Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-06-12

Voices, The Peoples News

June 12, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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Cool illusion caused by the speed of the blades and
camera shutter speed being the same

[Best at full screen]
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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Recalls
Rare White Buffalo Birth at Yellowstone Linked to Native American Legend [Another one! There have been about 4 I think, in the last 6 years or so.]  “The birth of this calf is both a blessing and warning. We must do more,” Arvol Looking Horse, the spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Oyate in South Dakota,

# Archaeology / Anthropology / Interesting Things
Paranormal cloud, activities caught on camera

The original occupant of an Egyptian sarcophagus was unknown. Then a tiny ornament revealed a very big name. Egyptologist Frédéric Payraudeau deciphered the hieroglyphs engraved on this granite fragment and determined the fragment was part of a sarcophagus that once belonged to Ramesses II

# Borders / Immigration
Judge dismisses riot charges against migrants

US officials warn of Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua gang crossing border

Mexico’s bloodiest election in history sends new asylum-seekers to the US border

DHS warns of heightened threat as 8 with suspected ISIS ties arrested. Entered through southern border, being held on immigration violations. Wray: Information is found later that highlights why they’re of concern

‘People will die’: Biden’s border order will worsen migrants’ risks, experts say

ABC News exclusive: Inside a cartel’s human-smuggling operation

# Corporations / Industry / Business
Remington’s sale of its ammunition arm to a foreign buyer is raising eyebrows. Foreign Purchase of U.S. Ammo Maker Sparks National-Security Battle. Opponents of deal stress need for American ownership amid gunpowder shortage and concern over China-Russia influence

The Chiquita Verdict Was a Long Time Coming. Companies are almost never held accountable for their actions, particularly in foreign countries. But a Florida jury just broke that trend, ruling that Chiquita is liable for eight deaths.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
WallStreetBets, GameStop, and the “Swirl of Distrust” That’s Electrifying the Stock Market

# Education / Schools
4 instructors from Iowa college stabbed in China in ‘horrifying attack’: Instructors from Cornell College in Iowa were visiting a partner institution.

Suspect arrested in stabbing of 4 instructors from Iowa college in China, police say

Texas wins first round in battle over Title IX lawsuit. Title IX, which is part of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Judge strikes down New Hampshire’s ban on critical race theory in classrooms

Milwaukee Public School Board of School Directors had difficulty conducting its normal business last night as parents and community members demanded answers following the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s threat to pull funding for missing financial documents.

Since Idaho became the first state to restrict teachers’ discussion about race or gender in April 2021, at least 17 additional states have passed similar restrictions. But what effect has legislation and other actions to clamp down on classroom discussions had on those leading the conversation?

Surveillance Video Appears To Show Middle School Coach Choking 14-Year-Old Student With Shirt

School District Claims Alleged Sexual Assault Of 6-Year-Old Was ‘Mutual’

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Etc
Colorado lawmakers urge EPA to review pollution permits at controversial Utah oil facilities. The enlargement of the Wildcat Loadout, the Price River Terminal and the Savage Energy Terminal would boost daily export capacity in Utah’s Uinta Basin from the current 110,000 to 260,000 barrels of oil — which would then travel by rail through the Centennial State.

Wyoming fails to take ‘strong action’ against Biden mandate; special session costs taxpayers ~$175K

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Global
Lake Titicaca dries up, threatening Indigenous communities

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals
Rubbery Avocados that Won’t Ripen.

Anatomy of a science meeting: How controversial pesticide research all but vanished from a major conference

Residents in Missouri express concerns over the use of meatpacking waste as fertilizer

Missouri House bill takes aim at ‘cesspool’ of meatpacking sludge. ‘It literally burns your lungs, your chest,’ a southwest Missouri resident says of the stench of meatpacking sludge

U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, released the following statement after unveiling the Senate Republican-drafted framework answering the call for a farmer-focused farm bill.

# Food / Farming  Global
Small farmers in Brazil’s semi-arid region struggle with land degradation due to climate change

# Food Alerts / Recalls
Study: Plant-based ultra-processed foods linked to heart disease, death

Parasites found in wild caught salmon. The white worms we occasionally spot in salmon fillets are parasites called roundworms. Though these worms are more noticeable in salmon due to the contrast in color, they can be found in many white fish too — they’re just camouflaged.

The parasites, anisakid nematodes, sometimes called herring worms or cod worms, are among the most common parasites found in fish and the majority of wild sockeye salmon.

Parasites living inside fish corpses are absolutely typical. Biologists in Demark found that more than 90 percent of of wild fish were infested with nematode larvae. Another study by researchers, revealed that all the fresh-caught salmon who were examined had nematode infestations. Scientists believe that rising average water temperatures because of climate change will significantly increase the number of worms found in wild fish.

FDA warns businesses not to sell, customers not to eat certain shellfish over paralytic toxin danger. The affected shellfish include oysters and bay clams harvested from growing areas in Netarts and Tillamook Bays in Oregon since May 28, as well as all shellfish from Willapa Bay, Washington. Additional areas of concern in Washington from the end of May include Stony Point, Bay Center and Bruceport

# General News
Jimmy Carter’s grandson reveals the ex-president, 99, is ‘no longer awake’ daily 16 months into hospice care. A year-and-a-half after entering hospice care in February 2023, Carter’s loved ones remain by their patriarch’s side.

The ‘Chilling’ Trump Plan That Could Pave The Way For Authoritarianism. Donald Trump has no greater enemy than the United States’ federal bureaucracy, what he calls the “deep state.” And he has a plan to bend it to his will if he’s elected in November.

How Trump’s Ugliest Authoritarian Threats May Soon Blow Up in His Face. With Team Biden preparing to highlight Trump’s authoritarianism at this month’s debate, legal writer Dahlia Lithwick talks about the prospects for awakening voters to the threat we face.

Trump Vows To “Eradicate” Abortion With Christian Group If Re-Elected.

Did Trump Admit to ANOTHER Felony in Probation Interview? It is a federal offense to possess a firearm or ammunition as a convicted felon. It is a federal crime for a convicted felon to own a gun or ammunition.

McConnell to Meet With Trump for the First Time in 4 Years. The Senate minority leader has not spoken directly to the former president since before the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol attacks.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Abducted Ukrainian Kids Found on Russian Adoption Site. The site makes no mention of the children being Ukrainian, according to the Financial Times.

There’s an AI Candidate Running for Parliament in the UK. If it wins the UK general election, “AI Steve” will be represented by businessman Steve Endacott in Parliament. Endacott says he’ll merely be a conduit, and the AI will make the policy decisions.

# Gov / Politics
Manhattan DA to testify before congress

U.S. democracy is really and truly at risk. For the first and only time since 1776, both presidential candidates and their parties assert and believe the other is a clear and present danger to democracy. Worse, many Americans of both political parties believe this.

Texas conservatives want to end countywide voting. The costs could be high.

US Leaders Dodge Questions About Israel’s Influence Campaign. Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries has joined US intelligence officials in ignoring repeated inquiries about Israel’s “malign” efforts to covertly influence US voters.

Four Texas House Republicans censured for campaigning against incumbents. The censured members said they had been punished for campaigning against “liberal incumbents” alongside statewide elected officials like Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Top Republican on Senate Foreign Relations panel threatens to block committee action over ICC sanctions bill

Senators Applaud House Effort to Sanction ICC After Actions Against Israel

Risch threatens to jam up Foreign Relations panel over ICC bill

Democrats launch effort to counter conservatives’ sweeping ‘Project 2025’

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Washington teen returning replica gun to store shot dead by security guard

UAW boss Shawn Fain is being investigated by the union’s federal corruption watchdog

# Legal / DOJ
Hunter Biden guilty verdict proves Trump’s trial wasn’t ‘rigged.’ Democrats didn’t rally to Biden’s son’s side or stand like dimwitted lemmings outside the federal courthouse to rail against some make-believe injustice

Ocasio-Cortez, Raskin to introduce legislation to ‘rein in a fundamentally unaccountable and rogue’ Supreme Court

Supreme Court’s conservatives lean in favor of limited immunity for Trump

Trump Reveals Judge Cannon’s Game With Just Four Words. Donald Trump requested a delay in proceedings for his classified documents trial … “should there be one.”

Trump classified documents judge rules on motion to dismiss case

Maggie Haberman Says Trump Felony Sentencing Could Lead Jack Smith To Demand Jail Pending Other Trials

The Real Lesson of the SCOTUS Tapes. Hint: It comes from what Roberts said, not Alito.

# Medical / General News
Medical-Targeted Ransomware Is Breaking Records After Change Healthcare’s $22M Payout

First cases of ‘highly-contagious’ fungal ringworm that causes horror rash identified in holiday hotspots. A SEXUALLY transmitted ringworm caused by a rare fungus has been reported for the first time in the US. The infection, called trichophyton mentagrophytes type VII (TMVII), has also been on the rise in Europe

# Military / DOD / Militia
U.N. warns Israel, Palestinian militant groups their actions ‘may amount to war crimes’

A January 6 Rioter Is Leading an Armed National Militia From Prison. As the US election approaches, Edward “Jake” Lang says that the militia will focus on potential “civil unrest” around the vote and will be ready to activate at a moment’s notice.

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Cruise ship passenger snaps pictures of Russian warships headed to Cuba for official visit

Horrified cruise passengers spot Russian warships out their window as NATO on red alert

US lifts weapons ban on controversial Ukrainian military unit

US will send Ukraine another Patriot missile system

Russia, Belarus Embark on Second Stage of Non-Strategic Nuclear Drills. Previously, troops underwent training to operate Iskander missiles and to equip Kinzhal hypersonic missiles with specialized warheads. The second stage of drills focusing on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons by Russian and Belarusian forces has commenced

Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing ‘friendly relations.’ Four Russian ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive in Havana next week, Cuban officials said Thursday, citing “historically friendly relations” between both nations

Hezbollah Fires Scores Of Rockets At Northern Israel As Gaza Cease-Fire Talks Hang In The Balance

Russia Threatens to Change Its Nuclear Doctrine Over U.S. ‘Escalation’

Why the West should take Russia’s nuclear threats more seriously

China just showed how easily one of its massive drills around Taiwan could escalate into something worse

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure
Human missions to Mars in doubt after astronaut kidney shrinkage revealed. ‘An astronaut could make it to Mars but they might need dialysis on the way back,’ scientist warns

# Science Technology / Biosciences
Video shows first example of cellular origami known to biology. The single celled organism, Lacrymaria olor, known for  unique hunting strategy, launches a neck-like proboscis, 30 times its original body length, to locate its prey (other microbes). The attack takes less than 30 seconds and is completely reversible. “We’re thinking of calling it lacrygami.”

# Space
A mysterious hole on Mars could be a jackpot of scientific discoveries, from extraterrestrial life to where astronauts could live

Gigantic 200-Mile Deep ‘Structure’ Under the Moon’s Surface Baffles Scientists

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
The Top New Features Coming to Apple’s iOS 18 and iPadOS 18. What exactly is Apple Intelligence? We break down Apple’s AI onslaught plus all the features worth talking about in iOS 18 and iPadOS 18.

# Technology / Global
Footage from inside a Chinese robot factory shows hyper-realistic humanoid robots that can mimic human facial expressions and emotions. Ex-Robots engineers hope the robots will soon be used in healthcare and education

# Veterans / VA
Thousands of low-income veterans could get help from additional $78M in rental vouchers

# Water
Water inequality on the Colorado River. A new accounting reveals deep disparities in Western water consumption.

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