Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-03-03

Voices, The Peoples News

March 3, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Covid / Pandemics
Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA:
The whole process occurred rapidly within six hours. The vaccine’s mRNA converting into DNA and being found inside the cell’s nucleus is something that the CDC said would not happen. The research was conducted at Lund University. Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist,’ the findings have ‘enormous implications of permanent chromosomal change’ that could drive a ‘whole new genre of chronic disease.’”

# Education / Schools
Dangerous levels of lead found in the water of half the schools tested in Montana https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://montanafreepress.org/2022/03/02/dangerous-levels-of-lead-found-in-water-of-montana-schools/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXhwaMUeCk$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical US Gas Exporters Set to Benefit After Germany Halts Russian Pipeline https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/22/us-gas-exporters-set-benefit-after-germany-halts-russian-pipeline__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh8fgZADN$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global All 106 workers are laid off by Nord Stream 2’s construction firm owned by Russian gas giant Gazprom as it enters insolvency https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10564311/Nord-Stream-2-owner-considers-insolvency-pipeline-halt-sanctions-sources.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh_x-UV6R$

Brazil: Bolsonaro uses Ukraine war to support extraction on indigenous land. He used this to back a draft law from 2020 that would allow the government to permit the “extraction of minerals, water and organic resources from indigenous land.”

Revealed: Timber giant quietly converts Congo logging sites to carbon schemes https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://news.mongabay.com/2022/03/revealed-timber-giant-quietly-converts-congo-logging-sites-to-carbon-schemes/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXhw749lTa$

‘I am pro-mining’: Indigenous opposition to Philippine mine project falters https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eco-business.com/news/indigenous-opposition-to-philippine-mine-project-falters/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh0bYb7Ng$

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure A historic chance to protect America’s free-flowing rivers. Ten bills in Congress would add conservation protections to 7,000 miles of river to safeguard drinking water, biodiversity and recreation.

# Environment / Climate / Global
UK overrules scientific advice by lifting ban on bee-harming pesticide.
Campaigners aghast as exemption on use of thiamethoxam granted due to risk to sugar beet crop.

In a biodiversity haven, mining drives highest ever recorded levels of mercury https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.24hgold.com/english/newsflow-In-a-biodiversity-haven–mining-drives-highest-ever-recorded-levels-of-mercury—Mongabay.aspx?id=24895738848H11690__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh8uCzOJ_$

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other The global seafood supply is being contaminated by microplastics, but major news outlets are silent. Our addiction to plastic is having negative effects all along the food chain.

# Global Politics
Ukraine-Russia negotiations have reached ‘certain decisions.’ Ceasefire talks hosted by Belarus adjourn for consultations https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGL2hl6qXJs__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh9f_yUiw$

Before/after photos show the scale of destruction in Ukraine https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/before-after-photos-destruction-in-ukraine__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh89oyi2R$

Russian Police Arrest Children as Brutal Crackdown on Antiwar Protests Continues https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2022/3/3/headlines/russian_police_arrest_children_as_brutal_crackdown_on_antiwar_protests_continues__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh1qBnqbI$

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is having consequences far away in Africa, where surging energy and grain prices are already fueling hardship, and may soon be a political problem for governments across the continent.

# Gov / Politics
In the first election under new voting laws, several thousand Texans failed to comply with stricter vote-by-mail requirements, with the percentage of rejected ballots in some counties ballooning well beyond previous elections’ rejection rates.

GOP accepted millions from oil and gas ahead of Texas primary https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2022/03/gop-candidates-accepted-millions-from-oil-and-gas-ahead-of-texas-primary__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh37vt51W$

CPAC bankrolled by Jan. 6 rally organizers and groups spreading 2020 election fraud claims: Former President Donald Trump’s political operation continues to steer money to a firm run by Jan. 6 rally organizers, while other organizers of the rally before the deadly Capitol attack are sponsoring this year’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference, widely known as CPAC.

US Put ‘Doomsday Plane’ Into the Air This Week After Putin Nuclear Threat. The Boeing aircraft, designed to serve as an airborne command center for U.S. officials, can protect the crew from the effects of a nuclear explosion.

# Law Enforcement
TSA officer arrested for attempting to smuggle meth through LAX: If convicted, Williams would face a statutory maximum sentence of 20 years in federal prison.

# Legal / DOJ
Roger Stone Bodyguard Just Became a Federal Witness to Riots. An Alabama man the feds described as a violent Oath Keeper just agreed to testify, which could be very bad news for other participants in Jan. 6.

A member of the Oath Keepers has pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy.
Joshua James is the sixth member of the militant group to plead guilty, all but one of whom were charged with conspiring to block certification of the presidential election.

Breonna Taylor’s mom stormed out of court as the ex-cop charged over the raid said “she didn’t need to die”

Trump Broke Laws to Try to Overturn Election: Jan. 6 Panel: The Jan. 6 select committee says its evidence has shown that then-President Donald Trump and his campaign tried to illegally obstruct Congress’ counting of electoral votes and “engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

# Medical / Health Care
Memorial Hermann services no longer covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. Thousands of patients lose access to doctors after Memorial Hermann, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas fail to reach agreement https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2022/03/02/thousands-of-patients-lose-access-to-doctors-after-memorial-hermann-blue-cross-blue-shield-fail-to-reach-agreement/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh6wI4xXE$

# Military / DOD
How open-source intelligence is helping clear the fog of war in Ukraine.
From high-resolution satellite images to TikTok videos, governments no longer control information from the front lines.

# Military / Global
Russian troops enter strategic Ukrainian port of Kherson https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.euractiv.com/section/europe-s-east/news/russian-troops-enter-strategic-ukrainian-port-of-kherson/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh2COUvtH$

Turkey is set to restrict the access of Russian warships to the Black Sea over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/turkey-implement-international-pact-access-shipping-straits-due-ukraine-war-2022-02-27/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh3BmEBV_$

Russians Continue Assault on Ukrainian Cities as Death Toll Mounts https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/02/europe/ukraine-russia-invasion-wednesday-intl-hnk/index.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXh5bfQeCH$

Ukrainians Put Their Bodies on the Line to Block Russian Troops from Major Nuclear Site https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2022/3/3/headlines/ukrainians_put_their_bodies_on_the_line_to_block_russian_troops_from_major_nuclear_site__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g1f08AMCbGqhydnVg03EqrL-FRrHsycpqhYFQ4B1oioAZNpKSyKOibnSQXNXhxd_LMpE$

Russian forces target civilian areas with increasingly indiscriminate barrages.

# Space
NASA and Russia Seem to Be Barreling Toward a Messy Breakup. Cooperation in space is fraying in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The International Space Station may be the first big casualty.

# Technology
Ukraine asks ICANN to delete all Russian domains. Doing so would block about five million domains from the global internet, and would significantly affect Russia’s ability to communicate online.

Facebook restricts EU users’ access to RT and Sputnik. Facebook is one of several social networks that has pledged to squelch Russian media amid the ongoing offensive in Ukraine.

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