Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-05-11

Voices, The Peoples News

May 11, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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1500 drones create a Chinese dragon in the night sky [Best at full
screen] Keep watching for more awesome drone footage.
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# Indigenous
# Indigenous / Global
# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Recalls
# Archaeology / Anthropology
Inside Costa Rica’s ‘cave of death’ which kills all that enters: Costa Rica’s Cave of Death (Cueva de la Muerte) is a pool of carbon dioxide on the floor, which is remarkably stable, and nearly 100% CO₂: fatal to every animal that enters the cave. See how a flame can’t burn. “Danger!

# Borders / Immigration
Biden administration moves to terminate agreement governing conditions for migrant children in US custody: The Flores agreement has protected migrant children for nearly 3 decades. Changes may be coming. The Biden administration wants to partially end a 27-year-old agreement that provides court oversight of how the federal government cares for migrant children in its custody

Top Border Patrol Officials Investigated for Alleged Undisclosed Ties to Mexican Tequila Magnate: The agency is probing whether or not the pair disclosed their relationship with a foreign national, which is required by those with top security clearance, and if they accepted anything that violated any ethics rules, three sources familiar with the matter told the outlet

Terrorist watch list apprehensions at northern border continue to break records: The number of known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) apprehended at the northern border in the first six months of fiscal 2024 continue to outpace those apprehended at the southwest border. The greatest number of KSTs to ever be apprehended in U.S. history was at the northern border in fiscal 2023 of 484. The next greatest number to be apprehended in U.S. history was 313 at the northern border in fiscal 2022, according to CBP data.1 h

Biden Administration Announces Key Asylum System Changes Aiming to Expedite Migrant Removals:  A new Biden administration rule announced Thursday aims to speed up asylum processing at the southern border for a limited group of people believed to have committed serious crimes or who have terrorist links and ultimately more quickly eject them from the country.

Top Border Patrol officials say Biden appointees silenced them for years: The recently retired second in command of the U.S. Border Patrol said the Biden administration intentionally blocked him and others from engaging with the public, enacting robust protocols to sabotage media requests as millions surged across the southern border.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
The U.S. banking industry wins battle in $8 credit card fee war: The U.S. court system has delayed the rule to cap credit card late fees at a maximum of 8 dollars monthly, a win for major banking institutions. The legislation, a crucial step in protecting consumer interests, was championed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPS) and, unfortunately, was stalled in federal court on Friday, May 11.

America’s debt tops $34 trillion, but a commission to address it appears dead in Congress: It’s well past time, the newly elected House speaker said in October, to establish a bipartisan commission to tackle the federal government’s growing $34.6 trillion in debt. “The consequences if we don’t act now are unbearable,” he said, echoing warnings from his predecessor and other House Republicans

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Etc
Internal documents illuminate industry’s efforts to deceive public and investors ahead of Senate hearing: ‘A rare glimpse’: “For decades, the fossil-fuel industry has known about the economic and climate harms of its products.”

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure
New state law makes the case for class-based chemical regulation: New state law makes the case for class-based chemical regulation. A recent paper published in Environmental Health Perspectives lays out the process behind Washington State’s new “Pollution Prevention” law, which aims to protect human health by regulating classes of hazardous chemicals.

‘Sad What We Are Doing’: Global CO2 Increase Sets New All-Time Record: “I’d make this the lead story in every paper and newscast on the planet,” said Bill McKibben. “If we don’t understand the depth of the climate crisis, we will not act in time.” The average monthly concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere jumped by a record 4.7 parts per million between March 2023 and March 2024, according to new data from NOAA’s Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Global
The “Gateway To The Underworld” In Siberia Is Splintering Open: The Batagay megaslump, better known as Siberia’s “gateway to the underworld,” is up to its usual tricks. New research shows that the giant geological scar has grown up to 1 million cubic meters (35 million cubic feet) each year since 2014, pumping out thousands of tons of carbon as it fractures.

Mystery of Siberia’s giant exploding craters may finally be solved: Giant exploding craters only known to exist on Russia’s permafrost-covered Yamal and Gydan peninsulas may result from a specific set of conditions not found elsewhere in the Arctic. Eight giant, 160-foot-deep (50 meters) craters in the Siberian permafrost have baffled scientists since their discovery more than a decade ago — but a new theory may finally explain how they formed.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Technology
Agricultural plastic linked to build up of harmful chemicals in wheat: The use of plastic films in farming has been linked to an accumulation of phthalates – an endocrine disrupting chemical with serious health effects – in both soil and wheat

Massive new database on how plastic chemicals harm our health: The first-of-its-kind, open-access database includes more than 3,500 studies on plastic and human health.

# General News
Donald Trump has betrayed every conservative value: Republicans in the 1990s believed that this behavior provided due cause for impeachment and cited similar behavior as a primary reason for their impeachment against then-President Bill Clinton. Today, many Republicans continue to support Donald Trump despite these revelations.

There’s growing ‘hatred toward the West’: The eldest son of the late prominent politician JALAL TALABANI, Bafel maintains close ties with the U.S. while cultivating friendly relations with some of its adversaries.

‘National security concerns’ raised as German group purchases influential US advisory firm: Two House Republican lawmakers are demanding the Biden administration investigate a German company’s acquisition of a major global advisory firm, raising concerns about foreign influence being used to promote a radical green energy agenda in the U.S.

Trump’s Ties to Big Oil Just Got Even More Terrifying: Donald Trump’s promise to oil bosses at a Mar-a-Lago meeting last month, in which he reportedly spoke bluntly of a “deal” with executives that would see him scrap troublesome environmental regulations “on day one” if they raised $1 billion to get him back in the White House, not only shocked the executives involved,

Trump’s use of dodgy accounting on Chicago tower means he could be $100m in red, IRS probe reveals: The IRS believes Mr Trump violated a law meant to prevent double-dipping on tax-reducing losses, and that he essentially wrote off the same losses twice, the probe revealed.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Russia’s Cover up of Its Dangerous Dealings With North Korea Leaves Us All Less Secure: Moscow killed a U.N. body overseeing North Korea sanctions compliance for one simple reason: Russia is flagrantly violating the U.N. sanctions.

Putin Appoints ‘Professor Doomsday,’ Who Has Called For Nuclear Strikes Against The West, As Key Advisor For Strategic Deterrence:

# Gov / Politics
Strategic amnesia, political division put U.S. in extreme jeopardy: To put it charitably, America and Americans suffer from a bad case of strategic amnesia. This condition has affected not only how the U.S. is responding to the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. More importantly, how the U.S. is dealing with its “enemies” is very concerning. Despite forgetting history, a bit of recall is instructive.

‘We would need to make choices’: Why Biden is threatening Israel now

Even Donald Trump Doesn’t Know What He Created in the MAGA Swamps of Michigan: One of the major points of contention was which of these delegates would get to attend the Republican National Convention later this year in Milwaukee to take on the largely symbolic act of officially certifying Trump’s victory in the primary.

Trump’s Fascism Is Already Attacking America: The Republican Party is no longer a party of conservative ideology. That GOP is now dead,  replaced by a party of absolute cult-like loyalty to Trump. The radical right Trump sycophants in this “Trumplican” Party put Trump over Country every time. This is so extremely anti-American and should sadden all who love America.

# Juvenile / Children / Youth
Washington is intercepting federal benefits bound for foster youth: Despite pressure to end the practice, Washington continues to divert federal benefits owed to foster youth to fund the Department of Children, Youth and Families, which runs the state’s foster care system.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Trend of declassifying US intelligence poses serious risks, ex-CIA officials say: An increasingly common US tactic of declassifying intelligence with the aim of disrupting the plans of adversary powers can bring short-term gains, but risks creating long-term problems for the US intelligence agencies, two former CIA officials have warned.

# Legal / DOJ
Local Impact: Billionaire Sentenced and Set for Deportation After Federal Probe in New York:  Hui Qin, the Chinese billionaire who admitted in March to making straw donations to political campaigns — including Mayor Eric Adams’ — was sentenced Thursday to seven months in prison and removal from the U.S.

Prosecutors Reveal Alleged Hush Money Deal to Trump Crony: $750,000 that prosecutors say the business mogul is dangling above Allen Weisselberg’s head to keep him testifying against his former boss. For the first time on Friday, prosecutors disclosed the strict terms of a severance agreement that the Trump Organization used to promise more than $1 million to its outgoing chief financial officer—as long as he kept his mouth shut.

Justice Clarence Thomas decries Washington as ‘hideous’ and pushes back on ‘nastiness’ of critics: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas repeatedly pushed back on his critics during remarks Friday at a judicial conference in Alabama, lamenting what he described as the “nastiness” and “lies” directed at him and calling Washington a “hideous place.”

Judge “finally just had enough” with Trump lawyers’ bad faith behavior: “Merchan — while the Trump team doesn’t like him — he has tried being really fair on a bunch of points,” Haberman said, pointing to an instance where Merchan called Trump’s lawyer into a sidebar to avoid embarrassing his client. Haberman, who called Trump’s criminal fraud trial a “circus,” said that Merchan’s treatment of the defendant was different up to this point.

Biden’s ‘corrupt DOJ’ engaged in a level of collusion never seen before: Andrew Bailey: Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey says he is requesting Biden’s DOJ to turn over all communications between the Justice Department and Trump’s prosecutors on ‘Varney & Co.’

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey Obtains Court Order Blocking the Biden Administration from Violating First Amendment: Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced today that the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana granted his motion to block top officials in the federal government from continuing to violate the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans. The judge’s ruling is 155 pages long and includes 721 footnotes.

# Medical / General News
Hidden epidemic in assisted living facilities: Study shows shocking rates of resident-on-resident aggression: The prevalence of resident-to-resident aggression among the 930 participants (mean [SD] age, 88.0 [7.2] years; 738 women [79.4%]) during the past month was estimated to be 15.2% (141 of 930 residents; 95% CI, 12.1%-18.8%)

# Medical / Science / Technology
MIT’s New MRI Technique Reveals Hidden Light Deep in the Brain: MIT engineers have now come up with a novel way to detect this type of light, known as bioluminescence, in the brain: They engineered blood vessels of the brain to express a protein that causes them to dilate in the presence of light

Amazingly Detailed Images Reveal a Single Cubic Millimeter of Human Brain in 3D: A nanoscale project represents a giant leap forward in understanding the human brain. With more than 1.4 petabytes of electron microscopy imaging data, a team of scientists has reconstructed a teeny-tiny cubic segment of the human brain

# Military / DOD / Nuclear
The US Army’s new plan to counter Russia and China has a glaring problem, experts say: The US Army’s new structure responds to drones and guided missiles and artillery. But the Army plans to stand up new units at a time its recruiting is struggling.

The United States Marines have robot dogs — equipped with firepower: A safeguard is built into the robodogs as although it can detect and trace, it is not able to fire. Human oversight is required to authorize and action fire with a human-in-the-loop (HITL) process.

Startling! Dozens of US Air Force F-35 fighter jets were deployed to the conflict zone: Four U.S. Air Force F-35 Lightning IIs assigned to the 48th Fighter Wing at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, U.K., began operations at Lask Air Base, Poland, April 1, 2024, as part of the U.S.’s continued support to safeguarding NATO’s Eastern Flank.

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Yemen’s Houthis Chief Says Group Will Target Any Ships Related to Transport of Goods to Israel: “a fourth stage of escalation in retaliation to the Israeli aggression on Rafah” in the southern Gaza Strip.

China’s nuclear weapons on Moon plans ‘pose threat’ to entire planet: China’s expedited development of space weapons, including nuclear-equipped kamikaze satellites on the moon and robots, poses a planetary threat, experts have warned. The Beijing administration recently transported a robotic spacecraft on a return journey to the Moons farthest side.

# NASA / Space / UFO Disclosure / Planetary
Mysterious Objects in Space Could Be Giant Dyson Spheres, Scientists Say: There’s something poetic about humanity’s attempt to detect other civilizations somewhere in the Milky Way’s expanse. There’s also something futile about it. But we’re not going to stop. Dyson spheres could be a technosignature, and a team of researchers from Sweden, India, the UK, and the USA developed a way to search for Dyson sphere technosignatures they’re calling Project Hephaistos. (Hephaistos was the Greek god of fire and metallurgy.)

# Other Interesting Things
I think I just saw a fleet of illuminate ships [Video] In the recent viral video, a viewer claimed to have spotted a fleet of what they referred to as “illuminate ships.” This post sparked a heated discussion among the community, with various interpretations and theories emerging.

How mercury reacts with aluminium: When mercury is added to aluminum, it forms an amalgam (a mercury alloy). Aluminum is normally protected by a thick oxide layer, but the formation of the amalgam disrupts it. It allows fresh aluminum to react with air to form white aluminum oxide. As the oxide grows, it forms as these cool white fibers.

Breakthrough: X-ray of a single atom captured for the first time: In a remarkable feat, a team of scientists has taken the world’s first X-ray signature of just one atom. This stunning achievement could revolutionize the way scientists detect materials.

# Pharmacy / Pharmaceuticals / Drugs
DEA doubtful of cartel order to stop fentanyl production: DEA officials remain skeptical of reports that Mexican cartel leaders have ordered their producers to stop making fentanyl. In October 2023, Los Chapitos, the group led by the four sons of imprisoned boss Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, hung banners in prominent locations in Sinaloa, Sonora, and Baja California ordering the fentanyl ban. DEA officials made it clear in the latest National Drug Threat Assessment that they are doubtful

Fentanyl coming to U.S. becoming more deadly, DEA says: The illicit fentanyl coming from Mexican cartels is becoming more dangerous, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. The purity level of illicit fentanyl in the U.S. drug market has increased and the amount of fentanyl found in counterfeit prescription pills has increased, making the nation’s top drug threat even more dangerous, according to the DEA’s most recent National Drug Threat Assessment.

# Science Technology / Biosciences
Scientists Film Plant ‘Talking’ to Its Neighbor, And The Video Is Incredible: More recently, a team of Japanese researchers deployed real-time imaging techniques to reveal how plants receive and respond to these aerial alarms. This was a big gap in our understanding of plant chatter: We knew how plants send messages, but not how they receive them.

# Technology
‘TunnelVision’ Attack Leaves Nearly All VPNs Vulnerable to Spying: TunnelVision is an attack developed by researchers that can expose VPN traffic to snooping or tampering. Researchers have devised an attack against nearly all virtual private network applications that forces them to send and receive some or all traffic outside of the encrypted tunnel designed to protect it from snooping or tampering.

# Water
A Town Board in Colorado Repeals Rights of Nature Resolutions: Nederland wants to build a dam on Boulder Creek to create a reservoir. Two non-binding resolutions that recognize the creek’s rights complicate the matter. The nature-rights movement isn’t about conservation or responsible husbanding of the natural world. Rather, it seeks to handcuff human thriving by preventing most uses of our natural resources.

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