MPEN e-Newsletter No. 2018-0103

From: Munsup @MPEN Seoh
Subject: MPEN News No. 2018-0103: FW: Two NYT articles; Trump threatens NUCLEAR WAR; Defund Democrats who voted to deport Dreamers and more

  • FW: NYT Today’s Headline: Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation
  • FW: Trump threatens NUCLEAR WAR
  • FW: Sign this: Homeland Security to actively take on voter suppression
  • FW: Facing a significant number of years in prison
  • FW: Help us stop Trump from starting a war
  • FW: Tell the DSCC and DCCC: Defund Democrats who voted to deport Dreamers

From: New York Times
Subject: NYT Today’s Headline: Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation

Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation

The special counsel’s investigation has uncovered several episodes involving the president that raise questions about whether he obstructed justice.

From: 🔻 ALERT – Progressive Caucus
Subject: Trump threatens NUCLEAR WAR

TELL CONGRESS: REVOKE Trump’s Nuclear Authority

Donald Trump is threatening NUCLEAR WAR on his Twitter account.

So Progressive Caucus members want to REVOKE Trump’s access to nuclear weapons!

We need 30,000 signatures by midnight to support their bill.ign your name to demand Congress REVOKE Trump’s nuclear authority:


We’re terrified.

Donald Trump just threatened nuclear war against North Korea.

This type of erratic behavior puts MILLIONS of lives across the globe at risk.

That’s why Progressive Caucus members introduced a bill to strip Trump of his nuclear authority.

We need to pass this bill if we’re going to keep our planet safe. But we need 30,000 signatures by midnight, to keep up our momentum.

If you want to REMOVE Donald Trump’s access to nuclear weapons, we need you to sign right away


When nuclear weapons were put under the authority of the President, it was assumed that the office holder would be thoughtful and deliberate.

But Trump has proven beyond a doubt that he is neither. His rhetoric and behavior puts our country — and the entire world — in grave danger.

We have a responsibility to take action against the danger that he poses to our planet.

So Munsup, we need you to stand with us. Sign your name to demand Congress REVOKE Trump’s nuclear authority:



From: Paul Hogarth; Daily Kos
Subject: Sign this: Homeland Security to actively take on voter suppression

Sign the pledge: Fight the Trump Department of Homeland Security’s newly renewed war on voting.

Sign the petition

Did you hear the great news? Donald Trump has dissolved the Voter Suppression commission that made outrageous demands on basic voter privacy.

In his executive order, Trump admitted that our activism was the reason he caved.

He complained many states had “refused to provide” the commission with information they had requested. Much of the activism by Daily Kos and allied groups had focused on pressuring states not to cooperate.

We may have won the battle, but the War on Voting goes on.

Trump has already asked the Department of Homeland Security to take over where the commission had left off. We must be vigilant, and fight all voter suppression efforts.

Click here to AUTOMATICALLY sign the pledge: Fight the Department of Homeland Security’s War on Voting.

AUTOMATICALLY Sign the petition

By signing this petition you will receive periodic updates on offers and activism opportunities from Daily Kos. You may unsubscribe at any time. Here’s our privacy policy.

From: Ariel Gold and the entire CODEPINK Team
Subject: Facing a significant number of years in prison

The first time I met Ahed Tamimi was when she was 13 years old. I sat in her living room in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh drinking tea with her parents while she and my daughter, then 12, compared dance moves. Now at the tender age of 16, Ahed is sitting in an Israeli detention cell facing a significant number of years in prison. Her crime was that she slapped an armed Israeli soldier with her bare hand.

No teenager should have to live under military occupation or be sentenced to years in prison for a slap. Join me in telling Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu he must release Ahed immediately!

On Monday, after her most recent court appearance, I spoke with her father. “They are trying to make an example of her,” he said. “They are trying to break her.” The charges against Ahed include such things as assaulting a soldier, throwing stones and incitement. But, her real “crime,” is her refusal to capitulate to military occupation.

Ahed was only 10 years old when her father was sent to prison for organizing peaceful protests. She was 11 when Israeli soldiers killed her cousin, and 13 when they killed her uncle and shot her mother in the leg.

Read and share my latest article on how Israel is Victim-Blaming Ahed. Then sign the petition to Netanyahu, demanding Israel release Ahed immediately.

Here are some points for you to use while talking to your friends and family about Ahed’s case:

  • Ahed has lived her entire life under Israeli military occupation. On a regular basis, she and her family endure checkpoints, night raids, settler land theft and violent attacks from Israeli soldiers.
  • Ahed and her family want nothing more than freedom and equality for all people.
  • Ahed is a child and a civilian. She is facing a military court system with a conviction rate of over 99%.
  • Ahed’s slap of an Israeli soldier with her bare hand pales in comparison to the state and military violence Israel commits on a regular basis with complete impunity.

Ahed’s next court date is Tuesday, January 10.
This will be the next opportunity for her to be released on bail pending trial. Israel’s goal is to use Ahed’s imprisonment to break the will and resistance of the Palestinian people. But the worldwide call for freedom cannot be silenced. Please share the image at the top of this email on Facebook and Twitter and join me in demanding Netanyahu free Ahed.

P.S. New Zealand pop star Lorde cancelled her show in Tel Aviv in support of the BDS movement and the Palestinian people. Send a message to Lorde to thank her for her courage, commitment, and strength!

From: Erica, Ben, Amy, and the Win Without War team
Subject: Help us stop Trump from starting a war

Donald Trump is at it again. On Tuesday night Trump took to Twitter to threaten North Korea and, by consequence, most likely the rest of the world, with nuclear annihilation:

This rhetoric is extremely dangerous. This is not how the person controlling our nuclear arsenal should speak — we don’t know how the North Koreans or our allies will perceive Trump’s reckless tweet, and it undermines the diplomatic efforts being made by our own State Department.

We should all be extremely worried and concerned about what the President will do next. It is time to act.

Urge your Members of Congress to take steps to prevent Trump from launching a nuclear war.

Right now, two members of Congress, Rep. Ted Lieu and Sen. Ed Markey, have introduced legislation to prevent the U.S. president from launching a nuclear war without a declaration of war by Congress. While the President would still be able to defend from an attack against America, he or she could no longer launch the deadliest weapons ever invented just because they wanted to.

We can not overstate the destruction of a nuclear war, and we are closer to that horror today than we have ever been since the Cuban Missile Crisis. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to take action now to step back from the brink of nuclear war.

No one person – and definitely not someone as erratic and reckless as Donald Trump – should ever be able to single-handedly start such a deadly war. Please sign today.

Thank you for working for peace,



From: Nicole Regalado; Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
Subject: Tell the DSCC and DCCC: Defund Democrats who voted to deport Dreamers

Tell DSCC and DCCC: No support for Democrats who voted to deport Dreamers

The petition to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee reads:
“Refuse to help elect any congressional Democrat who voted for the year-end spending bill without a clean DREAM Act.”

Add your name:


In December, 31 congressional Democrats voted to deport nearly 1 million immigrant young people.1

When Donald Trump ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in September, Democrats promised to use their leverage during the end-of-year budget fight to ensure that permanent protection for DACA recipients was part of the spending bill. Instead, they protected their political futures and turned their backs on Dreamers, their families and their communities.

The 31 Democrats who helped pass Republicans’ year-end spending bill without a clean DREAM Act voted to deport Dreamers and advance Trump’s white supremacist agenda. They turned their backs on their party’s base and their party’s values. Democratic party leaders must take a stand, draw a bright line and refuse to support the congressional campaigns of anyone in this Deportation Caucus.

Tell the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC): Do not support any congressional Democrat who voted to deport Dreamers. Click here to sign the petition.

Democrats claim to be the party of the resistance to Trump’s racist, anti-immigrant regime, yet fail time and time again to put their words into action. In the months leading up to the budget fight, Democratic leaders tried to stave off pressure from immigrant rights groups and progressive allies by saying that their lack of urgency to pass a clean DREAM Act was in fact a long-term strategy to get it done at the end of the year.2 Their promises and posturing came to nothing.

Though House Democrats could not have stopped Republicans from approving the spending bill, they could have drawn a bright line between themselves and Republicans’ racism and xenophobia by voting against it. On Dec. 22, 14 House Democrats sided with Republicans and turned their backs on immigrants by advancing the bill. Once it was in the Senate, the year-end spending bill needed 60 votes to move forward, which means that Democrats had the power to demand protection for Dreamers in exchange for their votes. But 17 Senate Democrats refused to use their leverage to stand up for immigrants and helped Republicans approve a spending package that did not include any protections for Dreamers. This is not just a failure by each of those Democrats, but also a massive failure of leadership.

Cowardly Democratic leaders in both houses failed to act. They gave lip service to Dreamers but refused to rally their entire caucus around the leadership of Rep. Gutierrez and Sens. Warren, Sanders, and Harris who promised to force Republicans to shut down the government if they refused to include a clean DREAM Act in the end-of-year spending package. They ignored a massive outpouring of activism – including hunger strikes – from undocumented young people and their allies. They were so afraid of the personal political consequences of forcing Republicans to shut down the government that they refused to stand up for and protect Dreamers.

Instead of leading the resistance to Trump, Democrats keep kicking the can on relief for Dreamers, playing politics with people’s lives and allowing Republicans to use Dreamers as bargaining chips to criminalize and deport other immigrants and get funding for Trump’s wall. Democrats who refused to push for a clean DREAM Act sent a cruel and racist message to the immigrants in their districts: You are expendable. That’s why we’re teaming up with our friends at United We Dream and Presente to demand that the DSCC and DCCC take bold action now.

Tell the DSCC and the DCCC: Do not support any congressional Democrat who voted to deport Dreamers. Click here to sign the petition.

More than 14,000 Dreamers have already lost their work permits and protection from deportation.3 Every day that Congress waits to pass the DREAM Act, 122 more lose their legal status. Immigrant young people and their communities are living in fear, but recent reports indicate that Democrats are still not acting with urgency.

Once again, Democratic leaders are saying they will do everything they can to protect Dreamers, but their recent statements stop short of a hard commitment to attach the DREAM Act to the must-pass spending bill that Congress needs to approve by Jan. 19.4 That’s why we must do everything we can to make clear to Democratic party leaders that another failure on this issue is not an option.

Many of the Democrats who caved on the DREAM Act in December will be running for the same office or, in some cases, higher offices in 2018.5 If Democratic party leaders use party resources to support their campaigns, they will be supporting cowards who are enabling Trump’s racist, xenophobic agenda. Add your name now to make sure they know the progressive base of the Party demands better.

Tell the DSCC and the DCCC: Do not support any congressional Democrat who voted to deport Dreamers. Click the link below to sign the petition.

Add your name:


  1. CREDO, “Democrats who just voted to deport Dreamers graphic,” posted Dec. 21, 2017.
  2. Rachel Blade and Heather Caygle, “Congress speeds toward shutdown over Dreamers,” POLITICO, Nov. 21, 2017.
  3. Tom Jawetz and Nicole Prchal Svajlenka, “Thousands of DACA Recipients Are Already Losing Their Protection From Deportation,” Center for American Progress, Nov. 9, 2017.
  4. Lisa Mascaro, “Trump aides and congressional leaders set to restart talks on budget and immigration,” Los Angeles Times, Jan. 2, 2017.
  5. Ed O’Keefe, “Democrats unlikely to force DACA vote this week, probably averting shutdown,” The Washington Post, Dec. 19, 2017.

End of MPEN e-Newsletter

MPEN e-Newsletter No. 2018-0102

From: Munsup @MPEN Seoh
Subject: MPEN News No. 2018-0102: FW: Happy New Year from the AAUP!; Ice cream is awesome. This is disgusting and more

FYI. Best, Munsup

P.S. Please reply to me with ‘unsubscribe’ added to the subject line if you no longer want to receive my e-Newsletters. The convenient link to unsubscribe is no longer available due to security reasons to protect my email servers.

  • FW: Happy New Year from the AAUP!
  • FW: A heartfelt thanks from Consumer Reports
  • FW: I Know You Know How This Is Done
  • FW: Ice cream is awesome. This is disgusting.
  • FW: When it’s okay to quit your new job

From: American Association of University
Subject: Happy New Year from the AAUP!

We wanted to take a moment to thank you for being a member of the AAUP and wish you a happy new year!

Thanks to your support and activism, our fight for academic freedom, shared governance, and a voice for faculty will continue to be strong this coming year.


From: Marta Tellado; President and CEO, Consumer Reports
Subject: A heartfelt thanks


Every day, I am grateful for the voices, the feedback, and the generosity of supporters like you who make our work at CR possible. As we say goodbye to 2017 and look forward to a bright year ahead, I want to thank you for all that you do to contribute to our mission and ensure that the products we use, the services we depend on, and the markets we enter are designed to put people’s interests first.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at if there is anything we can do to be a better partner to you in the year ahead. And on behalf of the CR team, best wishes for a healthy, happy new year.

From: Kathleen To
Subject: I Know You Know How This Is Done

WOW!  This is the ultimate talent!
Tony and Jordan: Identical Twins Dazzle With Magic – America’s Got Talent 2017 – YouTube

From: Ben & Jerry
Subject: Ice cream is awesome. This is disgusting.

This is Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, but you probably know us better as Ben and Jerry, the ice cream guys.

Back when we were running Ben & Jerry’s, we’d spend our winters brewing up new flavors for the spring and summer ice cream rush, but these days we’re preparing for something that, in these dark times, is even more mouthwatering—the biggest demonstration ever against Citizens United, one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in American history that opened the floodgates to money in politics.

As we reflect on the past year of the Trump administration, including the recent passage of the GOP’s terrible tax scam, one thing is very clear: Now more than ever, it’s Big Money vs. the rest of us.

Which is why we’ve partnered with MoveOn to offer you a way to speak out against Big Money a thousand times over: by (totally legally) helping you stamp your dollar bills with the message “Stamp Money Out of Politics.” And we want to make January 21—the anniversary of Citizens United—the biggest day of stamping ever. Will you join in?

Click here to chip in $15 or more to MoveOn and get your very own “Stamp Money Out of Politics” self-inking rubber stamp. One lucky stamper will even win free Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for a full year!

Each marked bill is on average viewed 875 times, and this is a protest that will live on because the stamped bills stay in circulation for two and a half years. Already, nearly 3,300 people have pledged to stamp over 1.4 million bills in the week leading up to January 21. We’re aiming to have 2 million bills stamped, which is why we need your help.

As we face another year with Trump in the White House, it is now more important than ever before that we stand up for (and stamp!) our beliefs, visibly and often.

Because the reality is that getting Big Money out of politics is the first step to achieving so much of our progressive agenda.

Because it’s Big Money that wrote that outrageous tax bill. It’s Big Money that’s behind opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. Big Money tried to kick tens of millions of Americans off of health care. Big Money just rolled back Net Neutrality.

Big Money needs to get out of politics. Can you help us make this message reverberate more powerfully than ever before? Chip in $15 or more to MoveOn now to receive your stamp and join the movement! You must order by January 10 to have your stamp delivered on time for our big day of stamping on January 21.

Don’t forget, stamped bills get seen hundreds of times, and who knows who might see them—maybe a member of Congress or even a certain someone in the White House! Can you imagine how that would play out?

Click here now to chip in $15 or more to MoveOn, get your stamp, and be entered in the contest to win a year’s supply of delicious ice cream!

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to go grab some ice cream—and then we’ve got some stamping to do.

P.S. Here’s a picture of what a dollar bill looks like after it’s stamped! Cool, right?

Click here to get your stamp, help stamp money out of politics, and be entered to win a year’s supply of free ice cream!

Want to support MoveOn’s work without getting a stamp?
 The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump’s agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation’s pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your ongoing support, now more than ever. Will you stand with MoveOn?  Donate monthly or make a one-time gift

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter to win. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. on January 18, 2018. You may enter by making a donation here. Alternatively, you can enter without making a donation. One winner will receive the following prize package: coupons for 52 pints of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream (approximate retail value: $234). Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. Promotion open to all U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States and District of Columbia and 18 or older (or of majority under applicable law). Promotion subject to Official Rules and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Political Action, 1442 Walnut Street #358, Berkeley, CA 94709.

Contributions to Political Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

From: LinkedIn
Subject: When it’s okay to quit your new job

When it’s okay to quit your new job

104 people are talking about this

End of MPEN e-Newsletter

MPEN e-Newsletter No. 2018-0101

Happy New Year!


If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.

This is a Thomas Kinkade painting. It’s rumored to carry a miracle!

They say if you pass this on, you will receive a miracle.
I am passing this on because I thought it was really pretty, and who couldn’t use a miracle?

The Lords best for you and your Families.
From our Home, to your Home.
From our Hearts to your Hearts.