Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-06-06

Voices, The Peoples News

June 6, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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# Archaeology / Anthropology / Other Interesting Things
2,700-Year-Old “Portal To The Underworld” Makes Long-Awaited Return. The huge sculpture predates the Aztecs by 2,000 years.

These Neanderthal fire pits offer an extraordinarily precise snapshot of ancient life. Researchers used traces of Earth’s changing magnetic field in sediments to identify the activity of ancient humans.

Fire pits offer glimpse into Neanderthal life. Ancient hearths reveal that generations of Neanderthals regularly visited a rugged river valley in Spain over a period of around 200 years.

The City of David: Unearthing the Biblical Capital – Exploring Archaeological Finds in Jerusalem

# Borders / Immigration / Global
Mexico’s president seeks agreement for US to send deportees directly to countries of origin

# Education / Schools
For Decades, Officials Knew a School Sat on a Former Dump, and Did Little to Clean Up the Toxins. In Florida, children are on the front lines of the hazards long ignored by local and state government officials.

# Employment / Labor
Some of AIPAC’s Biggest Donors Are Also Financing Attacks Against Labor Rights. The movements for labor and Palestinian rights have common cause against the billionaires who aim to destroy them both.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Global Zombie Fire Season Is Here in the Arctic. Every year, peatlands in the Arctic suddenly ignite. Smoldering subterranean fires from the previous summer were thought to be to blame, but now modeling suggests a worrying new cause.

Ecuador Is Literally Powerless in the Face of Drought. Drought-stricken hydro dams have led to daily electricity cuts in Ecuador. As weather becomes less predictable due to climate change, experts say other countries need to take notice.

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals Gene-Edited Salad Greens Are Coming to US Stores This Fall: Biotech giant Bayer plans to distribute mustard greens that have been genetically altered to make them less bitter to grocery stores across the country.

# General News
Trump Suggests He’d Basically Turn the DOJ Into His Own Personal Injury Firm: The former president once again fantasized about jailing his “crooked” political opponents, who he baselessly claimed were responsible for last week’s guilty verdict.

Trump’s MAGA Allies Are Threatening to Impeach Joe Biden, Investigate Jack Smith, and Imprison Alvin Bragg. The party of “law and order.”

Donald Trump’s 2 Criteria For A President Has People Scratching Their Heads. Some critics suggested the former president endorsed Joe Biden with the comment.

Trump Campaign Sends Vetting Paperwork to Potential VP Picks. At least seven candidates are said to be on the shortlist.

Trump Unveils New Brand of Racism With Chuck Schumer Insult. Donald Trump is revealing exactly what he thinks of all Palestinians.

Trump made a big flip on something he’s been railing against for years. Election certification disputes in a handful of states spark concerns over 2024 presidential contest

# Gov / Politics / Global
German chancellor vows to deport criminals following brutal attack by Afghan migrant. The brutal attack in Mannheim, which was captured on video and quickly went viral online, shocked the country.

Putin says Trump conviction ‘burns’ idea of US as leading democracy. Russia expert warned Putin would see verdict as chance to undermine US’s global influence and boost his own standing

Putin says West is wrong to assume Russia would never use nuclear weapons

Putin threatens to provide weapons to attack the West

Russian warships headed to Caribbean for drills as tensions rise over Ukraine, US officials say

# Gov / Politics
Nicole Shanahan Is Just Getting Started. Phenomenal wealth and a penchant for pseudoscience related to autism and vaccines have put Nicole Shanahan in position to do far more consequential things than being RFK Jr.’s running mate.

Mike Johnson’s Insane New Defense of Trump Shows Deep MAGA Desperation. Why aren’t prosecutors going after Joe Biden like Donald Trump? Uh … maybe because Joe Biden isn’t a criminal?

Congress’s Biggest Putin Suck-Up Strikes Again. Senator Tommy Tuberville’s new claim on Russia and Ukraine is truly unbelievable.

House Republicans pass first funding bill despite White House veto threat

House Republicans Push Devious Plan to Help Trump Pardon Himself

Speaker Johnson appoints two Trump allies to a committee that handles classified intelligence. Johnson, a hardline conservative from Louisiana who has aligned himself with Trump, was replacing spots on the committee that opened up after the resignations of Republican Reps.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Steve Bannon ordered to report to prison by July 1

Missouri Moves Forward With Inmate’s Execution Despite DNA Concerns. Missouri has scheduled the execution for a death row inmate despite unresolved claims regarding his innocence

# Legal / DOJ
Judge Cannon Hands Trump His Second Major Win in 24 Hours

Trump’s Georgia election case halted by court until Willis appeal is resolved. The pause in proceedings makes it unlikely that the Georgia case goes to trial before the November election.

‘Ridiculous, Dangerous’: Ex-Trump White House Attorney Shreds Docs Judge’s Move

Judge Aileen Cannon Will Entertain Any Excuse to Delay Trump’s Trial. The federal judge overseeing the classified documents case keeps coming up with increasingly ridiculous reasons not to begin the trial.

Hunter Biden’s ex-girlfriend describes his drug use at his criminal trial. Hunter Biden’s former girlfriend testified about his near-constant crack cocaine use at lavish hotels at the criminal trial where prosecutors are trying to prove that U.S. President Joe Biden’s son lied about his addiction to illegally buy a gun.

Hunter Biden’s ex-wife and former girlfriend testify at trial about finding his drug paraphernalia

Georgia Court of Appeals Halts Racketeering Case Against Trump

JUST IN: House GOP Refers Hunter And James Biden to DOJ For Criminal Prosecution

# Medical / General News
An Older Woman’s Chronic Pain Is Not ‘All in Her Head.’ There are serious consequences of under-managed pain. Many factors within the healthcare system contribute to under-managed pain in women — which is especially prevalent in older and middle-age women.

Senate Republicans block bill to protect Americans’ access to contraception. The vote on the Right to Contraception Act was 51-39, falling short of the 60 votes needed to defeat a filibuster and move the bill forward.

Former President Donald Trump agreed that abortion “hurt” the GOP during the 2022 elections, stating that the party didn’t know how to “talk about the issue.”

Trump’s abortion statement angers conservatives and gives the Biden campaign a new target

Merck Used Highly Potent Aluminum in Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trials Without Informing Participants. Several girls who participated in the HPV vaccine trials suffered chronic disabling symptoms, raising questions about the toxic effects of the adjuvant

# Military / DOD
Super Hornet Armed With SM-6 Missile Spotted Over California. A U.S. Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet was recently seen flying over California armed with an SM-6 long-range anti-aircraft guided missile, sparking interest and speculation within defense circles.

House panel advances defense funding bill with pay raise for troops and cuts to divisive Pentagon programs.   House panel advanced a $833 billion defense funding bill on Wednesday that provides a steep pay raise for junior enlisted troops while also cutting back funding for Ukraine and Pentagon programs popular with Democrats.

What a crashed jet means for an F-35 program already thin on test planes. The crashed F-35 was supposed to add to the small test fleet of just 43 aircraft, many of which are older models that can suffer from maintenance issues, the F-35 Joint Program Office tells Breaking Defense.

A US supersonic bomber dropped 500-pound bombs in its first live-fire bombing drill on the Korean peninsula in 7 years

Airbus unveils ghostly unmanned stealth drone named ‘Wingman’ for spy missions and blasting targets with guided missiles

Darpa [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency] reveals designs for ‘weaponized long-endurance X-plane’ that doesn’t need a runway, pilots or any support teams

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Ukraine uses US weapons to strike inside Russia. Ukraine has used U.S. weapons to strike inside Russia in recent days, according to a U.S. senator and a Western official familiar with the matter.

MBDA offers mini missiles for Rheinmetall Skyranger air-defense gun. MBDA Germany and Rheinmetall Electronics have announced the integration of a new guided missile for countering small drones into the Skyranger 30 air-defense turret, offering new technology in the race to protect ground formations against loitering munitions and related threats

Amidst Gaza tensions, Israel signs F-35 deal with US for 25 more warplanes. “At a time when some of our adversaries aim to undermine our ties with our greatest ally, we only further strengthen our alliance,” Israel’s Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant said of signing the $3 billion deal.

Iran steps away from deniability in arming the Houthis: New statements from Iran are “abandoning the fiction” that they are not supplying anti-ship ballistic missile technology, according to analysts.

Iran Is Flexing Its Muscles—and Hurting Itself. Tehran’s missile attacks on its neighbors were intended as a show of force—but may be a sign of recklessness.

# NASA / UFO Disclosure
NASA Launches Second Small Climate Satellite to Study Earth’s Poles. Data from the pair of CubeSats will offer new insights into how much heat the Arctic and Antarctica radiate into space and how this influences global climate.

# Planetary
Scientist Claims Human Skeletons With ‘Radiation’ and ‘Buildings Turned to Glass’ Are Proof of 4,000-Year-Old Nuclear War

Desert Glass Formed by Ancient Atomic Bombs?

A Dig Towards the Core of the Earth Uncovers Scientific Secrets. At four miles deep scientists say they found a 2-billion-year-old fossil showing there was biological activity in rocks deep beneath the surface, among other discoveries

Scientists extract a kilometer of rock from Earth’s mantle in record-breaking mission. A record-breaking drilling attempt, which dug more than a kilometer into an underwater mountain in the Atlantic Ocean, has given scientists a treasure trove of rocks to study for clues to Earth’s inner workings.

What We Found When We Drilled To The Centre of The Earth

Deep Earthquakes Reveal Shocking Secrets of the Inner Earth. There may be a layer of surprisingly fluid rock ringing the Earth, at the very bottom of the upper mantle, according to a new study

The Kola Superdeep Borehole, located in Russia, is the world’s deepest man-made hole, reaching a depth of 40,230 feet (12,262 meters) or 7.6 miles (12.2 kilometers), surpassing the depth of the Mariana Trench and the height of Mount Everest.

# Science Technology / Biosciences
A Dig Towards the Core of the Earth Uncovers Scientific Secrets. “The existence of an internal metallic ball within the inner core, the innermost inner core, was hypothesised about 20 years ago,” Dr Thanh-Son Phạm, from the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences, said.

Does nature have to do everything itself? An international cohort of marine scientists discovered an ocean-borne fungus chomping through plastic trash suspended in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

# Space
SpaceX Starship launches nail-biting Flight 4 test of the world’s most powerful rocket (video, photos) It was quite a sight and quite fiery success for SpaceX

# Space / Global
With timing of rocket blast, Iran flexes muscles in space. Escalation in the Middle East is coming from far above the Earth’s surface

# Veterans
Biden threatens veto of veteran funding over abortion, LGBT provisions. House Republicans passed legislation Wednesday to fund the Department of Veterans Affairs and military construction, but a battle over abortion, sexuality and other issues may sink the bill.

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