Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-08

Voices, The Peoples News

June 8, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
US Supreme Court rules half of Oklahoma is Native American land

More Native Americans Enrolling In Med School. A St. Pete Grad Plans To Join Them https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/education/2021-06-07/more-native-americans-are-enrolling-in-medical-school-and-a-st-petersburg-graduate-plans-to-join-them

Over 100 Water Protectors Arrested in Minnesota as Mass Civil Disobedience Targets Line 3 Pipeline https://www.democracynow.org/2021/6/8/headlines/over_100_water_protectors_arrested_in_minnesota_as_mass_civil_disobedience_targets_line_3_pipeline

“Not Having It”: Winona LaDuke on Mass Protest by Water Protectors to Halt Line 3 Pipeline in Minnesota https://www.democracynow.org/2021/6/8/line_3_protests_treaty_people_gathering

A broken system: The number of Indigenous people who died from coronavirus may never be known. From medical health privacy laws to a maze of siloed information systems, the true impact of COVID-19 on American Indian and Alaska Natives is impossible to calculate.

Native Water Protectors Test Treaty Rights Strategy as Line 3 Fight Escalates. The White Earth Band is asserting jurisdiction over 1855 Treaty territories — including Line 3 trespass violations.

# Border / Immigration
U.S. Supreme Court ruled that people who entered the country under dire circumstances without visas may not obtain permanent residency. This will affect many people living in Texas.

Migrant children held in mass shelters with little oversight https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-immigration-health-coronavirus-pandemic-government-and-politics-3b4e480c9021e6a8e02313f4c73a497e

As the Biden administration ramps up its efforts to reunite families separated at the southern border under Donald Trump, a task force has identified 3,913 children who were separated from their parents.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) A new vaccine law: Texas businesses that require customers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will be denied state contracts and could lose their licenses or operating permits under legislation Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law Monday.

The media’s big mistake on the covid-19 ‘lab leak’ theory https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/05/27/medias-dereliction-duty-lab-leak-theory/

Covid-19 vaccines: In the rush for regulatory approval, do we need more data?

13,867 DEAD and 1,354,336 Injuries in European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots https://humansarefree.com/2021/06/european-database-reactions-following-covid-19-shots.html

With Roots in Civil Rights, Community Health Centers Push for Equity in the Pandemic. Community health centers were born in the 1960s to reach low-income communities. But some rural health experts say federally qualified health centers were a missing piece in achieving early equity in the vaccine rollout https://khn.org/news/article/with-roots-in-civil-rights-community-health-centers-push-for-equity-in-the-pandemic/

Gangrene, Hearing Loss Show Delta Variant May Be More Severe: The coronavirus variant driving India’s devastating Covid-19 second wave is the most infectious to emerge so far. Doctors now want to know if it’s also more severe.

With Roots In Civil Rights, Community Health Centers Push For Equity In The Pandemic https://www.modernhealthcare.com/community-health-centers/roots-civil-rights-community-health-centers-push-equity-pandemic

Josh Hawley Knows Anthony Fauci Isn’t Who Fumbled COVID-19: Trump, knew early on that the virus was airborne and deadly, but chose to downplay it in hopes it wouldn’t derail his reelection bid https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article251938263.html

Fauci should have followed Gov. Lujan Grisham’s lead: delete all messages after 24 hours. Anthony Fauci’s emails have been released and they tell an interesting tale about the government’s handling of the
COVID-19 pandemic. One particular email stood out to me from Fauci to Sylvia Burwell discussing masks.

Reuniting Families at Border Is ‘Intentionally’ Slow: Just seven children have been reunified since February, according to a U.S.
Department of Homeland Security report released Tuesday.

# Economy / Trade
The Megarich Moved Here. Regular Folks Now Face Tent Housing. Rents have gotten so stratospheric in Ketchum, Idaho, that teachers and hospital workers, some whose families have lived here for generations, are facing homelessness.

Lake Oswego Biotech Executive Mark Ahn Sentenced In Insider Trading Case https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/oregon-biotech-consultant-sentenced-insider-trading-scheme

The secret IRS files: Trove of never-before-seen records reveal how the wealthiest avoid income tax. ProPublica has obtained a vast cache of IRS information showing how billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Warren Buffett pay little in income tax compared to their massive wealth, sometimes, even nothing.

It’s the Worst Possible Time to Cut Unemployment Benefits. Conservative states are reducing enhanced weekly payments and increased eligibility, while other federal fiscal supports expire. It could stunt the economic recovery.

Senate passes long-delayed China bill. The Senate passed sweeping legislation aimed at combating China’s competitiveness after Democrats agreed to punt the bill into June in the face of GOP slow-walking.

# Education / Schools
Florida is overcoming ‘systemic privilege’ by putting students before the ‘system’: Throughout America, a very important – and highly racialized – conversation is taking place about overcoming injustice.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Environmental justice: Memphis pipeline rekindles eminent domain fight.
Many states give pipeline companies power to condemn land. A fight in Memphis is testing whether that’s a recipe for environmental injustice

Republicans pledge allegiance to fossil fuels like it’s still the 1950s:
Republican-led states are threatening retaliation against banks that refuse to lend to coal, oil and gas companies in effort to delay transition https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/07/republicans-fossil-fuels-coal

U.S. oil exports surged in 2020, imperiling climate: Thanks to an Obama-era policy change, American crude is hitting the global market at a time when the world desperately needs to kick its addiction https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/u-s-becomes-net-oil-exporter-as-world-burns-1179815/

Republican obstructionism meets pipeline hysteria in North Carolina: GOP leaders’ choice to block the nomination of a key environmental official for Governor Roy Cooper may prove counterproductive in the long run.

In two opposite decisions on Alaska oil drilling, Biden walks a difficult path in search of bipartisanship. The political tug-of-war over President Joe Biden’s climate policy played out on the tundra-covered North Slope of Alaska last week.

Can California avoid another toxic waste disaster? For decades, large red-hot furnaces cooked the lead from smashed batteries at the Exide plant, just seven miles from Downtown Los Angeles https://capitalandmain.com/can-california-avoid-another-toxic-waste-disaster

Permian Oil and Gas Sites Are Releasing Large Amounts of Methane. A relatively tiny number of Permian oil and gas sites are responsible for a large portion of methane pollution, a study from Methane Source Finder recently found.

Civil Rights Leaders and West Virginia Miners Turn Up the Heat on Joe Manchin Patience for the West Virginia senator’s self-serving intransigence is nearing a very loud end https://truthout.org/articles/civil-rights-leaders-and-west-virginia-miners-turn-up-the-heat-on-joe-manchin/

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Some of the worst ozone pollution in the U.S. settles along Colorado’s Front Range https://coloradosun.com/2021/06/07/ozone-pollution-health-climate-change-epa-colorado/

Hundreds of lakes in U.S., Europe are losing oxygen. Oxygen levels have dropped in hundreds of lakes in the United States and Europe over the last four decades, a new study found.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Expect to pay more for food in 2021, except for eggs. Investigate Midwest looks into USDA food pricing trends from 2020, and only one food bucked the upward trajectory.

# Global Politics and other news
Legitimizing imperialism: Achcar, by his own admission, supported the U.S./NATO imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya, which quickly and predictably morphed into a full war of Western imperial conquest against one of the then most prosperous African nations. Today Libya is a failed state, where black African slaves are openly traded and military factions contend for state power.

# Gov / Political
Democrats reach turning point with Manchin: Manchin and another centrist, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), have created irksome obstacles within their own caucus, and Democrats have yet to land on a strategy for dealing with the internal dissent.

The G.O.P.’s Assault on Voting Rights: Republican Party’s Irrational War on Voting Rights https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/03/republican-partys-irrational-war-voting-rights/618314/

‘Dig Up the Evidence’: 2019 Giuliani-Ukraine Call Revealed: The newly released call among Giuliani, U.S. diplomat Kurt Volker, and Ukrainian presidential adviser Andriy Yermak.

Redistricting: With Texas political mapmakers now certain that the state will get two more U.S. House seats. Republicans will control the process, but a legal and political fight is sure to commence over who is empowered and whose voice is diluted.

Senate filibuster fight throws Democrats’ wish list into limbo:
Democrats are facing the threat of a stalled-out agenda on Capitol Hill as divisions within the party spotlight critical limits on what can get through Congress.

Point: Why We Must Preserve Our Freedom to Vote With HR1: Although we’ve made significant progress over the last two centuries to expand the freedom to vote, self-interested politicians in numerous states are trying to turn back the clock to a dark period in our history.

# Law Enforcement
Cops Knew About ‘Storm the Capitol’ Threat Weeks Before Riot https://www.thedailybeast.com/capitol-police-knew-about-maga-plans-to-storm-building-weeks-before-insurrection-says-report

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Jared Kushner’s former lawyer now faces a scandal of his own. A former client says Lowell never informed her he was under Justice Department scrutiny when he negotiated her plea deal.

# Medical / Health
Alzheimer’s drug controversially approved: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first new drug for Alzheimer’s disease in 18 years that attempts to treat a possible cause of the neurodegenerative disease, plaques of amyloid-β protein in the brain, rather than just the symptoms https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2021/06/07/controversial-fda-approval-of-alzheimers-drug-aducanumab-sets-stage-for-possible-medicare-coverage-battle/?sh=158377b119dc

# Other News
House Panel Assails Fisher-Price For Ignoring Sleeper’s Risks To Infants.

Fisher-Price Ignored Safety Warnings Even After Infants Started Dying:

# Science
Scientists resurrect microscopic creatures that were frozen for 24,000 years in Siberia https://www.livescience.com/rotifer-frozen-24000-years-revived.html

# Social
Tulsa race massacre at 100: an act of terrorism America tried to forget https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/31/tulsa-race-massacre-at-100-act-of-terrorism

# Technology
Microwave Weapon Concerns Spread to Department of Homeland Security https://theintercept.com/2021/05/28/microwave-weapon-havana-syndrome-dhs/

Yes, your phone is taking ‘invisible’ pictures of you https://www.abc4.com/news/tech-social-media/yes-your-iphone-is-taking-invisible-pictures-of-you/

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-05

Voices, The Peoples News

June 5, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson – There Must Be More to Life Than This (Video Clip) Golden Duet
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Water Protectors Converge on Minnesota for Massive Demonstrations Against Line 3. Indigenous leaders have decried the Line 3 expansion as a brazen violation of treaty rights that endangers sacred land.

# Indigenous / Global
# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
On the verge of extinction, these whales are also shrinking. The few living North Atlantic right whales are smaller than previous generations, and some show signs of severely stunted development.

California’s monarch butterflies are down 99%. Can this plant help? A coalition of conservation groups have partnered with the state to add
30,000 milkweed plants in an attempt to restore the species’

These six factors explain why Louisiana is rapidly losing land; see
graphics: Land loss in parts of Louisiana is occurring at a rate equivalent to one football field every 100 minutes. How is that happening? The community of Delacroix was once surrounded by forests of oak, maple and sycamore trees that also provided protection against storm surges. June 2010, barely a sliver remained, as the marsh continued to erode.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) US-linked Chinese military scientist filed patent for COVID vaccine just after contagion emerged – report. A Chinese Communist Party military scientist who got funding from the National Institutes of Health filed a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine in February last year — raising fears the shot was being studied even before the pandemic became public, according to a new report https://nypost.com/2021/06/04/chinese-scientist-filed-covid-vaccine-patent-after-contagion-emerged-report/

‘I was threatened and ostracized’: Ex-CDC director Robert Redfield received death threats from scientist colleagues after he publicly said he believed COVID-19 originated in a lab https://www.axios.com/lab-leak-theory-redfield-vanity-fair-9b9f348f-2d82-4ff6-b7e1-a30a0b1e8125.html

Biden defends Fauci after Senator Hawley joins GOP calls for White House medical chief to resign or be fired https://www.legitgov.org/biden-defends-fauci-after-senator-hawley-joins-gop-calls-white-house-medical-chief-resign-or-be

New Email Shows Dr. Fauci Was Told in Jan. 2020 the Coronavirus ‘Looked Engineered’

# Economy / Trade
G-7 commits to global minimum tax of at least 15 percent. Top finance officials in the Group of Seven (G-7) on Saturday announced their commitment to push for a global minimum tax of at least 15 percent in international tax negotiations, a rate advocated by the Biden administration.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals As Illinois Strains to Pass a Major Clean Energy Law, a Big Coal Plant Stands in the Way. The Prairie State power plant may be forced to close much sooner than owners expected, but communities it provided with electricity could have to pay for it for years to come.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Climate crisis is suffocating the world’s lakes, study finds. The climate crisis is causing a widespread fall in oxygen levels in lakes across the world, suffocating wildlife and threatening drinking water https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jun/02/climate-crisis-is-suffocating-the-worlds-lakes-study-finds

U.S. Southwest, already parched, sees ‘virtual water’ drain abroad. As the Colorado River Basin enters yet another year of drought, global companies are worsening the water crisis.

California and Nevada are 100% in drought. Direct from Drought.gov:
After two water years of dry conditions, both California and Nevada are now 100% in drought.

Pesticides are killing the world’s soils: They cause significant harm to earthworms, beetles, ground-nesting bees and thousands of other vital subterranean species https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/pesticides-are-killing-the-worlds-soils/

The low-oxygen Gulf ‘dead zone’ could be three times the size of Rhode Island; here’s why. If tropical storms don’t churn up the Gulf of Mexico and mix oxygen back in, this year’s dead zone will be almost three times as large as the state of Rhode Island.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Global ‘Suezmax’ Oil Tankers Could Soon Be Plying the Poisoned Waters of Texas’
Lavaca Bay. Fishermen and environmentalists say a plan to export crude would require dredging mercury-laced sediment in a Superfund site, imperling oyster reefs and the natural habitat.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Costco to Ban Monsanto’s Glyphosate From All U.S. Stores, Plans to Carry Organic Alternatives Instead https://althealthworks.com/costco-to-ban-monsantos-glyphosate-from-all-u-s-stores-plans-to-carry-more-organic-alternatives/

# Food Recalls / Alerts
Ground coriander brands recalled for Salmonella contamination https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2021/06/ground-coriander-brands-recalled-for-salmonella-contamination/

# Gov / Political
No Time to Relax: Dark Clouds in Biden’s America https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/06/04/no-time-to-relax-dark-clouds-in-bidens-america/

America’s Nazi problem and the end of policing: Robert Jay Lifton is right in arguing that the United States may not be “headed inevitably for an authoritarian society or Nazi-like society. What I am saying is that there are parallels. And they’re dangerous.

Montana, Worth Fighting For, Despite the State’s Current Political Mess:
Republicans now control the Montana government and they are dead set on tearing down our great state to the lowest level possible. Dignity and fairness have gone out the window.

Black female candidates are working to build upon their success in the last election cycle, setting their sights on governor’s mansions, Capitol Hill, and city halls in 2021 and 2022.

The Republicans’ Wild Assault on Voting Rights in Texas and Arizona:
What began as thinly veiled attempts to keep Democrats from the polls has become a movement to undermine confidence in our democracy itself.

# Law Enforcement
Police reform negotiations enter crucial stretch https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/557008-police-reform-negotiations-enter-crucial-stretch

‘One Slip of the Tongue Could Ruin Things.’ Bipartisan Talks on Police Reform Advance https://time.com/6024054/police-reform-congress/

States tackling ‘qualified immunity’ for police as Congress squabbles over the issue https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/23/politics/qualified-immunity-police-reform/index.html

Some Prisons Reinstate Patdown Searches Although Guards Are Refusing Vaccination. Prisoners are worried that reinstated searches will allow guards to spread COVID-19 throughout prisons — again.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced it will no longer secretly obtain reporters’ private phone records as part of investigations into leaks, confirming a shift in policy under the Biden administration.

LGBT: Moving Towards Equality

# Media
The media is still mostly failing to convey the urgency of the climate
crisis: We asked the world’s press to commit to treating climate change as the emergency that scientists say it is. Their response was dispiriting https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jun/03/media-climate-change-crisis-emergency

# Medical / Health
Cities have unique microbiomes which could be key to keeping us healthy.
Researchers swabbed city buses and subways and found DNA from viruses and bacteria that had never been classified before.

Supreme Court Orders Johnson & Johnson to Pay $2.1 Billion in Baby Powder Lawsuit https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-01/j-j-must-pay-2-1-billion-talc-award-as-top-court-rejects-appeal

# Military / DOD
Directed Energy Weapons and Electromagnetic Bombs  (U.S. Air Force) The nascent technology of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and Electromagnetic Bombs (E-bombs) will revolutionise many aspects of modern warfare.

Pentagon investigated suspected Russian directed-energy attacks on U.S.
Defense officials have briefed congressional committees on the use of mysterious weapons against American service members.

High Altitube Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) and High Power Microwave
(HPM) Devices: Threat Assessments

U.S. Army Weapons-Related Directed Energy (DE) Programs: Background and Potential Issues for Congress (PDF) https://fas.org/sgp/crs/weapons/R45098.pdf

Anti-Satellite Weapons, Countermeasures, and Arms Control, September 1985 NTIS order #PB86-182953 (PDF) https://aerospace.csis.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/OTA-Report-on-ASAT-Weapons-and-Countermeasures-1985.pdf

# Social
Anti-Asian Violence Didn’t Start or End With Trump’s White House. After the 2008 crisis, prosecutors ignored the big banks and baselessly tried to scapegoat a Chinese American business.

# Space / UFO’s
VT Nuclear Education: Nasa, Bob Lazar’s UFO and the History of Lost Technology https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/06/04/vt-nuclear-education-nasa-bob-lazars-ufo-and-the-history-of-lost-technology/

# Veterans / VA
Firefighters and veterans denied coverage for PFAS illnesses: The VA and insurers have rejected claims from firefighters despite evidence linking PFAS foam and disease.

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NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items:

The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-04

Voices, The Peoples News

June 4, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
Urgent recall announcement involving several dog foods produced by Sunshine Mills. The brands that are involved in this recall include Sportsman’s Pride, Sprout, Intimidator and FRM Gold Select.

# Border / Immigration
Texas’ Rio Grande Valley plays an outsize role in caring for migrants once they are out of Customs and Border Protection custody. Community leaders and officials say they want more communication from Washington as localities shoulder the day-to-day processing of migrants.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) Ex-CDC Director: I Got Death Threats Over Lab Leak Theory. “I was threatened and ostracized because I proposed another hypothesis. I expected it from politicians. I didn’t expect it from science,” Redfield said.

Heart reaction probed as possible rare vaccine link in teens. An article on seven U.S. teen boys in several states, published online in Pediatrics, is among the latest reports of heart inflammation discovered after COVID-19 vaccination, though a link to the vaccine has not been proven.

Filter membrane renders viruses harmless: Researchers are developing a new filter membrane that is highly efficient at filtering and inactivating a wide variety of air-borne and water-borne viruses.

New study may help explain low oxygen levels in COVID-19 patients: A new study sheds light on why many COVID-19 patients, even those not in hospital, are suffering from hypoxia — a potentially dangerous condition in which there is decreased oxygenation in the body’s tissues.
The study also shows why the anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone has been an effective treatment.

Fauci: I Want to See Medical Records of Wuhan Lab Workers: Three researchers at the lab who reportedly fell sick with COVID-like symptoms weeks before the first confirmed case of the disease in Wuhan.

With COVID-19 cases on the decline, US states move forward https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/05/covid-19-cases-decline-us-states-move-forward

# Economy / Trade
Giving People Money Is Apparently Not Crushing The Economy. If the federal government’s efforts to help the economy are actually hurting it, as Republicans have been claiming, the best available data isn’t corroborating that theory.

# Education / Schools
The Supreme Court is about to rule on the biggest student free speech case in 50 years https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/06/the-supreme-court-is-about-to-rule-on-the-biggest-student-free-speech-case-in-50-years/

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Spending by G7 nations favors fossil fuel interests over green energy.
Vast majority of pandemic subsidies for dirty industries came without conditions.

EPA Workers Demand the Removal of Fossil Fuel Stocks From Their Retirement Plans. Employees of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are more aware than most of the urgency of the climate crisis.

Activists Face Fossil Fuel Misinformation in Push for State Climate Plans. Lawmakers with fossil fuel ties are misrepresenting regional climate bills as gas taxes.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
How pesticides are harming soil ecosystems. At a time when interest in regenerative agriculture is growing, a new study looks at the way pesticides can devastate soil species that foster plant health and sequester carbon.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge just got a reprieve—but it’s not safe yet, many environmental battles await https://civileats.com/2021/06/04/how-pesticides-are-harming-soil-ecosystems/

Nature conservation key to food security, climate sustainability. The world must restore at least two billion hectares of land and ocean — an area roughly double the size of Canada https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/06/03/news/nature-conservation-key-food-security-climate-sustainability-un

California State Water Board is Manufacturing a Drought by Draining Reservoirs into the Ocean https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/california-state-water-board-is-manufacturing-a-drought-by-draining-reservoirs-into-the-ocean/

Bad News: CVP and SWP Plan to Drain CA’s Largest Reservoirs https://www.nrdc.org/experts/doug-obegi/cvpswp-water-allocations-will-drain-cas-largest-reservoirs

Despite California drought, reservoir near San Jose ordered to be drained. Here’s why.

California Drains Reservoirs in the Middle of a Drought. The state desperately needs water, yet federal policy sends huge ‘pulse flows’
into the Pacific to benefit fish.

An investigation has identified more than 80 dams in 24 states, that, if they were to fail, could flood a major toxic waste site and potentially spread contaminated material into surrounding communities. And for the most part, the risks are largely unrecognized by any government agency https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2267885406442/below-aging-u-s-dams-a-potential-toxic-calamity

Michigan’s aging dams are an expensive headache. Emergency plans obtained by the AP indicate that thousands of people living and working downstream could be at risk if dams were to catastrophically fail, while separate inspection reports cite a variety of problems https://www.mlive.com/news/2019/12/michigans-aging-dams-are-an-expensive-headache.html

In Klamath River Drought, a Massive Juvenile Salmon Die-Off.  In early May, 97 percent of the juveniles caught were infected, and were either dead, or would die within days.

Sunrise Movement Calls on Biden to Stop Compromising With Republicans on Climate. The youth climate group rallied outside the White House to demand that Biden stop cutting harmful deals with the GOP.

Rapid growth in Arizona’s suburbs bets against an uncertain water supply. ‘The alternative is something they don’t want to think about.’

How Some Lefties Misunderstand Biden’s Negotiating Strategy: Biden is needlessly prolonging negotiations with Republicans over the infrastructure package and giving away the store, right? And he’s gutting his own proposal to raise taxes on corporations—negotiating with himself—right? Wrong, actually.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
How Climate Change Challenges Farmers Producing the Food You Eat.
Fairtrade collaborates with farmers to adapt to escalating conditions

How will climate change affect food production?

Growing food in a sustainable, environmentally friendly way, while also producing enough of it, is among the most important challenges facing the U.S. and the world today.

# Gov / Political
Undercover Activist Says She Recruited Proud Boys for GOP: “Just received this from the GOP. They are asking me to potentially gather the ’boys and all the patriots and lead a literal (non violent) charge on the County Elections office.”

Five Things Dems Must Do Now to Save Democracy From the GOP. If Biden is serious about “fighting like heck” against the GOP’s full-frontal assault on democracy, here are five things his party must do to save it.

Trump’s grip on GOP sparks fears about democratic process. Seven months after Election Day, former President Donald Trump’s supporters are still auditing ballots in Arizona’s largest county and may revive legislation that would make it easier for judges in Texas to overturn election results.

Texas Republican leaders promised action on gun safety after the El Paso shooting. Instead, they passed permitless carry. The Legislature passed a bill allowing Texans to carry handguns without a license or training — an expansion of gun rights so divisive Republican leaders in previous years refused to touch it.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott could be upsetting balance of powers with threat to veto Texas Legislature’s pay. “If you do not have the branch that represents directly the people of this state, then you are in essence having something very similar to a monarchy, with one person in charge of everything that happens in the state with no input from elected representatives.”

Don McGahn is finally testifying about Trump’s obstruction. In other words, the cover-up worked.

Allen West Unexpectedly Resigns as Texas GOP Chairman. The far-right firebrand may be seeking public office, something West didn’t confirm or deny at a Friday press conference.

# Law Enforcement
Who Is This Boy—and Who Killed Him? Hikers found his body in the forest a week ago, and despite a $10,000 reward still cannot identify him. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children was able to create a digitally enhanced portrait of the child, who is believed to be between
8 and 10 years old.

New research looking at data from millions of stops made by police in Texas in 2020 found that law enforcement officers search Latino people more than any other racial or ethnic group. But, those searches turn up far less contraband than searches of white people https://www.keranews.org/news/2021-06-02/report-police-in-texas-most-likely-to-search-latinos-but-most-often-find-contraband-on-whites

Prepper Busted With 32 Bombs and Rants About ‘Antifa’: X-rays of the bombs revealed they’d been loaded with nails to act as shrapnel that could cause additional wounds to anyone in the vicinity of a blast.

FBI Probes Allegation That DeJoy Used Illegal Scheme to Rise as GOP Megadonor Former employees have alleged that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy pressured them to donate to GOP candidates with the promise of reimbursement.

Dad, 28, Killed by Single Punch From Road-Rage Suspect. Wei Lin turned up to the scene of a fender bender to help his employee, who didn’t speak English, communicate with the other driver.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
MyPillow Guy’s Bizarre New Lawsuit Invokes Sci-Fi and RICO. The Minnesota MAGA enthusiast filed a federal lawsuit alleging that Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic engaged in a racketeering conspiracy.

Insurrection Cost $1.5 Million—and Rioters Should Pay: The steep figure was revealed in a court filing for Paul Hodgkins, who pleaded guilty to attacking the Capitol Wednesday.

U.S. taxpayers to pay Capitol siege tab as government shuns insurance https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-insurance/u-s-taxpayers-to-pay-capitol-siege-tab-as-government-shuns-insurance-idUSKBN29C38M

Laws Criminalizing HIV Are Obstructing Efforts to End the AIDS Epidemic.
It’s Pride 2021, but laws that punish people for their HIV status are still on the books in 32 states.

# Medical / Global
Zika virus RNA found in free-ranging African bats: Scientists have detected Zika virus RNA in free-ranging African bats. RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is a molecule that plays a central role in the function of genes.

# Medical / Health
The sperm-count ‘crisis’ doesn’t add up, new study contends. Reports of a decline in male fertility rely on flawed assumptions, a new study contends.

Secondary infections inflame the brain, worsening cognition in Alzheimer’s disease New research into Alzheimer’s disease (AD) suggests that secondary infections and new inflammatory events amplify the brain’s immune response and affect memory in mice and in humans, even when these secondary events occur outside the brain.

Study suggests pollution plays an outsized role in western Pennsylvania cancer rates https://www.ehn.org/pollution-western-pennsylvania-cancer-2653220291.html

# Military / DOD
America’s Treasonous Generals: Why there’s reason to fear a military coup against America’s democracy: Michael Flynn was once the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and then became the White House National Security Adviser https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/06/03/americas-treasonous-generals-why-theres-reason-to-fear-a-military-coup-against-americas-democracy/

He Did it and Now is Lying About it: Why Michael Flynn is desperately trying to cover up his call for a coup in the US: Former Trump campaign national security advisor Mike Flynn called for the end of democracy during a question-and-answer session last weekend at a QAnon conference in Dallas.

# Other News
“A Massive Crisis”: Majority of U.S. Mass Shootings Have Links to Domestic Violence.  A 2020 Bloomberg analysis looking at nearly 750 mass shootings over a six-year span found about 60% of the shootings were either domestic violence attacks or committed by men with histories of domestic violence.

# Social
The Shot in the Eye Squad: After losing a retina to “less lethal” police munitions during a George Floyd protest, I decided to start a club.

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-03

Voices, The Peoples News

June 3, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Supreme Court: Tribal police may detain non-Native Americans on reservation highways https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/06/01/supreme-court-tribal-police-can-detain-non-natives-reservations/5289190001/

Karuk Tribe declares emergency in Klamath Basin amid catastrophic fish kill https://www.northcoastjournal.com/NewsBlog/archives/2021/06/01/karuk-tribe-declares-climate-emergency

At the Duwamish longhouse, a law is signed requiring environmental justice from state agencies: “The HEAL Act is a major piece of legislation with the ambitious charge of making it so that everyone, especially the most overburdened communities and people of color, have a healthy environment, clean air and water, and can lead healthy lives,”
said Cecile Hansen, chairwoman of the Duwamish Tribal Council.

Navajo Nation Reports No Additional Deaths From COVID-19

Will a Native-led initiative spur an agricultural revolution in rural Alaska? A grassroots project to build biomass-heated greenhouses aims to alleviate food insecurity in the communities most affected by it.

Hoopa Valley Tribe’s Trinity River Fishery Once Again Falls Prey to Central Valley Water Barons https://lastrealindians.com/news/2021/5/13/hoopa-valley-tribes-trinity-river-fishery-once-again-falls-prey-to-central-valley-water-barons

# Indigenous / Global
Threat of legal action against Indigenous Borneans protesting timber company https://news.mongabay.com/2021/06/threat-of-legal-action-against-indigenous-borneans-protesting-timber-company/

Canucks to keep Rogers Arena orange in memory of Kamloops kids
‘indefinitely’: The Canucks released a statement about the remains of
215 Kamloops kids found on the grounds of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, the first NHL team to do so https://theprovince.com/sports/hockey/nhl/vancouver-canucks/canucks-to-keep-rogers-arena-orange-in-memory-of-kamloops-kids-indefinitely

# Border / Immigration
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Moves to Shut Down Shelters for Unaccompanied Migrant Children

# Bundy Rides Again
Vigilante’s ‘Alarming’ Run for Guv Sparks Fears of Chaos: Ammon Bundy is currently barred from entering the Idaho state capitol, where he would ostensibly need to conduct official business. But his campaign is anything but a joke.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) Man Who Developed CDC Vaccine Tracking System, BBC Radio Personality – Among the DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/man-who-developed-cdc-vaccine-tracking-system-bbc-radio-personality-among-the-dead-following-covid-19-injections/

Hong Kong: 12 DEAD Four Miscarriages in One Week Following COVID-19 Injections https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/hong-kong-12-dead-four-miscarriages-in-one-week-following-covid-19-injections/

The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins.
Throughout 2020, the notion that the novel coronavirus leaked from a lab was off-limits. Those who dared to push for transparency say toxic politics and hidden agendas kept us in the dark.

Norton To Test COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccine In Kids As Young As 6 Months https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/2021/06/02/norton-to-test-covid-pfizer-vaccine-in-young-kids/7504237002/

New US Covid Infections At Lowest Level Since Pandemic Began https://khn.org/morning-breakout/new-us-covid-infections-at-lowest-level-since-pandemic-began/

# Economy / Trade
The economic recovery is here. It’s unlike anything you’ve seen.
Households saved cash and banks amassed capital, but supply shortages are popping up and some employers can’t find workers

# Education / Schools
U.S. Schools Support Genocide Denial and What To Do About It: By failing to educate students about the many genocides the U.S. government has supported, they promote a dangerous nationalistic ideology.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Everyday Texans overlooked in state lawmakers’ response to power outages during winter storm. While lawmakers took significant steps toward preventing another blackout, hardly any of the proposals passed during this legislative session will aid consumers in recovering from the February storm, but they’ll see higher utility bills.

Biden Suspends Oil Leases in Arctic Refuge, But OKs Drilling Elsewhere in Alaska “Until the leases are canceled, they remain a threat to one of the wildest places left in America.”

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Infrastructure negotiations enter make-or-break week: President Biden will sit down with Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) on Wednesday as his infrastructure negotiations with Republicans enter a critical and potentially final week.

Lakes are experiencing deoxygenation worldwide. “Climate change, together with [agricultural pollution], threatens vulnerable freshwater systems, adding to the urgency to strongly cut emissions.”

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Food Additive in Popular Foods No Longer Considered Safe: Titanium dioxide, an additive found in more than 3,000 ultra-processed foods, including Starbursts, Jello, and Little Debbie snack cakes, may cause cell mutations and damage DNA. Titanium dioxide is a synthetic white pigment used to color processed foods and is created in a process that uses fluoride and sulfate.

# Global Politics and other news
New Investigation Reveals Role of Israeli Operatives in Colombia’s “Political Genocide”: Known as the “Red Dance,” the systematic murder of the Patriotic Union remains one of the most extreme cases of political violence in Latin America and new evidence suggests that it was concocted by one of the most decorated spies in Israeli history.

Syria’s Victory Stuns NATO Enemies. For those willing to see reality, Syria exposes the forces of evil in this world. Syria’s presidential elections this week were a resounding success against a backdrop of 10 years of brutal, relentless war imposed on the Arab country by the United States and its NATO partners.

The Bibi Legacy: From Sex-Tape Scandal to Far-Right Zealot. After 12 years of rule, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s blatant corruption, scandals, and controversies seem to have finally spelled his demise.

# Gov / Political
Texas GOP Finalizes ‘Ruthless’ Voter Suppression Bill, Sparking Calls for Congressional Action: The state legislation has been slammed by voting rights advocates nationwide—including President Joe Biden, who said that “it’s part of an assault on democracy that we’ve seen far too often this year.”

George P. Bush Announces Challenge to Texas Attorney General: Bush, son of Jeb Bush, currently serves as a Texas land commissioner. Bush made his challenge official during an event at a downtown Austin bar.  Former President Donald Trump said last week that he would issue an endorsement in the race “in the not-so-distant future.”

Biden tries new strategy with moderates as frustration grows. President Biden this week took the rare step of calling out two Democratic moderates,  Sens. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.), in a sign of growing frustration over stalled legislative priorities.

Antisemitism isn’t a partisan issue, it’s a crisis both parties must fight together. The bitter truth is that this isn’t a Republican Party or Democratic Party crisis, this is an American crisis. We are turning antisemitism from what it is, hatred of Jews, to what it should not be:
a matter of partisan bickering.

9 Republicans not named Trump who could run in 2024: A growing number of Republicans are already jockeying ahead of 2024 as they await former President Trump’s decision on another possible White House run.

# Law Enforcement
Police Are Backing Bills That Make It Easier to Crush Nonviolent Protests https://truthout.org/articles/police-are-backing-bills-that-make-it-easier-to-crush-nonviolent-protests/

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Gaetz Faces Obstruction Probe Over Witness Call: Federal prosecutors are reportedly eyeing whether the congressman obstructed justice during a phone call with his ex and a witness.

DoJ Probing Hunter Biden-Linked Consulting Firm: There are reportedly no signs that the probe is targeting Hunter Biden, the president’s second son.

Justice faces pressure for action on civil rights post-Trump: The top DOJ officials who have been confirmed in recent months have pledged a renewed commitment to enforcing voting rights protections and tackling police misconduct across the country https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/556039-justices-faces-pressure-for-action-on-civil-rights-post-trump

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
A senior science policy advisor with the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration said the government needs to work with—not against—states that legalize or decriminalize psychedelics.

# Media
FBI Probes Louis DeJoy for GOP Fundraising at Ex-Company. Employees at DeJoy’s old company have claimed he gave them larger bonuses for donating to Republican candidates.

# Medical / Health
Sackler Family, Owner Of Purdue Pharma, Set To Win Immunity From Opioid Lawsuits. Public health experts and many government officials say the introduction of OxyContin fueled the nation’s deadly opioid epidemic.

The editor of a top medical journal is leaving after the publication said “no physician is racist”: Howard Bauchner is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American Medical Association and has been at the helm of its extended network of journals for a decade.

A Public Option Will Destroy Private Insurance. A public option could destroy the private insurance market — and in the process, deprive the majority of Americans of the employer-sponsored coverage they’re comfortable with and like.

Expanding Insurance Coverage Is Top Priority for New Medicare-Medicaid Chief https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210603/Expanding-insurance-coverage-is-top-priority-for-new-Medicare-Medicaid-chief.aspx

Newsom Wants to Spend Millions on the Health of Low-Income Mothers and Their Babies https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2021-06-03/newsom-wants-to-spend-millions-on-the-health-of-low-income-mothers-and-their-babies

Many New Moms Get Kicked Off Medicaid 2 Months After Giving Birth.
Illinois Will Change That.

Hospital Tried To Discharge Patients Without Telling Them, Records Show https://khn.org/morning-breakout/hospital-tried-to-discharge-patients-without-telling-them-records-show/

# Other News
Trump Aide: Telling Him He Lost Is ‘Pissing Into the Wind’: People close to Trump are reportedly growing concerned about the level of his obsession for attempting to overturn last year’s election.

Trump Admin Seized New York Times Reporters’ Phone Records: The Justice Department took similar extreme measures against reporters for CNN and The Washington Post.

# Social
Undoing Welfare Reform: The expanded Child Tax Credit will lift an additional 4.1 million children out of poverty, cutting child poverty by about half. Contributor Kalena Thomhave explores what things would look like if we made this policy simple, universal, and permanent.

Report Shows Stimulus Checks Significantly Reduced Hardship for Families. The checks unanimously slammed by the GOP helped reduce financial instability by 45 percent, a new report finds.

# Space
Critical insights and analysis on technological advancements, program development and emerging trends propelling the global aerospace & defense industry forward https://aviationweek.com/AWST

“BACK TO THE FUTURE NASA’S NEW NUCLEAR VISION” was the headline emblazoned on the cover this past month of the leading U.S. aerospace trade publication, Aviation Week & Space Technology. “More than sixty years after the U.S. began serious studies into nuclear propulsion for space travel, NASA is taking the first steps on a new path to develop nuclear-powered engines for crewed missions to Mars by the end of the next decade,” it began.

# Veterans / VA
Organizer Cuts Veteran’s Mic as He Talks About Black History: Retired Army Lt. Col. Barnard Kemter’s mic was cut during his speech explaining the role Black Americans played in establishing Memorial Day.

Arkansas: Dozens Dead, Thousands Suffered in VA Coverup of Addict/Drunk Pathologist. Oversight failures, a fearful workplace culture and lax quality standards for years at a Veterans Affairs hospital in Arkansas allowed a pathologist, Robert Levy, who was routinely drunk on the job to misdiagnose thousands of veterans — sometimes with dire or deadly consequences https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/06/02/arkansas-dozens-dead-thousands-suffered-in-va-coverup-of-addict-drunk-pathologist/

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-06-02

Voices, The Peoples News

June 2, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous / Global
“This goes to show that, no matter the odds, the voices of our Tribes matter.”
Arctic tribal leaders have welcomed US President Joe Biden’s decision to suspend oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls Florida manatees are dying at an alarming rate: ‘They listened to anti-manatee groups and prematurely took manatees off the endangered species list.’ A high number of manatee deaths in Florida have environmental groups on high alert.

# Border / Immigration
Biden Ends Trump-Era ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy. Homeland security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas does away with 2019 decision credited with curbing migrant flow https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-border/u-s-formally-ends-trumps-remain-in-mexico-asylum-policy-idUKKCN2DD4DG

‘Unfathomable Cruelty’: Texas Order Would Revoke Licenses of Child Care Facilities Housing Unaccompanied Minors. One critic said that Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is “intentionally subjecting these children to being crammed in detention facilities.”

# Children / Youth
Texas child safety advocates say the child welfare system can act as an extension of over-policing in Black and brown communities. Last year, Black children in Travis County were 4.2 times more likely to be removed from their homes than white children.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) Anthony Fauci and Chinese CDC Director’s Email Exchanges Exposed: ‘We Will Get Through This Together’

Bombshell: Fauci wrote in 2012 that benefits of gain-of-function research ‘outweigh the risks’: Gain-of-function (GOF) research — which involves intentionally strengthening viruses to better study their potential effects — at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Such research could have given birth to COVID-19.

CDC Investigating Cases of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination –At least 17 of the cases reportedly involve members of the U.S. military.

Mixing and matching COVID-19 shots in fully vaccinated people is subject of new study.

NEO, The Terrible Truth Behind President Biden’s COVID Investigation:
Simply put, this order is, minimally, a two-edged sword, one that could drive international tensions or, if carried out as stated, something the US has never done before, it might well throw the US into chaos.

Anthony Fauci’s emails reveal the pressures that fell on one man. We obtained thousands of pages of communications that show how Fauci tried to keep Americans calm and develop an effective strategy despite conflicts with the Trump administration.

White House Offers Free Beer, Other Perks To Incentivize Vaccines: To reach its goal of getting at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine into the arms of 70% of U.S. adults by July 4, the White House is offering Americans a whole lot of free stuff.

# Education / Schools
Dallas High School Valedictorian Scraps Approved Speech to Speak Out Against State’s Extreme Anti-Choice Law: “I refuse to give up this platform to promote complacency and peace, when there is a war on my body and a war on my rights,” said Paxton Smith.

# Employment / Labor
The Jobs Report That Could Upend Biden’s Economic Agenda. The jobs numbers for May hold big implications for the U.S. economy, and for Biden.

UN Labor Agency Finds Pandemic Pushed Over 100 Million Workers Into Poverty The Covid-19 crisis has exacerbated preexisting inequalities and undermined progress on poverty reduction, gender equality, and battling child and forced labor, according to the International Labor Organization.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Global
Biden Reverses Trump Policy on Arctic Oil Drilling. Donald Trump’s administration had opened up the refuge—home to polar bears, caribou, and snowy owls—to drilling.

It’s Time for a Price on Carbon: Reduce America’s carbon pollution quickly, 50% by 2030. Climate change threatens America’s communities and our economy. Putting a price on carbon is the single most powerful tool we have to turn the tide.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
JBS cyberattack forces shutdown of all company’s US beef plants –Meat shortage in the US a concern following cyberattack https://abc13.com/business/what-the-jbs-cyberattack-means-for-your-meat-supply/10727480/

Scientists develop a pollen grain–sized “medicine” that could save bees from pesticide poisoning https://www.salon.com/2021/06/01/scientists-develop-a-pollen-grainsized-medicine-that-could-save-bees-from-pesticide-poisoning/

Pesticides are killing the world’s soils. They cause significant harm to earthworms, beetles, ground-nesting bees and thousands of other vital subterranean species https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/pesticides-are-killing-the-worlds-soils/

Food additive in Starbursts, Sour Patch Kids, Skittles, +3,000 others no longer considered safe. The additive, titanium dioxide, may cause cell mutations and damage DNA.

# Global Politics and other news
How an Accused Russian Agent Worked With Rudy Giuliani in a Plot Against the 2020 Election. Andriy Derkach fondly recalled meeting with Giuliani, saying “When we spoke, it was very useful for me.”

Pro-Russia Demo Was False-Flag Op Staged by Coup Plotters. An extraordinary show of support for Russian intervention in the streets of Africa can be exposed as a total sham.

Israel to ask U.S. for $1 billion in emergency military aid https://www.axios.com/israel-1-billion-military-aid-gaza-iron-dome-486f640a-4b95-470b-a59b-b28673fd404e.html

How much military aid funds does Israel get from the US? – report https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2021-05-24/afghanistan-israel-largest-recipients-of-us-foreign-aid

Israel Says Military Exports Hit $8.3 BN in 2020 https://www.thedefensepost.com/2021/06/01/israel-military-exports-hit-8bn/

# Gov / Political
Flynn’s Coup Talk Is a Warning About the MAGA Violence Ahead. The collapse of American democracy that Sinclair Lewis wrote about nearly a century ago as a fictional cautionary tale is what retired general Mike Flynn is calling for now.

Russians Likely Behind Cyberattack on Meat Supplier: “The White House is engaging directly with the Russian government on this matter,” Karine Jean-Pierre said.

U.S. spied on Merkel and other Europeans through Danish cables – broadcaster DR: The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) used a partnership with Denmark’s foreign intelligence unit to spy on senior officials of neighbouring countries https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/us-security-agency-spied-merkel-other-top-european-officials-through-danish-2021-05-30/

Police investigating multiple shots fired into state Capitol building in Hartford –Lamont says shooting appears to be random https://ctmirror.org/2021/06/01/gunshots-hit-ct-state-capitol-building/

Texas Gov. Abbott to veto funding for state legislature amid spat over election bill –Abbott’s action came hours after Democratic lawmakers left the House floor and broke quorum ahead of a planned vote https://www.texastribune.org/2021/05/31/texas-greg-abbott-funding-legislature/

Increasing criminal penalties for protesters: On Tuesday, Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a slate of legislation targeting protesters and restricting cities’ abilities to reduce police budgets

Texas officials speak at QAnon-affiliated event where Trump adviser Michael Flynn encouraged military coup on U.S. government

Democrats Stretch House Majority With NM Election Win https://www.thedailybeast.com/melanie-stansbury-wins-new-mexico-special-election-for-congressional-seat

King County Votes to Ban Use of Facial Recognition. The measure, the first of its kind to pass at a county level, would prohibit the government from purchasing and using facial recognition.

Biden Pushes for US Voting Rights Law as Restrictions Mount. Invoking the words of the late Rep. John Lewis, Biden said the right to vote is “precious” and must be protected

Jim Crow Killed Voting Rights for Generations. Now the GOP Is Repeating History. More than a century later, another generation of Black lawmakers is battling a familiar enemy.

100+ Democracy Scholars Issue Dire Warning About Threats to Voting
Rights in U.S.
As Republicans refuse to accept the results of the 2020 election, they’re escalating attempts at voter suppression.

The 139 Republicans who lied, fueled an insurrection and then voted to cover it up. Don’t forget the names of these GOP lawmakers who chose Donald Trump over American democracy. Twice.

‘GOP Isn’t Going to Meet Us Halfway’: Top Progressive Presses Biden to Cut Off Infrastructure Talks With Republicans. “It’s time to go alone—and get this done,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal.

# Law Enforcement
Chicago Cops Lose Guns, Badges for Allegedly Beating Teen. Neither has been charged with disciplinary violations, but have been reassigned.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
A federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., denied a request by a group of landlords to resume evictions, leaving the temporary nationwide eviction moratorium intact for now.

Christian Billionaires Are Funding Push to Kill Equality Act. Instead of becoming law, The Equality Act is falling victim to what one LGBTQ movement leader called one of “the most sophisticated dark money operations” they’ve ever seen.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
Amazon  said it will stop drug testing many workers for marijuana and will also actively lobby Congress to pass a federal legalization bill.
The move to treat cannabis “the same as alcohol use” from one of the U.S.’s largest employers is likely to have a large impact.

# Military / DOD
UnBelievable! The US used Nuclear Weapons in Central Asian War: OhMyGawd They Did it!  Well, the United States Military has finally done it. They have had and are using nuclear weapons in the Central Asian War; at Fallujah, Iraq to be exact.

US Air Force Plans to Buy More Bombs ‘Better-Suited for Operations in the Pacific’
“The new Cold War with China currently being pushed in Washington does not serve the millions of people demanding change across this country nor the billions of people affected by U.S. foreign policy abroad.”

Pentagon Eyes New Bombs for War With China, Not ISIS: The Air Force will buy fewer Joint Direct Attack Munitions, or JDAMs; Hellfire missiles; and small-diameter bombs as it prepares to invest in state-of-the art, long-range weapons that are better-suited for operations in the Pacific, according to its fiscal 2022 budget request.

US Actively Prepares for War with Russia. The US government has essentially begun its preparations for an invasion of Russia via the Baltic countries.

# Security
Feds Eye Rudy’s Security Firm as Probe Ramps Up. Feds’ interest in Giuliani’s security and consulting business comes at a time when they have ramped up their scrutiny of his work, including his Ukraine-related efforts.

# Social
We need to understand how we got to January 6 before we can move forward. The Mother Jones podcast explores how the Capitol attack was a recruitment event.

# Space
Something Bizarre Found on the Moon Has Scientists Speechless https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GWEv-kzw1s

Moon footage captures strange activity on camera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4MSrSKXf8E

Strange orbs have been filmed flying extremely close to the moon casting convincing shadows on the rocky lunar surface.

# Technology
The largest ferry service to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket was hit by a ransomware attack Wednesday that hampered some operations, the latest in a string of cyberattacks in recent weeks.

Killer drone ‘hunted down a human target’ autonomously: After a United Nations commission to block killer robots was shut down in 2018, a new report from the international body now says the Terminator-like drones are now here.

# Water
U.S. Southwest, already parched, sees ‘virtual water’ drain abroad: As the Colorado River Basin enters yet another year of drought, global companies are worsening the water crisis.

Amid historic drought, a new water war in the West. A drought crisis has erupted in the Klamath Basin along the California-Oregon border, with fish dying en masse and farmers infuriated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LijA3-QgyVo

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-05-31

Voices, The Peoples News

May 31, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Calls are mounting for greater accountability and a search for more unmarked graves in Canada after the discovery last week of 215 bodies at a former school for Indigenous children.

# Border / Immigration
If President Biden gets his way, it will soon be far easier to immigrate to the United States. There will be shorter, simpler forms and applicants will have to jump through fewer security hoops. Foreigners will have better opportunities to join their families and more chances to secure work visas.

Biden Administration ICE Contracts Encourage Forced Labor: A contract signed in April with the detention facility in Port Isabel, Texas, continues $1-a-day wages for those detained.

Biden formally ends Trump-era ‘Remain in Mexico’ immigration program https://thehill.com/latino/556371-biden-formally-ends-trump-era-remain-in-mexico-immigration-program

# Children / Youth
The life and loneliness of youth under pandemic restrictions

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests)
COVID-19 ‘has NO credible natural ancestor’ and WAS created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks with ‘retro-engineering’
to make it seem like it naturally arose from bats, explosive new study claims –An explosive new study claims researchers found ‘unique fingerprints’ in COVID-19 samples that they say could only have arisen from manipulation in a laboratory https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9629563/Chinese-scientists-created-COVID-19-lab-tried-cover-tracks-new-study-claims.html

Rep. McCaul calls COVID-19 origin ‘the worst cover-up in human history’
[Actually, the 2/47, full-court press of this experimental ‘vaccine’ has that distinction.] https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rep-mccaul-covid-19-origin-worst-cover-up-human-history

COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Among 12- to 17-Year-Olds More Than Triple in 1 Week, VAERS Data Show https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaers-data-reports-injuries-12-to-17-year-olds-more-than-triple/

World-Renowned Doctor Blows Lid Off COVID Vaccine: ‘It’s a horrendous bioweapon that’s been thrust onto the public, and it’s going to cause great personal harm.’ Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, FACP, FACC, FCCP, FAHA, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA – Doctor of Internal Medicine and Board-Certified Cardiologist discusses the COVID vaccine. (Video.) https://ncrenegade.com/massive-world-renowned-doctor-blows-lid-off-of-covid-vaccine/

Austin Regional Clinic will administer a possible COVID-19 vaccine to kids aged 6 months to 11 years old as part of a study starting next month.

CDC Investigating Cases of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-cdc-investigating-heart-problem-few-young-vaccine-recipients-nyt-2021-05-22/

Millions of Americans Decline Second Dose of Experimental mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines https://thevaccinereaction.org/2021/05/millions-of-americans-decline-second-dose-of-experimental-mrna-covid-19-vaccines/

COVID Variants Renamed With Greek Letters, Not Countries. The World Health Organization made the change so countries that discover variants won’t be stigmatized.

Canadian Doctor Removed from Hospital Duty after Speaking out about COVID “Vaccine” Side Effects https://alethonews.com/2021/05/31/canadian-doctor-removed-from-hospital-duty-after-speaking-out-about-covid-vaccine-side-effects/

The ‘most vaccinated country in the world’ is seeing a COVID outbreak

C.D.C. Will Not Investigate Mild Infections in Vaccinated Americans https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/25/health/cdc-coronavirus-infections-vaccine.html

“We Won’t Be Human Guinea Pigs”: 117 Doctors, Nurses Sue Over Forced “Experimental” Vaccine https://thefreethoughtproject.com/doctors-nurses-file-lawsuit-forced-vaccination/

House Republicans investigate taxpayer funding of Wuhan lab. While the origins of COVID-19 have been a political hot button issue rife with controversy, new evidence has prompted a different question: did American taxpayers help fund the controversial Wuhan lab?

The Vaccine Divide and Emerging Segregation Society: The push to get everyone to take a COVID-19 injection may be the greatest social engineering project the world has ever witnessed.

Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, one of the organizations at the forefront of simulations such as Event 201 and Clade X has issued a new report detailing plans to address future biological risks.

Swansea University Developing Microneedle Smart Patch COVID Vaccine That Can Track Patient Reactions https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2021/01/swansea-university-developing-worlds-first-covid-19-smart-patch-vaccine-that-will-measure-effectiveness.php

New Lancet Report Shows Pfizer, Moderna et al. Misled the Public with Deceptive Efficacy Statistics https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext

# Economy / Trade
Covid vaccine profits mint 9 new pharma billionaires https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/21/business/covid-vaccine-billionaires/index.html

Trump’s Tariffs Fueling US Inflation: U.S. Manufacturers Blame Tariffs for Swelling Inflation. Some economists differ, saying removing tariffs on metal, lumber won’t mean big drop in prices

Why Billionaires Like Bill Gates Can’t Fix the Problems They Helped Create https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/25/opinion/bill-melinda-gates-foundation.html

# Education / Schools
Republicans are passing laws to keep teachers from talking about race https://www.huffpost.com/entry/texas-republicans-ban-teachers-racism_n_609a96c8e4b063dccea1a3ef

# Employment / Labor
Restaurant lobbying groups and CEOs contributed to many of the GOP governors now ending pandemic unemployment benefits https://thecounter.org/restaurant-lobbying-groups-ceos-nra-greg-abbott-gop-governors/

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals After pouring over $1 trillion into fossil fuel finance, CEOs of 6 US banks testify before Congress. Despite talk of an energy transition and a wave of fossil fuel bankruptcies, big bank CEOs described plans to continue business with beleaguered fossil fuel industries.

The Biden administration will suspend controversial leases issued under the previous administration for drilling at the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, it announced Tuesday.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Researchers travel to the bottom of the ocean and find almost intact plastic waste Plastic waste is all over the place, even where you less expect it.

More than 1 in 3 heat-related deaths can be linked to climate change.
New estimates suggest Central and South America and South-East Asia most affected regions https://www.zmescience.com/science/news-science/more-than-1-in-3-heat-related-deaths-can-be-linked-to-climate-change/

The White House continues to see upside to infrastructure negotiations with Republicans, even as the talks run on longer than President Joe Biden initially planned.

Bees are dying from toxic chemicals and the feds won’t save them. A new study has pinpointed some of the probable causes of bee deaths and the rather scary results show that averting beemageddon will be much more difficult than previously thought.  US Department of Agriculture have identified a witch’s brew of pesticides and fungicides contaminating pollen that bees collect to feed their hives.

Bill and Melinda Gates’ Empire of Dirt. Wealthy investors are snapping up large tracts of farmland—and sowing discontent.

# Global Politics and other news
The Neo-Nazi Advising Colombian Police on How to Break the National Strike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igiJD4ysziw

China says it will allow couples to have 3 children, up from 2. The move is the Communist Party’s latest attempt to reverse declining birthrates and avert a population crisis https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/05/china-couples-three-children-birth-policy.html

# Gov / Political
Four more indicted in alleged Jan. 6 Oath Keepers conspiracy to obstruct election vote in Congress

Texas Democrats abandon House floor, blocking passage of voting bill before final deadline. Midnight was the deadline for the House to approve the legislation that would alter nearly the entire voting process, create new limitations to early voting hours, ratchet up voting-by-mail restrictions and curb local voting options.

Texas Legislature passed House Bill 1925, which would make camping in an unapproved public place a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $500. Cities may not opt out of the ban or discourage enforcement of it.

Gaetz’s GOP Primed Young Women to Sell Sex to Men Like Him. As long as lawmakers treat poverty like a personal failing that you can hustle your way out of, there will be young women doing the best they can to use G-strings as bootstraps.

Michael Flynn Calls for Myanmar-Style Coup in the U.S.: He made the insane comment at a QAnon conference in Dallas this weekend.

Q-OUP CALL General Michael Flynn faces calls for court-martial after telling QAnon rally ‘Myanmar-style’ coup should happen in US https://www.the-sun.com/news/2987529/michael-flynn-court-martial-qanon-myanmar-coup-america/

Texas Democrats Kill Voting-Restrictions Bill With Walkout: “When we are outnumbered, we have to use every tool  to block this attempt to scare and suppress Black and Brown Texas voters,” State Rep. Eddie Rodriguez said https://www.thedailybeast.com/texas-democrats-kill-voting-restrictions-bill-with-walkout

Flynn Denies Calling for Military Coup Despite Video Footage. Trump’s former national security adviser appeared at a Dallas QAnon conference this weekend and seemed to endorse a violent military uprising.

As a negotiator, Biden leaves GOP senators unsure how far he will go.

For Democrats, GOP filibuster of Jan. 6 commission raises a haunting question.

After defeating restrictive voting bill, Texas Democrats send loud
message: “We need Congress to do their part.”

Democrats are setting the stage for a massive brawl over the fate of the legislative filibuster as they face growing pressure to get rid of the roadblock.

The Texas Legislature closed out its biennial 140-day session Monday with sniping among the state’s top political leaders — and with lawmakers already well aware they will be back this year for an overtime round.

The greatest danger to American democracy. American democracy is at an inflection point.

Republicans Are Vocally Opposed to Democracy, From Texas to Myanmar.
State-level Republicans are laboring to affect their own slow-rolling coup in the upcoming elections.

After Texas Walkout, Sanders Says Senate Democrats Must Pass Voting Rights Bill If approved, the For the People Act would increase ballot access nationwide.

Rep. Nancy Mace’s House Vandalized With Anarchist Graffiti. Pictures posted by the GOP lawmaker show slogans like “no gods no masters” and “all politicians are bastards” painted on the front steps and sidewalk of her home.

# Law Enforcement
11 Texas jailers fired after causing inmate’s death. “The treatment of Jaquaree Simmons was both inhumane and unconstitutional.”

“Not only should we not always trust the machine, we can’t always trust the person that interprets the machine.” A study has shown that digital-forensics experts can be unintentionally biased when examining evidence from computer hard drives.

McConnell signals concern over changes to qualified immunity in police reform Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) signaled concerns on Tuesday about changes to a legal shield for police officers, a major sticking point in bipartisan police reform negotiations on Capitol Hill.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
He Robbed a Taco Joint With a Toy Gun and Got Life in Prison. No one got hurt, no one got killed. But Rolf Kaestel’s teenage delinquency landed him in jail—and 40 years later, he’s still fighting to get out.

Pride Month organizers to draw attention to anti-transgender laws:
Tuesday marks the beginning of Pride Month, and LGBTQ groups say they plan on drawing attention this year to the anti-transgender bills making their way through state legislatures across the country.

# Medical / Global
China: Man in Hospital With 1st Human Case of H10N3 Bird Flu: The man was hospitalized in the city of Zhenjiang at the end of April and tested positive for the rare virus last week.

# Medical / Health
Doctors Are Hiding Mental Health Struggles. Here’s Why. They just worked through a pandemic, so why are some state licensing boards still penalizing them for being human?

Fertility Rates are Dropping Around the World https://thevaccinereaction.org/2021/05/fertility-rates-are-dropping-around-the-world/

A new complex modelling study forecasts steep declines in total fertility rate by the end of this century, with most of 195 countries analysed unable to maintain their population levels.

Why your allergy symptoms are getting worse https://www.zmescience.com/ecology/climate/health-pollen-allergies-01062021/

# Other News
Steven Seagal Joins Pro-Kremlin Political Party. The actor, who has been extremely vocal about his admiration for Vladimir Putin, has held Russian citizenship since 2016.

Intel Drop:  Nuclear Terrorism, Impossible Without Control of the Narrative, History, News and Reality:  Exploding fertilizer is “anti-science.” This video, and the many like it along with every single chemistry textbook, proves Beirut was attacked with a nuclear weapon. The video demonstrates how ammonium nitrate functions, totally debunking every single claim made by the MSM and right wing conspiracy media in defense of the nation responsible for the nuclear terror attack in Beirut.

# Science
‘Entire’ human genome sequence unveiled: An international team of scientists claims to have sequenced the entirety of the human genome, including parts that were missed in the first sequencing of the human genome 20 years ago.
The Human Genome Project: https://www.genome.gov/human-genome-project

# Social
Sheriff: Texas White Supremacist Plotted to Shoot Up Walmart.
Authorities say they seized firearms, ammunition and “radical ideology paraphernalia” from the suspect.

Video Shows NYC Man’s Brutal Sucker-Punch to Asian American Woman https://www.thedailybeast.com/video-shows-nyc-mans-brutal-sucker-punch-to-asian-american-woman?via=newsletter&source=CSAMedition

Inside the Attacks on Critical Race Theory: The legislative template for these bills has been shaped by evangelicalism, Newt Gingrich, the Tea Party, Fox News, Trump, and Q-anon.

The Housing Madness Will Hit Renters the Hardest: Purchase prices may be skyrocketing, but the real problem is an imminent eviction crisis and a stubborn inability to deliver rental relief.

Minority Rule: Given the Republican ferocity in trying to destroy basic rights, the road back to democracy is not civic but political. The republic literally came apart over what was meant by minority rights.
After decades of failed compromises, it took a Civil War to settle the question of slavery. But the race issue was far from settled, and Calhoun’s legacy persists to this day.

# Technology
5G EMF/RF Memorial Day 2021: Wireless, Surveillance, & Warfare, The FCC, and the Military Budget in 3 Graphs Not Including the FCC: In April of 2021, the Brookings Institution published a Democratic-leaning series of articles entitled, “Build Back Better with Biden FCC” including “six installments reviewing issues that confront the FCC (Federal Communications Industry) today.”

# UFO’s
Leaked Navy video appears to show UFO off California https://globalnews.ca/news/7871671/ufo-video-water-san-diego-california-2019-omaha/

UFOs regularly spotted in restricted U.S. airspace, report on the phenomena due next month https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ufo-military-intelligence-60-minutes-2021-05-16/

Defense Department confirms leaked Navy UFO video https://www.wistv.com/2021/05/20/defense-department-confirms-leaked-navy-ufo-video/

# Veterans / VA
How the VA Is Pushing Vets Into the Opioid Abyss: Audits and interviews reveal failures to examine medical histories and perform tests before prescribing veterans opioids. The results are disastrous.

# Weather
Experts warn US needs to better prepare for hurricane season. As hurricane season approaches, experts say the country is still not adequately prepared.

# Water
8-day delay for West Palm Beach water toxin information irks officials.
Officials say the city needed to conduct more tests, but local officials aren’t happy.

California faces another drought as lake beds turn to dust: Water shortages and dry conditions are already affecting California as the governor has declared an emergency in 41 of 58 counties.

‘Suezmax’ oil tankers could soon be plying the poisoned waters of Texas’
Lavaca Bay
Fishermen and environmentalists say a plan to export crude would require dredging mercury-laced sediment in a Superfund site, imperling oyster reefs and the natural habitat.

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The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-05-30

Voices, The Peoples News

May 30, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Tribal Leaders, Legislators Condemn Inslee’s Surprise Veto of Tribal Human Rights Provisions in Climate Commitment Act https://washingtonstatewire.com/tribal-leaders-legislators-condemn-inslees-surprise-veto-of-tribal-human-rights-provisions-in-climate-commitment-act/

# Border / Immigration
With Steel or Surveillance, Biden May Fill “Gaps” in Trump’s Border Wall. Whether the new barrier will be physical or technological, families along the border can only guess.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) Ontario’s physician licensing body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), issued a statement forbidding physicians from questioning or debating any or all of the official measures imposed in response to COVID-19.  The CPSO then went on to threaten physicians with punishment, investigations and disciplinary action.

More than 100 employees at Houston Methodist Hospital sued the hospital over its requirement for staff to get vaccinated for COVID-19, alleging the hospital is “forcing its employees to be human ‘guinea pigs’ as a condition for continued employment.”

# Economy / Trade
The World Trade Organization Is Threatening Vaccine Equity and Climate Goals A 1994 WTO agreement has enabled a few large companies to control most of the intellectual property rights in the world.

# Education / Schools
Virtual class was a devastating blow to trade school students. For students learning trades like carpentry, cosmetology, or automotive technology, in-person class time is crucial. School closures hit them hard.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals North Dakota, Using Taxpayer Funds, Bailed Out Oil and Gas Companies by Plugging Abandoned Wells. The bailout, environmentalists say, raises bigger questions about who will pay, in an energy transition, to close off the nation’s millions of aging wells.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Outrage as regulators let pesticides from factory pollute US town for years Contamination from an ethanol plant in Mead, Nebraska, came from some of the world’s largest agricultural companies https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/29/environmental-catastrophe-mead-nebraska

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
As California’s Drought Worsens, the Biden Administration Cuts Water Supplies and Farmers Struggle to Compensate https://insideclimatenews.org/news/28052021/california-central-valley-drought-water/

Fish Story: Genetically Engineered Salmon To Hit Dinner Plates https://www.technocracy.news/fish-story-genetically-engineered-salmon-to-hit-dinner-plates/

‘Forever chemicals’ found in home fertilizer made from sewage sludge.
Alarming toxic PFAS levels revealed in new report raise concerns that the chemicals are contaminating vegetables https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/may/28/home-fertilizer-toxic-pfas-forever-chemicals-sewage-sludge

# Global Politics and other news
Birds of a Fascist Feather: Why Israel Is Aiding Colombia’s Crackdown on Protesters President Duque’s highly controversial neoliberal policies would eliminate public healthcare, privatize pensions, reduce the minimum wage and levy a 19% tax on staple foods, moves which critics deem an all-out attack on Colombia’s working-class majority.
Russia Appears to Carry Out Hack Through System Used by U.S. Aid Agency Senior Democrats said the latest attack, ahead of President Biden’s meeting with his Russian counterpart, demanded a stronger response.

# Gov / Political
Trump, midterms fuel GOP’s effort to quash Jan. 6 commission: Former President Trump and the 2022 midterm elections are looming large over the GOP effort to quash an investigation into the Jan. 6 attack.

Biden releases $6T budget that foresees decade of trillion-dollar
deficits: President Biden on Friday proposed a budget that would entrench deficits in excess of $1 trillion for the next decade, pushing the nation’s debt burden to record highs.

Revealed: The American Money Entwined with Israel’s Jewish Terrorist Groups Latest investigation reveals how the IRS states that terrorist activities are considered substantial means for disqualifying an organization’s tax-exempt status, yet money is still finding its way through a number of high-profile tax-exempt American charities to known terrorist groups inside Israel.

Belarus crisis heightens stakes of Biden-Putin summit: An extraordinary crisis in Belarus is putting a months-long simmering conflict to the forefront of President Biden’s agenda, while also raising the stakes for an upcoming summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

GOP-Led Legislatures May Pass Voter Suppression Laws With Help of Trump Judges. Many of these bills will have a disproportionate impact on voters of color and are being challenged in state courts.

President Biden blasted a new bill being considered in Texas that would restrict voting in The Lone Star State, panning it as “un-American” and “part of an assault on democracy.”

Senate Republicans Filibuster Jan. 6 Inquiry Bill, Blocking an Investigation. The vote killed the best chance for an independent accounting of the deadly Capitol attack, which Republicans feared would damage them politically.

Democrats plot next move after GOP sinks Jan. 6 probe: House Democrats, behind Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), are vowing to charge ahead with internal congressional probes of their own, a process now more likely to include the creation of a select committee focused solely on the violence that day, and any role former President Trump played in instigating it.

9 Senate seats most likely to flip in 2022: Democratic control of Congress will be on the line next year as Republicans look to claw their way back into power after a disappointing 2020 election that cost them the White House and their Senate majority.

White House pressed on evacuating Afghan allies as time runs out: The Biden administration is facing increasingly urgent calls to evacuate Afghans who helped the United States during the 20-year war and are at risk of being hunted down and killed by the Taliban after U.S. troops depart.

Texas GOP Finalizes ‘Ruthless’ Voter Suppression Bill, Sparking Calls for Congressional Action https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/05/30/texas-gop-finalizes-ruthless-voter-suppression-bill-sparking-calls-congressional

‘It’s the Filibuster or Democracy,’ Say Progressives After GOP Tanks January 6 Commission. “Unless we abolish the filibuster, there will be no progress on any agenda focused on justice, fairness, or basic survival,” said Sen. Ed Markey.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Prosecutors Zero In On Trump’s Real-Life Wayne Manor. Donald Trump’s advisers are telling him not to worry, but the former president is already frustrated by his mounting legal fees.

Department of Justice lawyers asked a federal judge to dismiss lawsuits against former President Trump, former attorney general William Barr and other administration officials for the forced clearing of racial justice protesters at Lafayette Square in June.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
Outspoken Republican Who Opposes Legalization Owns Quite a Lot of Stock in Pot Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina) bought marijuana-industry stocks ahead of key votes on decriminalization bills.

# Medical / Health
Widely available antibiotics could be used in the treatment of ‘superbug’ MRSA Some MRSA infections could be tackled using widely-available antibiotics, suggests new research from an international collaboration.

# Other News
Mexico City’s surprising crisis: the city is sinking. The city with a metropolitan population of over 20 million is sinking at a rate of almost 50 centimeters (20 inches) per year — and this isn’t stopping anytime soon.

Scientology Founder’s Secret Pact With a Nazi Propagandist. The two cultists’ ties ran deep, including collaborating on a screenplay together—one that hasn’t seen the light of day… until now.

# Water
Biden Must Take Executive Action to Affirm That Clean Water Is a Human Right Black and Brown communities impacted by environmental racism need Biden’s promises to become a firm reality https://truthout.org/articles/biden-must-take-executive-action-to-affirm-that-clean-water-is-a-human-right/

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NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items:

The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity.
Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-05-28

Voices, The Peoples News

May 28, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Navajos voice concern over plan to transfer uranium waste. U.S. nuclear regulators are considering a licensing change proposed by a uranium company that would clear the way for 1 million cubic yards of waste to be transferred from a mining area in western New Mexico to a mill site a short distance away as part of a cleanup effort https://www.abqjournal.com/2394932/navajos-voice-concern-over-plan-to-transfer-uranium-waste.html

# Indigenous / Global
Remains of 215 children found at former Kamloops residential school:
First Nation

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received a Vaccine – CDC –160 patients were reported dead

COVID origin dissent ‘suppressed’ by intelligence community, House GOP report finds. “We believe the [intelligence community] failed to properly support policymakers with timely products and analysis.

9/11 Cover-up Director Appointed to Chair COVID Cover-up Group –Zelikow was the author of the Bush administration’s 2002 National Security Strategy, which laid out the case for pre-emptive war, which was used to invade Iraq. Deep-state fixer and cover-upper Philip Zelikow, former Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, will be chairing the COVID Commission Planning Group https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/9-11-cover-up-director-appointed-to-chair-covid-cover-up-group/

Connecticut has seen 18 cases of heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination. Doctors say teens and young adults should still get the shot.  The U.S. CDC is investigating after a number of people, mostly adolescents and young adults, reported heart inflammation following their COVID-19 vaccinations https://www.courant.com/coronavirus/hc-news-coronavirus-vaccinated-teens-young-adults-heart-problems-20210526-573sf3dd3zdyjbruth3eyieaca-story.html

100 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine need to be checked for contamination and may need to be thrown out. Emergent BioSolutions CEO Robert G. Kramer admitted to the House of Representatives that more than
100 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are on hold and possibly contaminated

# Economy / Trade
Republicans reject will of the voters after election losses. In the chaotic race to finalize a nearly $40 billion state budget, Arizona Republicans are moving to reverse a voter-approved ballot measure that would impose special excise taxes on the wealthy.

President Biden’s budget proposal sets the government to take on an expanded role in the economy for years to come, underscoring the White House’s desire to push forward with progressive policies that would reform taxes and the social safety net.

President Joe Biden’s budget proposal outlines social spending and business tax hikes.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Closure of all Georgia coal plants ‘on the table’: Inside Southern Company’s environmental declarations https://www.wabe.org/closure-of-all-ga-coal-plants-on-the-table-inside-southern-companys-environmental-declarations/

What Exxon, Chevron climate shake-ups mean for oil. The decisions, particularly at the American companies, arrive after decades of pressure from environmentalists and climate hawks who say the companies haven’t done enough to cut their climate-related pollution or adapt to a world with limits on greenhouse gases.

Mass Mobilization Expected In June Against Line 3 Pipeline https://freespeech.org/stories/mass-mobilization-expected-in-june-against-line-3-pipeline/

Massive drilling project on Alaska’s North Slope given go ahead. Critics say the lease is at odds with President Biden’s pledge to combat the climate crisis.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
Major tire companies explore the use of dandelions for a more sustainable material to rubber. Dandelion rubber tires will lessen the amount of landfill waste, decrease deforestation and reduce the economic burden of rubber tree cultivation, experts said https://www.nationofchange.org/2021/05/28/major-tire-companies-explore-the-use-of-dandelions-for-a-more-sustainable-material-to-rubber/

# Global Politics and other news
U.N. Human Rights Chief Says Israel May Have Committed War Crimes in Gaza https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-rights-chief-bachelet-says-israeli-strikes-gaza-may-be-war-crimes-2021-05-27/

To distract from Gaza slaughter, Israel lobby manufactures antisemitism freakout.
With deceptively edited videos and dubious allegations, the Israel lobby has manufactured an antisemitism epidemic to turn the media’s gaze away from dead children in Gaza.

# Gov / Political
Feds Probing if Ukraine Used Rudy to Meddle in Election: Andriy Derkach, a sanctioned member of the Ukranian parliament, is reportedly under scrutiny.

Gaetz Tells Fans to Carry Out ‘Armed Rebellion’ if Necessary. Having learned precisely zero lessons from the Capitol riot, the troubled congressman whipped up a Georgia crowd on Thursday night.

GOP snag complicates Schumer’s China bill again. Orchestrating the Senate GOP’s expected opposition to the panel is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who has kept his conference largely unified on the topic.

After delays, GOP poised to block bipartisan Jan. 6 riot probe.

A bunch of tired, grumpy, ready-for-the-weekend senators are directing their glares and grumbles at Sen. Ron Johnson: Johnson delays exit as votes pushed to Friday https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/555887-ron-johnson-holds-up-senates-holiday-weekend-exit

Senate Republicans just blocked the bill for a bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol siege

The Filibuster Discourages Bipartisanship. The GOP Filibuster Of A Jan.
6 Commission Just Proved it.

The Senate will vote on election reform next month, setting up another filibuster fight.

Leadership tensions, potential special session loom as Texas legislative session hits uncertain end. Tensions between the two chambers are peaking, and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is putting pressure on Gov. Greg Abbott to call a special session for unfinished business on conservative priorities https://www.texastribune.org/2021/05/27/texas-legislature-special-session/

Senate reaches deal to vote on Jan. 6 commission and get out of town https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/555949-senate-reaches-deal-to-vote-on-jan-6-commission-and-get-out-of-town

American Democracy Isn’t Dead Yet, but It’s Getting There: A country that cannot even agree to investigate an assault on its Capitol is in big trouble, indeed.

Senate meltdown reveals deepening partisan divide. An unexpected Senate meltdown this week is prompting Democrats to re-evaluate what they can realistically accomplish this year in Congress.

# Law Enforcement
3 Tacoma officers charged with felonies in the killing of Manuel Ellis.
Decision came more than a year after Pierce county medical examiner’s office ruled Black father of two’s death a homicide https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/27/manuel-ellis-tacoma-three-officers-charged-death

Cops Say He Shot Himself During Traffic Stop. Was It Murder? Was J’Mauri Bumpass’ death a tragic case of suicide during a seemingly routine traffic stop—or another case of law enforcement brazenly shooting an unarmed Black man?

Cops Say He Shot Himself During Traffic Stop. Was It Murder? Was J’Mauri Bumpass’ death a tragic case of suicide during a seemingly routine traffic stop—or another case of law enforcement brazenly shooting an unarmed Black man?

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Three officers were charged with murder and manslaughter in the killing of a Black man in Washington. Manuel Ellis was walking home after getting donuts when witnesses said they saw officers tackle and pin him to the pavement. The charges mark the first time the attorney general’s office has filed criminal charges against police officers for the unlawful use of deadly force.

# Media
Caged Journo Says He Falsely Confessed After Electro-Torture: In a crackdown on a U.S.-funded media outlet, the Kremlin’s FSB has allegedly beat, electro-shocked, and threatened to fake a reporter’s suicide if he didn’t confess to spying.

# Other News
Cancer-causing chemical found in 78 sunscreen products. The independent lab that made the finding is calling on the FDA to recall these sunscreen products. The independent lab that made the finding is calling on the FDA to recall these sunscreen products.

The Gaetz-Greene Traveling Freak Show Is the GOP’s Future. And that’s bad news for Trump, whether he knows it or not, as these attention-hungry creeps are trying to get in on the hustle he’s monopolized over the last five years.

The “steady drumbeat” of Trump’s Big Lie may stir more violent attacks, a federal judge warns https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/05/trump-big-lie-insurrection-republicans-congress-violent-extremism-federal-judge/

# Technology
Microsoft Says SolarWinds Hackers Are Back, USAID Breached. The Russian-based Nobelium group has launched a fresh campaign targeting government agencies that deal with foreign policy.

# Veterans / VA
Bills touted by Jon Stewart may help millions of veterans get care for toxic exposure https://ruralradio.com/kneb-am/abc_news/jon-stewart-joins-lawmakers-to-push-benefits-for-vets-exposed-to-toxins-abcid251649aa/

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-05-25

Voices, The Peoples News

May 25, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Petroglyph vandalism is not a victimless crime: Indigenous archaeologists say more protective measures and education are needed to prevent future vandalism.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
Safe Outdoor Dogs bill top priority for Texas Humane Legislation Network Bills banning the use of heavy chains to tether dogs, requiring animal control and shelters to scan lost dogs for microchips and giving tax breaks to pet rescue facilities have passed both the House and Senate.
They are heading to Gov. Greg Abbott for final approval.

# Border / Immigration
Biden administration resettles migrant children in Tennessee without local knowledge https://www.thecentersquare.com/tennessee/biden-administration-resettles-migrant-children-in-tennessee-without-local-knowledge/article_627bc708-ba7d-11eb-894c-373eec5f40e6.html

# Bundy Rides Again
Ammon Bundy has amassed an army of over 50,000 as he looks for his next battle in a religious war https://www.alternet.org/2021/03/ammon-bundy/

Ammon Bundy has filed to run for governor of Idaho in 2022. Now, while still barred from entering the Idaho Capitol, he will run as a Republican.

# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine Being Tested on Babies

Pfizer begins Covid vaccine trial on infants and young kids. Pfizer said it has started a clinical trial testing its Covid-19 vaccine on healthy children aged 6 months to 11.

Big Pharma’s Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine Monopoly https://theintercept.com/2021/05/12/intercepted-covid-vaccine-intellectual-property-waiver/

Documents Reveal Pharma Plot to Stop Generic COVID-19 Vaccine Waiver https://theintercept.com/2021/05/14/covid-vaccine-waiver-generic-phrma-lobby/

The face is rotting from the inside: What is the “black mold” that comes after the “covid”

New Findings on COVID-19 Origins Prove Big Tech Censorship is a Danger to Seeking Truth https://thefreethoughtproject.com/fact-checking-covid-skepticism-dangerous/

The media face hard questions amid a growing acceptance that it is possible COVID-19 originated in a Chinese laboratory.

# Economy / Trade
US millionaire CEOs saw 29% pay raise while workers’ pay fell, report finds https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/may/11/us-millionaire-ceos-saw-29-pay-raises-while-workers-had-decreases-report-says

Why billionaires like Bill Gates can’t fix the problems they helped create

Warren Proposes Drastic IRS Budget Increase to Crack Down on Wealthy Tax Cheats Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s plan is larger than Biden’s recent IRS proposal and is more specific in its aims to go after the wealthy.

DOJ Is Resisting Release of Barr Memo on Trump and Has Appealed Court Ruling. The Department of Justice (DOJ), under former Attorney General William Barr, chose not to charge Trump over 10 possible acts of obstruction.

The Senate voted to confirm Kristen Clarke as the new head of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Civil Rights Division in a tight 51-48 vote, with Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) the only Republican to cross party lines and vote for her.

# Education / Schools
Texas is poised to let home-schooled students compete in public school sports and other extracurricular activities after the state Senate advanced the proposal in one of its closest votes this legislative session https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2021/05/12/homeschoolers-get-closer-to-public-school-competition-as-tim-tebow-bill-clears-hurdle-in-texas-house/

The U.S. Department of Education now recognizes the University of Texas at Austin as a Hispanic-Serving Institution.

Is Georgia about to hand its universities to a climate-denying MAGA stalwart? Trump’s ag secretary Sonny Perdue is reportedly being eyed for a plum job leading one of the nation’s premier higher education systems.

# Employment / Labor
Red states unite in rejecting federal unemployment benefits: Red states around the nation are rejecting supplemental federal unemployment benefits, saying the $300 in additional weekly pay on top of state benefits has made it nearly impossible for employers to hire https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/red-states-unite-in-rejecting-federal-unemployment-benefits/article_d52a129c-bd6f-11eb-8dfd-07c579859d1c.html

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals DAPL Keeps Pumping Oil With No Permit: A federal judge recently ruled that the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) may continue pumping oil without a key federal permit while the Army Corps of Engineers conducts an environmental review.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
The Central California town that keeps sinking. The very ground upon which Corcoran was built is steadily collapsing, a situation caused primarily by agriculture.

Tensions rise in the Klamath Basin as feds further reduce water allotments to farmers The federal government is trying to preserve scarce water resources to ensure the survival of fisheries important to tribal nations. Farmers are calling on local irrigators to release it anyway.

# Food / GMOs / Chemicals
Farmworker organizing in Washington is undoing discriminatory labor policies ‘The pandemic elevated the fact that farmworkers are killing themselves to keep our food system intact.’

This under-the-radar supply chain routes food from prisons to hospitals, food banks, and even schools https://thecounter.org/this-under-the-radar-supply-chain-routes-food-from-prisons-to-hospitals-food-banks-and-even-schools/

# Gov / Political
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said that he would support a House-passed bill to create a commission to probe the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The U.S. is experiencing a rise in violent and disturbing attacks targeting the U.S. Jewish community amid the latest conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Over 500 Democratic staffers (zero GOP) urge Joe Biden to ‘hold Israel accountable’

Trump’s Election-Fraud Big Lie assaults everyone’s voting rights, mandating punitive laws against sedition. If a “loser” can offset his loss with lying bluster, then elections are mere puppet shows – and democracy withers.

Biden and Putin to Meet in Switzerland Next Month: The two leaders are scheduled to sit down at the tail end of the U.S. president’s first trip abroad since taking office.

# Law Enforcement
Gov. Greg Abbott raises idea of “George Floyd Act” at Houston visitation Without offering specifics, Abbott said he is committed to working with lawmakers and Floyd’s family to prevent police brutality.

Texas Legislative Black Caucus unveils the George Floyd Act to ban chokeholds and limit police use of force. In a press conference featuring Floyd’s brother, the lawmakers said they hope their bill wins the support of Gov. Greg Abbott.

A year after George Floyd’s murder, only a few of Texas lawmakers’
police reform measures appear likely to become law. Narrowly targeted pieces of Texas’ George Floyd Act, like restricting chokeholds and requiring officers to provide first aid, are expected to pass.

A bombshell 40-page civil rights lawsuit filed Monday alleges a wide array of misconduct at Harris County’s largest constable’s office, including sexual harassment, sexual battery, civil rights violations and retaliation.

Trooper Denied Having Damning Bodycam Video of Greene Arrest. A state investigative report says Louisiana State Police Lt. John Clary also gave false statements about Greene resisting arrest.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Biden Justice Department fights release of legal memo on prosecuting Trump The move puts the Biden team in the curious position of seeking to maintain secrecy surrounding legal decisions of the Trump era.

Mistrial Declared in Murder Case of Simone Biles’ Brother. All 12 jurors said they had been influenced by filings they weren’t supposed to see.

Docs Sheds New Light on Wide Scope of Feds’ Giuliani Probe. CNN uncovered redacted parts of newly unsealed legal documents that show investigators have emails and iCloud accounts from two Ukrainian officials.

Feds seek outside review of seized Giuliani materials https://www.axios.com/feds-outside-review-giuliani-outside-review-fbi-c9b5bf15-2867-4411-a807-a687f02aedd9.html

Manhattan DA Convenes Grand Jury in Trump Probe. The panel will decide whether to bring criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, and the company’s executives in a formal indictment.

# Military / DOD
A simmering feud among top Democrats over the scope of reforms to how the military handles certain crimes, including sexual assault, spilled out into the open on Monday.

# Other News
70 Percent of Americans Say Arms Sales Make Us Less Safe. We’re the World’s Top Dealer. Selling death should be no joy for any country, so halting it is a goal well worth fighting for.

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All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law.  http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2021-05-22

Voices, The Peoples News

May 22, 2021
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net
You can visit the website and leave your comments if you desire.

# Indigenous
Judge denies tribal request for temporary Dakota Access Pipeline shutdown. A federal judge has denied a request from tribes to temporarily shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline while it undergoes a court-mandated environmental review.

Tribal leaders, legislators condemn Inslee’s surprise veto of tribal human rights provisions in Climate Commitment Act https://washingtonstatewire.com/tribal-leaders-legislators-condemn-inslees-surprise-veto-of-tribal-human-rights-provisions-in-climate-commitment-act/

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
4 Employees Charged With Animal Cruelty After Another Dog Dies At PetSmart https://www.peta.org/blog/dog-killed-grooming-nail-trim-petsmart-employees-charged-cruelty/

# Children / Youth
# CoronaVirus (Virus Vaccine is still in clinical trials and tests) French Nobel Prize Winning Virologist Professor: The COVID-19 Shots are Creating “Variants.” Epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).

UK Scientists Admit to “Unethical” and “Totalitarian” Use of Fear in Covid Response – What Else Are They Using Against You?

223 People Have Died With COVID-19 After Getting Fully Vaccinated – CDC https://www.theepochtimes.com/223-people-have-died-with-covid-19-after-getting-fully-vaccinated-cdc_3818232.html

Sweden records 30,000 suspected side effects from Covid vaccines, with AstraZeneca’s jab linked to more than half of all reports https://news.in-24.com/health/6039.html

Real Time with Bill Maher halts filming after fully vaccinated presenter tests positive for Covid-19: Political satirist has been fully vaccinated against coronavirus. Bill Maher’s HBO talk show was forced to stop filming after the fully vaccinated presenter tested positive for coronavirus.

Eight from Yankees test positive for Covid in post-vaccine breakthrough cases https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210514/new-york-yankees-report-8-breakthrough-covid-cases

Texas Gov. Abbott bans mask mandates from public schools, local government –Abbott’s order makes it illegal for schools, governments to require Texans to wear a mask https://www.texastribune.org/2021/05/18/greg-abbott-texas-mask-mandate/

# Economy / Trade
Population Growth and the Which Way Is Up Problem in Economics https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/17/opinion/low-population-growth-economy-inflation.html

# Education / Schools
Texas’ divisive bill limiting how students learn about current events and historic racism passed by Senate. The bill aims to ban critical race theory in public and open-enrollment charter schools. Supporters say it merely ensures students aren’t taught that one race or gender is superior to another. Critics say it limits how race in America is taught.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals Two bills that were advanced by the Texas Legislature this week attempt to protect the state’s oil and gas industry from efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

# Environment / Climate / Interior
As the West faces a drought emergency, some ranchers are restoring: In the face of ongoing drought, ranchers across the western United States are restoring their grasslands and water cycles.

Senate Republicans said there are “vast differences” between them and senior White House officials over how much to spend on a new infrastructure package and how to pay for it, leaving little hope of a bipartisan deal anytime soon.

Progressives Slam Biden for Slashing His Own Infrastructure Plan by $600 Billion Critics said the president’s decision to embrace cuts is a disastrous approach to the economic and climate crises.

# Gov / Political
With less than two weeks left in the state’s legislative session, the Texas House is taking a break until Sunday in an attempt to send the Senate a clear message: Pass our priority bills or see your legislation die slowly in our chamber.

The Texas House and Senate have reached a compromise on a bill to allow the permitless carrying of handguns, moving it closer to Abbott’s desk.
The governor has said he would sign it.

Texas Secretary of State Ruth Ruggero Hughs, the state’s top elections official, has notified Gov. Greg Abbott that she will be stepping down from her position. This is the second consecutive legislative session Abbott will end without a secretary of state.

Is the January 6 attack on the Capitol not an insurrection? Republicans have an unhinged new talking point: The January 6 attack on the Capitol was not an insurrection. Confused? You should be. The attack on the Capitol was captured in countless photos and videos—and the insurrectionists left no doubt why they were there: To stop Congress from certifying the Electoral College votes and to keep Donald Trump in power against the will of the American people.

GOP efforts to downplay danger of Capitol riot increase: Attempts to whitewash the violence of the Jan. 6 insurrection and cast the rioters as sympathetic characters are becoming increasingly common among Republican members of Congress.

President Biden said Friday there is “no shift” in his commitment to the security of Israel and reiterated his support for a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Legal intrigue swirls over ex-Trump exec Weisselberg: Five key points.
Donald Trump’s longtime chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg faces escalating legal jeopardy on multiple fronts over questionable financial activity linked to the former president and the Trump Organization.

Trump Saved Paul Manafort—but Not His Townhouse or Banker: First the feds took it. Now the bank is foreclosing on it. And the guy who pushed through the mortgage is about to go on trial.

The GOP Welcomes the McCloskeys’ Sick, Sad American Dream: Mark McCloskey became a Republican hero by pointing a gun at peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters, is running for the Senate. He’d fit right in to the GOP caucus there.

GOP Wants Volunteering at the Polls to Come With Risk of Jail Time or Huge Fines As the GOP moves to sabotage the electoral process, these laws aim to scare away potential voters and poll workers.

Republicans would really like to move beyond Jan. 6. Democrats are charging ahead with plans for deep-dive investigations into the assault.

FBI reclassifies 2017 shooting of Republican lawmakers as domestic terrorism https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/may/16/fbi-reclassifies-2017-shooting-of-gop-lawmakers-as/

# Law Enforcement
Two Dead, Eight Injured in Shootout in Downtown Minneapolis. Police say five men and five women were involved in a shootout in the center of the city, leaving two dead and one critically injured.

Deputy Kills Himself After Admitting to Child Sexual Abuse. Robert Johnson implicated two other adults in the crimes during a standoff, according to local outlets.

# Legal / Judicial / DOJ
Legal intrigue swirls over ex-Trump exec Weisselberg: Five key points:
Donald Trump’s longtime chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg faces escalating legal jeopardy on multiple fronts over questionable financial activity linked to the former president and the Trump Organization.

Missouri AG serves Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Communist Party in lawsuit over ‘unleashing’ COVID-19 pandemic. Lawsuit claims there was an ‘appalling campaign of deceit, concealment, misfeasance, and inaction’

Anti-trans legislation: Texas lawmakers filed the most anti-LGBTQ legislation of any state this year, most of them attacking trans youth.
Families say that the persistent attacks on trans kids in recent years have taken a mental and emotional toll on them, whether or not the measures ultimately pass.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
An effort to expand the state’s medical marijuana program gained new life on Thursday after weeks of outcry from advocates who said Lt. Gov.
Dan Patrick was blocking the proposal.

# Military / Global
Much about US pullout from Afghanistan remains unclear: Some of the unanswered questions are: What happens after the troops are gone? How will Afghan forces fare? Will the Taliban enlist Al-Qaida? And what about U.S. counterterrorism and diplomacy efforts?

# Science
Entire genome from Pestera Muierii 1 sequenced: Researchers have successfully sequenced the entire genome from the skull of Pestera Muierii 1, a woman who lived in today’s Romania 35,000 years ago. Her high genetic diversity shows that the out of Africa migration was not the great bottleneck in human development but rather this occurred during and after the most recent Ice Age.

# Social
Keys, Wallet, Pepper Spray: The New Reality for Asian-Americans https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/20/nyregion/asian-americans-attacks-nyc.html?referringSource=articleShare

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