 100 migrants suing Government over ‘ill-treatment’ at Manston centre: Lawyers say the cases concern ‘breaches of fundamental rights, including the right to liberty and prohibition on inhuman and degrading treatment.’

In a win for Mexico, US will expand areas for migrants to apply online for entry at southern border

Proposed law pushes for tougher migrant detention following Texas girl’s killing: “One advocate calls the measure an effort “to bloat the immigration enforcement system” and “to demonize immigrant communities.”

This Texas border city is tired of being a ‘pawn’ in Trump’s ‘political games’: Eagle Pass residents watch as their city becomes an arena for convoys – and policies fail to address their real concerns

U.S. pauses migrant sponsorship program due to fraud concerns

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
U.S. markets tumble after weak jobs report prompts recession fears: Hiring dropped and the unemployment rate went up, according to the jobs report released on Friday

Trump’s ‘over-the-top’ tariffs will thrust the US back into an era of economic shocks, think tank expert says

# Education / Schools
The Importance of Free Speech on Campus

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals FTC and Justice Department Host First Strike Force on Unfair and Illegal Pricing Meeting

Publix & Other Grocers Now Being Investigated by FTC For Price Gouging After Customer Complaints: The inquiry aims to uncover the tactics used by these entities to hike prices and extract profits from consumers despite the easing of inflationary pressures and normalized supply chains.

How US Disaster Response Leaves Farmworkers to Fend for Themselves: A new report shows how data gaps end up putting vulnerable communities at even more risk in the wake of disasters.

# Gov / Politics / Global
‘We need to show unity’: Germany joins UN Command to enforce Korean War armistice

Germany and the Philippines agree to rapidly finalize a defense pact to address security threats

Iran says a short-range projectile killed Hamas’ Haniyeh and reiterates vows of retaliation

Bibi’s Mideast Solution: Unending War: It puts Israel in greater peril, but it may just keep him in power—and out of the clink.

Riots Sweep UK as Fascist Influencers Use Stabbing Attack to Fuel Racist
Rampage: Racist political rhetoric laid the groundwork for the far right rampage against immigrants, Muslims and Black people.

Top Israeli Official: “Morally Justified” to Starve 2 Million to Death in Gaza: “Nobody will let us cause 2 million civilians to die of hunger even though it might be justified,” Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich complained.

Investigation Exposes Big Tech Ties to Israeli Genocide in Gaza: “It’s more than complicity: It’s direct participation and collaboration with the Israeli military on the tools they’re using to kill Palestinians,”
said one policy expert.

Israeli Minister Laments That ‘Nobody Will Let Us’ Starve 2 Million Gazans To Death: “This is what fascism and the desire for mass extermination and displacement look like,” a Palestinian-American expert said. “These criminals want to eliminate all Palestinians in Gaza, not just Hamas.”

# Gov / Politics
Project 2025: The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative Administration. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration.

Project 2025 pillars

Heritage Foundation Policy Recommendations

US Hands Over Russian Cybercriminals in WSJ Reporter Prisoner Swap

Voting Won’t End US Support for Gaza Genocide. We Must Target Its Perpetrators. Real hope for change lies in those organizing for a free Palestine, not the US leaders who are responsible for genocide.

Rep. Donalds defends Trump over ‘phony’ Harris race controversy. Donalds accused the media of engineering the controversy

Supreme Court injected into Trump-Harris race: The Supreme Court is becoming a bigger issue in the unfolding presidential race between Vice President Harris and former President Trump.

House passes funding bill to avert government shutdown. The bill would fund some government departments until mid-January and the rest through early February. It does not include spending cuts or policy changes that Republican hard-liners sought.

Former Top Trump Adviser Registers As Foreign Agent For Ukraine: Former Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway registered as a foreign agent of Ukraine Friday.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Chinese nationals arrested, $250k in gold bars seized in Texas

Police Are Increasingly Encrypting Their Radios to Block Scrutiny by Journalists: Press advocates say that the surge in encryption is a reaction to the demand for police accountability after 2020.

Police Seek a Radio Silence That Would Mute Critics in the Press

1 deputy killed, 2 other deputies injured in ambush in Florida, sheriff says

Cops Break His Rights

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court Senate votes to expand federal courts, create dozens of new judge openings: If the bill is signed into law, the next president will be able to appoint 11 of the judges in 2025 and 11 more in 2027 https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsan.com%2Fcc%2Fsenate-votes-to-expand-federal-courts-create-dozens-of-new-judge-openings%2F%23%3A~%3Atext%3DCongress%2520is%2520working%2520to%2520create%2Cand%252011%2520more%2520in%25202027&data=05%7C02%7Cmunsup.seoh%40wright.edu%7C02537f9bbb964281b5d308dcb5a3c978%7C5c46d65dee5c45138cd4af98d15e6833%7C0%7C1%7C638584962285058495%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C20000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=5GEmgPjkt7HfJhDJkjBW95hpEJqOKO5y5%2Bf7PjRShxo%3D&reserved=0.

Chutkan sets Aug. 16 hearing in Trump election interference case

Supreme Court Shockingly Declines to Save Trump From Sentencing: The Supreme Court, for once, has decided not to help Trump out.

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
US and allies prepare to defend Israel as Netanyahu says it’s already in ‘multi-front war’ with Iran

US sending more warships and additional fighter squadron to Middle East to bolster defenses

As recruiting rebounds, the Army will expand basic training to rebuild the force for modern warfare

U.S. military enhancing Middle East naval presence ahead of possible retaliation

Several US troops injured in rocket attack in Iraq, officials say: The attack comes amid rising tensions following the killings of a senior Hezbollah commander in Lebanon and Hamas’ top leader in Iran.

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Iran Says It Does Not Want Regional Escalation But Must ‘Punish’ Israel

North Korea’s Standing Army Is Almost as Big as the United States’

Ukraine-Russia war latest: Kyiv strikes Russian military airfield and oil depots in overnight drone attack

Taking Over from the Inside: China’s Growing Reach Into Local Waters

Israeli strikes on schools kill dozens, mostly children: Israeli airstrikes on UN-run schools in Gaza kill at least 30, mostly children, as the humanitarian crisis deepens and cease-fire efforts stall.

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space NASA Is ‘Evaluating All Options’ to Get the Boeing Starliner Crew Home

SpaceX delays resupply mission to International Space Station with bad weather

The sun fires off 2 powerful X flares in less than 2 hours

Real Sun Simulator Captured in Weather Balloon Flight

SpaceX launches 23 Starlink satellites to orbit from California (video, photos)

# Space / Global
China’s secretive space plane caught on camera in orbit: Two solar panels that can be seen at the end aren’t visible on any of the computer renderings available online.

# Social
# Technology / Artificial Intelligence Hello Humans! Meet Aura Humanoid Robot That Interacts With Guests at Las Vegas Sphere at Venetian

TikTok Sued by US Justice Department for Alleged Violations of Kids’ Privacy: The social media company, already fighting for its existence in the US, now has to contend with a potentially expensive penalty stemming from its policies toward users under 13.

Control Android Auto or Apple CarPlay With Your Voice While Driving: Both smartphone platforms offer a number of ways to interact with your phone while keeping both hands on the wheel. Follow these tips to get the most out of in-car voice commands.

Berkshire Hathaway is sitting on almost $280 billion in cash after slashing its Apple stake in half

Intel’s massive job cuts come after it received $8.5 billion in taxpayer money: In a move likely to raise a few taxpayer eyebrows, Intel said today that it will cut 15 percent of its workforce, or more than 15,000 jobs,

Google loses major antitrust case to Department of Justice over search engine monopoly: US District Judge Amit Mehta Mehta ruled that Google must stop its anticompetitive behavior, where it monopolizes exclusive contracts that make it the default search engine on smartphones and computers.

US Court Rules Google a Monopoly in ‘Biggest Antitrust Case of the 21st Century’: “Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,” said a federal judge in the decision.

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