MPEN e-Newsletter No. 2018-0107

From: Munsup @SISCOM Seoh
Subject: FW: Government Remains Shut Down; Join a #TrumpShutdown action near you; Comcast + Trump = disaster; and more


  • FW: Today’s Headlines: Bitter Bickering Muddies the Path to Ending the Government Shutdown
  • FW: Government Remains Shut Down
  • FW: Join a #TrumpShutdown action near you
  • FW: BREAKING: #TrumpShutdown
  • FW: [SHUTDOWN] How did this happen?
  • FW: Take Action: Stand With Dr. Laurie Rubel at Brooklyn College
  • FW: Comcast + Trump = disaster
  • FW: Speaking up about injustice is a good thing. No elected official should threaten our right to do so.


From: New York Times
Subject: NYT Today’s Headline: Bitter Bickering Muddies the Path to Ending the Government Shutdown

Bitter Bickering Muddies the Path to Ending the Government Shutdown

With the government shut down and the two parties faulting each other, senators from both parties were looking for an agreement to end the crisis.


From: Jedith
Subject: Government Remains Shut Down


From: Katharine, Elsie, Ben, Jackie, and the rest of the team, Civic Action
Subject: Join a #TrumpShutdown action near you

Donald Trump and his GOP Congress just shut down the federal government.1

Our National Parks are closing down.

9 million kids who depend on the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) still have their coverage unfunded.2

And 800,000 Dreamers are without the protections they were promised under DACA.

All because Donald Trump and the GOP chose to shut down the government rather than give up their reckless and racist policies, including billions in funding for a border wall.

Trump is tweeting up a storm to pass blame for his shutdown off onto Democrats because they stood strong for Dreamers and resisted his radical agenda. But we won’t stand for it—and MoveOn members and our allies are going to show up at speak-out actions across the country this next week to demand that the GOP end the #TrumpShutdown and get back to work to pass the Dream Act and fund CHIP. 

Click here to host or join an urgent speak-out this week to demand Congress end the #TrumpShutdown and protect Dreamers—find and RSVP for an event near you, or start a new one! (If there isn’t an event near you yet, hosting one is easy! MoveOn staff and volunteers will support you every step of the way and even recruit other MoveOn members and partners in your area.)

Yesterday marked exactly one year since Trump’s inauguration—and one year of the resistance to Trump’s administration. In the past year, so many of us have stepped up our civic engagement in ways we may never have expected. We’ve been vigilant in defending health care coverage, standing with communities bearing the brunt of Trump’s attacks, and resisting the Trump agenda as we’ve mobilized to win key elections and lay the groundwork to rebuild progressive power.

And we’ve had incredible impact! We’ve been able to defeat horrible Republican policies and support leadership from Democrats who have stood strong—even now, the fact that the Democrats are so united in their opposition to Trump’s and the Republicans’ cruel legislative games is a testament to the power of the Resistance, which has stiffened the spines of Democrats and showed we’ll have their backs in a moment like this.

And now it’s critical to make sure Republicans feel the pressure—to get back to work, pass Dream, fund CHIP, reopen the government, and reject Trump’s racist agenda and reckless actions.

MoveOn and our allies are organizing a national wave of protests to end the #TrumpShutdown, beginning Monday and lasting through Wednesday (unless we can win before then!).

Can we count on you to join or host a speak-out event in your area to end the #TrumpShutdown?

Republicans have shut down the federal government before, and they suffered a political cost from holding our country hostage to their extreme agenda. If we all come together to stand up to this egregious negotiating tactic, we can win public opinion, help secure a deal that protects Dreamers, and emerge as a stronger country. It all starts with what we do next.

Thanks for all you do.

P.S.: One year ago, the day after the Women’s March, MoveOn and our allies held the first Ready to Resist call—and broke the Guinness World Record for the largest conference call in history. Tonight, Sunday January 21, we’re marking that anniversary with another Ready to Resist call, live from the Women’s March in Las Vegas and featuring leaders of the Women’s March, where we’ll focus like a laser on urgent steps to stop the #TrumpShutdown.


  1. “The government has officially shut down,” Vox, January 20, 2018
  2. “9 million kids get health insurance under CHIP. Congress just let it expire,” The Washington Post, October 19, 2017

Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump’s agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation’s pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us? Donate monthly or make a one-time gift

Contributions to Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.


From: Nancy Treviño; Reform Immigration FOR America
Subject: BREAKING: #TrumpShutdown

Somehow, the Republicans have managed to shut down the government. Again.

How could this happen? The GOP has complete control of the House and Senate, not to mention their President sitting in the Oval Office. The DREAM Act has bipartisan support and remains overwhelmingly popular with a majority of Americans. They’ve also had a full year to pass the budget and ensure CHIP was reauthorized.

It seems that, in their unwillingness to govern outside of their white nationalist agenda, Trump and the GOP derailed the process of creating permanent protections for DACAmented youth.

The new reality of American politics is that racism has a seat at every table. So, what now?

  • Hundreds of thousands of federal workers and contractors will lose pay
  • Vital programs like Medicare and Medicaid, social security, and veterans services will experience significant delays
  • Trump and his GOP allies will place the blame everywhere but where it actually belongs: on themselves

Don’t be silent. Take action right now by tweeting or posting:

Instead of acting as POTUS for all Americans, @realDonaldTrump has doubled down on his racist agenda & caused a government shutdown to appease the white nationalists he really works for. And the @GOP let it happen. #TrumpShutdown #RacistinChief

Last week, Trump sent a clear message with his shameful “s—hole” comment: that he and the extremists in the Republican party intend to support their white nationalist agenda, no matter the consequences.

The most powerful tool we have in this fight is our collective voice. We can’t let Trump, the white nationalists who control him, and the spineless GOP use this moment to further attack immigrants and people of color.


From: MARGARET PETERS on behalf of Dorian Warren, CCCAction President
Subject: FW: [SHUTDOWN] How did this happen?

…”Instead of acting as POTUS  for all Americans, @realDonaldTrump has doubled down on his racist rhetoric and the GOP  let it happen.”…Dorian Warren, President, Center for Community Change Action
Somehow, the Republicans have managed to shut down the government. Again.

Despite their majorities in the House and Senate, not to mention their President sitting in the Oval Office, the Republicans have failed. How could this happen?

Incompetence? Obviously. The GOP has been in control of every branch of government for an entire year, and has failed to pass a budget, reauthorize CHIP, or take the necessary steps to pass a bipartisan DREAM Act.

Ideology? Sure. After all, Republicans are the anti-government (and apparently, anti-governing) party. Many of them have dreamed about a shutdown – Trump even encouraged the idea just months ago.

But really, it all goes back to white nationalism. The new reality of American politics is that racism has a seat at every table.

Trump, the white nationalists who control him, and this spineless Republican leadership are using this moment, and the budget, to prioritize attacks on immigrants and people of color:

  • Threatening a “wall” that will cost billions of taxpayer dollars
  • Terrorizing immigrant communities with gestapo-like raids
  • Emboldening racists to spread their vitriol online, in our communities, and in our government

Don’t be silent. Take action right now by tweeting or posting:

Instead of acting as POTUS for all Americans, @realDonaldTrump has doubled down on his racist agenda & caused a government shutdown to appease the white nationalists he really works for. And the @GOP let it happen. #TrumpShutdown

The shameful “s—hole” comment heard around the world wasn’t a slip – it was a clear and direct signal to every American: the Presidency has been compromised by the white nationalist agenda of Trump and the extremists in the Republican party. The question now is whether the rest of the GOP-controlled Congress will fall in line.


From: Munsup @MPEN Seoh
Subject: Take Action: Stand With Dr. Laurie Rubel at Brooklyn College

I thought you might want to sign on to the petition by the AAUP excerpted below:

Together with the Brooklyn College chapter of the Professional Staff Congress, we stand in support of Laurie Rubel, professor of mathematics education, who has become the latest “click bait” for the right-wing media’s outrage machine. Dr. Rubel’s recent article in the Journal of Urban Mathematics Education was caricatured and decontextualized by Campus Reform, an online “watchdog” outlet seeking to curb academic freedom.

To sign and read more, click here:


From: Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Emma, Pilar, Natalie, Melody, Pam, Lindsay, and Ryan, the UltraViolet team
Subject: Comcast + Trump = disaster

It probably took you only a second to open this email. Those days may soon be over, as big internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon just got a green light to mess with your internet access.

Internet service providers (ISPs), with the backing of Trump’s Federal Communications Commission, are about to implement a plan to create fast and slow lanes on the internet–and we’ll all pay the price.1 No matter how fast your internet is, ISPs will be able to decide which sites to slow down or even block. That could get in the way of paying bills, searching for urgent medical care, streaming Netflix, using Facebook, even just Googling information. And websites that big telecom companies don’t agree with–like news articles or advocacy sites critical of them or Trump–could be blocked entirely.2

Fortunately, due to the outcry, all 49 Democrats and independents, along with Republican Senator Susan Collins, support a bill to overturn the FCC rules. Under Senate rules, because it has the support of 50 senators, the Majority Leader is forced to bring it up for a vote. Now we just need one more vote to pass it. History shows that when telecoms mess with our internet access, Congress listens closely.3 That’s why we’re joining our allies at Free Press to demand the Senate take action. Can you sign the petition?

Tell Congress: “Reinstate net neutrality. Save our internet.”

Sign the petition

A free and open internet is essential not just to our everyday browsing, but also to our work together on behalf of women’s equality. Just think about what would have happened if the New York Times story about Harvey Weinstein’s years of abuse broke when millions of AT&T customers could not read it, or Verizon customers could not sign UltraViolet’s successful petition to get him fired, or Comcast customers had to pay a fee just to share the petition on Facebook.

In fact, for years, net neutrality has helped UltraViolet members win rapid social change. Think of the lightning fast and enormous outcry to the outrageous sentencing of Stanford University rapist Brock Turner. Placing a huge volume of calls to successfully protect the Affordable Care Act last year through all the rapid twists and turns in Congress–news we learned about quickly through the internet. Forcing the termination of Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly after we organized a petition and protests outside Fox’s headquarters.

None of this would be possible without an internet that emphasizes quality and importance of news and ideas over the ability to pay. Net neutrality has been baked into the internet since it was invented–and we cannot allow companies like Comcast to act like gatekeepers and pick winners and losers in the online marketplace of ideas. Simply put, the ability of advocates fighting for justice depends on net neutrality, as does the power of the internet to make our lives better and easier. That’s why this petition is so important.

Sign the petition demanding the Senate save our internet.


  1. Senate Dems searching for one last vote to revive FCC’s net neutrality rules, CNBC, January 16, 2018
  2. Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know Now, Free Press, accessed January 19, 2018
  3. Five Lessons From the SOPA/PIPA Fight, Slate, January 20, 2012

Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.


From: Sarah Hogg, Daily Kos
Subject: Sign if you agree: Speaking up about injustice is a good thing. No elected official should threaten our right to do so.

Sign the petition: Denounce GOP Senator Tom Cotton for sending cease and desist letters to constituents.


In the year since Trump was inaugurated, activists have been heating up White House and Congressional phone lines, demanding accountability and ethics from their elected officials.

But apparently one Republican—Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton—can’t handle his constituents exercising their First Amendment rights.

Cotton recently sent letters to local community activists demanding they cease and desist ALL communications with the Senator’s office. If they don’t comply, Cotton’s office will report them to the U.S. Capitol Police.

It is outrageous that activists who were calling Senator Cotton’s office to express grave concerns about his support of the Trump administration will now be met with police action if they try to speak up again.

This is not okay. Click here to IMMEDIATELY sign the petition denouncing Senator Cotton for trying to silence his constituents.


By signing this petition you will receive periodic updates on offers and activism opportunities from Daily Kos. You may unsubscribe at any time. Here’s our privacy policy.

End of MPEN e-Newsletter

MPEN e-Newsletter No. 2018-0106

From: Munsup @SISCOM Seoh
Subject: FW: Fox News deliberately misleads about MLK; #MeToo is coming for Trump; and more

  • FW: “the triple evils of racism, economic exploitation, and militarism”
  • FW: my brother Martin Luther King Jr.
  • FW: Fox News deliberately misleads about MLK
  • FW: Hang your beliefs … in your window 😍
  • FW: #MeToo is coming for Trump
  • FW: Sign the petition: Allow Jorge Garcia to return to his family

From: Michael Keegan; Presiden, People For the American Way
Subject: “the triple evils of racism, economic exploitation, and militarism”

Last year, I sent a Martin Luther King Day message that referenced a 1967 speech by Dr. King. The speech was about the Vietnam War but it discussed what Dr. King called “the triple evils of racism, economic exploitation, and militarism” and it seemed particularly timely in the days leading up to Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Unfortunately, one year later, it hits even closer to home.

Those “triple evils” — especially the first two, so far — have defined the Trump presidency.

Racism: We thought Trump’s campaign was bad, but in his first year of office Trump has:

  • Defended Nazis and called them “fine people” in wake of Charlottesville violence
  • Staffed his White House with white nationalists
  • Tweeted anti-Muslim propaganda from far-right English hate group
  • Pursued a policy agenda, especially at the Justice Department, that criminalizes communities of color
  • Attacked diversity admissions at colleges and universities through the Department of Justice
  • Attacked immigrant communities by rescinding DACA, stepping up deportations, ending protective status for hundreds of thousands of immigrants who sought refuge here due to disasters in their countries of origin, and pursuing undue restrictions on legal immigration
  • Showed profound — and offensive — ignorance about the history and achievements of African Americans (“Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more.”)
  • Attacked NFL players for exercising their right to free speech to raise awareness about police brutality and other oppression
  • Inspired other Republicans to use his campaign playbook of racial division
  • Inflamed fears about violence committed by immigrants — particularly Latinos and Muslims

Economic Exploitation:
The tax scam passed by Trump Republicans in Congress with zero Democratic support is a massive redistribution of wealth to the very top, with corporations and the 1% lining their pockets at the painful expense of middle-class and low-income Americans. In addition, we’ve seen:

  • An aggressive deregulation agenda that has removed protections for workers, consumers, and the environment
  • Dangerous deregulation of the financial sector, including multiple efforts to neuter the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  • Ongoing attempts to rip lifesaving health care away from tens of millions of Americans and drive up health care premiums
  • Political brinksmanship regarding the funding of the Children’s Health Insurance Program, imperiling the health care of 9 million children
  • Legislation to explode the deficit and create the excuse to try to shred safety net programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

We’ve seen this no more clearly than with Trump’s posturing and Twitter antagonism regarding North Korea. Trump’s “tough talk” has been aimed at some other countries as well, and his brand of militarism actually includes a very new dynamic in American foreign affairs — isolating the US with reckless hostility towards international agreements and norms, as well as our own alliances like NATO. Thankfully, Trump’s penchant for vindictive lashing out has not led us into an actual war yet, but obviously there is cause for concern and he has certainly demonstrated hawkish impulses with his public — and oftentimes confusing — chest thumping.

Today, it’s important to remember and celebrate Dr. King’s vision and the rights and values he died defending. But it’s also important to stay mindful of how drastically at odds King’s vision and fight are with the Trump presidency and right-wing Republican rule.

This year, we’ll be fighting — as always — to advance the values Dr. King championed and, with your support, we have the chance to do it big time at the ballot box this November.

Thank you so much for all you do. And Happy Martin Luther King Day.

From: Congressman John Lewis
Subject: my brother Martin Luther King Jr.

Not a day goes by when I don’t think about my brother Martin Luther King Jr.

He was our moral compass — he inspired and represented the best of America.

And today, millions of Americans will celebrate his life and honor his legacy.

I think if he were still with us today, he would tell us to keep dreaming.

I need you to help me continue his legacy today by completing my Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Survey:

Continue the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. TAKE THE SURVEY >>

I marched with Martin and spoke at rallies with him. Together, we fought tirelessly to make our country a more fair and tolerant place.

His work helped to liberate us from the evils of segregation and hate.

But he was taken from us before he ever had the chance to see the results of his life’s work. He was silenced indefinitely.

But that’s why it’s up to you and me to keep his legacy alive.

Do your part today to help keep his legacy alive by answering a few short questions:


From: The team at Democracy for America
Subject: Fox News deliberately misleads about MLK

This morning, Fox News marked the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday by publishing a ridiculous article with the headline “Please stop politicizing Martin Luther King Day. It’s a day for national unity, not political division.”

They are deliberately lying to Americans about what this day means — and what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for and actually believed. He knew that his life and the work of racial and economic justice were inherently political.

With Donald Trump in the White House, working with Fox News to reinforce white supremacy and attack Black protest, it’s worth remembering exactly what Dr. King said about racial justice, economic justice, and politics. We thought we’d share a few key ideas Dr. King said or wrote during his life and invite you to reflect on them.

“First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action;” who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a “more convenient season.”

Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.” — Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 1963

“We must recognize that we can’t solve our problem now until there is a radical redistribution of economic and political power… this means a revolution of values and other things. We must see now that the evils of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are all tied together… you can’t really get rid of one without getting rid of the others… the whole structure of American life must be changed. America is a hypocritical nation and [we] must put [our] own house in order.” — Report to SCLC staff, May 1967

“Why is equality so assiduously avoided? Why does white America delude itself, and how does it rationalize the evil it retains?

The majority of white Americans consider themselves sincerely committed to justice for the Negro. They believe that American society is essentially hospitable to fair play and to steady growth toward a middle-class Utopia embodying racial harmony. But unfortunately this is a fantasy of self-deception and comfortable vanity…

Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans…These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.” — “Where do we go from here?” August 1967

“Our nation was born in genocide when it embraced the doctrine that the original American, the Indian, was an inferior race. Even before there were large numbers of Negroes on our shore, the scar of racial hatred had already disfigured colonial society. From the sixteenth century forward, blood flowed in battles over racial supremacy. We are perhaps the only nation which tried as a matter of national policy to wipe out its indigenous population. Moreover, we elevated that tragic experience into a noble crusade. Indeed, even today we have not permitted ourselves to reject or feel remorse for this shameful episode. Our literature, our films, our drama, our folklore all exalt it. Our children are still taught to respect the violence which reduced a red-skinned people of an earlier culture into a few fragmented groups herded into impoverished reservations.” – “Why We Can’t Wait, 1963”

If you’ve read this far in the email, why not take a moment to scroll back up and re-read these quotes again. And once you have, please join your fellow Democracy for America members in making a personal commitment to taking actions and fighting for racial justice and economic equality.

That is just one of many ways to make today a meaningful day. And you’ll also help show Fox News you won’t let them smear Dr. King’s legacy — or stop this country from working to achieve the justice for which he gave his life.

Paid for by Democracy for America, and not authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Democracy for America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.


From: Anna, Jo, Shari, Justin, and the rest of the team, Political Action
Subject: Hang your beliefs … in your window 😍

As we mark one year of Donald Trump in the White House, we know that at this moment especially, we need to be loud, committed, and unwavering about the values we hold dear.

And we need to declare these values in public both as a rejection of the Trump agenda and as a visible promise about the world we’re working to build together.

That’s why MoveOn’s millions of members are partnering with Here We Believe—a project that has created a compelling and memorable lawn sign popping up everywhere across the country, in blue states and red, in small towns and urban centers.

Ready to recommit to the Resistanceand want an uplifting and lasting way to mark one year of Trump?

Just click here to get your sturdy, weather-resistant, union-printed sign (pictured below).

“We’ve always proudly worn our progressive beliefs on our sleeves, but after Trump’s election, we felt that we had to be louder,” said Camm, part of the husband/wife team behind the Here We Believe sign.

After Election Day, Camm and his wife, Becky, felt an unstoppable urgency to make sure there were tangible signs of resistance—and love—in the world. They wanted physical signs that represented what they call “positivity.” Symbols of hope, in an otherwise troubling time, to galvanize and inspire their wider community. With messages such as: No human is illegal. Black lives matter. Women’s rights are human rights.

Now, thanks to a partnership between Here We Believe and MoveOn, MoveOn’s millions of members across the country can help build this visible and inspiring network of joyous resistance, love, and hope in cities and towns across the nation.

Simply click here to get your sign.

Camm and Becky use their sign—personally—to signal to their community that they’re intent on being proud, progressive change agents. It’s a way for them to share beliefs that are important to them and to start a dialogue with their neighbors at this pivotal moment for our country.

Positivity—or what we’re for—is at the heart of what motivates and inspires many MoveOn members, like Camm and Becky, to keep resisting the Trump agenda, to keep working for a better future for ourselves and our families.

That’s why MoveOn has teamed up with Becky and Camm—to make sure MoveOn members in every community in the U.S., like you Munsup, have a chance to get your own Here We Believe sign.

It’s easy to order. Simply click here.

Let’s say out loud together: Here we believe love is love. Science is real. Water is life. And kindness is everything. Everything. Everything.

Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump’s agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation’s pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?  Donate monthly or make a one-time gift


From: Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Emma, Pilar, Natalie, Melody, Pam, Lindsay, and Ryan, the UltraViolet team
Subject: #MeToo is coming for Trump

When Donald Trump addresses the nation in the State of the Union this month, women of both houses in Congress plan to wear black to protest sexual harassment and assault, including by the predator-in-chief.1

This comes after women like Oprah Winfrey and Nicole Kidman grabbed every headline last week by wearing black during the Golden Globes to protest harassment and sexual assault.2 The movement to demand accountability continues to grow–and it’s coming for Trump.

Together with allies at and CREDO, more than 300,000 people signed the petition demanding Congress investigate Trump’s history of sexual harassment and assault. More than 100 members of Congress are calling for an investigation.3 But if we’re to get more members of Congress to support an investigation, we have to reach their constituents. That’s why we made this image about the very women who survived harassment and abuse by Donald Trump. Can you share it with everyone you know?

Click here to share it on Facebook.

If you’re not on Facebook, you can also click here for more sharing options.


  1. Democratic women plan all-black fashion statement for State of the Union, NBC News, January 9, 2017
  2. Oprah, Barbra, Elisabeth, Nicole: Women in black take over the Golden Globes, Los Angeles Times, January 7, 2018
  3. Democratic Congresswomen Call For Investigation Into Trump Sexual Misconduct Allegations, Huffington Post, December 12, 2017

Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.


From: Sharon Lafitte
Subject: Sign the petition: Allow Jorge Garcia to return to his family

Jorge Garcia—a Michigan man who had lived in the U.S. for 30 years since he was 10 years old—has a story like so many immigrant stories: one filled with hard work, strong ties to his community, and love for his family. He has cooperated with the government, paid taxes, and has no criminal record.

Yet, another tragic story is unfolding. On Martin Luther King Day, ICE agents escorted Jorge onto a plane bound for a country he barely knows, away from his wife and two children—who are all U.S. citizens.1

Will you sign and share my petition calling on Congress to stop separating families and demand Jorge Garcia be returned to his family in Michigan? Click here to sign.

Stop separating families! Allow Jorge Garcia to return to his family in Michigan and pass the Dream Act now.
Sign Sharon’s petition

We have been hearing stories like Jorge’s over and over again.

This must stop. When immigrants arrive as children, attend our schools, and grow up as Americans, they should be allowed, when adults, to make the decision to stay or return. It should be their choice! This is a humanitarian issue.

Last week, a group of senators reached a bipartisan deal to pass the Dream Act, which may have protected Jorge from deportation. But Donald Trump rejected that deal, pushing our government closer to a shutdown as our members of Congress are forced to decide if they will fall in line with Trump’s racist policies or support for immigrant youth.2

It’s more important than ever that we speak up and demand that Congress keep families together and pass a clean Dream Act now.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.


  1. “After 30 years in U.S., Michigan dad deported to Mexico,” Detroit Free Press, January 16, 2017
  2. “House Republicans mull funding extension; ‘Dreamer’ deal not set,” Reuters, January 17, 2017

You’re receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on, where anyone can start their own online petitions.
You can start your own petition here.

Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump’s agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation’s pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us? Donate monthly or make a one-time gift. Contributions to Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.



MPEN e-Newsletter No. 2018-0105

From: Munsup @SISCOM Seoh
Subject: FW: NYT Today’s Headlines; ‘American Is an Idea, Not a Race’; unhinged racism; “$#1%hole countries” by abagond; and more

  • FW: NYT Today’s Headlines: (1) Trump Alarms Lawmakers With Disparaging Words for Haiti and Africa
    (2) A Senior Republican Senator Admonishes Trump: ‘American Is an Idea, Not a Race’
  • FW: The Surprising Story Behind This Shocking Photo of Martin Luther King Jr. Under Attack
  • FW: unhinged racism
  • FW: Obama’s stern warning for Trump (Opinion)
  • FW: “$#1%hole countries” by abagond
  • FW: “Trump’s racist comments trigger international condemnation”
  • FW: The #RacistinChief has done it again
  • FW: PETITION: Tell Congress to pass the DREAM Act now
  • FW: Join me?  I just signed this petition: Tell Democrats: Skip Trump’s State of the Union.
  • FW: Small Enough to Jail – an injustice against Asian Americans

From: New York Times
Subject: NYT Today’s Headlines: |
(1) Trump Alarms Lawmakers With Disparaging Words for Haiti and Africa
(2) A Senior Republican Senator Admonishes Trump: ‘American Is an Idea, Not a Race’

Trump Alarms Lawmakers With Disparaging Words for Haiti and Africa

President Trump demanded to know at a White House meeting why he should accept immigrants from Haiti and African countries rather than people from places like Norway.

A Senior Republican Senator Admonishes Trump: ‘American Is an Idea, Not a Race’

The president’s racially charged comments threaten an emerging agreement to project some undocumented immigrants, which risks bringing a government shutdown.


From: Margret Peters

Subject: The Surprising Story Behind This Shocking Photo of Martin Luther King Jr. Under Attack – news –

Please read and share this story. So many stories focus on the struggle in the South. The struggle continues.


From: Michael Keegan; President, People For the American Way
Subject: unhinged racism

This is a long email, but I hope you’ll read it through. There are important updates to share below, but I have to address the most recent news first.

Once again, the top story in the country is our president’s unhinged racism.

This time, Trump ranted against protections for immigrants from “shithole countries” countries, referring to Haiti, El Salvador, and African nations, while lamenting that we didn’t have more immigration from countries like Norway.

The reports came near the end of a week in which Trump’s ignorance and petulance were glaringly on display.

In response to the release of Fire and Fury, a book that seriously challenges his fitness for office and ability to do the job of president, Trump held a meeting with lawmakers from both sides to discuss immigration which was clearly nothing more than a PR stunt to convince the press that he was up for the job … afterwards, Trump talked about how the meeting and, more specifically, his performance in the meeting received great “reviews” by the press as “incredibly good,” and said that he’d received letters from news anchors calling it “one of the greatest meetings they’ve ever witnessed.”

And as the House of Representatives was gearing up to vote on the extension of government surveillance powers, Trump tweeted his disdain for the bill, which his White House actually supports, citing it as the basis for supposed Obama administration spying on the Trump campaign — itself another wild Trump claim that has never been backed up by any evidence.

Quite simply, what we are witnessing from this president is truly terrifying. But perhaps even more terrifying is that as Trump continues to shock the country by sinking to new lows, the loyalty of his core supporters seems unshakable. The sentiments expressed by Trump supporters last night and today around the Internet, in response to the “shithole” comments, all seem to hit the same notes:

  • Trump is only saying what “REAL Americans” are all thinking…
  • At least he’s honest, which is better than typical politicians…
  • Trump is just telling the un-sugarcoated truth and shunning political correctness…  
  • Hillary would still have been way worse, and is guilty of worse…
  • The immigrants from those countries are not contributors to the US — they only suck up tax-funded services and are hostile to our values…

We’re seeing the dangerous impact of a president that openly demonizes immigrants and communities of color — even the countries their ancestors came from … the policies of the Trump administration and the Department of Justice under Jeff Sessions are disastrous enough, but when the president is so reckless with his words, it emboldens and gives license to potentially violent racists and hatemongers.

We’ve already seen what happened in Charlottesville and elsewhere, and some might wonder how it is possible that Trump has not learned his lesson by now. But that’s the thing, Trump has learned … when the president disparages immigrants, calls Nazis “fine people,” or tweets Islamophobic propaganda from far-right hate groups, these are not gaffes or mistakes — they’re his true beliefs and his strategy.

We have so much work to do. But the good news is, we’re doing it … and this year we have the chance to rein in Trump Republicans’ assault on the American Way. 2018 can be the year we turn this all around.

Some updates:


Trump’s sham ‘election integrity’ commission — the true goal of which was voter suppression — has been disbanded! This is a big win for PFAW members who were true leaders in exposing and fighting back against the commission’s voter suppression agenda.

Right-wing commission members have since told the press that they plan to continue the commission’s work in advisory roles with the Department of Homeland Security and the White House, however those claims that have not been substantiated. We will remain vigilant and be ready to fight back if we see DHS or other government bodies using the data collected by the commission or advancing the agenda of the commission’s infamous vote suppressors like co-chair Kris Kobach.

In other voting rights news, we saw two lower court decisions this week on an issue that is in front of the Supreme Court right now: partisan gerrymandering.

From the New York Times:
On Tuesday, three federal judges in North Carolina threw out the state’s congressional map because it was “motivated by invidious partisan intent.” On Wednesday, another panel of judges in Pennsylvania upheld that state’s map, with one arguing that such a political issue was none of the courts’ business.

A case about another voting rights issue was in the Supreme Court on Wednesday when the Court heard oral arguments in Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute, a challenge to Ohio’s aggressive voter roll purge process. This case is one to watch closely — the result could be a big win for protecting voters or it could spark a wave of purges by other states. It’s also one more reason to keep an eye on what happens with the data from Trump’s voter suppression commission, which could be potentially be used by states to purge voters from their rolls. Our affiliate PFAW Foundation filed a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request with the DOJ over the department’s rare reversal of its position in that case — something that was asked about specifically by Justice Sonya Sotomayor during Wednesday’s arguments.

Finally, of particular note in the fight to protect voting rights is our campaign to defeat one of Trump’s judicial nominees, Thomas Farr. Farr was the chief legal defender of North Carolina’s racist voter suppression law that was overturned in court due to its targeting African American voters with what the court called “surgical precision.” Farr also seems to have played a role in a voter intimidation campaign, aimed at Black voters, by then-Senator Jesse Helms — something Farr LIED about to the Senate Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearing last year. Stay tuned to PFAW for more about how you can help stop Farr’s confirmation.


In 2017, we had Roy Moore… but 2018 looks like it could be a record-breaking year in terms of the number of dangerously extreme far-right candidates. This is just one more reason that the work of PFAW’s Right Wing Watch to track and expose right-wing figures is so vital.

We already have rabidly anti-immigrant former-Sheriff Joe Arpaio running for Senate (to support Donald Trump) in Arizona. Arpaio abused prisoners and flagrantly violated court orders, for which he was convicted, before being pardoned by Trump. PFAW helped defeat Arpaio in his last election for sheriff with a Spanish-language ad by our Latinos Vote! campaign.

And Michele Bachmann is asking God whether or not she should seek Al Franken’s senate seat. Right Wing Watch broke that story, which got tremendous press pick up last week.

In addition, Right Wing Watch continues to cover the Right Wing’s most influential leaders, their bigoted motives, and their tactics. One good example is a recent post about right-wing leader Linda Harvey’s assertion that conservatives must “re-horrify people about the sin of homosexuality.”

For more, visit, where you can also follow Right Wing Watch on social media and sign up for weekly “Best of the Blog” emails.

Thank you so much for all of your dedication and activism. With your continued support, 2018 is going to be a big year for progressives, and we can turn the tide against Trump Republicans’ attacks on our rights and values.


From: Eric Kramer
Subject: Obama’s stern warning for Trump (Opinion)


From: Thomas Scott
Subject: “$#1%hole countries” by abagond

“shithole countries”
Friday January 12th 2018 by abagond

New York Daily News, January 12th 2018.

“Shithole countries” is what the US president calls countries of Black and Brown people.

On January 11th 2018 President Trump said:

“Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They’re shithole countries … We should have more people from Norway.”


“Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out.”

“Shithole” is a vulgar term for anus.

Trump reportedly believes all Haitians have AIDS and that most if not all Nigerians live in huts.

The New York Times said Trump’s remarks were:
“the latest example of his penchant for racially tinged remarks denigrating immigrants”

The Daily Stormer
, a racially-tinged neo-Nazi website:
“This is encouraging and refreshing, as it indicates Trump is more or less on the same page as us with regards to race and immigration.”

Twitter user Educating Liberals (@Education4Libs) said:

“Trump just has the balls to verbalize what all of us think.”

Mia Love was the only elected Republican, so far as I know, who immediately condemned Trump:

“This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation … The president must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned.”

She noted that his remarks were:

“unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values.”

Her parents come from Haiti.

Stephen Colbert on late-night television:
“Sir, they’re not [bleep] countries. For one, Donald Trump isn’t their president.”

The United Nations called Trump’s words “racist”. But they do not seem to be well-informed: they also called them “shocking”.

Memory lane: Donald Trump, on the very first day of his campaign for president, said:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

White people in the US voted for Trump by a landslide. Not just the working class, not just rednecks who frequent bars, not just racist uncles, but across the board: rich and poor, well-educated and ill-educated, aunts, uncles and cousin Joeys. They chose him as their leader with their eyes wide open. The same goes for Republicans in Congress who continue to kiss up to him, and for Fox News which continues to lie for him.

Immigration: Trump’s comments make crystal clear that his concern for immigration has little to do with “making America safe” or anything like that, and has everything to do with racism. It is a dog-whistle issue just like “law and order” and “terrorism”. It dresses itself up as some Serious National Issue but it is just raw racial bigotry.

People from those “shithole countries” built the US for little or nothing – and gave their lives to defend it. How many soldiers buried at Arlington came from “shithole countries”? Colin Powell’s parents came from a “shithole country” – and while he was fighting in Vietnam, Trump was where? Fighting chlamydia.


From: Judy Burnette
Subject: “Trump’s racist comments trigger international condemnation” l World Socialist Web Site
[Former Mexican President Vicente Fox describes Donald Trump perfectly. This article pulls no punches as it reminds us of how we got to this point….]
Trump’s racist comments trigger international condemnation
By James Cogan on 13 January 2018

The already battered international standing of the US government has been dealt a further blow by the revelation that President Trump labeled some of the most oppressed and impoverished nations as “shithole countries.” Disgust and anger over the openly racist comments the US president made at a meeting with congressional leaders on Thursday have only been intensified by Trump’s belated and obviously dishonest attempts to deny that he said what has been reported by multiple sources, including some who were at the meeting.

The remarks were made at a White House conference with Democratic and Republican lawmakers on immigration policy. In response to a discussion on “temporary protected status,” which allows people from countries ravaged by natural disasters or war, such as Haiti and El Salvador, to live and work in the US, Trump said: “What do we want Haitians here for? Why do we want all these people from Africa here? Why do we want all these people from shithole countries? We should have more people from places like Norway.”

Trump’s rant was leaked to the Washington Post and made public. International denunciations soon followed.

The United Nations human rights’ spokesperson, Rupert Colville, told a press conference: “There is no other word one can use but racist. You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as ‘shitholes,’ whose entire populations are not white, are therefore not welcome.”

The government of Haiti, from which hundreds of thousands of people have migrated to the US to escape intractable poverty and political repression, issued a statement declaring that it “condemns in the strongest terms these abhorrent and obnoxious remarks.” The country’s ambassador to the US has demanded a public apology.

Other political leaders also felt obliged to issue statements. The president of El Salvador tweeted that Trump had “struck at the dignity of Salvadorians.” Last Monday, the Trump administration stripped over 250,000 people from El Salvador who have been living for decades in the US of their protected status, giving them 18 months to pack up and leave or be deported.

Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico, tweeted to Trump: “Your mouth is the foulest shithole in the world.” During the 2016 election, Trump slandered millions of Mexican immigrants to the US, asserting: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

The African National Congress government in South Africa labeled the remark as “extremely offensive.” The country’s media was full of denunciations and ridicule of Trump. One news outlet, the Daily Maverick, wrote that an event at the White House “is soon to include [Ku Klux Klan] hoods and tiki torches at this rate.”

The government of Botswana called the remarks “reprehensible and racist” and reportedly summoned the US ambassador to ascertain if the country was considered a “shithole” by Washington. Across Africa, Trump was condemned and the imperialist powers, including the United States, declared to be responsible for the continent’s legacy of poverty and backwardness.

Not surprisingly, there have been no strong statements of condemnation by European governments or by Japan or Australia. The policies of all the imperialist powers are discriminatory against people from the poorest regions of the world.

The European Union is seeking to seal its borders to block refugees from Africa and the Middle East, leading to thousands of people losing their lives attempting to cross the Mediterranean. Immigration to Japan is effectively impossible from most countries. Australia maintains a black list of dozens of states whose citizens are routinely denied even tourist visas. While they may not be officially labeled as “shithole countries,” that is how their populations are treated.

In much of the world, however, officials of the Trump administration have been left to desperately try and contain the diplomatic fallout. The State Department and embassies have issued reassurances that the United States values its relations with African and Central and South American countries.

The damage nevertheless extends internationally, as indicated by the announcement by the White House yesterday that Trump is canceling a February visit to the United Kingdom. There is no doubt he would have been met by even larger demonstrations than were expected due to the popular revulsion in Britain over his comments. In fact, wherever in the world Trump travels, the American ruling class faces the prospect of its head of state being greeted by mass opposition to his presence.

After less than one year in office, Trump is arguably more reviled than “weapons of mass destruction” fabricator and war criminal George W. Bush. The American president is viewed by billions of people as an unstable warmonger, racist and liar. In the American working class, one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse on the planet, growing opposition to Trump’s racist immigration policies and fascistic outlook is intersecting with mounting anger over falling living standards, failing infrastructure and police-state repression.

The reaction of the American political and media establishment to Trump’s remarks has had an air of despair. There is a degree of recognition in the capitalist class and its representatives that, with the Trump administration, the protracted loss of US authority and credibility, on both the world arena and at home, has reached a breaking point.

Summing up the sentiment in the corridors of power, Idaho Republican Mike Simpson told the Associated Press: “This a big deal. America’s influence and power in the world has really been about our ability to persuade because of our leadership, and he’s just destroying that.”

At the same time, the condemnations of Trump are laced with hypocrisy, especially on the part of the Democratic Party and its supporters. In the final analysis, Trump simply gave crude expression to how the Obama administration viewed and treated migrants from the nations that have been labeled as “shithole countries.”

Under Obama, at least 2.5 million people were deported—at least 1,000 per day—particularly from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. If Hillary Clinton had been elected in 2016, the brutal persecution of so-called “illegal” immigrants would have continued unabated.

The aim of the recriminations against Trump in the American establishment is to try and present the current president as a mere aberration, a blemish on an otherwise healthy and democratic body politic. Every effort is being made to promote the conception that if a new figure was installed in the White House, things would return to “normal.”

Nothing could be further from the truth. Trump is the product of a decades-long process, characterised by a steep decline in the global economic position of American capitalism and the immense growth of class antagonisms and social inequality within the US.

The Cold War lies and propaganda that US imperialism stood for “liberty,” “democracy” and “human rights” have been thoroughly exposed over the past 25 years. Washington engages in intrigues or outright invasions of countries and inflicts death and destruction so American banks and corporations can plunder resources and dominate markets. Within the US, the living standards of the working class have been devastated to protect and increase the wealth of a tiny proportion of the population—the capitalist class and its upper-middle class periphery.

It is within the degenerated political environment produced by these processes that Trump was able—through demagogic appeals to the immense alienation of sections of the population, and the political vacuum left by the right-wing, anti-working class policies of the Democrats—to win the presidency. His administration has proceeded to pursue the interests of the capitalist oligarchy through massive corporate tax cuts at home and stepped-up militarist intrigues internationally.

Trump is the noxious expression of the decline and decay of American capitalism and its ruling class. The presence at the pinnacle of state power of an outright racist, who gives open and crude expression to the reactionary content of US foreign and domestic policy, undermines the ability of American imperialism to cloak its aggression and plunder around the world in the mantle of “democracy” and “human rights.”

Anti-immigrant xenophobia, racism and nationalism are the inevitable corollary to militarism and deepening attacks on the working class. In every country, it is how the capitalist class is seeking to divide and disorientate the masses and defend its ownership and control over society’s wealth and productive capacity.

The response of the working class to racism and chauvinism must therefore be developed in complete opposition to the capitalist system and all its political parties and defenders. In the United States and around the world, it must be answered with the fight for the international unity of the working class in the common struggle for world socialism.


From: Nancy Treviño, Reform Immigration FOR America
Subject: The #RacistinChief has done it again

Yesterday, President Trump lowered the bar even further. During a discussion in the Oval Office with members of Congress about a potential immigration deal, he referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and African nations as “s—hole countries.”

Once again he’s reaffirmed his anti-immigrant sentiments rooted in white supremacy. These comments are not only racist, but reject the American values many of us hold close to our hearts. Our families and our country deserve better than a racist-in-chief whose ethnic cleansing policies continue tearing families apart. We must denounce his hateful words and stand up to his hate.

Here are two ways to fight back right now:

  1. Sign this petition to demand Trump apologize for his racist remarks.
  2. Share your reaction to President Trump’s hateful comment about immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and African nations using #RacistinChief.

Stand with the thousands of people who have been fighting to demand a solution for immigrants. Together, we will let Trump know that our love for our families, our community, and our country will always Trump hate.

P.S. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to catch the latest on the DREAM Act fight, and text JUSTICE to 69866 to keep updated by text message with opportunities to take action.


From: Katie O’Connell; Digital Communications Coordinator, People For the American Way
Subject: PETITION: Tell Congress to pass the DREAM Act now>>

Sign now to demand Congress passes the DREAM Act!

It has been 131 long days since Trump ended the DACA program, upending the lives of hundreds of thousands of DREAMers and their families across the country. Trump has also ended protected status for Haitian and Salvadoran immigrants, another part of his all-out anti-immigrant assault.

This is no longer an immigration policy debate… passing the DREAM Act is a moral imperative for Congress.

Sign the petition NOW to demand your legislators pass the DREAM Act>>

Every single member of Congress needs to decide which side they are on: the side of divisiveness, racism, white supremacy, and hate or the side of American values of freedom and equality for all. The DREAM Act as it exists is a bipartisan bill, and there is no reason for Republicans to be wasting time and playing politics with young peoples’ lives.

This fight is about who we are as a country. It’s about our values. And it’s about every person who could be deported from their home because of the nativists and white supremacists in the White House and Congress.


From: Munsup @SISCOM
Subject: Join me? I just signed this petition: Tell Democrats: Skip Trump’s State of the Union.

On Jan. 30, Trump will deliver his State of the Union address. If Democrats attend, they will be standing up for a racist and turning their backs on everyone he threatens. Not a single one of them should attend.

Here’s the link to sign CREDO’s petition urging them to do the right thing:


From: S. B. Woo; President and a volunteer for the past 18 years, 80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc,
Subject: Small Enough to Jail – an injustice against Asian-Americans

Small Enough to JailAn Outrageous Injustice Against An Asian-American Bank
(If you own a business, view the documentary & worry!)

Abacus Bank, a small bank operated by the Sung family in NYC, was the only U.S. bank to be charged after the Great Recession of 2008.
The bank ultimately prevailed, but it took all they had to fight against the unfair accusations.

The story was recorded in a documentary by Steve James, Abacus: Small Enough to JailIt was Broadcast on PBS Frontline in 2017. The prosecutor spent 5 years and reportedly $10 million on prosecuting the bank for larceny. In the end, the bank and all its employees were found not guilty on all 80 charges. Deservedly, the documentary is now shortlisted for an Oscar.

Click here to watch it. I was enraged by the injustice but inspired by how one of the daughters, who was a lawyer, quit her job to help her father in his hour of need. It was such a touching illustration of our Asian-American family values. I was also elated to learn that, at the end, the good guys won.

This documentary deserves an Oscar to show that justice still prevails in the U.S., at least in this case. The Oscar will greatly publicize worldwide the immense injustice caused by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr.

The Misdeeds of Cyrus R. Vance, Jr.

  1. No sense of justice: He accommodates the strong and takes campaign money from their attorneys:

    Excerpts from  Cyrus Vance Jr. – Wikipedia “Vance also drew controversy for deciding not to press criminal charges against public figures accused of crimes, including Harvey Weinstein, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., after which he received campaign contributions from their attorneys.”
  2. Adding insult to injury to a weak minority:
    Another excerpt  from Cyrus Vance Jr. – Wikipedia:  “In an effort at grandstanding, Vance’s office orchestrated a show by parading ex-employees of the bank in a chain, handcuffed to each other, in front of reporters. Nevertheless, Cyrus Vance stated in an interview that the decision to exhibit the non-violent ex-employees was due to “security issues.” Click here to watch the documentary. How humiliating! Vance was humiliating powerless citizens to advance his political career.  How cruel!

Please forward to your friends in NYC so that his constituents will know about his misdeeds. He was a good D.A. back in 2010, when first elected. However, power corrupts, he seemingly has become callous and careless. Will the people of Manhattan County still want him, if and when “Small Enough to Jail” wins an Oscar?  This could exemplify the immense power for good of arts.


End of MPEN e-Newsletter

MPEN e-Newsletter No. 2018-0104

From: Munsup @MPEN Seoh
Subject: FW: Small Enough to Jail; NYT Today’s Headlines; My Insane Year Inside Trump’s White House; I just signed these – will you? and more

  • FW: Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele and the “dossier” got you a little confused?
  • FW: Gerrymandering, turbo-charged.   Petition
  • FW: Small Enough to Jail – an injustice against Asian Americans
  • FW: NYT Today’s Headlines
  • FW: Trump just ended protections for 200,000 Salvadorans
  • FW: Help immigrant families who fled violence and disaster!
  • FW: We aren’t done fighting
  • FW: Yesterday, I was told to leave the United States.
  • FW: The Increasing Unfitness of Donald Trump
  • FW: Ghost of the Deepwater Returns; Companies … are now laying off …; Why Michael Wolff’s Book Is Good News
  • FW: Michael Wolff: My Insane Year Inside Trump’s White House
  • FW: AFSC among human rights orgs barred from Israel
  • FW: [JVP] commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Nakba
  • FW: Reply from Senator Sherrod Brown about our nation’s tax code
  • FW: I just signed these – will you?

From: Eric Kramer
Subject: Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele and the “dossier” got you a little confused?

Here’s a little help from an actor/friend, back in Chicago.   Thank you, Kevin Theis.   –  E

So…Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele and the “dossier” got you a little confused? Here’s a brief summary:

Back when Donald Trump first announced his candidacy for President, a conservative website, The Washington Free Beacon (financed largely by Paul Singer, a top Republican donor who had opposed Mr. Trump), hired a company called Fusion GPS to look into Trump and his business dealings and provide “opposition research.”

Remember that. That little nugget is of paramount importance. This whole thing began with a CONSERVATIVE investigating Trump.

Then, after Trump became the Republican nominee, Singer and the Beacon backed away from the investigation…and the Democrats took over instead. The law firm Perkins Coie, on behalf of the Democratic National Committee, hired Fusion GPS to continue the work they had begun for the Beacon.

Then, in June of last year, the DNC was hacked and the whole investigation took on more urgency. Emails stolen from the DNC began to appear online and it became apparent that the Russian government was behind the hack.

At that time, the head of Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, reached out to a former British spy named Christopher Steele, whose specialty was Russian intel. Steele began coordinating with contacts he had within Russia to investigate Russia’s involvement in the DNC hack, and…things started to get bizarre.

Steele started to learn of odd contacts between Trump and Russia. Multiple contacts between Trump campaign officials and contacts in the Russian government. And one very memorable (and as yet unsubstantiated) story about Russian prostitutes defiling a bed in a hotel room where the Obamas had stayed.

In time it began to look as if the Russian government had enough dirt on Trump to actually blackmail him. They appeared to have the ability to make demands of one of the candidates for President of the United States (and, should he win, the leader of the free world).

So what did Steele and Fusion do with this information? Did they simply share it with the DNC and leak it to the press?

Nope. They went to the FBI. They compiled the memos that Steele had been producing (which later came to be known as “the dossier”) and informed the Federal Bureau of Investigation that one of the Presidential candidates could potentially be blackmailed by Vladimir Putin.

What’s more, the information that Steele had compiled in the dossier appeared to match some information that the FBI had already dug up in their own investigation of Russian meddling in the election.

Remember that, too: The dossier did NOT begin the FBI investigation. It simply confirmed what the FBI had already learned.

And, eventually, the dossier leaked out. The press caught wind of it. And Buzzfeed went whole-hog and published the entire dossier itself in January, revealing all of Steele’s investigations to the wider world.

Final note: Nothing – NOTHING – in the dossier has been proven false. The only things that are in the dossier that have been fully investigated and about which we know the truth…have shown Steele’s work to be accurate.

So DO NOT let anyone tell you that Hillary Clinton invented the dossier (which is full of lies) and illegally leaked it to smear Trump and that Fusion GPS or Steele or anyone else is criminally liable or any of that nonsense.

None of that is true. What’s true:

Is that Trump is knee-deep in one of the biggest scandals in American political history.

Please: Send all doubters and haters my way, if you would. Thanks.


From: Andrew J. Tierman
Subject: FW: Gerrymandering, turbo-charged. Petition

Trump Administration is trying to skew the 2020 census by asking about citizenship.  See attached from Common Cause.   – Andrew

We need your help to stop the Trump Administration from rigging the 2020 Census.

Jeff Sessions’ Department of Justice wants to add an unnecessary and politically motivated question on citizenship status to the upcoming Census.

The Census is required to count every person who lives here, whether or not they’re a citizen. But the Trump Administration’s anti-immigrant rhetoric carries a real risk that people might refuse to participate in the Census for fear of targeting or retaliation — skewing the final count.

The 2020 Census will shape our nation’s democracy, public policy and economy for a decade. We simply can’t afford to get it wrong — or let this partisan stunt distort its outcome.

We must speak out now and urge Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to REFUSE this request — sign our petition today!   TAKE ACTION

The Trump administration has already dramatically underfunded the upcoming Census, and is trying to put a professor who provided “expert testimony” to defend North Carolina’s racial gerrymandering in charge of it. Now, they’re stepping up their efforts with a formal request to add a question on citizenship status in 2020.

The Census is supposed to count everyone who lives in the United States regardless of citizenship status. This unnecessary question could discourage people from completing the survey and skew the final count, leaving communities who have been historically underrepresented with even less access to resources and representation — like racial gerrymandering already does, but turbo-charged.

We already know that people of color, particularly Black and Latino communities in both urban and rural areas, are at an especially high risk of being undercounted by the Census. Adding a question on citizenship will only further discourage people from participating — which means less representation and resources for those communities.

That’s why we must speak out NOW to prevent this deliberate attempt to rig the Census to undercount communities of color. We need an accurate and fair Census that counts everyone who lives here — not this partisan political attempt to twist the results.

Please sign our petition to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross today, and tell him to reject any Census question on citizenship or immigration status.



From: S. B. Woo; President and a volunteer for the past 18 years, 80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc,
Subject: Small Enough to Jail – an injustice against Asian-Americans

Small Enough to JailAn Outrageous Injustice Against An Asian-American Bank
(If you own a business, view the documentary & worry!)

Abacus Bank, a small bank operated by the Sung family in NYC, was the only U.S. bank to be charged after the Great Recession of 2008.
The bank ultimately prevailed, but it took all they had to fight against the unfair accusations.

The story was recorded in a documentary by Steve James, Abacus: Small Enough to JailIt was Broadcast on PBS Frontline in 2017. The prosecutor spent 5 years and reportedly $10 million on prosecuting the bank for larceny. In the end, the bank and all its employees were found not guilty on all 80 charges. Deservedly, the documentary is now shortlisted for an Oscar.

Click here to watch it. I was enraged by the injustice but inspired by how one of the daughters, who was a lawyer, quit her job to help her father in his hour of need. It was such a touching illustration of our Asian-American family values. I was also elated to learn that, at the end, the good guys won.

This documentary deserves an Oscar to show that justice still prevails in the U.S., at least in this case. The Oscar will greatly publicize worldwide the immense injustice caused by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr.

The Misdeeds of Cyrus R. Vance, Jr.

  1. No sense of justice: He accommodates the strong and takes campaign money from their attorneys:

    Excerpts from  Cyrus Vance Jr. – Wikipedia “Vance also drew controversy for deciding not to press criminal charges against public figures accused of crimes, including Harvey Weinstein, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., after which he received campaign contributions from their attorneys.”
  2. Adding insult to injury to a weak minority:
    Another excerpt  from Cyrus Vance Jr. – Wikipedia:  “In an effort at grandstanding, Vance’s office orchestrated a show by parading ex-employees of the bank in a chain, handcuffed to each other, in front of reporters. Nevertheless, Cyrus Vance stated in an interview that the decision to exhibit the non-violent ex-employees was due to “security issues.” Click here to watch the documentary. How humiliating! Vance was humiliating powerless citizens to advance his political career.  How cruel!

Please forward to your friends in NYC so that his constituents will know about his misdeeds. He was a good D.A. back in 2010, when first elected. However, power corrupts, he seemingly has become callous and careless. Will the people of Manhattan County still want him, if and when “Small Enough to Jail” wins an Oscar?  This could exemplify the immense power for good of arts.



From:  New York Times
Subject: NYT Today’s Headlines:
(1) Trump Sidesteps Question on Mueller Interview
(2) Trump Appears to Endorse Path to Citizenship for Millions of Immigrants
(3) Kushner’s Financial Ties to Israel Deepen Even With Mideast Diplomatic Role
(4) Trump, Defending His Mental Fitness, Says He’s a ‘Very Stable Genius’

Trump Sidesteps Question on Mueller Interview

The response was a marked change from June, when President Trump said he would be “100 percent” willing to give a sworn statement to the special counsel.

Trump Appears to Endorse Path to Citizenship for Millions of Immigrants

President Trump said he would be willing to “take the heat” politically for a sweeping immigration deal, which could alienate some of his supporters.

Kushner’s Financial Ties to Israel Deepen Even With Mideast Diplomatic Role

An Israeli insurance company’s previously undisclosed $30 million investment in Jared Kushner’s family company could fuel the perception of conflicts of interest.

Trump, Defending His Mental Fitness, Says He’s a ‘Very Stable Genius’

Mr. Trump, seeming to respond to revelations in a new book, issued an extraordinary defense of his fitness for office.


From: Kathryn Johnson; Policy Impact Coordinator, AFSC
Subject: Trump just ended protections for 200,000 Salvadorans

Tell Congress: Save TPS Holders!

Yesterday, the Trump administration announced that it is terminating Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for El Salvador—another cruel attack on immigrants in the U.S. that will tear apart our families and hurt our communities. The decision rips legal status from almost 200,000 people.

Congress must act now to protect TPS holders from deportation. TPS holders from El Salvador have been in the U.S. since the TPS was granted to the country after two devastating earthquakes in 2001.

AFSC and our allies are calling on Congress to enact a permanent solution that provides lawful permanent residency and a roadmap to citizenship for the more than 300,000 TPS recipients and millions of other immigrants in the U.S.

Join us by calling Congress today to demand a solution.

Tens of thousands of Salvadoran TPS holders live in and around my city of Washington, D.C. And I know the devastating impact that this decision will have on us here, as well as cities and towns across the U.S. For years I’ve watched my neighbors worry every 18 months about whether their status will be extended and whether they’ll be forced to return to a country that they haven’t seen in over 16 years.

TPS is designed to protect people from being returned to harm. But I’ve heard from our staff in El Salvador how ill-prepared the country is to reabsorb hundreds of thousands of people and how not extending TPS places countless people at risk of deportation back to life-threatening situations. In addition to acute shortages of food, water, and housing, gang violence has reached unprecedented levels—El Salvador still suffers from the highest murder rate in the world.

The decision also separates families—including approximately 192,000 U.S. citizen children who have a Salvadoran TPS-holder parent, devastates our economy, and will hurt regional security.

Congress failed to act last year when the Trump Administration terminated TPS for Sudan, Nicaragua, and Haiti, potentially tearing 60,000 people from our communities. Help us call on them now to provide a permanent solution for all TPS holders.

Call your representative today to tell them to stand up for human rights and save TPS.


From: Munsup @SISCOM Seoh
Subject: Help immigrant families who fled violence and disaster!

I signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate which says:

“The Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program allowed me to stay in the United States to seek safety from violence from in El Salvador where I was born. As a working mother of four children who were born in the United States, I am calling on Congress to find a permanent bipartisan solution to protecting the 320,000 immigrants with TPS. Please sign my petition to ensure families like mine are not ripped apart and sent back to nations devastated by disasters and genocide.”

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


From: Nancy Treviño, Reform Immigration FOR America
Subject: We aren’t done fighting

Members of Congress are back in Washington and so are we. In December, Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike failed to do their job and protect undocumented youth before leaving for holiday recess. Now Congress has until January 19 to ensure that the DREAM Act is included in a new bill to fund the government.

Over the next 9 days, immigrant youth and allies are meeting with members of Congress to tell them that the DREAM Act must be included in ANY spending package and they need you to add your voice.

Join us TODAY for a National Call-In Day to tell Members of Congress that Americans want an immediate, permanent solution to ensure young immigrants live their lives without constant fear of arrest, detention, and deportation.

There is only one thing you need to do: Call 1-888-778-6856, and when you’re connected to your representative’s office, say:

Hi, I’m [your name] from [your city], and I want my representative to pass a DREAM Act that keeps immigrant youth together with their families and does not include money for more interior enforcement, detention beds, the border wall, or cuts to legal immigration channels.

With each passing day, 122 immigrant youth lose their DACA status and become vulnerable to deportation. We must continue our fight to keep immigrant youth together with their families and in their communities!

Call your representative at 1-888-778-6856, and tell them to pass the DREAM Act now.

Stand with the thousands of people who have been fighting to demand a solution for young immigrants. Together, we will let Congress know that we are not backing down until our community is safe and can live the lives they have created away from the shadows.

P.S. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to catch the latest on the DREAM Act fight, and text JUSTICE to 69866 to keep updated by text message with opportunities to take action.


From: Gabriela P.
Subject: Yesterday, I was told to leave the United States.

Yesterday, I was told to leave the United States. The Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program has allowed me to stay in the United States to seek safety from violence in El Salvador where I was born, but the Trump administration announced it will not renew protections for nearly 200,000 Salvadorans, including me.1

As a working mother of four children who were born in the United States, I may be forced to rip my family apart and return to a nation devastated by a horrific and violent civil war. And I’m not alone.

That’s why next week I’ll be delivering this petition to Congress along with MomsRising and other organizations, calling on senators and representatives to find a permanent bipartisan solution in order to protect the hundreds of thousands of immigrants with Temporary Protected Status. Will you help me reach as many people as possible by signing and sharing this petition immediately? Click here to sign.

I am calling on Congress to find a permanent bipartisan solution to protecting immigrants with TPS. Please sign my petition to ensure families like mine are not ripped apart and sent back to nations devastated by disasters and war.

Sign Gabriela’s petition

Taking away TPS or letting it expire has thrown families such as mine into chaos, as mothers and fathers lose their legal status to stay in the country. We could be forced to decide whether to divide our families or to take our children to dangerous and unfamiliar situations.

Congress needs to act before hard-working families have their lives torn apart. Click here to sign and share my petition before I personally deliver it next week.

TPS recipients are mothers, neighbors, caregivers, business owners, and community members. We are parents to children who have lived in the United States their whole lives and know no other home.

Removing TPS recipients from the country is inhumane, and it also makes no economic sense. It could cost the U.S. economy $164 billion over 10 years!2

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.


  1. “Trump administration ends protections for more than 200,000 Salvadorans,” CNN, January 9, 2018
  2. “RELEASE: U.S. Would Lose $164B in GDP Over 10 Years If TPS Holders from El Salvador, Honduras, and Haiti Were Removed from Labor Force, Finds New CAP Analysis,” Center for American Progress, October 20, 2017

You’re receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on, where anyone can start their own online petitions.
You can start your own petition here.

Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump’s agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation’s pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us? Donate monthly or make a one-time gift Contributions to Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.


From: Eric Kramer
Subject: The Increasing Unfitness of Donald Trump | The New Yorker


From: Thomas Scott
Subject: Ghost of the Deepwater Horizon Returns; Companies … are now laying off their workers; Why Michael Wolff’s Book Is Good News


From: Judy Burnette
Subject: [Keystone Kops in the White House] “Michael Wolff: My Insane Year Inside Trump’s White House” | Hollywood Reporter


From: Joyce Ajlouny; General Secretary, AFSC
Subject: AFSC among human rights orgs barred from Israel

Yesterday the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) was included on a list of 20 organizations whose staff may be denied entry to Israel because of their support for the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement.

Motivated by Quaker belief in the worth and dignity of all people, AFSC has supported and joined in nonviolent resistance for over 100 years. We answered the call for divestment from apartheid in South Africa, and we have done the same with the call for BDS from Palestinians who have faced decades of human rights violations.

Throughout our history, we have stood with communities facing oppression and violence around the world. In 1947 we were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in part for our support for Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust. We will continue our legacy of speaking truth to power and standing for peace and justice without exception in Israel, occupied Palestine, and around the world.

All people, including Palestinians, have a right to live in safety and peace and have their human rights respected. For 51 years, Israel has denied Palestinians in the occupied territories their fundamental human rights, in defiance of international law. While Israeli Jews enjoy full civil and political rights, prosperity, and relative security, Palestinians under Israeli control enjoy few or none of those rights or privileges.

The Palestinian BDS call aims at changing this situation, asking the international community to use proven nonviolent social change tactics until equality, freedom from occupation, and recognition of refugees’ right to return are realized. AFSC’s Principles for a Just and Lasting Peace in Palestine and Israel affirm each of these rights. Thus, we have joined others around the world in responding to the Palestinian-led BDS call.  As Palestinians seek to realize their rights and end Israeli oppression, what are the alternatives left to them if we deny them such options?

Quakers pioneered the use of boycotts when they helped lead the “Free Produce Movement,” a boycott of goods produced using slave labor during the 1800s. AFSC has a long history of supporting economic activism, which we view as an appeal to conscience, aimed at raising awareness among those complicit in harmful practices, and as an effective tactic for removing structural support for oppression.

The 17th century Quaker abolitionist John Woolman spoke to the spiritual foundation of this work when he said, “May we look upon our treasures, and the furniture of our houses, and the garments in which we array ourselves, and try whether the seeds of war have nourishment in these our possessions.”

The ban on entry to Israel for activists who support the Palestinian-led BDS movement is part of a larger effort by the Israeli government to silence and constrain human rights and anti-occupation activists. In recent months, more Palestinian activists have faced arrest, death threats, and imprisonment without charge or trial in response to nonviolent activism for human rights.  In addition, organizations inside Israel have been denied funding and access to event venues and have faced threats of trial and imprisonment.

At a time when the Israeli government is moving to expand settlements, redefine Jerusalem, and annex portions of the West Bank, support for nonviolent activism that seeks freedom, equality, and justice is critical.

Therefore, as long as these and other human rights violations persist, we will continue to support Palestinian-led boycott, divestment, and sanctions efforts as effective nonviolent tools for realizing political and social change.  We hope one day to see Israelis and Palestinians live together in peace. This will only happen when the human rights of all are recognized and respected.


From: Rebecca Vilkomerson; Executive Director, Jewish Voice for Peace
Subject: [JVP-NewsAndUpdates] commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Nakba

lots of current events this week, so no better time to think and learn about one of the most fundamental things that underly them all:

This spring JVP will join with Palestinians and others in commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Nakba (Arabic for “the catastrophe”)—the forced displacement of approximately 750,000 Palestinians that began with Israel’s establishment in 1948. As part of our commitment to grappling with that history and its contemporary reverberations, we are proud to make available our seven-part curriculum, Facing the Nakba. We encourage you to use it, including as you plan your Nakba commemorations.

A guide for group workshops as well as a rich archive of resources accessible to individuals, Facing the Nakba is a flexible, multimedia curriculum that can help fill in the information that is  often elided in accounts of Israel’s creation, strengthening our understanding of history (especially how the injustices Palestinians face began long before the 1967 occupation) and galvanizing our organizing today.

The Facing the Nakba website offers an in-depth guide for those who wish to facilitate group study as well as recommended tracks—for groups in synagogues or on college campuses, among organizers or high school students. We want the curriculum to work for you. The FTN library contains scores of materials — historical analyses, personal testimonies, NGO and governmental documents, maps, photos, and other materials.

Facing the Nakba, developed by a team of JVP members, draws from the pioneering work of the Israeli organization Zochrot (“Remembering” in Hebrew), which published a study guide in 2008 called “How do you say Nakba in Hebrew?” to promote acknowledgment and accountability within Israel for the ongoing injustices of the Nakba. Facingthe Nakba also maintains close partnerships with Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights and with the Participatory Action Research Center (PARCEO) to further develop our materials and broaden our reach.

The journal Radical Teacher featured Facing the Nakba in its recent issue on public pedagogies. We hope you will be part of the public that uses and expands this essential tool of our activism.

Please feel free to contact Marilyn Kleinberg Neimark (  and Donna Nevel ( if you would like to discuss the curriculum, or reach out to JVP staff for additional support.


From: Senator Sherrod Brown
Subject: Reply to Munsup from Senator Sherrod Brown about our nation’s tax code

Thank you for getting in touch with me about our nation’s tax code.

I support reforming our tax code to provide greater certainty and simplicity for workers, families, and small businesses. I also believe tax policy should ensure that Ohioans who work hard and play by the rules can get ahead and achieve economic security. Unfortunately, the recently passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act failed to meet this standard.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – passed on party-line vote with no bipartisan input – was not drafted with middle-class workers or families in mind. The proposal that became law will raise taxes on 9 million middle class families in 2019. By 2027, that number will rise to 38 million. That is unacceptable, and it is the opposite of a “middle class tax cut.”

In addition, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is filled with tax breaks and giveaways to corporations that outsource American jobs, hedge funds, the oil industry, and other special interests. These are highly-profitable industries that don’t need massive tax cuts, yet many of my colleagues are focused on helping them rather than providing relief to middle-class Ohioans.

If we want to cut taxes for workers, we should actually cut taxes for workers. Throughout this process, I have offered two pieces of legislation that would give direct tax cuts to middle-class workers and families and provide tax benefits for companies that keep jobs in the United States and invest in their workforce. These proposals have been ignored, and instead, Congressional leaders have doubled-down on the debunked theory that tax cuts for corporations and the rich will “trickle-down” to workers.

I am skeptical that this legislation will produce much, if any, economic growth. And I am extremely concerned that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will balloon our deficit and lead to further calls for cutting vital social insurance programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. I oppose cuts to these programs.

I assure you that I will continue fighting for workers, families, and small businesses across our state and I will advocate for real, commonsense middle class tax relief. Thank you again for writing me.


From: Munsup @SISCOM Seoh
Subject: I just signed these – will you?

  1. I just signed a petition telling all Democrats to commit to repeal and replace the Trump Tax Scam, and I think you should, too.
  2. Support Automatic Voter Registration Act: With Republicans attacking voting rights at the state and federal level, we need to do everything we can to fight back, including making it easier to vote. The Automatic Voter Registration Act would require states to automatically register eligible voters when they interact with certain state and federal agencies and help put up to 50 million new voters on the path to the polls. Here’s the link to sign CREDO’s petition urging Congress to pass it:
  3. Tell Democrats: Commit to repeal and replace the Trump Tax Scam:
    I just signed a petition telling all Democrats to commit to repeal and replace the Trump Tax Scam, and I think you should, too.

End of MPEN e-Newsletter

MPEN e-Newsletter No. 2018-0103

From: Munsup @MPEN Seoh
Subject: MPEN News No. 2018-0103: FW: Two NYT articles; Trump threatens NUCLEAR WAR; Defund Democrats who voted to deport Dreamers and more

  • FW: NYT Today’s Headline: Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation
  • FW: Trump threatens NUCLEAR WAR
  • FW: Sign this: Homeland Security to actively take on voter suppression
  • FW: Facing a significant number of years in prison
  • FW: Help us stop Trump from starting a war
  • FW: Tell the DSCC and DCCC: Defund Democrats who voted to deport Dreamers

From: New York Times
Subject: NYT Today’s Headline: Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation

Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation

The special counsel’s investigation has uncovered several episodes involving the president that raise questions about whether he obstructed justice.

From: 🔻 ALERT – Progressive Caucus
Subject: Trump threatens NUCLEAR WAR

TELL CONGRESS: REVOKE Trump’s Nuclear Authority

Donald Trump is threatening NUCLEAR WAR on his Twitter account.

So Progressive Caucus members want to REVOKE Trump’s access to nuclear weapons!

We need 30,000 signatures by midnight to support their bill.ign your name to demand Congress REVOKE Trump’s nuclear authority:


We’re terrified.

Donald Trump just threatened nuclear war against North Korea.

This type of erratic behavior puts MILLIONS of lives across the globe at risk.

That’s why Progressive Caucus members introduced a bill to strip Trump of his nuclear authority.

We need to pass this bill if we’re going to keep our planet safe. But we need 30,000 signatures by midnight, to keep up our momentum.

If you want to REMOVE Donald Trump’s access to nuclear weapons, we need you to sign right away


When nuclear weapons were put under the authority of the President, it was assumed that the office holder would be thoughtful and deliberate.

But Trump has proven beyond a doubt that he is neither. His rhetoric and behavior puts our country — and the entire world — in grave danger.

We have a responsibility to take action against the danger that he poses to our planet.

So Munsup, we need you to stand with us. Sign your name to demand Congress REVOKE Trump’s nuclear authority:



From: Paul Hogarth; Daily Kos
Subject: Sign this: Homeland Security to actively take on voter suppression

Sign the pledge: Fight the Trump Department of Homeland Security’s newly renewed war on voting.

Sign the petition

Did you hear the great news? Donald Trump has dissolved the Voter Suppression commission that made outrageous demands on basic voter privacy.

In his executive order, Trump admitted that our activism was the reason he caved.

He complained many states had “refused to provide” the commission with information they had requested. Much of the activism by Daily Kos and allied groups had focused on pressuring states not to cooperate.

We may have won the battle, but the War on Voting goes on.

Trump has already asked the Department of Homeland Security to take over where the commission had left off. We must be vigilant, and fight all voter suppression efforts.

Click here to AUTOMATICALLY sign the pledge: Fight the Department of Homeland Security’s War on Voting.

AUTOMATICALLY Sign the petition

By signing this petition you will receive periodic updates on offers and activism opportunities from Daily Kos. You may unsubscribe at any time. Here’s our privacy policy.

From: Ariel Gold and the entire CODEPINK Team
Subject: Facing a significant number of years in prison

The first time I met Ahed Tamimi was when she was 13 years old. I sat in her living room in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh drinking tea with her parents while she and my daughter, then 12, compared dance moves. Now at the tender age of 16, Ahed is sitting in an Israeli detention cell facing a significant number of years in prison. Her crime was that she slapped an armed Israeli soldier with her bare hand.

No teenager should have to live under military occupation or be sentenced to years in prison for a slap. Join me in telling Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu he must release Ahed immediately!

On Monday, after her most recent court appearance, I spoke with her father. “They are trying to make an example of her,” he said. “They are trying to break her.” The charges against Ahed include such things as assaulting a soldier, throwing stones and incitement. But, her real “crime,” is her refusal to capitulate to military occupation.

Ahed was only 10 years old when her father was sent to prison for organizing peaceful protests. She was 11 when Israeli soldiers killed her cousin, and 13 when they killed her uncle and shot her mother in the leg.

Read and share my latest article on how Israel is Victim-Blaming Ahed. Then sign the petition to Netanyahu, demanding Israel release Ahed immediately.

Here are some points for you to use while talking to your friends and family about Ahed’s case:

  • Ahed has lived her entire life under Israeli military occupation. On a regular basis, she and her family endure checkpoints, night raids, settler land theft and violent attacks from Israeli soldiers.
  • Ahed and her family want nothing more than freedom and equality for all people.
  • Ahed is a child and a civilian. She is facing a military court system with a conviction rate of over 99%.
  • Ahed’s slap of an Israeli soldier with her bare hand pales in comparison to the state and military violence Israel commits on a regular basis with complete impunity.

Ahed’s next court date is Tuesday, January 10.
This will be the next opportunity for her to be released on bail pending trial. Israel’s goal is to use Ahed’s imprisonment to break the will and resistance of the Palestinian people. But the worldwide call for freedom cannot be silenced. Please share the image at the top of this email on Facebook and Twitter and join me in demanding Netanyahu free Ahed.

P.S. New Zealand pop star Lorde cancelled her show in Tel Aviv in support of the BDS movement and the Palestinian people. Send a message to Lorde to thank her for her courage, commitment, and strength!

From: Erica, Ben, Amy, and the Win Without War team
Subject: Help us stop Trump from starting a war

Donald Trump is at it again. On Tuesday night Trump took to Twitter to threaten North Korea and, by consequence, most likely the rest of the world, with nuclear annihilation:

This rhetoric is extremely dangerous. This is not how the person controlling our nuclear arsenal should speak — we don’t know how the North Koreans or our allies will perceive Trump’s reckless tweet, and it undermines the diplomatic efforts being made by our own State Department.

We should all be extremely worried and concerned about what the President will do next. It is time to act.

Urge your Members of Congress to take steps to prevent Trump from launching a nuclear war.

Right now, two members of Congress, Rep. Ted Lieu and Sen. Ed Markey, have introduced legislation to prevent the U.S. president from launching a nuclear war without a declaration of war by Congress. While the President would still be able to defend from an attack against America, he or she could no longer launch the deadliest weapons ever invented just because they wanted to.

We can not overstate the destruction of a nuclear war, and we are closer to that horror today than we have ever been since the Cuban Missile Crisis. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to take action now to step back from the brink of nuclear war.

No one person – and definitely not someone as erratic and reckless as Donald Trump – should ever be able to single-handedly start such a deadly war. Please sign today.

Thank you for working for peace,



From: Nicole Regalado; Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Tell the DSCC and DCCC: Defund Democrats who voted to deport Dreamers

Tell DSCC and DCCC: No support for Democrats who voted to deport Dreamers

The petition to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee reads:
“Refuse to help elect any congressional Democrat who voted for the year-end spending bill without a clean DREAM Act.”

Add your name:


In December, 31 congressional Democrats voted to deport nearly 1 million immigrant young people.1

When Donald Trump ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in September, Democrats promised to use their leverage during the end-of-year budget fight to ensure that permanent protection for DACA recipients was part of the spending bill. Instead, they protected their political futures and turned their backs on Dreamers, their families and their communities.

The 31 Democrats who helped pass Republicans’ year-end spending bill without a clean DREAM Act voted to deport Dreamers and advance Trump’s white supremacist agenda. They turned their backs on their party’s base and their party’s values. Democratic party leaders must take a stand, draw a bright line and refuse to support the congressional campaigns of anyone in this Deportation Caucus.

Tell the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC): Do not support any congressional Democrat who voted to deport Dreamers. Click here to sign the petition.

Democrats claim to be the party of the resistance to Trump’s racist, anti-immigrant regime, yet fail time and time again to put their words into action. In the months leading up to the budget fight, Democratic leaders tried to stave off pressure from immigrant rights groups and progressive allies by saying that their lack of urgency to pass a clean DREAM Act was in fact a long-term strategy to get it done at the end of the year.2 Their promises and posturing came to nothing.

Though House Democrats could not have stopped Republicans from approving the spending bill, they could have drawn a bright line between themselves and Republicans’ racism and xenophobia by voting against it. On Dec. 22, 14 House Democrats sided with Republicans and turned their backs on immigrants by advancing the bill. Once it was in the Senate, the year-end spending bill needed 60 votes to move forward, which means that Democrats had the power to demand protection for Dreamers in exchange for their votes. But 17 Senate Democrats refused to use their leverage to stand up for immigrants and helped Republicans approve a spending package that did not include any protections for Dreamers. This is not just a failure by each of those Democrats, but also a massive failure of leadership.

Cowardly Democratic leaders in both houses failed to act. They gave lip service to Dreamers but refused to rally their entire caucus around the leadership of Rep. Gutierrez and Sens. Warren, Sanders, and Harris who promised to force Republicans to shut down the government if they refused to include a clean DREAM Act in the end-of-year spending package. They ignored a massive outpouring of activism – including hunger strikes – from undocumented young people and their allies. They were so afraid of the personal political consequences of forcing Republicans to shut down the government that they refused to stand up for and protect Dreamers.

Instead of leading the resistance to Trump, Democrats keep kicking the can on relief for Dreamers, playing politics with people’s lives and allowing Republicans to use Dreamers as bargaining chips to criminalize and deport other immigrants and get funding for Trump’s wall. Democrats who refused to push for a clean DREAM Act sent a cruel and racist message to the immigrants in their districts: You are expendable. That’s why we’re teaming up with our friends at United We Dream and Presente to demand that the DSCC and DCCC take bold action now.

Tell the DSCC and the DCCC: Do not support any congressional Democrat who voted to deport Dreamers. Click here to sign the petition.

More than 14,000 Dreamers have already lost their work permits and protection from deportation.3 Every day that Congress waits to pass the DREAM Act, 122 more lose their legal status. Immigrant young people and their communities are living in fear, but recent reports indicate that Democrats are still not acting with urgency.

Once again, Democratic leaders are saying they will do everything they can to protect Dreamers, but their recent statements stop short of a hard commitment to attach the DREAM Act to the must-pass spending bill that Congress needs to approve by Jan. 19.4 That’s why we must do everything we can to make clear to Democratic party leaders that another failure on this issue is not an option.

Many of the Democrats who caved on the DREAM Act in December will be running for the same office or, in some cases, higher offices in 2018.5 If Democratic party leaders use party resources to support their campaigns, they will be supporting cowards who are enabling Trump’s racist, xenophobic agenda. Add your name now to make sure they know the progressive base of the Party demands better.

Tell the DSCC and the DCCC: Do not support any congressional Democrat who voted to deport Dreamers. Click the link below to sign the petition.

Add your name:


  1. CREDO, “Democrats who just voted to deport Dreamers graphic,” posted Dec. 21, 2017.
  2. Rachel Blade and Heather Caygle, “Congress speeds toward shutdown over Dreamers,” POLITICO, Nov. 21, 2017.
  3. Tom Jawetz and Nicole Prchal Svajlenka, “Thousands of DACA Recipients Are Already Losing Their Protection From Deportation,” Center for American Progress, Nov. 9, 2017.
  4. Lisa Mascaro, “Trump aides and congressional leaders set to restart talks on budget and immigration,” Los Angeles Times, Jan. 2, 2017.
  5. Ed O’Keefe, “Democrats unlikely to force DACA vote this week, probably averting shutdown,” The Washington Post, Dec. 19, 2017.

End of MPEN e-Newsletter

MPEN e-Newsletter No. 2018-0102

From: Munsup @MPEN Seoh
Subject: MPEN News No. 2018-0102: FW: Happy New Year from the AAUP!; Ice cream is awesome. This is disgusting and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply to me with ‘unsubscribe’ added to the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.

  • FW: Happy New Year from the AAUP!
  • FW: A heartfelt thanks from Consumer Reports
  • FW: I Know You Know How This Is Done
  • FW: Ice cream is awesome. This is disgusting.
  • FW: When it’s okay to quit your new job

From: American Association of University
Subject: Happy New Year from the AAUP!

We wanted to take a moment to thank you for being a member of the AAUP and wish you a happy new year!

Thanks to your support and activism, our fight for academic freedom, shared governance, and a voice for faculty will continue to be strong this coming year.


From: Marta Tellado; President and CEO, Consumer Reports
Subject: A heartfelt thanks


Every day, I am grateful for the voices, the feedback, and the generosity of supporters like you who make our work at CR possible. As we say goodbye to 2017 and look forward to a bright year ahead, I want to thank you for all that you do to contribute to our mission and ensure that the products we use, the services we depend on, and the markets we enter are designed to put people’s interests first.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at if there is anything we can do to be a better partner to you in the year ahead. And on behalf of the CR team, best wishes for a healthy, happy new year.

From: Kathleen To
Subject: I Know You Know How This Is Done

WOW!  This is the ultimate talent!
Tony and Jordan: Identical Twins Dazzle With Magic – America’s Got Talent 2017 – YouTube

From: Ben & Jerry
Subject: Ice cream is awesome. This is disgusting.

This is Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, but you probably know us better as Ben and Jerry, the ice cream guys.

Back when we were running Ben & Jerry’s, we’d spend our winters brewing up new flavors for the spring and summer ice cream rush, but these days we’re preparing for something that, in these dark times, is even more mouthwatering—the biggest demonstration ever against Citizens United, one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in American history that opened the floodgates to money in politics.

As we reflect on the past year of the Trump administration, including the recent passage of the GOP’s terrible tax scam, one thing is very clear: Now more than ever, it’s Big Money vs. the rest of us.

Which is why we’ve partnered with MoveOn to offer you a way to speak out against Big Money a thousand times over: by (totally legally) helping you stamp your dollar bills with the message “Stamp Money Out of Politics.” And we want to make January 21—the anniversary of Citizens United—the biggest day of stamping ever. Will you join in?

Click here to chip in $15 or more to MoveOn and get your very own “Stamp Money Out of Politics” self-inking rubber stamp. One lucky stamper will even win free Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for a full year!

Each marked bill is on average viewed 875 times, and this is a protest that will live on because the stamped bills stay in circulation for two and a half years. Already, nearly 3,300 people have pledged to stamp over 1.4 million bills in the week leading up to January 21. We’re aiming to have 2 million bills stamped, which is why we need your help.

As we face another year with Trump in the White House, it is now more important than ever before that we stand up for (and stamp!) our beliefs, visibly and often.

Because the reality is that getting Big Money out of politics is the first step to achieving so much of our progressive agenda.

Because it’s Big Money that wrote that outrageous tax bill. It’s Big Money that’s behind opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. Big Money tried to kick tens of millions of Americans off of health care. Big Money just rolled back Net Neutrality.

Big Money needs to get out of politics. Can you help us make this message reverberate more powerfully than ever before? Chip in $15 or more to MoveOn now to receive your stamp and join the movement! You must order by January 10 to have your stamp delivered on time for our big day of stamping on January 21.

Don’t forget, stamped bills get seen hundreds of times, and who knows who might see them—maybe a member of Congress or even a certain someone in the White House! Can you imagine how that would play out?

Click here now to chip in $15 or more to MoveOn, get your stamp, and be entered in the contest to win a year’s supply of delicious ice cream!

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to go grab some ice cream—and then we’ve got some stamping to do.

P.S. Here’s a picture of what a dollar bill looks like after it’s stamped! Cool, right?

Click here to get your stamp, help stamp money out of politics, and be entered to win a year’s supply of free ice cream!

Want to support MoveOn’s work without getting a stamp?
 The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump’s agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation’s pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with MoveOn?  Donate monthly or make a one-time gift

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter to win. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. on January 18, 2018. You may enter by making a donation here. Alternatively, you can enter without making a donation. One winner will receive the following prize package: coupons for 52 pints of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream (approximate retail value: $234). Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. Promotion open to all U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States and District of Columbia and 18 or older (or of majority under applicable law). Promotion subject to Official Rules and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Political Action, 1442 Walnut Street #358, Berkeley, CA 94709.

Contributions to Political Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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Subject: When it’s okay to quit your new job

When it’s okay to quit your new job

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End of MPEN e-Newsletter

MPEN e-Newsletter No. 2018-0101

Happy New Year!


If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.

This is a Thomas Kinkade painting. It’s rumored to carry a miracle!

They say if you pass this on, you will receive a miracle.
I am passing this on because I thought it was really pretty, and who couldn’t use a miracle?

The Lords best for you and your Families.
From our Home, to your Home.
From our Hearts to your Hearts.