Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-12

Voices, The Peoples News

August 12, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Indigenous youth are leading the charge in climate lawsuits

GOP lawmaker squares off with USDA, tribes over farm bill land transfer:

# Borders / Immigration
AGs Sue Over Biden-Harris Plan to Give Tax-Funded Health Benefits to DACA Recipients: Should people in the United States illegally be eligible for taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits? A group of 15 Republican attorneys general say no

Huge line of thousands of migrants spotted trying to hop train to US border: Countless migrants have been lining the tracks of a freight train line headed to the US through Eagle Pass, Texas, apparently hoping to hop onboard and hitch a ride to the border, according to reports.

Illegal immigrants now jumping off trains and entering the U.S. through cities like Los Angeles. For Central Americans seeking to enter the U.S. illegally, the path through Mexico begins at the border towns of Tapachula, the most popular entry point, and Tenosique, the location favored by most Hondurans.

# Corporations / Industry / Business
Americans’ refusal to keep paying higher prices may be dealing a final blow to US inflation spike: “While inflation is down, prices are still high, and I think consumers have gotten to the point where they’re just not accepting it,” Tom Barkin, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

CAIR welcomes US ban on imports from 5 Chinese companies over Uyghur forced labor

# Drugs / Trafficking / Cartels
US arrests Mexican drug lord ‘El Mayo’ and son of ‘El Chapo’ in Texas

US arrests of Mexican drug lords could bring fresh charges in home country

# Education / Schools
Trump’s Agenda47 on education: Abolish teacher tenure, universal school choice, patriotism: “To reward good teachers, President Trump will implement funding preferences and favorable treatment for states and school districts that abolish teacher tenure for grades K-12, adopt Merit Pay to reward good teachers, and give parents the right to vote for the principals who direct their children’s education.

Betsy DeVos would work for Trump again if he agreed to “phasing out” the Department of Education: The former secretary of Education resigned after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
A US court struck down permits for controversial LNG projects in Texas: The D.C. Circuit Court’s decision could hinder progress on several Gulf Coast fossil fuel projects, marking a win for environmental justice advocates.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water US agency shields polluters while toxic waste festers: Faulty reports issued by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) are helping polluters dodge cleanup costs and deny compensation to victims living near toxic sites, such as a radioactive landfill in Missouri.

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals As climate change worsens, junk food companies exploit the crisis for profit

EPA bans pesticide to protect farmworkers: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued an emergency order banning the herbicide DCPA

# Food / Farming  Global
The Daejeon Bioenergy Center in South Korea processes 400 tons of food waste daily, turning it into biogas that powers about 20,000 homes. South Korea implemented strict policies 20 years ago, banning food scraps from landfills and requiring residents to separate and pay for food waste disposal.

# Gov / Politics / Global
China courts developing nations in its push to build a new world order: Beijing is forging ties in the “Global South” not just with money but also by lending political support based on antipathy toward the American-led order.

Israel widens evacuation orders in southern Gaza. Hamas wants plans for a deal instead of more talks: The Israeli military ordered more evacuations in southern Gaza early Sunday, a day after a deadly airstrike on a school-turned-shelter in the north killed at least 80 Palestinians, according to local health authorities. The airstrike was one of the deadliest attacks in the 10-month war

Retired Gen. Frank McKenzie believes Lebanese Hezbollah close to entering Middle East conflict

Video of Sexual Abuse at Israeli Prison Is Just Latest Evidence Sde Teiman Is a Torture Site: Israeli abuse of Palestinians at the military prison has been reported for months. The U.S. is asking the Israeli military to investigate itself.

# Gov / Politics
Nearly 70 swing state officials poised to obstruct election certification: Dozens of local election officials in America’s key battleground states believe former President Donald Trump‘s stolen election conspiracies and could threaten democracy this November

Trump’s Anger Out of Control as Poll Numbers Keep Cratering: Trump “is struggling to get past his anger” and his advisers are “deeply rattled” by his “meandering, mean and often middling public performances.”

Schumer says he will work to block any effort in the Senate to significantly cut the CDC’s budget

Stunning Unearthed Video Shows GOP Nominee to Run North Carolina’s Schools Calling on Trump to Enact Military Coup to Stay In Office

House investigating whether foreign money flowing into Democrat coffers: Rep. Bryan Steil says he has identified two loopholes use by ActBlue donations and “my concern is that individuals are outside the jurisdiction in the United States who may be engaged in this.”

“Vibe shift”: Young Texas voters, motivated by Kamala Harris, lock into the presidential election: Some young voters who are upset about the Biden Administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war say they’re still hesitant about the vice president.

Leaked Project 2025 Training Videos Show Former Trump Officials Detailing Plans to Dismember Gov’t

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Cop Slams Innocent Man. McMaster had a history of being aggressive and violent. In 2015, his supervisors reprimanded him for aggressive behavior towards an inmate. His file shows that he was written up at least ten times!

Family demands answers after man ‘with his hands up’ was shot dead at Walgreens by Georgia cops: Georgia Bureau of Investigation is conducting a probe of the shooting

Video shows an alabama police officer use a stun gun on a man who was handcuffed and crying

# Media
The Outrageous Case of a Journalist Charged With a Hate Crime for Recording a Gaza Protest Action: “This appears to be a clear attempt to stifle both journalistic activities and pro-Palestine speech.”

Who needs a government ban? TikTok users are already defending themselves: The bill to ban TikTok passed in Congress, but some Americans are quitting the app before it gets taken away—and it’s not because they’re worried about the Chinese government

President Joe Biden signed a bill on April 24th that would ban TikTok, the shortform video app owned by Chinese company ByteDance, if the company doesn’t sell the platform off within a year.

# Medical / General News
Dozens of pregnant women, some bleeding or in labor, are turned away from ERs despite federal law: Two women, one in Florida and one in Texas, were left to miscarry in public restrooms.

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
Ship-killing guided bomb put to test as Air Force sinks cargo vessel: The Air Force in July tested a new ship-killing guided bomb to demonstrate the service’s growing ability to sink enemy vessels.

Pay the PIPIR: DoD launching new Indo-Pacific partnership for buying, sustaining weapons

ARussian intelligence ship came within 30 nautical miles of Alaska’s western islands earlier this week, the U.S. Coast Guard said on Friday, less than two weeks after Russian and Chinese bombers flew sorties over the same area.

US restarts offensive weapons sales to Saudi Arabia after lengthy ban: The sale of certain American weapons was frozen in 2021 to signal the Biden administration’s disapproval of a Saudi military campaign in Yemen.

US beefs up security and orders a missile submarine to the Middle East. The move was a signal by the US that it is strongly invested in preventing a further escalation.

U.S. rushes firepower to the Middle East as Israel braces for retaliation from Iran: The Pentagon confirmed late Sunday that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had ordered the dispatch of the USS Georgia guided missile submarine to the region.

# Military / Nuclear / Global
As war drums beat, those in Beirut suburb have nowhere to flee: When war last came to the edges of Lebanon’s capital nearly two decades ago, Bilal Sahlab drove his family to a secluded mountain town, rented an apartment and waited out the bombing.

Ukraine to unleash robot dogs on its front lines

# Nuclear
Fire breaks out at nuclear plant after Ukrainian attack: The Zaporozhye plant has been put into cold shutdown as a precaution while emergency workers fight to extinguish the blaze

# Pharmacy / Pharmaceuticals
Generic version of Mucinex sold by CVS, Walmart, Walgreens and Target contains cancer-causing chemical: Millions of Americans who buy the store-brand option at various major US chains are unknowingly choosing a drug that risks containing a potent carcinogen called benzene, according to a Bloomberg analysis of government data. Benzene can cause blood cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma.

# Space / Global
Chinese satellite launch rocket breaks into hundred of pieces in orbit: A Chinese Long March 6A rocket broke apart in low-Earth orbit and formed a debris field with hundreds of pieces, confirmed by U.S. Space Command.

Axiom Space Collaborates with India Poland and Hungary for Ax-4 Mission

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