Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-30

Voices, The Peoples News

August 30, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Biden restarts immigration program for 4 countries with more vetting for sponsors

Arizona migrant busing continues as feds send nearly $50 million more in aid

Migrants keep trying to ride San Diego school buses with students on board

Ducey’s migrant bus policy divides immigrant aid organizations: As similar programs in Texas & Florida come under fire, Arizona’s attracts new scrutiny from immigrant advocacy groups

Florida delegation demands Cuban Communist officials, ‘evil dictators’ be denied entry

What is Tren de Aragua, the Venezuelan gang running amok in Colorado? Venezuela‘s largest criminal gang, Tren de Aragua, is wreaking havoc in Colorado, driving national attention.

Immigrants in CO ‘harmed’ by national attention on Tren de Aragua, activists say

US-Mexico Border Agents Ordered to Stop Trashing Migrants Possessions

‘Biden opened the doors’: Border town residents reveal impact of immigration on community

Colorado mayor speaks out after video of armed Venezuelan gang in apartment goes viral: ‘Failed policy’

Video shows armed gang at troubled Colorado apartment building believed to have been taken over by migrants. One anonymous resident, ‘there’s no help coming for any of us’

Venezuelan Gang Takes Control of NYC Migrant Shelters: Alarming Crime Surge

# Border / Immigration / Migrants / Global Panama deports Ecuadorean migrants in second US-backed flight

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Summer COVID surge shows we may have to return to 2020 pandemic measures

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
La. Congressman looks to replace two Social Security provisions

# Education / Schools
Trump’s Supreme Court Trashes Student Debt Relief: The Supreme Court discarded the Biden administration’s request to temporarily reinstate its new student debt plan that would lower payments for millions of borrowers.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Biden Admistration Bans Drilling, Mining on 28 Million Acres in Alaska after Feedback from Tribal Communities

# Environment / Climate / Infrastructure / Water Nasa captures giant swirling gases in the sky

Utah wants your public land for more roads: The state wants to build a highway through tortoise habitat

Here’s Utah’s latest attempt to bring federal lands under state control: State Rep. Ken Ivory is proposing a bill for the 2025 legislative session aimed at giving Utah authority over issues not exclusively given to the federal government in the U.S. Constitution.

Fish are swimming the Klamath River freely for the first time in more than a century

# Environment / Climate / Infrastructure / Water / Global
Villagers in Zimbabwe dig riverbeds for water as drought worsens: One of the worst droughts in living memory is sweeping across southern Africa, leaving close to 70 million people without enough food and water.

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering
USDA chief admits ‘mistakes’ as food shortages hit tribal populations, low-income seniors

# Food / Alerts / Recalls / How-to
Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, Doritos, and Takis could be banned in California public schools under new bill: “This legislation will not ban any specific foods or products,” said Gabriel. “The goal here is to encourage companies to make minor modifications to products sold in California if they want their products to be sold in public schools, and let’s be clear, that’s a big market.”

# Gov / Politics / Global
Germany deports first Afghans since Taliban govt took control: ‘Our security counts,’ German interior minister says as government confirms those deported are convicted criminals.

Iran is closing in on nuclear weaponization. America and Israel need a strategy

Terrorism threats on the rise 3 years after Afghanistan exit

‘Street Thug’ Putin and His Allies Considering Invasion of 3 More Countries

Israel Withdrew Gaza Evacuation Order After Leaked Memo Shows US Urged Restraint The move is a show that the U.S. does hold power over Israel’s actions — but chooses not to act in crucial ways.

Hamas Strikes Israel in Unexpected Assault: On the morning of October 7, 2023, the Palestinian fundamentalist organization Hamas orchestrated an unanticipated assault on Israeli soil, marking it as one of the most significant attacks in recent years​​

# Gov / Politics
Army says Arlington National Cemetery worker was ‘pushed aside’ by Trump aides

The Trump camp is doubling down on the Arlington mess and picking a fight with the Army

Trump Tries New Excuse for Messy Fight at Arlington National Cemetery: Donald Trump’s campaign staff reportedly got into a physical altercation with staff at Arlington National Cemetery—and Trump wants to make the story disappear.

Politics and Arlington National Cemetery show the need for Americans to confront their sacred places

Project 2025 started a half century ago. A Trump win could solidify it forever

The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 wants to reshape America underTrump: The project outlines a series of moves to transform the executive branch of the government

Sanders Says ‘Congress Must Investigate’ War Profiteering by US Military Contractors: “The greed of these companies is fleecing the American taxpayer and killing Ukrainians,” said the senator.

VIDEO: Secret chats expose decade of US meddling in Ecuador: Recently-leaked secret chats obtained by The Grayzone expose how Ecuadorian prosecutor Diana Salazar acted hand-in-glove with the United States government, which essentially selected and controlled prosecutions from Washington.

This Election, Dark Money Is Blackmailing Lawmakers: This week, Colorado state representatives gathered at the capitol for an emergency effort to slash state property taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars, cutting government funding for public schools, health care, and other essential services.

“Genocide Will Continue”: Fury Grows as Harris Vows to Keep Biden’s Gaza Policy: Polls have shown pivoting away from Biden’s Gaza policy is popular among the public — but Harris is refusing the change.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Texas State Police Gear Up for Massive Expansion of Surveillance Tech: DPS plans to spend millions in taxpayer dollars on a controversial software, used first as part of Gov. Abbott’s border crackdown, to ‘disrupt potential domestic terrorism.’

A Jail Diagnosed Him With HIV — Then Denied Him Life-Saving Medication, Lawsuit Says

US police use force on 300,000 people a year, with numbers rising since George Floyd: ‘relentless violence’: Exclusive: groundbreaking Mapping Police Violence data estimates scale of physical force and civilian injuries

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court [ICC] Texas sued by environmental activist over ‘unconstitutional’ anti-ESG law

Texas boosts oil-friendly courts to safeguard industry interests: On September 1, Texas will open new business courts, heavily influenced by Big Oil

The Supreme Court Just Signaled What It Will Do If the Election Is Close

Nebraska Supreme Court hears case that could upend voting rights for thousands of felons

# Medical / General News
Scientists Find ‘Tiny Shards’ of Plastic in Lungs, Placentas and Other Human Organs

VP Nominee With ‘Rural Appeal’ Signed Law Hurting Rural Healthcare Providers

# Medical Science / Technology
Gene therapy gets a turbo boost from researchers: Gene therapy, the idea of fixing faulty genes with healthy ones, has held immense promise. But a major hurdle has been finding a safe and efficient way to deliver those genes.

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
US forces ready with a ‘range of options’ to deal with South China Sea aggression, US admiral says

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Houthi operatives placed explosives on a tanker and detonated them, risking a catastrophic oil spill in the Red Sea

# NASA / Rocketry / Space
SpaceX releases footage of Falcon 9 launch of the Transporter-11

NASA and Boeing Prepare for Uncrewed Starliner Return Mission

NASA’s Advanced Solar Sail Successfully Deploys in Space

NASA discovers an invisible electric field surrounding Earth: NASA’s Endurance mission, have confirmed the existence of the ambipolar field and quantified its strength, revealing its role in driving atmospheric escape and shaping our ionosphere – a layer of the upper atmosphere – more broadly.

Curiosity Accidentally Breaks Open Boulder, Makes Monumental Discovery

# Other Interesting Things / UFO Disclosure 41,000-year-old ‘zombie viruses’ discovered frozen 20,000ft up mountain – & they could solve mysteries of ancient Earth

Discovery of submerged bridge built by ancient humans rewrites Mediterranean island’s history: Early settlers ‘strategically’ built bridge to navigate island some 1,600 years earlier than the first confirmed human activity on Mallorca

Israeli archeologists unearth rare, 2,700-year-old stone seal near Temple Mount

Ancient Aliens: Cosmic Communication System Carved into Earth (S14, E2) | Full Episode

Mt. Stromboli has been in almost continuous eruption for the past 2,000 years.

Evidence of a Wooden Structure That Predates Our Species Uncovered: A pair of interlocking logs that haven’t seen sunlight in half a million years could challenge some fundamental assumptions about the technology and culture of our Stone Age ancestors.

# Space / Global
Notorious Iranian Hackers Have Been Targeting the Space Industry With a New Backdoor: In addition to its long-standing password spraying attacks, Microsoft says Iran-backed hacker group Peach Sandstorm—or APT 33—has developed custom malware dubbed “Tickler.”

Watering Hole Attacks Unveiled: A Comprehensive Cyberthreat Overview: These cyberthreats involve the meticulous compromise of websites frequented by specific target individuals or organizations, transforming trusted online spaces into unsuspecting traps.

What is a watering hole attack? A watering hole attack is a security exploit in which the attacker seeks to compromise a specific group of end users by infecting websites that members of the group are known to visit. The goal is to infect a targeted user’s computer and gain access to the network at the target’s workplace.

# Social
Here’s The Real Story Of How America’s Squatter Epidemic All Began: Squatter’s rights are about as old as America itself, and they once served a noble purpose. Just like everything that once made America great, liberals have perverted them to their own nefarious ends.

Triumphant homeowners who spent millions on houses reveal how they took on squatters — and won

# Technology / Global
China is still getting its hands on US chips — and striking back too

Powerful Spyware Exploits Enable a New String of ‘Watering Hole’ Attacks: Suspected Russian hackers have compromised a series of websites to utilize sophisticated spyware exploits that are eerily similar to those created by NSO Group and Intellexa.

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