Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-06-14

Voices, The Peoples News

June 14, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate
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# Indigenous
Washington state Indigenous tribe cleared to hunt gray whales for 10 years. “The measures adopted today honor the Makah Tribe’s treaty rights and their cultural whaling tradition that dates back well over 1,000 years, and is fundamental to their identity and heritage.”

# Archaeology / Anthropology / Interesting Things “Once-in-A-Decade” Archaeological Site in UK Reveals Around 19,000 Artifacts. The oldest artifacts uncovered during this dig, a series of flint tools stretch back to the Mesolithic period, or Middle Stone Age, which in Britain lasted from roughly 10,000 B.C. to 4,000 B.C

Archaeologists stumped by huge 4,000-year-old Greek wheel building that could stop an airport. Resembling a huge car wheel from above, the ruins came to light during a recent dig by archaeologists

# Borders / Immigration
FBI warns of Mexican cartels targeting Americans in timeshare fraud schemes

Immigrant advocates, congressional Dems press Biden for permanent protections

U.S. imposes visa ban on charter flight executive aiding illegal migration from Nicaragua

US diplomat warns of great consequences for migrants at border who don’t choose legal pathways

VP of border patrol union says Biden’s border order is putting more migrant children in danger. Cueto said that there has been a massive increase in kids crossing the border with their young siblings under the age of five.

To Address the Migration Crisis, the G7 Should Look to the LA Declaration. The three-pronged approach developed by Western Hemisphere leaders should be a road map for how the world’s major economies can tackle the challenge together.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Doc fully paralyzed days after getting COVID. Dr. William Dugal experienced total paralysis after developing Guillain-Barre syndrome. After a year of rehabilitation, he’s back to working as surgeon.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks / Global Norway just loosened China’s stranglehold on rare minerals critical to the global economy—and it’s a huge win for Europe and the U.S.

Expert reveals trillions spent on stock buybacks post-Trump tax cuts. It resulted in significant corporate stock buybacks rather than investments in workers or innovation.

# Education / Schools
Republicans push bill to ban DEI programs from federal agencies and stop schools using federal funds for them

Federal judge issues temporary injunction stopping Biden’s Title IX rules. A federal judge issued an injunction on Thursday that put a temporary hold on new Title IX rules issued by the Biden administration.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Etc
A High-Pressure Campaign to Downplay a Gas Pipeline’s Steep Risks. In West Virginia, Dominion Energy made plans to construct the Atlantic Coast Pipeline through steep terrain in some of the most flood- and erosion-prone topography in the U.S.

# Food Alerts / Recalls
Cream cheese products sold at Aldi, other supermarkets, recalled in dozens of states. Happy Farms Whipped Cream Cheese Spread, Chive & Onion Cream Cheese Spread, Cream Cheese Spread, and Strawberry Cream Cheese Spread products sold at stores in 28 states and Washington, D.C.

# General News
Pro-Trump influencers fire up fears of migrant ‘invasion’ ahead of U.S. election

Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee. Donald Trump attacked Milwaukee in a meeting with Republicans on the Hill—and now Republicans are desperately trying to cover for him.

Republicans Have No Idea What Happened in That Trump Meeting Either. “Like talking to your drunk uncle at the family reunion,” one Republican representative said of the closed-door meeting.

Trump’s Campaign Was Just a Scammy Money Grab All Along. Donald Trump has funneled millions of dollars from his presidential campaign to his businesses.

As Donald Trump dines with the people he scammed with his NFT collection, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: “Donald Trump is nothing but a con artist who has ripped off the American people time and time again, and this election is no different

Wisconsin Dem. Torches Fatal Flaw in Trump’s Milwaukee Whine. Representative Gwen Moore noted the irony of Donald Trump complaining about the crime rate in Milwaukee.

Top GOPer Accidentally Wrecks Trump’s Biggest Lie About Jack Smith. As Trump presses Mike Johnson to defund the special counsel, a leading House Republican dissents. Is Trump’s criminality becoming a wedge issue against the GOP?

# Gov / Politics / Global
Germany and Sweden dragged into trade war against their will as EU slaps 38% tariffs on Chinese EVs

Saudi Arabia is seeking billions in Chinese investment for Neom. But it comes with a massive risk.

Why is Russia embracing the Taliban? Any potential security and economic benefits for Moscow will be difficult to achieve.

Podcast: Is Western Apathy Trapping Belarus in Russia’s Embrace?

Putin Offers Ceasefire To Ukraine — But Makes Exhaustive Demands For Deal. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday he is ready to make a ceasefire deal with Ukraine, but gave a list of demands for a deal Kyiv was unsatisfied with.

# Gov / Politics
Choose Pluralism, Not War. While many people have fallen into the trap of believing politics has irrevocably divided our country, it’s not true.

Federal watchdog identifies tens of billions of dollars of government waste

Live updates: Lawmaker says Trump meeting with House Republicans a ‘pep rally’

Pelosi: Trump coming to Capitol Hill with ‘mission of dismantling our democracy’

Senate Democrat: ‘I just get sick’ thinking about GOP colleagues getting behind Trump

AI Chatbots Are Running for Office Now. Meet AI Steve and VIC, the chatbots running for office in 2024.

Trump’s Bizarre Rants at Private GOP Meeting Are a Break-Glass Moment. As awful new reports emerge about the GOP capitulation to Donald Trump, a veteran observer of Republican politics explains why all this is cause for genuinely profound alarm.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Secret Service considering new measures to keep protesters away from park near Republican convention

Man With Body Armor And Weapons Arrested At NYC Traffic Stop

# Legal / DOJ
The Supreme Court decision that could rock Utah. Rep. John Curtis is hopeful that overturning Chevron doctrine could give Utahns an avenue to deal with ‘bad rules’ federal agencies put into place

‘This is Crazy’: Matt Gaetz Creates Chaos In Judiciary Hearing As Jordan Forced to Call a Recess

Texas Judge Convicted of Bribery and Obstruction. Corrupt judge breaks all ex parte rules, and wants to know who told on him for his corruption, the criminals in this case are the Judge and DA, Going down in flames coming to a circus near you.

Multiple Trump Witnesses Have Received Significant Financial Benefits  From His Businesses, Campaign. Witnesses in the various criminal cases against the former president have gotten pay raises, new jobs and more.
If any benefits were intended to influence testimony, that could be a crime.

# Marijuana / Hemp
American Medical Association delegates vote to decriminalize drug use, possession

# Medical / General News
‘Grassroots’ Campaign Pushing Abortion In Red State Actually Bankrolled By Soros, Dem Dark Money. A pro-abortion ballot initiative touts its “grassroots” credentials while taking in millions from liberal dark money groups and other out-of-state sources.

The Medicare Advantage Paradox: How private insurers cost taxpayers billions. Recent studies and reports from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) reveal that MA overpayments have significantly burdened taxpayers.

Supreme Court upholds access to abortion pill in unanimous vote. The biggest battle over abortion rights since Roe v. Wade is over for now—and the Supreme Court has averted a major crisis for reproductive health care.

# Military / DOD / Militia
President Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy sign 10-year security deal

Noncitizen troops seek to end strict Trump-era citizenship policy

US submarine pulls into Guantanamo Bay a day after Russian warships arrive in Cuba

Bezos’ Blue Origin joins SpaceX, ULA in winning bids for $5.6 billion Pentagon rocket program. The Pentagon announced the first winning bidders in its rocket launch contract sweepstakes on Thursday, with Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin grabbing a spot for the first time.

# Military / Nuclear / Global
US set to hand off direction of Ukraine defense campaign to NATO. The U.S. and its allies will agree this week to a plan to put NATO in charge of efforts to arm and train the Ukrainian military, marking a shift away from what so far has been an American-led endeavor

Russia says the US doesn’t have any reason to worry about the nuclear submarine and the massive warship its navy has cruising off the coast of Cuba

Russians told to mobilise to inflict ‘maximum harm’ on West in response to sanctions

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space / Astronomy As oopsies go, this was a big one. Internet Panics After Hearing Leaked Audio From The ISS They Were Not Supposed To Hear

NASA and ESA explore habitability of exoplanets with Chandra and XMM-Newton

Emergency on the ISS? Disturbing Audio Led to Concerns About a Medical Situation in Space

NASA satellite detects smaller object in black hole pair for the first time

The sun is on the verge of a significant event: a magnetic field reversal. The last time the sun’s magnetic field flipped was toward the end of 2013. But what causes this switch in polarity, and is it dangerous?

NASA’s Webb Reveals Long-Studied Star Is Actually Twins

# Nuclear
Bill Gates begins building 345-megawatt Natrium nuclear reactor in US

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
Green Goblin hover board

The AI Revolution Will Rival the Industrial One, And It Has Begun. AI in this new age is infiltrating all areas of human endeavor….It will end much menial work and a whole tranche of white-collar jobs. Some things it will enhance beyond imagination, like medicine and associated longevity.

Whistleblower Says Microsoft Dismissed Warnings About a Security Flaw That Russians Later Used to Hack U.S. Government. Former employee says software giant dismissed his warnings about a critical flaw because it feared losing government business.

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