Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-08-24

Voices, The Peoples News

August 24, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
The familial bond between the Klamath River and the Yurok people. How a tribal community’s health is intimately connected to the health of the river.

# Indigenous / Global
On the move with Mongolia’s nomadic reindeer herders. Facing growing uncertainties, the Dukha people are being forced to make difficult decisions about their traditions and their future.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls “It’s shocking that Biden officials are backing Trump’s ruthless decision to strip protections from wolves.”

FDA will require veterinary oversight for all animal antibiotics important to human medicine. Recently approved guidance says these antibiotics will no longer be available over the counter as of mid-2023.

# Border / Immigration
Urine, Feces, Rats: Email Says Afghan Evacuees Are in ‘Hell’: A U.S.
supervisory special agent has lifted the lid on conditions at the base in Qatar.

# CoronaVirus
Each week, hospitals in Texas report their current ICU bed capacity to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. At least 89 Texas hospitals reported that their ICU beds were filled to capacity between Aug. 13 and Aug. 19. (Look up the hospital ICU occupancy near you.) https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/23/texas-hospital-icu-capacity/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJPyZBLoL$

Got The Pfizer Shot? No You Didn’t — You’re Vaxxed With ‘Comirnaty’

The Right to Bodily Integrity: Nobody Wins and We All Lose in the
COVID-19 Showdown. Get ready to stand your ground or run for your life.

Two new studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show fully vaccinated Americans’ immunity to Covid-19 is waning as the more-transmissible Delta variant continues to spread across the country.

U.S. data show rising ‘breakthrough’ infections among fully vaccinated https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-data-show-rising-breakthrough-infections-among-fully-vaccinated-2021-08-24/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJHhP3hie$

# Economy / Trade
House Democrats break internal impasse to adopt $3.5T budget plan https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thehill.com/homenews/house/569220-house-democrats-break-internal-impasse-to-adopt-35t-budget-plan__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJDOmkkMa$

# Education / Schools
“The purpose of our work as anti-racist educators is not to be Democrat or Republican — it’s to do what’s right for every kid. And to make sure that when we go into a school building, we’re honoring kids’ lived experiences and their stories.”
— Eliza Gordon, one of the co-founders of Educators in Solidarity. The group was formed after the shooting of Mike Brown in 2014 and connects teachers in Austin committed to anti-racist teaching.

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For many El Paso college graduates, having to leave their hometown is a personal sacrifice. Referred to by some as a “brain drain,” the migration hinders El Paso’s ability for economic growth, local officials say.

Roughly 12,000 students that Dallas ISD officials expected to be in class last week did not show up, district leaders estimate.

# Employment / Labor
Why America needs union workers to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure.
America has an unprecedented opportunity to harness that skill and passion to build not only better infrastructure but also a stronger, more prosperous country.

Despite widespread job openings, Biden administration plans unemployment benefits beyond deadline. The Biden administration is working to ensure that $300 weekly unemployment payments from federal taxpayers continue in some form beyond their expiration date set by Congress https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/despite-widespread-job-openings-biden-administration-plans-unemployment-benefits-beyond-deadline/article_a71063b4-01fa-11ec-8923-93d4ae1941fd.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJEeVBHwg$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals We could power our homes with kitchen scraps. Here’s what has to happen first The technology is there, but public perception needs to change. Biogas is a green alternative to fossil fuels that not only helps to reduce toxic emissions but also provides cheap, clean energy.

U.S. report finds multiple problems with Keystone pipeline https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://news.yahoo.com/gao-report-found-multiple-problems-145410572.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJOfMGYLN$

Aussie billionaire sues to reverse rejection of open-pit mining. Gina Rinehart is challenging the federal decision to block a giant coal mine on the eastern slopes of the Rockies.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global Highway cutting through Heart of Borneo poised to be ‘very, very bad’:
New roads could fast-track development of a new “oil palm belt,” with disastrous consequences for the wildlife and Indigenous peoples https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://news.mongabay.com/2021/08/highway-cutting-through-heart-of-borneo-poised-to-be-very-very-bad/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJDwEPUVC$

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Why is Texas allocating funds for reducing air emissions to widening highways?
Environmental activists applaud funding increases but wonder why some money is going for road expansion. And why, they ask, is there no focus on environmental justice?

Climate Activists Say Cuomo Was a Reluctant Ally on New York’s Targets for Reducing Carbon Emissions. Some are willing to give his replacement, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, the benefit of the doubt, even though she has backed fracking and the Keystone XL pipeline.

California’s Caldor fire burns 100,000 acres as it rips through small towns The raging Caldor fire in northern California has burned more than
100,000 acres and destroyed more than 500 structures after surging over the weekend https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/23/california-caldor-fire-wildfire-acres-structures__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJF2dFumO$

Money Man Twists the Knife in Land Beef With Idaho Neighbors. Clearwater Analytics founder Michael Boren assumed the name of a local activist group that is fighting against his construction of a private airstrip in a protected area.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Satellite images show the massive extent of August’s wildfires. It’s been a scorching summer, and it’s no coincidence. With climate change in almost full swing, the odds of heatwaves and fires increase dramatically — and we’re seeing the effects. The European Union’s Copernicus observation program has published a collage of just some of these fires, as seen from space https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.zmescience.com/other/pieces/satellite-images-wildfires-24082021/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJEkqedut$

Nature takes a beating after chemical explosion in South Africa civil unrest Unknown quantities of toxic agricultural chemicals spilled into an estuary on the Indian Ocean following an arson attack on a warehouse during civil unrest and looting in South Africa in July.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Tyson has a stranglehold over Arkansas’s poultry industry. Economist Rebecca Boehm just released a report showing that the state’s industry is three times more consolidated than the Department of Justice’s antitrust threshold.

A Boost in Food Stamps, but Hunger Remains. The Biden administration has secured the biggest expansion of benefits in the history of the food stamp program. It’s still not enough.

# Global Politics and other news
Taliban Takeover Prompts Fears of a Resurgent Al-Qaida: The group’s danger to the United States had been eclipsed in the past two decades by other threats, but experts are concerned that al-Qaida could again be given unfettered safe harbor by the Taliban.

Russia Orders Hypersonic Missiles As Putin Vows to Put Weapons on ‘Combat Alert’ in chilling warning to the West https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/15431740/putin-puts-hypersonic-missiles-nuke-combat-alert/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJKRf_aCJ$

“We are not allowing the evacuation of Afghans anymore and we are not happy with it either.” Asked about the statement from the Taliban, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that should not impact Afghans who were prioritized by the US to leave the country.

The Taliban has told working women to stay home ‘temporarily’ because the group’s security forces are not trained to ‘deal with women’

Afghanistan: Abandoned to their fate, why would the Afghan people trust the West ever again?
Next time Western powers feel compelled to act, they may find local military forces unwilling to make friends with a superpower prepared to break its promises https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://inews.co.uk/opinion/editor/afghanistan-abandoned-to-their-fate-why-would-the-afghan-people-trust-the-west-ever-again-1166635__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJPtktwc6$

Israel bombs Hamas sites in Gaza over fire balloons. Israeli warplanes bombed Hamas sites in Gaza in response to incendiary balloons launched from the Palestinian enclave that caused brush fires in southern Israel, its military said early on Tuesday.

# Gov / Politics
MintPress News Confronts Senator Cruz on Murderous US Sanctions. It was clear that the senator had no actual defense of the murderous policies for which he has advocated; he didn’t even bother to defend them, opting instead to echo a predecessor of his: Senator Joseph McCarthy.

A Texas House committee on Monday advanced the GOP-backed voting restrictions bill that first prompted Democrats to stall legislative work during a weekslong quorum break. The party-line vote on the revived legislation https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/23/texas-voting-bill-legislature/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJMFOS_0m$

Sanders goes back to 2016 playbook to sell $3.5T budget. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is reassembling parts of his old playbook ahead of the
2022 midterms, hoping to garner more support for Democrats’ economic agenda in Republican states.

Kathy Hochul Becomes New York’s First Ever Woman Governor. Hochul replaces the disgraced Andrew Cuomo, who whined on his way out that he’d been victim of “a media frenzy.”

CIA Chief Held Secret Talks With Taliban Leader, Says Report: America’s top spy is said to have sat down with Abdul Ghani Baradar in Kabul on Monday.

Are U.S. Officials Under Silent Attack? The Havana Syndrome first affected spies and diplomats in Cuba. Now it has spread to the White House. There have been at least a hundred and thirty possible cases around the world.

America’s war over Afghanistan is just getting started. The swift collapse of the Afghan government has reignited a long-running argument over the United States’ role in the world https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://theweek.com/politics/1004019/americas-war-over-afghanistan-is-just-getting-started__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJGbSgGQO$

America’s war in Afghanistan is ending in crushing defeat. The consequences of the conflict for Afghans, already catastrophic, are likely to get worse https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.economist.com/leaders/2021/07/10/americas-longest-war-is-ending-in-crushing-defeat__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJIRgFIgl$

American who escaped from Afghanistan speaks out about grim reality under Taliban https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/american-who-escaped-from-afghanistan-speaks-out-about-grim-reality-under-taliban/vi-AANGSvg?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJNNGv-zl$

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Circuit courts differ over whether lies to access property are protected by the First Amendment https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2021/08/circuit-courts-differ-over-whether-lies-to-access-property-are-protected-by-the-first-amendment/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJNqSZk2P$
First Amendment; Religion and Expression https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-CONAN-1992/pdf/GPO-CONAN-1992-10-2.pdf__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJEPOjybZ$

North Carolina Court Restores Voting Rights to Tens of Thousands with Felony Convictions https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/23/politics/north-carolina-ex-felons-voting/index.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJJKfETpT$

Proud Boys leader gets five months for burning BLM banner and weapons crimes Enrique Tarrio participated in burning of banner pulled from Black church and brought magazines to DC days before Capitol attack https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/23/proud-boys-leader-enrique-tarrio-sentenced-black-lives-matter__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJBWx54Ty$

# Military / DOD
Ramstein Air Base scrambles to house and feed 7,000 Afghan evacuees as onward flights to America begin https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/21/world/evacuations-afghanistan-taliban-ramstein-intl/index.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJGrQxRbR$

US bases in Japan, South Korea ‘stand ready’ to assist Afghan evacuees https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3146009/south-korea-wary-us-plan-use-military-bases-process-afghan__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJHP-1PVo$

# Military / Global
1 Afghan soldier dies in firefight at Kabul airport as US airlifts increase daily number of evacuees out of Afghanistan. The U.S. reached its largest number of airlifts out of Afghanistan in a single day moving
16,000 evacuees out of the country on Monday, the same day an Afghan soldier died in a firefight at the gates into the Kabul airport, according to the Pentagon.

Pentagon whistleblowers say they were fired or suspended for reporting sexual assault cover-ups: “People are afraid”: Three women hired to work for the military’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program are speaking out https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newslocker.com/en-au/news/conspiracy-theories/pentagon-whistleblowers-say-they-were-fired-or-suspended-for-reporting-sexual-assault-cover-ups-people-are-afraid/view/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJOUfcrSB$

She Blew The Whistle on Military Sexual Assault, then Came Under Investigation https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://theintercept.com/2021/07/26/military-sexual-assault-whistleblower-suspension/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j8whm6NGLw0zVIulbL3mGXfOJxh6sZbok9G1PIH1eV0a-xNCqdFLY_BjtbHvJKOKQrsa$

# Nuclear
After failing this spring, Texas lawmakers are again trying to ban the most dangerous type of radioactive waste from entering the state — at the same time as a nuclear waste disposal company in West Texas pursues a federal application to store the highly radioactive materials.

# Tips, Tricks and How To’s
16 Things To Do To Save Money

Climate change and rising demand are sucking the life out of the Southwest’s water supply.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-08-23

Voices, The Peoples News

August 23, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous / Global
Residential schools investigation steals spotlight at duelling Winnipeg campaign events by Trudeau, O’Toole https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/trudeau-otoole-winnipeg-aug21-1.6147881__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA2EiT-DU$

# CoronaVirus
Healthcare Workers Pack Hearing to Support Bill to Ban Vaccine Mandates in Michigan https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/healthcare-workers-pack-hearing-to-support-bill-to-ban-vaccine-mandates-in-michigan_3958211.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA0iyUpjD$

Texas congressman, fully vaccinated, tests positive for coronavirus https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/22/Troy-Nehls-tests-positive-for-COVID-19/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA8tzNOul$

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tests positive for COVID-19 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/17/texas-governor-greg-abbott-positive-covid/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA-xS_W4o$

Sens. Hickenlooper, Wicker and King test positive for Covid after being fully vaccinated https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/19/sen-roger-wicker-who-is-fully-vaccinated-tests-positive-for-covid-19.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA0-u52Y3$

6th fully vaccinated Texas Democrat lawmaker tests positive for COVID-19 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/6th-fully-vaccinated-texas-democrat-lawmaker-tests-positive-for-covid-19/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA8ilsDUK$

A Fully Vaccinated White House Employee Tests Positive For COVID-19 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.npr.org/2021/07/21/1018686345/a-fully-vaccinated-white-house-employee-tests-positive-for-covid-19__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA5fpXRHg$

White House official, Pelosi aide test positive for coronavirus after attending event together https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/07/20/white-house-official-pelosi-aide-test-positive-covid-19/8026250002/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CAxvALygP$

Canada Adds Bell’s Palsy Warning to Pfizer COVID Shot. The condition is a usually temporary period of facial muscle weakness or paralysis with symptoms that can include loss of feeling in the face and headaches https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nationalpost.com/health/pfizer-vaccine-label-amended-in-canada-to-list-bells-palsy-as-possible-side-effect__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA-Ip08kL$

16 year old boy in Singapore compensated for heart attack linked to Pfizer’s COVID Biologic https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/singapore-boy-suffers-cardiac-arrest-after-covid-19-vaccination-becomes-millionaire-4104440.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA-RhAJbO$

Boy, 16, had cardiac arrest 6 days after 1st Pfizer vaccine dose after exercise https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://news.yahoo.com/boy-16-cardiac-arrest-exercis-covid-vaccine-110750152.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA6dd2E-E$

C.D.C. Is Investigating Rare Heart Problem After Vaccinations https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/23/cdc-reports-more-than-1200-cases-of-rare-heart-inflammation-after-covid-vaccine-shots.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA-wMy4kr$

CDC confirms 226 cases of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination in people 30 and under https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.aappublications.org/news/2021/06/10/covid-vaccine-myocarditis-rates-061021__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA1voqLTB$

Risk of Heart Condition in Young Who Get Moderna Shots May Be Greater Than Thought https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-08-20/risk-of-heart-condition-in-young-who-get-moderna-shots-may-be-greater-than-thought__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA76-8CQT$

Regeneron’s Roche-partnered monoclonal antibody, dubbed REGEN-COV in the U.S., has scored a nod from the U.K.’s drug regulator to treat and prevent COVID-19.

Report: FDA, CDC investigating Moderna vaccine for greater heart inflammation risk https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpxi.com/news/trending/report-fda-cdc-investigating-moderna-vaccine-greater-heart-inflammation-risk/65WTOTMDQBAYBKUZDNRFWZWZAM/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA6P0w-n0$

Young Man in France Dies Nine Hours After Getting Pfizer COVID Shot https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thevaccinereaction.org/2021/08/young-man-in-france-dies-nine-hours-after-getting-pfizer-covid-shot/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA46HbloP$

As of this morning, 60.7 percent of the U.S. population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 51.5 percent is fully vaccinated, according to the Bloomberg News global vaccine tracker.
Updated: August 22, 2021, 5:54 PM CDT

Pfizer Vaccine Gets Full FDA Approval, Potentially Triggering Mandates.
Health officials hope the full approval will help convince unvaccinated people to get their shot.

Fed-Up Florida Doctors Stage Walk Out Over Unvaxxed Patients. “Vaccines are safe and we need to get our communities vaccinated,” said Dr. JT Snarksi, whose hospital is swamped with unvaccinated patients.

# Education / Schools
Florida’s Capital City to Have School Mask Rules, Defying DeSantis’s Anti-Mask Order. “We have to do everything in our power to keep [children] safe,” Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said on “Meet the Press.”

New York City to Require Teachers, School Staff to Get Vaccinated Starting Next Month. Teachers and staff will have until late September to get at least their first dose of a coronavirus vaccine.

De Blasio: All NYC Public School Teachers Must Get Vaxxed. New York follows Washington state, Los Angeles, and Chicago in announcing a mandate for educators.

# Employment / Labor
In Win for Gig Workers, Judge Rules California’s Prop 22 Unconstitutional. Passed last November, Prop 22 let companies evade labor rights by classifying workers as independent contractors.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Lawmakers Call on Biden to Halt Enbridge Line 3 Pipeline as Police Step Up Attacks on Protesters https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2021/8/23/headlines/lawmakers_call_on_biden_to_halt_enbridge_line_3_pipeline_as_police_step_up_attacks_on_protesters__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA86GZFIR$

Biden Faces Mounting Pressure to Yank Line 3 Oil Pipeline Permits. More than two dozen Democrats in Congress are demanding the White House pause construction on the Line 3 project and carry out new environmental studies.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global Canada Conservative leader Erin O’Toole pledges more punishment for pipeline protests. Some say the proposal will unfairly target Indigenous land defenders and legal experts are skeptical whether the policy is practical https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thenarwhal.ca/federal-election-2021-conservatives-pipeline-protests/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA2tpE74O$

# Global Politics and other news
Deadly shooting at Kabul airport’s north gate, German military says https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/germany-says-firefight-involving-western-forces-erupts-kabul-airport-2021-08-23/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CAyaJPDuw$

Doctors Without Borders is on the ground in Afghanistan and Haiti https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/what-we-do/news-stories/story/timeline-providing-lifesaving-care-amid-conflict-and-chaos__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA-08VhsW$

NATO said at least 20 people died over seven days in Kabul from shootings and being crushed by crowds near the airport https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.adn.com/nation-world/2021/08/22/crush-at-kabul-airport-kills-7-as-afghans-try-to-flee/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CAz8a9zXh$

Gunfire At Kabul Airport Kills One Afghan Soldier As Evacuations Continue https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.npr.org/2021/08/23/1030216843/-unknown-attackers-have-killed-an-afghan-soldier-at-kabul-airport__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA_ISEc8X$

Taliban Leader Arrives for Talks in Kabul as Afghans Demand Security and Jobs https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2021/8/23/headlines/taliban_leader_arrives_for_talks_in_kabul_as_afghans_demand_security_and_jobs__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA7d5uycj$

Taliban Sentences Interpreter’s Brother to Death. An Afghan man whose brother worked as an interpreter for U.S. forces has been sentenced to death by the Taliban—belying its claims to have changed.

‘The Answer Is No’: Taliban Reject Idea of US Extending Exit Deadline.
Any extension of the withdrawal deadline would mean the U.S. is “extending the occupation,” said a Taliban spokesperson.

# Gov / Politics
From Executive Editor Ross Ramsey: Analysis: Texas lawmakers have two contentious voting fights ahead — if they can stay in the same room https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/23/texas-legislature-quorum-voting-redistricting/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CAyowNLUN$

Mass motorcade in West Virginia plans to demand Sen. Joe Manchin end “coward’s filibuster”

Lauren Boebert May Have Violated Financial Disclosure Laws. Business records appear to connect Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) to her husband’s energy consulting company. And Boebert never disclosed the income.

House Democrats are interrupting their summer recess and returning to Washington on Monday to advance President Biden’s ambitious domestic agenda as his administration struggles to contain a foreign policy crisis in Afghanistan and the raging COVID-19 pandemic.

The Taliban’s Resurgence Was Years in Making & Aided by Trump, Who Sidelined Afghan Gov’t in Talks https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2021/8/23/afghanistan_emran_feroz__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA4B4igOf$

# Law Enforcement
Former California cops charged with conspiracy and vandalism. “No matter the source of hate, we must stand up and denounce it. We are heartened that these officers are facing consequences for their reported hateful actions.”

Ex-Cop Accused of Posing as Federal Agent in Armed Robbery. Freddie Wayne Huff II was reportedly fired from the North Carolina State Highway Patrol for selling official-issue shoes on eBay.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
The U.S. Department of Energy is funding research into the development of insulation made from hemp fiber as a more environmentally friendly and healthier alternative to conventional preparations.

# Media
DeJoy Announces 10-Year Reorganization Of U.S. Postal Service:
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy announced a 10-year plan to overhaul the U.S. Postal Service on Tuesday that would slow down deliveries, raise prices for services, and shorten hours at post offices.

# Military / DOD
Pentagon to compel commercial airlines to evacuate Afghans –American, Delta, Atlas, Omni, Hawaiian and United aircraft will be used https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/article253667148.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CAx5y_0hu$

# Social
Antifa members throw explosives, disperse chemical spray in violent Portland riots –Approximately 50 Antifa members and 100 right-wing protesters clashed in violent riots on the streets of Portland https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1429591483229917185__;!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA2cjCfld$

Portland Proud Boys Rally Ends in Chaotic Street Shootout. One man was arrested after firing shots at left-wing protesters trying to disrupt a far-right rally.

Pandemic Unveils Growing Suicide Crisis for Communities of Color https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210823/pandemic-unveils-growing-suicide-crisis-for-communities-of-color*1__;Iw!!On18fmf1aQ!i9MBmepWRLBWbOIJ6RoaE_T6NN62gmM_KlSmBJX8lHlXyMgLWxvD86x7TQ9CA9Qem8TW$

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html
All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-08-22

Voices, The Peoples News

August 22, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# CoronaVirus
Study reveals existing drugs that kill SARS-CoV2 in cells. An international team of researchers has analysed how SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, hijacks the proteins in its target cells. The research, published in the journal Cell, shows how the virus shifts the cell’s activity to promote its own replication and to infect nearby cells. The scientists also identified seven clinically approved drugs that could disrupt these mechanisms, and recommend that these drugs are immediately tested in clinical trials. The collaboration included researchers at EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), the Quantitative Biosciences Institute’s Coronavirus Research Group in the School of Pharmacy at University of California San Francisco (UCSF), the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Institut Pasteur, and the Excellence Cluster CIBSS of the University of Freiburg.

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Trump’s Reddest State, Mississippi Declare Martial Law on COVID, Massive Lockdown of Infected. Anyone infected with COVID-19 must must remain in the home or other appropriate residential location for 10 days from onset of illness (or 10 days from the date of a positive test for those who are asymptomatic).

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves signed an executive order this week activating the National Guard in defense of COVID-19. Guard leaders want to allay any fears in the community by explaining that their mission in this situation is primarily a humanitarian one.

Texas Supreme Court rejects Abbott’s ban on school mask mandates, for now. Wearing masks sure as hell can’t hurt the kids, but where they don’t wear them we see Covid spreading quickly, not only in the schools but in their homes.

Fully Vaccinated People Carry Same Amount of COVID as an Unvaccinated Person https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://apnews.com/article/science-health-coronavirus-pandemic-d9504519a8ae081f785ca012b5ef84d1__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkcqd-7VI$

New data was released by the CDC last week showing that vaccinated people infected with the delta variant carry viral loads similar to those of people who are unvaccinated. While this sounds discouraging, it’s important to keep three things in mind:

SF recommends suspension without pay for first responders who don’t report vaccine status –The city went as far as to say they could eventually lose their jobs. Not only that, but they are recommending that police officers, firefighters, and sheriff’s deputies who refuse to report their vaccination status be suspended.

Large insurers have stopped waiving COVID-19 treatment costs, an analysis found. Hospitalization could cost you thousands.

Health insurers can’t charge higher premiums to those who don’t get a
COVID-19 vaccine — but those people still could wind up paying more.
Life insurers can take COVID-19 vaccination status into account when setting premiums https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.marketwatch.com/story/health-insurers-cant-charge-higher-premiums-to-those-who-dont-get-a-covid-19-vaccine-but-those-people-still-could-wind-up-paying-more-11629303208__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkWFyStQd$

# Economy / Trade
In kleptocracies, corrupt politicians use their leverage to receive financial benefits or special favors. These states also create their own legal mechanisms to target political enemies and challenge the international legal infrastructure.

The Treasury Department Should Lead the Fight Against Corruption and Kleptocracy. The United States today faces a pressing threat to its national interests: the strategic use of corruption by autocratic and kleptocratic states to undermine the integrity of democratic institutions and interfere in the politics of democratic states for geopolitical advantage.

Amazon Has a Secret Warehouse Section Where You Never Pay Full Price for Items https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://news.yahoo.com/amazon-secret-warehouse-section-where-160000434.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkf1nC6Av$

These 8 States Are Sending Their Own Stimulus Checks As Federal Legislation Stalls https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://washingtonnewsday.com/us-politics/as-federal-legislation-stalls-these-eight-states-are-sending-their-own-stimulus-checks/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkeu8TneJ$

# Education / Schools
Uni of Virginia Disenrolls 238 Students for Not Being Vaxxed. The students have a week to disclose their vaccination status in order to reenroll.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Climate change puts North Water Polynya, a source of Arctic life, in imminent danger. A keystone structure in Canada’s High Arctic is under threat of collapse. The North Water Polynya has for millennia produced a life-giving cocktail of organic compounds that ultimately sustain the iconic marine animals found in the Baffin Bay region of the Arctic, narwhal, beluga, walrus and polar bears, which in turn sustain Inuit settlements in Nunavut and Greenland.

Methane Is Flaring Out of Control. Biden Administration, Congress Must Step In.
Eighty-four percent of methane flares in Texas have no permits.
Researchers say that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

New Study Measures Fracking’s Impact on Nearby Surface Water Quality. A new study connects poor surface water quality with nearby hydraulic fracturing but finds that the impacts aren’t major enough to be considered harmful by federal regulators.

Surface Water Vulnerable to Widespread Pollution From Fracking, a New Study Finds The research suggests that the impacts of the fracking boom may have outrun the science documenting its effects.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
If You See This Flower in Your Yard, Call Local Officials Immediately https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bestlifeonline.com/giant-hogweed-news/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkde46l1O$

The repercussions of a changing climate, in 5 devastating charts. If news about the written part of the IPCC’s sixth assessment report didn’t alarm you, these five depictions of impacts will.

Tech “Solutions” Are Pushed by Fossil Fuel Industry to Delay Real Climate Action. Only a roadmap calling for a complete transition away from fossil fuels will avert the worst climate impacts.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Pollinators, the 4 Biggest Threats They Face, and Why You Should Care.
Besides drought, disease. and supply chain disruptions, another problem that could cause food shortages is a lack of pollinators.

# Foodie Tips, Tricks and How To’s
18 Ways To Reduce Food Waste In Your Own Kitchen https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.redbookmag.com/home/g34700033/reducing-food-waste/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkSrZpEMw$

# Global Politics and other news
Taiwan Escalates Afghanistan Tiff With Beijing: ‘China Dreams of Emulating the Taliban’

US Black Hawk Helicopters Captured by Taliban as ‘Horrified’ Senators Demand DOD Audit. Likely billions of dollars of American weapons and vehicles are now in the hands of the Taliban extremist group after the collapse of the Afghan government and army.

Afghanistan’s Massoud refuses to surrender to Taliban and warns of war – al-Arabiya The son of Ahmad Shah Massoud, who was one of the main leaders of Afghanistan’s anti-Soviet resistance in the 1980s, said he will not surrender areas under his control to the Taliban https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/afghanistans-massoud-refuses-to-surrender-to-taliban-and-warns-of-war-al-arabiya__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkTtxg5Ya$

Taliban cofounder arrives in Kabul as the group seeks to form a new government https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/8/21/taliban-co-founder-baradar-in-kabul-for-talks-over-new-government__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkUC3b7rN$

First Afghan evacuees arrive in Germany in one of the largest airlift operations in history https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.pehalnews.in/first-afghan-evacuees-arrive-in-germany-in-one-of-the-largest-airlift-operations-in-history/1013132/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkf8WRbKf$

# Gov / Politics
President Biden encountered a barrage of criticism this week over the chaos unfolding in Afghanistan amid the U.S. military withdrawal and collapse of the country’s government.

Biden vows to complete Afghan evacuation, but admits risks. “Make no mistake, this evacuation mission is dangerous. It involves risks to our armed forces and it’s being conducted under difficult circumstances,”
Biden said.

Biden State Dept. Moved to Abolish Crisis Response Bureau Months Before Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan. Internal memo says Biden officials canceled Trump-era emergency operations bureau. Internal memo says Biden officials canceled Trump-era emergency operations bureau https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/biden-state-dept-moved-to-abolish-crisis-response-bureau-months-before-taliban-takeover-of-afghanistan/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkUviFEDN$

US credibility with military allies at risk over Afghanistan pullout.
The messy withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, and the subsequent scramble to protect civilians who aided the American war effort, is triggering a ripple effect of concern among allies who rely on the United States for military protection.

America’s Afghanistan disaster, and the consequences of kleptocracy. The sudden collapse of the government in Afghanistan, as well as the tragic images of Afghans trying to flee the surging Taliban, has politicians and the U.S. commentariat scrambling for answers.

US role in resettling Afghans becomes next political battle in the fallout over US withdrawal.
As the Biden administration scrambles to coordinate the evacuations of Americans and vulnerable Afghans from Afghanistan, the next political battle is already shaping up over how expansive the US role should be in helping to resettle tens of thousands of Afghans amid new ripples of anti-immigrant sentiment from the far right.

Arizona state Sen. Lela Alston (D) was sitting at home on Nov. 3 last year huddled with her campaign advisers on Zoom with “huge expectations”
that her party could flip at least one chamber of the state legislature.

The messy withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, and the subsequent scramble to protect civilians who aided the American war effort, is triggering a ripple effect of concern among allies who rely on the United States for military protection.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan on Sunday said the U.S. is taking threats of a potential ISIS attack in Afghanistan “absolutely deadly seriously.”

If California Governor Is Replaced With Republican, Senate Could Swing to GOP. Gavin Newsom’s replacement with a Republican could change the balance of power in the U.S. Senate.

# Medical Alternatives / Herbology
Natural Ways to Treat High Blood Pressure: The Most Effective Exercises https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.onemedical.com/blog/healthy-living/natural-ways-to-treat-high-blood-pressure-part-2__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkd9bRXwT$

# Military / DOD
US military faces growing calls to do more to evacuate Afghanistan.
Calls are growing for the U.S. military to do more to help people get to the Kabul airport so they can flee Afghanistan now that it is under Taliban control.

Pentagon activates Civil Reserve Air Fleet, requests civilian airlines’
assistance in Afghanistan evacuation. The Pentagon announced early Sunday that it has activated the Civil Reserve Air Fleet and is requesting assistance from commercial airlines with the evacuation of Afghanistan.

US military is establishing “alternative routes” to Kabul airport because of a threat the terror group ISIS-K poses to the airport and its surroundings. “There is a strong possibility ISIS-K is trying to carry off an attack at the airport.”

A spokesman for the Department of Defense (DOD) said the Pentagon is aware of reports that Americans have been beaten in Afghanistan by Taliban members, appearing to contradict comments made by Joe Biden earlier in the day https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/20/lloyd-austin-taliban-america-defeat-506475__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkX2Tkoze$

Pentagon hints at more rescues outside Kabul airport, amid new security concerns and evacuation bottleneck https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/pentagon-hints-at-more-rescues-outside-kabul-airport-amid-new-security-concerns-and-evacuation-bottleneck/ar-AANzZhC?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ixaMjtcJ7IYL1Jym3eSdwf8udgz3Sc0fons3PRlwYtm–pnCHrUm4j1NQ0gFkRtSka5h$

# Science
Scientists harness human protein to deliver molecular medicines to cells. Made of components found in the human body, the programmable system is a step toward safer, targeted delivery of gene editing and other molecular therapeutics.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-08-20

Voices, The Peoples News

August 20, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Biden nominates first Native American to lead national parks service:
“There’s someone on the very top who understands the tribal perspective and is going to bring it to the table in a way that we haven’t seen before.”

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls Will Klamath salmon outlast the dam removal process? Their future comes down to a race between paperwork and a fish disease.

The effort to save Upper Klamath Lake’s endangered fish before they disappear Another dry year pushes tribal nations, federal agencies and irrigators to find long-lasting solutions.

Two young ospreys were removed from their nest and euthanized so workers could replace a light in a Southern Maryland park https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2346736290983/two-young-ospreys-were-removed-from-their-nest-and-euthanized-so-workers-could-replace-a-light-in-a-southern-maryland-park__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mEqYci06CYgCbLD7nq8MTBqU3ScgN85-9TXcAHGa3gRudVGh3XVj7_W1wHlLoX2eu4WG$

Fishers Struggle as Fish Head for the Poles. In the northeastern United States, fishing regulations are not keeping up with species on the move.

# CoronaVirus
Texas is sending more relief medical workers to hospitals while opening more COVID-19 antibody infusion centers.

A San Antonio school district that made COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for teachers and staff has drawn a court challenge from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Texas: GOP Governor Denies Aid, Leaving COVID Patients with NO Care to Avoid Negative Publicity. Gov. Greg Abbott has been unwavering lately in his refusal to implement statewide safety precautions to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Why this public health expert has given up on the idea that we will ever eliminate COVID-19.  In the U.K. and the U.S., daily new cases number in the thousands, but restrictions and limitations are being lifted. In contrast, New Zealand has started a short national lockdown to contain just a handful of cases.

‘We Sent a Terrible Message’: Scientists say Biden jumped the gun with vaccine booster plan. As some scientists see it, the announcement is rash and based on weak evidence, and they worry it could undercut confidence in vaccines with no clear benefit of controlling the pandemic.

After Pandemic Ravaged Nursing Homes, New State Laws Protect Residents.
But under alaw Connecticut enacted in June, nursing home residents will be able to designate an “essential support person” who can help take care of a loved one even during a public health emergency.

Biden’s No-Jab-No-Job Order Creates Quandary for Nursing Homes.
President Joe Biden’s edict that nursing homes must ensure their workers are vaccinated against covid-19 presents a challenge for an industry struggling to entice its lowest-paid workers to get shots without driving them to seek employment elsewhere.

# Economy / Trade
Here’s Why Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan Could Impact Every Single American. With Democrats already sniping at each other over the size of their budget deal, expect a lot of fights in the coming weeks over how much to spend and especially how to finance it.

# Education / Schools
The Texas Supreme Court will allow mask mandates in school districts to remain, for now. But the issue could easily return to the court sometime soon.

A ripped-off mask and verbal assault: how tensions over changing mask rules spilled over in one Texas school district: In a letter to parents and staff, Eanes ISD’s superintendent called the incidents unacceptable and warned parents that “the kids are watching.”

Texas says schools now must notify families of positive COVID-19 cases in classrooms This is a reversal of the Texas Education Agency’s previous guidance, which didn’t explicitly require school districts to notify parents of a close contact with the virus.

Texas Supreme Court Pauses Ban On Mask Mandates In Schools. As districts, cities and counties fight Gov. Greg Abbott’s order that bans mask mandates in Texas schools, the district Tuesday voted to require them in its dress code.

More school districts mandate Covid vaccines for students, educators:
With school openings near, parents and teachers say state leaders have stripped them of weapons against COVID-19. Public health experts and medical professionals are sounding the alarm over the highly transmissible delta variant of COVID-19. The governor has stood firm on his ban against masking mandates in schools.

The rocky road back to school: Vaccine gag rule, mask wars: Mask requirements are just the latest chapter in a year-long contentious debate about how to reopen schools safely for in-person learning that is often politically charged.

School board meetings across the country have become ground zero for the country’s culture wars, often resulting in combative and confrontational forums as students prepare to head back to school in the fall.

FL Official: We’ll Dock Pay If School Boards Keep Mask Rules. The state’s education commissioner gave Broward and Alachua counties 48 hours to drop their mask mandates—or face tough consequences.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Biden Faces Mounting Pressure To Yank Line 3 Oil Pipeline Permits: The White House is facing mounting pressure from Democrats to yank federal permits for Line 3, the controversial oil pipeline under construction in Minnesota.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global Nuxalk Nation issues eviction notice to B.C. exploration company, igniting calls for mining reform https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2021/08/16/nuxalk-nation-issues-eviction-notice-to-bc-exploration-company-igniting-calls-for-mining-reform.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mEqYci06CYgCbLD7nq8MTBqU3ScgN85-9TXcAHGa3gRudVGh3XVj7_W1wHlLoRbiKIeh$

# Environment / Climate / Global
How Indigenous cultural burning practices benefit biodiversity https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://theconversation.com/how-indigenous-burning-practices-can-help-curb-the-biodiversity-crisis-165422__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mEqYci06CYgCbLD7nq8MTBqU3ScgN85-9TXcAHGa3gRudVGh3XVj7_W1wHlLoUl0zsuy$

Climate scientist John Fyfe explains why new IPCC report shows ‘there’s no going back’: In their latest synthesis of the physical science of the climate emergency, the world’s foremost experts say there is no longer any doubt about who is responsible for cooking the planet.

Cheakamus forest near Whistler is charting new territory when it comes to sustainable timber harvest that outlaws clearcuts, respects Indigenous governance and combats the climate emergency.

For First Time on Record, Rainfall Observed at Peak of Greenland Ice Sheet. This “is not simply a warm decade or two in a wandering climate pattern,” said one expert. “This is unprecedented.”

# Global Politics and other news
The Taliban knocked on her door 3 times. The fourth time, they killed her https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/17/asia/afghanistan-women-taliban-intl-hnk-dst/index.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mEqYci06CYgCbLD7nq8MTBqU3ScgN85-9TXcAHGa3gRudVGh3XVj7_W1wHlLoT73qidY$

Afghanistan news: Taliban thugs ‘torture and massacre ethnic group, witnesses say as they ‘burn down amusement park.’ A HUMAN rights group claims the Taliban have tortrued and killed people from the Hazara minority group.

Taliban Militant Beats L.A. Times Photographer in Kabul: Although the Taliban have attempted to present a more tolerant image since their takeover, press freedom is still far from guaranteed.

2,000-meter-long bridge links Russia and China: The China-Russia Tongjiang-Nizhneleninskoye Bridge is part of China’s “Belt and Road”
initiative, a push to create trade corridors linking China to Africa and Eurasia.

# Gov / Politics
The Fall of Kabul and the Decline of World Order: The Afghan capital might seem like a small domino. But the entire world is less safe, less stable, and less free than it was last week.

The Buck Stops With No One After Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle: James Mattis quit after Trump decided to pull out of Syria. Anthony Blinken should have quit after Biden pulled out of Afghanistan—and he should have been fired when he didn’t.

Three TX Dems Return, End Effort to Block Voting Laws. Democratic state lawmakers in Texas fled the state 38 days ago, most for Washington, D.C.

Children are dying for Republican ‘freedom.’ Apparently, the bodies of sick or dead children are not a motivator for today’s Republicans. Then again, when were they?
When 20 children were gunned down at Sandy Hook elementary school in 2012, Republicans didn’t fight to end gun violence — they doubled down on unfettered gun access.

US back-pedals after Biden suggested it would defend Taiwan against Chinese military attack. Biden’s statement was seen as a potential departure from the US longstanding position https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/east-asia/us-biden-taiwan-china-b1905913.html?fr=operanews__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mEqYci06CYgCbLD7nq8MTBqU3ScgN85-9TXcAHGa3gRudVGh3XVj7_W1wHlLoWpjN6BT$

Today’s Crisis in Kabul Is Direct Result of Decades of U.S. War &
Destabilization: As thousands of Afghans try to flee Afghanistan after the Taliban seized control, we look at the roots of the longest U.S. war in history and spend the hour with national security reporter Spencer Ackerman.

New Report Reveals Trump Administration Used Feds to Bring Harsher Charges Against BLM Protesters. Throughout history, the federal government has worked to surveil and disrupt Black power movements.

# Law Enforcement
Ex-Cops Allegedly Spray-Painted Swastika Onto Suspect’s Car. Hundreds of cases involving the two ex-officers will now be reviewed for potential foul play.

# Social
A continuous rise in global population has led to fears that conflicts and war will become more frequent as resources dwindle.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html
All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-08-19

Voices, The Peoples News

August 19, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Archaeology
Genetic histories and social organization in Neolithic and Bronze Age Croatia The field of Archaeogenetics has substantially contributed to a better understanding of how the movement and admixture of people across Europe during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages shaped genetic ancestries.

# Border / Immigration
Trump weaponized COVID concerns against migrants. Families are still being brutalized by the policy.  A new report provides more damning evidence of Title 42’s cruel legacy. The policy remains largely in place, and thousands of migrants continue to be turned back to danger in Mexico or to countries from where they fled persecution.

# CoronaVirus
Expect To Pay More For Covid Treatments As Of October, Insurers Say. No federal law requires insurers to pay for coronavirus treatment.
“Insurers can put coverage limits on anything,” said Sara Rosenbaum https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://news.bloomberglaw.com/health-law-and-business/covid-long-haulers-ask-who-pays-when-sickness-just-wont-end__;!!On18fmf1aQ!n5I7WixLpPgQD3ym2MEr1RoKc34GmVlTnqQuCQEBwIApfchHEzAsWHquHq9srUdmevs8$

WHO Decries Vaccine Inequity as a ‘Shame on All Humanity’ as US Moves Ahead With Boosters. “The divide between the haves and have-nots will only grow larger if manufacturers and leaders prioritize booster shots over supply to low- and middle-income countries.”

Lawmakers Demand Answers From FDA on Timeline of Covid Vaccines for Kids Under 12. “With kids going back to school and cases surging, we need to know when children under 12 will be able to get vaccinated,” said Rep.
Katie Porter.

Profiteering From Vaccine Inequity:  To support public institutions in times of crisis, this policy paper identifies potential corruption risks related to the deployment of a COVID-19 vaccine and how these risks may be mitigated. The United Nations Convention against Corruption provides a solid global framework for these efforts.

As Covid-19 Cases Rise, Global Task Force Lays Out How to Avert Future Pandemics. “We must take actions that prevent pandemics from starting by stopping the spillover of diseases from animals to humans.”

Nursing Homes Told To Vaccinate Staff, Or Lose Medicare, Medicaid Funds.
Division among nursing home workers regarding vaccinations is threatening the industry, which has long suffered from staffing shortages https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rollcall.com/2021/08/18/biden-ties-federal-funds-to-nursing-home-vaccine-mandates/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!n5I7WixLpPgQD3ym2MEr1RoKc34GmVlTnqQuCQEBwIApfchHEzAsWHquHq9srbQpinOt$

When Your Life is at Stake by Following the Herd: Many of the ideas to approach our current situation don’t make rational sense, and will certainly create ever-growing dangers for ourselves, however, not wanting to suffer the embarrassment of taking action, so many fail to react to the greater dangers being presented and move toward conformity with the herd.

The Right To Bodily Integrity: Nobody Wins And We All Lose In The
COVID-19 Showdown

Massive Nurse Shortage Hits Houston — Weeks After 150 Unvaccinated Nurses And Hospital Workers Fired https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fee.org/articles/massive-nurse-shortage-hits-houston-weeks-after-150-unvaccinated-nurses-and-hospital-workers-fired__;!!On18fmf1aQ!n5I7WixLpPgQD3ym2MEr1RoKc34GmVlTnqQuCQEBwIApfchHEzAsWHquHq9srZviwfr4$

20,000 Kids Quarantined in Mississippi After Schools Open. Nearly 6,000 have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past two weeks, and two have died.

Three senators announced within hours of each other on Thursday that they had tested positive for the coronavirus, despite each being fully vaccinated.

# Economy / Trade
U.S. hemorrhaging money from entitlement fraud, waste. Under the Biden administration, the United States is on the path toward becoming a welfare state fully entrenched in waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement.

# Education / Schools
Biden to Wipe Out Student Debt for 300K With Disabilities. The debt amounts to $5.8 billion.

Finding Loophole in Abbott’s Mask Mandate Ban, Texas School Board Adds Face Coverings to Dress Code. “If your dress code can enforce skirt lengths, it can enforce masks.”

President Joe Biden said Wednesday he will use the U.S. Department of Education’s civil rights enforcement authority to deter states from blocking mask mandates in classrooms.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Dozens of Democrats to Biden: Revoke Permits for Line 3 Pipeline. The U.S. lawmakers warned construction of the Enbridge-owned tar sands pipeline has “grave implications” for nearby ecosystems.

Dangerous Thinking: Carbon Capture Technology Won’t Solve Our Emissions
Problems: We are on a path to global temperature rise to surpass the 2-degree threshold, bringing more intense heat waves, droughts, and sea-level rise, unless we shift rapidly away from fossil fuels.

Residents in a densely-populated Pittsburgh suburb are demanding public hearings on two proposed fracking wells https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ehn.org/pittsburgh-fracking-2654712173.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!n5I7WixLpPgQD3ym2MEr1RoKc34GmVlTnqQuCQEBwIApfchHEzAsWHquHq9srQ4nsR5Q$

Judge Blocks Massive ConocoPhillips Oil & Gas Project in Alaska https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.alaskapublic.org/2021/08/18/federal-judge-reverses-trump-environmental-approval-of-major-alaska-oil-project/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!n5I7WixLpPgQD3ym2MEr1RoKc34GmVlTnqQuCQEBwIApfchHEzAsWHquHq9srZ5cbMgE$

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
EPA Cancels All Uses of Brain-Damaging Pesticide Chlorpyrifos.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today it will be revoking all tolerances of chlorpyrifos, effectively banning all food uses of the toxic, brain-damaging pesticide in the U.S.

Biden strays dramatically from Obama’s record on food assistance. The president’s expansion of SNAP benefits reflects a dramatic change in the debate over using the federal government to make people’s lives easier.

# Global Politics and other news
A Houston-area immigrant and former Afghan interpreter for the U.S.
military believes his sister was killed by the Taliban,  a tragedy that demonstrates the danger faced by many families of people who worked with the military.

Taliban Kill Woman for Not Wearing Burqa on Same Day They Vow to Honor Women’s Rights https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/taliban-kill-woman-for-not-wearing-burqa-on-same-day-it-vows-to-honour-womens-rights/news-story/bd1975d32af4a031677fd0be28a266ec__;!!On18fmf1aQ!n5I7WixLpPgQD3ym2MEr1RoKc34GmVlTnqQuCQEBwIApfchHEzAsWHquHq9srShMV_dF$

China, Russia, N. Korea Exploiting U.S. Freedom: Taking advantage of the extraordinary freedom they have in the U.S., foes near and far spread their views, supporting and opposing candidates, gaining access to faculties and think tanks, influencing political life, and infiltrating government offices and agencies as well as private business.

Stranded in Kabul and Even Their Miracle Worker Can’t Help: “Stop asking questions about immigration law niceties and get out of Afghanistan,”
Joshua Goldstein, an immigration lawyer in Los Angeles, texted one client.

Billions of dollars of U.S. weapons are now in the hands of the Taliban following the quick collapse of Afghan security forces that were trained to use the military equipment.

Infighting Among the Taliban Could Lead to Humanitarian Abuse and Reign of Terrorism.

The Taliban have declared the ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan,’ the same name it used when it brutally ruled the country in the 1990s https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.businessinsider.co.za/taliban-declares-islamic-emirate-of-afghanistan-2021-8__;!!On18fmf1aQ!n5I7WixLpPgQD3ym2MEr1RoKc34GmVlTnqQuCQEBwIApfchHEzAsWHquHq9srbA4nSLh$

The Taliban says it will rule under sharia law. What does that mean?
“There will be no democratic system at all,” Taliban commander Waheedullah Hashimi said in an interview with Reuters. “We will not discuss what type of political system should we apply in Afghanistan because it is clear. It is sharia law and that is it.” Here are some of the basics.

Afghans Escape to Quaint Italy Town—and Face Far-Right Wrath. Scores of evacuated Afghan workers are safely landing in Italy. Now what?

Afghan Journo: Taliban Brutally Beat Boy for Wearing Shorts. Two Afghan female journalists tell The Daily Beast about the horror they’ve witnessed in the days after the Taliban took control of Kabul.

# Gov / Politics
GOP State Officials Take Step Toward Overseeing Elections in Georgia’s Heavily Democratic Fulton County. “Voters deserve better,” said one advocacy group.

Progressive Democrat Morgan Harper Launches Campaign Against Rep. Tim Ryan for Ohio Senate Seat. “I don’t think Democrats will flip Ohio if we nominate another establishment insider,” she told supporters.

‘Twenty Years of War Have Failed’: Progressive Caucus Urges US Diplomacy With Taliban. “War and conflict never produce peace and stability.
Violence and militarism, even when cloaked in the language of humanitarianism, are fundamentally at odds with human flourishing and opportunity.”

Decades of Disaster: Biden Is Right to End the War in Afghanistan. Now our obligation is to those Afghans living with the consequences of our four decades of intervention.

The Taliban Surrendered in 2001, but George Bush was fighting a war for oil and empire, and victory would pose a huge tactical difficulty: With no enemy to fight he would have to demobilize his forces in the Mideast and bring them home.

Top general: No intel that Afghan government would fall in 11 days. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke amid criticism that the Biden administration didn’t prepare for a rapid Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.

Conservatives should understand why Afghanistan collapsed so quickly https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.yahoo.com/now/conservatives-understand-why-afghanistan-collapsed-202049826.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!n5I7WixLpPgQD3ym2MEr1RoKc34GmVlTnqQuCQEBwIApfchHEzAsWHquHq9sreRf1CL-$

Women but Abandoned Afghan Women To Brutal Taliban. President Joe Biden’s failure to prevent the catastrophic, lightning-speed collapse of Afghanistan into Taliban control now imperils the lives and freedoms of more than 18 million Afghan women and girls.

Dem Hawks Quietly Seethe Over Biden’s Botched Afghan Exit. There are plenty of Democrats who disagree with President Joe Biden’s Afghanistan policies. But most of them are keeping their mouths shut.

The Afghanistan Papers: Docs Show How Bush, Obama, Trump Lied About Brutality & Corruption of Wars https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2021/8/19/the_afghanistan_papers_craig_whitlock__;!!On18fmf1aQ!n5I7WixLpPgQD3ym2MEr1RoKc34GmVlTnqQuCQEBwIApfchHEzAsWHquHq9srRiB_Ra5$

Trump’s “Deal” With the Taliban Set the Stage for Afghanistan’s Collapse. Warning signs long abounded—and top Trump officials knew.

As the US empire declines, what openings exist for progressive movements? Hard as it may be to see beyond the chaos and suffering in Afghanistan, the larger picture reveals real opportunities for social change https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wagingnonviolence.org/2021/08/afghanistan-us-empire-decline-good-news/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!n5I7WixLpPgQD3ym2MEr1RoKc34GmVlTnqQuCQEBwIApfchHEzAsWHquHq9srUoGILX5$

GOP rift opens up over resettling Afghan refugees: The plight of Afghan allies desperately trying to flee the Taliban is exposing divisions among Republicans, with some pressing the Biden administration to help resettle those people who helped the U.S. military and others stoking nativist fears about an influx of refugees.

# Law Enforcement
New Vegas Police Must Get Covid Shots. Lombardo said the department can mandate vaccinations for new employees because they are not yet under a union contract.

Unvaccinated cops must wear masks or face discipline, NYPD says. The NYPD will discipline unvaccinated cops who don’t mask up while on the job, regardless if they are indoors or outdoors, as city officials try to prevent a surge of serious coronavirus cases https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nypost.com/2021/08/18/unvaccinated-nypd-officers-will-be-disciplined-for-not-wearing-masks/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!n5I7WixLpPgQD3ym2MEr1RoKc34GmVlTnqQuCQEBwIApfchHEzAsWHquHq9srW5ZoEaE$

Lawsuit filed against California deputies who beat innocent woman unconscious. “They are approaching me and putting me on the car with force. So those that are listening, I am not resisting arrest.”

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
Wyoming’s attorney general issued official summaries for medical cannabis legalization and marijuana decriminalization initiatives that activists want to put on the 2022 ballot.

# Media
US Urged to Aid Afghan Journalists Seeking Safe Passage Amid Reports of Taliban Beatings. “This is a moral imperative for the United States,”
said James Risen of the Press Freedom Defense Fund.

Calls to Aid Afghan Refugees ‘in Grave Danger’ Grow Following Biden’s Address “The urgency of the moment now demands we marshal an international coalition to evacuate every Afghan citizen who is fleeing for their lives,” implored Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Federal judge orders USPS to turn over docs regarding DeJoy’s potential financial conflicts of interest. “DeJoy’s decision-making as postmaster general has raised some serious ethical questions—now we should finally get some answers.”

# Technology
Open Markets Act protects companies, not consumers. Should the government be able to decide what apps your smartphone can download?

# Water
Leaky pipes in Baltimore are funneling a lot of pharmaceuticals into local waterways.
The paper illustrates how outsized an effect old or damaged infrastructure can have on our environment.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-08-18

Voices, The Peoples News

August 18, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Policing on American Indian Reservations. A Report to the National Institute of Justice. More than 200 police departments operate in Indian Country, serving an even larger number of tribal communities. Officers and nonsworn staff of these departments are tribal employees https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/188095.pdf__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lY2c2SimJAgC5qqdwh9zHwTEwmIpQwYk3jUNxEAmg0CrdPwQD-m0nwJy3cveHEg98K4v$

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
Covid-19 isn’t the only disease that Texans are dealing with in 2021.
Media reports recently emerged of an outbreak of a viral disease amongst dogs at The Humane Society of North Texas (HSNT) Shelter in Fort Worth.
Distemper, a deadly disease that affects several animals such as Dogs, Ferrets, and Raccoons. It’s important to remember that the disease can’t be transmitted from dogs to humans.

# CoronaVirus
New research provides clues to developing better intranasal vaccines for
COVID-19 and flu. “Our study shows that both integrity and amounts of nasal bacteria may be critical for effective intranasal vaccine. We showed that oral bacteria-combined intranasal vaccine protects from influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

Federal Vaccine Program Hasn’t Helped Those Whose Lives Were Altered by Covid Shot. The options are slim for people who suffer rare life-altering injuries after a covid shot — a problem whose significance has grown as states and the federal government increasingly ponder vaccination mandates.

Biden administration recommends COVID-19 boosters; effort to begin Sept.
20. The Biden administration is recommending booster doses for most Americans who received a coronavirus vaccine in order to combat waning immunity and the prevalence of the delta variant.

# Economy / Trade
Wealth, Income, and Power – Who Rules America? This document presents details on the wealth and income distributions in the United States, and explains how we use these two distributions as power indicators.  For purposes of studying the wealth distribution, economists define wealth in terms of marketable assets, such as real estate, stocks, and bonds https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://whorulesamerica.ucsc.edu/power/wealth.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lY2c2SimJAgC5qqdwh9zHwTEwmIpQwYk3jUNxEAmg0CrdPwQD-m0nwJy3cveHCJC7Lrk$

# Employment / Labor
“Bar Rescue” host and Laura Ingraham discuss cutting unemployment aid to make workers “hungry” like an “obedient dog”

A Republican push meant to prevent Texas municipalities from protecting workers from the coronavirus pandemic also threatens to eliminate bare-bones requirements in two cities giving construction workers time to hydrate in the heat. That’s seen by many as minimal protections in a state where summer heat routinely rises above 100 degrees Fahrenheit and where the number of dangerously hot days is expected to increase with climate change.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Biden draws ire of GOP, progressives with call to boost OPEC output. The Biden administration managed to draw criticism from both Republicans and progressives last week when it called on other countries to produce more oil amid high gasoline prices in the U.S.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
New climate maps show a transformed United States. According to new data from the Rhodium Group analyzed by ProPublica and The New York Times Magazine, warming temperatures and changing rainfall will drive agriculture and temperate climates northward, while sea level rise will consume coastlines and dangerous levels of humidity will swamp the Mississippi River valley.

# Environment / Climate / Global
An underwater volcanic eruption near Japan has created a new, crescent-shaped island 745 miles south of Tokyo – although the new landmass will likely only be temporary. Niijima, meaning ‘new island’, has a diameter of 0.6 miles and has emerged 3.1 miles north of Minami-Iōtō, amid the Nanpō Islands that lie south of the Japanese archipelago.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Extreme-heat death of Sebastian Perez. The extreme-heat death of an Oregon farmworker and hundreds of others in late June could have been avoided. Climate negligence and lagging worker protections are killing people https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/heat-wave-2021-oregon-deaths-sebastian-perez-1211258/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lY2c2SimJAgC5qqdwh9zHwTEwmIpQwYk3jUNxEAmg0CrdPwQD-m0nwJy3cveHP4O-Rvy$

Cross-border Salish Sea study finds key puzzle pieces of wild salmon die-off A massive cross-border research and conservation effort has yielded a potential roadmap to save wild salmon in the Salish Sea.

USDA Crop Tour Warns: Megadrought Impacting Corn And Soybean Yields.
Crop conditions for soybeans and corn have worsened in the latest crop tour findings in the US which confirmed hot and dry weather this summer has taken a toll on yields.

Biden takes a stand against the GOP’s assault on food stamps. Biden’s Department of Agriculture will grow SNAP in a way that will boost recipient families’ monthly benefits by 27 percent, on average, compared to pre-pandemic levels.

# Global Politics and other news
Transcript of the Taliban’s first news conference in Kabul. Taliban spokesperson addresses the public in first conference following the armed group’s takeover of Afghanistan. “We have expelled the foreigners and I would like to congratulate the whole nation on this. This is pride, not only for a limited number of people. This is a proud moment for the whole nation. This kind of pride is rare when it can be achieved.

US must complete withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan by September 11, Taliban spokesperson says. The US will not meet the May 1 deadline agreed upon by the Trump administration and the Taliban.

Taliban destroy statue of foe, stoking fear over their rule.

Public executions and forced marriages are reportedly back. People are fleeing. The Taliban are in Kabul, and the government has fallen. This is a catastrophe. This negligence was par for the course for the last U.S. administration.  At minimum, the Biden administration owed our Afghan allies of 20 years a real plan.

Taliban Beats, Whips Women and Kids Near Airport: Shocking photos showed women and children covered in blood at one checkpoint.

Dozens of Afghans sprint alongside and cling onto a U.S. military aircraft in an apparent attempt to stop it taking off without them at the Kabul airport. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nbcnews.to/3m26U9I__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lY2c2SimJAgC5qqdwh9zHwTEwmIpQwYk3jUNxEAmg0CrdPwQD-m0nwJy3cveHIjLiXqi$

‘Gunfire, Whips, Sticks’: Taliban Opens Fire on First Street Protests Against Takeover. Shocking photos also showed women and children covered in blood at one Kabul checkpoint.

Afghan women express shock, fear, defiance under new Taliban rule. Women and girls in Afghanistan are facing a deeply uncertain and scary future with the Taliban in control of the country following the collapse of a U.S.-backed government and the exit of U.S. troops.

Daughter Describes Watching the Taliban Beat Mother to Death After She Said She Couldn’t Cook for Them. “My mother told them, ‘I am poor, how can I cook for you?’ ” the woman told CNN, so the Taliban “started beating her.” A traumatized daughter is recounting how insurgency fighters beat her mother to death with AK-47s earlier this summer when she was unable to supply the group with food.

# Gov / Politics
Democrats vent frustration with Biden on Afghanistan: President Biden is in the middle of his first unanticipated crisis, and even many members of his own party are appalled. The chaotic scenes in Afghanistan have transformed a popular decision by Biden, ending the 20-year war, into a debacle.

Texas House Democrats who refuse to show up to the state Capitol to prevent Republican lawmakers from passing a voting restrictions bill can be arrested and brought to the lower chamber, the Texas Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.

Team MAGA Goes Full Nativist on Afghan Refugees. It didn’t take long for the MAGA message machine to turn against Afghan refugees still struggling to leave their destabilized country.

Biden’s Big Plans for America Just Blew Up in Afghanistan: With the slimmest of congressional majorities, the commander in chief’s agenda may not survive this self-inflicted foreign-policy disaster.

Intelligence Warned of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite Biden’s Assurances https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thehill.com/policy/defense/568244-grim-intelligence-assessments-did-not-match-bidens-assurances-on-afghanistan__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lY2c2SimJAgC5qqdwh9zHwTEwmIpQwYk3jUNxEAmg0CrdPwQD-m0nwJy3cveHLL7Vs1V$

White House Admits ‘Fair Amount’ of US Equipment in Afghanistan in Taliban Hands. The Biden administration is still trying to determine the amount of American military equipment that is now in the hands of the extremist insurgents.

In Afghanistan, Don’t Blame Biden, Blame Bush: If you want to ascribe blame for the “failure” in Afghanistan, you’ll find it in the decision to invade Iraq. President Joe Biden did not fail there, he did his best to work through an impossible situation made worse by former President George W. Bush.

The Afghanistan Debacle: How Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden Bamboozled the American Public: The Taliban takeover in Afghanistan and the calamitous collapse of Kabul are the result of years of American failure to understand that nation and that war—an immense failure that was covered up by the administrations of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump.

Asylum Is Dead. The Myth of American Decency Died With It. Donald Trump took a broken asylum system and turned it into a machine of unchecked cruelty. Why Afghan refugees will encounter a system that has been politicized to the point of collapse.

The U.S. has nothing to show for its efforts after trillions of dollars were spent on wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and beyond, but blood in the sand. For decades, the American political class has intervened relentlessly and recklessly in countries whose people they hold in contempt.

Countering the changing threat of international terrorism: Report of the National Commission on Terrorism: Surprise, when it happens to a government, is likely to be a complicated, diffuse, bureaucratic thing.
It includes neglect of responsibility but also responsibility so poorly defined or so ambiguously delegated that action gets lost.

Biden and Milley misled about the Afghan army numbers, citing numbers that did not take into account things such as casualties, capture, and capitulation.

# Law Enforcement
Police: Why did a “Blue Alert” pop up on cellphones all over Texas late at night? Law enforcement officials were looking for a white four-door Cadillac whose driver shot at a Clay County deputy.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Philadelphia Ex-Cops Charged in Wrongful Conviction of Black Man Who Was Jailed for 25 Years. The charges follow a damning grand jury report that found Santiago and Martin coerced Wright, then 20 years old, into signing a false confession admitting to raping and killing 77-year-old Louise Talley in 1991.

# Medical / Health
Sacklers Say They Won’t Pay $4.5 Billion Opioids Settlement Unless Shielded from Future Lawsuits. US bankruptcy trustee, nine states and DC objecting to settlement plan because it would grant legal protection to Sacklers https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/17/sackler-family-purdue-pharma-settlement-opioid-lawsuits__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lY2c2SimJAgC5qqdwh9zHwTEwmIpQwYk3jUNxEAmg0CrdPwQD-m0nwJy3cveHAofZsMq$

# Military / DOD
Why did a military superpower fail in Afghanistan? This external approach, based on military occupation, to promote democracy in occupied foreign countries was “doomed to fail.”

No capability to ‘collect large numbers’ of Americans – Pentagon chief:
U.S. troops do not currently have the capability to help people reach Kabul airport to be evacuated from Afghanistan because they are focused on securing the airfield, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Wednesday.

Pentagon to Americans stuck in Afghanistan: You’re on your own:
Thousands of Americans are trapped behind enemy lines because of a decision that President Joe Biden made, and our own military is refusing to guarantee their safe return. And make no mistake: this is not a matter of capability. This is a policy decision.

# Security
The Threat Posed by the Chinese Government and the Chinese Communist Party to the Economic and National Security of the United States. The greatest long-term threat to our nation’s information and intellectual property, and to our economic vitality, is the counterintelligence and economic espionage threat from China. It’s a threat to our economic security—and by extension, to our national security.

# Social
As cities grow in size, the poor ‘get nothing at all’:  On average, people in larger cities are better off economically. But a new study published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface builds on previous research that says, that’s not necessarily true for the individual city-dweller. It turns out, bigger cities also produce more income inequality.

Corporate Property-Buying Spree May Make Housing Even Less Affordable Amid COVID. Corporate investors have been buying up homes from landlords unable to maintain their properties without rental income.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html
All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-08-17

Voices, The Peoples News

August 17, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
A wildfire hits home: The Bootleg Fire has destroyed the sacred ancestral homeland of the Klamath Tribes, which constitutes the Klamath, Modoc, and Yahooskin People https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.opb.org/article/2021/08/16/klamath-tribes-bootleg-fire-damage/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g8I57iltUiArgRN5g_frYx-oQahIkYjYT0QkUtj1g0sYox_-Kily6olTXbixpU6OjoXS$

The Apache community running to rescue its holy mountain. Indigenous spiritual leaders say the Vatican’s observatory is searching for something it doesn’t understand.

Colorado rescinds 1864 proclamation instructing residents to kill ‘hostile’ Native Americans. Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, rescinded an 1864 proclamation on Tuesday that instructed residents of the state to kill “hostile” Native Americans in the area.

Legal and cultural barriers keep Indigenous people from protecting sacred spaces off tribal land https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/nation/2021/08/17/indigenous-people-legal-barriers-protect-sacred-spaces/8152992002/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g8I57iltUiArgRN5g_frYx-oQahIkYjYT0QkUtj1g0sYox_-Kily6olTXbixpQPVsmGP$

# Border / Immigration
Refugee Advocates Demand US Stop Deportations to Haiti Following Earthquake “How can the U.S. government deport anyone to Haiti right now? How do they think so little of Haitian lives, deporting children and babies in the middle of the chaos?”

A Trump judge ordered Biden to reinstate one of Trump’s cruelest immigration policies https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.vox.com/2021/8/17/22627107/trump-judge-remain-in-mexico-matthew-kacsmaryk-immigration-asylum-joe-biden-donald-trump__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g8I57iltUiArgRN5g_frYx-oQahIkYjYT0QkUtj1g0sYox_-Kily6olTXbixpXZqoPd9$

# CoronaVirus
Australia is building COVID internment camps. A community engagement session was held earlier this week on progress of the fast-tracked 1000-bed accommodation site for returning travellers, however residents were told that builders would not be delayed by any consultation process.

The Mayor and Health Commissioner of Philadelphia dropped an announcement Wednesday that unvaccinated city employees will need to wear two masks while working indoors and that all new hires after September 1 will have to be vaccinated.

Confusion reigns in Texas as legal fight over mask mandates rages between local officials and Gov. Greg Abbott. Back-and-forth legal rulings have left some school districts with the choice of flouting Abbott and mandating masks, or waiting for the dust to settle.

‘Healthy People Die Every Day’: COVID Spirals in Mississippi. Coroners in a state facing an unprecedented hospitalization crisis say the dead increasingly have two things in common.

Deja Vu: Chinese Shipping Port Closes, Media Says Covid Is On The Rise … You Know What Comes Next https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.naturalblaze.com/2021/08/deja-vu-chinese-shipping-port-closes-media-says-covid-is-on-the-rise-you-know-what-comes-next.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed*3A*naturalblaze**A28Natural*Blaze*29__;JSsrJSsl!!On18fmf1aQ!g8I57iltUiArgRN5g_frYx-oQahIkYjYT0QkUtj1g0sYox_-Kily6olTXbixpeB0Usxb$

106 Fully Vaccinated People Have Died From COVID in Mass.

Texas Guv Tests Positive for COVID Amid Dire Surge: Abbott, who is vaccinated against COVID-19, is experiencing no symptoms and is receiving the Regeneron antibody treatment.

# Economy / Trade
Rising inflation and the price increases that come with it may lead to the highest raise for senior citizens in decades. Social Security’s cost of living adjustment for this year, which began affecting payments in January, was 1.3%. It boosted benefit checks by an average $20. This year’s price hikes have gobbled up that increase.

# Employment / Labor
September unemployment cliff looms for 7 million Americans. More than 7 million Americans are set to lose their unemployment aid immediately after Labor Day, even as the delta variant poses new challenges to the economic recovery.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Just 5% of the world’s power plants produce 73% of the global electricity emissions https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.zmescience.com/ecology/renewable-energy-ecology/world-power-plants-emissions-17082021/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g8I57iltUiArgRN5g_frYx-oQahIkYjYT0QkUtj1g0sYox_-Kily6olTXbixpVUUHGH1$

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Not convinced that humans are causing climate change? Here are the facts.
Let’s dive into decades of data.

Thousands evacuate as wildfires ravage Utah and Northern California.
Firefighters battled the Dixie Fire in California and a new fire in Parleys Canyon in Utah as searing temperatures continued to bake more than a half-million acres of land.

Western state governors push Biden admin to declare federal drought disaster Several Western state governors sent a letter on Sunday to President Joe Biden’s administration requesting he declare a federal drought disaster.

# Environment / Climate / Global
10 Million Acres of Siberia Are Burning. Russia has seen an increasing severity of wildfires in recent years due to rising summer temperatures and a historic drought https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/08/11/siberia-fires-russia-climate/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g8I57iltUiArgRN5g_frYx-oQahIkYjYT0QkUtj1g0sYox_-Kily6olTXbixpTSNHO3p$

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Biden Takes a Stand Against the GOP’s Assault on Food Stamps. He announces a plan to boost recipient families’ monthly benefits by 27 percent.

USDA makes historic increase for SNAP benefits. “A modernized Thrifty Food Plan is more than a commitment to good nutrition – it’s an investment in our nation’s health, economy, and security.”

# Global Politics and other news
Afghan women, dreading the kind of violent and systemic oppression they could face under Taliban rule, are calling for international help.

Here’s what women’s advocacy groups across the globe are doing for women in Afghanistan.

Taliban Promises Afghanistan Women: Trust Us, We’ve Changed. Many women decided to stay at home, in fear of being beaten on the streets.

Our eyes don’t deceive us: The men are fleeing Afghanistan. Where are all the women? Maybe these men are doing the only thing they can to eventually protect their families by escaping. But it just doesn’t sit right with me.

The Taliban have been in charge of Kabul for 48 hours. Women have already disappeared from the streets. There’s one big change, though:
The Taliban has repeatedly said that women’s rights will be protected under their rule, but it is clear that many Afghan women are terrified by the prospect of life under the Taliban.

# Gov / Politics
Joe Biden is not planning to prioritize thousands of American citizens stranded in evacuations from Afghanistan. Pentagon press secretary John Kirby confirmed to Fox News on Sunday evening that the administration will not give priority evacuation to Americans in Afghanistan over Afghans applying for visas.

Mad Kabul Scramble Is ‘Exactly the Scenario We Feared.’ “We didn’t need to be in this position,” said Rep. Jason Crow, an Afghanistan veteran who was one of 20 lawmakers who urged Biden to create a task force to protect Afghan allies.

Biden Isn’t Trump. He’s a Disaster In His Own Right. The fall of Kabul may be the point where Americans quit believing this kindly old man promising them that things will be fine. After that, there’s no going back.

Internal Government Watchdog Slams Afghanistan War Effort as Inept and Reckless “The overall picture is bleak,” writes the inspector general.

The US used Afghan women to justify its war. Now, it’s leaving them behind.
“We must be accountable to the crisis we helped create.”

One year of Afghanistan war spending could fund resettlement of 1.2 million refugees “We’ve spent billions on war. Now, let’s spend to bring Afghans to safety.”

An anonymous scholar at the American University of Afghanistan and Kabul University shares her chilling first-hand experience of the Taliban takeover of Kabul.
“I worked for so many days and nights to become the person I am today, and this morning when I reached home, the very first thing my sisters and I did was hide our IDs, diplomas and certificates.”

‘No Time for Amateur Hour’: Pelosi Signals Plan to Steamroll Right-Wing Dems “This is exactly right. Glad to see it,” said one progressive activist.

When Will We Stop Letting Our Presidents Lie America Into Wars? America has been lied into too many wars. It’s cost us too much in terms of money, credibility and blood. We must remember the lies. We can’t afford to let this one go down the memory hole, too.

# Law Enforcement
Extreme heat is turning prisons into ovens. As climate change causes soaring temperatures, people in poorly ventilated U.S. prisons are suffering.

Bodybuilder Rioter Seen Dragging Cop Down Stairs Is Arrested. A group of citizen sleuths had combed through photos and footage to unmask Logan Barnhart.

# Medical / Health
‘The biggest monster’ is spreading, and it’s not the Coronavirus. The infection prospers in crowds, spreading to people in close reach.
Containing an outbreak requires contact tracing, as well as isolation and treatment. Tuberculosis, the biggest infectious-disease killer worldwide, claims 1.5 million lives each year. As coronavirus pandemic spreads, consuming global health resources, these perennially neglected adversaries are making a comeback.

# Military / DOD
Fort Bliss in El Paso will be the destination for potentially thousands of Afghan refugees. This comes after the Taliban took control of Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital city, which led to a crush of civilians at the Kabul airport desperate to leave the country.

The U.S. Department of Defense is now evaluating Afghanistan for the “reconstruction of terrorist networks” after the Taliban captured Kabul and declared victory over the weekend, said a spokesman. Top defense officials are already warning that terrorist networks inside Afghanistan could quickly regroup in the wake of Kabul’s collapse https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/16/pentagon-terrorists-taliban-afghanistan-505203__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g8I57iltUiArgRN5g_frYx-oQahIkYjYT0QkUtj1g0sYox_-Kily6olTXbixpSb9mCK2$

American soldiers deployed at the Kabul airport have been shot at and were forced to return fire, killing two, said Pentagon spokesman John Kirby on Monday.

Another 1,000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne — based at Fort Bragg — have been ordered to head directly to Afghanistan’s capital of Kabul instead of Kuwait to assist in evacuations https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wpde.com/news/local/another-1000-troops-from-fort-bragg-headed-to-kabul-to-assist-evacuations__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g8I57iltUiArgRN5g_frYx-oQahIkYjYT0QkUtj1g0sYox_-Kily6olTXbixpZyqG3OQ$

State Department Sends Stranded Americans Note Saying U.S. ‘Cannot Guarantee Your Security’ En Route to Kabul Airport. The State Department has a list of roughly 5,000 Americans who have requested to leave Afghanistan and roughly half of them received the note, according to CBS.

# Other News
Progressive Critics Say Investors in US Weapon-Makers Only Clear Winners of Afghan War. “The military-industrial complex got exactly what it wanted out of this war.”

# Technology
Facebook bans Taliban-related content: What you need to know. Facebook bans Taliban-related content: Less than 48 hours after the Taliban gained control of Kabul, and with it, control over most of Afghanistan, Facebook has announced that it will ban, to the extent that it can, content related to the Taliban on all its platforms.

# Veterans / VA
Vets on What Americans Don’t Understand About Afghan Exit. The desperate scenes from Kabul must be “heartbreaking” for U.S. veterans of the 20-year Afghan war, well-meaning people say. That’s not the half of it.

# Water
Western states face first federal water cuts. U.S. officials are expected to declare the first-ever water shortage from a river that serves 40 million people in the West https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://apnews.com/article/business-health-environment-and-nature-climate-change-89ff76829e3a3c7ed514320e9a40df8f?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Top*news*3A&utm_campaign=ATF*Daily__;KyUr!!On18fmf1aQ!g8I57iltUiArgRN5g_frYx-oQahIkYjYT0QkUtj1g0sYox_-Kily6olTXbixpQgj0gRr$

Climate change is breeding blue-green algae and costing Kansans to fix stinky water.
Algae blooms are increasingly fouling Kansas lakes.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html
All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-08-16

Voices, The Peoples News

August 16, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
While lawmakers support legislation that could further restrict how Indigenous history is taught in schools, a state agency appointed by Gov. Greg Abbott is trying to make money by attracting tourists to Indigenous historical and cultural sites. Nations once exterminated or displaced are now being asked to help bring in tourism dollars.

U.S. Founders Demonized Indigenous People While Coopting Their Political Practices Genocide against Indigenous people is ongoing — through mass violence, cultural erasure and stolen land.

Winona LaDuke feels that President Biden has betrayed Native Americans.
“What did we get from Joe? A pipeline shoved down our throats.”

‘They know it’s wrong.’ Some call on Scouts to change use of Native American culture. A century of history: The Boy Scouts ‘origin story’
has claimed ‘Native teachings and spawned several factions claiming American Indian lore https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://indiancountrytoday.com/news/boy-scouts-have-been-one-of-the-worst-culprits-of-cultural-appropriation__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j-ALzcUlwlSMwVP02NN2CI6aoncxJQTJ4Rz9WnG0C9QuG-V36B7ORarkIneT0wBx4Mm1$

# Border / Immigration
Children held at two temporary migrant shelters in West Texas have reported mental and physical distress from overcrowding, a lack of medical attention, “inedible” food and other “shockingly deplorable conditions,” advocates said in court documents filed this week.

Mexico hastens migrant expulsions with flights. Mexico has flown thousands of undocumented migrants to the south of the country, according to officials, aiming to disrupt a pattern of repeat crossings at the border https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/pressed-by-us-mexico-hastens-migrant-expulsions-with-flights-south-2021-08-15/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j-ALzcUlwlSMwVP02NN2CI6aoncxJQTJ4Rz9WnG0C9QuG-V36B7ORarkIneT0xNXprIP$

# CoronaVirus
The highly transmissible delta variant of the coronavirus is spreading rampantly in Texas, but Gov. Greg Abbott is resisting statewide action and barring local leaders from implementing mask mandates.
*Vaccine doses reported 8,348 doses compared with the 30-day average a month ago.
An average 71,265 vaccine doses were reported each day in the last month and 45.1% of Texans are fully vaccinated.
*Hospitalizations increased by 2,525 patients compared with a week ago.
As of Aug. 14, 11,552 Texans are hospitalized for the coronavirus.

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Fully vaccinated Southwest flight attendant, 36, dies from COVID-19 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.businessinsider.com/vaccinated-southwest-airlines-flight-attendant-dies-covid-2021-8__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j-ALzcUlwlSMwVP02NN2CI6aoncxJQTJ4Rz9WnG0C9QuG-V36B7ORarkIneT00W3TxxL$

Dr. Robert Paine III, a University of Utah pulmonologist, has an idea that might combat COVID-19 variants like the delta variant and the lambda variant — and it’s called leukine. “Because it is given as an inhaled mist, it targets the lung to alleviate respiratory failure and reduce the need for oxygen therapy. This is a key step in preventing the need for ICU care and support on a mechanical ventilator.”

U.S. Hospitalizations Are Younger Than Ever; Dallas Schools Defy High Court Ruling on Mask Mandate https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2021/8/16/headlines/us_hospitalizations_are_younger_than_ever_dallas_schools_defy_high_court_ruling_on_mask_mandate__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j-ALzcUlwlSMwVP02NN2CI6aoncxJQTJ4Rz9WnG0C9QuG-V36B7ORarkIneT062Flceo$

Virologist Thomas Friedrich and his colleagues found that Delta is more likely than other SARS-CoV-2 variants to spread through vaccinated. “The bottom line is, this can happen — it can be true that vaccinated people can spread the virus. But we do not yet know what their relative role in overall community spread is.”

# Economy / Trade
Cities Want to Use Federal Rescue Funds to Pay Off Bank Debt. Activists and local progressive officials don’t want to let them.

Trump’s Tax Cut Helped 82 Ultrawealthy Households Save More Than $1 Billion The millions spent on campaign donations and lobbying for the cuts are minuscule compared with the savings of the rich.

Democrats’ SALT cap relief would be a gift to ultra-wealthy athletes, celebrities, and businessmen https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/democrats-salt-cap-relief-would-be-a-gift-to-ultra-wealthy-athletes-celebrities-and-businessmen__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j-ALzcUlwlSMwVP02NN2CI6aoncxJQTJ4Rz9WnG0C9QuG-V36B7ORarkIneT0xvUy0GC$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Turning to foreign leaders to fix our energy crisis is a shameful solution. President Joe Biden turning to countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for gas.

Bankers eager to continue funding oil and gas. Comments from a recent energy industry conference reveal major financiers of fossil fuels view environmental and social investing concerns as a trend to “inoculate”

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Mount Etna is 100 feet taller than it was 6 months ago. Mount Etna, Europe’s tallest and most active volcano, has erupted so much in the past six months, it has grown about 100 feet (30 meters) in height, satellite images reveal.

Noam Chomsky and Robert Pollin: We Can’t Rely on Private Sector for Necessary Climate Action. Private businesses will not move beyond greenwashing unless they are forced to by stringent government regulations.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Food Stamp Benefits Get Biggest Bump In Program’s History. The move does not require congressional approval.

# Global Politics and other news
Militants seized ancient palace and demanded a ‘peaceful transfer of power’ as they moved into the capital. The new Afghan President – and he congratulates his fighters for their ‘unexpected and unique’ victory over the West https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9895247/Taliban-enter-Kabul-demand-SURRENDER-SAS-flown-evacuate-British-ambassador.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j-ALzcUlwlSMwVP02NN2CI6aoncxJQTJ4Rz9WnG0C9QuG-V36B7ORarkIneT04ahIFB4$

Americans urged to ‘shelter in place’ as Kabul airport ‘takes fire’ – reports https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nypost.com/2021/08/15/americans-told-to-take-shelter-as-taliban-move-in-on-kabul-airport/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j-ALzcUlwlSMwVP02NN2CI6aoncxJQTJ4Rz9WnG0C9QuG-V36B7ORarkIneT0xCM4TpF$

Why aren’t Russia and China evacuating their staff from Kabul? Russia and China are retaining staff in their diplomatic missions in Kabul. In effect, they are preparing to deal directly with the Taliban on its home turf, while their global rivals walk away.

Russia Is Already Cozying Up to the Taliban as Kabul Spirals. “The Taliban made all the relevant promises to us, let’s hope they will be fulfilled,” the Russian ambassador to Kabul said.

Now that the Taliban has regained power after nearly two decades in the Afghan hinterlands, the average Afghan will face a radically different government, and lifestyle, than the one they have known since the U.S.-led invasion in late 2001.
How will the Taliban rule? Have they changed?

Nicaraguan Police Raid Offices of La Prensa, Arrest Editor Critical of President Ortega https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2021/8/16/headlines/nicaraguan_police_raid_offices_of_la_prensa_arrest_editor_critical_of_president_ortega__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j-ALzcUlwlSMwVP02NN2CI6aoncxJQTJ4Rz9WnG0C9QuG-V36B7ORarkIneT01tEvZqC$

Kabul’s Evacuation Crisis Has People Falling from the Sky. I’m a woman journalist who has lived in Afghanistan for eight years. Now I’m helping evacuate citizens, and the horror show I’ve witnessed will stay with me for life.

# Gov / Politics
A new state law: Starting Sept. 1, most Texans will be allowed to carry handguns in public without going through training or having to get permits. The new law — set to go into effect Sept. 1 — will allow anyone
21 years or older to carry a handgun in public https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/16/texas-permitless-carry-gun-law/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j-ALzcUlwlSMwVP02NN2CI6aoncxJQTJ4Rz9WnG0C9QuG-V36B7ORarkIneT0yxHfSDj$

Biden blasted for vacationing as Taliban topples Afghanistan after 20 years of American blood, sweat [and $85 billion wasted pretending to train Afghan forces] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-camp-david-afghanistan-taliban-republican-criticism__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j-ALzcUlwlSMwVP02NN2CI6aoncxJQTJ4Rz9WnG0C9QuG-V36B7ORarkIneT057V5ffy$

Even Biden’s Allies Think He Screwed Up Afghanistan. The Democratic caucus now feels that the White House “really screwed this up,”
according to a Democratic official, with anger focused on Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan.

[Question: If Biden and Harris resign, does Pelosi accend to the Presidency?] Rep. Jeff Van Drew Calls on Biden, Harris and Pelosi to Resign Over Afghanistan.
“With this administration it is failure after failure after failure.”
Van Drew said.

How Republicans are slamming Biden on Afghanistan. “It’s a very dire situation when you see the United States Embassy being evacuated. In fact you just had President Biden a few days ago saying you wouldn’t see helicopters evacuating the embassy like Saigon, and yet here we are,”
Scalise said.

Impeach Joe Biden Calls Grow After Taliban Seize Power In Afghanistan.
“The Cabinet should immediately invoke the 25th Amendment. If they won’t do that, the Congress should move to impeach him. Him remaining as our Commander In Chief is a national security threat,” Tarkanian said.

Compton City Councilman charged with bribery and fraud. Isaac Galvan was recently arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit election fraud and attempted bribery.

# Medical / Health
We Must Fight Privatization of Medicare and Medicaid to Win Single-Payer. It’s time the U.S. had a health care system that operates as a public good, free from the demands of profit-making.

# Military / DOD
DC military base went on lockdown over report of ‘armed individuals,’
troops warned to ‘prepare to fight.’ A military base in Washington, DC, was locked down for several hours Friday amid an armed intruder — and troops were warned to “prepare to fight”

# Other News
The El Paso Attack Was Not Just a Mass Shooting. It Was a Genocidal Massacre.
The massacre must be viewed in the broader historical context of anti-Mexican violence in Texas and throughout the U.S. Twenty-one of the
23 killed were of Mexican origin, and eight were Mexican citizens; another eight Mexican citizens were wounded.

# Water
U.S. officials are expected to declare the first-ever water shortage from a river that serves 40 million people in the West, triggering cuts to some Arizona farmers next year amid a gripping drought.

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-08-15

Voices, The Peoples News

August 15, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
Recall: Simply Nourish Fresh Market Adult Gently Cooked frozen dog food.
There are 4 different recipes involved, and 2 different sizes https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.petful.com/recalled/simply-nourish-fresh-market-adult-frozen-dog-food/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQKSM9i0S$

# Border / Immigration
Forty percent of migrants released in Texas border city test positive for COVID-19, officials say. The city of Laredo, Texas, has refused to take in migrants who have been bused in from elsewhere on the border after discovering 40% of them tested positive for the coronavirus, according to two local government officials.

# Children / Youth
Torturing children legally at taxpayers’ expense: A video of a young teenager at Rotenberg strapped face down and shocked 31 times over the course of seven hours because he would not take off his jacket at this center. He was screaming for help and asking for it to stop. He was hospitalized for a month. This court decision allows this inhumane approach to continue. There is even talk about using aversive conditioning again in California and other states.

# CoronaVirus
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted during a press briefing last week that her claim that over 99% of covid patients dying in hospitals were unvaccinated was false. The claim, which was also echoed by Anthony Fauci, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and other top officials, was shown to be a lie by the CDC’s own data https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62442__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQMDmL5pO$

First Case Of The Lambda Covid Variant Reported In Los Angeles, But It’s Not Yet Much Of A Match For Delta. “We’ve only seen one Lambda variant among tests sequenced in our labs, and this was a sample from June.” The fact that Lambda was sequenced in June and has not been found since would seem to indicate it’s not spreading rapidly, if at all https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://deadline.com/2021/08/first-case-of-lambda-variant-in-los-angeles-1234814899/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQEQYwhUn$

Refuse to get a vaccine? You might be hit with expensive medical bills, employer mandates https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/refuse-to-get-a-vaccine-you-might-be-hit-with-expensive-medical-bills-employer-mandates/ar-AANjhzM?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQCkjF7EG$

There will be one economy for the vaccinated and another for everyone else https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/there-will-be-one-economy-for-the-vaccinated-and-another-for-everyone-else/ar-AANjwXt?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQNqij98w$

Why War On Unvaccinated Is So Dangerous For Everyone: Ah, yes. An emergency authorized vaccine for a virus that is insanely survivable for healthy people is the exact same as the moral argument against walking in butt naked to a store. It’s also okay that half of America starves based on this premise.” Are the Unvaxxed the New “Jews”?

At least 27 fully vaccinated people onboard a Carnival cruise ship test positive for COVID-19 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/carnival-cruise-27-vaccinated-guests-tested-positive-covid-19-2021-8__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQAFbRaTF$

America Is Getting Unvaccinated People All Wrong. They’re not all anti-vaxxers, and treating them as such is making things worse.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a stern warning about the delta variant of the coronavirus: “Acknowledge the war has changed.” Now, it says even vaccinated people are able to readily spread the virus.

Study: Vaccinated people can carry as much virus as others. In a dispiriting setback for the nation’s efforts to stamp out the coronavirus, scientists who studied a big COVID-19 outbreak in Massachusetts concluded that vaccinated people who got breakthrough infections carried about the same amount of the coronavirus as those who did not get the shots.

PhDs the most vaccine-hesitant group of all –A new study from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh in the US revealed that the most educated people were the least likely to get vaccinated.

Steve Cox, an independent leftist candidate for California’s 39th House seat, wrote on Twitter that anyone who does not wear a mask or practices social distancing should be shot.

Delta COVID Surge in Iceland Is Very Bad News for the U.S.: A surge of COVID cases in one of the world’s best-protected countries shows that initial herd immunity predictions may have been way too optimistic.

How BioNTech created a new delta-focused COVID vaccine in just a few weeks The beauty of mRNA vaccines is their ability to be quickly updated.

What is a breakthrough infection? 6 questions answered about catching the delta variant. Here’s what you should know about getting COVID-19 even if you’re vaccinated.

‘I have news for the governor’: Doctor reacts to Ron DeSantis’ Covid-19 comments https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/i-have-news-for-the-governor-doctor-reacts-to-ron-desantis-covid-19-comments/vi-AANk78a?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQL62g-Q4$

27 vaccinated people on board Carnival Cruise test positive for COVID-19. A Carnival cruise on which 27 people tested positive for
COVID-19 just before the ship made a stop in Belize City this week was headed back to Galveston, Texas after stopping in Mexico.

# Economy / Trade
These Retail Companies Are Now Requiring Vaccinations for Employees https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-08-07/list-employers-with-covid-19-vaccine-mandates__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQHm_aAsy$

# Education / Schools
Teacher hospitalized after a parent allegedly attacked him over face masks on first day of school https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.kbtx.com/2021/08/14/parent-attacks-teacher-over-mask-mandate-outside-calif-school/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQKbVkLhA$

# Employment / Labor
More Workers Are Saying That Minimum-Wage Jobs Just Aren’t Worth It Anymore.
Since the pandemic hit, more people have started to question why they should accept poor working conditions and low pay https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://truthout.org/audio/more-workers-are-saying-that-minimum-wage-jobs-just-arent-worth-it-anymore/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=7fded735-52fc-437e-adbb-6bc5f2cdc9bc__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQPG1FEl7$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Line 3 Drew Thousands of Protesters to Minnesota This Summer. Last Week, Enbridge Declared the Pipeline Almost Finished. Activists say, ‘We have to stand strong’ and a tribe has filed a new lawsuit over the rights of wild rice. But the options are running out.

Striking Coal Miners Are Demanding $1.1 Billion From World’s Largest Asset Firm Warrior Met coal miners are fighting to reverse concessions forced on them when BlackRock became the top shareholder.

Documents reveal how California Gov. Gavin Newsom protected PG&E after the company caused deadly fires and pleaded guilty to the felony killing of 84 people.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
IPCC climate report: Profound changes are underway in Earth’s oceans and ice, a lead author explains what the warnings mean https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://theconversation.com/ipcc-climate-report-profound-changes-are-underway-in-earths-oceans-and-ice-a-lead-author-explains-what-the-warnings-mean-165588__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQIP9t22Y$

Average global temperature has risen under 40 years of Neoliberalism.
Yet we continue to allow fossil fuel companies to profit off destroying the planet, says economist Robert Pollin.

It’s totally our fault: Humans “unequivocally” causing global warming.
It’s our last chance to transform the economy and prevent catastrophic climate damage.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Atlantic Ocean currents weaken, signalling big weather changes – study:
The Atlantic Ocean’s current system, an engine of the Northern Hemsiphere’s climate, could be weakening to such an extent that it could soon bring big changes to the world’s weather, a scientific study said on Thursday.

Meet the plastic-hunting ‘pirates’ of Cornwall: Plastic collected by the litter-picking seafarers is melted down to make sea kayaks. These are then used to go and collect more rubbish.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Trade policies have environmental implications: US–China trade relations have implications for global nitrogen and phosphorus surpluses, and increasing blue water demand. The case shows that trade policy analysis needs to integrate environmental considerations.

Global food supplies will suffer as temperatures rise – climate crisis report https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/aug/10/global-food-supplies-will-suffer-as-temperatures-rise-climate-crisis-report__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQOmMgctU$

# Global Politics and other news
Are Bolsonaro’s Attacks on the Amazon and Indigenous Tribes International Crimes? A Third Court Plea Says They Are. Native groups have accused Brazil’s president of weaponizing the environment to carry out genocide and crimes against humanity.

War between Israel and Poland likely as claims by thousands of fake holocaust survivors blocked: Poland’s president has decided to sign a bill that would set limits on the ability of Jews to recover property seized by Nazi German occupiers and retained by post-war communist rulers, drawing fury from Israel which branded the law as “anti-Semitic”

Afghan President Flees the Country as Taliban Close In. The beleaguered leader of the troubled nation left Kabul Sunday afternoon as the Taliban moved further into the capital.

How did the Taliban retake Afghanistan so fast? What’s happening now?
What we know. Taliban fighters marched into Afghanistan’s capital city, signaling a collapse of the Afghan government two decades after the U.S.
invaded the country in the “war on terror.”

# Gov / Politics
Teen Arrested for Alleged Role in GOP Strategist’s Sex Trade. Shortly after arresting GOP strategist Anton Lazzaro for underage sex trafficking, police say they’ve caught up with his 19-year-old associate, who now faces the same charges.

President Biden dug in on Saturday, defending his decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan despite a rapidly deteriorating situation for the Afghan government as the Taliban continues to overtake major provinces and cities.

The U.S. Census Bureau has fired the starting gun on a chaotic sprint to draw new district boundary lines in what will be at once the most transparent and the most unfettered exercise in political cartography in half a century.

The White House is growing increasingly frustrated over the slow pace of Senate confirmations of President Biden’s nominees. Key positions in Biden’s administration remain unfilled more than seven months into his presidency, with several vacancies threatening to hamper government operations.

Time’s Up Ex-Staffers Say Problems Run Deeper Than Cuomo. Revelations that the #MeToo organization consulted for Andrew Cuomo spurred open letters and furious op-eds. But former staffers say the situation is actually far more alarming.

Tapper to Blinken: How Did Biden Get Afghanistan ‘So Wrong’? Tapper also noted that while Biden wants to avoid a “Saigon moment,” the airlift of Americans out of Kabul show we’re “already in the midst of a Saigon moment.”

U.S. Embassy in Kabul to be Shuttered Within 72 Hours: Initial reports suggested a few diplomats would stay on at the embassy in the Afghan capital, but even those people will be relocated to Kabul airport for swift evacuation.

# Law Enforcement
Florida Jail Faces Threat of Toxic Flooding. It Has No Evacuation Plan.
Many rural jails and prisons face serious environmental threats, but they aren’t often considered in emergency planning.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
He Was a ‘Stop the Steal’ Star, His Law Firm Erased Him: In the months since Trump’s failed coup, government documents have further revealed the extent of attorney Kurt Olsen’s behind-the-scenes crusade to try to keep him in power.

# Medical / Health
All other countries outranking the U.S. have one thing in common:
universal health care. “And we are far away from that, even with the Affordable Care Act,” he said. Wendell said the out-of-pocket costs, which he called “outrageous,” are “just too high.”

# Military / DOD
President Biden announced on Saturday that the U.S. would send 1,000 more troops to Afghanistan to assist with evacuating U.S. personnel amid a rapidly deteriorating situation as the Taliban continue to overtake major provinces and cities in the region.

Four A-10 Thunderbolt IIs from the 354th Fighter Squadron and the Michigan Air National Guard’s 127th Wing landed on a state highway as part of Northern Strike 21, a large-scale training exercise, in Alpena, Aug. 5. This is the first time in history that the Air Force has purposely landed modern aircraft on a civilian roadway in the U.S.

# Military / Global
Taliban capture Afghan government’s last northern stronghold.
Afghanistan’s fourth-largest city and the government’s last northern stronghold fell to the Taliban on Saturday, multiple news outlets reported.

Afghan president appeals for help as Taliban close in on capital. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani is calling on the international community to aid in the country’s fight against the Taliban https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thehill.com/policy/international/567855-afghanistan-president-appeals-for-help-as-taliban-close-in-on-capital__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQCfKDWHc$

# Other News
Massive 7.2 Earthquake Rattles Fragile Haiti. The U.S.G.S. reported a major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 in western Haiti causing substantial damage. The quake was stronger than the 2010 tremor that flattened the island.

Tropical Storm Expected to Hit Haiti Two Days After Quake. The newly formed storm is projected to hit Haiti just days after a devastating 7.2 earthquake.

The Memo: Fall in white population could add fuel to nativist fire. The United States is more diverse than ever, according to the latest census figures released last week. Hate crimes in the U.S. rose to their highest level in a decade during 2019, the last year for which comprehensive data is available.

# Social
The El Paso Attack Was Not Just a Mass Shooting. It Was a Genocidal Massacre.
The massacre must be viewed in the broader historical context of anti-Mexican violence in Texas and throughout the U.S.

‘An epidemic in itself’: Why billions of federal aid isn’t making it to renters, landlords during pandemic https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/politics/2021/08/15/covid-pandemic-federal-aid-renters-landlords/5552227001/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQF4HC0ez$

# Water
Small towns grow desperate for water in California. Mendocino is running dry.

A Crisis Of Water And Power On The Colorado River: As the river’s biggest reservoirs, Lakes Powell and Mead, fall to one-third of their capacity, the dwindling flow threatens everything from crops to electricity generation https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://e360.yale.edu/features/on-the-water-starved-colorado-river-drought-is-the-new-normal__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kXvhZSc3SEhJ5plcBH8kB_BJfkOFT0x4j0jVw217mALbbhcoyznkHQzlJyokQLPsye0H$

The Climate Crisis Is Worse Than You Can Imagine. Here’s What Happens If You Try.
A climate scientist spent years trying to get people to pay attention to the disaster ahead. His wife is exhausted. His older son thinks there’s no future.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-08-13

Voices, The Peoples News

August 13, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Dems Urge Feds To Provide Trauma Support Amid Native American Boarding School Project. The Interior Department’s probe into its former policy “will inevitably shed light on extremely troubling episodes in our nation’s history,” lawmakers said.

# Indigenous / Global
Saving Salmon for the Bears. The Wuikinuxv Nation is conducting research to figure out how much salmon to set aside to help the bears.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls What Are ‘Murder Hornets’? Size, Sightings and What They Look Like. The first sighting of so-called “murder hornets” this year has been reported in Washington state.

# Border / Immigration
The media finally comes for Team Biden’s ‘incoherent’ border plan. The numbers are staggering and nothing like we’ve seen at the U.S.-Mexico border in 20-plus years https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/567704-the-media-finally-comes-for-team-bidens-incoherent-border-plan__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvnj30tQ_$

Biden’s DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says the border crisis is ‘unsustainable’ and ‘we’re going to lose’ in leaked audio as crossings reach a 21-year high https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://widelyvision.com/politics/sec-mayorkas-says-border-crisis-unsustainable-and-were-going-to-lose-in-leaked-audio/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvjVbdgkO$

# Children / Youth
In a world gone crazy: Kids as Young as Four Can Now Change Gender in Scottish Schools Without Parental Consent https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.the-sun.com/health/3466200/children-scotland-change-gender-without-parental-consent-age-four/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvkPGj9FG$

# CoronaVirus
Why Are Pfizer and Moderna Jacking Up COVID Vaccine Prices? Pfizer and Moderna have increased their COVID-19 vaccine pricing in recent EU deals, according to the Financial Times. Continued strong demand and relatively limited supply for the vaccines paved the way for these price hikes.

Tennessee GOPer Who Nearly Died of COVID Now Fighting Masks. State Rep.
David Byrd needed a liver transplant after 55 days on a ventilator. Now he’s thanking the medical professionals who saved his life by battling mask and vaccine mandates.

Why the Vaccines Are Only About 50% Effective Against Delta. We need masking, distancing, booster shots—and for the public to be told the truth, Dr. Eric Topol https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-the-covid-vaccines-are-only-about-50-effective-against-the-delta-variant__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvobEJ0k7$

FDA authorizes extra vaccine doses for immunocompromised patients. The action by the Food and Drug Administration means additional shots could be available for the immunocompromised as soon as this weekend.

New Orleans, San Francisco to Require Vaccination Card or Negative Test for Indoor Venues https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2021/8/13/headlines/new_orleans_san_francisco_to_require_vaccination_card_or_negative_test_for_indoor_venues__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvh-S1KwJ$

School is back and thousands of students are already in quarantine after being exposed to COVID-19 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/paigeskinner/back-to-school-covid-outbreaks__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvkECryGu$

More US cities requiring proof of vaccination to go places https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-08-13/more-us-cities-requiring-proof-of-vaccination-to-go-places__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvn_nge2i$

# Economy / Trade
Wealth Tax and IRS Funding Could Pay for Entire $3.5T Bill, Warren Writes https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://truthout.org/articles/wealth-tax-and-irs-funding-could-pay-for-entire-3-5t-bill-warren-writes/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvki8W5fB$

Opinion: Central bank digital currencies are coming. The US must be
prepared: Unlike bitcoin, CBDCs are issued by governments and are basically digital versions of an existing national currency. But instead of holding it in your wallet, you store it on your phone. CBDCs could become more commonplace sooner than you’d think.

Wealth Tax and IRS Funding Could Pay for Entire $3.5T Bill, Warren Writes. The senator writes that her tax plans could pay for the reconciliation and infrastructure plans with money to spare.

Joe Biden has just given you a pay cut, America. Get ready for more:
Alfredo Ortiz
What Americans already know: Their living standards are declining under President Biden as inflation swamps wage gains.The Federal Reserve and Biden administration have tried to gaslight Americans by downplaying inflation and calling it transitory. Yet consumers and small businesses in the real world are feeling its full effects.

3 Actions by Biden Administration Could Cost Millions of Jobs https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/02/17/3-actions-by-biden-administration-could-cost-millions-of-jobs/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvjaruWjC$

# Education / Schools
Gov. Greg Abbott has banned mask mandates in schools and the state will not provide funding for remote learning. Abbott, along with Attorney General Ken Paxton, made clear this week that they plan to take school districts to court if they don’t comply with his order.

Money, Power, and Revenge: The Truth about Critical Race Theory https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://insidesources.com/money-power-and-revenge-the-truth-about-critical-race-theory/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvk6Veaw_$

Proud Boys Unite With Anti-Maskers to Threaten School Boards. As anti-maskers attack and even attempt to ‘overthrow’ school districts over COVID restrictions, the far-right paramilitary Proud Boys are taking up their cause.

COVID Kills 4 Teachers in One Day in FL School District. Florida Gov.
Ron DeSantis has forbidden school districts from requiring students and teachers get vaccinated or wear masks to school.

FDA authorizes third vaccine dose for the immunocompromised. The broadened EUAs specifically permit solid-organ transplant patients or people with other conditions “that are considered to have an equivalent level of immunocompromise” to access additional doses, the agency said in a press release.

Schools become COVID-19 battleground: Schools have become the latest battleground in the fight over coronavirus safety. As the delta variant continues spreading rapidly across the country causing a new wave of infections and hospitalizations, it is sending school administrators scrambling to adjust reopening plans.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Oil workers slam Biden’s decisions: Everything he’s done will raise gas
prices: Liberty Oilfield Services CEO Chris Wright and third-generation oil and gas worker Brian Linn discuss Biden’s appeal to OPEC and his decisions surrounding the oil and gas industry https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/oil-workers-slam-biden-s-decisions-everything-he-s-done-will-raise-gas-prices/vi-AANhtXW?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvqltxn4Q$

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Code Red: Our Human-Caused Climate Emergency Demands Immediate Action.
The 4,000-page document offers a detailed synthesis of over 14,000 scientific papers, painstakingly reviewed by 234 experts https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/un-sounds-clarion-call-over-irreversible-climate-impacts-by-humans-2021-08-09/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvou5ks–$

Climate change is making people think twice about having children. A growing number of people are reluctant to bring a child into a world that’s set to be ravaged by climate change in the coming decades https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://insider-voice.com/climate-change-is-making-people-think-twice-about-having-children/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvg69bLnT$

Pelosi threatens to destroy Democrats’ infrastructure success: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to singlehandedly force through a massive
$3.5 trillion spending proposal by holding hostage a bipartisan infrastructure bill that passed the Senate this week.

# Environment / Climate / Global
A giant caldera may be lurking underwater in the Aleutians. Four Volcanos in Aleutian Islands Are Active. Chain of Alaskan islands might really be one monster volcano https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.livescience.com/small-islands-one-big-volcano.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvkG-3D1s$

Coca-Cola biggest offender of all branded pollution on UK beaches, new report confirms. “Serial offenders including Coca-Cola—which tops the leader board year on year as the worst offender—are still not taking responsibility.”

# Global Politics and other news
‘Why did my friend get blown up? For what?’ Afghanistan  veterans horrified by Taliban gains https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/why-did-my-friend-get-blown-up-for-what-afghanistan-war-veterans-horrified-by-taliban-gains/ar-AANhE8k?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvkX7l2ry$

Rapid Taliban advances in Afghanistan have the US military launching strikes to destroy captured artillery and armored vehicles https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://news.yahoo.com/rapid-taliban-advances-afghanistan-us-162629022.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvt_lTyh_$

# Gov / Politics
Texas law enforcement was deputized Thursday to track down Texas House Democrats still missing from the chamber and bring them to the state Capitol in Austin, a process that Speaker Dade Phelan’s office said “will begin in earnest immediately.”

Judge Seals Report on Voting Machine Vulnerability. A judge in a Georgia election security lawsuit is working to tamp down voting machine conspiracy theories. But sealing a court file could stoke the controversy even more.

A tale of two chambers: Trump’s power holds in House, wanes in Senate.
The infrastructure debate dominating Capitol Hill this summer is highlighting the sharp contrast between the chambers when it comes to the influence of former President Trump over the GOP.

Debates on vaccine, mask mandates permeate Virginia governor’s race. The nationwide debate over vaccine and mask mandates is infiltrating the upcoming statewide elections in Virginia as coronavirus cases in the commonwealth tick upward.

AG Jeffrey Rosen’s Senate testimony on Trump pressure leaked. All the Whitehouse people with knowledge of the overthrow plan and details, asses are hanging out as co-conspirators.

Moderates Threaten Stalemate Over Budget Vote and Infrastructure: To assuage liberals, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has promised that she will not bring the infrastructure bill to a vote in the House until the Senate passes a more expansive social policy bill.

9 Moderate Democrats Threaten to Tank Entire Biden Presidency: The demand of the letter is that the House votes on the bipartisan infrastructure bill before it votes on the budget. Why are the nine Democrats so insistent on this order when the party’s leadership wants to pass both bills?

Man Sent Racist Death Threat Signed as ‘KKK’ to Maxine Waters: Defendant released at first court appearance https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2021/08/12/san-francisco-feds-charge-man-with-sending-racist-death-threat-to-rep-maxine-waters-signed-kkk/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvk1xcv13$

The U.S. defeat in Afghanistan is worse than the Soviet failure…how has this happened? As the US completes its retreat from its longest war, its enemy is on the march.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Ohio Leaders Demand Reform After Black Woman Jailed, White Woman Gets Probation for Stealing https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/ohio-leaders-demand-reform-after-black-woman-jailed-white-woman-gets-probation-for-stealing/ar-AANfKyX?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvq-yotkl$

Another Trump business faces possible investigation: Trump in financial and political danger as company faces possible criminal charges. New York prosecutors may soon bring indictment against Trump Organization tied to perks for top executives https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/28/donald-trump-organization-new-york-criminal-charges__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvgbWXBUI$

# Media
A Day in the Death of British Justice. For those who may have forgotten, WikiLeaks, of which Assange is founder and publisher, exposed the secrets and lies that led to the invasion of Iraq, Syria and Yemen https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newagebd.net/article/146264/a-day-in-the-death-of-british-justice__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvn_mi6ww$

Worrying Turn in Assange Case. The U.S. victory in court on Wednesday makes the prospects for Julian Assange at October’s appeal hearing murky at best.

U.S. Presses Effort to Secure Julian Assange’s Extradition From U.K.
Judge widens grounds for appealing lower court’s refusal to extradite WikiLeaks founder https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-presses-effort-to-secure-julian-assanges-extradition-from-u-k-11628692743__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvtyDiVME$

UK judge refuses US extradition of WikiLeaks founder Assange https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://apnews.com/article/julian-assange-uk-refuses-us-extradition-5b148b0b6b9f72a20eedad4218e8227a__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvoE6zI2V$

# Military / DOD
Pentagon to send three infantry battalions to Afghanistan to help evacuate US diplomats https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://apnews.com/article/afghanistan-us-troops-embassy-kabul-355c48ec08fb7eb75e1e279e99c3dabf__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvuy2S1cM$

U.S. Begins Evacuating Afghanistan Embassy Staff as Taliban Seize Kandahar and Herat https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2021/8/13/headlines/us_begins_evacuating_afghanistan_embassy_staff_as_taliban_seize_kandahar_and_herat__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvof7YnY6$

# Murmurs of war
‘Close to the danger zone’: Security experts warn about increasing possibility of war over Taiwan. Mounting tensions follow increasing reunification rhetoric from Beijing, which considers Taiwan to be a breakaway province that should be reunited, possibly by force.

# Other News
Bodies of six men found hanging from a bridge in Mexico: Zacatecas, the capital of the same name, has been plagued by violence in recent months as the Sinaloa Cartel and its biggest rival, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, vie for control of major transportation routes. In July, 11 bodies were found hanging under a bridge in Zacatecas, some with a threatening message. Some bodies have been dumped in the municipalities of Fresnillo and Valparaiso, and crime rates have skyrocketed.

# Social
2020 census data: The results of the 2020 census showed that Texas’
explosive growth over the past decade was again powered by people of color. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/12/texas-2020-census/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvpg1Sn1m$

How new census data may shift the balance of power in the U.S.

U.S. Supreme Court lifts New York’s pandemic-related eviction ban: High court, over liberal dissent, says some state protections deprived landlords of due process https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wsj.com/articles/supreme-court-lifts-part-of-new-yorks-eviction-moratorium-11628818541__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hsCaZN7bglGVQ1JuLN5OQejoGbbKBoUh1zJYHpkEE4ix6sfz9bE3YaWq1ximvvjBqSCM$

A federal judge in Washington, D.C., on Friday rejected a request from a group of landlords to block the Biden administration’s renewed eviction moratorium.

Black Contractor Discovers Noose in Yard of Asian-American Homeowner.
Police in St. Louis are investigating after a Black contractor found a noose at the renovation site of a Benton Park home owned by an Asian American woman.

# Things / Stuff / Whatever
One Great Shot: A Constellation of Moons. A search for a secret cove leads to an unforgettable jellyfish encounter.

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