Voices, The Peoples News No. 2020-11-18

Voices, The Peoples News

Nov. 18, 2020
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

# Indigenous
Rapid City Council votes in favor of returning land to Native American community https://www.kotatv.com/2020/11/17/rapid-city-council-votes-in-favor-of-returning-1200-acres-to-native-american-community/

# CoronaVirus
Leading hospital, doctor associations call on Trump to share COVID-19 information with Biden

MSNBC host torches Trump adviser as ‘responsible for more death than any single policymaker in recent memory’ – “managed to take over the nation’s entire COVID strategy and push the entire country towards an approach in which the virus would be left to burn through the populace.”

The latest vaccine news doesn’t tell the full story https://nyti.ms/38MYFHY

COVID Truthers Try to Invade Hospital Where This Mom Died. They don’t believe the ICU at Utah Valley Hospital is full of coronavirus patients.
If only they were right.

Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccine Results NOT based on Peer-Reviewed Science – ZERO Liability to Companies if Vaccine Kills or Injures due to FDA Fast-track Approval

North Dakota has set the highest mortality rate from COVID-19 in the entire world, and second is South Dakota.

COVID-Positive Health Care Staff Told to Stay on the Job in North Dakota. This comes as North Dakota faces one of the worst outbreaks of
COVID-19 and grapples with health care staff shortages.

Mobile Morgues Fill Up in El Paso as Gov. Greg Abbott Refuses New Lockdown. El Paso County is facing one of the worst COVID-19 outbreaks in the U.S.

The Senate is heading out of town until after Thanksgiving, with no COVID relief deal.

# Economy / Trade
Our House: Why China’s New South Asian Trade Deal is Making Washington Sweat https://trumpismandtrump.com/273135-2/

Fate of the stimulus looks bleak as lawmakers turn attention to spending deadline.

Outgoing Trump Rule May Deny Social Security to Millions https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/11/17/outgoing-trump-rule-may-deny-social-security-to-millions/

Lack of Economic Relief Is Costing Lives https://prospect.org/coronavirus/unsanitized-lack-of-economic-relief-costing-lives-mitch-mcconnell-stimulus/

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Minnesota Permits for Line 3 Pipeline approved. Indigenous and Climate Leaders are left outraged. Environmental and Indigenous groups say this construction threatens the water where Native Americans harvest wild rice and also would be a factor in increasing climate change.

A new agreement among tribes, PacifiCorp, and the states of Oregon and California will advance plans to remove four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River, which, if approved by federal regulators, would be the largest dam removal in U.S. history.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
#Film4Climate 1st Prize Short Film Winner – “Three Seconds”

Humans Threaten The Lives Of One Million Species In Current Mass Extinction Event https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/one-million-species-risk-extinction-threatening-human-communities-around-world-un-report-warns-180972114/

Biden taps climate, environment hands for transition teams. The transition staff also sprinkles climate change policy, diplomacy and regulatory experts across several agencies.

# Gov / Politics
Times Says Trump Blocked from Nuking Iran During Last Days https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/11/16/times-says-trump-blocked-from-nuking-iran-during-last-days/

Top Republicans are starting to acknowledge publicly that Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States, turning the page on the Trump era.

Trump campaign sees election lawsuits fizzle https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/526249-trump-campaign-sees-election-lawsuits-fizzle

The new politics of the poor in Joe Biden’s and Mitch McConnell’s America

Biden state media appointee advocated using propaganda against Americans and ‘rethinking’ First Amendment. Richard Stengel, has branded himself the “chief propagandist,” urged the government to use propaganda against its “own population,” and called to “rethink” the First Amendment.

Biden’s transition team is filled with war profiteers, Beltway chickenhawks, and corporate consultants http://accuracy.org/release/biden-transition-war-profiteers-beltway-chickenhawks-and-corporate-consultants/

As Trump rejects US election, Biden signals continued regime change abroad. With Trump rejecting the US election outcome and the Biden team advocating continued regime change abroad, Max Blumenthal on US hegemony coming home to roost https://thegrayzone.com/2020/11/13/as-trump-rejects-us-election-biden-signals-continued-regime-change-abroad/

The latest vaccine news doesn’t tell the full story https://nyti.ms/38MYFHY

Jordan Klepper Takes on MAGA Marchers Who Think Trump Won. “Should Trump have appealed more to the dead person vote?” the “Daily Show”
correspondent asked one of the many Trump supporters who were refusing to accept reality.

Los Angeles police just banned the use of commercial facial recognition

‘It’s even worse on video’: Trump adviser welcomes killing loved ones with Covid-19 as this may be ‘their final Thanksgiving’ anyway. “Eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow my policies may kill you.”

Dems nominate Pelosi to keep Speakership. House Democrats on Wednesday nominated Speaker Nancy Pelosi to remain atop the party for another two years https://thehill.com/homenews/house/526481-democrats-nominate-pelosi-to-keep-speakership

Will Trump Burn the Evidence? How the President could endanger the official records of one of the most consequential periods in American history.

# Law Enforcement
Lawsuit filed against Fort Worth and police officer who killed innocent woman.
“Defendant Dean in his prowl around the backyard of her home caused Atatiana fear and uncertainty. Dean shot Atatiana, causing pain and suffering. Dean failed to render medical aid to Atatiana.”

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Trump’s Legal Team Gives Up: David Schultz: Donald Trump’s efforts to litigate himself to a second term are effectively done.

Daylight is a new digital bank built to solve the LGBTQ+ community’s banking challenges. Whether it’s financial illiteracy or discriminatory practices, there’s a deep divide in equitable banking for the LGBTQ+ community—and Daylight is looking to bridge the gap.

# Medical / Health
The Last Children of Down Syndrome. Prenatal testing is changing who gets born and who doesn’t. This is just the beginning.

# Military / DOD
President Trump has ordered the Pentagon to pull 2,500 U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Iraq by mid-January, acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller announced on Tuesday.

# Security
Christopher Krebs, the top U.S. cybersecurity official, has been ousted by President Trump.

# Weather
Hurricane Iota Breaks Records as It Slams Nicaragua https://www.ecowatch.com/hurricane-iota-nicaragua-2648951908.html

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Lifnk. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2020-11-17

Voices, The Peoples News

Nov. 17, 2020
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

# Border / Immigration
Immigration officials have been told not to communicate with Joe Biden’s transition team. An official at the agency that oversees US immigration and naturalization services told employees not to communicate with the president-elect’s transition team until a Trump appointee “deems the results ‘clear’” and recognizes the winner of the election.

Biden win revives immigration talk.  President-elect Joe Biden’s victory is reviving the hunt for one of Washington’s biggest white whales:
immigration reform.

# CoronaVirus
Forced Vaccination Law in Denmark Abandoned After Public Protests. Would have given authorities power to have police restrain and inject refusniks.

The COVID Cult: Greatest Public Health Fiasco in the History of the World

Here’s what all the good news about coronavirus vaccines means for you.
For starters, healthcare workers could start receiving vaccine shots as early as December. Yes, this December.

Covid-19 vaccines may have potentially unpleasant side effects. The vaccine, and likely most others, will require two doses to work, injections that must be given weeks apart https://www.statnews.com/2020/07/27/covid-19-vaccines-may-cause-mild-side-effects-experts-say-stressing-need-for-education-not-alarm/

Rapid testing is less accurate than the government wants to admit. Rapid antigen testing is a mess. The federal government pushed it out without a plan, and then spent weeks denying problems with false positives.

Trump Adviser Says Elderly Will Die Soon Anyway, Urging Thanksgiving Gatherings https://truthout.org/articles/trump-adviser-says-elderly-will-die-soon-anyway-urging-thanksgiving-gatherings/

Immunity to the coronavirus may last years, new data hint

Pfizer may file authorization request for COVID-19 vaccine within days https://www.statnews.com/2020/11/17/pfizer-may-be-within-days-of-filing-emergency-authorization-request-for-covid-19-vaccine/

New COVID surge engulfs US, bringing fresh restrictions

# Economy / Trade
RCEP hops on the New Silk Roads. It’s the first-ever trade deal that unites Asian powerhouses China, Japan and South Korea

USA: can this brand be saved? I was responsible for America’s global brand at the White House. The damage is irreversible. As a U.S.
diplomat, I saw Trump destroy decades of diplomatic work in four years.
But those hoping Joe Biden can reverse all the damage are sorely mistaken.

# Education / Schools
Brandeis University Is Now Offering Segregated Spaces for Whites –White students at Brandeis University will be subjected to ‘anti-racism’

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Trump Administration Takes Final Steps to Auction Drilling Rights in Arctic Wildlife Refuge. Interior Department seeks to complete land leases before Biden takes office in January

What Michigan’s move to shut down Enbridge Line 5 means https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-environment-watch/qa-what-michigans-move-shut-down-enbridge-line-5-means

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Shingle Mountain: How a pile of toxic waste was dumped in a community of color https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/shingle-mountain/ar-BB1b3NUT

Jeff Bezos gives $791 million to 16 groups fighting climate change https://www.forbes.com/sites/angelauyeung/2020/11/16/jeff-bezos-announces-nearly-800million-in-donations-to-climate-change-organizations/?sh=348239092b7b

5 Legal Tactics Environmentalists Are Using to Fight Climate Change https://ecotopical.com/ecowatch/307926/5-legal-tactics-environmentalists-to-fight-climate-change/

# Global Politics and other news
Israel’s Power Is Unlimited: Democrats and Republicans bow to force majeure. That Israel would blatantly and openly interfere in the deliberations of Congress raises some serious questions.

At the U.N., Only Israel Is an ‘Occupying Power.’ What about Russia in Crimea, Armenia in parts of Azerbaijan, or what Vietnam did in Cambodia?

Beijing sends Biden a warning. Biden has given Tokyo a U.S. war guarantee that covers the Senkakus.

# Gov / Politics
Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: ‘We’re Getting Ready to Overturn Election Results in Multiple States’

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani will present evidence to support claims presidential election will be overturned https://nypost.com/2020/11/15/giuliani-claims-election-will-be-overturned-without-evidence/

AG Barr Authorizes Federal Prosecutors to Pursue ‘Substantial Allegations’ of Voting Irregularities Before 2020 Election is Certified.

Democratic senators warned of potential ‘vote switching’ by Dominion voting machines prior to 2020 election https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/democratic-senators-warned-of-potential-vote-switching-by-dominion-voting-machines-prior-to-2020-election

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Wants Elections Director to Step Down After Floyd County ‘Finds’ 2600 Uncounted Ballots

Wisconsin Voters File Lawsuit to Exclude Over 792,000 Votes in 3 Counties

How the Electoral College Breaks Democracy. Electoral College, is designed to subvert democracy and preserve the rule of a rich elite.

Elderly Trump supporter attacked, protesters shoot fireworks at diners, surround hotel of Million MAGA March attendees –Some truly sickening videos https://www.theblaze.com/news/million-maga-march-trump-supporters-attacked

Senior Trump official says politicians get ‘very rich’ by supporting Israel. Senior U.S. Defense official, says the pro-Israeli lobby in the United States is trying to drag America into war.

Head of Govt Agency Under Pressure to Allow Transition to Proceed https://www.wect.com/2020/11/17/head-government-agency-under-pressure-let-transition-proceed/

‘They’re holding the whole country hostage’: How Mitch McConnell flouts the will of the American people https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/mitch-mcconnell-stimulus-2648946493/

Washington Post editorial slams Republicans for cowering to ‘petulant toddler’ Trump’s ‘toxic lies’

Republicans start turning the page on Trump era. Top Republicans are starting to acknowledge publicly that Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States, turning the page on the Trump era.

President-elect Joe Biden is rewarding longtime advisers to his campaign with top positions in his White House, moving forward with his transition even as President Trump refuses to concede election defeat.

‘These are dictator moves’: Defense officials alarmed as Trump installs more loyalists at the Pentagon

Why Trump’s crime wave needs a special prosecutor. Trump is now being told that the courts don’t agree with his desperate lawsuits https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/11/16/trumps-ongoing-crime-wave-requires-a-special-prosecutor/

Trump plans last-minute China crackdown. “Future U.S. presidents will find it politically suicidal to reverse President Trump’s historic actions.”

Mitch McConnell Is Sacrificing the Entire Economy to Impede Biden Administration We are on the cusp of what could potentially become the worst winter in living memory.

# Law Enforcement
Don’t Call the Cops. Especially if Your Loved Ones Are Old, Disabled or Have Special Needs. This is what happens when you empower the police to act as judge, jury and executioner.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Trump and Republicans had a very bad 72 hours in court trying to challenge election results https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetillman/trump-election-lawsuits-failing-pennsylvania

What’s at stake in the Supreme Court’s ACA case? A quick explainer: From Medicare drug costs to health insurance for the newly jobless, a wide range of programs could be upheld or overturned

LGBTQ Foster Parents & Kids Speak Out on Supreme Court Case. The Supreme Court is considering whether religious entities can turn away same-sex parents. Here, LGBTQ foster parents and children speak out on the discrimination they have faced.

# Media
‘NY Times’ story on Iran-Al Qaeda links is dishonest — and could help justify a U.S./Israeli attack https://mondoweiss.net/2020/11/front-page-ny-times-story-on-iran-al-qaeda-links-is-dishonest-and-could-help-justify-a-u-s-israeli-attack/

Civil Liberties and the Press: Free speech under siege.

# Medical / Health
Trump officials preparing to move forward with major step to lower Medicare drug prices. The Trump administration is preparing to move forward with a major proposal to lower drug prices and rule-making could come as soon as this week, according to people familiar with the effort.

Amazon has officially launched Amazon Pharmacy, and with it, its hopes of dethroning CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart as the place where most Americans get their prescription drugs.

# Military / DOD
NATO chief warns of high price if troops leave Afghanistan https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2020-11-17/nato-chief-warns-of-high-price-if-troops-leave-afghanistan

Washington Post Propagandist Laughs That Military-Industrial Complex Lied to President Trump to Keep Troops in Syria. “US officials have been lying to Trump — and the American people — about the true number of US troops in Syria in order to deter him from withdrawing them”, according to the outgoing Syria envoy.

# Space
NASA wants to put a nuclear reactor on the moon by 2026. After the moon, they also want to put one on Mars.

# Technology
Facebook has a rule to stop calls to arms. Moderators didn’t enforce it ahead of the Kenosha shootings.

You Might Lose Your Google Account If It Is Inactive; Gmail, Drive and Photos Content Will All Be Affected. Google will now delete inactive Gmail, Drive, and Photos accounts starting in June 1, 2021. All our content will be affected even if you’re over storage limit.

# Weather
Iota Becomes Second Major Hurricane to Threaten Central America This Month

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Lifnk. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2020-11-16

Voices, The Peoples News

Nov. 16, 2020
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

# Animals / Pets / Food Recalls
Albright’s Raw Dog Food of Fort Wayne, Indiana, is recalling its Chicken Recipe for Dogs due to possible contamination with Salmonella bacteria.
The affected product was sold in 10 U.S. states through retail stores, mail order, and direct delivery.

# CoronaVirus
Doctors Begin to Crack Covid’s Mysterious Long-Term Effects

Biden advisers call for urgent COVID-19 action, including financial relief.

Biden COVID-19 adviser: We can get pandemic under control without another national lockdown.

Moderna announced that its coronavirus vaccine candidate is 94.5 percent effective.

China reports further food-related coronavirus findings https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2020/11/china-reports-further-food-related-coronavirus-findings/

Common cold coronaviruses linked to less severe COVID-19 cases. Not all common colds are caused by coronavirus — but those that are could offer some protection against COVID-19 https://www.zmescience.com/medicine/common-cold-coronaviruses-linked-to-less-severe-covid-19-cases/

New coronavirus breather test gives the result instantly — but it’s not ready yet. According to the company which developed it, the test has 90% accuracy and gives the result in under a minute.

President-elect Joe Biden warned  that “more people may die” from
COVID-19 if the Trump administration does not begin to engage in a smooth transition of power.

Moderna: Vax Has 95% Protection, Less Need for Cold Storage.
Importantly, it can be kept in a standard fridge for up to 30 days.

Some GOP Governors and Senators Are Simply Dismissing New COVID Surge.
Trump and the Republican Party are condemning thousands more to death.

Study Detailing ‘Scandalous’ Hospital Price-Gouging During Pandemic Proves Medicare for All Urgently Needed. “These are not markups for luxury condos, they are for the most basic necessity of your life: your health.”

# Economy / Trade
U.S. President Donald Trump plans several new hard-line moves against China in the remaining weeks of his term, potentially tying the hands of President-elect Joe Biden.

Under the shadow of an incoming Biden administration, members of Congress are working against the clock to cobble together yet another continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government funded and running.

Mitch McConnell Is Sacrificing the Entire Economy to Impede Biden Administration We are on the cusp of what could potentially become the worst winter in living memory.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
The Trump administration is rushing to finalize drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge before President-elect Biden’s inauguration.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer moves to revoke the 67-year-old easement that allows Enbridge to operate the Line 5 pipeline in the Straits of Mackinac.

Geothermal energy has major potential for not just carbon-free electricity but also for heating buildings if done cost effectively https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2020/11/13/21537801/climate-change-renewable-energy-geothermal-heat-gshp-district-heating

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Environmental justice reporters face deadly threats, intimidation. In many parts of the world, journalists who report acts of environmental destruction risk threats, violence and even murder.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Continuing funding for FDA complicated by congressional options https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2020/11/continuing-funding-for-fda-complicated-by-congressional-options/

# Gov / Politics
Why is national media not digging deeper into voting issues? So here it is nearly two weeks past Election Day and the 2020 presidential race remains undetermined https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/the-sunday-read-why-is-national-media-not-digging-deeper-into-voting-issues/article_50cf5544-25bb-11eb-a084-1bbc15f339ec.html

President Trump is getting a White House portrait and a presidential library — even if he announces another bid for the presidency in the meantime.

How to Stop a Power Grab: As democracy hangs in the balance, activists are drawing lessons from the study of civil resistance.

President Trump’s national security adviser Robert O’Brien on Monday said there will be a “professional transition” to President-elect Joe Biden’s administration despite Trump’s refusal to concede that he lost the election.

‘There’s a potential for blood in the streets’:  Here’s what 2 top election lawyers think of Trump’s lawsuits https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/trump-lawsuit-2648925757/

Biden’s Win Won’t Matter if GA Makes McConnell Co-President https://www.thedailybeast.com/joe-bidens-win-wont-matter-if-georgia-makes-mitch-mcconnell-his-co-president

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
‘His priority as pandemic rages on’: McConnell readies blitz to pack courts with Trump’s judicial appointees https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/his-priority-as-rages-on-mcconnell-readies-ame-duck-push-to-further-pack-courts-with-trumps-judicial-appointees/

# Military / DOD
From the Halls of Montezuma to infinity and beyond: now introducing Space Marines “Space Marines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Military activity is picking up in the quiet waters between the US and Russia. “The Northwest Passage and the Northern Passage all link through one strategic waterway in the West, and that’s through the Bering Strait.”

# Space
NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 astronauts headed to International Space Station https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-s-spacex-crew-1-astronauts-headed-to-international-space-station

Ancient Kraken hiding inside the Milky Way gets revealed by artificial intelligence. The Milky Way has intertwined with other galaxies multiple times. Now, astronomers have put the puzzle pieces together.

# Sports
Lawyer for DeAndre Baker’s Accusers Charged With Extortion. The armed-robbery charges against former New York Giants cornerback have since been dropped, prosecutors said.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Lifnk. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2020-11-15

Voices, The Peoples News

Nov. 15, 2020
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

# Animals / Pets / Food Recalls
Some scientists say that the predators are essential to curbing the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease because they pick off weak deer.

# Border / Immigration
Federal judge rules acting DHS head Chad Wolf unlawfully appointed, invalidates DACA suspension. Chad Wolf took office unlawfully, says federal court judge, therefore could not suspend program that shields young people from deportation https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/15/judge-rules-daca-suspension-invalid-homeland-security-head-in-office-illegally

# CoronaVirus
Shocking Claim by Italian Infectious Diseases Institute: “Risks of Confusion between seasonal Flu and SARS-2 Virus”

Trump to withhold vaccine from states he lost in election  (You just can’t make this stuff up).  In his first public comments Trump, who is yet to concede in the election, criticized Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who said he planned to have a panel of experts review a vaccine.

Biden public health advisers reject national ‘lockdown.’ Two public health experts advising President-elect Joe Biden on COVID-19 rejected the idea of “lockdowns” like those seen in the spring to bring down rising case numbers.

How They Will Make the COVID Vaccine Appear to be Working https://healthimpactnews.com/2020/how-they-will-make-the-covid-vaccine-appear-to-be-working/

The Trump plan for mass death is unfolding before our eyes https://buzzflash.com/articles/the-trump-plan-for-mass-death-is-unfolding-before-our-eyes

States split on COVID-19 responses as cases surge: Governors across the country are grappling with an alarming surge of coronavirus cases and hospitalizations, so far putting forward a fractured response.

North Dakota: All Hospitals Full, Highest Death Rate in the World, Finally Locks down.

Collateral Damage? CDC Admits COVID Lockdowns Sparked Surge In Children’s Mental Health Issues https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/collateral-damage-cdc-admits-covid-lockdowns-sparked-surge-childrens-mental-health-issues

States split on COVID-19 responses as cases surge. Governors across the country are grappling with an alarming surge of coronavirus cases and hospitalizations, so far putting forward a fractured response.

# Economy / Trade
How climate change, globalization will impact the global economy.
Without immediate action on climate change and freeing up global trade, the global economy will lose trillions.

Economists Say U.S. Needs 400 Percent More COVID Relief Than McConnell Is Offering. The senate majority leader’s delays threaten to worsen the issues that the stimulus bill is supposed to relieve.

# Education / Schools
Iowa State GOP Student Group Tweeted Call to Arms Over Biden. The school administration has taken no disciplinary action against the College Republicans.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Are We Really Past the Point of No Return on Climate? Scientists Respond To Controversial New Study https://www.ecowatch.com/climate-study-greenhouse-gas-emissions-2648886531.html

Biden Reaffirms Commitment to Rejoining Paris Agreement

# Environment / Climate / Interior Global
Entangled: How a global seaweed ‘plague’ threatens West Africa’s coastline https://earth.org/seaweed-plague-threatens-west-africa-coastline/

The thaw of the Third Pole: China’s glaciers in retreat. Glaciers in China’s bleak, rugged Qilian mountains are disappearing at a shocking rate as global warming brings unpredictable change https://widerimage.reuters.com/story/the-thaw-of-the-third-pole-chinas-glaciers-in-retreat

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Factory Farms Are Poisoning Rural Communities. Will Biden Take on This Crisis?

# Global Politics and other news
A Hero’s Welcome: Inside Evo Morales’ Triumphant Return Tour. Oliver Vargas traveled with Evo Morales as he made his triumphant return to Bolivia following his exile after last November’s US-backed coup.

# Gov / Politics
Heads roll as Trump launches post-election purge. President Trump is stepping up his war on the federal government after losing the 2020 election, sending heads rolling across key agencies with a late push to get personnel and policies in place before he leaves the White House.

Far-right groups plan DC rallies for Trump as tensions grow. A wide array of far-right groups and Trump supporters are planning to descend on the nation’s capital Saturday amid heightened tensions over the results of the presidential election.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Friday suggested that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will be in for a rude awakening early next year when President-elect Joe Biden is in the White House.

Trump Won’t Accept Defeat. Ever. His forever campaign is just getting started.

Why Trump Carried Out His Pentagon Purge. With his Administration coming to a close, the President is still reshaping the government around himself. https://hindikhabre.com/why-trump-carried-out-his-pentagon-purge/

‘A Dangerous Attack on Our Democracy’: McConnell Backs Trump’s Refusal to Concede to Biden. “There is no decisive pool of ‘illegal’ ballots, and Republican Party messaging on this score is at best a cynical attempt to delegitimize a decisive presidential defeat.”

Justice Alito warns of dangers to free speech, religious liberty in Federalist Society address https://nypost.com/2020/11/13/justice-alito-warns-of-threats-to-religious-liberty-in-speech/

Georgia audit to trigger hand recount of presidential vote https://apnews.com/article/georgia-audit-hand-tally-ballots-vote-8fa73ef353b36eddf14e1360eeecc22d

Blockbuster/Exclusive: Terrified of prison, Trump offers to trade 4 more years for stopping nuclear Suicide Ploy. Trump will turn over “the football” to the Pentagon in trade for their backing in a coup. Trump has told both congressional leaders in the GOP and his Scotus stooges the he will burn the United States to the ground unless they can find a way of cancelling the election.

The president is said to be not only worried about “existing investigations” but new federal probes into matters we don’t even know about yet.

The Trump EPA’s parting gifts. Three rules set to finalize before Joe Biden’s inauguration could create a headache for his administration.

Fauci: Trump Hasn’t Attended Task Force in ‘Several Months.’ Fauci also said “it would better if we could start working with” the Biden-Harris transition team immediately.

Trump Implies Biden ‘Won’ in Tweet on ‘Rigged Election.’ The president wrote, “He won because the Election was Rigged,” in a Sunday morning tweet and then corrected himself saying he “conceded nothing.”

Thousands rally in DC to protest election results, show support for Trump. Thousands of Trump supporters rallied around the nation’s capital Saturday to contest the election results and back the president’s allegations that the election was invalid due to widespread voter fraud.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
With ‘Irrevocable Injustice’ on the Line, Democratic Lawmakers Demand Trump Admin Put Brakes on Federal Killing Spree. “The American people have spoken and the federal death penalty should be abolished.”

# Media
Fox Anchor Pauses Mid-Segment Over ‘Very Disturbing’ Sign at MAGA Rally.
Eric Shawn broke from his conversation with a Republican strategist to say, “We’ve just seen a very disturbing sign. It said, ‘Coming for Blacks and Indians first welcome to the New World Order.’ Who the hell knows, you know, what people have and what they say on these things?”

A Pennsylvania postal worker who initially alleged that a postmaster had tampered with mail ballots, an accusation embraced by Republicans as evidence of an unfair election,  told federal investigators in a recorded interview that his sworn affidavit had been written by Project Veritas, and that he could no longer stand by his statement.

“Campus Reform” Is Funneling Koch Money to Groom Right-Wing “Journalists”
Millions of dollars of untraceable “dark money” is being funneled to conservative and libertarian student groups.

# Military / DOD
New Pentagon chief says military ‘remains strong’ following leadership purge. Newly appointed acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller said Friday that the military “remains strong” following President Trump’s abrupt ouster of his predecessor and the resignations of several top Defense officials.

As Millions Face Eviction and Starvation, Pentagon to Spend Nearly $2 Billion a Day on War https://thewashingtonstandard.com/as-millions-face-eviction-starvation-pentagon-to-spend-nearly-2-billion-a-day-on-war/

A new top DoD adviser’s controversial proposal: get rid of the Marine Corps https://taskandpurpose.com/news/marine-corps-douglas-macgregor-proposal

# Veterans / VA
Serious injuries’ reported in explosion at Connecticut VA hospital. An explosion at a Veterans Affairs hospital in Connecticut has left several people with “serious injuries,” the Associated Press reports

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Lifnk. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2020-11-13

Voices, The Peoples News

Nov. 13, 2020
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

# Indigenous / Global
‘We won’: Indigenous group in Canada scoops up billion dollar seafood firm. Clearwater Seafoods deal gives Mi’kmaq control of lucrative ocean stretch, as tensions remain high over First Nation fishing rights.

# CoronaVirus
Hurray for Trump’s Herd Immunity! Sweden Collapses in Massive COVID Surge

COVID-19 fatality rate down 30 percent since April, study finds.

2,000 Marine Recruits Test Positive for COVID-19 Asymptomatically Despite Quarantine Measures, Is Lockdown Measures Effective? Scientists are now questioning the effectivity of lockdown and quarantine measures when over 2,000 marine recruits test positive for COVID-19!

130 Secret Service Officers Are in Quarantine or Have COVID. The officers, tasked with protecting the president and the White House, had to criss-cross the country with Trump for huge in-person rallies.

‘Breakthrough Finding’ Reveals Why Certain COVID Patients Die https://nypost.com/2020/11/13/breakthrough-explains-why-men-are-more-likely-to-die-of-covid-19/

Clots, Strokes and Rashes: Is COVID a Disease of the Blood Vessels?

# Economy / Trade
Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) added that he spoke to Pelosi about a stimulus package on Wednesday, but was not overly optimistic about striking an accord. “They might not get a stimulus. They want a lot more than we’ll give,” Shelby said

1 in 10 Go Hungry as Trump and McConnell Fixate on Challenging Election Results.
Economic recovery is slowing as COVID-19 cases surge and Congress remains deadlocked on pandemic relief.

‘Finally’: In Potential Nod To Biden Win, Federal Reserve Applies To Join Climate Network for Central Banks https://www.ecowatch.com/federal-reserve-biden-paris-agreement-2648875101.html

# Education / Schools
While unions demand more money, unemployment shows increasing layoffs in education sector https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/while-unions-demand-more-money-unemployment-data-shows-increasing-layoffs-in-education-sector/article_4bfb5e9e-25db-11eb-9e19-c73cc0993e67.html

Teachers are on a tightrope with no safety net. The hybrid model teachers are being thrust into during the pandemic isn’t sustainable without more resources and support.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
‘This Is a Really, Really Big Deal’: Michigan Gov. Moves to Shut Down Line 5 Pipeline to Protect Great Lakes. “Enbridge has imposed on the people of Michigan an unacceptable risk of a catastrophic oil spill in the Great Lakes that could devastate our economy and way of life.”

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Can Biden make climate progress with a divided Congress? Actually, yeah.
Environmental experts say the administration may fare better by working with green governors and clean tech businesses https://www.wired.com/story/can-biden-make-climate-progress-with-a-divided-congress-actually-yeah/

Four things Biden can do for clean energy without congress https://insideclimatenews.org/news/11112020/inside-clean-energy-biden-climate-action-congress

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
New McPlant & UK’s Meat Tax, Fake Food Predictive Programming! The “Green New Meal” agenda is in full swing, as McDonald’s new “McPlant”
and Purina’s insect-based dog food signal that multinational companies are using social engineering to push Fake Food to the masses, and world governments are complicit https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2020/11/12/green-new-meal-new-mcplant-uks-meat-tax-fake-food-predictive-programming/

# Gov / Politics
Lost Causes, from the Confederacy to Trump https://www.democracynow.org/2020/11/12/lost_causes_from_the_confederacy_to

‘A coup is under way’:  Experts warn Trump and GOP leaders could unleash a wave of violence https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/11/12/coup-underway-experts-warn-election-lies-trump-and-gop-leaders-could-unleash-violent

‘No evidence’ voting in the US ‘was in any way compromised,’ says Department of Homeland Security. “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.”

Pompeo to Stay with New Trump Administration in Russia while China Laughs https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/11/12/pompeo-to-stay-with-new-trump-administration-in-russia-while-china-laughs/

Pope Francis Congratulates Biden on Election Win. Pope Francis called Biden on Thursday morning to congratulate him and discuss policy changes.

The Trump administration is scrambling to weaken environmental protections before the inauguration, with advocates warning of “other disruptive executive actions” in Trump’s final days as president https://energynews.us/digests/trump-races-the-clock-to-weaken-environmental-rules/

Is This a Coup, or Just Another Trump Con? A post-election report from Minsk-on-the-Potomac.

The Long-Term Damage of Trump’s Antidemocratic Lies. Political scientists caution that, though a coup by the outgoing President is unlikely, Trump’s actions are causing dangerous democratic erosion.

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill joined several attorneys general from around the country in support of the Republican Party in its bid to challenge absentee ballots in Pennsylvania https://www.news-herald.com/news/nation-world/indiana-ag-joins-republicans-in-election-fight-at-u-s-supreme-court/article_2b8ceda2-4c1b-5820-a95e-53892b11bd0e.html

Ohio AG joins Republicans in election fight at US Supreme Court https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/ohio-ag-joins-republicans-in-election-fight-at-us-supreme-court

Kentucky AG joins Republicans in election fight at U.S. Supreme Court https://www.johnsoncitypress.com/kentucky-ag-joins-republicans-in-election-fight-at-u-s-supreme-court/article_75e49b22-116e-5c4e-a1ca-e85a66880435.html

General Services Administration: ‘Ascertainment has not yet been made’
on election outcome
(The Center Square) – The General Services Administration (GSA), the agency tasked by Congress with approving a transfer of power in the White House, said it has not made a final assessment of the election outcome.

Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors to “pursue substantial allegations” of voting irregularities, according to a leaked memo

Donald Trump’s Deadly Last Stand. The Republican delay in acknowledging defeat and facilitating the transition will be literally fatal to thousands of Americans.

Not a Coup but a Cover-Up and a Con Game: Trump is refusing to concede and purging the civilian leadership of the Pentagon. The moment requires vigilance rather than panic.

Election May Be Illegitimate: US Election Commission Chairman Says Voter Fraud Is Taking Place. “I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places,” he said.

Trump faces around two dozen legal threats leaving office — and he’s getting desperate https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/trump-prosecution/

# Media
The National-Security Case for Fixing Social Media. Disinformation threatens our national well-being—and, as a nation, we can do something about it.

Social Media Companies Should Decline the Government’s Invitation to Join the National Security State.

# Medical Alternatives / Herbology
FDA Declares Homeopathic Medicine Illegal – Advocacy Group Seeks 100,000 Protest Comments https://healthimpactnews.com/2020/fda-declares-homeopathic-medicine-illegal-advocacy-group-seeks-100000-protest-comments/

# Medical / Health
In Upcoming Abortion Fight, Birth Control Could Be Threatened. Advocates are worried about other things that could flow from a new abortion jurisprudence in the U.S., such as erasing the right to birth control that the court recognized in a 1965 case, Griswold v. Connecticut https://undark.org/2020/11/09/upcoming-abortion-fight-birth-control-threatened/

New DC Law Would Give Vaccine Decisions to 11 Year Olds Without Parental Consent. Children could consent to vaccines without parents’ permission, while insurance companies, vaccine providers and schools would be required to conceal that the child has been vaccinated.

# Security
Homeland Security Hits Back at Trump’s Election Conspiracies. The president has repeatedly spread false claims of voter fraud, and the agency in charge of election security has had enough.

When privacy and health collide: the case of the pandemic

# Technology
Ethical Questions Surrounding Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip and Other BCI Techs Outlined. A couple of research papers outline some of the key ethical questions surrounding BCI techs, including the most popular:
Neuralink brain chip by Elon Musk.

Amazon Files Lawsuit Against Instagram, Facebook, & Tiktok Influencers Selling Counterfeit Products on their platform.

# Weather
Four Dead as Tropical Storm Eta Floods North Carolina. Two others remain missing, including a 1-year-old.

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Lifnk. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2020-11-12

Voices, The Peoples News

Nov. 12, 2020
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“This is the time we most need our public leadership. Right now.”
David Rubin, director of PolicyLab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
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# Indigenous A whistleblower speaks out over excavation of Native sites. In California, archaeologists unearthed Indigenous burials 11 years ago, but the remains have yet to be repatriated.

# Children / Youth
USA Today Reports How Florida Takes Children Away from their Parents and Puts Them with Pedophiles in Foster Care https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2020/10/15/flooded-foster-kids-florida-failed-find-safe-homes/3624505001/

# CoronaVirus
Life after COVID hospitalization: Study shows major lasting effects on health, work and more. Two months after a stay in one of 38 Michigan hospitals include high rates of death, rehospitalization, lingering health issues and problems with work and finances.

Smell and taste changes provide early indication of COVID-19 community spread https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201111153107.htm

Study finds lasting fatigue common after COVID-19 infection https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201111144413.htm

Texas Becomes First State to Break One Million COVID Cases. State leaders have announced no plans for new COVID restrictions, though some local officials have implemented stricter lockdown measures.

COVID Plans Include Family Separation and Involuntary Quarantine in
“Camps”: The CDC calls for “Isolation Camps” as part of a “Shielding Plan.” The plan subjects U.S. Citizens and residents who are deemed “high risk” for Covid-19 to be forcibly removed from their families and homes, and be involuntarily isolated in guarded camps.

Time to Discuss Potentially Unpleasant Side Effects of COVID Shots?
Scientists Say Yes

Donald Trump is purging the Defense Department to elevate his most fervent supporters https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/11/donald-trump-the-purge-defense-department/

Trump wants to throw out legal votes from Detroit https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/11/trump-michigan-lawsuit/

Harris County Public Health Department Goes Door-To-Door To Collect Blood Samples. Contact Tracing is morphing into a generalized control program where random homeowners will get a knock on the door to ask very personal questions and solicit blood samples.

# Economy / Trade
China denounces US sanctions over Hong Kong crackdown

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Trucker Strike: Media Warns “Stock Up Now” – Food Shortages Coming https://www.naturalblaze.com/2020/11/trucker-strike-media-warns-stock-up-now-food-shortages-coming.html

E.Coli Found In Tanimura & Antle Packaged Single-Headed Romaine Lettuce https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2020/11/10/salinas-based-company-recalls-romaine-lettuce-over-possible-e-coli-contamination/

# Global Politics and other news
In calls with Biden, leaders of America’s Pacific allies pledge to work with president-elect. The leaders of South Korea, Japan and Australia each released details of their calls with President-elect Joe Biden Thursday.

# Gov / Politics
Trump’s Top Evangelical Ally Demands he Concede Defeat https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/11/11/trumps-top-evangelical-ally-demands-he-concede-defeat/

Trump Went Apesh*t on FDA Chief After Vaccine News: President reportedly flew into a rage on hearing the news, and saw it as further evidence that he was somehow screwed out of election victory.

Trump Admin Holding Back World Leaders’ Notes to Biden: Embarrassingly, foreign leaders have had to work around the uncooperative State Department to get a message to Biden.

GOP Senator: I’ll Step in if Trump Keeps Freezing Biden Out. Oklahoma’s Sen. James Lankford is losing patience with president’s outright refusal to cooperate with Joe Biden’s transition team.

Senate majority battle snags Biden Cabinet hopefuls. A razor-tight Senate margin is complicating President-elect Joe Biden’s strategy for filling his Cabinet by making it more difficult to pick sitting lawmakers for plum posts.

Biden’s Victory: Is the Worst Yet to Come? The dark side of Biden’s win.

Biden’s Choice of Ron Klain to Run White House Signals Rejection of Trump-Era Chaos https://www.youtube.com/embed/iDNeQR3VFPE

State Department Is Preventing Biden From Accessing Messages From Foreign Leaders https://thehill.com/policy/international/525616-state-department-wont-give-biden-messages-from-foreign-leaders-report

Here’s the real danger lurking in Trump’s world-historical tantrum https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/trump-coup-2648878907/

Trump’s purge at the Pentagon is increasing fears of a coup-in-progress https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/trump-coup-2648865938/

More ‘Dictatorship Than a Democracy’: Trump Purge at Pentagon Increases Fears of Coup-in-Motion. “The purge happening at the Department of Defense, in the middle of a messy transition, should worry us all.”

Why this retired general says Trump loyalists want to stage a coup:
‘Crazy thing going on inside that White House’

We’re witnessing the birth of a dangerous new strain in the right-wing movement https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/it-doesnt-matter-if-trumps-conspiracy-theories-represent-a-real-coup-attempt-or-a-big-grift/

Legal experts fear the White House will violate the Presidential Records Act during the transition https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/presidential-records-act-takes-centerstage-amid-trumps-refusal-to-commit-to-a-peaceful-transfer-of-power/

# Law Enforcement
Louisville Police Concealed 738,000 Records of Sexual Abuse by Officers https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/crime/2020/11/11/lmpd-explorer-scandal-lawyers-say-police-lied-conceal-records/6224382002/

L.A. County Coroner Opens Inquest into Police Killing of Andrés Guardado https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/11/11/la-coroner-orders-inquest-in-police-shooting-death-of-18-year-old-the-first-in-3-decades/

# Veterans / VA
Senate passes Veteran’s Health Act; a package of bills addressing healthcare and suicide prevention for veterans. “By identifying and eliminating barriers for veterans to access public lands, AVRO will ensure that veterans can heal on the landscapes they served to protect.”

Far Right Militias Are Recruiting Vets. We Must Organize Against This Trend.
Veterans already primed with the military’s racist indoctrination make up 25 percent of all militia members in the U.S.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Lifnk. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2020-11-11

Voices, The Peoples News

Nov. 11, 2020
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

# Indigenous
The Power of the “Something Else” Vote. Native voters continue to be othered by the media, but the election results prove their vote has never been stronger.

Native Americans Overcome Major Obstacles; Part of Voting Coalition That Led Biden to Victory https://latinodecisions.com/blog/native-americans-overcome-major-obstacles-part-of-voting-coalition-that-led-biden-to-victory/

Native American Voters Helped Swing Crucial States in 2020 Presidential Election https://www.colorlines.com/articles/native-american-voters-helped-swing-crucial-states-2020-presidential-election

Indigenous Candidates’ Wins in Congress Give Hope for Change https://www.djournal.com/indigenous-candidates-wins-in-congress-give-hope-for-change/image_c678d9d5-531f-5753-abbe-e40e6a7e911a.html

A Record-Breaking 6 Native Candidates Were Elected to Congress on Tuesday https://www.redlakenationnews.com/story/2020/11/09/politics/a-record-breaking-6-native-candidates-were-elected-to-congress-on-tuesday/93658.html

Record Number of Native American Women Elected to Congress https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/04/native-american-women-elected-congress-record-number

Native Vote 2020 Effort Pays Off with Record Native Congressional https://nonprofitquarterly.org/native-vote-2020-effort-pays-off-with-record-native-congressional-delegation/

The Prairie Island Indian Community in Minnesota is set to jumpstart its net zero emissions plan with major investments in solar, a microgrid and energy efficiency.

Legislation directs $46M to Prairie Island band for first-in-Minnesota energy project Bulk of money going to Prairie Island Indian Community for ‘net-zero’

# Indigenous / Global
Indigenous-led program aims to improve drinking water in Ontario First Nations More than 20 First Nations across Ontario are taking part in a new project aimed at improving the drinking water standard in their communities.

# Border / Immigration
U.S. Deports Women Who Alleged ICE Doc Coerced Surgeries: The women previously alleged that doctor at a Georgia detention center forced them into undergoing unnecessary gynecological procedures.

# CoronaVirus
Biden’s Covid-19 advisory team features ‘death panel’ doctor who suggested dying at 75 is ‘not a tragedy.’ Joe Biden’s pandemic advisory team includes oncologist Ezekiel Emanuel, who famously argued life should end at 75. Given Covid-19’s risk profile, and Biden’s own age, the choice has raised eyebrows.

New York State Bar Passes Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendation https://mashupmd.com/state-bar-passes-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination-recommendation-new-york-law-journal/

An over-the-counter sleep aid might help prevent and treat COVID-19.
While scientists can’t yet say for sure, a new study found that people taking melatonin have better outcomes once they’re infected. Now doctors are racing to study more.

Pfizer Inc. Wins COVID Vaccine Race? Hundreds of Millions of Doses Expected to be Ready Within Weeks https://edcdeveloper.wordpress.com/2020/11/11/pfizer-inc-wins-covid-vaccine-race-hundreds-of-millions-of-doses-expected-to-be-ready-within-weeks/

The US has been breaking COVID-19 records at a disquieting pace, just recently, the country hit 10 million coronavirus cases since the pandemic began. The numbers keep rising in a third wave of the pandemic that began in September.

In North Dakota, hospitals reached their  Covid-19 patient limit. State health officials changed a rule to allow infected healthcare workers who don’t have symptoms to continue working.

Five Important Questions About Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine https://khn.org/news/pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-effectiveness-5-things-to-know/

72,000 food workers have contracted COVID-19. OSHA is ignoring them.

Patients being charged close to $2,000 for COVID tests?

# Economy / Trade
Senator Asks DOJ If Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Deals Complied With Foreign Agent Registration Law https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/should-hunter-biden-have-registered-as-foreign-agent-of-china-gop-senator-asks-doj-to-find-out

# Education / Schools
$1M could have cleaned up toxic mercury floor in N.J. school, but voters shot it down twice https://www.nj.com/education/2020/11/1m-could-have-cleaned-up-toxic-mercury-floor-in-nj-school-but-voters-shot-it-down-twice.html

School lunch program supplier sold juice with high arsenic levels, U.S.
says in lawsuit

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Evergy disputes report of $15 billion acquisition offer https://energynews.us/digests/evergy-disputes-report-of-15-billion-acquisition-offer/

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Climate change will make parts of the U.S. uninhabitable. Americans are still moving there. Instead of moving away from areas in climate crisis, Americans are flocking to them. As land in places like Phoenix, Houston and Miami becomes less habitable, the country’s migration patterns will be forced to change.

After lead pollution findings in Atlanta, a free program to test Georgia yards for contamination https://www.wabe.org/after-lead-pollution-findings-in-atlanta-a-free-program-to-test-georgia-yards-for-contamination/

Gauging the lead threat in NC waters and aquatic life https://carolinapublicpress.org/39713/gauging-the-lead-threat-in-nc-waters-and-aquatic-life/

What Biden’s win means for the Paris Climate Agreement https://www.bloombergquint.com/quicktakes/what-biden-s-win-means-for-paris-climate-agreement-quicktake

Biden Urged to Take 10 Game-Changing Steps in First 10 Days in Office to Address Climate Crisis https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/11/09/biden-urged-be-climatepresident-taking-these-10-game-changing-steps-first-10-days

In Parting Blow to Climate Science, Trump Admin Removes Expert in Charge of National Climate Assessment https://ecotopical.com/ecowatch/307389/parting-blow-to-climate-science-trump-admin-removes-expert/

# General Recalls / Alerts
Amazon recalls 350,000 Ring doorbells over fire concerns. Some 2nd generation devices can overheat if installed incorrectly https://www.theverge.com/2020/11/11/21559929/ring-video-doorbell-2nd-gen-fire-concerns-recall-hazard-screws-installation

Kohl’s Recalls Three-Wick SONOMA Goods For Life Branded Candles Due to Fire and Burn Hazards:

Quality Bicycle Products Recalls Salsa Cycles Cutthroat Bicycles Due To
Injury Hazard:

Arena North America Recalls Swim Snorkels Due to Choking Hazard:

Fire Pit Tables Sold Exclusively at Big Lots Recalled Due to Fire
Hazard; Manufactured by Sunjoy:

Bolek’s Craft Supplys Recalls Wintergreen Essential Oil Due to Failure
to Meet Child Resistant Packaging Requirement; Risk of Poisoning:

# Global Politics and other news
‘This is the end of Hong Kong’: China pushes controversial security
laws. Proposed legislation would effectively end one country, two
systems status, say critics

Hong Kong Lawmakers Quit En Masse After China Meddling. Nineteen
opposition lawmakers have resigned from their posts in a dramatic show
of resistance.

# Gov / Politics
With the Trump team planning fresh legal challenges in Georgia, Arizona,
and Pennsylvania, and with campaign staff being redeployed to these
areas, the election battle appears far from over.

Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent
Date – Researcher

Watchdog Finds 21,000 Dead Registrants on PA Voter Rolls in Final Weeks
of Election.
Further claims of 114 individuals registered to vote after death, and
hundreds of votes were cast by deceased individuals in the 2016 and 2018

System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of 19,032 Votes
Removes Lead from Joe Biden

10,000 Dead People Returned Mail-in Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows

Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist
Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training
– Or Face Criminal Prosecution

Coup Attempt in Motion Now!! Trump Stacking Pentagon in Last Ditch
Attempt at Iran War

Beware of Trump Using the Coronavirus as a Cover for War With Iran. A
nuclear attack on an American target, here at home or a major military
facility in the Middle East has been authorized by Donald Trump.

Trump formed a PAC to fight the ‘stolen’ election. An expert says the
president is using it to ‘fleece his supporters’

NYT fact-checks Trump with epic front-page banner: ‘Election officials
nationwide find no fraud’

Donald Trump’s Terrible Coup Attempt Is Killing Americans. It’s pulling
focus from the most dangerous moment of the crisis

Trump’s sore winners make even worse losers: Why his loss is inflaming
an already delusional base. Trump and his fans have had a chip on their
shoulder since they won in 2016. His loss will turn it into a boulder

We’re witnessing the birth of a dangerous new strain in the right-wing
movement. Given that Trump is using these bogus claims of a stolen
election to shake down his followers in order to pay off campaign debt
and fund his new PAC, some have questioned how dangerous his refusal to
accept the results really is.

‘We’re in for rough seas’: Why this legal scholar really fears Trump’s
attempt to keep power no matter what

Trump’s Frivolous Lawsuits Are the Tip of the Iceberg in His Refusal to
Concede. None of Trump’s lawsuits risk changing the results of the
election, but his refusal to concede does not bode well.

Sullivan wins reelection in Alaska, giving Republicans 50 seats in Senate

Georgia secretary of state announces hand recount of presidential race

President-elect Biden names his energy and environment transition team
members, including academics, Obama administration alumni, and
representatives of labor and environmental groups.

# Media
The Strange Demise of The American Herald Tribune.  Another independent
news source is suppressed.

# Medical / Global
These Norwegian designers rethought how to treat an opioid overdose. The
Norwegian studio ANTI designed a naloxone nasal spray that is easier to
use than existing devices—and could save more lives.

# Military / DOD
Trump loyalists elevated to powerful roles at the Pentagon after firing
of Defense Secretary Esper

# Technology
Assange Legal Team Submits Closing Argument Against Extradition To
United States

This project is bringing high-speed internet to the developing world via
beams of infrared light. The latest invention from Alphabet’s moonshot
factory are giant towers that use light to send data, like a fiber-optic
cable without the cable.

Main support cable snaps at Arecibo. One of the 12 main support cables
at the iconic Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico has broken, smashing
the huge main dish. In August, another dislodged cable damaged the dish.
The remaining cables are now subject to “scary” forces, says former
Arecibo director Robert Kerr.

# Veterans / VA
End the Government’s War on America’s Military Veterans.     The plight
of veterans today—and their treatment at the hands of the U.S.
government—remains America’s badge of shame.’

# Weather
Tropical Storm Theta Is Record-Breaking 29th Storm of 2020.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2020-11-10

Voices, The Peoples News

Nov. 10, 2020
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

# Indigenous
How Indigenous voters swung the 2020 election. In Arizona and Wisconsin, Native turnout, which often leans liberal, made the difference in Biden’s slim but winning margin.

# Border / Immigration
Lawyers Cannot Find the Parents of 666 Children Separated from Their Families at the U.S. Border https://www.democracynow.org/2020/11/10/headlines/lawyers_cannot_find_the_parents_of_666_children_separated_from_their_families_at_the_us_border

# CoronaVirus
Pfizer Vaccine’s Funding Came From Berlin, Not Washington. Partner BioNTech received $445 million from German government https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-09/pfizer-vaccine-s-funding-came-from-berlin-not-washington

Biden-Harris Announces COVID-19 Advisory Board. Biden-Harris Transition Announces COVID-19 Advisory Board Leading Public Health and Scientific Experts to Advise the Transition on COVID-19 Response https://time.com/5909531/biden-harris-covid-19-advisory-board/

Eli Lilly’s antibody treatment gets emergency FDA approval.

Neb. Gov in Quarantine Days After Docs Beg for Mask Mandate. He and his wife were exposed to COVID-19 after an outdoor dinner with a guest who then tested positive.

Several Maine Hospitals Cited For COVID Violations https://khn.org/morning-breakout/several-maine-hospitals-cited-for-covid-violations/

CureVac’s COVID-19 Vaccine Produces Grade 3 Adverse Events https://thevaccinereaction.org/2020/11/curevacs-covid-19-vaccine-produces-grade-3-adverse-events/

Consumer Advocates Warn Pfizer Data Is Incomplete, Vaccine Is Still Months Away.
Pfizer released promising but preliminary data on a potential COVID-19 vaccine into a charged post-election atmosphere.

# Education / Schools
Mom Explodes in Anger after Child Passes Out Wearing Mask at School – Comply Rather than Resist and You Put the Lives of Your Children at Risk https://healthimpactnews.com/2020/mom-explodes-in-anger-after-child-passes-out-wearing-mask-at-school-comply-rather-than-resist-and-you-put-the-lives-of-your-children-at-risk/

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Court Blocks Construction of Mountain Valley Pipeline in Victory for Environmental Activists https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/525226-court-halts-permits-for-contentious-mountain-valley-pipeline

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Farmers Are Depleting the Ogallala Aquifer Because the Government Pays Them to Do So

Climate change intensifies tsunami threat in Alaska. As glaciers retreat and permafrost thaws, massive landslides threaten coastal communities.

Montana’s new governor scares conservationists. Republican Greg Gianforte has a history of support for rolling back protections for public lands and waters.

# Global Politics and other news
FRAUD: “Infected” Mink Strewn In Streets As Denmark Plans To Kill Pets https://www.bitchute.com/video/miDWCidSf7jF/

# Gov / Politics
Anti-democratic hijinks coming from both parties. It’s been days since the U.S. election, and there is still no official winner. But no matter the result, President Trump is determined to stay in office.

Vulnerable to Prosecution, Trump’s cloak of immunity set to dissolve. A number of lawsuits and investigations awaits Trump once he returns to private life. Some could stain his family’s reputation. Some could affect his business. And some could damage him personally as the protection provided by the presidency goes away.

Most Republicans avoid challenging Trump on election.

Senate roadblocks threaten to box in Biden. Biden will find his party in the minority by a seat or two, a significant hurdle that will test his ability to cut bipartisan deals while making it difficult if not impossible to pass several Democratic priorities for at least two years.

Pulling Our Politics Back from the Brink. After a bitterly contested election, the country teeters between persuasion and force.

No presidential candidate in modern history has refused to concede, but there’s no law that requires it. The formal concession speech has played a vital role in even the most divisive U.S. elections, from the Civil War to Bush v. Gore.

Team Trump Sh*ts on Barr’s Bogus Voter-Fraud Crusade.  “This will give the president [and others] something to play with for a while, but until Bill Barr actually puts up or shuts up, we’re still where we [have been].”

MAGA Maniacs Have Booked Trump Hotel Up for His Inauguration. Donald Trump may have lost the election, but it’s not over for his faithful followers, apparently—there’s not a room to be had at his D.C. hotel between Jan. 16 and 21.

WH Instructs Agencies to Ignore Biden Transition Team: In normal times, a transition team is given millions of dollars to begin its work, as well as access to agency officials and information.

Trump WH Is Still Vetting for Job Openings For a Second Term.  Can one believe something into existence?

Pompeo promises ‘smooth transition to second Trump administration’ as world leaders congratulate Biden. The secretary of State refused to acknowledge the outcome of the White House race.

Trump may be on the verge of a massive firing spree. Here are the officials who could be next https://www.alternet.org/2020/11/lame-duck-trump-could-be-on-the-verge-of-a-massive-firing-spree-and-here-are-the-officials-who-could-be-next/

Trump’s coup attempt is very real, but there are several gaping holes in the plan https://www.salon.com/2020/11/10/trumps-coup-attempt-is-very-real–luckily-there-are-several-gaping-holes-in-the-plan_partner/

“It’s an embarrassment”: Biden says Trump’s refusal to concede won’t stand in his way https://www.motherjones.com/2020-elections/2020/11/its-an-embarrassment-biden-says-trumps-refusal-to-concede-wont-stand-in-his-way/

If Trump tries to sue his way to election victory, here’s what will happen https://www.propublica.org/article/if-trump-tries-to-sue-his-way-to-election-victory-heres-what-happens

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
DOJ Head of Voter-Fraud Probes Quits Post After Barr Memo. The attorney general has allowed federal prosecutors to investigate “substantial allegations” of voter fraud https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/525248-doj-official-quits-after-barr-move-on-election-fraud-allegations

The attorney general has authorized the Department of Justice to look into baseless claims of voting “irregularities.”

# Medical / Health
SCOTUS Hearing Arguments in GOP Attack on Obamacare, Which Could Strip Healthcare for Millions https://www.democracynow.org/2020/11/10/headlines/scotus_hearing_arguments_in_gop_attack_on_obamacare_which_could_strip_healthcare_for_millions

‘No Mercy’ Chapter 7: After a Rural Town Loses Hospital, Is a Health Clinic Enough?

CMS Loosens Medicaid Managed Care Requirements https://khn.org/morning-breakout/cms-loosens-medicaid-managed-care-requirements/

Trump Could Still Put Stamp On Medicare, Medicaid In Final Days https://talkpoverty.org/2018/01/11/heres-trumps-new-policy-end-medicaid-know/

# Nuclear / Radiation
US envoy says it will be hard to re-enter Iran nuclear deal. The U.S.
envoy for Iran says the Trump administration will maintain its pressure campaign until the inauguration and anticipates it will be difficult for a future President Joe Biden to bring the U.S. back into the 2015 nuclear agreement.

# Technology
Amazon slapped with antitrust charges: Amazon ‘illegally distorted competition,’ the EU found, as it faces a new competition investigation into Prime https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-eu-has-slapped-antitrust-charges-on-amazon-and-is-launching-an-investigation-into-prime-11605011348?mod=mw_latestnews

Ransomware Criminals Demand $11 Million From Video Game Giant Capcom https://incyberdefense.com/daily-brief/ransomware-criminals-demand-11-million-from-video-game-giant-capcom/

Google Forms Used In Password-Stealing Spree: Seeing the google.com domain instills trust, which could lead to your password being compromised. Here’s what you need to know.

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Lifnk. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2020-11-08

Voices, The Peoples News

Nov. 8, 2020
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

“Minds that seek revenge destroy states, while those that seek reconciliation build Nations.′′ Nelson Mandela (From Echeverría Martínez ′′ Chicali Wall ′′)

# Animals / Pets / Food Recalls
Colorado Votes to Reintroduce Wolves, Approving Historic Ballot Initiative https://www.ecowatch.com/colorado-wolves-reintroduction-2648647248.html

# Archaeology
Archaeologists in Jerusalem have discovered a rare 2,000-year-old gem seal bearing the likeness of the god Apollo, but the gem’s owner likely wasn’t Greek or Roman, experts say.

# CoronaVirus
Is a European Lockdown Coming to America? A new wave of lockdowns and business closings swept across France, Germany and other places in Europe on Wednesday as surging coronavirus infections there and in the U.S. wipe out months of progress against the scourge on two continents.

COVID Needs Are Urgent, But Many Cities Are Prioritizing Police Funding Instead Many mid-sized cities are continuing to fund police and policing programs even as crucial support programs are cut.

Biden to announce coronavirus task force as part of presidential transition https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/07/politics/transition-biden-coronavirus-task-force/index.html

Former Surgeon General to Lead Biden’s COVID Task Force. Biden said on Friday night that voters have “given us a mandate for action on COVID, the economy, climate change and systemic racism.”

# Economy / Trade
American Companies Secretly Owned by China. Some brands that you may think are quintessentially American are actually owned or overseen by Chinese investment conglomerates. It’s not always obvious until you see it yourself – even sports clubs have some interesting stakeholders.

Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) https://www.dcsa.mil/mc/ctp/foci/

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
# Environment / Climate / Interior
Despite what the logging industry says, cutting down trees isn’t stopping catastrophic wildfires. For decades, Oregon’s timber industry has promoted the idea that private, logged lands are less prone to wildfires.

A Bipartisan Climate Policy? It Could Happen Under a Biden Administration, Washington Veterans Say. Biden’s 40 years of experience reaching across the Senate aisle may help him to craft a stable climate plan https://insideclimatenews.org/news/05112020/election-2020-biden-mcconnell-senate-climate-change-policy

Interior secretary was involved in Arizona whistleblower case. In August 2017, when Bernhardt was deputy interior secretary, he met secretly with a top official of El Dorado Holdings, the developer of the planned Villages at Vigneto, says the Justice Department document.

Whistleblower says he was pressured by Trump administration to reverse environmental decision https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/08/politics/interior-department-arizona-development-bernhardt/index.html

# Environment / Climate / Interior Global Chinese demand and domestic instability are wiping out Senegal’s last forests. After a decade of intensive illegal logging, endangered Pterocarpus erinaceus rosewood trees are becoming increasingly scarce https://news.mongabay.com/2020/11/chinese-demand-and-domestic-instability-are-wiping-out-senegals-last-forests/

# General Recalls / Alerts
Coulter Ventures Recalls Rogue Home Timers Due to Fire Hazard; Sold Exclusively at Rogue Fitness:

Walker Edison Recalls Chests Due to Tip-Over and Entrapment Hazards:

Target Recalls Toddler Boots Due to Choking Hazard:

Alliance Outdoor Products Recalls Climbing Treestands Due to Fall

YETI Recalls Rambler Travel Mugs with Stronghold Lid Due to Injury and
Burn Hazards:

# Gov / Politics
Donald Trump refuses to concede—or make any sense. President Trump
refused to concede, issuing a statement from his golf course, asserting
that “this election is far from over” and promising to fight the results
in court. Biden, according to Trump, is “rushing to falsely pose as the
winner” with help from his “media allies.”

OPCW coverup of chemical weapons in Syria: “This is the U.S. government
bombing Syria based on allegations that were later found by the
investigating team to be false. But then once that team came back to
write their report they were pressured by the U.S. government and had
their evidence censored.”

President-elect Joe Biden in a victory speech Saturday night vowed to
heal a nation torn apart by deep political and racial divisions and
promised to hear the concerns of both Americans who voted for him and
the tens of millions who supported President Trump.

Biden Reaffirms Commitment to Rejoining Paris Agreement

Harris celebrates ‘new day for America’ in first speech as vice

Biden plans immediate flurry of executive orders to reverse Trump policies

Progressives Helped Defeat Trump. They’re Readying Bold Demands for Biden.
Progressives have pledged to push Biden and Harris to embrace policies
like Medicare for All and a Green New Deal.

Trump refuses to accept Biden victory, promises legal challenges.
President Trump on Saturday signaled he would not accept Joe Biden being
projected to replace him in the White House.

Con man to the end: Most of Trump’s ‘official election defense fund’ to
be used for his debts

Biden adviser says White House has not reached out to president-elect

GOP senator hedges on acknowledging Biden win: Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) on
Sunday did not acknowledge President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, saying
instead that it was “time for the president’s lawyers to present the
facts” if they had any evidence of wrongdoing.

# Law Enforcement
BLM activists demanded police accountability. In city after city, voters

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Nevada Republican Party sends criminal referral to DOJ alleging
thousands of cases of voter fraud

President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign is expected to name
seasoned conservative operative David Bossie to lead its post-2020
presidential election legal efforts, according to reports.

Trump’s election lawyers are a very swampy crew

US elects first trans state senator and first black gay congressman

# Medical / Health
This Election Proved That Medicare for All Is a Winning Demand. Just
about every congressional member this year who ran for reelection while
supporting universal health care won.

# Military / DOD
A-10 pilot awarded Distinguished Flying Cross for dramatic landing with
missing canopy and no landing gear [Damn, gotta love those flyboys]

# Nuclear / Radiation
VT Nuclear Education: NNSA Chief Quits, Trump Has Been Selling America’s

# Veterans / VA
Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals nationwide will soon begin
clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine, and they’re looking for
minority veterans to participate.

Court Orders VA To Redecide Thousands of Benefit Claims Denied for Agent
Orange-Related Diseases Filed by Veterans Who Served in the Territorial
Sea of Vietnam

Agent Orange was a tactical herbicide the U.S. military used to clear
leaves and vegetation for military operations mainly during the Vietnam
War. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange may have certain related
illnesses. Find out if you may be eligible for disability compensation
and how to apply.

# Weather
Eta to recharge over warm waters, then make a run at Cuba and southern
Florida. Eta could reach hurricane force again on its way toward Cuba,
and at this point, AccuWeather meteorologists expect it to approach
southern Florida as a tropical storm.

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Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Lifnk. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2020-11-06

Voices, The Peoples News

Nov. 6, 2020
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

“Minds that seek revenge destroy states, while those that seek reconciliation build Nations.′′ Nelson Mandela (From Echeverría Martínez ′′ Chicali Wall ′′)

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# Indigenous Record number of Native American women elected to Congress

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# Border / Immigration
Report: ICE Moves to Deport More Victims of Nonconsensual Invasive Gynecological Procedures https://jayapal.house.gov/2020/09/16/new-details-regarding-forced-medical-procedures-on-immigrant-women/

# CoronaVirus
Missouri election judge worked despite COVID-19 diagnosis, then died https://triblive.com/news/missouri-election-judge-worked-despite-covid-19-diagnosis-then-died/

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Federal court rules against FDA’s approval of genetically engineered salmon. “Today’s victory will stop FDA from green-lighting such dangerous technologies without fully considering their environmental risks.”

# Global Politics and other news
How Turkey Defied the U.S. and Became a Killer Drone Power https://theintercept.com/2019/05/14/turkey-second-drone-age/

# Gov / Politics
Trump National Security Officials Horrified by Election Lies. Top national-security officials are preparing for the president of the United States to refuse to listen to the election results, even when they are officially declared.

Trump’s comments are as dangerous as they are dishonest. A sitting president attempting to undermine the legitimacy of an election while votes are still being counted is unprecedented in US history https://www.motherjones.com/2020-elections/2020/11/trump-dishonest-dangerous-speech-vote/

Joe Biden Is Now Winning the Popular Vote by 3.9 Million, He’s currently
2.7 percentage points ahead of Donald Trump.

Secret Service Beefs Up Biden Protection Ahead of Result: The move reportedly came after the Biden campaign informed the Secret Service that he could make a major speech as early as Friday.

QAnon Goons With AR-15 Arrested Near Vote Center: Police said an armed group had driven up from Virginia in a Hummer with violence in mind. The vehicle is reported to have been covered in QAnon stickers https://www.thedailybeast.com/philadelphia-police-take-man-into-custody-in-connection-with-plot-to-attack-vote-counting-center-reports

Allan Nairn: Trump and Republicans Use Legal & Physical Means in Attempted Coup Against Democracy https://www.democracynow.org/2020/11/6/2020_election_ballot_count_trump_biden

Int’l Election Observers: We Saw No Evidence to Back Up Trump’s Claim of Voter Fraud https://apnews.com/article/election-observer-no-evidence-fraud-b30f3424736014a6b7405df71e32e36f

Iraq War Diaries: We have Punished the Truth-Tellers and Rewarded the Criminals https://healthimpactnews.com/2020/iraq-war-diaries-we-have-punished-the-truth-tellers-and-rewarded-the-criminals/

Don’t Underestimate Trump’s Danger, Even on the Cusp of Defeat. “What will Trump do now?” is the last, and most pressing question of the hour.

‘Too Close to Call’: Georgia Officials Announce a Recount. “With a margin that small, there will be a recount in Georgia,” Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Friday, adding that the race is down to thousands of votes.

As Trump Melts Down, Biden Campaign—Verging on Win—Says It Will Be ‘Perfectly Capable of Escorting Trespassers’ From White House https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/11/06/trump-melts-down-biden-campaign-verging-win-says-it-will-be-perfectly-capable

# Law Enforcement
The ‘thin blue line’ and the slide into authoritarianism https://www.nationofchange.org/2020/11/06/the-thin-blue-line-and-the-slide-into-authoritarianism/

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Judges in two states reject Trump campaign lawsuits.

Will the Supreme Court Overturn the Election Result? No, says Harvard law professor Michael Klarman, who spoke with Prospect co-editor Robert Kuttner https://prospect.org/justice/will-the-supreme-court-overturn-the-election-result/

Trump Unleashes Barrage Of Lawsuits In Battleground States https://www.law360.com/articles/1326028/trump-unleashes-barrage-of-lawsuits-in-battleground-states

Bannon Lawyers Defect After Batsh*t Call for Fauci Beheading. Apparently his call for the beheadings of Fauci and FBI Director Christopher Wray was the final straw.

# Media
USPS Stumbles Across 1,700 Undelivered Votes in Pennsylvania. They will now be delivered to election officials narrowly ahead of Pennsylvania’s Friday evening deadline for ballots to be received.

# Military / DOD
U.S. to Sell 18 Armed Drones to UAE as U.N. Warns of Deadly “Second Drone Age”

# Space

SpaceX has recently escorted the third military satellite into space called the Space Force GPS. Another win for SpaceX.



# Technology

Twitter Bans Bannon After He Calls for Dr. Fauci’s Beheading. A Twitter account for Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast was banned after the former top Trump adviser called for the cruel and unusual punishment.



As DOJ Probes Big Tech Monopoly, They Also Use Big Tech to Remove Dozens of Websites Squelching Free Speech on Foreign Policy https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/11/05/as-doj-probes-big-tech-monopoly-they-also-use-big-tech-to-remove-dozens-of-websites-squelching-free-speech-on-foreign-policy/


Cit0day Leak: More than 50GB of Data from 23,000 Hacked Databases Can Be Downloaded for Free. A total of 23,618 hacked databases can be downloaded through the MEGA file-hosting portal for only a few hours before it was taken down for abuse.


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