Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-06-16

Voices, The Peoples News

June 16, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate
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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Archaeology / Anthropology / Interesting Things
Newly discovered species found in Ecuador lives up to its name, A. miraculum. The tiny plant inhabits the western slopes of the Andes in Ecuador.

Gilgamesh flood tablet: A 2,600-year-old text that’s eerily similar to the story of Noah’s Ark. The Epic of Gilgamesh may date to as early as the third millennium B.C., but this particular tablet dates to the seventh century B.C.

# Borders / Immigration
Migrants frustrated at being forced out of Chicago shelters as city enforces 60-day stay limit

Migrants rob off-duty NYPD officer’s personal car at gunpoint

Supreme Court ruling upholds immigration law and deportation process. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a law established by Congress requiring the deportation of foreign nationals who illegally enter the country.

Suspected NYC jihadist was caught near major airport as new details of averted ‘disaster’ are revealed

Illegal Immigrant Arrested For Rape And Murder Of Mother Of Five. A Maryland county sheriff announced that an illegal immigrant had been arrested and charged in the August 2023 murder of a mother of five on a hiking trail.

Deadly border technologies are increasingly employed to violently deter

Gun Smuggling Across the US-Mexico Border: A Growing Concern

Mexican cartels have stolen over $300 million from American seniors in elaborate timeshare property scams

# Corporations / Industry / Business
‘This is going to get interesting,’ say shoppers of new anti-theft measure with $1k fine – it’s not only for shoplifters

# Education / Schools
Indigenous-Led Effort Changes Illinois School Curriculum to Cover Native History. “We’ve never ever given up the right to exist,” says Native scholar Megan Bang, who helped move the law forward.

A federal judge in Louisiana has blocked the Biden administration’s Title IX overhaul for four states, calling the rewrite a “threat to democracy” and an “abuse of power.”

Title IX Rule: Title IX Regulations, Providing Vital Protections Against Sex Discrimination

Schools Are Divesting From Arts Education as COVID-Era Federal Funds Evaporate. We should not have to fight for arts inclusion every single year, says arts educator Jody Drezner Alperin.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Etc
GOP Attorneys General Seeking to Block Climate Lawsuits Are Funded by Big Oil. Many donors are also being sued for deceiving the public about the role of fossil fuels in the climate crisis.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure Massive sinkhole keeps growing, video shows buildings, tanks submerged in water.

It’s covering the world in a plague of crumbs that take 500 years to break down, poison the food chain and seep into our brains. So why can’t scientists come up with anything better to replace toxic polystyrene?

Massive “dead zone” to form in Gulf of Mexico, scientists warn

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals
Washing Fresh Fruit With Baking Soda: What You Need To Know

A baby products company and an anti-woke activist group are trying to weaken a critical consumer watchdog agency. If one of their cases reaches the Supreme Court, we’re all in trouble.

# General News
‘Brazen corruption’: Donald Trump is selling policies for a second term to the highest bidders. Desperate to return to the White House, Trump is selling off his legislative agenda to donors — even when that means reversing old promises

‘Shocking display of overreach and disregard for the Constitution’: Trump lambasts Jack Smith’s gag order request in Mar-a-Lago case

Anthony Scaramucci Scorches CEOs With 1 Blistering Description Over Trump Meeting

Donald Trump’s Crowd at Black Detroit Church Raises Eyebrows. On Saturday, Trump hosted a roundtable discussion at the 180 Church, a Black church on the outskirts of downtown Detroit.

Ex-Trump Official Makes Stunning Revelation: Trump Talked About Executing People At Several WH Meetings

Seth Meyers on Maga’s Hunter Biden theories: ‘When one lie is debunked, a bigger, crazier lie takes its place’

Trump woos Michigan voters, warns illegalI immigration harming black, Hispanic voters. Former president was urting minority voters and conservatives at two different events in battleground state.

Trump Uses Conviction to Fundraise After Millions of Donations Go to Legal Costs. From January to April of this year alone, Trump’s political operation covered more than $20 million of legal fees.

‘Steve Bannon Is Naming Names’: MSNBC Anchor Alarmed by ‘Chilling’ List of People Ex-Trump Adviser Wants Prosecuted in a Second Term

# Gov / Politics / Global
US and South Korea sound warning amid reports Putin is headed to North Korea

‘You can’t speak about toppling a regime without speaking about who will replace it,’ says former Israeli FM

Zelenskiy asks G7 leaders to approve ‘Marshall Plan’ for Ukraine reconstruction

Palestinians Ask Federal Court to Rule Biden Is Complicit in Israeli Genocide. “Genocide can never be a legitimate foreign policy choice,” plaintiffs argue in case against Biden, Blinken and Austin.

Haitian leaders oust police chief and appoint a new one as gang violence claims officers’ lives

# Gov / Politics
McClintock defends polarized House: ‘Congress is simply a reflection of the country’

Election integrity advocates score wins in majority of lawsuits ahead of November. Out of five lawsuits, three have been wins for election integrity advocates and two are ongoing.

A crush of lawsuits over voting in multiple states is creating a shadow war for the 2024 election

Biden To Be Replaced As Dem Nominee, Republican Claims Lawmakers ‘Hear’
On Capitol Hill: ‘They’re Losing, It’s Very Evident’

Bowman primary reignites civil war among Democrats. The June 25 primary is unearthing old rivalries in a party facing an identity crisis over Israel in a part of the state that many Jews call home.

Democratic lawmaker slams Project 2025 as ‘un-American.’ Project 2025, known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a blueprint by the Heritage Foundation in the event former President Trump gets re-elected. It aims to advance right-wing policies and expand the powers of the presidency.

Rising violence against politicians is an attack on democracy itself | Simon Tisdall

US Should Stay Away From Other Countries’ Conflicts

As Trump presses Mike Johnson to defund the special counsel, a leading House Republican dissents. Is Trump’s criminality becoming a wedge issue against the GOP?

Democrats agree Biden had to act on immigration – but they’re split over his asylum order. Some feel limiting US-Mexico border crossings will protect the country, while others say ‘it violates American values’

GOP Lawmaker Floats Bizarre Plan to Have AG Garland Taken Into Custody By the House Sergeant at Arms

The Memo: Biden faces new Mideast crisis as tensions in Lebanon begin to boil

The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started

Turner says US is at ‘highest level of a possible terrorist threat’

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
‘Use of Force’ stats show NYC suspects’ injuries up 25% at hands of NYPD, cops getting hurt more too

Governor at new ‘super-prison’ suffering staff exodus will take over jail hit by 10 deaths in three months

# Legal / DOJ
Biden Launches Heavy Attack On the Supreme Court at Glitzy LA Fundraiser: Never Been a Court ‘So Far Out of Step’

Kamala Harris after supreme court ruling: ‘Weapons of war have no place on the streets of a civil society’ – live

CNN Legal Analyst Blasts Supreme Court for Taking So Long to Rule on ‘Absurdity’ of Trump’s Immunity Claim

Palestinians Ask Federal Court to Rule Biden Is Complicit in Israeli Genocide. “Genocide can never be a legitimate foreign policy choice,” plaintiffs argue in case against Biden, Blinken and Austin.

US judge urges Biden to examine support for ‘plausible genocide’ in Gaza. Despite the dismissal of a case accusing US officials of complicity in ‘genocide’ in Gaza, advocates say ruling is a victory.

House Judiciary Republicans take aim at ‘climate cartel’ on accusations of antitrust activities. “You are evil, and what you are attempting to do and the violations of law that you are engaged in is absolutely stunning,” Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyo., told the panel of witnesses at the hearing.

# Media
CNN rules for first US presidential debate: no props, muted microphones

# Medical / General News
Congress uses manufactured Dobbs crisis to push federal takeover of health care. They are seeking a federal takeover of the state’s power to regulate the practice of medicine in service of their agenda.

Religious conservatives are coming out hot against IVF. Trump is in trouble. Democrats only began talking about IVF after an Alabama Supreme Court ruling classified frozen embryos as children under state law.

The Supreme Court shot down a lousy argument from a fabricated plaintiff. But anti-abortion groups still have other paths to ban medication abortion.

# Medical / Global
Palestinian groups demand inspection of Israeli prisons as detainees are released with chronic health problems

# Military / DOD / Militia
15 Things American Civilians Don’t Know About the Army

Women may have to register for the draft when they turn 18 according to new legislation. e military has not issued a draft since 1973. Still, the country remains divided on who should be eligible if it is needed.

The air defense systems of the U.S. military form an exceptionally advanced shield, created to defend against a growing variety of aerial threats. Central to this intricate defense network are two formidable systems

Leidos is building an advanced air defense system for the Army

US military strikes Houthi radar sites in Yemen after ship goes missing in Red Sea

The Department of Defense established a new senior command on Guam on Friday as it moves to counter China’s growing influence in the region.

US debated canceling sub deployment to Cuba after learning of Russia’s warship plans until the Biden administration learned of Russia’s plans to dock one of its own in Havana at the same time.

Volume warning! Get up close with Howitzer training with U.S. and Australian forces

# Military / Nuclear / Global
US, Canada & Russian Vessels Docked In Cuba At The Same Time

Footage appears to show IDF soldiers aiming the trebuchet at the Lebanese border as it launches balls of fire over the wall

Eight Israeli soldiers killed in southern Gaza during deadly incident. CNN reports that this is one of the deadliest incidents involving troops since the Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack into Israel by Hamas.

Russian submarine spotted near west coast of Scotland

See inside Russian warship 90 miles away from US coast

# Pharmacy / Pharmaceuticals / Drugs
California execs allegedly funneled Adderall and Ritalin to illegitimate patients.  A grand jury indictment alleges that the conspiracy’s purpose was for Done executives to unlawfully enrich themselves by prescribing over 40 million pills to patients, many whom were never medically evaluated.

# Space
Sun’s magnetic field set to flip, reversal to shield Earth from cosmic rays. This rare phenomenon occurs approximately every 11 years, with the last taking place in 2013. The solar activity mostly takes place in a cycle of 11 years, primarily driven by the Sun’s magnetic field.

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
Edward Snowden warns ‘do not trust OpenAI and ChatGPT’ after former NSA director appointed to its board. National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden has warned his followers on social media not to trust artificial intelligence company OpenAI after it’s latest update

# Transportation / Travel
Texas to Mexico Travel? Urgent U.S. Warnings! Reissued after periodic review with general security updates

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