Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-07-29

Voices, The Peoples News

July 29, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous / Global
# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
How the USDA is failing America’s captive elephants. Performing elephants are denied all that is natural to them and are forced to endure beatings, electric shock, food and water deprivation and intimidation.

# Border / Immigration
Gov. Greg Abbott draws criticism for ordering state troopers to pull over vehicles with migrants, saying it will stem COVID-19 risk. The executive order allows DPS troopers to reroute vehicles back to their origin point or a port of entry. Critics say citing the coronavirus as justification is hypocritical since the governor won’t let local officials require masks in public.

# Bundy Rides Again
Armed standoffs with the government, “Uber militias,” and Ammon Bundy’s run to be Idaho’s next governor. Does running for office make him less dangerous, or more?

# CoronaVirus
FDA: Troubled COVID-19 J&J Vaxx Maker Can Resume Production https://www.thedailybeast.com/emergent-biosolutions-to-resume-production-of-johnson-and-johnson-covid-19-vaccine

Covid: Found Hung Italian MD of Plasma-Therapy: supported by Tom Hanks but Stolen by Gates’ Big Pharma

Pfizer Says Data Support Covid Booster Shots, As Efficacy Fades Over Time https://khn.org/morning-breakout/pfizer-says-data-support-covid-booster-shots-as-efficacy-fades-over-time/

Technocrats Flex Muscles: Mask And Vaccine Mandates Return With A Vengeance https://www.technocracy.news/technocrats-flex-muscles-mask-and-vaccine-mandates-return-with-a-vengeance/

FDA’s Full Approval of Vaxx ‘May Come in Next Two Months’: A CNN report says the FDA is working “as fast as possible” to clear the COVID vaccines for full approval.

‘Poverty Is a Policy Choice’: Study Projects Covid Aid Will Cut US Poverty Nearly in Half “Eradicating poverty is not a utopian fantasy, it’s a policy option.”

Big Pharma Monopolies Make Cost of Global Vaccination Against Covid-19
5 Times Costlier Than Needed: “This is perhaps one of the most lethal cases of profiteering in history.”

# Economy / Trade
The House cleared a $2.1 billion emergency spending bill that includes funding for the Capitol Police in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection https://thehill.com/homenews/house/565527-house-clears-21-billion-capitol-security-bill-sending-to-biden

# Employment / Labor
Labor rights advocates’ Fight for $15 has helped millions of workers.
“The success of the movement for higher wages… only reaffirms how far out of step lawmakers in Congress are from their constituents https://www.nationofchange.org/2021/07/29/labor-rights-advocates-fight-for-15-has-helped-millions-of-workers/

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Washington state county is first in US to ban new fossil fuel infrastructure. A county in Washington state has become the first such jurisdiction in the US to ban new fossil fuel infrastructure https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/28/washington-state-whatcom-county-ban-fossil-fuel-infrastructure

Can retrofitting dams for hydro provide a green energy boost? With the era of building big dams over in the U.S., a growing number of existing dams are being modified to produce hydropower.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Nature Is Screaming to Prioritize Climate: Executive Editor David Dayen asserts that events in South Florida and the Pacific Northwest demonstrate that the climate crisis is on our shores right now.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Global
Family Farm Action Alliance Releases Report to “Counter Big Ag’s Deception”

# Gov / Politics
Invoking the spirit of Selma, Texas activists begin 27-mile march demanding federal action on voting rights. The marchers will travel south from Georgetown to Austin over four days, hoping to build pressure on Congress to act on federal legislation to boost or safeguard access to voting. They will end with a Saturday morning rally at the Capitol.

House Republicans and Democrats are at each other’s throats over two explosive issues — the Capitol insurrection and a new mask mandate — that have collided this week in a perfect storm of partisan hostility.

Seventeen Republican senators voted with all 50 Democrats on Wednesday to advance a bipartisan infrastructure deal, in a win for President Biden and the bipartisan group of negotiators.

What the Capitol insurgency reveals about white supremacy https://www.brookings.edu/blog/how-we-rise/2021/01/12/what-the-capitol-insurgency-reveals-about-white-supremacy-and-law-enforcement/

GOP Could Retake the House in 2022 Just by Gerrymandering Four Southern States A new study finds that Republicans could gain up to 13 seats in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas.

# Law Enforcement
More Trump Cops Face Prison in Colorado Racist Assault (Warning) https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/07/28/more-trump-cops-face-prison-in-colorado-racist-assault-warning/

Police Use of Force – U.S. Commission on Civil Rights https://www.usccr.gov/pubs/2018/11-15-Police-Force.pdf

Systemic Police Brutality and Its Costs in the United States https://www.hrw.org/report/2020/09/30/kettling-protesters-bronx/systemic-police-brutality-and-its-costs-united-states

Two cops were arrested after one of them pistol-whipped and choked an unarmed man. Kyle Vinson cried for help with a bleeding head after two Colorado officers held him down and one hit his head with a gun multiple times and threatened to shoot him.

Virginia Cop Sent Back to Jail on Jan. 6 Charges After Ordering 37 Guns https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/565337-ex-va-cop-who-stormed-capitol-ordered-jailed-after-feds-find-guns-in

Former Mississippi cop pleads guilty after tasing handcuffed man on video https://www.nationofchange.org/2021/07/29/former-mississippi-cop-pleads-guilty-after-tasing-handcuffed-man-on-video/

# Medical / Health
Pfizer is suing Uncle Sam to legalize essentially the same practice it was accused of three years ago, a fighting response to a federal crackdown that has resulted in a dozen drug companies being accused of similar practices.

Memorial Hermann will become the third Houston health system to implement a vaccination mandate for hospital employees. The announcement comes after Harris County’s COVID-19 threat level was raised to “orange”
last week.

First Biosimilar Insulin Approved By FDA, Can Swap-In For Brand Names

# Social
Federal eviction ban expiring: : More than 35,000 evictions have been filed in Houston since the start of the pandemic. Watch the video by the Tribune’s Lauren Santucci.

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-07-28

Voices, The Peoples News

July 28, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous / Global
The Grassy Narrows First Nation took a step forward in its decades-long fight for justice Monday, as the federal government agreed to provide $90 million for a care home that will treat those poisoned by mercury.

# Border / Immigration
Migrant child coronavirus outbreak: Whistleblowers say they were told to downplay infections at Fort Bliss. Two federal whistleblowers are alleging that Department of Health and Human Services instructed them to downplay a coronavirus outbreak amongst migrant children being housed at a facility in Fort Bliss,

Homan: 166,000 immigrants have been released into the US

# Bundy Rides Again
# Children / Youth
Inside the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Secret Pedophile Database. The Vice TV doc “Crusaders” examines a secret database of thousands of Jehovah’s Witness child-sex offenders that’s been assembled by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

# CoronaVirus
Covid relief programs are starting to expire for millions of Americans.  Sixteen months after the coronavirus pandemic upended the economy and left millions of Americans out of work, the historic relief programs Congress put in place are set to start expiring.

‘I’m Angry’: Covid Setbacks Spur Resentment Among Vaccinated. As blame mounts against unvaccinated Americans for the reversing pandemic progress, some experts worry that increased pressure on holdouts could backfire.

This is how SARS-CoV-2 infects cells: Scientists are unpicking the life cycle of SARS-CoV-2, the tricks it uses to evade detection and the quirks that make the Delta variant so dangerous. Researchers have discovered key adaptations that help the virus to grab on to human cells with surprising strength and then hide itself once inside.

COVID vaccines slash SARS-CoV-2 viral spread: However,  studies were done before the highly transmissible Delta variant became prevalent, scientists say it is more easily spread by vaccinated people than earlier variants.

South is center of COVID-19 surge: The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday released updated guidance that recommended many Americans again wear masks when they venture into indoor public spaces such as grocery stores, theaters and arenas.

‘I thought I did everything right’: The fully vaccinated are frustrated by CDC’s changing mask advice

Breakthrough COVID infections after vaccination can lead to long-haul symptoms, Israeli study shows. Nearly 3% of medical workers in a new Israeli study contracted COVID-19 even though they were vaccinated, and 19% of them still had symptoms six weeks later.

A mother is grieving the loss of her 33-year-old daughter who was vaccinated against COVID-19 yet still succumbed to the virus on Sunday,
according to a report.

# Economy / Trade
When the Facts Don’t Fit, Lie: As sure as the sun will rise in the east, we will hear American politicians calling for the rich to pay “their fair share.” But it seems those who make that call go out of their way to avoid the evidence that sits right in front of them.

The American Economy Is at a Crossroads. As our nation emerges into a fragile post-pandemic world, we must recognize our economy has been in peril longer than most would care to admit.

President Biden announced a new proposed rule that aims to strengthen domestic supply chains for critical goods and increase the threshold for products to qualify as American-made as part of his commitment to bolstering the number of products made in the U.S.

The first official glimpse into the strength of the economy under President Biden comes Thursday morning with a government report measuring growth during the second quarter.

# Employment / Labor
Workers Beg Joe Manchin to Save West Virginia Pharma Plant as His Daughter Walks Away with $31M: More than 1,400 workers in West Virginia are set to lose their jobs this week when the Viatris pharmaceuticals plant in Morgantown shuts down and moves operations

Biden’s latest executive order could make it easier for Americans to quit their jobs

Sign-Up Window for Free COBRA Coverage for Many Laid-Off Workers Closes  This Week

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Oh good, now there’s an outbreak of wildfire thunderclouds: Huge pyrocumulonimbus clouds just formed over fires in the West. These clouds can then advance across the landscape, sparking new wildfires

Historic floods fuel misery, rage in Detroit. Repeated, disastrous storms offer a foreboding glimpse of Detroit’s new reality in a warming world: flooding intensified by high water level. City officials have repeatedly pointed to climate change as the main culprit in last month’s flood, when Detroit was overwhelmed by as much as 8 inches of rain in less than 19 hours.

Development in a wealthy Montana boom town is fouling a world-class trout river. Rapid growth in Big Sky is threatening the Gallatin River, a tributary of the Missouri River and a renowned fly fishing destination.

Devastated by disasters, Lake Charles is still waiting for help: The Louisiana city, hobbled by two hurricanes, a winter storm and a flood, has struggled to translate sympathy into financial support.

Key Republicans Say They’re Ready to Take Up an Infrastructure Deal. Senate negotiators came to an agreement on key issues and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says they will vote on moving forward Wednesday night.

Senators seal $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal ahead of vote

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
A catalog of crop failures: Extreme weather is slamming crops across the globe, bringing with it threats of food inflation at a time when costs are already hovering near the highest in a decade

# Food Recalls / Alerts
If You Have These 2 Popular Seasonings, Throw Them Out Now, FDA Says. The McCormick seasonings are possibly contaminated with Salmonella.

# Global Politics and other news
CCTV shows Cuban embassy in Paris being attacked. Cuba’s foreign ministry on Tuesday (July 27), released surveillance footage of petrol bombs attack at their embassy in Paris.

Koreas in talks over possible summit: South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have been sending each other letters since last April that discuss strategies to enhance their nations’ strained ties.

China’s foreign minister met  with a delegation of high-level Taliban officials as ties between them warm ahead of the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan.

UK warned to cool links with China over ‘new cold war’ fears: Tony Abbott, a member of the Board of Trade, said the Asian economic powerhouse was weaponising trade and urged Britain to guard against selling key businesses to the Chinese or even collaborating at a higher education level.

Gaza: Apparent War Crimes During May Fighting (Human Rights Watch) Israeli, Palestinian Violations Show Need for International Criminal Court Inquiry

# Gov / Politics
Lloyd Austin issues warning to China over Taiwan: The United States would “not shy away when our interests are threatened,” referring specifically to support from Taiwan, but added that the US not seek a “confrontation” with China.

‘Failure at the top:’ After U.S. Capitol stormed, security chiefs out. The chief of the U.S. Capitol Police will resign, according to media reports on Thursday, a day after the federal force charged with protecting Congress was unable to keep supporters of Republican President Donald Trump from storming the building.

The RNC Is Ramping Up Its ‘Predatory’ Fundraising Machine. Fundraising texts that look like past due notices. Automatic recurring donations. False matching promises. The RNC isn’t exactly asking for money in the most honest ways.

GOP Rep. Liz Cheney is facing a wave of GOP primary challengers at home as the Wyoming congresswoman and avowed Trump critic takes center stage with the start of the Jan. 6 select committee hearings.

The Right Wing Wants Misinformation and Manufactured Ignorance, Not Democracy In the ongoing flight from political and social responsibility,
manufactured ignorance is the new face of submission.

# Law Enforcement
Seattle mayor calls for more police after six shootings in one weekend. Mayor Jenny Durkan said Seattle lost 250 officers over the past 17 months

Graham says Trump will have ‘a place in history’ for Capitol riot. Speaking on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) indicated that he thought history would judge Trump’s responsibility for the siege that resulted in the deaths of several people

3 KKK Members Who Worked in Florida Jail Plotted to Kill a Black Former Prisoner

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
This is what Republicans said as Capitol police told their stories on the Hill. CNN’s fact check team analyzed statements made by Republican politicians while Capitol police gave statements in a hearing regarding the January 6th insurrection

“This N***** voted for Joe Biden”: Here’s what the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrectionists yelled at police officers. In horrific testimony, four officers described the barrage of verbal and physical attacks they endured from a violent pro-Trump mob that stormed the US Capitol.

Retired US general says the Trump White House ‘was complicit in the planning’ of the January 6 insurrection

Trump, children cannot arbitrate marketing scam case -U.S. appeals court: A federal appeals court said former U.S. President Donald Trump and his adult children cannot move into arbitration a fraud lawsuit accusing them of exploiting their family name to promote a marketing scam targeting the poor and working class.

Transgender children: Texas families are bracing for Gov. Abbott’s executive order barring transgender youth from gender-affirming care. In response, some families are preparing to leave the state.

# Medical / Global
A Second Person in France May Have Caught Deadly Prion Disease From Lab Exposure. Public research labs in France are temporarily halting their work into prions, after at least two employees are believed to have contracted a rare but universally fatal prion brain disease.

# Military / Global
U.K. Warship Enters South China Sea Despite Beijing Warnings

# Nuclear
China appears to be expanding its nuclear capabilities, US researchers say in new report. Analysts at the Federation of American Scientists say the new silo field is located near the city of Hami in Xinjiang province and may eventually include about 110 silos

# Science
The artificial womb, a fast-approaching frontier for humanity? If it were to become a reality, the gestation of the unborn infant outside of the body (known as ectogenesis), in artificial wombs, could truly shape the evolution of humanity. However, this technology has also sparked fierce ethical-legal debate across the globe.

# Social
How stolen valor brought down a Florida Ku Klux Klan cell. “The medals he wore were fake.”
# Water
Elevated lead levels found in 93 Hawaii public school water fixtures. Testing of drinking water at Hawaiʻi’s public schools found at least 93 faucets and fountains have elevated concentrations of lead.

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-07-27

Voices, The Peoples News

July 27, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Standing Rock activists hold event to call on Biden to shut down DAPL https://indiancountrytoday.com/the-press-pool/standing-rock-activists-hold-event-to-call-on-biden-to-shut-down-dapl

How the women of Standing Rock inspired the world.  “A nation isn’t defeated until the hearts of the women are on the ground.”

# Border / Immigration
Texas begins jailing border crossers on trespassing charges | 22 July
2021 | Texas is beginning to arrest migrants on trespassing charges along the U.S.-Mexico border as part of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s actions that he says are needed to slow the number of border crossings

Two El Paso-area Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities are seeing new large outbreaks in COVID-19 cases among detained migrants.

‘Vile’: Biden DHS to Turn Away Migrant Families Under ‘Expedited Removal’ Policy “This administration continues to seek efficiency over safety and due process for migrant families.”

# CoronaVirus
Nonprofit Sues HHS to Immediately Stop Emergency Use Authorization of
COVID-19 Vaccines

California city wants vaccinated employees to put stickers on their IDs.
City employees in Montclair who want to work without a mask will need to have sticker on their ID badge starting Monday.

These US cities, government agencies have implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates https://nypost.com/2021/07/26/us-cities-govt-agency-implement-covid-vax-mandates-for-workers/

Protests hit Athens and Paris over new coronavirus restrictions, vaccine mandates https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/07/15/coronavirus-latest-updates/

COVID-19 cases have been increasing in Texas and nationally, mostly among unvaccinated people, as the highly contagious delta variant has become dominant. Here’s what that means for Texans, both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Biden Team Weighs Return to Mask Mandates in Some States. The high-level conversations underscore the extent to which the administration is working to find new and more efficient ways to safeguard Americans living in communities with rising infection rates.

America Is Getting Unvaccinated People All Wrong. They’re not all anti-vaxxers, and treating them as such is making things worse.

Vaccines Could Drive The Evolution Of More COVID-19 Mutants: The new coronavirus variants have raised concerns about whether vaccines will remain effective against this disease. But the vaccines themselves could drive the evolution of more mutants. The virus is always mutating. And if one happens to produce a mutation that makes it less vulnerable to the vaccine, that virus could simply multiply in a vaccinated individual https://www.npr.org/2021/02/09/965703047/vaccines-could-drive-the-evolution-of-more-covid-19-mutants

Merck Created Hit List to ‘Destroy,’ ‘Neutralize’ or ‘Discredit’
Dissenting Doctors: Merck made a “hit list” of doctors who criticized Vioxx, according to testimony in a Vioxx class action case in Australia.
The list, emailed between Merck employees, contained doctors’ names with the labels “neutralise,” “neutralised” or “discredit” next to them. One email said: We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live.

CDC to recommend masks for vaccinated people in some situations: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) plans to adjust its mask recommendations to advise people vaccinated against COVID-19 to again wear masks indoors in certain situations, according to a source familiar with the expected announcement.

Small Farms Vanish Every Day in America’s Dairyland: “There Ain’t No Future in Dairy”
Farming families are facing a choice: compete with high-production outfits, if they can, or abandon generations of dairy farming https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jul/21/small-farms-vanish-every-day-in-americas-dairyland-there-aint-no-future-in-dairy

Department of Justice Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Legal. Federal law doesn’t prohibit public agencies, private business from requiring vaccines for employees https://www.theepochtimes.com/department-of-justice-declares-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-legal_3920759.html

# Economy / Trade
Fat Cats on a Hot Tin Roof. ProPublica cracked open the vault on America’s biggest tax grifters, revealing how the Midas men dip, dodge and duck, paying pennies on the dollar, if that, while we suckers have to pony up. How rich.

130 countries back deal on global minimum tax for companies. The deal calls for a global minimum tax of at least 15%, a key element pushed by Biden as he seeks to raise more revenue for his infrastructure and clean energy plans. Technical details still need to be worked out and it would be at least 2023 before the agreement takes effect.

# Education / Schools
‘Parents are powerless’: Students face being held back after a year of remote learning Pandemic-related learning loss means some parents are weighing whether their children should repeat a grade. In 18 states, they won’t have a choice.

Lack of school and child care could mean losing ‘a generation of working parents’

Josh Hawley’s “Love America Act” Is All About Protecting Racism. Under Hawley’s bill, public schools that teach the actual history of our Constitution lose all their federal funds.

# Employment / Labor
Report: Big Labor Hides Millions in 2020 Election Spending. Experts say reported political spending is a portion of actual total https://freebeacon.com/elections/report-big-labor-hides-millions-in-2020-election-spending/

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals In a Win For Protestors, Court Stops Police From Blockading Line 3 Camp https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/07/23/huge-legal-win-court-stops-police-blockading-line-3-protester-camp

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Warming rivers in US West killing fish, imperiling industry. Baby salmon are dying by the thousands in one California river, and an entire run of endangered salmon could be wiped out in another.

California’s water crisis comes for the birds: The West’s Water Crisis Is Still Really Bad for Birds. Climate change and water diversion are drying up essential wildlife sanctuaries for migrating and local birds.

The Untrained Bipartisan Deal-Makers: The senators negotiating the infrastructure package don’t have expertise in infrastructure, and it’s showing.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Pandemic-driven hunger is making the world more unequal. Worsening inequality, as poorer people and nations lose years of gains in the battle against hunger and poverty, is likely to be one of the lasting legacies of the pandemic.

# Gov / Politics
Sen. Ron Johnson demands answers from Biden on administration’s work with Big Tech to censor online posts –Sen. Johnson called the Biden administration’s ‘flagging’ of social media posts ‘a dangerous assault on freedom of speech’

John Podesta, Michele L. Roberts: A path to climate, economic and environmental justice is finally on the horizon https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/564798-a-path-to-climate-economic-and-environmental-justice-is-finally-on

Republicans Recast Riot Defendants as ‘Political Prisoners’: Several GOP lawmakers, including Reps. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, are scheduled to appear on the steps of the DOJ to decry the treatment of the jailed rioters.

Meet the Consulting Firm That’s Staffing the Biden Administration: Less than six months into the Biden administration, more than 15 consultants from the firm WestExec Advisors have fanned out across the White House.
It’s a remarkable march through the revolving door, especially for a firm that only launched in 2017. The pipeline has produced a dominance of WestExec alums throughout the administration https://theintercept.com/2021/07/06/westexec-biden-administration/

Trump Snubs Bush Family With Texas AG Endorsement.  George P. Bush, Jeb Bush’s son, broke ranks with his own family to endorse Trump for president in 2016, despite attacks on both of his parents.

‘A Hitman Sent Them,’ Capitol Police Officer Says of January 6 Attackers. Officer Harry Dunn testifies before Congress on the January 6 insurrection.  “I want you to get to the bottom of that,” Officer Harry Dunn told lawmakers.

Biden Is Imposing Harsher Sanctions on Cuba — and Guantánamo Remains Open President Biden himself has called the notorious gulag an “advertisement for creating terror.”

# Law Enforcement
Attorney: Jan. 6 Prisoners Brutally Beaten, Stripped, Hogtied, Humiliated by Guards – Detainee Blinded in One Eye – Worse Abuse Than Gitmo https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/attorney-jan-6-prisoners-brutally-beaten-stripped-hogtied-humiliated-guards-one-prisoner-blinded-one-eye-worse-abuse-gitmo-video/

Atlanta Cop Suspended for Kicking Handcuffed Woman in Head https://www.thedailybeast.com/atlanta-police-sergeant-suspended-without-pay-after-video-shows-him-kicking-handcuffed-woman-in-the-head

Texas Children Lead Police to Gravely Injured Mom in Bathtub. Police found the woman with multiple wounds in a bathtub, but they are not sure what caused the injuries.

Black Women Giving Birth in Prison Face Surveillance Disguised as Medical Care The midsection shackle, which requires a guard standing over the birthing process, is offered as “hands-on” care.

Colorado Cop Accused of Pistol-Whipping, Choking Unarmed Man. Officer John Haubert now faces three felony charges over the incident.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Live coverage: House panel holds first hearing on Jan. 6 probe:
Testimony from four police officers will take center stage on Tuesday as a panel begins its work investigating the events of Jan. 6 at the Capitol.

Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale Sentenced to 45 Months in Prison ‘For Exposing US War Crimes’: “His crime was telling this truth: 90% of those killed by U.S. drones are bystanders, not the intended targets,” said Edward Snowden. “He should have been given a medal.”

# Military / DOD
U.S. Sends Over 2 Dozen F-22 Fighter Jets to Guam as Tensions Rise with China https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/15/asia/us-air-force-f-22-guam-tinian-exercise-intl-hnk-ml/index.html

# Social
Report: Real Estate Groups Paid GOP Lawmakers Huge Sums to Reinstate Evictions Senators Mike Crapo and Pat Toomey have received hundreds of thousands from real estate lobbyists, a new report shows.

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-07-26

Voices, The Peoples News

July 26, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
$6.7B bill could get clean drinking water to Native American tribes.
Proposed legislation calls for $6.7 billion to bring clean drinking water to Native American communities.

# Bundy Rides Again
Armed standoffs with the government, “uber militias,” and Ammon Bundy’s run to be Idaho’s next governor. Does running for office make him less dangerous—or more?

# CoronaVirus
“I Take That as a Threat”: Big Pharma Is Meddling in the Race for a
COVID-19 Treatment. A Yale researcher poised to start a crucial clinical trial received an ominous email from a pharmaceutical company. “There is undoubtedly a financial motivation,” he said, and there could be millions on the line.

GOP Rep. Clay Higgins: My Second COVID Bout Is ‘Challenging.’ The Louisiana congressman said he and his wife and son are dedicating all their energy to fighting difficult second infections.

Doctors, nurses, medical groups call for mandatory vaccinations of health-care workers https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/564788-doctors-nurses-medical-groups-call-for-mandatory-vaccinations-of-health

AAPS Survey Says Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Jab, Citing “Significant Adverse Reaction.” The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, AAPS, is a non-partisan professional association of physicians in all types of practices and specialties across the country and has been around since 1943. According to the internet survey, nearly
60 percent of physicians said they were not “fully vaccinated” against COVID.

Michigan Republicans Awarded Themselves COVID Money Meant for Frontline Workers. The GOP commissioners awarded themselves up to $25,000 from American Rescue Plan funds set aside for frontline workers.

Experts are warning that the greatest threat to the pandemic recovery in the United States are the large swaths of Americans that remain unvaccinated.

Private companies must require vaccines for workers. It’s the only way to get past COVID. Biden and the US government are limited by politics and unclear authority. But private vaccine mandates are legal, ethical and, above all, effective.

Coronavirus Spreading Among the Vaccinated in Highly Vaccinated Countries https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/08/five-vaccinated-countries-with-high-covid-rates-rely-on-china-vaccines.html

This is why vaccinated people are still testing positive for COVID-19 https://fortune.com/2021/07/22/vaccination-breakthrough-cases-covid19/

# Economy / Trade
GOP sees debt ceiling as its leverage against Biden, seeking leverage to rein in President Biden’s plan to pump trillions of dollars into the economy.

The Impact of Cuts to Social Security Benefits. In a survey from Nationwide, 61% of adults of all generations said they are more worried now that Social Security will run out of funding.

# Employment / Labor
Exploited Hollywood Assistants Are Fed Up and Fighting Back. No movie or TV show could function without assistants, yet many are stuck making minimum wage. Enough, they say. “If you’re not gonna promote us, you’ve got to pay us.”

Pandemic Unemployment Scammers Have Raked in $87B: For the corrupt,
COVID-19 has been a boon. According to a report by ProPublica, a record number of fraudsters have cashed in by making fake unemployment claims during pandemic lockdowns https://www.thedailybeast.com/unemployment-scammers-have-raked-in-more-than-dollar87-billion-during-pandemic-report-finds

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Are Canadian uranium workers still more likely to die from lung cancer?
A study by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is examining health data from 80,000 people who have worked in Canada’s uranium mines https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/07/22/news/canadian-nuclear-safety-commission-lung-cancer-study-uranium-workers

Inside the Flint water crisis cover-up. Phones belonging to top state health department officials were found with no text messages from January 2014 to October 2015.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Global
The fisherwomen, Chevron and the leaking pipe. Oil companies like Chevron, Shell and Eni have made billions in profits in the vast Niger Delta region in the last decades. American oil company Chevron laid that pipe 46 years ago, and now, it was leaking.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Californians are tired of turning off their appliances in the summer heat. For years, state officials have counted on residents to rescue the electric grid from collapse by sparing their energy use on the most blistering of days. But during a brutal July heat wave, Californians largely ignored repeat calls for conservation.

Officials urge residents to flee as Dixie Fire, California’s biggest blaze this year, continues to grow. The Dixie Fire had burned through more than 190,000 acres in swaths of Butte and Plumas counties as of Sunday morning.

Montana’s famed trout under threat as drought intensifies. The state is imposing more restrictions on fishing this year as the combination of extreme conditions, including low river levels, fish die-offs, and pressure from the crush of post-pandemic anglers have combined to create a growing crisis.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Global Argentinian lake turns bright pink due to industrial pollution

# Food Recalls / Alerts
New, Free Searchable Database of FDA and USDA Food Recalls https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2021/07/new-free-searchable-database-of-fda-and-usda-food-recalls/

# Global Politics and other news
Iraqi PM: American Combat Troops No Longer Needed. Iraqi PM Mustafa al-Kadhimi said Sunday that U.S. training and military intelligence gathering will still be required, but American combat troops can now be redeployed elsewhere.

Sea Shepherd and Peruvian Government Intercept Illegal Fishing Vessels:
The government of Peru and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society completed their first successful joint operation to encounter and apprehend several illegal fishing vessels in Peruvian waters.

Israel’s national security state is merging with that of the United States to target free speech and dissent. The first part of the podcast focuses on the IDF Unit 8200, a military intelligence unit in the Israeli Army known for monitoring Palestinian communication and using that information to blackmail them.

Deposed Burmese Leaders Are Now Changing Their Tune on Human Rights of Rohingya. Leaders issued public declarations promoting Rohingya human rights — a historic move amid decades-long persecution.

A Homicidal Church Is Ruining This Country With Putin’s Help. An Orthodox church’s hateful rhetoric and a stream of targeted Russian disinformation is putting the country of Georgia on a dark and dangerous path.

Mexico Sends Food and Medical Supplies to Cuba, Condemns U.S. Blockade https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexico-preparing-shipment-food-medicine-cuba-mexican-official-2021-07-22/

Italian government bans large cruise ships from entering Venice lagoon.
Venice will no longer allow large cruise ships from entering the Basin of San Marco, the Canal of San Marco and the Giudecca Canal.

Afghanistan Civilians Being Killed in Record Numbers: Nearly 800 civilians were killed and twice that number wounded in May and June as U.S. troops withdraw, according to a UN mission report released Monday.

China is waging war on the US. Biden whispers in response. These acts of war destabilize our nation, weaken our economy, and kill our citizens.
Instead of countering these attacks and holding China accountable, President Joe Biden whispers diplomacy and blames past administrations.

# Gov / Politics
Pelosi: I ‘Plan’ to Name Adam Kinzinger to Jan. 6 Committee. Kinzinger would join Rep. Liz Cheney as the second Republican on the committee.
Kevin McCarthy pulled his recommendations after Pelosi rejected Jim Jordan and Jim Banks.

Pro-Israel PAC Has Spent Nearly $1 Million to Try to Sink Nina Turner’s Campaign Democratic Majority for Israel has spent hundreds of thousands on anti-Turner attack ads and misleading mailers.

Courts Grant NJ Gov. Murphy Blank Check on “Emergencies.” The Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court just gave Gov, Phil Murphy a blank check to make law through executive orders anytime there’s signs of an economic downturn approaching.

The Post Sustainability Institute: We have linked some of the nations to their profile at the UN which inventories their progress in Agenda 21 (most recently updated in 1997).  Further information obtained from the UN indicated that no one actually ‘signed’ it, and the agreement was made via consensus.

Kevin McCarthy under mounting pressure to punish Republicans who join January 6 commission https://www.salon.com/2021/07/26/kevin-mccarthy-under-mounting-pressure-to-punish-republicans-who-join-january-6-commissio/

GOP brawls over Trump on eve of first Jan. 6 hearing: House Democrats will launch their long-sought investigation into the Capitol attack of Jan. 6, kicking off a contentious probe just as GOP infighting over the insurrection, and former President Trump’s role in it, is reaching a fever pitch.

# Law Enforcement
Idaho Lt. Gov’s Crony Can’t Stop Talking About Killing Cops. A dark money think-tank analyst working for Idaho Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin’s office and campaign urges violence against law enforcement on social media.

Fourth Alabama correctional officer convicted for allowing inmate abuse.
“When a law enforcement officer accepts his or her oath of office, they also accept the higher standard they must adhere to.”

ShotSpotter Is Altering Evidence at Cops’ Request: In one instance, ShotSpotter classified a suspected gunshot as a firecracker. A ShotSpotter analyst then allegedly overrode the algorithm and “reclassified” it as a gunshot.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
A Key Trump Witness Is Being Muzzled Over Her Custody Battle. Jennifer Weisselberg is the only person willing to speak publicly about Trump employees accepting untaxed corporate perks in lieu of salary. She’s been ordered to keep quiet.

“Committing the Truth”: Whistleblower Daniel Hale to Be Sentenced Tuesday for Drone Program Leaks. At a sentencing hearing Tuesday, whistleblower Daniel Hale faces at least nine years in prison for leaking classified information about the U.S. drone and targeted assassination program.

No Charges for Deputies Involved in Jamal Sutherland’s Death. “I can prove what they did. I cannot prove their criminal intent,” prosecutor Scarlett Wilson said Monday.

# Military / DOD
U.S. Launches Second Drone Strike in Somalia in Under a Week. In a statement, Pentagon spokesperson Cindi King said U.S. forces conducted a strike against militants from the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab terrorist group near Qeycad, Galmudug, Somalia.

# Other News
Trump knows that the threat of unleashing his Trumper hordes to burn America down is his best defense against being indicted and convicted.

# Science
Unknown Viruses Discovered in Old Ice. Researchers have uncovered more than 30 viruses preserved in an ancient Tibetan Plateau glacier ice. 28 of those viruses are previously unknown to science.

# Social
Texas Crowd Stones Gunman to Death After Fatal Shooting. A gunman killed one and injured three before he was beaten to death Monday in Fort Worth.

# Things that make ya go ‘Hmmmm’
Blue Zones – Lessons From the World’s Longest Lived: What began as a National Geographic expedition to uncover the secrets of longevity, evolved into the discovery of  5 places around the world where people consistently live over 100 years old, dubbed the Blue Zones.

# Veterans / VA
The Department of Veterans Affairs will require its front-line health care workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, a move that comes as vaccine mandates from employers are on the rise.

Biden’s Atomic Veterans Day Is Symbolic — But Will He Curb Nuclear Weapons?
The administration continues to support modernizing and replacing the immoral, illegal and deadly U.S. nuclear arsenal.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-07-25

Voices, The Peoples News

July 25, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Border / Immigration
Border migrants dropped off at bus stations as authorities struggle to cope. Footage captured by Granthshala News in the Rio Grande Valley shows the Border Patrol leaving a bus-load of migrants at McAllen Central Bus Station, where they are given bus tickets to travel out of town after being processed and is released from custody with notice.

DACA court ruling puts weight of immigration reform on Democrats https://thehill.com/latino/564378-daca-court-ruling-puts-weight-of-immigration-reform-on-democrats

# CoronaVirus
Nonprofit Sues HHS to Immediately Stop Emergency Use Authorization of
COVID-19 Vaccines: Lawsuit citing whistleblower’s claim that the true deaths following vaccination are much higher than reported https://www.theepochtimes.com/nonprofit-sues-hhs-to-immediately-stop-emergency-use-authorization-of-covid-19-vaccine_3913266.html

Democrats are confounded by what they see as the GOP’s shifting rhetoric on vaccines, which in their view has changed as the delta variant has swept through unvaccinated populations in disproportionately Republican areas https://thehill.com/homenews/house/564601-gops-shift-on-vaccines-is-source-of-tension-for-democrats

Frustration mounts over vaccine holdouts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OCCWhmll2s

As the Delta variant continues to drive a fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S., Biden officials see a booster shot among at least some vaccinated Americans as increasingly likely.

Intranasal Approaches Have Potential As Vaccines & Therapies for
COVID-19: A few select life sciences companies and academic institutions are working on the hypothesis that intranasal vaccines and therapies could be key to stopping COVID-19 in its tracks https://www.biospace.com/article/intranasal-approaches-have-potential-as-vaccines-and-therapies-for-covid-19/

Texas hospital reports its 1st case of lambda COVID-19 variant: A Texas hospital system on Monday confirmed its first case of the COVID-19 lambda variant that was first detected in Peru and has quickly spread throughout South America

Fully vaccinated Stanford students test positive for coronavirus in a week, all are symptomatic: Stanford University officials confirmed breakthrough infections in a letter to students on Thursday. All of the cases were confirmed in the last week and all were symptomatic https://www.stanforddaily.com/2021/07/22/7-fully-vaccinated-students-test-positive-for-covid-19/

Doctors raise awareness on Ivermectin Treatment for COVID-19. Some doctors think they’ve found a cheap, generic drug which treats COVID-19.
So why hasn’t anyone heard of it?

# Economy / Trade
Biden is breaking his tax increase pledge: Biden’s $400K tax hike threshold is complicating his spending plans. Democrats’ bid to raise trillions to fund a host of new spending initiatives is shining a spotlight on Biden’s own vow, adopted during his presidential campaign.

Will Social Security Change the Way it Calculates Raises? Here’s Why It Should https://wacotrib.com/business/investment/personal-finance/will-social-security-change-the-way-it-calculates-raises-heres-why-it-should/article_8fa0345a-bc22-56e1-a923-d1ee853b1996.html

# Employment / Labor
12 Years Since Last Federal Minimum Wage Hike, Blast ‘Starvation’ Pay

Amazon employees petition company to investigate allegations of discrimination. The authors of the petition received a pledge from Amazon Web Services (AWS) CEO Adam Selipsky to launch the outside investigation, Amazon confirmed Friday.

ACLU calling for investigation into Alaska official over controversial tweets. Although the tweets have been deleted, The Guardian reported that the tweets included calls for violence against left-wing groups, execution for those who perform gender reassignment surgeries and summary imprisonment for Black Lives Matter protesters.

Half of US states are now using facial recognition software from this little-known company to vet unemployment claims. Want your unemployment benefits? You may have to submit to facial recognition first https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/23/tech/idme-unemployment-facial-recognition/index.html

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals A Lifeline for a Coal Plant Gives Hope to a North Dakota Town. Others See It as a Boondoggle. The politics and economics of the clean energy transition are playing out in a place desperate to retain fossil fuel jobs.

Plan to Save North Dakota Coal Plant Faces Intense Backlash from Minnesotans Who Would Help Pay for It. Utility customers and clean energy advocates say the proposed sale is being rushed through to avoid scrutiny.

Activists Have Shut Down a Memphis-Area Pipeline — But Their Fight Isn’t Over Developers still retain indefinite rights to access privately owned land along the Byhalia Connection’s canceled route.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Why chemical pollution is turning into a third great planetary crisis:
Thousands of synthetic substances have leaked into ecosystems everywhere, and we are only just beginning to realise the devastating consequences https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25133440-700-why-chemical-pollution-is-turning-into-a-third-great-planetary-crisis/

Wildfire smoke blowing across the U.S. is more toxic than we thought.
Wildfires are threatening homes on the West Coast and in Canada, but their smoke is polluting air as far away as New York. Wildfire smoke can increase hazardous toxic metals in air, study finds. Lead levels increased to 50 times above normal average at site near Camp fire in California, researchers found https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/21/wildfire-smoke-air-hazardous-toxic-metals-study-california

# Global Politics and other news
What Russia, China, Iran Want in Afghanistan When U.S. Troops Leave https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/what-russia-china-iran-want-in-afghanistan-when-u-s-troops-leave/ar-AAMtRxF?ocid=winp1taskbar

How Putin could jam up Biden’s post-Afghanistan plans. The U.S. is looking at basing troops in Central Asia to help ensure Kabul doesn’t fall. But Moscow is working to complicate the withdrawal.

Social media has given voice to the Cuban awakening. While the perils of social platforms, including censorship, are being hashed out in the global public square, American social media companies are catalyzing much-needed change around the world.

Deposed Burmese Leaders Are Now Changing Their Tune on Human Rights of Rohingya. Leaders issued public declarations promoting Rohingya human rights — a historic move amid decades-long persecution.

Cuba protests continue; U.S. imposes new sanctions on Cuban officials.
The United States imposed sanctions on a Cuban security minister and an interior ministry special forces unit for alleged human rights abuses in a crackdown on anti-government protests earlier this month.

Putin says Russian navy can carry out ‘unpreventable strike’ if needed https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-says-russian-navy-can-carry-out-unpreventable-strike-if-needed-2021-07-25/

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador proposed on Saturday replacing the Washington-based Organization of American States with what he called a more independent institution.

# Gov / Politics
President Biden has authorized up to $100 million in additional aid for Afghan refugees and those impacted by ongoing violence between the Taliban and Afghan forces as the U.S. nears completion of its goal to remove all its troops from the country.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is under increasing pressure to run for reelection as Democrats look to turn around their recent struggles in Iowa next year.

‘Sore loser’ Trump reaps fruits of election lies in Arizona:
Ex-President Donald Trump’s big lie came full circle on Saturday as he traveled to Arizona to dangerously seize on the false fruits of a sham election “audit” precipitated by his own discredited claims the 2020 election was stolen.

# Law Enforcement
FBI Was Behind Plot to Kidnap Michigan Governor. The government has documented at least 12 confidential informants who assisted in the sprawling investigation.

The FBI Allegedly Used at Least 12 Informants In the Michigan Kidnapping Case. Defense attorneys said they will argue that the FBI ‘induced or persuaded’ the defendants to go along with the violent scheme.

Former Alabama Correctional Supervisor Convicted for Allowing Inmate Abuse. After a three-day trial, a federal jury convicted former Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) shift commander Willie Burks, 42, of failing to stop an officer under his command from assaulting an inmate at ADOC’s Elmore Correctional Facility.

Telecom Vendors Used End of Prison Visits During COVID to Profit Off Phone Calls Prison telecom corporations capitalized on the pandemic to rake in cash on the backs of struggling families.

# Medical / Health
Colorado plague: 10-year-old dies as health officials warn of plague activity 10-year-old resident of La Plata County “died from causes associated with plague,” the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment said in a news release Thursday.

Medicare for All Rallies in 50 Cities Show Big Support for Universal Health Care The common strategic thread for success is building a strong, popular social movement demanding health care for all.

Fungal “superbug” causes concern among U.S. health officials. Since January, there have been more than 100 reported cases of a fungal “superbug” in both Dallas and Washington, D.C. The fungus, known as Candida auris, attacks people with weakened immune systems and can be drug-resistant https://www.cbsnews.com/video/fungal-superbug-causes-concern-among-us-health-officials/

Court sides with voters, thwarts GOP plan to stop working people from getting health care https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/court-sides-with-voters-thwarts-gop-plan-to-stop-working-people-from-getting-health-care/ar-AAMuzUm?ocid=winp1taskbar

# Military / DOD
U.S. to Announce Troop Drawdown From Iraq: U.S. and Iraqi officials are finalizing a shift in the U.S. military mission in Iraq to a purely advisory role by the end of the year, marking the official end of the U.S. combat mission in the country

# Other News
The Tokyo Olympian who ran a man over andlLeft him for dead. While world-class Canadian weightlifter Boady Santavy basks in the glory of his first Olympic run in Tokyo, the man he ran over, left for dead and impaired for life, struggles to even get out of bed in the morning.

Bumble Date Turns in Alleged Rioter Who Hit Cops With a Whip. Texas man Andrew Taake is accused of attacking police officers on Jan. 6 with a metal whip and pepper spray, then bragging about it on Bumble.

# Science
Brain-repair discovery could lead to new epilepsy treatments.
Researchers have discovered a previously unknown repair process in the brain that they hope could be harnessed and enhanced to treat seizure-related brain injuries.

# Tips, Tricks and How To’s
Off-Grid Homesteading: How To Create Free Heating and Air Conditioning

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NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items:

The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-07-21

Voices, The Peoples News

July 21, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.”
– Ernest Hemingway
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
Undercover investigations expose brutal wildlife killing contests:
Welcome to the cruel world of wildlife killing contests, family events where children play amidst piles of slaughtered animals—and legal in 42 states.

# Archaeology
Diver Wanted Ancient Answers, So She Went Right to the Source. Kristin Romey is an archaeologist like Creasman and had been on the hunt for the tomb of Nastasen, a pharaoh of Nubia who had long been forgotten by most. Her belief was that the discovery would shed light on Kush, an ancient civilization that once ruled over a large part of Northern Africa.

# Border / Immigration
Let’s call the “border crisis” what it is: Another big lie. Republicans and right-wing media claim there’s a huge crisis at the border but the numbers don’t support that narrative.

# CoronaVirus
Why Are Soros And Gates Buying UK COVID Testing Company? Billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates are part of a consortium set to buy Mologic, a U.K.-based maker of Covid tests, in an effort to increase access to “affordable state-of-the-art medical technology” around the world, according to a statement released Monday.

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID V-ccines Reported to CDC as FDA Adds New Warning to J&J V-ccine –VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.

Judge rules Indiana University can mandate COVID-19 vaccine for students, staff.
Indiana University can require its roughly 90,000 students and 40,000 employees to get vaccinated for COVID-19 under a federal judge’s ruling that might be the first of its kind regarding college immunization mandates.

Florida congressman says he has COVID despite being vaccinated. A Florida congressman has contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated against the deadly virus.

5-Year-Old With No Health Problems Dies of COVID Amid Surge. Though coronavirus hospitalizations and deaths among those under 18 are rare, the toddler’s death is a grim reminder that children are still susceptible.

Chicago House Legend Paul Johnson Battles COVID in ICU: Johnson told fans on Instagram that he will have to be put on a ventilator.

# Economy / Trade
Democrats Urged to Reject Latest GOP Attempt to Hold Social Security ‘Hostage’
“Lindsey Graham and his fellow Republicans will stop at nothing to cut the American people’s earned Social Security and Medicare benefits.”

The United States Underestimates China’s Economic Challenge at Its Own Peril Allies of the United States must increasingly rethink their foreign relations in light of China’s ascendancy.

# Education / Schools
College vaccine mandates rile GOP states: The red states’ moves potentially set up court fights over who has the power to police campus health just as schools prepare to reopen for in-person instruction.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Environmentalists urge DeSantis to declare Red Tide emergency. Pinellas County has removed 1,277 tons of dead marine life and debris as calls for Gov. Ron DeSantis to declare a state of emergency grow.

Bill McKibben: Lessons from the fight for the Grand Canyon. We once saved natural landmarks for their beauty—now it’s for survival, too.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Global Libya′s battle to protect its endangered forests. A decade of conflict and instability in the North African country has not only taken its toll on people but also on nature

Deforestation and wildfires take a toll on the Amazon. The climate in the Amazon has been changing over the last few decades.

A new study shows just how quickly the world’s cryosphere is shrinking.
The world’s frozen areas lost an average of about 87,000 square kilometers (33,000 square miles) a year from 1979 to 2016, and the period of annual freeze has shrunk by more than a week over the nearly four-decade period, according to a new study published in the journal Earth’s Future.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Sugar just got a bit CRISPR: precise gene edits can improve sugarcane resilience, reduce its environmental impact https://www.zmescience.com/science/news-science/sugar-just-got-a-bit-crispr-precise-gene-edits-can-improve-sugarcane-resilience-reduce-its-environmental-impact/

# Global Politics and other news
Colombia Erupts in Protest Again over Right-Wing Gov’t Tax Plans Even as “Solidarity Is Criminalized”

Colombia’s Export of Mercenaries Scrutinized After U.S.-Trained Soldiers Kill Haiti’s President https://www.democracynow.org/2021/7/21/colombian_nationals_jovenel_moise_assassination

China Can Lock Up A Million Muslims In Xinjiang At Once: Our anlaysis reflects what researchers, UN officials, and Western governments have long held: that China’s detention campaign in Xinjiang is the largest against a religious minority since the Nazi camps during World War II.

China rounded up so many Muslims in Xinjiang that there wasn’t enough space to hold them.

# Gov / Politics
The Shadow State: Embracing Corporations As Surrogates For Government Action “The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power”.

The Senate Deadline That Isn’t One: Understanding the various contours of an imminent failed vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill today https://prospect.org/infrastructure/building-back-america/infrastructure-summer-senate-deadline-that-isnt-one/

McCarthy yanks all GOP picks from Jan. 6 committee: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has decided not to participate in the select committee investigating the Jan. 6 on the Capitol, yanking all of his GOP picks in protest of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) decision to reject two top Republicans.

Pelosi rejects Jordan, Banks for Jan. 6 committee: Both GOP lawmakers are staunch allies of former President Trump, and both had voted in January against certifying President Biden’s election victory.

Trump Has Convinced His Followers He’s About to Return to Office This Summer While Trump will not be reinstated, it’s hard to over-emphasize the dangers that Trumpism poses to U.S. democracy.

Biden Promised Diplomacy, But He’s Overseeing Military Buildup Against China We are witnessing an enormous U.S. military buildup through massive military exercises in the Pacific.

Investigating Trump Is “Absolutely” a Possibility, Says January 6 Commission Chair The committee will also investigate lawmakers’ actions in Congress that day, including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s.

# Law Enforcement
Biden Said He’d Cut Incarceration in Half. So Far, the Federal Prison Population Is Growing. His team recently announced that thousands of people released early due to COVID could be forced to return after the pandemic.

How a Shady Cop Kept Getting New Jobs, and Then Became Chief: Jon Geiger was supposed to be barred from being a police officer because of his past, but instead he’s gotten even more power.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Bless our American traitors: Intelligence analyst Daniel Hale exposed the indiscriminate murder of noncombatants in the global US drone war.
For his heroism, he faces 10 years in prison https://illinoisnewstoday.com/chris-hedges-bless-our-american-traitors/308159/

Harvey Weinstein Extradited to Los Angeles to Face More Rape Charges

Top Trump Adviser Arrested and Charged With Secretly Lobbying for the UAE Tom Barrack, head of Trump’s inaugural committee, is accused of obstructing justice and lying to the feds.

DEA agent arrested for participating in Capitol riots. U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Agent Mark Sami Ibrahim was arrested and charged on several accounts for his participation in the Capitol riots on January 6.

# Media
Rotten at the Core: the US Appeal of the Assange Ruling: “Nothing that the US government can say about his future treatment is worth the paper it is written on.”

How Trump and Conservative Media Are Cashing in on Disinformation. The former president and the “Federalist” are partners in Big Lie grifting.

# Medical / Global
15,000-year-old viruses found in Tibetan glacier ice, and we know nothing about them https://www.zmescience.com/science/news-science/ancient-viruses-frozen-ice-21072021/

# Medical / Health
‘Profiteering Healthcare System’ Blamed as US Medical Debt Surges to
$140 Billion
One critic said the new estimate of medical debt in collections shows the for-profit healthcare system is “working just the way the corporate price gougers want it to.”

# Social
It’s Past Time Biden Admin Ended Segregation in This Suburb. The last president warned housewives “they” were coming for your homes. This president sounds much better, but he hasn’t done much so far in “hyper-segregated” Westchester County.

# Space
Poverty Wages and Tax Dodging Funded Bezos’s Ridiculous Space Trip. This was a step toward the commercialization of space, and I want no part of that.

# Technology
US Cyber Warmongering:  “The US is stirring up new geopolitical disputes by turning cyber frictions into major conflicts among countries.”

# Water
One of America’s hottest cities is down to one water well. What happens if the taps go dry? Taps could go dry for Needles’ 5,000 residents, who each drink as much as two gallons of water daily to cope with 120-degree temperatures.

Some water systems push back on treatment costs for ‘forever chemicals’
regulation. Local water utilities worried about getting hit with lawsuits and high cleanup costs are stepping up their lobbying of Congress as lawmakers move to regulate toxic chemicals found in drinking water.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-07-20

Voices, The Peoples News

July 20, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
US, Canada practiced ‘indigenous child removal’ to destroy tribes: The real intent behind the centuries-old colonial program has been to destroy the native tribes and steal their land, Native historian https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/07/19/us-canada-practiced-indigenous-child-removal-to-destroy-tribes-native-historian/

Fish advisories impact tribal traditions; Lake Superior smelt the latest species found contaminated. Local Indigenous people continue to eat enough fish to far surpass what state health officials consider safe.

Winona LaDuke & Water Protectors Arrested in Enbridge Pipeline Protest:
One of the women arrested was Winona LaDuke, Indigenous leader and founder of environmental group Honor the Earth, who has been standing against the construction of the replacement pipeline for eight years.

The new Indigenous TV series coming your way: ‘Reservation Dogs’ is the latest product of an exciting new era of Native self-representation.

# Indigenous / Global
New Revelations of Child Graves at Residential Schools Lays Bare a History of Genocide. Hundreds of other graves have been uncovered at additional schools.

# Border / Immigration
‘Heartbreaking’ conditions in US migrant child camp. Disease is rampant, food can be dangerous and there are reports of sexual abuse. In addition to Covid, outbreaks of the flu and strep throat have also been reported since the camp opened in late March. And some children in need of urgent medical attention have been neglected

ICE releases immigrants in Shreveport with little warning to local officials. (Shreveport, LA) Approximately 80 Haitian immigrants were dropped off in the city Thursday by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and local officials are warning there may be more busloads to come.

# CoronaVirus
Novel autoantibody adds fuel to COVID-19 ‘firestorm’ of inflammation, blood clots https://labblog.uofmhealth.org/lab-report/novel-autoantibody-adds-fuel-to-covid-19-firestorm-of-inflammation-blood-clots

A White House staffer and an aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tested positive for the coronavirus this week. Neither individual had close contact with President Biden or Pelosi, officials said, but the cases reflect the ongoing threat of the virus to lawmakers and their staff as coronavirus cases spike across the country.

Fauci: Paul doesn’t know what he’s talking about ‘and I want to say that officially’
Anthony Fauci clashed with Sen. Rand Paul (R) on Tuesday, accusing the senator of lying about the role the National Institutes of Health (NIH) played in funding controversial research in Wuhan, China.

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC as FDA Adds New Warning to J&J Vaccine –VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.

Tokyo Is Insanely Deploying an Army of Half-Vaxxed Staffers. It all started with a shocking email sent to Olympic staffers last month.

# Education / Schools
After a year of isolation, fear and stress, many students are expected to struggle with returning to classrooms this fall. One Dallas school is trying to get ahead of the curve by training its teachers and staff to spot and help kids having trouble.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Whistleblowers Expose Corruption in EPA Chemical Safety Office. Managers and career staff in the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention tampered with the assessments of dozens of chemicals to make them appear safer, according to four scientists who work at the agency.

Red Tide Has Killed at Least 791 Tons of Fish in Florida: Dead fish have washed up on beaches on Florida’s Gulf Coast as the state faces an early red tide, bringing up similarities to the 2018 disaster.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Global Epicenter of major Amazon droughts and fires saw 2.5 billion trees and vines killed. A major drought and forest fires in the Amazon rainforest killed billions of trees and plants and turned one of the world’s largest carbon sinks into one of its biggest polluters.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Ethylene oxide scandal spreads to food additive https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2021/07/ethylene-oxide-scandal-spreads-to-food-additive/

Cheese recall related to Listeria contamination expanded https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2021/07/cheese-recall-related-to-listeria-contamination-expanded/

NYC street vendors protest exorbitant fines as city reopens. New Yorkers relied on street vendors during the pandemic, but as the city reopens, those essential workers are once again being fined.

Cory Booker Just Picked a Fight With Giant Meatpackers. And gave Biden a chance to prove he’s serious about confronting market power.

# Gov / Politics
“I want to be there”: For a week now, state Rep. Garnet Coleman has been hiding out in Texas, wondering if police will track him down. While dozens of other Texas House Democrats fled to Washington, D.C., to block a Republican voting bill, the longtime Houston legislator stayed behind.

The FBI says it thwarted the plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The suspects say the FBI incited it. It’s the biggest domestic terrorism case in decades: 13 men stand accused of a plot to kidnap Michigan’s governor. The arrests came after a monthslong operation to infiltrate extremist groups.

Biden Tried to Absolve Himself for Afghanistan Aftermath — But He Voted for War  From Bush to Biden, many powerful forces have been complicit. Now the war for profit continues in a different form.

Majority of McCarthy’s January 6 Commission Picks Voted to Overturn Election The Republicans, including Trump ally Jim Jordan, are already using their time in the spotlight to attack Democrats.

Don’t Use Cuba Protests to Justify U.S. Intervention, Say Activists in Mexico. Hundreds gathered at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City this week in support of Cubans’ right to self-determination.

# Law Enforcement
The Cops Killed With Impunity. Then Came a ‘Perfect Victim.’ The police killing of Hunter Brittain brought Al Sharpton to rural Arkansas. It also has people of color asking why a white teen had to die for people to ask questions.

Car in Shooting of 6-Year-Old Nyiah Courtney Found Burned. Forensic investigators are now reportedly scouring the torched vehicle for clues that could lead them to the killers.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Trump Inaugural Committee Chair Arrested on Federal Charges: Thomas Barrack, a longtime Trump pal, faces charges for foreign lobbying and obstructing justice, the Department of Justice said.

Limiting transgender children’s health care options: Gov. Greg Abbott said during a radio interview that he’s preparing to take action to restrict transition-related medical care for transgender minors in Texas after legislation to do so failed during the regular session.

# Medical / Global
Norovirus spike in England prompts PHE warning https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/jul/16/norovirus-warning-bug-spreads-england-lockdown-eased

# Security
Presidents’ Phone Numbers Appear on Israeli Spyware Hit List. A list of phone numbers that includes targets of Israeli spyware firm NSO Group clients includes those belonging to presidents, prime ministers, and a king, an investigation found.

# Space
Jeff Bezos reaches space, makes it back in one piece. Bezos, the world’s richest person, is the second billionaire to make it into space this month, after Richard Branson’s pioneering space tourism flight aboard his Virgin Galactic spaceplane.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-07-19

Voices, The Peoples News

July 19, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
On Pine Ridge Reservation, a garden helps replace an 80-mile grocery trip. For the past six years, a garden program has taught residents of South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Reservation how to build financial independence and food security through gardening.

Indigenous leaders call on Biden to enlarge Bears Ears National Monument as 25-foot totem pole travels from Washington state to Washington D.C.

The US Is Now Investigating Its Deadly Indian Boarding School System, And Native Americans Are In Dire Need Of Mental Health Support. “People are getting retriggered with each new calamity in a way that’s paralyzing. The level of grieving is almost electric.”

After 140 Years, Native Youth Lead Return of 10 Children’s Remains from Carlisle Indian School in PA https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/local/2021/07/16/rosebud-sioux-children-return-home-south-dakota-native-american-remains-deaths-boarding-school/7980579002/

Indigenous children’s remains turned over from Army cemetery https://apnews.com/article/government-and-politics-education-b665436234f50024c971cdb8fb56a2db

# Indigenous / Global
‘We will not leave Brasilia defeated’: “We need the court to recognize the rights of Indigenous peoples, because we have always lived on these lands.”
In Brazil, the courts could either affirm Indigenous land rights or set a precedent by stripping territorial rights that were not officially recognized when the Brazilian Constitution was approved in 1988. This is a severe threat to the rights and livelihoods of Indigenous peoples and the global community must pay attention.

# Archaeology
The Mysterious Shark Teeth Found in a Jerusalem Basement. In a nearly 3,000-year-old basement in the City of David scientists have unearthed a perplexing cache of 80-million-year-old fossilized shark teeth. The teeth were found with food waste and pottery shards from a period that dates just after the death of the biblical King Solomon.

# Border / Immigration
Migration Is Not a “Crisis.” It’s Survival and Resistance to Ongoing Genocide.
Biden’s plan for more military and private development aid won’t stop migration or help Central America.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine still in clinical trials and tests) Censorship & Dictatorship on Vaccines’ Risks: The proclaimed reliability of vaccines when they are still experimental, are therefore congenitally unsafe, such as those against Covid-19.

Five Texas House Democrats who traveled to Washington, D.C., have tested positive for coronavirus: Three lawmakers tested positive on Saturday and two more on Sunday. All of the lawmakers are fully vaccinated.

Two More Texas Dems Who Fled to D.C. Test Positive for COVID. The traveling group met with Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday.

3D ‘assembloid’ shows how SARS-CoV-2 infects brain cells: Researchers have produced a stem cell model that demonstrates a potential route of entry of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, into the human brain.

Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Shots Raise Tough Issues for Health Authorities Western governments increase orders in case of waning immunity and variant threats, but need isn’t clear yet and much of world lacks

Florida Lawmaker Gets COVID Despite Being Fully Vaxxed. Gov. Ron DeSantis blamed Florida’s current COVID surge on a “seasonal pattern”
and said there will be no more virus-related lockdowns in the state.

Delta fears grip economy as cases jump across the country https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/563769-delta-fears-grip-economy-as-cases-jump-across-the-country

# Economy / Trade
Democrats are ramping up their sales pitch to voters as they bet big on government spending and lay the groundwork for their 2022 midterm message.

When Does the Greed Stop? Our government has been corrupted by greed and the money it brings, and that corruption has spread like a cancer to religion, education, and helping professions like healthcare.

# Education / Schools
Texas Senate Votes To Remove Lessons on Civil Rights and Women’s Suffrage https://news.bloomberglaw.com/social-justice/texas-senate-votes-to-remove-required-lessons-on-civil-rights

# Employment / Labor
For minimum wage workers, rent is now unaffordable in every county in America. Meanwhile, at least 7.5 million people are at risk of eviction at month’s end.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Manchin Wants to Invest More Taxpayer Money in Propping Up Fossil Fuel Industry Democrats are debating the definition of “clean energy” as the climate crisis intensifies.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Global
The government of Greenland has decided to suspend all oil exploration off the world’s largest island, calling it is “a natural step” because the Arctic government “takes the climate crisis seriously.”

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Great Salt Lake is shrinking fast. Scientists demand action before it becomes a toxic dustbin. An analysis published last year showed that the water siphoned from the rivers that feed the lake had reduced its level by 3 meters and depleted the area by more than half.

Democrats are eyeing a tax on imports from countries that don’t have strong policies aimed at combating climate change, seeking to include such a tax in a wide-ranging spending package that could pass without Republican votes.

Oregon’s Growing Bootleg Fire Is One of 70 Raging in U.S. West Amid Heatwave The Bootleg Fire in southern Oregon has scorched more than 298,000 acres and is only 22 percent contained https://truthout.org/articles/oregons-growing-bootleg-fire-is-one-of-70-raging-in-us-west-amid-heatwave/

Oregon wildfire causes miles-high ‘fire clouds’ as flames grow.
Pyrocumulus clouds viewable from 100 miles away as Bootleg fire grows beyond size of New York City https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/16/bootleg-fire-oregon-fire-clouds-pyrocumulus

Massive Calif. Wildfire Spawns Hellish ‘Pyro’ Cloud. The smoky, ashy cloud has the potential to create lightning storms, which is the last thing the bone-dry area needs.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Global As frozen land burns, Siberia trembles. Northeastern Siberia is a place where people take Arctic temperatures in stride. But 100-degree days are another matter entirely.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Maine bans toxic ‘forever chemicals’ under groundbreaking new law. State is the first to enact a broad ban of PFAS compounds, which are found in everything from cosmetics to cookware https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/15/maine-law-pfas-forever-chemicals-ban

# Global Politics and other news
Legalized Apartheid: The Israeli Supreme Court Just Cemented Jewish Supremacy into Law. Only a few years old, the nation-state law has already proven it can serve as a legal tool for discrimination, racial segregation, and outright apartheid.

Russian Bear in Lebanon, with China not far behind: Lebanon Looks to China as US, Arabs Refuse to Help in Crisis. Struggling with an economic catastrophe, Lebanon is the latest country to be caught up U.S.-China tensions.

Terrorists plot to stage false flag chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib:
Russia Defense Ministry:
Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian center, told reporters that the terrorists have transferred containers filled with chlorine to the town of Ariha in preparation for the gas attack, which they want to blame on the Syrian government.

Caught: Israel Spying on Journalists, Activists Worldwide On Behalf of Rogue Dictators. The investigation by the Guardian and 16 other media organisations suggests widespread and continuing abuse of NSO’s hacking spyware, Pegasus, a malware that infects iPhones and Android devices to enable operators of the tool to extract messages, photos and emails, record calls and secretly activate microphones.

# Gov / Politics
NEO [New Eastern Outlook, a Journal Published by the Russian Academy of Science since 1816] Time to Plan for a World with No ‘United States’:
The stage has been set for  states to either leave ‘the union,’ such as it is or for the nation to surrender entirely to organized crime rule.

Enough With the Fanfic From Trump’s Sh*tty Generals. We’ve been through so many rounds of rehabilitative Trump official fan fiction that it is its own genre at this point.

Weaponizing “Humanitarian Aid” to Syria: Deceitful Cover for U.S.
Support of Al Qaeda and Excuse to Violate Syrian Sovereignty and UN Charter https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~rics/the-weaponization-of-humanitarian-aid-in-syria/

Donald Trump’s Latest Grift May Be His Most Cynical Yet: In appeals to supporters, the Trump campaign is asking for donations to continue challenging the election results. But the bulk of the money appears to be going elsewhere.  “The special problem this time is, in conning his supporters, he’s also sowing deep distrust of the most basic institutions of our democracy.”

The GOP has a three-step plan to limit voting rights and return to power https://www.texastribune.org/2021/07/14/texas-democrats-walkout-voting-rights/

Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani could face criminal investigation in Arizona over their attempts to overturn election. The state Attorney General is currently seeking documents related to election fraud allegations https://www.salon.com/2021/07/17/trump-giuliani-may-face-criminal-investigation-in-az-for-effort-to-overturn-election_partner/

Trump gave capitol rioters the language to defend the insurrection and deny reality. Trump Gave Capitol Rioters The Language To Defend The Insurrection And Deny Reality. They attacked the “fake news,” denounced the “deep state” and the “swamp,” and vowed to “take back” the Capitol and the country.

If Biden Wants to “Stand With the Cuban People,” He Can Ease the Cruel Blockade Corporate media and the Biden administration consistently ignore or minimize the leading cause of economic suffering in Cuba: the U.S.’s illegal blockade.

Bernie Sanders Is the Real Force Behind the $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill. The Vermont senator has been exercising a strong sway in negotiations with the White House for the Democrats’ bill.

# Law Enforcement
A New Docuseries Exposes America’s Epidemic of Dirty Cops. The new eight-part Vice TV docuseries “Betraying the Badge” highlights some of the most infamous stories of police corruption in recent history.

Former police detective convicted on bribery and drug charges: Collare faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison for federal program bribery, 15 years in prison for bribery by a federal official, 20 years in prison for distribution of heroin and five years in prison for false statements.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Inside Trump Org Money Man’s Interview With Investigators. Jeff McConney is a loyal Trump Organization money man. But, under pressure from investigators, he has admitted to mistakes in the past.

No Cops, No Corporations — Boston LGBTQ Community Reimagines Pride Celebrations. Many activists believe Pride marches have become self-congratulatory, commercialized affairs with no political goals.

No Cops, No Corporations: Boston LGBTQ Community Reimagines Pride Celebrations.  Many activists believe Pride marches have become self-congratulatory, commercialized affairs with no political goals https://truthout.org/articles/no-cops-no-corporations-boston-lgbtq-community-reimagines-pride-celebrations/

# Medical / Health
Crime of the Century: How big pharma fueled the opioid crisis that killed 500,000 https://www.democracynow.org/2021/7/19/opioid_crisis_documentary_alex_gibney

# Military / DOD
Back-to-back deployments and now back home: Eisenhower carrier strike group returns to Norfolk https://www.pilotonline.com/military/dp-nw-eisenhower-homecoming-20210718-aaugbxjezbcqrhmp7jwm5k3zl4-story.html

# Military / Global
Russia reports successful test launch of hypersonic missile https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2021-07-19/russia-reports-successful-test-launch-of-hypersonic-missile

# Other News
Oregon Initiative Petition 13 proposes to criminalize hunting: A proposed Oregon ballot initiative (Oregon Initiative Petition 13) threatens the existence of hunting and fishing in the state, an extreme overreach that would criminalize throwing a line in the water and putting harvested meat on the table for families across the state.

Certified Loser Donald Trump Is Rebranding MAGA as a Full-On Cult https://www.thedailybeast.com/certified-loser-donald-trump-is-rebranding-maga-as-a-full-on-cult

# Science
Huge DNA ‘Borg’ structures discovered: The Borg have landed, researchers have discovered their counterparts here on Earth. Researchers say they have discovered unique and exciting DNA strands in the mud, others aren’t sure of their novelty.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-07-15

Voices, The Peoples News

July 15, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Home From Carlisle: Rosebud Sioux Youth Council Reclaims Their Ancestors https://nativenewsonline.net/currents/home-from-carlisle-rosebud-sioux-youth-council-reclaims-their-ancestors

Indigenous Children’s Remains Returned to Families Amid Reckoning over Genocidal U.S. Gov’t Schools https://www.democracynow.org/2021/7/15/headlines/indigenous_childrens_remains_returned_to_families_amid_reckoning_over_genocidal_us_govt_schools

# Indigenous / Global
Fewer Inuit youth than ever are learning how to become hunters in Greenland. What does it mean for their culture?

In the 20th century, Japanese anthropologists and officials tried to hide the existence of the Indigenous Ainu. Then the Ainu fought back like their cousins, the bears.

“There Are Many Others”: 215 Bodies Found at Canadian Residential School for Indigenous Children https://www.democracynow.org/2021/6/1/indigenous_children_remains_found_canada

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls Death of a Modern Wolf: Once feared, vilified, and exterminated, the wolves of Vancouver Island face an entirely different threat: our fascination, our presence, and our selfies.

# Border / Immigration
Immigration advocates on Thursday will be watching Sheriff Ed Gonzalez’s Senate confirmation hearing to become ICE director. If confirmed by the Senate, Gonzalez will lead one of the most heavily derided agencies in the federal government.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine still in clinical trials and tests) Growing GOP resistance to COVID-19 vaccines is raising alarms among public health experts and creating a major challenge as the U.S. tries to move past a pandemic that has lasted almost a year and a half.

# Economy / Trade
President Biden has drawn a line in the sand and made clear that certain Social Security reforms are off the table. At a 2020 Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum held in January 2020, Biden said: “There will be no compromise on cutting Medicare & Social Security, period. That’s a promise.”

Top Senate Democrats pitched their colleagues on a $3.5 trillion budget resolution that would pave the way to pass a wide-ranging spending package without any Republican votes.

Nancy and Paul Pelosi Making Millions in Stock Trades in Companies She Actively Regulates. The Speaker, already one of the richest members in Congress, has become far richer through investment maneuvers in Big Tech, as she privately chats with their CEOs.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Trans-Alaska pipeline under threat from thawing permafrost. Structural integrity of the pipeline and potential oil spills are at risk.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Biden to restore protections for Tongass National Forest in Alaska:
Former President Donald J. Trump invited mining and logging to a vast wilderness of bald eagles, black bears and 800-year-old trees.

Why Nauru is pushing the world toward deep-sea mining: A small South Pacific nation gave the International Seabed Authority a two-year deadline to finalize the rules for mining the deep sea https://www.hakaimagazine.com/news/why-nauru-is-pushing-the-world-toward-deep-sea-mining/

Brazil’s Amazon is now a carbon source, unprecedented study reveals.
According to a study published today in Nature, the Brazilian Amazon is emitting more carbon than it captures.

Infrastructure Summer: The Senate Budget Deal Kicks Off a Flurry of Negotiation This is only the beginning of a long, long process.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Since his release from prison in the 1980s, Carlos Rafael has ruthlessly run his Massachusetts seafood business with little regard for the law.
But is there any other way to survive the gauntlet of restrictions on the New England fishing industry?

USDA Attacks Amish Farmers Selling REAL Food to Protect Corporate Industrial Farming The vast majority of the American population is completely ignorant about the United States militarized industrial corporate food system https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/usda-attacks-amish-farmers-selling-real-food-to-protect-corporate-industrial-farming/

# Food Recalls / Alerts
The Tyson recall expanded again this week is being updated to alert consumers that the recalled ready-to-eat products were used in additional products produced by other establishments and retailers.

FDA outbreak investigations ongoing; three new illness clusters
identified: The table below shows outbreak investigations being managed by FDA’s CORE Response Teams. The investigations are in a variety of stages.

Deli patrons urged to get hepatitis A vaccinations because of infected employee A case of hepatitis A has been diagnosed in an employee who recently handled food at Zayde’s Deli in Memphis, TN.

# Global Politics and other news
Kremlin Leak Appears to Confirm Existence of Trump Kompromat: A leaked document cryptically refers to “certain events” that happened during Trump’s “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory.” An alleged leak from the heart of the Kremlin appears to show them boasting about kompromat.

Cuba’s President Admits Mistakes As Country Concedes to Protesters’ Demands https://mcutimes.com/cubas-president-admits-mistakes-as-country-concedes-to-protesters-demands/

Poland Just Bought America’s M1 Abrams Tank. That’s Ironic. Ironically, the M1 Abrams was originally designed to fight Poland when the country was a member of the Warsaw Pact.

Exclusive: Documents suggest Russia launched secret multi-agency effort to interfere in US democracy. Leaked Kremlin Papers Show Just How Important It Was To Russia That Trump Become President https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/15/kremlin-papers-appear-to-show-putins-plot-to-put-trump-in-white-house

Leaked Kremlin documents support claim that Russia has compromising material on Trump https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/leaked-kremlin-documents-support-claim-that-russia-has-compromising-material-on-trump-report-says/ar-AAMbyKB?ocid=winp1taskbar

Intelligence security experts react to bombshell new Trump-Putin allegations with skepticism https://www.salon.com/2021/07/15/intelligence-security-experts-react-to-bombshell-new-trump-putin-allegations-with-skepticism/

# Gov / Politics
It’s Time for George W. Bush to Stand Down and Shut Up. It’s outrageous that the president responsible for the disastrous war in Iraq that helped turned the one in Afghanistan into a quagmire is objecting to Biden’s troop withdrawal.

The dramatic exodus of Democratic Texas lawmakers has choked the political airways in a haze of confusion, posturing and finger-pointing.

Behind the partisan drama lies a profoundly serious struggle over who gets shut out under Texas voting laws. Whose voices will be heard in Texas halls of power? That question beats at the heart of the Democratic quorum break that has brought the Legislature to a halt and focused national attention on GOP efforts to make voting in Texas harder.

Texans testifying on GOP voting bill faced a 17 hour-wait to be heard by lawmakers in the dead of night. Members of the public arrived at the Texas Capitol as early as 6 a.m. to sign up to speak before lawmakers considering the legislation. In the House, public testimony wouldn’t begin until early the next morning.

Here’s why the fight over voting rights is causing another major divide across the US. Republican states are passing several voter restriction laws in response to Trump’s 2020 loss. Here’s how it could impact midterms and 2024 elections.

Miami security firm faces questions in Haiti assassination. For the owner of a small private security company with a history of avoiding paying debts and declaring bankruptcy, it looked like a good
opportunity: Find people with military experience for a job in Haiti.

Retired soldier claims 26 Colombians accused in Haiti assassination were actually hired to protect the President. After 26 Colombians were accused of assassinating Haitian President Jovenel Moise, a retired special forces soldier in Colombia has told CNN that they were actually hired to provide the leader security, and that he himself was approached for the job by a US-based company.

Freedom Is Not Free (That’s Why You Don’t Have Any) Military personnel are out there laying their lives on the line fighting for your right to do as you’re told and toil away at a meaningless job making some rich asshole even richer.

Bomber Joe Biden Strikes Iraq and Syria: Retaliation Breeds More Incidents. Biden is continuing down the path that began with George W.
Bush, with military action used as a substitute for any real foreign policy.

Executive Action Tracker: Updates on what Biden’s getting done.

President Biden and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are scheduled to hold a joint press conference in the East Room of the White House.
Livestream: https://bit.ly/3kiczHP

# Law Enforcement
6th Detroit cop sentenced to prison for extortion. “I fully commend all agencies involved for the hard work and countless hours put forth to bring these corrupt officers to justice.”

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
NY Times reporter breaks down corruption inside the Barr DOJ https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ny-times-reporter-breaks-down-221647809.html

To Build Back Better, Biden Needs to Promptly Staff the Department of Justice. Numerous positions are vacant, threatening progress in a host of areas https://prospect.org/justice/build-back-better-biden-needs-to-promptly-staff-justice-department/

# Medical / Health
More people than ever died of drug overdoses in the US in 2020. At the start of the pandemic, the CDC expressed worry about vulnerable populations, among them drug users. A public health crisis that forced people to be away from each other was a worrying sign.

# Medical Recalls
Johnson & Johnson has found traces of benzene in some Neutrogena and Aveeno-brand sunscreens and has asked customers to stop using them right away.

# Military / DOD
The family of slain U.S. Army Spc. Vanessa Guillen learned this week that among more than a dozen Fort Hood soldiers accused of wrongdoing in her case, none has been removed from the military.

# Military / Global
Russia Sends Fighter Jets to Intercept U.S. Strategic Bombers

Russia warns U.K. and NATO next Black Sea spat will be met with ‘most severe’ response https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-warns-u-k-and-nato-next-black-sea-spat-will-be-met-with-most-severe-response/ar-AAMbBCS?ocid=winp1taskbar

# Veterans / VA
Vietnam War vet dies after Chicago carjackers beat him in broad daylight. After the attempted carjacking and beating of Keith Cooper, witnesses who helped fight off two attackers also helped police track them down.

# Water
Reservoirs at Record Low Water Levels: The U.S. federal government may soon declare a first-ever water shortage in the Colorado River basin by
2022 at the latest. Declaring a water shortage would https://ktla.com/news/local-news/hoover-dam-reservoir-reaches-record-low-water-levels-cutting-down-hydroelectric-power-in-socal/

Lake Mead: Largest US reservoir dips to record low

America’s Two Largest Water Reservoirs at Record Lows https://www.ecowatch.com/water-reservoirs-record-lows-2653781043.html

Can Puget Sound’s orca and salmon survive Seattle’s dams? Federal regulators reassessing the ecological impacts of Skagit River dams.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-07-10

Voices, The Peoples News

July 10, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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# Indigenous
Historic summit of tribes across Pacific Northwest presses dam removal on Inslee, Biden, Congress

# Indigenous / Global
An Indigenous group’s objection to geoengineering spurs a debate about social justice in climate science. The Sámi people of Northern Sweden say blocking out the sun with reflective particles to cool the earth is the kind of thinking that produced the climate crisis in the first place.

# Border / Immigration
A joint immigration proposal by two top Senate Republicans was received with jeers among immigration advocates on both sides of the aisle, but some observers see it as an escape valve if Senate rules don’t allow Democrats to push through their version of immigration reform.

Governors ‘forced’ by Biden admin to handle border crisis on their own: Wolf

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests)
Biden urged to harden government for future pandemics. Public health experts are urging the Biden administration to harden the federal government for future crises, warning that the U.S. is not prepared for the next pandemic.

# Economy / Trade
Biden shifts party further left with new order on business concentration.  President Joe Biden’s new competition executive order moves the Democratic Party further to the left and expands the role of the government in an attempt to help consumers save money and time in dealings with corporations.

Trump calls for GOP senators to withdraw from Biden’s $1.2tr proposal

# Education / Schools
Biden administration cancels additional $55.6 million in student debt

# Environment / Climate / Interior
‘Megadrought’ along border strains US-Mexico water relations. There’s simply not enough water to go around as the region buckles under stress of climate change.
Lake Mead, which serves seven U.S. states and three Mexican states, is drying up.

Nitrous oxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, is on the rise from ocean dead zones
One of our studies from that expedition suggested that the sediments below oxygen-depleted waters are a significant source of nitrous oxide (N2O).

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Global
Ice Dam Bursts Threaten to Increase Sunny Day Floods as Hotter Temperatures Melt Glaciers. Scientists say meltwater flooding will increase as the ice continues to retreat, but will eventually stop, when all the ice is melted and the glaciers are no more.

# Global Politics and other news
The Biden administration has received a request from Haiti to provide U.S. security forces to the Caribbean nation to guard critical infrastructure, according to two congressional sources, as the country grapples with an unpredictable security situation following the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse earlier this week.

Dead Haitian Prez’s Bodyguards to Be Probed as Chaos Spreads. A third politician is now claiming to be the country’s rightful leader, adding another layer of chaos to situation in Haiti.

# Gov / Politics
President Biden’s biggest vulnerability isn’t any single issue. It’s the risk that he could be seen as losing control of events. Six months into Biden’s presidency, illegal crossings of the southern border are at a two-decade high. Violent crime rates are marching upwards. And the Taliban are resurgent in Afghanistan as U.S. forces withdraw.

Five key elements of Biden’s executive order. President Biden’s sweeping executive order on competition targets industries from banking and airlines to technology and health care, declaring war on corporations over anti-competitive practices.

A Country That Has Lost Its Way: U.S. Government and Corporations Combine to Strip Citizens of Their Rights:  “The Biden Administration is calling on Americans to spy on friends, neighbors and family

Biden Inc.: Hunter, Joe, and the Mexican Oligarchs. The Biden family has gotten rich from plying all these political connections.

A Democratic Socialist Agenda Is Possible in Buffalo. It Depends on Labor Unions.
India Walton will need to win over labor and outmaneuver entrenched party machines to exercise the power to govern.

A 7-point-plan to reinstate Donald Trump as president ‘in days, not years’ was handed out at CPAC. Step 1: Get the Black Congressional Caucus to join the Republican Party so they can impeach Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Texas Democrats reportedly weigh leaving state to block Republican-led voting bill.  Leaders of the Democratic caucus in Texas have reportedly argued that leaving the state could become a public relations catastrophe. Instead, they are pushing to slow the legislative process by packing the bill with amendments, the Times reported.

India has a long way to go in confronting China. It is a belated response to China’s actions last year, when the Chinese army surprised ill-prepared Indian soldiers and occupied several square miles of Indian territory in the Ladakh region to build roads and fortify military encampments.

Social Security Chief Says His Firing Is ‘Friday Night Massacre,’ He Won’t Leave Position. Despite his refusal to leave, Saul may have no legal authority at SSA if he is no longer officially employed there and could potentially be cited with trespassing if he physically returns to his former place of employment to resume duties next week.

# Law Enforcement
Senate GOP proposes emergency Capitol Police funding amid spending fight
Senate Republicans are proposing emergency funding for the Capitol Police and National Guard amid a stalemate over a larger House-passed security bill.

Trumpster Gets 5 years for Assaulting Black Teen Who Used ‘Nazi Restricted’ Public Beach.  Lee Mouat, 43, has been sentenced five years in prison and three years of supervised release for a hate crime where he assaulted a Black teen with a bike chain in June 2020.

Cop Who Held Black Mom and Kids at Gunpoint Runs for Sheriff. Darian Dasko was demoted after video of the incident went viral. Now he’s seeking a big promotion.

Texas authorities release security footage from in-custody death of Black inmate

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
DC Court makes it easier to Jail Insurrectionists pending trial: This is not only bad news for Trump, but also for all of his satellite operators, militias and political grifters. Their attorneys are now faced with a steeper uphill climb to keep their clients out of jail.

Feds agree to pay $6.1M to create database for Capitol riot prosecutions. To take on the daunting task, the federal government has turned to Deloitte Financial Advisory Services, a firm prosecutors called “a litigation support vendor with extensive experience providing complex litigation technology services.”

South Dakota AG Claims His Crash Victim Wanted to Die. Jason Ravnsborg says the man he ran over and killed was suicidal and may have thrown himself in front of the car.

# Medical Alternatives / Herbology
Investigators conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 38 randomized controlled trials of omega-3 fatty acids. Overall, they found that omega-3 fatty acids improved cardiovascular outcomes. Results showed a significantly greater reduction in cardiovascular risk in studies of EPA alone rather than EPA+DHA supplements.

# Medical / Health
Thyroid cancer now diagnosed with machine learning-powered hotoacoustic/ultrasound imaging. Recently, a joint research team in Korea has proposed a new non-invasive method to distinguish thyroid nodules from cancer by combining photoacoustic (PA) and ultrasound image technology with artificial intelligence.

Virtual learning may help NICU nurses recognize baby pain. Not only do babies experience pain, but the various levels can be standardized to help nurses recognize and respond to the babies’ cues, if the nurses have the opportunity to learn the scoring tools and skills needed to react appropriately

# Other News
The Creepy Trend Behind the Massachusetts Highway Standoff. Once an obscure offshoot of the sovereign-citizen movement, the Moorish Sovereign scene appears to be having a moment.

‘Rise of the Moors’ members in Massachusetts armed standoff case combative in court appearances. Several members of the “Rise of the Moors,” a group that does not identify with U.S. laws, were combative and chaotic during court arraignments

Trump’s Tech Lawsuit Already Turning Into Fundraising Scheme. Trump supporters think they’re signing on to a class-action lawsuit against social media companies. What they’re really signing on to is a fundraising email list.

Exec Accused of Squatting:  Hamptons Owner Is Harassing Me. Paul Pion accused the owner and a prospective buyer of sending “defamatory memes” to his finance company to try and embarrass him.

# Social
In Many Cities In America, The Criminals Are Starting To Gain Firm Control Of The Streets.  It is heartbreaking to watch our society come apart at the seams all around us

Massachusetts standoff reveals growing extremist threat. The episode reveals that the threat from domestic extremist groups is widespread and increasingly diverse.

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html