Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-01 (extra)

Voices, The Peoples News

February 1, 2022 (extra)
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“Many individuals are doing what they can. But real success can only come
if there is a change in our societies and in our economics and in our politics.”
– David Attenborough
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
After Hunters Kill Record Number of Yellowstone Wolves, Officials Take Steps to Limit Season. Montana wildlife officials have taken steps to limit hunting on the border of Yellowstone National Park after a record number of park wolves were killed this season.

# Covid / Pandemics
Did dismissals of safe outpatient drugs cause needless COVID deaths?
Dissenting doctors say yes. For the first nine months of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were no officially approved outpatient treatments for combating the disease.

The Vaccine Passport Scheme Goes National One QR Code at a Time https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.vox.com/recode/22384340/vaccine-passport-vaccine-record-covid-19-clear-commonpass-excelsior-pass__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hS4pv0cEQ2eUjaVq5H_ZjiyXbQ3MxolAVe-HnoMXA9A3HpmVjQ1px0AKgxxsW5rprDsX$

Lockdowns and mask mandates have caused an upheaval in our economy and ruined the quality of life for many people. They don’t work against Covid, and not only are vaccines a failure but they have killed a large number of people.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Inflation Policies Must Deal With Impact of Rising Food Prices on the Poor. To confront inflation, we need a universal basic income funded through a progressive tax structure.

Washington state AG shuts down ‘Sold by Amazon’ program nationwide.
Amazon has agreed to shut down its third-party seller program nationwide and pay a fine of $2.25 million after Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson investigated the company for price fixing.

Once a form of ‘social camouflage’, school uniforms have become impractical and unfair. Why it’s time for a makeover https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://theconversation.com/once-a-form-of-social-camouflage-school-uniforms-have-become-impractical-and-unfair-why-its-time-for-a-makeover-175320__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hS4pv0cEQ2eUjaVq5H_ZjiyXbQ3MxolAVe-HnoMXA9A3HpmVjQ1px0AKgxxsW57pKvIu$

# Education / Schools
Furry Panic Is the Latest Dumb GOP Attack on Public Schools. Right-wing parents are attacking school boards over “furries” in the classroom—a proxy for the larger culture wars over race and gender.

As the Right Censors Public Libraries, Families Are Forming Banned Book Clubs Right-wing groups are limiting student access to books about race, gender and sexuality.

Investigators probe alleged fraud involving over $240 million in federal child nutrition dollars. A Minnesota nonprofit was paid to feed thousands of hungry children every day during the pandemic. Federal investigators allege that the meals never materialized.

# Employment / Labor
California assembly passes “first of its kind” regulation bill, giving fast food workers the ability to negotiate for better pay and working conditions. AB 257 would establish an independent council to discuss and set industry-wide minimum standards, a move labor advocates have wanted for years.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
New flood maps show US damage rising 26% in next 30 years due to climate change alone, and the inequity is stark. Despite recent devastating floods, people are still building in high-risk areas. With population growth factored in, we found the increase in U.S. flood losses will be four times higher than the climate-only effect.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Poor food in prison and jails can cause or worsen eating and health problems. And the effects can linger long after release. When food is used as punishment, people who once served time need intentional help to overcome the trauma.

# Foodie Tips, Tricks and How To’s
Major Health Benefits of Cinnamon. There are mainly four types of cinnamon:
*True cinnamon or Ceylon cinnamon or Mexican cinnamon (Cinnamomum
*Indonesian cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni) *Vietnamese cinnamon (Cinnamomum loureiroi) *Cassia cinnamon or Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum).

# General Information / Other News
Trumpers Planning to Take Down Power Grid to Stop Arrest of Disgraced Former President. Domestic violent extremists and racially motivated extremists have been developing plans to attack the U.S. electric sector, according to an intelligence bulletin from the DHS.

White supremacists plotted to attack US electric grid by shooting into power stations, FBI says https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/12/22/white-supremacists-plotted-attack-us-power-grid-fbi-says/4018815001/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hS4pv0cEQ2eUjaVq5H_ZjiyXbQ3MxolAVe-HnoMXA9A3HpmVjQ1px0AKgxxsW_BJ95KK$

# Global Politics and other news
Notorious Russian Mercenaries Pull Out of Africa for Ukraine.
Unprecedented numbers of the Wagner Group, which some have called Putin’s “private army,” have departed in recent days, sources tell The Daily Beast.

U.S. and Russia Clash over Ukraine at U.N. Security Council. Moscow insists troops on Ukrainian border are not a prelude to war.

Ukrainians Doubt a Russian Invasion Is Imminent as U.S. Peace Groups Urge Biden to Halt Escalation.

# Gov / Politics
The GOP’s Two Attacks on Biden’s Possible Court Pick: The top Republican on the Judiciary Committee can’t complain about ‘affirmative action,’
but there’s a fallback strategy.

Candidate Tells Crowd to ‘Lock and Load’ for Poll Watchers. “Show up armed,” state Senate candidate Mike Detmer declared over the weekend.

# Law Enforcement
AG Schmidt: Kansas sees large spikes in fentanyl seizures, drug overdoses. Record amounts of fentanyl and other drugs are being seized in Kansas after they’ve made their way north from Mexico and the state’s attorney general, Derek Schmidt, said he is trying to stop it.

Report Links Unemployment with Rise in Gun Crime During Pandemic. A surge in unemployment during the first five months of the pandemic coincided with an increase in firearm violence and homicides in 16 American cities https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.devdiscourse.com/article/lifestyle/1902600-study-links-unemployment-to-increase-in-violence-during-early-pandemic__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hS4pv0cEQ2eUjaVq5H_ZjiyXbQ3MxolAVe-HnoMXA9A3HpmVjQ1px0AKgxxsW3COut8D$

# Legal / DOJ
Poll: Majority of Americans oppose choosing Supreme Court Justices by race and gender: President Joe Biden’s commitment to only nominate a a new Supreme Court justice who is a Black female does not have broad support, a newly released poll suggests.

Garland Pledges ‘Full Force’ of DOJ in Battle Against Human Trafficking.
U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland promised to step up the government’s capacity to interdict traffickers, prosecute existing cases, and to support survivors.

# Media
Roberto Toledo Assassinated, Becoming Fourth Mexican Journalist Murdered in 2022 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/31/mexico-fourth-journalist-killed-roberto-toledo__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hS4pv0cEQ2eUjaVq5H_ZjiyXbQ3MxolAVe-HnoMXA9A3HpmVjQ1px0AKgxxsW9NNYd1M$

# Medical / Health Care
Single-Payer Healthcare Bill Dies in California Assembly Despite Democratic Supermajority https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cbsnews.com/news/universal-healthcare-bill-california-dies-in-legislature/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hS4pv0cEQ2eUjaVq5H_ZjiyXbQ3MxolAVe-HnoMXA9A3HpmVjQ1px0AKgxxsW3wuA9sK$

40 House Democrats demand Congress ‘swiftly’ cut drug prices. “We cannot overstate the paramount urgency of fulfilling the promise of lowering drug prices now for the American people. They’re counting on us.”

# Space
Astronomers spot second Trojan asteroid trailing Earth’s orbit. A lone asteroid is scouting ahead of Earth’s orbit. It’s the largest Trojan found in Earth’s system thus far.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-01

Voices, The Peoples News

February 1, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Tribal nations are locked inside the U.S. water regime. Phoebe Suina on the Rio Grande River, Pueblo inclusion and the need for holistic solutions to our man-made disaster.

# Border / Immigration
Video Shows Federal Contractors Flying Illegal Immigrants Into New York at Night So It Won’t ‘Attract Attention.’ Video footage has emerged showing federal contractors flying illegal immigrants into New York after they were released from the southern border last year.
It shows migrants, including men, women, and children, being flown by the federal government under the cover of darkness from the southern border to New York before being transported onto other parts of the United States via American Dream charter busses https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theepochtimes.com/video-shows-federal-contractors-flying-illegal-immigrants-into-new-york-at-night-so-it-wont-attract-attention_4242100.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!gWVoyvE_UsaJPOr1bT_hyf4kcPtU73sBMO99aEEdWOPnhJsu1noYOcUdP-Zc4tQDoPkg$

# Border / Immigration / Global
Poland’s border wall to cut through Europe’s last old-growth forest.
Work has begun on a 116-mile long fence on the Polish-Belarusian border.
Scientists call it an environmental “disaster.”

Deplorable conditions, unclear mission: Texas National Guard troops call Abbott’s rushed border operation a disaster. The governor has sent waves of troops to the border as Guard officials scramble to execute a massive mobilization that would normally take months to plan. Some Guard members say the operation has set back their income, education and well-being.

Coronavirus shuts down legal proceedings in latest misstep for Texas border crackdown. Migrants arrested under Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security push have been imprisoned for weeks or months waiting to appear before a judge. About 90 were finally to receive hearings this week, but court proceedings were canceled.

# Covid / Pandemics
The Canadian province of Nova Scotia made it illegal for people to gather along a highway ahead of the “Freedom Convoy” of truckers that made their way across the country in protest of vaccine mandates.

Critics are slamming Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a “coward” for reportedly fleeing his residence in the country’s capital of Ottawa as a massive anti-vaccine mandate protest converged on the city.

Organizers of the Canadian truckers’ “Freedom Convoy” held their first press conference on Sunday and banned mainstream media outlets from attending.

‘Makes No Sense’: Canadian Premier Vows to End Proof of Vaccine Policy as Truckers Protest in Ottawa https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theepochtimes.com/makes-no-sense-canada-premier-vows-to-end-proof-of-vaccine-policy-as-truckers-protest-in-ottawa_4244794.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!gWVoyvE_UsaJPOr1bT_hyf4kcPtU73sBMO99aEEdWOPnhJsu1noYOcUdP-Zc4lo_Z8xm$

Does the world need an Omicron vaccine? Last week, COVID-19 vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna both announced clinical trials for Omicron-based vaccines. But whether rolling out these jabs is necessary, or even practical, is unclear, say public-health authorities and infectious-disease specialists.

Number of youth in hospital after suicide attempt tripled over 4-month period under COVID-19. Referrals to Eating Disorders Program increased by 90% in 4-month period, McMaster Children’s Hospital says https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mashupmd.com/number-of-youth-in-hospital-after-suicide-attempt-tripled-over-4-month-period-under-covid-19-cbc-news/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!gWVoyvE_UsaJPOr1bT_hyf4kcPtU73sBMO99aEEdWOPnhJsu1noYOcUdP-Zc4jYvFMre$

Frequent Boosters Spur Warning on Immune Response. Do multiple boosters ‘exhaust’ our immune response? It’s too soon to understand the effectiveness of a fourth vaccine dose, according to the EU’s top drug regulator. But some countries have already authorized the shot.

# Education / Schools
Book banning is back, and it’s targeting Black folks: It’s targeting authors who deal with race, sexuality, and gender, and it’s moving with a fervency that should alarm anyone concerned about the plight of authors, but ultimately anyone worried about how American history is taught, because this is an effort to erase some of us from sharing our stories.

School boards have long been a tool of white supremacy. Our history of letting white Americans veto racial progress in schools.

# Employment / Labor
Starbucks ends its plan to require worker vaccination and testing https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/19/business/starbucks-vaccine-mandate.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!gWVoyvE_UsaJPOr1bT_hyf4kcPtU73sBMO99aEEdWOPnhJsu1noYOcUdP-Zc4saQI6pU$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Biden administration to send $1.5 billion to states to plug orphaned wells, which leak planet-warming methane https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2021-11-02/biden-climate-plan-aims-to-reduce-methane-emissions__;!!On18fmf1aQ!gWVoyvE_UsaJPOr1bT_hyf4kcPtU73sBMO99aEEdWOPnhJsu1noYOcUdP-Zc4nXhHf8t$

Offshore wind farms in the Gulf of Mexico could create 17,500 jobs, study finds. The economic outlook for offshore wind energy in the Gulf of Mexico is getting rosier, with as many as 17,500 jobs likely to be created https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.1012industryreport.com/energy/renewable-energy/offshore-wind-in-gulf-could-create-17500-jobs/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!gWVoyvE_UsaJPOr1bT_hyf4kcPtU73sBMO99aEEdWOPnhJsu1noYOcUdP-Zc4gh46MGT$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global Pipeline Bursts on Indigenous Land in Ecuadorian Amazon; Thailand Rushes to Contain Coastal Oil Spill https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/ecuadors-private-heavy-crude-pipeline-bursts-amazon-region-2022-01-29/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!gWVoyvE_UsaJPOr1bT_hyf4kcPtU73sBMO99aEEdWOPnhJsu1noYOcUdP-Zc4q8sBs_c$

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Our chemical habit is choking the Earth. Chemical companies have produced more chemicals,  including plastics, than the planet can safely sustain without potentially causing irreversible harm to the environment or human health, says a team of international researchers.

Epic floods in Pacific Northwest revive long-running dispute over how to manage a river.
Farmers in Washington State and British Columbia want to dredge the Nooksack River. Native communities and scientists say that will doom the endangered Chinook salmon.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
With Rising Food Prices, We Can’t Afford To Worsen the Position of Consumers.
The highest inflation in 13 years is hitting American consumers. Since September 2020, overall food prices have risen by 4.6 percent, with eggs, poultry, meat, and fish being the most affected.

# General Information / Other News
U.N. Security Council Meets over Russia-Ukraine Tensions as Ukraine Calls Out Western “Panic”

Trump Says Pence Should Have “Overturned the Election”: It was perhaps his most explicit admission yet that he had wanted his vice president to throw out legitimate electoral votes.

Trump May Yet Save the Democrats. The idea of pardoning January 6 insurrectionists will split Republicans, scare off voters.

# Global Politics and other news
Over 100 ex-Afghan forces and officials slain since August, UN says. Despite promises of amnesty, the U.N. says members of the former Afghan government have been killed extrajudicially by the Taliban.

Russia’s threat to invade Ukraine grows. Violent far-right groups see an opportunity.
The US sees the Azov movement as a “nationalist hate group,” and human rights groups have accused it of torturing civilians. But the far-right group is also prepared to fight for Ukraine, which is in need of troops against Russia’s stronger forces.

Moscow’s Trump Mega-Fans: We’re ‘Ready to Elect Him Again’: The U.S.
response to Russian aggression in Ukraine has angered the Kremlin’s top pundits so much that they’re publicly implying they’ll help make Donald Trump president again.

Kim Jong Un Is Ready to Exploit U.S. Distraction in Ukraine. The White House knows it can’t afford to fight Russia and China at the same time, and so does Kim—who is seizing the chance to make trouble.

# Gov / Politics
Secret report finds flaw in Georgia voting system, but state in the dark –George uses Dominion Voting Systems equipment. Hacking is possible, experts say, but there’s no sign 2020 election was rigged https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ajc.com/politics/secret-report-on-georgia-voting-system-finds-flaws-but-state-shows-no-interest/YKFEET2WE5BBPJ7TYVOYMBTIKQ/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!gWVoyvE_UsaJPOr1bT_hyf4kcPtU73sBMO99aEEdWOPnhJsu1noYOcUdP-Zc4veDbSQK$

Harris-to-Supreme-Court Chatter Opens Window Into Dems’ Deepest Fears.
The vice president isn’t going be nominated to the high court. But some Dems can’t stop talking about it.

US to Russia: Do as we say, not as we do. Aiding and abetting a potentially catastrophic, and I do mean catastrophic, confrontation between the world’s two nuclear superpowers are lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

Will the prospect of such a 21st Century Cuban Missile Crisis be enough to bring America’s irresponsible leaders to their senses and back to the negotiating table, to start unwinding the suicidal mess they have blundered into?

What you should really know about Ukraine. Perhaps if the public were better informed, there would be more domestic pressure on Biden to end the brinkmanship and seek a genuine solution to the problem.

Both GOP and Democratic Party Want Us to Surrender to COVID for Capitalism.
The parties have used different emotional and cultural appeals to justify their support for the same disastrous policy.

Arizona Republicans Introduce Bill Allowing Legislature to “Reject”
Election Results
Arizona legislators are turning Trump’s conspiracy theories into bills.

Manchin Received Record Donations While Killing Democrats’ Signature Legislation The largest share of corporate PAC donations came from the fossil fuel, finance and insurance industries.

# Law Enforcement
He wore a wire, risked his life to expose who was in the KKK. The U.S.
Army veteran donned a white robe and hood as a hit man for the Ku Klux Klan in North Florida. He attended clandestine meetings, participated in cross burnings, even helped plan the murder of a Black man. However, he wore something else during his years in the klan, a wire for the FBI.

# Legal / DOJ
The Justice Department won’t reopen the federal civil rights investigation into Tamir Rice’s death. The 12-year-old boy’s family had urged DOJ under the Biden administration to reconsider the decision to close the probe, submitting a letter from dozens of legal scholars.

‘Someone Opened the Doors From the Inside,’ Jan. 6 Defense Attorney
Says: The 20,000-pound Columbus Doors that lead into the Rotunda on the east side of the U.S. Capitol are secured by magnetic locks that can only be opened from the inside using a security code controlled by Capitol Police, Moseley wrote in an eight-page memo.

Pence’s Chief of Staff Testifies for Jan. 6 Investigation. Marc Short was with Pence inside the Capitol during the insurrection, and his participation in the probe indicates cooperation between Pence’s staff and the committee.

# Media
U.S.-Backed Drug War Fuels Murders of Journalists in Mexico, Most Dangerous Country for Media Workers https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/22/mexico-journalists-deadly-cpr-press-freedom__;!!On18fmf1aQ!gWVoyvE_UsaJPOr1bT_hyf4kcPtU73sBMO99aEEdWOPnhJsu1noYOcUdP-Zc4pevE4Ze$

Rock stars continue to unplug from Spotify over Covid misinformation.
Podcaster Joe Rogan’s anti-vax commentary prompts Neil Young and others to leave the streaming service.

Trump declares full-throated support for the January 6 insurrectionists.
The ex-president said he’d pardon those who attacked the Capitol and called for supporters to help him fight off criminal probes.

# Medical / Health Care
Hospitals are refusing transplants for unvaccinated patients. Is that ethical? Hospitals refused to treat toddler because his parents were unvaccinated. Boy, 3, will now have operation in Greece but case highlights ethical dilemmas facing health authorities.

Respiratory societies tighten author ban. Respiratory societies tighten author restrictions after tobacco giant PMI acquires inhaler maker Vectura. “The issue is that ‘Big Tobacco’ could use, and will use, this technology not only to potentially enhance delivery of tobacco-containing substances and nicotine devices, but to addict more people,” says pulmonologist Gregory Downey, a claim that PMI denies.

Acetaminophen [Tylenol] in pregnancy linked to ADHD in kids, study finds https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.latimes.com/science/la-sci-tylenol-pregnancy-20140225-story.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!gWVoyvE_UsaJPOr1bT_hyf4kcPtU73sBMO99aEEdWOPnhJsu1noYOcUdP-Zc4v-9WnQj$

Pharma Hikes Cost of 866 Drugs While Lobbying to Kill Build Back Better.
Bernie Sanders condemned the price increases as “profoundly wrong” and called on Congress to act.

46 Senators Wage Campaign to End “Global Gag Rule” Restricting Abortion Access The global gag rule bars foreign nongovernmental organizations from providing referrals for or information on abortion.

# Military / DOD
Pentagon Names Army Units Tapped for Possible European Deployment.
Soldiers from the Army’s elite airborne divisions are among the 8,500 service members currently on heightened alert to rapidly deploy if NATO activates its multinational response force https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.defenseone.com/policy/2022/01/pentagon-names-army-units-tapped-possible-european-deployment/361304/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!gWVoyvE_UsaJPOr1bT_hyf4kcPtU73sBMO99aEEdWOPnhJsu1noYOcUdP-Zc4uW_3jSg$

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Attention Readers:

Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-01-31

Voices, The Peoples News

January 31, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
– George Orwell ~
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Native political prisoner Leonard Peltier, who has been in U.S. federal prison for 46 years despite worldwide calls for his freedom, tested positive for COVID on Friday, Jan. 28. At 77 years old with severe health problems, Leonard Peltier is at great risk.

# Covid / Pandemics
Myocarditis Risk Following mRNA COVID Shots May Be Far Higher Than Previously Estimated. Two distinct self-limited syndromes, myocarditis and pericarditis, were observed after COVID-19 vaccination. Myocarditis developed rapidly in younger patients, mostly after the second vaccination. Pericarditis affected older patients later, after either the first or second dose.

Fact Check-Most cases of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccines are not irreversible https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-myocarditis-covid19-vaccine/fact-check-most-cases-of-myocarditis-after-covid-19-vaccines-are-not-irreversible-idUSL1N2S924L__;!!On18fmf1aQ!iKACJznPnnUZZHILdH0h73iorZI8wshr93qqEvsyC6buTmenctVt2mvLZZwat9wfw1B5$

Supreme Court Overturns Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Companies, Reinstates Mandate for 10 Million Health Care Workers https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thevaccinereaction.org/2022/01/supreme-court-overturns-federal-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-for-companies-reinstates-mandate-for-10-million-health-care-workers/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!iKACJznPnnUZZHILdH0h73iorZI8wshr93qqEvsyC6buTmenctVt2mvLZZwat7jecrL0$

Microchip Embedded Under the Skin Acts as Vaccine Passport https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.insider.com/swedish-firm-under-skin-microchip-for-covid-19-passes-2021-12__;!!On18fmf1aQ!iKACJznPnnUZZHILdH0h73iorZI8wshr93qqEvsyC6buTmenctVt2mvLZZwat6WA13vE$

Senator Ron Johnson Panel on COVID-19: A Second Opinion https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thevaccinereaction.org/2022/01/senator-ron-johnson-panel-on-covid-19-a-second-opinion/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!iKACJznPnnUZZHILdH0h73iorZI8wshr93qqEvsyC6buTmenctVt2mvLZZwat2_-e0Cj$

Forum focuses on doctors other than Fauci: Ron Johnson (R-WI) convened a panel discussion on infectious disease.

Utah Hospital Kept Quiet About Inaccurate COVID Test Results. State health officials knew that the hospital might not have been processing tests accurately more than three months before its lab suspended testing.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
New Puerto Rico Debt Plan Is a False “Solution” Crafted to Benefit Capitalists. The plan charts a future largely absent the input of Puerto Ricans who will be most impacted by its devastating effects.

# Employment / Labor
Many American Workers Fired for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine Cannot Get Unemployment Benefits https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cbsnews.com/news/vaccine-mandate-unemployment-benefits/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!iKACJznPnnUZZHILdH0h73iorZI8wshr93qqEvsyC6buTmenctVt2mvLZZwat_7EgLHK$

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Dangerous environmental neurotoxins are on the rise and climate change could make it worse. Can anything be done?

Is this the end of forests as we’ve known them? ‘Now’s a good time to go visit national parks with big trees.’ Trees lost to drought and wildfires are not returning. Climate change is taking a toll on the world’s forests – and radically changing the environment before our eyes https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/mar/10/is-this-the-end-of-forests-as-weve-known-them__;!!On18fmf1aQ!iKACJznPnnUZZHILdH0h73iorZI8wshr93qqEvsyC6buTmenctVt2mvLZZwatzLz3sje$

# Environment / Climate / Global
It’s all gone: The Last Of The Old Forest Has Been Destroyed: This is an alert from Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen in a heartfelt message from Norway.
He discusses the corrupted meaning of “green” and the devastation being done in his area in the name of supposedly protecting the environment.

# General Information / Other News
And There It Is … A stew of sedition and obstruction. The distinguishing characteristic of the various Trump scandals/outrages is that they all take place in broad daylight, playing out in real time, without mystery or subtlety. And so last night, the former president dangled pardons for the January 6 insurrectionists, and called for massive street protests if he ever faces criminal charges.

# Gov / Politics
U.S. Says ‘Wants Peace Not War’ as It Arms Ukraine to the Teeth. The militarization in Ukraine is being led by the United States, along with its trusty British bulldog.

Real Conservatives Are Anti-War. Ukraine Is Exposing the Real Divide in the GOP.
This is how we got to the point where we think about Republicans as being the warmongers, because it’s what they became.

Are Americans Finally Tiring of War? Americans are finally tuning out the stars of the Fourth Estate.

We Have Had a Narrow Escape from Tyranny But the War on Freedom Is Not Over https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/01/paul-craig-roberts/we-have-had-a-narrow-escape-from-tyranny-but-the-war-on-freedom-is-not-over/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!iKACJznPnnUZZHILdH0h73iorZI8wshr93qqEvsyC6buTmenctVt2mvLZZwat8CX_Zlm$

# Legal / DOJ
DA Asks Feds for Help After Trump Demands ‘Biggest Protest’: On Saturday, Trump ordered his supporters to fight back against the prosecutors who are investigating him.

Collins: Biden’s campaign pledge to nominate Black woman to court politicized nomination process https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nypost.com/2022/01/30/sen-susan-collins-says-bidens-handling-of-nominee-has-politicized-supreme-court/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!iKACJznPnnUZZHILdH0h73iorZI8wshr93qqEvsyC6buTmenctVt2mvLZZwat2_y_lyY$

Graham: Nominating a Black woman to the Supreme Court wouldn’t be affirmative action https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.axios.com/lindsey-graham-black-woman-supreme-court-f2c14dc6-0bf7-4a30-88f3-b611bfbadc94.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!iKACJznPnnUZZHILdH0h73iorZI8wshr93qqEvsyC6buTmenctVt2mvLZZwat8S8eZ6C$

Sen. Dick Durbin says Black women on Biden’s likely list for Supreme Court seat are ‘extraordinary’ and must’ve gained success ‘against great odds’

Arbery’s Mom ‘Devastated’ Over Plea Deal for His Killers. Prosecutors announced a plea deal late Sunday without revealing what terms were agreed.

# Medical / Health Care
Trump created a program to privatize Medicare without patients’ consent.
Biden is keeping it going. The Biden administration is quietly continuing a little-known Trump-era pilot program that clears the way for doctors and private health insurers to switch patients from Medicare to privately run insurance.

Will parental vaccine hesitancy retard the embrace of life-saving newborn genetic screening and emerging gene therapy revolution?

All States Need Expanded Medicaid Access. Gerrymandering Prevents It.
Gerrymandering silences the will of voters and prevents many Americans from accessing life-saving care.

# Military / DOD
Pentagon spokesperson: US looking at sanctions against Russia ‘the likes of which we have not looked at before’

Panetta on Russia-Ukraine situation: There’s ‘no question’ that American lives are ‘going to be at stake’ if conflict breaks out https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2022/01/29/675784/US-Panetta-Russia-Ukraine-Conflict__;!!On18fmf1aQ!iKACJznPnnUZZHILdH0h73iorZI8wshr93qqEvsyC6buTmenctVt2mvLZZwat1cTHgLf$

US-NATO Warmongering Over Ukraine is All About Defense Contractors’ Money.
The current crisis over Ukraine is the direct result of an illegal American and EU coup d’etat in Kiev in February of 2014 which overthrew the legally elected government there.

# Veterans / VA
New $31M VA clinic set to open in Montana with vastly expanded services https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nbcmontana.com/news/local/new-david-j-thatcher-va-clinic-in-missoula-set-to-open-feb-1__;!!On18fmf1aQ!iKACJznPnnUZZHILdH0h73iorZI8wshr93qqEvsyC6buTmenctVt2mvLZZwatwmH1znA$

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All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-01-30

Voices, The Peoples News

January 30, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Covid / Pandemics
Father, Whose Doctor Said the Vaccine Could Kill Him, Denied Life-Saving Care For Not Taking Covid Jab. CEO of Pfizer has stated the vaccine offers little to no protection against the most dominant variant in the United States currently, Omicron. Nevertheless, the hospital group is standing by their decision to let this father die because it’s their policy.

Intranasal flu vaccine with nanoparticles offers robust protection https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/01/220128165601.htm__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kcP8U33M9xq18Dq7c2YbbA5W8QNmrsy1GrxjOjEY3e5O6L8cJ6EC7vQ9z7WDXMxBaBR2$

Nearly 1 in 7 COVID patients in ICU experienced severe bleeding when given full-dose blood thinners, study finds. Research finds smaller dose of blood thinners is equally effective for blood clots and carries less bleeding risk https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/01/220128141330.htm__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kcP8U33M9xq18Dq7c2YbbA5W8QNmrsy1GrxjOjEY3e5O6L8cJ6EC7vQ9z7WDXMzCs6uy$

Hyperimmune intravenous immunoglobulin does not improve outcomes for adults hospitalized with COVID-19, study finds. Randomized trial finds no benefit for hospitalized patients https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/96928__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kcP8U33M9xq18Dq7c2YbbA5W8QNmrsy1GrxjOjEY3e5O6L8cJ6EC7vQ9z7WDXGARp6jY$

Vaccinated Mitt Romney Tests Positive for COVID. The senator is said to be asymptomatic and will continue his congressional duties remotely.

Center for COVID Control shuts down headquarters amid FBI investigation but says testing sites may branch off https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/01/29/center-covid-control-suspends-ohare-northshore-labs/9215803002/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kcP8U33M9xq18Dq7c2YbbA5W8QNmrsy1GrxjOjEY3e5O6L8cJ6EC7vQ9z7WDXDZw1zOk$

Military Doctors: DoD Medical Data Shows 300% Increase in Cancer, Miscarriages, Infertility After Jab Approved. Defense Medical Epidemiology Database shows sharp spikes in miscarriages, myocarditis, cancer diagnoses, Bell’s palsy, female infertility.According to the data found by the military doctors, there was also a nearly 300% increase in cancer diagnoses https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.realclearpolitics.com/2022/01/27/dod_data_reveals_surges_in_covid_vaccine_adverse_events_561704.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kcP8U33M9xq18Dq7c2YbbA5W8QNmrsy1GrxjOjEY3e5O6L8cJ6EC7vQ9z7WDXPRWScM_$

# Economy / Finance / Trade
The Child Tax Credit Improves Lives. Why Is Congress Killing It? Why would we lift children out of poverty only to slam them back into it a few months later?

President Biden signed an executive order that will help retirees get their benefits faster.
Biden’s order calls for the SSA to create a mobile and online process for people to receive benefits and access other services.

# Education / Schools
The Inside Story of the Banning of Maus. It’s Dumber Than You Think. Art Spiegelman, the author of Maus, the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novelist, has condemned the actions of a Tennessee school board who decided to ban the book due to concerns about profanity and an image of female nudity. Spiegelman called the ban “a harbinger of things to come.”

U.S. Supreme Court to consider legality of affirmative action in colleges. The race-based admissions policies at Harvard and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have been specifically challenged in two separate cases that will now be combined before the high court.

Youngkin’s CRT tip line in Virginia triggering Dems, teachers: ‘It’s scaring people to death.’ The victory by Youngkin was fueled in part by his pledge to prevent critical race theory (CRT) from being taught in the schools.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global ConocoPhillips’ Plan for Extracting Half-a-Billion Barrels of Crude in Alaska’s Fragile Arctic Presents a Defining Moment for Joe Biden. After the Trump administration rushed through the Willow project in its waning days, a federal judge temporarily halted development pending additional review. Environmentalists want Biden to kill Willow once and for all.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
New species of ‘incredibly rare’ insect discovered in Uganda. “To find this new species is a once-in-a-lifetime achievement,” the scientist said.

This unsung aquatic hero could get a big boost from dam removals.
Freshwater mussels are some of the most imperiled species in North America. Experts say we can change that by rethinking our infrastructure.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Morrison government announces $1bn pledge for Great Barrier Reef over the next decade. A re-elected Coalition would pour $1bn into Great Barrier Reef conservation projects over the next decade https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jan/28/morrison-government-announces-1bn-pledge-for-great-barrier-reef-over-the-next-decade__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kcP8U33M9xq18Dq7c2YbbA5W8QNmrsy1GrxjOjEY3e5O6L8cJ6EC7vQ9z7WDXAp4CZRC$

Palm oil is one of the most destructive ingredients you use every day.
From shampoo to ice cream to oat milk, palm oil is in everything. And demand for it is driving deforestation and climate change https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fastcompany.com/90716324/palm-oil-is-one-of-the-most-destructive-ingredients-you-use-every-day-these-startups-are-trying-to-replace-it__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kcP8U33M9xq18Dq7c2YbbA5W8QNmrsy1GrxjOjEY3e5O6L8cJ6EC7vQ9z7WDXKm2SVLP$

# General Information / Other News
Fascism’s “Legal Phase” Has Begun. Threats of White Vigilante Violence Are Real.
Fortunately, our history shows that there are things we can do to protect a free and fair democracy.

Donald Trump Jr. brought his 12-year-old son to Texas for a Trump rally and let him build an AR-15 at his friend’s business https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-jr-takes-son-build-ar-15-texas-2022-1__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kcP8U33M9xq18Dq7c2YbbA5W8QNmrsy1GrxjOjEY3e5O6L8cJ6EC7vQ9z7WDXPSjtixz$

Trump says he’ll treat Jan. 6 rioters ‘fairly’ if reelected: ‘If it requires pardons, we will give them pardons’

Roe v. Wade challenge isn’t about banning abortion, it’s about states’
rights, Sen. Mike Lee says. It is hard to overstate what a critical crossroad the challenge to Roe presents not only for abortion but for so many of our other most cherished constitutional rights.

At his Texas rally, Trump recited the lyrics to a ’60s R&B hit ‘The Snake,’ to warn against immigration. The 1968 soul hit, which was sung by Al Wilson, a Black man, is about a “tender-hearted woman” who saw “a poor half-frozen snake” and took it in.

# Global Politics and other news
Russia’s risky options beyond full Ukraine attack. Russia, which is seeking a pledge that NATO won’t expand to include Ukraine, has options it could pursue short of a full-blown invasion.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky: NWO lies about Russia. The simple fact is that NWO agents were defeated in the past, particularly when they tried to annihilate countries like Syria.

Putin may put forward two demands on Ukraine to Erdogan. Avia Pro:
Russia can put forward two demands to Turkey in the event of a war in Ukraine, which will protect Erdogan from Russian strikes.

Why is Turkey trying to mediate the Ukraine-Russia crisis? The NATO member is aligned with Russia on several conflicts but also sells weapons to Ukraine.

# Gov / Politics
GOP faces divisions over siding with Ukraine against Russia: Republicans are pushing President Biden to be tougher on Russia over its aggression toward Ukraine, but their isolationist far-right flank is denying them unity on the issue.

President Biden said Friday he plans to send a small number of U.S.
forces to Eastern Europe in the “near term” amid growing fears of a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Pennsylvania court strikes down state’s mail voting law as unconstitutional. A Pennsylvania court on Friday ruled the state’s mail-in voting law is unconstitutional, with the case likely heading to the state’s Supreme Court.

Manchin Got Huge Donation From GOP Megadonor After Tanking Build Back Better Republican donor Ken Langone, who supported Trump’s 2016 campaign, gave
$5,000 to Sen. Joe Manchin’s Country Roads PAC.

Biden to Send Troops to Eastern Europe Amid Calls to End ‘Warmongering.’
“Russia doesn’t want war. Ukraine doesn’t want war. The American people don’t want war,” said CodePink. “The Biden administration needs to get with the program and STOP endangering us all.”

Analysis Finds ‘Staggering’ Rise in Voter Suppression After GOP Restrictions in Georgia. “This is why we are fighting this new law in court,” said one voting rights advocate.

Youngkin sparks Democratic backlash in Virginia. Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) is facing fierce pushback from Democrats as he implements a slew of conservative policies just two weeks after he formally assumed office.

# Legal / DOJ
Leaked Docs Accuse Trump Tower Lawyer of Brand New Crime. New court papers accuse the notorious Trump Tower lawyer of a clandestine effort to tamper with official government papers.

Breyer’s Retirement Is Likely to Spark More Dark Money Spending in 2022 Midterms. Nearly $100 million was spent to elect state supreme court judges across the U.S. during the most recent election cycle.

The Supreme Court Just Allowed the Executions of Two Intellectually Disabled Black Men. Donald Grant and Matthew Reeves were executed after failing to “choose” their own method of death, activists say. Both men are Black, and Black and Latino people make up more than half of death row nationally. Activists have long emphasized the systemic racism inherent in the death penalty system.

# Medical / Health Care
Lower blood pressure quickly. A normal blood pressure level, according to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology is less than 120/80 mmHg.

# Military / DOD
Pentagon presses Russia to stand down over Ukraine: The Pentagon on Friday called on Russia to stand down on Ukraine as tensions rise over the threat of a Russian military invasion.

Joint Base Langley-Eustis under consideration for intel expansion.
Langley Air Force Base may be poised to bring in thousands of additional Air Force intelligence personnel.

# Military / Global
Russia moves blood supplies near Ukraine, adding to U.S. concern, officials say https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/exclusive-russia-moves-blood-supplies-near-ukraine-adding-us-concern-officials-2022-01-28/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kcP8U33M9xq18Dq7c2YbbA5W8QNmrsy1GrxjOjEY3e5O6L8cJ6EC7vQ9z7WDXOU5hi09$

Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said there is “no question” that American lives are “going to be at stake” if conflict breaks out between Russia and Ukraine amid escalating tensions between the two countries.

North Korea fires suspected ballistic missile in 7th test this month.
Analysts say seventh launch this month – detected by Japan and South Korea – was probably an intermediate-range ballistic missile.

# Science
Efforts to dim Sun and cool Earth must be blocked, say scientists.
Initiatives to inject billions of aerosol particles into the stratosphere to deflect solar rays and cool Earth are too risky to go forward https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://news.mongabay.com/2022/01/efforts-to-dim-sun-and-cool-earth-must-be-blocked-say-scientists/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kcP8U33M9xq18Dq7c2YbbA5W8QNmrsy1GrxjOjEY3e5O6L8cJ6EC7vQ9z7WDXIl7uL1M$

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-01-28

Voices, The Peoples News

January 28, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
After 1,200 positive cases, Tulalip Tribes face ‘deepest fear.’ “We used to be big on family doings, not anymore.” On top of a cultural toll, the pandemic has exposed health inequities.

Misclassified death certificates shroud toll on Native Americans:
American Indian and Alaska Native populations have substantially higher death rates across age groups and the lowest average life expectancy compared with white, Black and Hispanic populations in the U.S.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls MAGA Candidate Caught on Tape Menacing Butterfly Sanctuary. A wild audio tape captures the showdown between a butterfly scientist and congressional candidate Kimberly Lowe, who appeared at the sanctuary to peddle QAnon-type conspiracies.

# Covid / Pandemics
Republicans are changing state medical board rules so it’s easier for doctors to prescribe hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kadiagoba/republican-medical-boards-covid-treatments__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lRGYGQzddLbQjuk9bncj39_3rTdq5cLJTBuvOopHsCe-BW6LaMWYUaKstzm9jti-ZBPo$

This is what science says about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as
COVID-19 treatments
*Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=01*28*2022*20Incoming*20newsletter&utm_term=News*20confirmed*20list__;Ly8lJSUl!!On18fmf1aQ!lRGYGQzddLbQjuk9bncj39_3rTdq5cLJTBuvOopHsCe-BW6LaMWYUaKstzm9jgYMmq_5$
*Ivermectin poison cases increased 212% from Jan. 1 to Sept. 21, with
1,440 cases reported

Quebec Bans Unvaxxed From Buying Groceries at Major Retailers Unless They Are Accompanied By a ‘Health Warden,’ Who Will Ensure They Only Buy Food and Medicine https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://breakingnews.exchange/quebec-canada-bans-unvaxxed-from-buying-groceries-at-major-retailers-unless-they-are-accompanied-by-a-health-warden-who-will-ensure-they-only-buy-food-and-medicine/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lRGYGQzddLbQjuk9bncj39_3rTdq5cLJTBuvOopHsCe-BW6LaMWYUaKstzm9jr58Sker$

GoFundMe freezes more than 4 million dollars raised for Canadian truckers protesting vax mandates. A company spokesperson said they paused the campaign in order to give organizers time to plan the distribution of funds https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/gofundme-causes-confusion-over-freezing-multi-million-dollar-fundraiser-for-truck-protesters__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lRGYGQzddLbQjuk9bncj39_3rTdq5cLJTBuvOopHsCe-BW6LaMWYUaKstzm9jrKUJrU_$

Trump Admin’s Secret Vax Priority List Was Predictably Cruel. Moderate- and lower-income nations were placed third in priority on a secret list of international vaccine recipients, after U.S. allies like Israel.

‘Freedom From Choice’ Movement Demands Mandatory Vaccinations Against Free Will. “The real problem isn’t vaccine hesitancy, it’s the freedom of choice that makes vaccine hesitancy, and other choices I don’t agree with, possible.”

# Education / Schools
Washington state school board removes classic novel from curriculum after complaints of racial insensitivity. A Seattle-area school board has voted to remove the classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird from the district’s ninth-grade reading curriculum after teachers, parents, and some students complained that it was racially insensitive.

# Employment / Labor
Will this court case end the ‘subminimum wage’? What is in question, according to a brief filed last week by the organization One Fair Wage, is whether those rates are constitutional.

Millions of low-paid workers just got a raise. Twenty-one states and 35 municipalities hiked their minimum wages in January, according to the National Employment Law Project. 56 Cities, Counties, and States Will Raise Minimum Wage. With Another 26 Jurisdictions to Lift Pay Later in 2022 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nelp.org/publication/raises-from-coast-to-coast-in-2022/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lRGYGQzddLbQjuk9bncj39_3rTdq5cLJTBuvOopHsCe-BW6LaMWYUaKstzm9jkeZi1yK$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Fracking proximity tied to early death in elderly https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/01/220127114329.htm__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lRGYGQzddLbQjuk9bncj39_3rTdq5cLJTBuvOopHsCe-BW6LaMWYUaKstzm9jh84Hp7X$

LA City Council supports oil drilling phaseout. The ordinance will also look at how to decommission existing wells operating across the city https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/26/los-angeles-vote-phase-out-oil-and-gas-drilling__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lRGYGQzddLbQjuk9bncj39_3rTdq5cLJTBuvOopHsCe-BW6LaMWYUaKstzm9jv43HlhL$

Judge Blocks Biggest Ever Drilling Lease for Sake of Climate. The ruling said the federal government underestimated how badly the Gulf of Mexico site could hit the environment.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global Three years after the Progressive Conservatives scrapped a program they falsely labelled a ‘carbon tax,’ businesses that lost money on emissions credits, including global giant Koch Industries, have filed legal actions against the government https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thenarwhal.ca/ontario-cap-trade-lawsuits/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lRGYGQzddLbQjuk9bncj39_3rTdq5cLJTBuvOopHsCe-BW6LaMWYUaKstzm9jsXjjNwp$

Governments investing billions in carbon capture in the Prairies. Here’s what you need to know https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://honestcolumnist.com/health/governments-are-investing-billions-into-carbon-capture-in-the-prairies-heres-what-you-need-to-know-the-narwhal/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!lRGYGQzddLbQjuk9bncj39_3rTdq5cLJTBuvOopHsCe-BW6LaMWYUaKstzm9jhvzB8aS$

Deep-sea mining is poised to begin within the next two years, but critics are frustrated that Canada has been largely silent on the discussions at the International Seabed Authority, which will set the regulations and standards.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Climate Change Is Pushing Greenland Over the Edge. New data from Greenland shows that modern warming is outpacing even historically warm eras like the Medieval Warm Period.

Scientists Found a Nitrogen-Fixing Seagrass. Adopting a strategy that is all but unheard of in the sea, this seagrass produces an essential nutrient the same way peas do.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Climate crisis has cost taxpayers billions in crop insurance payouts to farmers.  Farmers received more than $143.5 billion in federal crop insurance payouts from 1995 through 2020, much of it subsidized by taxpayers and most of it linked to extreme weather exacerbated by the climate crisis. That has meant a fourfold increase due to drought and a threefold increase due to flooding, EWG reported.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other / Global New salmon farm proposals for B.C. coast raise questions about Ottawa’s promised 2025 phase-out. Twelve proposals to expand or create new open-net pen operations, many pitched in partnership with First Nations, may shed light on industry’s emerging tactics to keep fish farms alive in the Pacific.

# Global Politics and other news
This Is the Puppet Government Putin Has in Mind for Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin is so confident he’ll overcome Ukraine that he’s already thinking about who he wants to install in a pro-Russian government in Kyiv.

Croatia sows confusion with threat to pull NATO troops over Ukraine crisis Foreign minister clashes with president — and the soldiers are already home.

Lavrov Says ‘There Will Be No War’ Over Ukraine Unless US Escalates. “If it depends on Russia, then there will be no war,” said the Russian foreign minister. “We don’t want wars.”

# Gov / Politics
White Men Can’t Wait to Get Mad About a Black Woman Justice. America has always gone hard on identity politics; it was just white men whose identity was valued above all others. Now a lot of those white men are hopping mad, firing off racist responses the minute President Joe Biden reaffirmed his campaign promise to nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, without even waiting to find out what Black woman they’re attacking.

Biden Reaffirms He Will Nominate First Black Woman to SCOTUS. “I’ve made no decision except one: The person I nominate will be someone of extraordinary qualifications, character, experience, and integrity,”
Biden said.

The Whole World Is Hating on Joe Manchin: “He’s a villain, he’s a threat to the globe.” Within the brutal machinations of US politics, Joe Manchin has been elevated to a status of supreme decision-maker, the man who could make or break Joe Biden’s presidency.

We Uncovered How Many Georgians Were Disenfranchised by GOP Voting Restrictions. It’s Staggering. Forty-five times more people were denied the right to vote by mail in 2021 than in 2020.

GOP-Dominated Pennsylvania Court Declares Mail-In Voting Unconstitutional The ruling will be appealed, but it demonstrates the staying power of Donald Trump’s big lie.

# Law Enforcement
Man Killed in Hail of Police Bullets Fired by NINE Cops. In a video, Landon Eastep can be seen raising his arms towards police. Gunfire followed. “This man had only a box cutter and had already shown it to officers before they killed him in cold blood.” “He was shot for no good reason at all and he did not deserve to die.”

She Bugged Her Cheating Cop Husband—and Got Charged. Meanwhile, he’s accused of raping the other woman.

# Legal / DOJ
Oath Keepers Anticipated ‘a Bloody and Desperate Fight’ to Overturn the Election for Trump. US prosecutors paint a chilling picture of the extremist group’s alleged seditious conspiracy.

# Medical / Health Care
Suit: Woman With MS Dies of COVID After Docs Refused Vax. Nerissa Regnier’s family also claims in a new lawsuit that she was denied monoclonal antibody treatment after her COVID-19 case worsened.

# Military / DOD
Military installations are a major source of community contamination from a class of toxic chemicals called PFAS, but trying to hold the Defense Department accountable can be formidable due to a labyrinth of legal limitations.

# Military / Global
Pentagon: Russia Has Enough Troops and Equipment at Ukraine Border to Invade Entire Country: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned that Russia has deployed over 100,000 troops at Ukraine’s borders through a “consistent and steady pace,” which has been supported by Russian naval activity in the northern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-01-27

Voices, The Peoples News

January 27, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Redwood forest in California is returned to Native tribes for conservation. “We believe the best way to permanently protect and heal this land is through tribal stewardship.”

The Swinomish Indian Tribal Community shows how eelgrass and aquaculture can coexist in Puget Sound.

# Border / Immigration
Tom Homan: Migrant video ‘proves’ Mayorkas is lying to Americans. Former acting ICE director Tom Homan reacts to ‘shameful, disgusting’ footage showing adult migrants being released into the country.

# Covid / Pandemics
The Intercept breaks story on NIH grants covering Wuhan bat virsus research. New information gives an unprecedented window into the high-profile tussle between EcoHealth Alliance and the NIH https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/01/26/the-intercept-breaks-story-on-nih-grants-covering-wuhan-bat-virsus-research/?mc_cid=99a3a9155b&mc_eid=3f7488d454__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kFioqgsMuwAk1HFkvPdZQQ_MMk2-JxvxIsLPS6-_kzUlRmJI7pOndQoJAqIiEh4dG3c-$

Current anti-COVID pills work well against omicron, but antibody drugs are less effective, study finds https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/01/220126170607.htm__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kFioqgsMuwAk1HFkvPdZQQ_MMk2-JxvxIsLPS6-_kzUlRmJI7pOndQoJAqIiEqXVSmRr$

Two-Thirds of U.K. Omicron Cases Are Reinfections: The study flies in the face of previous ideas about immunity bestowed by a prior COVID-19 infection.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Chemical defoliants sprayed on Amazon rainforest to facilitate deforestation in Brazil. Glyphosate and 2,4-D, among others, cause the trees to defoliate, and end up weakened or dead in a process that takes months. Next criminals remove the remaining trees more easily and drop grass seeds by aircraft, consolidating deforestation.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Get BPA out of food packaging, US health professionals tell feds.
Doctors, scientists, and health organizations cite new recommendations in Europe that indicate BPA can harm us at levels 100,000 times lower than previously thought.

# General Information / Other News
Jailed Oath Keeper’s Wife Shares Snaps of ‘Escape Tunnels’Dug Into
Backyard: Her testimony on the tunnels was cited when a judge ruled Stewart Rhodes should remain in jail until his trial.

Two powerful drugs now adding to US overdose crisis. Para-fluorofentanyl and metonitazene are being seen more often by medical examiners looking into overdose deaths. They often are taken with, or mixed with, illicit fentanyl, the drug mainly responsible for the more than 100,000 U.S.
overdose deaths in the last year.

# Global Politics and other news
Putin is so dangerous now. This is his last chance to seize Ukraine.
While the world wonders whether Putin will take the biggest gamble of his presidency, it’s worth asking if he can afford not to.

# Gov / Politics
GOP Guvs Under Attack by MAGA Monsters They Helped Create. Republican governors across the nation are facing primary challengers from the right over COVID restrictions and their apparently insufficient support for Donald Trump.

McConnell aims to sidestep GOP drama over Trump. McConnell is staying single-mindedly homed in on Biden and Democrats’ agenda and sending an indirect signal for his party to do the same.

Trump supporters believe Wisconsin withdrew its Electoral College voters for Joe Biden. It never happened. Right-wing publication Gateway Pundit announced Tuesday that the Wisconsin legislature had just voted to withdraw the state’s electors for Joe Biden, but that didn’t actually happen. Also, it’s not possible.

Biden Sees Tougher Coverage as Political Struggles Mount, ‘No Longer Seen as Competent’: With dueling economic and foreign policy crises, even liberal media figures have begun to distance themselves from President Biden.

“No More Hiding”: Sanders Says It’s Time to Vote on Build Back Better.
Sen. Bernie Sanders said every Republican and Democrat should be forced take a position on these essential policies.

Breyer’s Supreme Court seat opens the door to even more ‘dark money’ in
2022 midterm elections

# Law Enforcement
Corporations Are Funding Police Repression. “Essentially they’ve created company towns where they control law enforcement,” says Alex Vitale, author of The End of Policing.

# Medical / Health Care
Golden blood’ is incredibly important to medicine, but for the 43 people worldwide known to have it, it poses a unique danger. Golden blood is actually the nickname for Rh-null, the world’s rarest blood type. What makes Rh-null so rare, and why is it so dangerous to live with? For the fewer than 50 people with this blood type, finding a blood transfusion could be extremely difficult.

The cost of insulin, a US health crisis. Insulin prices in America have become untenable and efforts are underway to lower them to a reasonable rate, as in many other developed nations.

# Science
Scientists Develop Glass Made Of Wood That Outperforms Traditional Glass In Almost Every Way Possible. Scientists from the United States Forest Service have recently concocted what they describe as transparent wood, opening the door to what may become the greener, shatterless window of the next decade.

# Space
Mysterious object unlike anything astronomers have seen before. What to make of a newly discovered pulsing radiation source? Unfortunately, it’s fairly clear these signals aren’t the work of little green men. As Hurley-Walker explains, the pulses of radiation come across a wide range of frequencies, which rules out an artificial signal, pointing instead to some kind of natural process we don’t yet fully understand.

Spooky “transient” object detected in our galactic neighborhood. We weren’t even sure something like this was possible https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.zmescience.com/science/mysterious-object-detected-in-universe/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!kFioqgsMuwAk1HFkvPdZQQ_MMk2-JxvxIsLPS6-_kzUlRmJI7pOndQoJAqIiElf6hkdM$

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-01-26

Voices, The Peoples News

January 26, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.”
– Ansel Adams
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous / Global
Watch: Sámi reindeer herders grapple with a changing Arctic. Warming is threatening the ways of Europe’s last indigenous people.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls Trump’s Border Wall Kept Endangered Wolf From Finding Home and a Mate Scientists now have proof that the border wall built by former President Donald Trump is impeding the movements of wildlife.

# Covid / Pandemics
How to Submit Your At-Home COVID Test to Your Insurance Company https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/how-to-submit-your-at-home-covid-test-to-your-insurance-company/ar-AATb0Ut?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriInU5gSA$

How to properly store your at-home COVID-19 rapid tests https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/how-to-properly-store-your-at-home-covid-19-rapid-tests/ar-AATb5oQ?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriGsqgeCK$

Republicans threaten government shutdown to undermine vaccine mandates Rightwingers in House urge Senate colleagues to stand in the way of funding bill unless it meets demands https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/01/republicans-government-shutdown-vaccine-mandates__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriBz8jgR4$

Florida has closed its monoclonal antibody sites after the FDA abruptly revoked the drug’s emergency-use authorization. On Tuesday alone, state officials said they canceled at least 2,000 appointments for those scheduled to get the treatment.

Dr. Robert Malone Claims COVID Vaccines Can Permanently Damage Children’s Brains, Hearts, Immune Systems. Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of modern mRNA vaccine technology, issued a stark warning to parents in America and across the world about vaccinating their children for COVID-19 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nationalfile.com/dr-robert-malone-claims-covid-vaccines-can-permanently-damage-childrens-brains-hearts-immune-systems/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriPe1PQWZ$

Researchers Say New Strain of Coronavirus Discovered in Ohio.
Researchers in Ohio said Wednesday that they’ve discovered two new variants of the coronavirus that likely originated in the U.S. [Good Grief] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/13/ohio-researchers-say-theyve-identified-two-new-covid-strains-likely-originating-in-the-us.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriOJ6gAMM$

“Son of omicron” variant worries public health officials amid new wave of COVID-19 infections https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.salon.com/2022/01/26/son-of-omicron-variant-worries-public-health-officials-amid-new-wave-of-19-infections/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriAga_aHx$

‘Stealth’ Meaning Explained As Stealth Omicron BA.2 Variant Found in 26 States https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/stealth-omicron-meaning-explained-ba-2-covid-variant-subvariant-us-cases-1673022__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriOBRswaS$

Post-COVID ‘brain fog’ could be result of virus changing patients’
spinal fluid
Brain fog, or cognitive dysfunction, is one of the most commonTrusted Source symptoms that health professionals observe in individuals with long COVID, or post-acute COVID-19Trusted Source.

‘Endemic’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does. Omicron may make COVID an endemic disease. But “endemic” and “back to normal” are two very different things.

Free COVID home tests for everyone? Here’s why Medicare, veterans’
insurance are excluded

New internal documents reveal COVID origins downplayed [Video] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/new-internal-documents-reveal-covid-origins-downplayed/vi-AAT8TXF?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriNvfBqev$

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Pandemic Makes U.S.-China Economic Breakup More Likely, U.S. Businesses in China Say https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wsj.com/articles/pandemic-makes-u-s-china-economic-breakup-more-likely-u-s-businesses-in-china-say-11587113926__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriHKMrDei$

# Education / Schools
Four Things Schools Won’t Be Able to Do Under ‘Critical Race Theory’
Laws. Conservatives and liberals are at loggerheads over what critical race theory is, if it’s taught in schools, and whether it should be permanently banned from classroom discussions.

Biden must release a nearly year-old student debt memo and ‘immediately’
cancel up to $50,000 in loans before payments resume, Elizabeth Warren, AOC, and 83 other https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/968324101/debate-over-student-loan-forgiveness-hinges-on-2-numbers-10-000-vs-50-000__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriP2KeS8L$

Ex-Professor Claims School ‘Canceled’ Him for Being White. In anonymous tweets, the professor complained about reparations for descendants of slavery and racial bias training.

Navient is forgiving the student debt of 66,000 borrowers. How to know if you’re one of them https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/personalfinance/navient-is-forgiving-the-student-debt-of-66-000-borrowers-how-to-know-if-you-re-one-of-them/ar-AAT23Hn?ocid=winp1taskbar__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriM5DqAUX$

# Employment / Labor
GM to invest $7B in 4 facilities across Michigan, creating 4,000 jobs.
GM is betting big on Michigan as part of its EV future from new factory, plant conversions and new supply chain. Here’s why and who wins.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical The U.S. is working to avert a potential natural gas energy shortage in Europe if Russia invades.

# Environment / Climate / Global
The great Siberian thaw: Permafrost contains microbes, mammoths, and twice as much carbon as Earth’s atmosphere. What happens when it starts to melt? Methane, carbon dioxide will be released on a huge scale https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/great-siberian-thaw-10083__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriMig52-D$

Ocean’s Largest Dead Zones Mapped by MIT Scientists. There are two mysterious zones in the Pacific Ocean where life like this cannot survive.

# General Information / Other News
“It could have easily been a bloodbath:” Capitol Officer Eugene Goodman breaks his silence on the Jan. 6 insurrection. “Kudos to everyone there who showed a measure of restraint with regard to deadly force because it could have been bad. Really, really bad.”

The Oath Keepers sedition case is a major milestone in the Jan. 6 probe.
A trial date has been set for July. Sedition is a rarely brought offense, and focuses on the alleged anti-government motivations of defendants.

Gun-Maker Slammed for ‘Children’s Assault Rifles’ Based on AR-15. “At first glance, this comes across as a grotesque joke,” said one gun control advocate. “On second look, it’s just grotesque.”

# Global Politics and other news
North Korea fires two projectiles in latest weapons test, South’s military says. North Korea has fired two suspected short-range ballistic missiles into the sea in its fourth weapons test this month, South Korea’s military said, as Pyongyang continues a wave of missile launches that have triggered condemnation at the United Nations.
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/1/17/north-korea-fires-suspected-ballistic-missile-japan-2*:*:text=North*20Korea*20has*20fired*20two,condemnation*20at*20the*20United*20Nations__;I34lJSUlJSUlJQ!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriJTxvVkl$ .

Russia is conducting military drills and has 127,000 troops swarmed along the Ukraine border including in Belarus, and the United States and NATO are prepared to use troops and weapons shipments to defend Ukraine and its neighbors and punish Russia if it invades.

China Backs Russia Against Ukraine, NATO: China has thrown its considerable political weight behind Russia in President Vladimir Putin’s standoff with Ukraine, describing NATO as outdated and calling on the West to consider Moscow’s “legitimate security concerns.”

# Gov / Politics
The United States could send more troops to Eastern Europe in addition to the 8,500 already placed on high alert in response to Russia’s military buildup along its border with Ukraine, chief Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Tuesday.

US says it will refuse all security concessions proposed by Russia. The US will not make any concessions to Russia on potential security guarantees, and the only possible way to make bilateral agreements will be mutual steps to benefit both nations https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/US-Announces-It-Will-Refuse-All-Russian-Proposals-on-Security–20220125-0012.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriBLJ9eEs$

Congress seeks to spend $500 million of taxpayers’ m-ney on Ukraine.
Democrats to fast-track bill giving Kiev more military aid and sanctioning Russia in case of ‘significant escalation’

At Least 29 House Dems Will Not Run for Reelection; Alabama Ordered to Redraw Racist Voting Map https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2022/1/26/headlines/at_least_29_house_dems_will_not_run_for_reelection_alabama_ordered_to_redraw_racist_voting_map__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriCHHrEjY$

What is SWIFT and why it might be the weapon Russia fears most: Some are calling it the “nuclear option.” As Western governments threaten Russia with a package of unprecedented sanctions aimed at deterring President Vladimir Putin from ordering an invasion of Ukraine, there’s one measure in particular that appears to strike fear at the heart of the Kremlin:
cutting the country off from the global banking system.

He’s Running? Watch Trump Tell His Golf Partners That He Plans to Be the ’47th’ President https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nypost.com/2022/01/26/trump-declares-himself-the-47th-president-while-playing-golf/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriEuL4SGa$

‘There Is No Military Solution’: Jayapal, Lee Demand Diplomacy on Ukraine. “We call upon our colleagues to allow the administration to find a diplomatic way out of this crisis,” said the progressive Democrats.

No More Backroom Deals, Let the American People See Who Is Willing to Fight for Them. It’s time for lawmakers from both parties to show, with their actions not empty promises, whether or not they are the side of this country’s working people.

# Law Enforcement
Cops Find 100 Bags of Fentanyl at Dead 13-Year-Old’s Home. Investigators looking into how the teen got the drugs say they have a person of interest, but no arrests have been made.

Teen Charged With Murder After 12-Year-Old Girl Overdoses. The girl purchased a “M-30” pill and was filmed crushing and lining it up shortly before she passed out.

# Legal / DOJ
NY cop pleads guilty to violating handcuffed man’s civil rights. If the Court accepts the plea agreement, Officer Matthew Felitto will receive a sentence of probation along with a $7,500 fine.

Breyer finally steps aside. That nominee will almost certainly be Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, 51, who has served as Breyer’s law clerk, a tie that may well have foamed the runway for Breyer’s retirement.

Florida Republicans Push Homophobic Bill Banning Discussion of LGBTQ Issues in Schools https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2022/01/florida-republicans-advance-bill-banning-discussion-of-lgbtq-people-in-school-under-guise-of-parental-rights/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriLk08f8N$

The lies and dangers of efforts to change sexual orientation: Minors are especially vulnerable, and conversion therapy can lead to depression, anxiety, drug use, homelessness, and suicide.

# Medical / Health Care
The Nursing Home Slumlord Manifesto: In a surreal new lawsuit, New York nursing home owners say they make nearly a billion dollars a year understaffing homes and shortchanging patients.

Bird flu is back in the US. No one knows what comes next. The fast-moving pathogen, which has already invaded Europe, was found in East Coast ducks. The last outbreak that tore through the US killed 50 million birds.

Texas House votes down budget amendment aimed at giving health coverage to more uninsured Texans. The Texas Legislature has declined to pass any broad expansion of state and federal health care coverage for uninsured Texans since the Affordable Care Act of 2010 required states to expand Medicaid, a provision later struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Biden must take on Big Pharma over cancer drug that costs $189,000 per year. “When drug makers like Xtandi’s manufacturer, Astellas Pharma, price gouge sick Americans,” write the authors, “the U.S. government has a responsibility to end the exclusive patents that give them their profits.”

# Military / DOD
NATO Response Force: The NATO Response Force (NRF) is a highly ready and technologically advanced multinational force made up of land, air, maritime and Special Operations Forces (SOF) components that the Alliance can deploy quickly, wherever needed.

US troops on alert for Eastern Europe deployment could be in for long wait if NATO can’t reach consensus https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/content-series/fastthinking/fast-thinking-the-us-bets-big-on-nato-to-deter-russia/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!h3Eh-FEh9oLxHJtV4QrcGIv4cHR_93KjrXdVK6burqF1h1waeAWIzLUH4IRriMoQKc1W$

# Social
SF Reports 500 Percent Increase in Anti-Asian Hate Crimes. A single man allegedly targeted more than half of the 60 victims in 2021.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-01-25

Voices, The Peoples News

January 25, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“We’re in a giant car heading towards a brick wall and everyone’s arguing over where they’re going to sit.”
– David Suzuki
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Rekindling connections in the small flame of a qulliq. An Inupiaq writer welcomes the nourishing glow of a seal oil lamp into her home. A naniq is an Indigenous technology for heat, light and cooking. The naniq was the sole source of heat and light during the long winter months.

# Border / Immigration
Retired border agent: Record amount of fentanyl confiscated in 2021 ‘only tip of iceberg’: While U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents and Texas Department of Public Safety officers seized record amounts of narcotics at the southern border last year, it’s only the tip of the iceberg

# Covid / Pandemics
Poll: Majority of Democrats say the unvaccinated should be confined to home
One-third of Americans say they haven’t gotten the COVID-19 shots, majority of Democrats say they should be confined at all times, and or fined

Mask rules spark political games and a nasty environment in the House. Rules instituted by Democrats requiring lawmakers to wear masks at the Capitol are being routinely ignored by Republicans, underscoring the scorched-earth environment in the House when it comes to the coronavirus.

Fauci’s emails don’t prove a Wuhan conspiracy, but raise further questions. Why were U.S. scientists so quick to defend their Chinese counterparts over the potential origin of the Covid-19 virus?

House Republicans Release Text of Redacted Fauci Emails on COVID Origins

Mark Zuckerberg violating own policy with early vaccine concerns: Project Veritas
Facebook bans claims that COVID-19 vaccination modifies DNA

Facebook trying to censor posts from COVID-19 vaccine skeptics: Facebook is reportedly trying to silence COVID-19 vaccine skeptics by using an algorithm that targets and demotes their comments on the site, the latest in Big Tech’s woke censorship push.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
The Math of Poverty: A Counter Proposal To Raising Taxes: There is a raging debate in the U.S. on how to pay for the COVID rescue, infrastructure, and national debt. The much-offered solution is to raise taxes. But is there a better, untapped source of new revenue?

Two sides, same coin: Suppressing votes, cutting rich people’s taxes. America’s national media typically pay little attention to the moves the nation’s state lawmakers make. Not this year. State legislative battles have emerged over recent months as a top-tier national story. And deservedly so.

# Education / Schools
Is Online Learning Creating a Virtual School-to-Prison Pipeline? Advocates and civil rights attorneys are examining the legal issues presented by virtual school disciplinary policies, noting that predominantly children of color and those with disabilities are disciplined the most. Others worry about privacy concerns regarding freedom of speech, and having an academic setting police someone’s home behavior

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical
Electric vehicles drive up demand for ‘green metals’: The need for energy-transition metals breathes life into new mines in the West.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Agents of Change in Environmental Justice program accepting applications: Do you find that public voices in science are lacking diversity and want to help create change? We want to hear from you.

Supreme Court takes EPA case that could narrow Clean Water Act. An Idaho couple that already won once at the high court brings the case that businesses and home builders hope will limit the EPA’s power.

Efforts to dim Sun and cool Earth must be blocked, say scientists. Initiatives to inject billions of aerosol particles into the stratosphere to deflect solar rays and cool Earth are too risky to go forward

California redwood forest returned to native tribal group

Lowcountry land conservation groups join to preserve the region. The descendants of Native American tribes on the Northern California coast are reclaiming a bit of their heritage that includes ancient redwoods that have stood since their ancestors walked the land.

Original caretakers: Indigenous groups team up with conservationists to protect swaths of US. Environmental organizations and tribes have been coming together to protect the natural world, and a key part of this teamwork has been land transfers

# Global Politics and other news
The pitfalls of Russia’s plan to rewrite history in Ukraine: After a series of negotiating sessions with the Russian Federation, there is growing suspicion that Putin is looking for an excuse rather than a solution. His gun remains pointed firmly at Ukraine as his cyber warriors test their malware and his spies wander throughout looking to provoke.

First part of $200 mln U.S. defense aid arrives in Ukraine. The first shipment of the United States’ $200 million security support package for Ukraine arrived in Kyiv, the U.S. Embassy said on Saturday.

The Kremlin said today it is watching the U.S. military actions with great concern.

Israel Buying 3 More German Subs…Rigged for Nuclear Cruise Missiles. The Israeli Ministry of Defence has reached an agreement with German ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) on the purchase of three Dakar-class submarines.

Israel planning mass Jewish evacuation from Ukraine – media: Israel is said to be contemplating a mass airlift of those eligible for Israeli citizenship in the case of a Russian invasion

Reporting live from Ukraine: What’s happening at the Russian border now? BuzzFeed News joined the crew of Maritime Guards of the Border Guard Service of Ukraine during a patrol of the Sea of Azov.

# Gov / Politics
Newt Gingrich and the GOP’s Creeping Authoritarian Streak. The former House speaker said the Jan. 6 committee could face “jail” when Republicans are back in power. This is banana republic stuff.

McConnell says he made ‘inadvertent omission’ in voting remarks amid backlash
Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Friday defended his record on civil rights and race relations, blasting criticism sparked by voting remarks he made earlier this week, where he said he made an “inadvertent omission.”

Biden ratchets up pressure on Russia. President Joe Biden and Western allies are signaling a stiffened stance in the showdown with Russia, piling on pressure designed to deter Vladimir Putin from invading Ukraine in a strategy that nevertheless risks quickening a dangerous cycle of escalation.

Court Rejects Alabama GOP’s Congressional Map That Marginalized Black Voters
Justices wrote that the map “likely” violated the Voting Rights Act by creating only one majority-Black district.

Subpoenas Could Show Trump Admin’s Link to Openly White Supremacist “Groypers”

If Russia does invade Ukraine, here’s what to expect: How it would likely start: “If an incursion does come, most military analysts agree it won’t begin with a massive show of force — tanks rolling over the border or a sudden and devastating strike from the air. Rather, it would start with a more ambiguous, limited action that Moscow would use as justification for a wider intervention.”

# Law Enforcement
‘Stunned for Life’: The Use and Abuse of TASERs on Children and Youth. Conducted Energy Weapons (CEWS) are too frequently being used by police on children and youth who are in distress or emotional crisis and, as a result, are exacerbating their trauma, warns a report by Strategies for Youth

Lawsuit filed after Texas cop hit unarmed man with patrol vehicle: A federal lawsuit was filed Monday after police dash cam video recorded a Texas police officer striking an unarmed suspect with his patrol vehicle. According to the lawsuit, the suspect suffered three fractured ribs, a broken leg, and a fractured spine. A grand jury decided not to file criminal charges against the officer.

Three PA Cops Charged With Manslaughter for Shooting Child: The three men were each charged with a total of 12 counts, including both voluntary and involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment after 8-year-old Fanta Bility was killed outside a high school football game in August, 2021

# Legal / DOJ
Three officers simply watched as George Floyd suffered a “slow, agonizing death,” prosecutors said.  “They chose not to intervene and stop Chauvin as he killed a man. They chose not to protect George Floyd, the man they handcuffed.”

Feds Are Blowing Their Chance to Seize Jan. 6 Rioters’ Guns. Half of the 720 rioters who attacked Congress in 2021 are getting misdemeanors—not felonies that would bar them from gun ownership.

Trump Lawyer Took the Fifth to 146 Riot Panel Questions: John Eastman was the author of a notorious memo on reversing the 2020 election.

How the Former President and His Allies Pressured DOJ to Overturn the 2020 Election

National Archives transfers contested presidential documents to Jan. 6 committee
The National Archives on Thursday evening released to the Jan. 6 committee hundreds of presidential documents that former President Trump sought to shield from the House panel.

What’s next for the John Does in Ghislaine Maxwell’s settled lawsuit. The judge overseeing a settled lawsuit against convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell now has to decide whether the identities of those mentioned in the suit will be revealed.

MSNBC’s Ari Melber catches admissions on air of Trump campaign advisor Boris Epshteyn. When Melber pressed Epshteyn over reports regarding the fraudulent electors plot, Epshteyn admitted the Trump campaign’s basic plan but insisted those involved were “alternate electors.”

The Blame Game begins to raise its head inside Trump world. Previously, Phil Waldron was best known for circulating a 38-page PowerPoint presentation that urged Trump to declare a state of emergency in the wake of the election

DOJ Rule Offers Release to Thousands of Federal Inmates: A new rule recently published by the Justice Department allows more people to participate in a program that grants prisoners the opportunity to earn shorter jail terms, through the First Step Act

# Media
Amazon’s Still Selling Lots of Nazi Books. The global giant says it bans “content that we determine is hate speech,” but has never specified how it defines “hate speech.”

# Medical / Health Care
After Year of Vaccine Profiteering, Pfizer Hikes Prices on 125 Drugs: “Drug corporations can do this because we let them—unlike other nations that use their purchasing power to get a better deal,” said David Mitchell of Patients for Affordable Drugs.

Makary: Health-care reform includes prescribing less medication, treating whole person. Doctors prescribed 2.4 billion prescriptions 10 years ago; last year, around 5 billion as the opioid epidemic and drug overdoses reached record highs

Young Dad Denied Heart Transplant for Refusing to Be Vaxxed. Brigham and Women’s Hospital said he was removed from the transplant list because his unvaxxed status could affect his “survival after transplantation.”

# Murmers of war
War May Loom, but Are There Offramps? “There are still diplomatic options,  ‘offramps’ in the lingo of the negotiators, and in the next several days the Biden administration and NATO are expected to respond, in writing, to Mr. Putin’s far-reaching demands.”

# Security
Biden to meet with national security team this weekend on Russia-Ukraine. President Biden will meet with members of his national security team while spending the weekend at Camp David amid ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia.

# Technology
Major airlines warn of “catastrophic disruption” to travel and shipping from 5G debut set for Wednesday by Verizon and AT&T

The tech tools set to shake up science: From fully finished genomes to quantum simulation, Nature explores seven key technologies likely to have an impact on science this year.

Experts Are Ringing Alarms About Elon Musk’s Brain Implants. Neuralink took a huge step closer to human trials. Scientists have lots of nervous questions.

# Veterans / VA
Veterans For Peace Urges U.S. to Rejoin Iran Deal and Negotiate With North Korea
Veterans For Peace is also calling on Biden to pledge “no first use” of nuclear weapons.

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All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-01-24

Voices, The Peoples News

January 24, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.”
–  Jacques Yves Cousteau
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Historically excluded from Colorado River policy, tribes want a say in how the dwindling resource is used. Today, 15 percent of Southern Utes living on the reservation in southwest Colorado don’t have running water in their homes at all.

Enbridge uses scoring system to track Indigenous opposition. On a color-coded map, land belonging to Native tribes that opposed the Line 3 pipeline were marked in red — areas of “threat” to the bottom line.

Alaska Tribes Are Fighting Back Against Plans to Open Colossal Gold Mine. Two Alaska Native corporations are working to develop what would be one of the world’s largest gold mines.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
Extremely Rare Pair of Twin African Elephants Born in Kenya. A pair of extremely rare twin African elephants have been born in Northern Kenya’s Samburu National Reserve.

# Border / Immigration
Joe Biden Doesn’t Have an ‘Open Border’ Policy, so Why Do Republicans Say Otherwise?

TSA allows illegal immigrants to use their arrest warrants as an acceptable form of ID.

# Covid / Pandemics
‘The Final Variant Is Tyranny’: Thousands of anti-vaccine mandate protesters flaunt mask rules to descend on D.C. –A crowd of up to 20,000 gathered in Washington DC Saturday to protest ongoing vaccine mandates, including those in the Capitol. “Americans want democracy back, and this rally is a demand to get their democracy back,” keynote speaker Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., said.

California would allow children age 12 and up to be vaccinated without their parents’ consent under a proposal introduced Friday by a state senator who said youngsters “deserve the right to protect themselves” against infectious disease.

US to close borders to unvaccinated Canadian, Mexican truckers on Saturday –Mandate moving ahead as planned despite pushback from industry

Why Medicare Doesn’t Pay for Rapid At-Home Covid Tests. While there are ways for beneficiaries to get free tests, a Biden administration mandate that private insurers cover the cost of at-home tests — up to eight per enrollee per month — does not extend to Medicare, including Advantage Plans.

Pandemic Accommodations Proved We Can Vastly Expand Disability Access If We Try. Significant accommodations were offered once the pandemic started affecting the capitalist class.

We’ve battled COVID-19 for two years and counting, so what does yet another year of the pandemic mean for Texans? RSVP for this free virtual event.

Feds limit use of antibody treatments. Florida’s surgeon general has accused the Biden administration of “actively preventing” the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19, causing an “immediate and life-threatening shortage of treatment options.”

# Economy / Finance / Trade
New Schedule of Social Security Benefit Payments 2022

Labor, wage shortages threaten supply chains: Omicron has infected tens of thousands grocery and industrial food workers, battering employees and stopping up supply chains already disrupted by two years of the pandemic. That’s created a situation reminiscent of the health care industry: years of attrition in the face of the virus has led to a system teetering on the edge of breakdown.

# Education / Schools
George Orwell’s ‘1984’ Given A Trigger Warning In The UK, University Deems It ‘Potentially Offensive’: The University of Northampton has issued a harsh warning over potentially “offensive and upsetting” material contained in the famous dystopia by George Orwell, 1984. The novel, which describes the dangers of totalitarian rule and censorship, is now red-flagged

Toxic PCBs festered at this public school for eight years as students and teachers grew sicker. The EPA and others warned about potential contamination as far back as 2014

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical
Gold rush returns to California. Demand for gold has risen in recent years. Not everyone is happy about that, especially some residents of Grass Valley.

Exxon Is Using an Unusual Texas Law to Intimidate Critics of Its Climate Denial. The oil firm claims its history of publicly denying the climate crisis is protected by the first amendment.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
South Carolina lawmakers pass bill to help plastics melting industry of new “advanced recycling” facilities into the state, including a controversial plastic-melting method called pyrolysis.

Endangered Salmon Return to Bay Area Streams. After an 18 year absence, endangered salmon have returned to a Bay Area stream. A Salmon Protection And Watershed Network biologist spotted coho salmon in Montezuma Creek for the first time since 2004. The fish were also spotted in Larsen Creek for the first time since 2006 as well as in other tributaries of the San Geronimo Valley.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Black farmers are rebuilding agriculture in coal country. Jason Tartt saw opportunity in the terraced hillsides of his native West Virginia, both for restoring the land and for other Black farmers.

Drought-resistant farming catching on in New Mexico. More farmers are using cover crops, soil additives and crops suitable for drip irrigation in order to weather the drought.

High Amounts of a Toxic Forever Chemical Found in Bloodstreams of West Virginia County Residents. A new report from the CDC and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry noted high levels of a forever chemical called PFHxS in the blood of people in Berkeley County, West Virginia.

Miller fights aid for Black farmers: Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is challenging a federal debt relief program intended to help cover the debts of thousands of “socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers.” Miller is among the many white litigants challenging the program, having filed a suit in April as a private citizen.

# Foodie Tips, Tricks and How To’s
How to Store 31 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Less Food Waste: It’s estimated that the average household wastes more than 30% of the food it obtains – a staggering statistic with both financial and environmental consequences.

# General Information / Other News
Jan. 6 Investigator Fired From Job by GOP Attorney General. On leave from his position as UVA’s top lawyer, Timothy Heaphy was fired by the state’s recently elected attorney general. Both Heaphy and counsel Brian Walther, who was also fired from his George Mason University post by Miyares this week, are Democrats

U.K. High Court Rules Assange Can Request Appeal of Extradition to U.S.

Georgia to impanel grand jury in probe of Trump bid to overturn 2020 election. DA requests subpoena power to compel testimony from witnesses, such as Brad Raffensperger, who Trump asked to ‘find’ 11,780 votes

# Global Politics and other news
What’s going on with Russia and Ukraine? The British Foreign Office announced on Saturday that it had exposed a Russian plan to install a friendly government in Ukraine, backing previous U.S. assessments of the situation

# Gov / Politics
Joe Biden is considering deploying several thousand U.S. troops, as well as warships and aircraft, to NATO allies in the Baltics and Eastern Europe, an expansion of American military involvement amid mounting fears of a Russian incursion into Ukraine, according to administration officials.

The State Department has ordered family members of government employees at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv to leave the country, while also allowing non-essential staffers to depart amid growing worries of a Russian invasion.

US threatens use of novel export control to damage Russia’s strategic industries if Moscow invades Ukraine. The Biden administration is threatening to use a novel export control to damage strategic Russian industries, from artificial intelligence and quantum computing to civilian aerospace, if Moscow invades Ukraine, administration officials say.

Republicans Aren’t the Only Ones Diluting Citizens’ Votes. While America’s growing diversity hasn’t delivered Democrats the political success they’d counted on, Republicans are still fighting to diminish the power of the “wrong” voters.

Putin’s Making NATO Stronger, Whether He Starts a War or Not. The Russian leader may have thought NATO was in disarray and the U.S. in retreat, but we’ve already seen it’s quite the opposite.

# Law Enforcement
My Son Was Incarcerated at 13. Six Years Later, It’s Clear the State Failed Him.
Amid a pandemic, the conditions at youth prisons have become all the more inhumane.

# Legal / DOJ
Outrage as Newt Gingrich says Capitol attack investigators could be jailed

Cheney and Kinzinger fire back at Newt Gingrich’s call for them to be arrested if GOP takes House. The only two Republicans on 6 January select committee have been remorselessly targeted from the right since voting for Trump’s impeachment

# Medical / Health Care
The Doctor Didn’t Show Up, but the Hospital ER Still Charged $1,012

Indiana Lawmakers Threaten Action Over High Hospital Costs. Fix high hospital costs or we will act, Indiana legislators warn healthcare systems

Abortion Rights Defenders Are Calling on Legislators to Codify Roe. Progressive lawmakers say the Women’s Health Protection Act would protect abortion rights.

Workers at a Wisconsin hospital sought new jobs with higher pay — then the hospital sued to stop them from leaving. 1 in 5 healthcare workers quit their job during the pandemic, some due to poor work environments.

# Military / DOD
Pentagon readies 8,500 US-based troops for possible Eastern Europe deployment as tensions with Russia simmer

# Military / Global
Japan allocates $56 million toward developing electric railgun for missile defense
Japan is pushing ahead with efforts to field an electrically powered railgun capable of firing projectiles six times the speed of sound and defending against hypersonic missiles.

# Water
How a toxic chemical ended up in the drinking water supply for 13 million people.
Officials found a gap in state and federal regulations that allowed an unsafe chemical to end up in an essential water supply.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-01-23

Voices, The Peoples News

January 23, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous / Global
Déjà vu for Indigenous villagers in Brazil as floods leave them homeless again

# Covid / Pandemics
First Study on SARS-2 Manmade Hidden by Fauci. A US Microbiologist had discovered “Artificial Spike Alterations.” Sars-Cov-2 virus built in the laboratory hastily concealed by Fauci himself to avoid the spread of suspicions of a conspiracy.

Pentagon surging another 100 military medical troops to coronavirus-stricken hospitals across US. The deployments of the military medical teams of doctors, nurses and respiratory therapists includes about 120 active-duty troops announced last week by President Joe Biden and another 100 announced Friday by U.S. Army North.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
The Average Social Security Beneficiary Has Been Cheated Out of $4,900 in Annual Income. Despite a huge COLA in 2022, retired workers keep losing out

# Employment / Labor
America’s Class War: Organized Labor Is the Best Tool to Push Back Against the Rich. Organized workers, often defying their timid union leadership, are on the march across the United States.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical
A trove of old photos could reveal the future of these Arctic glaciers. The Svalbard Islands, part of Norway, are warming seven times faster than the global average. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/19/climate/svalbard-glacier-melting.html

House panel broadens probe into climate disinformation by Big Oil. The House Committee on Oversight and Reform has invited members of fossil fuel companies’ boards of directors to testify at a hearing next month on their commitment to addressing climate change.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Hot dam: Beavers have gnawed their way into the Arctic, speeding permafrost thaw. A study published in December shows the small, industrious mammal is accelerating climate change in the north. Beaver ponds are showing up in places they’ve never been before.

Imbalanced forces in the Earth-moon-sun system drive circulation of the whole mantle
Tug of sun, the moon could be driving plate motions on ‘imbalanced’ Earth.

# General Information / Other News
The Joker and the Ideology of Destructionism: That ideology says that the sole purpose of action in one’s life should be to tear down what others have created, including life itself. [Was this movie a political statement? Could be.]

Would Trump Throw His Kids Under the Bus to Save Himself? The Supreme Court, the Jan. 6 committee, New York’s attorney general, and a raft of lawsuits must have Trump feeling like the walls are closing in.

Michael Cohen says Donald Trump told him if one of his kids had to go to prison to ‘make sure’ it was Donald Jr., not Ivanka

Trump ‘Fears’ Both Criminal and Civil Investigations in New York: Michael Cohen

Will Trump Try To Protect His Kids In Business Probes? ‘Not A Chance,’ Laughs Michael Cohen. “Donald cares only about Donald, more than he would care about his children,” says Cohen. And “Ivanka is interested only in Ivanka.”

Donald Trump Blasts Jan. 6 Panel After Ivanka Request: ‘They’ll Go After Children’: Rep. Bennie Thompson, the panel’s chair, said Ivanka was in direct contact with her father during key moments on January 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in a bid to halt the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory.

‘This was a coup d’etat’: Trump planned to seize power using military, fake electors

See Trump campaign official admit to elector scheme on TV. Boris Epshteyn, an adviser for former President Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign, acknowledged that he was part of the effort to prop up so-called “alternate electors” to support Trump in key states.

# Global Politics and other news
NATO members scramble to support Ukraine amid Russian threat. The threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine has sent NATO countries scrambling to provide military support to Kyiv.

The pitfalls of Russia’s plan to rewrite history in Ukraine: After a series of negotiating sessions with the Russian Federation, there is growing suspicion that Putin is looking for an excuse rather than a solution.

Troops, tanks, missiles and warships are on the move. Russian forces, slowly but surely, are surrounding Ukraine on three sides. The picture on the ground suggests that Russian President Vladimir Putin is about to launch a massive, multi-front offensive into a neighboring nation that for eight years has been slipping from his grasp into the hands of the West.

First part of $200 mln U.S. defense aid arrives in Ukraine. The first shipment of the United States’ $200 million security support package for Ukraine arrived in Kyiv, the U.S. Embassy said on Saturday.

Russia is transferring 200 trainloads of military equipment to Belarus: Belarusian media resources report that, as of January 21, 2022, 33 trains with Russian military and equipment arrived in Belarus. The average number of cars in one train is 50 units, and the total number of trains with military equipment transferred to Belarus reaches 200.

The State Department has ordered families of U.S. Embassy personnel in Ukraine to begin evacuating the country as soon as Monday,

100 tons of American ‘lethal aid’ arrives in Ukraine. Baltic NATO allies Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia can now transfer American-made lethal weapons such as anti-armor and ground-to-air missiles to Ukraine.

Putin just scored a major victory in Ukraine without firing a single shot.  It’s been clear for months now that Washington would prefer not to get entangled in a significant spat with Moscow.

Is Russia considering invading Ukraine? Why would Russia invade Ukraine? Officials involved in the talks are still unsure of exactly what Russia hopes to gain from the move, and how far Putin is willing to go to achieve his goals. Speaking about the situation from the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, Blinken told reporters: “It’s not clear what Russia’s central demand is.”

# Gov / Politics
These Senate seats are up for election in 2022: A number of senators are up for reelection this November in what is expected to be a competitive slate of races across the country.
See Also: 2022 Senate Election Interactive Map. 34 U.S. Senate seats to be contested in 2022

Senate Democrats say they share President Biden’s concern that the results of the 2022 midterm elections may not be legitimate because of restrictive voting laws passed by GOP-controlled state legislatures and the empowerment of state-level officials allied with former President Trump.

President Biden will meet with members of his national security team while spending the weekend at Camp David amid ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia.

Increased Voting Restrictions Put LGBTQ People of Color at Risk, Advocates Say: State-level voting restrictions will affect marginalized communities the most. Groups are paying attention as more states introduce voting restrictions that could disproportionately harm LGBTQ+ people of color and those with disabilities.

Amid ‘Slow-Motion Coup,’ Manchin and Sinema Help GOP Sink Voting Rights: “Ignore whatever spin comes from their press releases and media appearances in the aftermath of this debacle, history will not be kind to these enablers of racism and authoritarianism.”

Analysis: Why Rudy Giuliani’s fake electors scheme was so dangerous to democracy. Giuliani and his team enlisted GOP allies from these states to sign certificates falsely claiming they were the duly-elected electors, even though they were not.

# Medical / Health Care
Abortion Funds Are Meeting an Urgent Need as Roe Faces Dire Threat. Abortion funds support people’s overall right to parent or not and be safe and secure in their own decision-making.

# Military / DOD
The Most Expensive Military Vehicles To Ever Exist. The United States government has spent billions of dollars studying, developing, and perfecting America’s arsenal with cutting-edge technology, a move that many consider invaluable.

At least half a dozen former US military servicemen have landed in Ukraine amid rapidly escalating tensions in the east of the country. The group, known as Forward Observations, has posted a string of photos and videos on its official Instagram, with geotags showing that the men are in the war-torn Donbass region.

The Dynamic Force Employment concept involves deployment of an array of U.S.-based forces on short-notice missions abroad to showcase American might to adversaries like Russia and China.

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