Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-28

Voices, The Peoples News

June 28, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Dispossessed, again: Climate change hits Native Americans especially hard. Many Native people were forced into the most undesirable areas of America, first by white settlers, then by the government.

‘The fish are much, much smaller’: study finds Yukon-Alaska salmon declining in size
Climate change and competition with hatchery fish causing chinook, sockeye, chum and coho to shrink and produce fewer eggs

On Native American reservations, the push for more clean water and sanitation

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests)
Hundreds of Thousands Take to the Streets in London to Protest And Fight for Their Children. Massive crowds took to the streets of London today to protest against COVID tyranny.

Only Foreign Wuhan Lab Scientist Plays Down Lab Leak Theory. Danielle Anderson says she never contracted COVID-19 and says it’s most likely the virus originated from a natural source.

Half of COVID Delta Variant Infections in Israel are in Vaccinated People

Vaccinated people are dying from the Delta variant, but in small numbers and almost all are over 50, UK data shows

# Education / Schools
The GOP’s Sharia Law Liars Are Hyping Critical Race Theory. This is the only script Republicans know how to act out now, the same one that they’ve used to demonize Muslims. Here’s how it works, and how to counter it.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals
Boom in Native American oil complicates Biden climate push. Burning of oil from tribal lands overseen by the U.S. government now produces greenhouse gases equivalent to about 12 million vehicles a year

# Environment / Climate / Interior
The West’s Devastating Drought Captured in Aerial Photos. It might be even worse than it looks, experts fear.

NASA’s Space Satellites Are Spying on Our Rising Seas

White House, Senate negotiators try to keep infrastructure deal alive.

How pollution, diversions and drought are squeezing the life out of the lower Arkansas River Valley. Forty years may seem like a long time to develop a plan to save fish and improve water levels for a reservoir

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Prohibited, unlisted, even dangerous ingredients turn up in dietary supplements.
Consumers may think they’re safer or more “natural” than pharmaceuticals, but multiple studies show they are sometimes adulterated

# Food Recalls / Alerts
This Shrimp Sold at Many Major Grocery Chains Was Just Recalled, FDA Says

Dole recalls blueberries in Canada because of positive test for parasite

# Global Politics and other news
When It Comes to America’s Race Issues, Russia Is a Bogeyman. As talk turns once again to Russia’s role in stoking racial tensions ahead of an election, the United States would be wise to look within.

Classified Docs Found at UK Bus Stop Outline Plan for Nuclear Armageddon: The “almost 50 pages” describe details of British military operations, including Royal Navy warship HMS Defender’s passage through Ukrainian waters off the Crimea coast last week, and the likely Russian reaction. They also detail plans for a possible U.K. military presence in Afghanistan after the U.S.-led NATO operation there concludes.

# Gov / Political
Biden gambles on bipartisanship: Biden spent almost two months in what allies have described as an honest search for a bipartisan deal, trying to make good on his promise to find common ground with the other side and fending off pressure from the left to go it alone.

Trump hits Biden, Democrats in post-presidential return to rally stage. Former President Trump took the stage in his first post-presidential rally in Ohio on Saturday evening, lambasting President Biden’s administration, touting the actions of his administration and urging his supporters to back Republicans in next year’s midterm elections.

How Deceptive Campaign Fund-Raising Ensnares Older People. The soiled little secret of on-line political fund-raising is the most aggressive and pernicious practices that campaigns use to lift money, particularly to ensnare unsuspecting older folks, in line with interviews with digital strategists and an examination of federal donation and refund information.

A trio of Republican senators said they accepted President Biden’s clarified remarks that walked-back his previous statement on an infrastructure proposal when he said he would support signing a bipartisan bill if a larger reconciliation package was also passed.

GOP Candidate Bankrolled Jan. 6 Riot Trip With Campaign Cash. Derrick Van Orden barely lost his race to be a Congressman. But then he used campaign funds to get to D.C. for the Jan. 6 riot. Now he’s running again.

Texas House Democrats and legislative staffers take Gov. Greg Abbott to court for defunding Legislature. A group of Texas House Democrats and legislative staffers are asking the state supreme court to override Gov. Greg Abbott’s recent veto of a portion of the state budget that funds legislative operations, including staff salaries.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott could be upsetting balance of powers with threat to veto Texas Legislature’s pay. A governor targeting the Legislature’s budget would be unprecedented in Texas history.

Outrage Won’t Save Our Damaged Democracy. Here’s What Will. First and foremost, Democrats need to hold on to power in 2022 and stop a Republican Party determined to further degrade our democracy.

Trump Sought to Use Insurrection Act to Crush Black Lives Matter Protests in 2020

Revealed: neo-Confederate group includes military officers and politicians

# Law Enforcement
The Ugly War Between a White Police Chief and a Black Mayor. Tarrant, Alabama, has been gripped by a saga that some say reflects the rise of a ruthless politician and others see as the last gasp of a white power structure that won’t let go.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
D.C. Prosecutors Set Their Targets on Don Jr.’s Posse. “These kids were doing events for themselves… by them, for them, with them… with other people’s money.”

Today Is Prosecutors’ Deadline for Trump Org Lawyers: WaPo says New York prosecutors appear to be getting the groundwork ready to hit the former president’s company with criminal charges.

Derek Chauvin gets 22 and a half years in prison for George Floyd’s murder. The former Minneapolis cop’s prison sentence is a capstone to one of the most significant and closely watched police trials in modern history.

Trump Organization executives can’t stomach prison time and may flip if faced with criminal charges, former EVP says

Former Trump Organization executive weighs Trump’s odds of avoiding indictment and jail

Documents Show Ivanka Trump Didn’t Testify Accurately in Inauguration Scandal Case. She said she played no role in planning inaugural events. These records suggest otherwise.

LGBT advocates press Biden to build on early wins: LGBT advocates say they breathed a sigh of relief after President Biden was elected in 2020, and, since then, the administration has moved quickly to reverse discriminatory Trump-era policies and expand protections under civil rights law.

# Media
Attorney: U.S. Case Against Julian Assange Falls Apart, as Key Witness Says He Lied to Get Immunity. One of the main witnesses in Julian Assange’s extradition case has admitted he made false claims against Assange in exchange for immunity

# Medical / Health
Congress should repeal the ‘global gag rule’ permanently: Congress now has a chance to strike down the global gag rule, also known as the Mexico City Policy. It bars organizations abroad that receive U.S. aid from performing abortion, counseling clients about it, or referring them to abortion services.

Bill of the Month: A Hospital Charged $722.50 to Push Medicine Through an IV. Twice. A college student never got an answer for what caused her intense pain, but she did get a bill that totaled $18,736 for an ER visit. She and her mom, a nurse practitioner, fought to understand all the charges

See how hospitals inflate bills and shake down patients for millions. Is your hospital among the worst offenders?

Researchers Found Variable Aluminum Content in Infant Vaccines Inaccurately Measured and Reported

NY Couple Furloughed for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine Over Pregnancy Concerns
A New York couple has filed a lawsuit with the Queens Supreme Court after both were furloughed from their catering jobs for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, citing unknown effects on conception and pregnancy.

# Military / DOD
The U.S. just launched more airstrikes in Iraq. Has Biden learned nothing?

# Military / Global
Ukraine, US to start Black Sea drills despite Russian protest

# Other News
Miami-Dade mayor: 5 dead, 156 unaccounted for as Surfside search continues

# Science
Sleeper cells: Newly discovered stem cell resting phase could put brain tumors to sleep

# UFO’s
Up in the air! US government’s UFO report stirs range of reactions

# Veterans / VA
In a First, Texas Passes Law to Study Psychedelics to Treat PTSD in Veterans

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-25

Voices, The Peoples News

June 25, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Indigenous memories can help scientists save species from extinction. From Canada to the Amazon, scientists are trying to learn from Native knowledge before it’s too late.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests)
After 300 Million Injections and as Demand Wanes FDA Finally Issues Warning on mRNA COVID-19 Shots for Heart Failure

45-Year-Old Bartender Tells World: “Shut the Hell Up and Get Your Vaccine!” He Died 1 Month Later Following the Moderna mRNA Shot

COVID vaccines and breastfeeding: The vaccines do not pass through breastmilk, but antibodies do, providing hope that breastfed babies might have some level of protection.

Leading US Scientist Finds China Scrubbed Early COVID Data That Could Help Explain Origins. A leading US expert in influenza viruses has discovered early sequences of the coronavirus genome from a global database at the request of Chinese researchers.

New Study Links Ivermectin to ‘Large Reductions’ in COVID-19 Deaths. The use of the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin could lead to “large reductions” in COVID-19 deaths and may have a “significant impact” on the pandemic globally, according to a recent pre-print review based on peer-reviewed studies.

Nearly 4,000 people in Massachusetts who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 have contracted the virus, adding to the growing number of breakthrough cases nationwide.

G–gle, USAID Funded Wuhan Collaborator Peter Daszak’s Virus Experiments for Over a Decade. G–gle funded research conducted by Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, a controversial group which has openly collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on “killer” bat coronavirus research, for over a decade, The National Pulse can reveal.

Fauci fought Trump order to cancel research grant linked to Wuhan lab. Dr. Anthony Fauci fought orders from the Trump administration to revoke a research grant to a nonprofit linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, only to “reluctantly agree” after it was implied that his job might be on the line

# Economy / Trade
GOP Legislative Majority Passes $13.5 Billion State Budget, Controversial Policy Trailer Bill

China slams US curbs on solar materials as economic attack. China’s government on Friday criticized U.S. curbs on imports of solar panel materials that might be made with forced labor as an attack on its development and said Beijing will protect Chinese companies, but gave no details of possible retaliation.

# Education / Schools
Parents Rail Against ‘Critical Race Theory’ by Hurling Racist Abuse at Black School Bosses

What the hysteria over critical race theory is really all about: Conservatives have launched a growing disinformation campaign around the academic concept. It’s an attempt to push back against progress.

# Employment / Labor
Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Could Cut Unemployment Benefits, Experts Warn
A bipartisan group of senators believes $80 billion in revenue can be derived from a crackdown on “unemployment fraud.”

# Environment / Climate / Interior
EPA Inaction Blamed as US Bees Suffer Second Highest Colony Losses on Record
Beekeepers this year in the United States reported the second highest annual loss of managed honey bee colonies since records began in 2006

Op-ed: Want to keep toxic chemicals out of the environment? Start with campaign finance reform. Limits on money in politics would clear a path for science to inform public health decision-making.

Drought, the everything disaster. Nearly 89 percent of nine western states are in some form of drought, and more than a quarter of the region is considered in exceptional drought

Environmentalists file federal lawsuit in Piney Point disaster. The lawsuit asks a federal judge to oversee the clean-up and closure of the old Manatee County fertilizer plant.

Columbia River’s Bradford Island gets new push for toxic Superfund status
Indigenous tribes and environmentalists are calling on the Biden administration to live up to its commitment to environmental justice

U.S. House panel approves legislation to clean up toxic ‘forever chemicals’: The U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee has approved major bipartisan legislation that aims to reduce Americans’ exposure to toxic chemicals

Infrastructure breakthrough marks victory for political center. President Biden’s deal with a bipartisan group of 10 senators is throwing a lifeline to one of Washington’s most endangered species: The political center.

# Global Politics and other news
Israel’s Sending Robots With Machine Guns to the Gaza Border. The “world’s largest open-air prison” gets a new set of guards.

Russia says will respond firmly to any further provocative actions by UK in Black Sea.  Russia warned Britain on Thursday that it would bomb British naval vessels in the Black Sea if there were any further provocative actions by the British navy off the coast of Russia-annexed Crimea.

Russian General Defends Right to Use Nuclear Weapons if Existence of State Is Threatened

Russia warns of ‘a real conflict’ with NATO over Black Sea naval exercises

# Gov / Political
Eric Adams Has Been Retooling the Racist Republican Playbook. He closed his campaign talking about racism as a way to insulate himself from fair criticisms and questions, while pushing policies that would harm Black and Brown New Yorkers.

Pelosi Announces A Select Committee To Investigate The Capitol Riot. The speaker’s decision comes after Democrats attempted to set up a bipartisan commission, which was blocked by Senate Republicans.

The Department of Justice is suing the state of Georgie over its controversial law imposing a number of new restrictions on voting, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Friday.

Eight years ago, the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act. Widespread voter suppression resulted. Twenty-six states have since passed restrictive voting laws, including 10 that previously needed federal approval.

# Law Enforcement
Mob gathers in Portland after deadly officer-involved shooting; some throw items at officers

South Carolina cops on leave after arrest video goes viral. “There is no reason for the level of force we saw on that video yesterday. There’s no reason for that.”

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
New York Supreme Court case is devastating to Rudy and The Steal: “The Court contends that the repondent’s conduct [Rudy], directly inflamed tensions that bubbled over into the events of January 6, 2021 in this nation’s Capitol.” “Accordingly, the AGC’s motions should be granted and respondent is suspended from the practice of law in the State of New York, effectively immediately.”

Justice Samuel Alito has drawn attention for his fiery criticism of Supreme Court rulings, with some court watchers especially struck by the degree of barely concealed hostility he directed at fellow conservative justices.

Why Derek Chauvin’s sentencing will be rarity for the US legal system. On Friday, Chauvin will be sentenced based on the most serious offense, second-degree murder, which carries a maximum charge of 40 years.

A federal judge on Thursday weighed whether to dismiss Dominion’s defamation lawsuits. He seemed skeptical of arguments from lawyers for Rudy Giuliani, Mike Lindell, and Sidney Powell. Dominion is suing all three Trump allies over election conspiracy theories.

DOJ Nominee Worked With Hunter Biden at Law Firm Tied to Ukrainian Energy Giant. Hunter Biden laptop emails indicate he attended private dinner with DOJ nominee. Joe Biden’s nominee for a top Justice Department position worked alongside Hunter Biden at a prominent law firm that represented Ukrainian energy giant Burisma Holdings

A 13-Yr-Old Puts Homophobic Ex-Virginia Lawmaker to Shame. Dick Black’s incendiary comments derailed a school hearing on transgender rights. But it was the young girl who spoke before him who had a message everyone needs to hear.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
The House Appropriations Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee approved a bill containing marijuana banking protections and letting Washington, D.C. legalize cannabis sales, in contrast to President Joe Biden’s budget.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is recommending a global ban on marijuana advertising—but some advocates see it as a sign that the prohibitionist body is coming to terms with the fact that legalization is inevitable.

# Media
Should reporters challenge or ignore election disbelievers?  Matt Negrin’s campaign to ban “election deniers” from television news failed to achieve his original goal, which was to prevent a significant number of Americans from believing the lie that Donald Trump didn’t lose the presidential election to Joe Biden.

# Medical Alternatives / Herbology
Calm Anxiety Naturally: 7 Top Substances. In the face of the mounting costs of anxiety in the U.S. and globally, here are seven substances that act as natural anti-anxiety agents and may make a difference

It’s Not B.S.: There Are Actual, Science-Backed Benefits to Drinking Lemon Water

# Medical / Health
Climate Change Could Fuel the Spread of a Flesh-Eating Parasite. A small but growing number of leishmaniasis cases are being reported in the U.S. As climate change pushes rodent and sand fly habitat northward, scientists caution that in the future, an increasing number of U.S. residents could be exposed to the flesh-eating parasites.

Lifting the Curtain on a Long-Neglected Disease: The Kissing Bug: 300K Americans may live with a chronic, deadly disease transmitted by the ‘kissing bug.’ What is Chagas and why are doctors missing it?

This Is How Stem-Cell Therapy Treats Serious Brain Injuries. Stem-cell therapy, optimizing hormone levels as part of protocols focused on reducing neuroinflammation, reveals exceptional potential to treat TBI, CTE and PTSD.

House panels launch investigation into controversial Alzheimer’s drug. An important next step in the furor over the new Alzheimer’s drug: Two House committees on Friday announced they are launching an investigation into the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) controversial approval of Aduhelm, and the drug’s $56,000 a year price.

# Military / DOD
Pentagon punches back against GOP culture wars. Republicans are increasingly pulling the military into their culture wars — and the military is increasingly hitting back.

# Military / Global
Iraq and Afghanistan veteran believes the culture war ‘fully bled into the military’

# Social
Greater disparities to emerge in Texas as unemployment benefits, protections against evictions and utility shutoffs end. The financial safety net for the pandemic will vanish this summer, and there are two very different economic realities for Texans returning to “normal.”

CDC extends its eviction ban: The federal government’s pandemic-related eviction moratorium, which was scheduled to expire June 30, has been extended to July 31, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention order released Thursday

Black nationalists declare ‘legal residency’ in Newark woman’s home, police disagree
Newark homeowner called in police last week after four Black nationalists moved into a new home she was renovating and declared that as sovereign citizens of the Al Moroccan Empire, “their status permitted them access to the property,” authorities said.

# Tips, Tricks and How To’s
6 simple hacks that will cool you down without air-conditioning during the coming heat wave. As climate change causes extreme heat in unexpected places, people without AC may not think they have the ability to lower the temperature inside. But there are ways to cool down, even if you’re not able to buy a new appliance.

# UFO’s
The U.S. Is About to Change the Way the World Thinks About UFOs

US intel report confirms more than 140 UFO sightings: Of the 144 such encounters, just one was identified with high confidence while the others remain a mystery, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said in a report sent to Congress.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-12

Voices, The Peoples News

June 12, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Border / Immigration
‘Dangerous and Unconscionable’: Amnesty Finds Biden Is Illegally Expelling Thousands of Unaccompanied Children. “The Biden administration is summarily returning almost all unaccompanied Mexican children just hours after they seek safe haven, often without considering the risks they could face upon return.”

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests)
CDC to hold ’emergency meeting’ on heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccines
An advisory panel of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will hold an emergency meeting on June 18 to discuss rare reports of heart inflammation after doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

Censored in the Corporate Media Hundreds of Medical Professionals Speak Out on Medscape Forum Warning about Dangers of COVID Injections

Paul Offit’s Biggest Concern About COVID Vaccines: Eric Topol, editor-in-chief of Medscape. “It’s a special privilege to welcome Paul Offit, who is my go-to expert on vaccines”

1,295 DEAD in UK Following COVID Bioweapon Shots – Italy Halts AstraZeneca Shots After Teen Dies

CDC to Convene Emergency Meeting on 226 Reports of Heart Inflammation After COVID Vaccine in People Under 30

Nearly 800 Reports of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination in US

Study shows hydroxychloroquine and zinc treatments increased coronavirus survival rate by almost three times

Tensions rise as US, China discuss COVID-19 origin, human rights violations

# Economy / Trade
Half of the pandemic’s unemployment money may have been stolen. Criminals may have stolen as much as half of the unemployment benefits the U.S. has been pumping out over the past year, some experts say. Unemployment fraud during the pandemic could easily reach 400 billion, according to some estimates

# Education / Schools
The future of online education is in flux after Texas lawmakers failed to pass a bill that would have funded schools that chose to offer remote instruction next year, leaving families who planned to enroll their students scrambling to make alternate arrangements.

Far-Right Snitch Network Targets Schools That Talk Race. A new crop of right-leaning political organizations has emerged to blast money at the “critical race theory” panic on the right.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Whales in the Monterey Bay benefited from quieter waters during the pandemic
From communication and finding food to reproducing and avoiding predators, noise pollution affects whales in many different ways.

Biden moves to reverse Trump opening of Alaska forest to logging

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Global
Edge of Pine Island Glacier’s ice shelf is ripping apart, causing key Antarctic glacier to gain speed

# Global Politics and other news
The Novichok Chronicles: A Tale of Two Hoaxes. Was this a covert operation to create political conflict against Russia?

Russia launches satellite with high resolution camera to help Iran

Iran and Venezuela are testing Biden with suspected weapons transfer

In NBC interview, Putin says he can work with Biden

# Gov / Political
The Republican War on Protests. Republican state legislators across 34 states have introduced more than 80 bills this year that criminalize protesting or protect those who harm protesters.

Donald Trump Must Be Prosecuted for His Crimes. Holding Trump and William Barr to account is not a matter of political payback. This is about the future of our republic.

U.S.: From mass airstrikes to targeted terrorist attack: Washington continues to insist on Bashar al-Assad government “illegitimacy” and actively supports so-called moderate opposition.

Trump’s Nazi Police State: Bill Barr ‘knew what he was hiding’ when he lied to Senate panel about secret investigations: former FBI official

Progressives want to tighten screws beyond Manchin and Sinema. Manchin and Sinema have earned headlines — and barbs from the grassroots — by putting brakes on filibuster reform and, in Manchin’s case, by opposing sweeping voting rights legislation.

Simmering Democratic tensions show signs of boiling over. Fights over the filibuster. Tensions over Israel. Bickering over police funding. And grumbling over immigration policy.

Progressives say pressure on Democratic centrists over ending the filibuster needs to move beyond Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.).

With Texas political mapmakers now certain that the state will get two more U.S. House seats, the focus shifts to where those districts will go and how others will be redrawn. One scenario would create a district centered in Austin.

Legislators introduced more than 100 proposals in 33 different states that would restrict the right to protest. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently signed two new protest-related bills into law

Arizona Lawmaker Responds to AG Garland: ‘You Will Not Touch Arizona Ballots or Machines Unless You Want to Spend Time in Arizona Prison.’ Earlier on Friday, the Biden Department of Justice warned state lawmakers that if they proceeded to audit fraudulent elections, they will be targeted by the Biden administration

Why a Judge Has Georgia Vote Fraud on His Mind: ‘Pristine’ Biden Ballots That Looked Xeroxed

Biden to send $150M in Military aid to Ukraine as Russia eyes U.S. Forces ahead of summit

China, US diplomats clash over human rights, pandemic origin

GOP Rep. Byron Donalds says that he’s being blocked from joining the Congressional Black Caucus because of his conservative views

Biden will hold a solo news conference rather than pairing with Putin after their summit.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Sessions Claims He’s Clueless About His DOJ Snooping on Dems. The former Attorney General oversaw dozens of leak investigations. But he’s telling associates he knew nothing about this particular one.

Chicago Cop Donned Police Hoodie While Storming Capitol: Karol Chwiesiuk was once anointed “police officer of the month.” On Friday, he appeared before a federal judge.

DOJ to probe Trump-era subpoenas of lawmaker records. The Justice Department’s internal watchdog will investigate the secret seizure of data from Democratic lawmakers and reporters during leak investigations initiated under the Trump administration.

# Media
Chris Hedges: Julian Assange and the Collapse of the Rule of Law: Chris Hedges gave this talk at a rally Thursday night in New York City in support of Julian Assange. John and Gabriel Shipton, Julian’s father and brother, also spoke at the event, which was held at The People’s Forum.

Despite wearing a press vest and holding a government press card, Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent Givara Budeiri was violently assaulted and arrested by Israeli police on June 5.

Israel releases Al Jazeera journalist after hours-long arrest. Givara Budeiri was assaulted during her arrest while covering a demonstration in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of occupied East Jerusalem.

# Medical / Health
As Big Pharma Stock Soars, Third FDA Adviser Resigns Over Approval of Alzheimer’s Drug. The doctor and panel member wrote that it “was probably the worst drug approval decision in recent U.S. history.”

# Military / DOD
Pentagon to redirect $2.2B in border wall funds back to military projects. The Pentagon will restore $2.2 billion to military construction projects that were stripped by the Trump administration to pay for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border

Eying Russia, Pentagon to send Ukraine counter-drone, electronic warfare equipment

# Technology
House unveils antitrust package to rein in tech giants: A House antitrust panel on Friday unveiled a bipartisan agenda made up of five bills that would give regulators greater authority to rein in the power of tech giants.

# Weather
Dangerous heat wave headed to the West: Latest forecast: Temps will climb to 118 degrees in Palm Springs and 117 degrees in Phoenix.

# Water
A Sinister Agenda Behind California Water Crisis? Looming Food Supply Catastrophe
California Water Board officials have been making the crisis far worse by draining the state water reservoirs…into the ocean.

The Looming Water Disaster That Could Destroy California, and Enrich Its Billionaire Farmers

‘It is heartbreaking’: California farmers face tough decisions as drought worsens
Thousands of acres of farmland are drying up in California as the state is in a drought. Water is scarce and farm employees are left without work. Del Bosque Farms owner Joe Del Bosque said he is worried they “may go out of business.”

Until the Last Drop | California Water Documentary: Until the Last Drop examines the rivers that have transformed the San Joaquin Valley, helped create California’s greatest cities and nourished a nation

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NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items:

The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-24

Voices, The Peoples News

June 24, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
The U.S. stole generations of Indigenous children to open the West: The Department of Interior announced plans to review the legacy of Indian boarding schools. Read Nick Estes’ 2019 story that looked into how these schools used children as a tool to open the West.

Hundreds of Graves Found at 2nd Indigenous School in Canada. In May, investigators found the remains of 215 children at a British Columbia boarding school for Indigenous kids.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls Why Are Large Numbers Of Birds Suddenly Dropping Dead In Multiple U.S.
As if we didn’t have enough weird things going on, now birds are suddenly dropping dead in large numbers all across the eastern half of the country.

# Archaeology
Puzzling skull discovery may point to previously unknown human ancestor.
Researchers from Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have identified a new type of early human at the Nesher Ramla site, dated to 140,000 to 120,000 years ago https://scitechdaily.com/archaeologists-make-dramatic-discovery-a-prehistoric-human-type-previously-unknown-to-science/

Archaeologist discovers 6,000 year-old island settlement off Croatian coast. Croatia has a long history of underwater archaeological research, especially of shipwrecks and the history of sea travel and trade in Classical Antiquity, but also including intermittent discoveries of submerged prehistoric archaeology.

# Border / Immigration
ICE force-fed immigrants who went on hunger strikes to protest poor conditions, new report https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/adolfoflores/immigrants-ice-hunger-strikes-force-feeding

Smuggled Video Provides Glimpse Of Dangerous And ‘Heartbreaking’
Conditions At El Paso Migrant Camp.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) The COVID Shots. Are they Really Saving Us?

Mandatory Vaccination Lawsuit by Houston Methodist Hospital Employees Dismissed

Covid-19 vaccine trials cannot tell us if they will save lives. None of the current trials are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospitalisations, intensive care use, or deaths https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/covid-19-vaccine-trials-cannot-tell-us-if-they-will-save-lives/

Researcher Says He Uncovered 13 Deleted COVID-19 Sequences. The files were uncovered on Google Cloud, a cloud storage software.

Pfizer, Moderna COVID Vaccines Linked to 1,200 Cases of Rare Heart Inflammation https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-06-23/cdc-advisers-likely-link-between-rare-heart-inflammation-cases-and-pfizer-moderna-covid-19-vaccines

Israel says the Delta variant is infecting vaccinated people – as many as 50% of cases. But they are less severe.

Wolves in Sheep Clothing – Republican Governors are Pro-Bioweapon Injections Despite Opposing COVID-19 “Vaccine Passports”

Biden Admin Partnering with Private Sector to Bribe Kids with Xboxes to Get Shots https://dailycaller.com/2021/06/22/tiktok-xbox-jen-psaki-vaccination-kids-anthony-fauci/

17 Million Americans Likely Had Covid In Early 2020 And Didn’t Know It.
Antibody testing on undiagnosed adults suggests that there may have been five times more cases than officially reported.

Rare Heart Condition In Young ‘Likely’ Linked To mRNA Vaccines: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 323 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis have been verified in people who received the Pfizer or Moderna covid vaccine.

San Francisco Chronicle: S.F. Will Require All City Workers To Be Vaccinated. Those Who Don’t Could Be Fired https://www.sfchronicle.com/health/article/S-F-will-require-all-city-workers-to-be-16269840.php

‘Inappropriate’ Or A Relief? How Houston Methodist Patients, Workers Feel About Vaccination Firings. A day after Houston Methodist finalized the terminations and resignations of 153 workers who had refused the
COVID-19 vaccine, opinions swirled across one of Houston’s largest hospital systems https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/health/article/Inappropriate-or-a-relief-How-Houston-16269007.php

U.S. Confirms Removal of Wuhan Virus Sequences From Database. Details of the genetic makeup of some of the earliest samples of coronavirus in China were removed from an American database where they were initially stored at the request of Chinese researchers, U.S. officials confirmed, adding to concerns over secrecy surrounding the outbreak and its origins.

Virus Expert Just Broadcast This Big Warning: “I think there’s a universal agreement among the COVID-19 experts that the Delta variant is by far the most dangerous SARS-CoV-2 mutation or variant that we’ve seen to date,” said Osterholm.

Gregg Jarrett: COVID and China – Dr. Fauci’s tangled web of deceit just got bigger. Fauci, medical adviser to the president, has already been accused by Sen. Rand Paul of lying during a recent Senate hearing https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/covid-china-fauci-deceipt-gregg-jarrett

The Way To Reduce The Effects Of The Delta Variant Is Simple — But Will Americans Listen?

What parents should know about rare cases of heart inflammation in young people after a COVID-19 vaccine

# Economy / Trade
Famous firms pulling out of the People’s Republic. Click or scroll through the gallery for 29 world-famous firms partially or completely pulling out of the People’s Republic.

6 Chinese Manufacturers of Solar Industry Materials Blacklisted From U.S. Market

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Most wind and solar power installed last year is generating cheaper power than the lowest-cost fossil fuel alternative, an International Renewable Energy Agency report finds.

Renewable Energy Is Now The Cheapest Option – Even Without Subsidies https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesellsmoor/2019/06/15/renewable-energy-is-now-the-cheapest-option-even-without-subsidies/?sh=36328eb25a6b

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Inside an Ugly New Extremist Wave Stoked by Historic Drought. If online and IRL bluster are any indication, a genuine, complicated water emergency in the West might give rise to violent clashes.

‘The water is coming’: Florida Keys faces stark reality as seas rise.
Officials prepare to elevate streets despite financial shortfalls, amid recognition that not every home can be saved https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/24/florida-keys-climate-change-sea-level-rise

This barge capsized and leaked a massive stream of toxic coal ash near Florida A plume of ash roughly 1,000 feet long could be seen spilling out of the half-submerged barge https://www.vice.com/en/article/epnagz/coal-ash-florida-barge-capsize-aes-puerto-rico

Legal Experts Define Ecocide: An international panel of 12 legal experts has drafted an official definition of ecocide this week after months of deliberation. The definition was released with a proposed law that would be the fifth crime prosecuted by the International Criminal Court if enacted.

Democrats and Republicans want to fund infrastructure using federal unemployment benefits yanked from workers

‘We have a deal’: Biden reaches $1.2 trillion infrastructure compromise with bipartisan group of senators https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2021/06/24/senators-meet-biden-infrastructure-raising-hope-deal/7777660002/

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Senate Democrats Call For FDA Action On High Levels Of Heavy Metals In Some Baby Food https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/559862-senate-democrats-call-for-fda-action-on-high-levels-of-heavy-metals-in-some

White farmer wins temporary halt to program for Black counterparts. A federal judge ordered the USDA not to issue payments under the program for ‘socially disadvantaged’ farmers until she can rule on the merits of the case.

The history of discrimination against Black farmers in the U.S.: A farmer’s life is never an easy one. But for many African American farmers, their work has been complicated by discrimination and often at the hand of government officials.

# Global Politics and other news
Afghan government could collapse six months after US withdrawal, new intelligence assessment says https://thehill.com/policy/defense/559894-intel-analysis-afghan-government-could-collapse-six-months-after-us-troops

Satellite Images Appear to Show Iran Preparing for Second Rocket Launch This Month https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/22/politics/iran-failed-satellite-launch/index.html

China’s growth “cannot be stopped by anyone,” a Chinese official declared on Thursday as he warned the United States against any further contact with Taiwan.
China ‘Cannot Be Stopped by Anyone,’ Beijing Defense Official Warns U.S.:

China Military Holds ‘Record-Breaking’ Drill in Tibet Amid Heightened Tensions. The Chinese military recently conducted “record-breaking”
training in Tibet amid rising regional tensions with India, as the South Asian country begins military drills with the United States.

# Gov / Political
Senators involved in bipartisan negotiations say they’ve agreed to an infrastructure “framework” that White House officials signed off on, they’ll meet with President Biden to brief him.

(Defense News) President Joe Biden is set to nominate the chief executive of the U.S.-Russia Foundation and a former National Security Council official on Russia to be the assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs.

Earthquake: Black candidates rack up city wins: Voters are turning to outsider candidates to run their cities in a political earthquake that has ousted incumbents and shattered expectations across the country.

McConnell Is Stacking the Courts and Using Voter Suppression to Maintain Power Mitch McConnell has established himself as the U.S.’s most dangerous practitioner of might-is-right politics.

U.S. House committee due to consider sweeping China bill next week https://www.todayonline.com/world/us-house-committee-due-consider-sweeping-china-bill-next-week

House passes veterans contraception, LGBTQ business bills previously blocked by GOP https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/house-passes-veterans-contraception-lgbtq-business-bills-previously-blocked-by-gop/ar-AALps4L?ocid=winp1taskbar

Yes to a Biden-Xi summit: While the meetings behind closed doors were far more professional, both sides put on a show for the reporters who were ushered into the room.

US diplomat says US no longer sees Taiwan as problem in relationship with China https://thehill.com/policy/international/asia-pacific/560032-us-diplomat-says-us-no-longer-sees-taiwan-as-problem-in

Alright, Alright, Alright: Poll Shows Matthew McConaughey In Striking Distance Of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

# Law Enforcement
National Guard chief says Capitol quick-reaction force better suited for law-enforcement agencies https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us/2021-06-23/National-Guard-chief-says-Capitol-quick-reaction-force-better-suited-for-law-enforcement-agencies-1784067.html

Plan for National Guard security force on Capitol Hill faces political pushback https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/05/19/plan-for-national-guard-security-force-on-capitol-hill-faces-political-pushback/

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Secret Weisselberg & Trump meets at Trump Tower May Yield Obstruction for Disgraced Ex- Prez: The Trump organization seems to have circled its wagons, with frequent meetings of the clan, advisors, and attorneys in Trump Tower. I suspect news of possible ‘state Rico charges’, with everyone in company is tagged as a group for ‘running a continuing criminal enterprize.’

House investigates possible shadow operation in Trump justice department https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/24/house-democrats-justice-department-shadow-operation-investigation

Rudy Giuliani Was Just Suspended From Practicing Law in New York. The former Trump attorney’s election lies have landed him in hot water.

NY attorney general says Trump Org probe is now criminal. The New York attorney general’s office said Tuesday that it is conducting a criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump’s business empire, expanding what had previously been a civil probe.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
House Appropriations Committee leaders are defying President Joe Biden by filing a spending bill that would allow Washington, D.C. to legalize marijuana sales.

Biden admin opposes cannabis research bill for veterans (Newsletter:
June 24, 2021)

Multiple Adult-Use Legalization Laws to Take Effect Next Week. Once the new state laws are enacted, an estimated 145 million Americans – or more than 40 percent of the country – will live in a jurisdiction where the use of cannabis by adults is legal.

# Media
PressTV domain seized by US government: Kevin Barrett & Scott Bennett Respond on Press TV. The White House has not officially commented on the matter.

# Medical / Health
Biden Quietly Transforms Medicaid Safety Net: The Biden administration is quietly engineering a series of expansions to Medicaid that may bolster protections for millions of low-income Americans and bring more people into the program.

# Military / DOD
Austin, Milley push back on lawmakers’ extremism, critical race theory challenges The Pentagon’s top leaders on Wednesday offered full-throated defenses of their handling of extremism and diversity issues amid challenges from House Republicans skeptical of efforts to root out radicals and racists in the military force.

Gen. Milley Fires Back at Matt Gaetz’s ‘Offensive’ Question: “What is wrong with understanding, having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?” Milley declared on Wednesday.

A week after China flew a record sortie of 28 fighter jets into Taiwan’s air defense zone, the U.S. Navy sent the guided-missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur through the narrow strait dividing Taiwan from mainland China.

Extended-Range Guided MLRS Soars in Flight Test. (Lockheed Martin) Lockheed Martin’s Extended-Range Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (ER GMLRS) exceeds the range of the current munition offering enhanced capability, flexibility and ability to restore advantage throughout the battlespace.

MDA Chief: US needs hybrid system to defend Guam from missile threats:
(USNI News) The U.S. will likely need to deploy a hybrid system to defend Guam due to its difficult terrain and the variety of missile threats it faces, the head of the Missile Defense Agency said this week.

Pentagon linguist sentenced to 23 years for exposing US sources in Iraq to Hezbollah in rare terrorism espionage case https://ground.news/article/pentagon-linguist-sentenced-to-23-years-for-exposing-us-sources-in-iraq-to-hezbollah-in-rare-terrorism-espionage-case

(Army Times) If the Army is serious about countering the Chinese military in the Pacific, it needs to permanently station an Armored Brigade Combat Team on Taiwan, according to some think tankers.

(Air Force Magazine) Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
(ISR) aircraft are among the Air Force’s most-requested assets worldwide, but the service wants to cut back the number of combat air patrols it supports on any given day so it can free up funds in the fiscal 2022 budget to develop next-generation platforms.

Biden Administration Plans to Spend $109.8 Billion on Nuclear Submarines. A Columbia-class submarine is essentially an over $100 billion initiative to deliver 16,128 Hiroshimas.

Pentagon Insider Warns Joe Biden Against ‘Major War’ With China in Open Letter

# Social
Black and Hispanic Americans Suffer Most in Biggest US Decline in Life Expectancy Since WWII. The pandemic will undermine Americans’ health for years. Even those not infected by the coronavirus could suffer health problems related to poverty, job loss, eviction, or all of the above.

# Space
What is the Drake Equation: the math that predicts how many alien civilizations are out there https://www.zmescience.com/science/what-is-the-drake-equation-the-math-that-predicts-how-many-alien-civilizations-are-out-there/

# Technology
John McAfee Found Dead in Spanish Prison Cell. The software magnate reportedly died just hours after a Spanish court approved his extradition to the United States.

Northrop CEO: To beat China, US must step up investments in advanced computing
(C4ISRNET) The United States is at risk at falling behind China in the realm of computing, Northrop Grumman’s top executive said.

US Cyber Command exercise will help shape new tactics for changing threats
(C4ISRNET) U.S. Cyber Command is using its annual training exercise this week to codify best practices for defensive cyber teams.

# UFO’s
Pentagon Likely Thinks UFOs ‘Not Human,’ Astrophysicist Says Ahead of Report https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/pentagon-likely-thinks-ufos-not-human-astrophysicist-says-ahead-of-report/ar-AALmqJX?ocid=winp1taskbar

# Veterans / VA
New bill would make extra pandemic assistance permanent for homeless veterans

(Navy Times) Sailors who have given birth will now have an additional three months to recover before they are required to take the physical fitness assessment.

Wounded Iraq War veteran gets custom-built home through Gary Sinise’s charity (Army Times) Retired Army Capt. Juan Guerrero and his family moved into a specialized smart home, mortgage-free, outside of San Antonio, Texas, last week.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-23

Voices, The Peoples News

June 23, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
US to investigate ‘unspoken traumas’ of Native American boarding schools Deb Haaland announces initiative to ‘uncover the truth’ of policies that forced Indigenous children to assimilate https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/22/us-investigation-native-american-boarding-schools

Shawnee reclaim the great Serpent Mound. The Summer Solstice, June 20, the longest day of the year, marks the first time that the Shawnee tribe has officially returned to the Serpent Mound located in Ohio to present their history and connection to this place that they called home so many years ago.

A federal judge dismisses the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s case against the Dakota Access pipeline developer but outlines a path for future legal challenges.

Native Americans no longer silent as racial tensions build amid new Klamath water crisis https://www.oregonlive.com/environment/2021/05/silent-no-more-klamath-tribes-want-voice-heard-on-water-basin-issues.html

# Indigenous / Global
Indigenous tribes protest proposed law stripping land rights in Brazil

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls US Navy’s powerful shock exercise harms marine mammals, expert says. The US navy set off a massive explosion last week, detonating a 40,000lb blast as part of a test to determine whether its newest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald Ford, is ready for war.

# Border / Immigration
Pandemic’s High Toll at the Texas Border Lays Bare Gaps in Health and Insurance Health experts say Texas’s lax COVID response and refusal to expand Medicaid contributed to the higher death rates.

Pencils Removed From Migrant Camp Over Child Suicide Fears. Workers at the Texas facility have banned nail clippers, toothbrushes, pens, and pencils at the facility for fears of self-harm.

# Bundy Rides Again
Ammon Bundy is running for Idaho governor. He might not be the most extreme candidate in the race. The media often describe Ammon Bundy as an “anti-government activist.” But on Saturday evening, the man Harry Reid once dismissed as a “domestic terrorist” officially announced his plans to try to become the government by running for governor of Idaho.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) Doctors Refuse Putin’s Vaccine as COVID-19 Rages in Russia. As Russia grapples with another pandemic wave, plummeting public trust in the Kremlin means people are skipping the Putin-approved COVID-19 jab, even doctors on the front lines.

Boston’s Research (even funded by Gates) reveals Unknown-Dangerous Risks in M-RNA Vaccine already Explained by Chinese Study https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/06/22/bostons-research-even-funded-by-gates-reveals-unknown-dangerous-risks-in-m-rna-vaccine-already-explained-by-chinese-study/

DK COVID-19 Statement: Our statement on the current state of our world during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We Can’t Breathe: Black Death, Racism, Structural Inequality, and the American Viruses in Health and Higher Education.

In the Shadow of Biological Warfare: Conspiracy Theories on the Origins of COVID-19 and Enhancing Global Governance of Biosafety as a Matter of Urgency https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7445685/

COVID-19 Bio-weapon Shots Destroy Young Lives – What Percentage of the American Public is now Complicit with Murder?

Pandemic baby bust: Births drop by fastest rate in 50 years. The number of American women who gave birth last year fell precipitously over 2019, as provisional government data show a national baby bust getting worse during the coronavirus pandemic https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/559781-pandemic-baby-bust-births-drop-by-fastest-rate-in-50-years

At Texas Border, Pandemic’s High Toll Lays Bare Gaps in Health and Insurance In Texas’ border communities, which are overwhelmingly Hispanic,
covid-19 death rates for for people under age 65 were double those in the rest of the state and three times the national average https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210623/At-Texas-border-Pandemice28099s-high-toll-lays-bare-gaps-in-health-and-insurance.aspx

Thousands of Young Children Lost Parents to Covid. Where’s Help for Them? More than 46,000 children in the U.S. have lost a parent to covid-19.

CDC: Nearly Every Adult COVID-19 Death Is Now “Entirely Preventable”

World Health Organization Says Do Not Give Children Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots

Canadian Politician, Doctors Condemn Censorship of Scientific Inquiry and Suppression of Information on Vaccine Risks to Kids https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/derek-sloan-doctors-condemn-censorship-scientific-inquiry-vaccine-risks-kids/

Seattle scientist digs up deleted coronavirus genetic data, adding fuel to the covid origin debate. The virus was circulating in Wuhan, China, before a December outbreak of COVID-19. The illness caused by the virus was linked to a market selling live animals.

CDC safety group says there’s a likely link between rare heart inflammation in young people after Covid shot https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/cdc-safety-group-says-there-s-a-likely-link-between-rare-heart-inflammation-in-young-people-after-covid-shot/ar-AALmi9i?ocid=winp1taskbar

# Economy / Trade
No State Has an Adequate Supply of Affordable Rental Housing for the Lowest Income Renters. The U.S. has a shortage of 6.8 million rental homes affordable and available to extremely low-income renters, whose household incomes are at or below the poverty guideline or 30% of their area median income.

What special relationship? Canada grimaces amid hail of U.S. trade blows https://money.usnews.com/investing/news/articles/2021-06-22/what-special-relationship-canada-grimaces-amid-hail-of-us-trade-blows

China’s Bid to Join Trade Pact Raises Alarms, U.S. Lawmaker Says:
China’s efforts to join a regional trade deal that originally aimed to exclude Beijing “should set off alarm bells” in Washington, where a growing number of lawmakers are calling for the U.S. to re-assert its influence in Asia, according to a key U.S. senator overseeing trade.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan Could Come Down to One Number. Team Biden is thankfully resisting privatization. But the deal will hinge on how much both sides agree they can wring out of increased tax enforcement.

# Education / Schools
What is critical race theory? Explaining the discipline that Texas’
governor wants to “abolish”: Those who study the discipline say attacks on it are targeting any teachings that challenge and complicate dominant narratives about the country’s history and identity. Conservative lawmakers, commentators and parents assert that children are being taught in history and other courses that the United States is a racist country. Educators deny that children in grades K-12 are taught critical race theory in school.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals As the Gulf of Mexico heals from the Deepwater Horizon Oil spill, stringent safety proposals remain elusive: Obama put forth a tough new standard for offshore drilling that Trump rolled back, prompting a lawsuit by environmentalists.

A North Carolina gas station operator files a class-action suit against the Colonial Pipeline over the May cyberattack that led to panic buying and fuel shortages.

Police Escalate Line 3 Standoffs at Indigenous, Water Protector-Led Treaty Sites Red Lake tribal monitor Sasha Beaulieu says it’s not the tribe’s Water Protectors who are trespassing; it’s Enbridge.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Biden has a chance to oversee biggest river restoration project in US history Removing four dams would promote salmon recovery, clean energy, agriculture and Indigenous rights.

“Learn from the past, prepare in the present, to defend the future.” Indigenous artist, Gord Hill: Helicopter science doesn’t work—environmental justice comes from empowered communities. Researchers need to shift toward real community partnerships that emphasize sustainability and create opportunities for environmental change.

Scientists don’t know why hundreds of birds are getting sick and dying across the U.S.
Wildlife experts in at least six states are investigating the cause of the bird deaths.

Wisconsin bill provides PFAS grants, blocks ability to sue polluters. A bill aimed at providing grants to communities affected by “forever chemical” contamination would take away the ability for cities and towns to pursue legal action against the companies or other entities that created the pollution.

Top international lawyers to make ‘ecocide’ a crime against nature:
Approving the right definition could pave the way for acts of environmental destruction to be prosecuted and condemned by the International Criminal Court, under the same consideration as war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocides and aggression.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Renegade biologist Alexandra Morton is fighting for the future of wild salmon ‘It’s not a great measure of our democracy when occupying a fish farm is what you need to do to make change.’

# Global Politics and other news
Saudi Men Involved in Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder Were Trained by U.S.
Group. The Latest Khashoggi Revelations Are Part of a Long and Barbaric American Tradition. At least the U.S. government is outsourcing its wet-work training these days.

The Real War Dogs of Iraq: One company is empowering Kurdish human rights abusers. Another is accused of selling Iranian fuel to the U.S.

# Gov / Political
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sets July 8 date for special legislative session on voting bill, other issues: Items “will be announced prior to the convening of the special session.”

Census delays will force Texas lawmakers into a special session to redraw political maps: The Census Bureau revealed detailed results lawmakers need to reconfigure congressional and state legislative districts won’t be available until at least two months after the end of the regular 2021 legislative session https://www.texastribune.org/2021/01/27/census-texas-redistricting-special-session/

Texas Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz join fellow Republicans to block Democrats’ federal elections overhaul https://www.texastribune.org/2021/06/22/ted-cruz-john-cornyn-senate-for-the-people-vote/

Whistleblowers say Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is distorting testimony to get their lawsuit dismissed.

Senate Republicans Block Dems’ Voting Reform Bill: Democrats were able to claim one small victory, however: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) voted to advance the bill.

GOP governors embrace culture wars with White House in mind. Several high-profile Republican governors are leaning into the culture wars as they eye presidential bids in 2024.

Trump fuels Herschel Walker Senate hype in Georgia. The prospect that the former college and pro football legend might jump into the GOP Senate race in Georgia has Republicans anxiously looking for clues about his intentions, aware that his candidacy could suddenly rewrite one of the nation’s most important Senate contests of 2022.

Top Republicans are embracing opposition to critical race theory in schools as a new front in the culture wars aimed at exciting their voters ahead of both off-year and midterm elections.

Ex-Cop Eric Adams Takes Lead in NYC Mayoral Race in City’s First Election with Ranked-Choice Voting https://www.democracynow.org/2021/6/23/nyc_democratic_primary_adams_wiley_yang

How Biden helped hard-liner Raisi win Iran election. President Biden’s failure to rejoin the nuclear agreement with Iran helped a hard-liner to win the presidential election and will leave us on a path toward war with Iran unless he promptly rejoins the JCPOA now.

India Walton scored a stunning upset in the Democratic mayoral primary in Buffalo, putting her on track to become the city’s first female executive and the country’s most high-profile socialist mayor in decades.

SCOTUS Reaffirms President Biden’s Power to Remove Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul https://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2021/06/23/scotus-reaffirms-president-bidens-power-remove-social-security-commissioner

The Senate Must Hear from American People About Urgent Need to Pass Election Legislation https://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2021/06/23/senate-must-hear-american-people-about-urgent-need-pass-election-legislation

McConnell killed election reform in Senate. Democrats will now take it to the people https://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article252300648.html

The little-known agreement that could lead the U.S. and China to war https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/opinions-the-little-known-agreement-that-could-lead-the-u-s-and-china-to-war/ar-AALloRp?ocid=winp1taskbar

# Law Enforcement
Two Girls Found Dead in South Florida Canal, Hours Apart. Detectives trying to “piece the puzzle together” after bodies of preteen girls found in same waterway on the same day https://www.thedailybeast.com/two-girls-found-dead-in-south-florida-canal-hours-apart-lauderhill-police-say

Trooper’s actions questioned after surveillance video shows him tasing biracial teen https://www.thechestnutpost.com/news/troopers-actions-questioned-after-surveillance-video-shows-him-tasing-biracial-teen/

Portland police officers will no longer make certain traffic stops, must follow new consent search guidelines

Supreme Court declines to expand police power to enter home without warrant https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/supreme-court-declines-to-expand-police-power-to-enter-home-without-warrant/ar-AALm60l?ocid=winp1taskbar

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
A grand jury declined to indict eight Collin County officers on charges related to Marvin Scott III’s death in March after they restrained and used pepper spray on him in custody.

Man Who Gunned Down Officer ‘Expressed Hatred’ for Police. Veteran officer, and bystander who tried to help, shot dead in Denver suburb by man who said he hated police https://www.thedailybeast.com/colorado-officer-and-bystander-gunned-down-by-man-who-hated-police

The Sneaky Way the Supreme Court Will End Abortion Rights. They won’t come out and say they’re overturning Roe. But that’s what they’ll do, anyway.

Murdaugh Murder Probe Uncovers Info on Unsolved 2015 Death. State police are now investigating the 2015 death of a 19-year-old thanks to new information learned as part of the Murdaugh investigation.

Oath Keeper Will Testify Against His Jan. 6 Co-Conspirators. Graydon Young pleaded guilty on Wednesday to two charges for his role in coordinating and executing a plan to storm the Capitol.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
50 years later, end the War on Drugs. Nixon’s War on Drugs turned out to be a war on people. President Biden should end it once and for all.

Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont (D) signed a marijuana legalization bill into law. It’s the fourth state to legalize cannabis so far this year.
The new law takes effect on July 1.

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) signed a bill to legalize smokable medical cannabis flower. Last week he signed separate legislation to decriminalize marijuana possession.

# Media
Fox Grows More Dangerous as Murdoch Tabloid Empire Falls: The hacking scandal finally caught up with the London tabs, turning them into a worthless asset. Now the mogul’s motherlode, Fox News, is right here, and it’s on a roll.

Inside Tucker Carlson & Fox’s Critical Race Theory Freakout. Tucker Carlson and the right-wing hysteria machine have to find a new culture war and it’s called critical race theory. Also known as American History no one wants you to know.

C-SPAN Anchor Steve Scully to Leave Network. The broadcaster put the anchor on leave last year after he lied about his Twitter account being hacked.

# Medical / Health
Biologists raise alarm: Brain damage caused by even small amounts of bisphenols https://www.dailyadvent.com/news/698a45183c3c3f8b4027ed82cb08b747-Biologists-Raise-Alarm-Brain-Damage-Caused-by-Even-Small-Amounts-of-Plasticizers

The world’s first mRNA vaccine against cancer is now being trialed https://www.zmescience.com/future/first-mrna-vaccine-cancer-22062021/

# Military / Global
Russian forces block US military patrol in northeast Syria: US, Russian troops square off in northeast Syria as Kremlin eyes wider footprint.
US-Russian standoff near Derik, Syria, blocks traffic for hours before Russians return to Qamishli.

# Other News
Warren Buffet resigns from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “For years I have been a trustee – an inactive trustee at that – of only one recipient of my funds, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMG). I am now resigning from that post, just as I have done at all corporate boards other than Berkshire’s,” Buffett said in a prepared statement https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/warren-buffet-resigns-from-bill-and-melinda-gates-foundation/ar-AALm2os?ocid=winp1taskbar

# Social
Can Klan Rally Really Be Fun Without Sheets and Burning Crosses? There is no shortage of money to pay for the outing as major corporations, listed below, including insurance and defense contractors, are funding this rally, really a Klan rally.

# Space
Harvard physicist says there may be a link between ‘Oumuamua and UFOs.
The Harvard astrophysicist who first suggested that the interstellar object (ISO) ‘Oumuamua was a ‘lightsail’ sent from another civilization in space now suggests there may be a link to the mysterious space object and the US government’s upcoming report on UFOs.

# Technology
The End of Global Internet: US Seizes Foreign Domains. Visitors to state-run media and sites operated by Iran-backed militias find banners posted by U.S. agencies

# Water
How the Mormon Church Beat Bill Gates in a Battle Over Water. The missionaries bested the mogul in a bid to snap up a massive plot of farmland and precious water rights in the parched West.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-21

Voices, The Peoples News

June 21, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous / Global
Authorities Uncover Likely Remains of Missing Indigenous Activist 3 Weeks After Disappearance https://www.democracynow.org/2021/6/21/headlines/authorities_uncover_likely_remains_of_missing_indigenous_activist_3_weeks_after_disappearance

# Border / Immigration
“There’s crime in Chicago, there’s crime in D.C., there’s crime in Dallas, there’s crime in Houston,” Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez said. “Why aren’t they talking about the crime and the murders in big cities all over the country? Why us?”

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) Moderna Sent Coronavirus Vaccine to North Carolina University Weeks Before Pandemic, Secret Documents Reveal https://greatgameindia.com/moderna-vaccine-north-carolina-university/

Hundreds of vaccinated Indonesian health workers get COVID-19

Banned: COVID began in North Carolina, not Wuhan, not until 2 years later https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/article241996426.html

# Economy / Trade
U.S. Economy Is Bouncing Back From Covid-19. Now Foreign Investors Are Rushing In.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Supreme Court Will Decide Whether Pipeline Developers Can Seize Public Land The PennEast pipeline project would cut through the last contiguous forested areas in central New Jersey.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
The Great Western Drought Will Affect Us All. The severe drought gripping the Western states looks set to reach into all lives in the nation and into every pocket.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
White Illinois Farmers Sue Over Race-Based Farm Loan Relief Program:
White Illinois farmers are challenging part of the recent COVID-19 stimulus law in court because it allocates federal benefits based on skin color.

# Global Politics and other news
“The American Sector” Probes Domestic Politics, One Slab of the Berlin Wall at a Time https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-front-row/review-the-american-sector-probes-domestic-politics-one-slab-of-the-berlin-wall-at-a-time

# Gov / Political
Joe Biden’s administration announced its plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism https://tennesseestar.com/2021/06/17/joe-biden-asks-americans-to-report-radicalized-friends-and-family-to-the-government/

Media hushes up report suggesting FBI involvement in Capitol riot as White House turns anti-terrorism efforts on American people: Court filings suggest that FBI operatives were among the mob who stormed the US Capitol in January, and may have set up the riot.

Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge: Of all the questions asked, words spoken, and ink spilled on the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6, 2021, none hold the key to the entire event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzFDqGL30Us

The Real Reason Republicans Are Blocking Voting Rights Legislation https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/21/politics/voting-rights-senate-republicans-trump-biden/index.html

January 6 Wasn’t the End — the Right Is Trying a Hostile Takeover State by State: Jan 6. was the blueprint: The GOP is now planning a state by state hostile takeover. It’s clear that the Republican assault on democracy is actually just beginning https://www.salon.com/2021/06/21/jan-6-was-the-blueprint-the-gop-is-now-planning-a-state-by-state-hostile-takeover/

The Race to Replace Liz Cheney Is a Trump Sideshow. The Wyoming congresswoman faces a GOP primary field that is, uh, interesting.

At the Geneva summit, President Biden and President Putin announced the restoration of their ambassadors and agreed to new talks on vital issues. Meanwhile in Washington and major US media outlets, Russiagate-addled hawks promoted increased confrontation.

Former President Barack Obama said Monday that Congress needs to pass voting rights legislation before the 2022 midterm elections, or American democracy could be at risk.

Republicans plotting to maximize their advantages in state legislatures across the country during the decennial redistricting process are considering cracking apart Tennessee’s largest city, an ambitious move that could signal how aggressively the party will try to rig maps in its favor in the coming months.

The Man Who Controls the Senate: Will Joe Manchin’s search for common ground wreck the Democrats’ agenda?

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Some old fashioned homework found a terrorism statute to use on January 6ers https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/06/20/some-old-fashioned-homework-found-a-terrorism-statute-to-use-on-january-6thers/

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
The Maine House of Representatives voted to decriminalize all drugs—on the 50th anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s declaration of the war on drugs.

The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee approved an amendment to let researchers study the marijuana that consumers are actually purchasing from dispensaries—instead of having to use government-grown cannabis https://www.marijuanamoment.net/senate-joins-house-in-move-to-allow-research-on-marijuana-from-dispensaries/

# Medical / Health
Schumer Backs Sanders Plan to Expand Medicare to Cover Dental, Vision and Hearing. The lack of dental, vision and hearing coverage in Medicare is a “gaping hole” that is a “serious problem,” Sen. Chuck Schumer said.

Throughout the Pandemic, Some Hospitals Still Sued Patients Over Medical Debt A new study says that most of the hospitals doling out lawsuits, liens and garnishments are registered nonprofits.

# Military / DOD
Pentagon orders drawdown of air defense systems, troops from Middle East. The U.S. is cutting air defense systems and force levels in the Middle East as the Biden administration realigns its military posture to focus on countering China and Russia.

# Other News
Sisters-in-Law Found Dead on the Same Property Months Apart. A traditional GOP stronghold is experiencing hashtag-fueled anti-cop outrage over the deadly mystery that surrounds a former state lawmaker and her brother’s wife.

# Veterans / VA
VA plans to offer gender-confirmation surgery to transgender veterans, reversing ban https://www.stripes.com/veterans/2021-06-20/VA-plans-to-offer-gender-confirmation-surgery-to-transgender-veterans-reversing-ban-1749444.html

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-19

Voices, The Peoples News

June 19, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“When you hate, the only person who suffers is you,
because most of the people you hate don’t know it and the others don’t care.”
– Medgar Evers
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Native Americans to Feds: Own Up to America’s Indian School History https://www.voanews.com/usa/native-americans-feds-own-americas-indian-school-history

Toward Food Sovereignty in Alaska Native Communities. A grassroots project to build biomass-heated greenhouses aims to alleviate food insecurity in the communities most affected by it.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests)
4 British Airways Pilots DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections While Spain and Russia Prohibit “Vaccinated” From Air Travel https://humansarefree.com/2021/06/british-airways-pilots-dead-following-covid-19-injections.html

Canadian Politician Derek Sloan Uses Parliament Hill to Give Voices to Censored Doctors and Scientists Blowing the Whistle on COVID-19 Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/canadian-politician-derek-sloan-uses-parliament-hill-to-give-voices-to-censored-doctors-and-scientists-blowing-the-whistle-on-covid-19-genocide-and-crimes-against-humanity/

Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots, according to Survey https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/majority-of-physicians-decline-covid-shots-according-to-survey-by-the-association-of-american-physicians-and-surgeons-aaps-301314028.html

# Economy / Trade
Congress is barreling toward a fight as soon as next month over raising the debt ceiling, creating a huge challenge for President Biden and Democratic leaders in Congress.

# Education / Schools
Teachers across the country are on edge amid the heated national debate over critical race theory, as Republican legislators in multiple states have passed or introduced legislation that would limit how race and racism are discussed in classrooms.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Studies suggest the clean electricity standard the White House is proposing would give renewables a leg up in a nation awash in fossil fuel. But Congress is a stumbling block.

13 Refineries Emit Dangerous Benzene Emissions That Exceed the EPA’s ‘Action Level,’ a Study Finds https://insideclimatenews.org/news/13062021/texas-refineries-benzene-emissions/#:~:text=Citing%20U.S.%20Census%20Bureau%20and,lived%20below%20the%20poverty%20line

Federal Judge Says Biden Cannot Pause New Leases for Drilling on Public Lands https://www.sltrib.com/news/environment/2021/06/16/federal-judge-says-biden/

Power Demand Will Keep Breaking June Records as Brutal Texas Heat Wave Continues https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/texas-power-demand-keep-breaking-june-records-heatwave-2021-06-16/

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Global
As Harsh Financial Realities Emerge, St. Croix’s Limetree Bay Refinery Could Be Facing Bankruptcy https://insideclimatenews.org/news/12062021/st-croix-limetree-bay-refinery-bankruptcy-trump-biden/

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Biden Has a Chance to Oversee Biggest River Restoration Project in U.S.
Removing four dams in the Pacific Northwest will help salmon recovery, clean energy, agriculture and Indigenous rights.

Rocky Mountains are burning more now than ever, and it could get worse.
Forests are burning more frequently than any time in the past 2,000 years.

Is the Controlled Shrinking of Economies a Better Bet to Slow Climate Change Than Unproven Technologies?

Earth Is Now Trapping an ‘Unprecedented’ Amount of Heat, NASA Says https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jun/17/earth-trapping-heat-study-nasa-noaa

Brutal Drought Spreads Across American Farm Belt https://www.reuters.com/world/us/drought-spreads-key-us-crop-states-2021-06-17/

Forest Fire Smoke Threatens Amazon Communities Still Recovering From Covid

Biden to reinstate road ban for Tongass National Forest: ‘There’s nothing like it anywhere else in the world.’ Several tribes and Alaska Natives are applauding the Biden administration’s plans to revive a ban on road-building in the Tongass National Forest in southeast Alaska.

Earth’s Energy Imbalance Doubled in the Last 14 Years: As temperatures get hotter and Earth seemingly continues to bake, a new study from NASA and NOAA confirms that Earth is indeed heating up as the climate crisis continues.

Megadrought Could Force California’s Lake Oroville Hydroelectric Power Plant To Shut Down https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2021/06/03/lake-orovilles-water-woes-could-turn-into-power-problem/

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Protein-Filled, With a Low Carbon Footprint, Insects Creep Up on the Human Diet Entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to insects as a food rich in essential nutrients, that can be reared at scale with minimal environmental impact https://insideclimatenews.org/news/15062021/insects-food-agriculture-climate-change-diet/

# Gov / Political
GOP increasingly balks at calling Jan. 6 an insurrection: A growing number of Republican lawmakers are refusing to say that the Jan. 6 insurrection was actually an insurrection.

Hollywood is lining up behind a sweeping, Democratic-backed election reform bill, with some of the country’s biggest stars using their platforms to make a last-minute push for the passage of the For the People Act.

How Republican States Are Expanding Their Power Over Elections https://www.anandmarket.in/how-republican-states-are-expanding-their-power-over-elections/

After Supreme Court warning, Democratic candidates choose to ‘Make it about McConnell’: Minutes after Mitch McConnell threatened to hold yet another Supreme Court seat open if he reclaims the role of Senate majority leader, Democratic candidates aspiring to join the body jumped on the warning as a rallying cry for their candidacies.

Democratic clamor grows for select committee on Jan. 6 attack As Democrats chew on their options for investigating Jan. 6, the select committee is rising to the top.

Graham calls voting rights bill ‘biggest power grab’ in history

Over 100 Anti-Protest Bills Have Been Introduced Since George Floyd Rebellion Often backed by organizations affiliated with police unions, the laws encompass a wide range of punitive tactics.

# Law Enforcement
A new videos show a Marine Corps veteran and former New York City police officer wielding a flagpole as he attacks police, as well as rioters crushing another officer into a door as he screams in pain. Still another video shows a New Jersey man punching an officer in the head.

The Origins of America’s Secret Police: The man credited for building the FBI into the massive domestic intelligence apparatus that it is today was J. Edgar Hoover. When will the American people realise that the biggest threat to American freedom is not from without but from within its very own walls, where it has been prominently residing for the last 112 years https://dissidentvoice.org/2021/01/the-origins-of-americas-secret-police/

Lessons from the history of America’s secret police. James Comey reminds us that things can be, and have been, much worse https://isthmus.com/opinion/democracy-in-crisis/lessons-from-the-history-of-americas-secret-police/

# Media
With Bezos at the Helm, Democracy Dies at the Washington Post Editorial Board. In the Soviet Union, everybody was aware that the media was controlled by the state. But in a corporate state like the U.S., a veneer of independence is still maintained, although trust in the media has been plummeting for years.

# Medical / Health
Democrats seek new ways to expand Medicaid in holdout states.
Congressional Democrats are pushing legislation that would expand Medicaid in states that have so far refused to do so, seeking to fill one of the major remaining holes in the Affordable Care Act.

“This antibiotic will ruin you” – A Woman Had to Undergo 20 Surgeries to Repair Damage This Common Drug Caused. (FDA issued a warning too late…) https://althealthworks.com/this-antibiotic-will-ruin-you-a-woman-had-to-undergo-20-surgeries-to-repair-damage-this-common-drug-caused-fda-issued-a-warning-too-late-4/

Future of U.S. Healthcare May Be Playing Out in Nevada: State Democratic lawmakers move ahead with public-option plans aimed at cutting costs for consumers; Republicans and industry groups call it overreach

# Military / DOD
Navy Hits Unidentified ‘Target’ off Cape Canaveral with 10 KT Nuclear
Torpedo:  It is extremely likely that the US Navy fired a Mark 45 torpedo with a 10 kiloton W34 nuclear warhead today at a target deemed “hostile” 105 miles off the Florida coast, curiously adjacent to the Kennedy Space Center.

# Social
The New Poor People’s Campaign Launches Moral Monday, June 21st: This national day of action will demand that the United States Congress pass the proposed non-partisan resolution to establish a Third Reconstruction, which “reflects an omnibus vision for a fundamental restructuring” that lifts American society from the bottom up.

# Technology
House Republicans are publicly sparring over several high-profile antitrust bills that have bipartisan support, signaling a bumpy road ahead for the legislation.

# Veterans / VA
‘I will walk every step’: Army veteran on 1,800-mile journey to raise suicide awareness: Army veteran Greg Washington wants to raise awareness about veteran suicides but also wants to honor and remember his friends through his journey of 65 days of walking and 71 days of visits.

# Water
Red Alert: Water Level of Lake Mead Hits Record Low https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-environment/2021/06/10/lake-mead-declines-new-low-colorado-river-crisis-deepens-arizona-drought/7621138002/

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-11

Voices, The Peoples News

June 11, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland approved a new Constitution for the Cherokee Nation that explicitly ensures the protection of the political rights and citizenship of all Cherokee citizens, including the Cherokee Freedmen.

# Indigenous / Global
Pacheedaht First Nation tells B.C. to defer old-growth logging in Fairy Creek. The Pacheedaht, Ditidaht and Huu-ay-aht First Nations are requesting a two-year pause on old-growth logging in two watershed areas while they work on stewardship plans informed by Indigenous priorities https://thenarwhal.ca/bc-pacheedaht-old-growth-logging-deferral-fairy-creek/

Fate of Yukon’s Dawson region hangs in coming land-use plan. Under Yukon’s 1990 Umbrella Final Agreement, Yukon is obligated to craft landscape plans in partnership with First Nations to determine the nature and extent of natural resource management and industry in First Nations territories.

Hunters join forces with conservationists to call on B.C. to protect fish and wildlife habitat https://www.saanichnews.com/news/hunters-join-forces-with-conservationists-to-call-on-b-c-to-protect-fish-and-wildlife-habitat/

Between the threat of wildfire and logging, a community grapples with the future of B.C.’s Purcell forest https://thenarwhal.ca/bc-forest-purcell-wilderness-conservancy-expansion/

# Border / Immigration
Gov. Greg Abbott said Texas would build a border wall along the state’s boundary with Mexico, but provided no details on where or when.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) CDC Finds Rare Heart Inflammation After Second COVID Shot. The agency will convene an emergency meeting on the issue later this month.

Exclusive: Top CDC official warns US not ready for next pandemic: The number two official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning that without consistent, long-term funding of public health, the U.S. won’t be any better prepared for the next pandemic.

“SARS-2 Manmade in Biolabs with GOF”. Two new Scientific Researches Accused China & Fauci. But they Forgot US Experiments

Common diabetes drug shows promise as treatment for COVID-19 lung inflammation. Researchers identify the molecular mechanism for the anti-inflammatory activity of diabetes drug metformin and, in mouse studies, say it prevents lung inflammation in animals infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Saliva can be more effective than nasopharyngeal swabs for COVID-19 testing, researchers find. The addition of a simple processing step to saliva samples before testing may improve COVID-19 detection rate, eliminate the challenges of nasopharyngeal testing, and facilitate mass surveillance, researchers report.

Cannabis compound inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication in human lung cells.
Researchers report that Elovanoids, bioactive chemical messengers made from omega-3 very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, may block the virus that causes COVID-19 from entering cells and protect the air cells
(alveoli) of the lung.

60 Million J&J Vax Doses Ruined by Baltimore Factory: Another 10 million doses will be allowed to be distributed with a warning that Emergent BioSolutions’ manufacturing may be faulty.

# Education / Schools
The future of online education is in flux after Texas lawmakers failed to pass a bill that would have funded schools that chose to offer remote instruction next year, leaving families who planned to enroll their students scrambling to make alternate arrangements.

A Teachers Union Shaped CDC School Guidance. Is That a Problem? CDC accepted input on February school reopening guidelines from the American Federation of Teachers, a powerful teachers union. Was that undue political influence — as some Republican lawmakers say, or just a routine process of consulting stakeholders?

What Do Conservatives Fear About Critical Race Theory? In the Texas legislature, Republicans seemed willing to acknowledge systemic racism but resistant to the idea of talking about it with children.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Keystone XL is cancelled, so now what? TC Energy’s decision to terminate the Keystone XL pipeline project doesn’t put to rest a couple of key questions still hanging over it.

Power in Numbers: Water Protectors Rally Against the Enbridge Line 3 Pipeline https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/06/06/water-protectors-gather-largest-resistance-yet-line-3-enbridge-accelerates-pipeline

Keystone defeat energizes anti-pipeline activists: Anti-pipeline activists feel energized after the company behind the Keystone XL pipeline announced it would terminate the project following a more than decade-long battle.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Bipartisan Senate group announces infrastructure deal. A bipartisan group of 10 senators Thursday afternoon announced an agreement on a “compromise framework” to invest $1.2 trillion in infrastructure over the next eight years.

Democrats wary of emerging bipartisan infrastructure deal. Progressive Democrats are wary of an emerging deal on infrastructure being negotiated by five Republican and five Democratic senators, fearing it could make it tougher to get prized priorities to President Biden’s desk.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
South Dakota ninth state with cooperative interstate meat agreement with USDA. USDA’s  Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and South Dakota have finalized a Cooperative Interstate Shipment (CIS) agreement, which provides an opportunity for selected state-inspected meat and poultry processors to ship their products across state lines.

# Global Politics and other news
Top China Envoy Urges U.S. to Restore Normal Bilateral Ties https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics/china-s-top-diplomat-urges-u-s-to-restore-normal-bilateral-ties

# Gov / Political
Oregon House Expels Republican Who Plotted Capitol Incursion. He is the first-ever person expelled from the Oregon House of Representatives. His ambition now: to become a ‘Jeopardy’ question https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/06/10/oregon-lawmaker-state-capitol-breach-mike-nearman/7650099002/

‘Three Percenters’ Charged With Conspiracy Over Capitol Riot. Six California men with links to far-right militia group charged with conspiracy as feds widen their net over the Jan. 6 insurrection https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/06/10/three-percenters-and-maga-rally-speakers-charged-with-conspiracy-to-breach-capitol/?sh=64daf4c74ecc

GOP wants to fight off  Democrats in next year’s midterm elections by targeting South Texas. And the work has already begun. Statewide officials are campaigning in the Democratic stronghold and GOP groups are now targeting statehouse districts.

“If Democrats are going to be effective they’ll have to tailor the message to regional concerns.” Jason Villalba, president of the Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation, said a messaging war will be key when the GOP tries to win voters in South Texas in 2022.
Barr Had Phones of Top Democrats in House Intelligence Tapped, to Keep Pressure off Flynn’s Russian ‘Gig’

Flynn documents are the ‘smoking gun’ on Comey’s FBI https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/495627-flynn-documents-are-the-smoking-gun-on-comeys-fbi

Biden and NATO must face the consequences of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/557714-biden-and-nato-must-face-the-consequences-of-americas-withdrawal

How Washington is positioning Syrian Al-Qaeda’s founder as its ‘asset’:
A PBS Frontline special is the latest vehicle in a PR campaign to legitimize rebranded Syrian al-Qaeda, HTS, and market its leader Mohammad Jolani as a competent American “asset.”

Democrats demand Barr, Sessions testify on Apple data subpoenas https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/557999-democrats-demand-barr-sessions-testify-on-apple-data-subpoenas

Putin shares blame for 400,000 American deaths. Should Biden shake his hand?

Trump went on an execution spree. Biden can make sure that doesn’t happen again.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Trump’s Loyal, ‘Low Profile’ Money Man Could Bring Him Down. Longtime Trump Organization executive Jeff McConney oversaw all the transactions and financial documents at the company—and he’s already testified.

The Senate confirmed the first-ever Muslim American federal judge appointed by a president https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/557918-senate-confirms-first-muslim-american-federal-judge

Trump Administration Secretly Seized Private Data from Two Democratic Lawmakers https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2021/06/11/trump-doj-secretly-seized-phone-data-reps-schiff-swalwell/7651271002/

Barr and Sessions “Must Testify” on the Trump Administration’s Secret Probe of Democrats Democratic leaders say they’ll subpoena ex-Trump officials if they refuse.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
A planned Delaware House of Representatives vote on a marijuana legalization bill was postponed as the sponsor works to build support with various amendments.

Wyoming voters may get the chance to decide on two marijuana ballot initiatives in 2022.

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved legislation to let scientists study the actual marijuana that consumers are purchasing from dispensaries instead of researching only government-produced cannabis https://www.marijuanamoment.net/bill-to-let-researchers-study-marijuana-from-dispensaries-approved-in-congressional-committee/

# Medical / Health
U.S. Government Compensation Payments for Deaths and Injuries due to Flu Shots Now Exceed $1 BILLION https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/u-s-government-compensation-payments-for-deaths-and-injuries-due-to-flu-shots-now-exceed-1-billion/

# UFO’s
“Vice Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the first director of the C.I.A., told a Times reporter, “Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. Pamphlet by the Inspector General Called Objects a ‘Serious Business’

How the Pentagon Started Taking U.F.O.s Seriously. For decades, flying saucers were a punch line. Then the U.S. government got over the taboo.

# Weather
The first tropical system to impact the US could happen next week. The NHC is watching closely https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/11/weather/tropical-system-to-watch-hurricane-us-impacts/index.html

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-10

Voices, The Peoples News

June 10, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Fish Kill on the Klamath: The Karuk Tribe in Northern California has declared a state of climate emergency. The caption to the video, filmed by Yurok Vice Chairman Frankie Joe Myers, is stark: “This is what climate change looks like when we don’t act.”

Mining for lithium, at a cost to Indigenous religions: In western Arizona, the push for EVs threatens the Hualapai Tribe’s religious practices.

A broken system: The number of Indigenous people who died from coronavirus may never be known. From medical health privacy laws to a maze of siloed information systems, the true impact of COVID-19 on American Indian and Alaska Natives is impossible to calculate.

Line 3 Water Protectors Launch Occupation at Mississippi River Pipeline Easement Indigenous leaders and allies have launched a treaty encampment at a pipeline easement site on Mississippi River.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) Houston Nurses Protest After Losing Their Jobs For Refusing COVID-19 Shots. More than a hundred hospital employees and supporters gathered in protest of the firing of employees who reject COVID-19 shots.

Biden, Johnson to sign new ‘Atlantic Charter’ on trade, defense amid Covid recovery https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2276726401039/biden-johnson-sign-new-atlantic-charter-on-trade-defense-amid-covid-recovery

# Economy / Trade
Mark Cuban Sounds Off on Taxing Billionaires’ Wealth. The entrepreneur and NBA owner opens up about his Dallas Mavericks, how much the mega-rich pay in taxes, the NBA-China relationship, and much more.

Fire the IRS Chief Who Doesn’t Care if the Rich Don’t Pay. Commissioner Charles Rettig’s only response to a blockbuster report about how little the richest pay was to say he’d try to prosecute the leaker.

# Employment / Labor
Jobless Texans who refuse work offers because they feel the job isn’t safe during the pandemic will no longer be able to receive unemployment benefits as of June 26, the Texas Workforce Commission announced this week.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals ‘Keystone XL Is Dead!’: After 10-Year Battle, Climate Movement Victory Over Tar Sands Pipeline Is Complete https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/06/09/keystone-xl-dead-after-10-year-battle-climate-movement-victory-over-tar-sands

‘It’s Time to Go a Step Further’: With KXL Dead, Pressure Intensifies for Biden to Kill Line 3

Keystone XL’s Death Is a Huge Climate Win — and a Sign of Oil’s Decline.
“Terminate your fossil fuel projects now — or a relentless mass movement will stop them,” a 350.org activist warned.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
The fight to bring monarchs back: Monarch populations in Malibu plummeted 100 percent from 2001 to 2021, by latest count—that’s right, not a single monarch butterfly was found as of the Thanksgiving 2020 count.

‘No Climate, No Deal’: Progressives in Congress Warn Biden Against Cutting Green Energy From Infrastructure Package https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/06/09/no-climate-no-deal-progressives-congress-warn-biden-against-cutting-green-energy

CO2 Reaches Its Highest Level in Human History: Two reports released earlier this week detailed that CO2 levels have spiked, and the annual peak reached 419 parts per million (PPM) in May, the highest level in human history.

‘Red alert’: Lake Mead falls to lowest water level since Hoover Dam’s construction in 1930s https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/06/10/lake-mead-water-lowest-hoover-dam-built-colorado-river-shortage/7640437002/

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Global Chinese banks pouring billions into deforestation-linked firms: Chinese banks and investors funneled billions of dollars into global agribusinesses driving deforestation in the past seven years https://www.globalwitness.org/en/press-releases/chinese-banks-are-pouring-billions-destructive-agribusiness-linked-global-deforestation/

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Biden Administration Scraps Trump Rule That Would Have Kicked 3 Million Off Food Stamps. The rule change could have also removed around 1 million children from being eligible to have free meals at school.

# Global Politics and other news
Russia’s Buildup Near Ukraine Puts Team Biden on Edge. Is Russia testing the waters or just testing Biden?

Russian President Vladimir Putin is giving President Joe Biden his first massive foreign-crisis test — and it’s nerve-wracking to watch.

(What could go wrong?) 24,000-Year-Old Microorganism Revived From
Permafrost: Scientists in Russia have revived a bdelloid rotifer, a multicellular microorganism found in wet environments, after the invertebrate spent 24,000 years frozen 11 feet beneath the Siberian permafrost.

Russia Military Intercepts U.S. Spy Plane While Conducting Massive Pacific Drills in Asia https://armynow.net/russia-military-intercepts-u-s-spy-plane/

Iran sends warships to Atlantic amid Venezuela concerns https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-iran-10b8da94fa9040ec6348a7b7006d879b

China Increasing Military Capability at ‘Serious and Sustained Rate,’
Top U.S. General Says

China’s Rocket Force Conducts ‘Carrier Killer’ Exercises With Ballistic Missiles With Range of 2,500 Miles https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/china-test-fires-so-called-carrier-killer-missiles-into-south-china-sea/ar-BB18sfNB

# Gov / Political
Paramilitary Wannabes Feed Mike Flynn’s Conspiracy Machine. The ‘1st Amendment Praetorian’ group has become an on-call security and intelligence team for the most extreme and esoteric of Trumpists.

Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics http://www.bemedialiterate.com/uploads/1/7/2/2/1722523/network_propaganda.pdf

The Democratic Senators Hiding Behind Joe Manchin. Manchin has long been a “heat shield” for fellow moderates on the thorniest topics, including the filibuster. He still is, but cracks are beginning to show.

Biden’s First Big Test: Can He Save Ukraine From Putin? The president’s first trip abroad—culminating in a showdown with Putin—is being followed insatiably in Ukraine where they think their very independence as a nation is up for grabs.

‘The era of bipartisanship is over’: Senate hits rough patch: The Senate’s months-long effort to clinch bipartisan deals, and prove the body can still function, is quickly running out of gas.

A treasure map for an American tyrant: From the moment that Donald Trump took office, he began to profit personally from holding the office of the presidency. Donald Trump exposed the weaknesses in our system of government that could now be exploited by a corrupt leader with control of the White House.

So much for ‘the squad’—much-hyped new U.S. progressive bloc has caved to corporate power. People who want structural change in the U.S. will have to develop new channels and networks to overcome the established power system.

For Trump, Cruelty Was the Point. Now It’s a Major GOP Fundraising Strategy.
“Owning the libs” and fleecing the base is the new Republican gold rush.
It will be a wonder if the nation survives it.

A True Biden Withdrawal From Afghanistan? Don’t Bet on It. Biden has promised an end to the endless wars. But such promises are not easy to keep.

Gov. Parson will sign Second Amendment bill declaring federal gun laws ‘invalid’ in Missouri https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article252033508.html

# Law Enforcement
Capitol Police Union Tells Chief to Quit Over Riot Blunders. Earlier this week, a damning Senate report that said the force’s leadership failed to act on intelligence about the Jan. 6 insurrection plans.

Cop on Leave After Video Shows Him Kicking Teen in the Head. An eyewitness said an officer arrived on the scene and “just decided ‘I’m going to kick this kid in the face.’”

Ring Now Has 350 Fire Departments In Its Neighborhood Surveillance
Program: The home surveillance camera company owned by Amazon has also partnered with more than 1,800 police departments.

Cop Charged With Hammering Breonna Protester With Riot Stick. The Louisville officer allegedly struck the back of the protester’s head while kneeling with their hands in the air.

L.A. deputy charged with assault and destroying evidence. “Tampering or destroying evidence tarnishes law enforcement and creates mistrust among the public.”

Ex-police chief, 5 others charged in Capitol riot conspiracy https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2021-06-10/ex-police-chief-5-others-charged-in-capitol-riot-conspiracy

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Gov. Greg Abbott has lifted almost all Texas pandemic restrictions. But not the one limiting jail releases. As he was fighting for the Legislature to change state bail laws, the governor continued his emergency order to restrict no-cost jail releases during the pandemic.
At least several Texas courts have deemed the order unconstitutional.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
Poll Shows 83% of Americans Believe So-Called ‘War on Drugs’ an Abject Failure https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/06/09/poll-shows-83-americans-believe-so-called-war-drugs-abject-failure

# Medical / Health
“Safe” Breast Implants Still Cause Life Threatening Side Effects Decades After Dow Corning Scandal, Survivors Warn: More than 400,000 women receive breast implants each year, but what few realize is that even the modern day, so-called “safe” implants are harming women https://althealthworks.com/think-that-breast-implant-side-effects-stopped-in-the-1990s-think-again-they-may-be-worse-than-ever-before/

FDA Approves Non-effective New Alzheimer’s Drug Despite Their Own Doctors Recommending AGAINST It https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/fda-approves-non-effective-new-alzheimers-drug-despite-their-own-doctors-recommending-against-it/

If the FDA approves Biogen’s Alzheimer’s treatment, I won’t prescribe
it: Biogen’s experimental drug, aducanumab, may clear amyloid plaque from the brain, but the company hasn’t made a convincing case that it slows the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Two doctors have resigned from a prestigious panel after FDA approved a controversial Alzheimer’s drug: The advisory committee, which convened in November, couldn’t have been more openly skeptical of the drug, also known as aducanumab. Ten of the 11 panelists found that there was not enough evidence to show it could slow cognitive decline. The 11th voted “uncertain.”

# Military / DOD
Want Socialism? Try the US Military: Some of our top brass denounce socialism, but they run the most socialist organization on earth.

The US Military Is a Socialist Organization: Affordable housing and food, tuition assistance, and universal health care are hallmarks of a social welfare system—and life in the armed forces.

# Social
An international neo-Nazi group thought to be dissolved is recruiting again in the US. Feuerkrieg Division, whose previous American members plotted political assassinations and mass-casualty attacks, advocates for a race war and the collapse of modern society.

# Space
Solar geoengineering: Scientists decry a ‘foolish’ idea: The idea sounds preposterous, straight out of a Ray Bradbury novel: Tint the planet’s atmosphere so the sun’s rays bounce back into space https://www.ehn.org/geoengineering-climate-injustice-2653294958.html

# Technology
Capitol Rioter Plotted to Destroy Internet With Amazon Bomb. When a covert FBI informant offered to help Seth Aaron Pendley get the explosives for his attack, he responded: “F*ck yeah!”

# Water
Biden administration to restore clean-water protections ended by Trump.
The Environmental Protection Agency announced it would repeal a Trump-era rule that weakened pollution controls for wetlands and streams.

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-09

Voices, The Peoples News

June 9, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
200 Continue to Occupy Enbridge Matting Near the Mississippi Headwaters Over Night Exercising Treaty Rights https://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2021/06/08/200-continue-occupy-enbridge-matting-near-mississippi-headwaters-over-night

Alaska Natives strike conservation deal in Bristol Bay that could impede Pebble Mine The deal will make it difficult for backers of a massive open-pit gold and copper mine to carry out their project because the new protections https://www.axios.com/alaska-native-protect-land-pebble-mine-0806d8a0-914f-42b0-87c4-468b230b0676.html

Hundreds arrested at Line 3 ‘treaty people gathering.’ Water protectors vow to continue until the pipeline is canceled. Even after the mass arrests on Monday, the Anishinaabe and their allies camped out at the site and plan to continue their direct action.

Developer pulls the plug on Keystone XL oil pipeline: The sponsor of the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline said it’s pulling the plug on the contentious project after Canadian officials failed to persuade President Joe Biden to reverse his cancellation of its permit on the day he took office.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls Blue whales may be the biggest animals in the world, but they’re also some of the hardest to find. A team of scientists are confident they’ve discovered a new population of pygmy blue whales, the smallest subspecies of blue whales, in the Indian Ocean. It was the whales’
powerful singing, recorded by underwater bomb detectors that gave them away.

# Border / Immigration
The Biden administration is threatening to sue Texas over its plans to stop state-licensed facilities contracted with the federal government from housing migrant children.

Over 2,000 Migrant Children Might Still Be Separated from Families https://www.democracynow.org/2021/6/9/headlines/over_2_000_migrant_children_might_still_be_separated_from_families

Activists Call on Thomson Reuters to Cut Ties with ICE https://thehill.com/policy/technology/557440-shareholders-to-pressure-thomson-reuters-on-cutting-ties-with-ice

Shocking Video Shows Officer Tasering Teenage Refugee from Honduras at Children’s Shelter in Texas https://www.rawstory.com/disturbing-video-shows-officer-tasering-teenage-refugee-from-honduras-at-childrens-shelter-in-texas/

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) Top White House Coronavirus Adviser Andy Slavitt Is Out. Slavitt, who assumed a temporary position in January, said his last day would be Wednesday.

“Faucigate” emails show nothing about a COVID lab leak. If there’s any scandal revealed by the emails of Anthony Fauci, it’s that scientists were wildly clueless at the start of the pandemic.

Houston Hospital Suspends 178 Workers Who Refused Vaccines. Nearly
25,000 employees were fully vaccinated by Monday’s deadline, but the rest have been told to stay away.

Vaccine patent waiver: Health Campaigners Rage Against EU Effort to Undermine WTO Patent Waiver on Covid Vaccines. “The E.U. ‘plan’ is to urge current vaccine makers to produce more, an approach that already has failed spectacularly and now imperils the world.”

COVID-19 Shots Continue to Kill and Cripple People Leaving Behind Devastated Families https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/covid-19-bioweapon-shots-continue-to-kill-and-cripple-people-leaving-behind-devastated-families/

New research reveals a possible new approach to preventing death and severe disease in elderly people infected with SARS-CoV-2. Researchers demonstrated in a preclinical study that senolytic drugs significantly reduced mortality upon infection from a beta-coronavirus closely related to SARS-CoV-2 in older mice.

How COVID-19 wreaks havoc on human lungs: Scientists have published the first detailed atomic-level model of the SARS-CoV-2 ‘envelope’ protein bound to a human protein essential for maintaining the lining of the lungs. The findings may speed the search for drugs to block the most severe effects of COVID-19.

# Economy / Trade
New report reignites push for wealth tax. A blockbuster ProPublica report on the taxes of the richest Americans is reigniting a push from progressives for a wealth tax.

# Education / Schools
“Patriotic education” or glossing over racist history? Texas’ 1836 Project aims to promote “patriotic education,” but critics worry it will gloss over state’s history of racism. The project is essentially an advisory committee designed to promote the state’s history to Texas residents, largely through pamphlets given to people receiving driver’s licenses.

Progressives Warn of More GOP Whitewashing of History as Abbott Launches
‘1836 Project’: “Of course, if they actually did talk about the reasons Texas declared independence from Mexico, it would be a very radical course,” said one critic.

“We Got A Surprise For You, Fascist”: A school district announced guidelines to protect the rights of trans students. Some locals tried to storm the school board meeting. Over a year ago, Brevard County’s school board in Florida started working on new guidelines meant to enshrine protections for LGBTQ students.

# Employment / Labor
Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked legislation aimed at addressing pay inequality, marking their second successful use of the filibuster under President Biden https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/557457-senate-gop-blocks-bill-to-combat-gender-pay-gap

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Gov. Greg Abbott has signed into law Senate Bills 2 and 3, which are meant to improve the state’s main power grid and change the governance of the agency that operates it. The state reports that 151 people died, though a BuzzFeed News analysis found the number of fatalities may be 700.
Senate Bill 2:
Senate Bill 3:

Corporate Ad Giant WPP Targeted for Helping Big Oil Greenwash Its ‘Net Zero’ Hogwash. “The climate impact of an advertising agency is the work it does in the world, not the lightbulbs it has in its offices.”

The next 20 are years crucial in determining the future of coal:
Decisions made now will determine whether economies win or lose money as the coal industry changes over the next couple of decades.

The Biden administration will gauge interest in opening the Gulf of Mexico to offshore wind and other renewable energy development.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
A vaccine to save the bees: New treatment provides immunity from some pesticides There’s a lot of buzz around a newly developed technology that protects bees from deadly pesticides.

It’s literally raining PFAS around the Great Lakes, say researchers.
Rain samples from Cleveland, Chicago and the Sleeping Bear Dunes show surprisingly high chemical concentrations of “forever chemicals.”

Biden Ends GOP Infrastructure Talks, but New Group Emerges

Biden Shuts Down Infrastructure Negotiations With Republicans. The White House will turn attention to another bipartisan proposal or look to pass measures through reconciliation.

# Global Politics and other news
With a Ban on Navalny’s Group, Putin Sends Clear Message to Biden https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/with-a-ban-on-navalny-s-group-putin-sends-clear-message-to-biden/ar-AAKSsfi?ocid=winp1taskbar

# Gov / Political
Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) won his party’s gubernatorial nomination on Tuesday, advancing in his bid to serve a second term in the governor’s mansion.

Two former Democrat congressional candidates, Julie Oliver and Mike Siegel, are launching a new nonprofit called Ground Game Texas. It will focus on year-round organizing on progressive issues, aiming to fill what they see as a statewide void for their party.

Senate Democrats befuddled by Joe Manchin. Especially perplexing to Democratic senators is Manchin’s opposition to a sweeping election reform bill intended to protect voting rights.

Florida Rep. Val Demings officially enters Senate race against Rubio:
Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.) officially launched her Senate campaign in Florida on Wednesday, becoming the highest-profile Democrat yet to announce a challenge to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

‘Manchin Is Only Moved by Corporate Donors,’ Says Bowman as Koch-Backed Group Lobbies Against Voting Rights Bill. “The provisions in the For the People Act are widely popular, among Democrats and Republicans. It’s just not popular among billionaire donors.”

‘We Are Coming’: Poor People’s Campaign to March Against Manchin Obstructionism in West Virginia. “Manchin’s positions are wrong, constitutionally inconsistent, historically inaccurate, morally indefensible, economically insane, and politically unacceptable,” said the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II.

Neoliberalism in Their Hearts, Proto-Fascism in Their Heads: The Political Identity of Today’s GOP. Republicans have consistently adopted a reactionary orientation on race, ethnicity, and gender issues, and are fervid opponents of majority rule.

Manchin and the Senate Suck: Say goodbye to any progressive reforms.

The political drama in West Virginia goes well beyond Joe Manchin.
Fissures within the state’s Democratic Party are breaking to the surface in Charleston even as Manchin, the state’s most powerful Democrat, faces his own political storm in Washington, D.C.

U.S. warns Venezuela, Cuba to turn away Iranian ships believed to be carrying arms

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Sidney Powell ‘Eviscerated’ Her Own Legal Defense: Experts: “That seems like an extremely damaging admission from Ms. Powell,” a top lawyer says.

McGahn testimony a slam dunk Obstruction of Justice Conviction for Trump. Top 5 Reasons Don McGahn’s Congressional Testimony about Trump’s Obstruction of Justice is Important https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/06/08/mcgahn-testimony-a-slam-dunk-obstruction-of-justice-conviction-for-trump/

State GOPs Can’t Explain Millions in ‘Trump Victory’ Cash. “These joint fundraising practices amount to little more than legalized money laundering,” said Brendan Fischer, director of federal reform at the Campaign Legal Center.

Demand for Accountability Grows As Over 200,000 People Urge the Department of Justice to Create a Special Task Force to Investigate President Trump https://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2021/06/08/demand-accountability-grows-over-200000-people-urge-department-justice-create

Ex-Judge Appointed to Ensure Rudy’s Rights in Device Probe. Barbara Jones was appointed “special master” by Judge J. Paul Oetken. She held the same role three years ago when ex-Trump fixer Michael Cohen was being investigated.

Biden’s DoJ Backs Religious Schools on LGBTQ Discrimination. The Biden administration confirmed in a Tuesday court filing that it will “vigorously” defend a religious exemption from federal civil-rights laws.

# Medical / Health
A drug from resin to combat epileptic seizures. One drug, retigabine, can open hKV7.2/7.3, and this was useful in treating severe epilepsy.
Retigabine, however, affects other ion channels, in particular channels in the smooth muscle found in, for example, the bladder and blood vessels https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/06/210608113220.htm

# Social
Fentanyl, Guns, and Murder: Get Ready for a Bloody Summer. 2020 was an historically bloody year, and as lockdowns ease and life starts to seem halfway normal again, experts are bracing for the worst.

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