Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-06-25-PM

Voices, The Peoples News

June 25-PM, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate
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# Borders / Immigration
Chat Group Helps Chinese Nationals Enter US Illegally: Reporter

US Border Crossings by Chinese Nationals Raise Alarm, Rhetoric

Blue-state governor takes border messaging into her own hands. Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey sent a handful of state officials to Texas this week to tell migrants not to travel to her state to seek refuge.

# Drugs / Trafficing / Cartels
Top UN Expert Applauded for Demand to End Failed ‘War on Drugs.’ “Many lives have been sacrificed and it’s time to stop wasting resources,” said an advocate with Amnesty International.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
The Federal Government Is Making Sure Banks Are Prepared for the Worst

See also: Emergency Banking Act of 1933: March 9, 1933, Signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 9, 1933, the legislation was aimed at restoring public confidence in the nation’s financial system after a weeklong bank holiday.

The Fed Covers for Big Banks Amid Growing Stress. The central bank weakening the penalties for failing a living will plan is bad in theory. In practice, with commercial real estate defaults rising, it’s even worse.

# Education / Schools
Two courts pause parts of Biden admin student loan repayment plan. The injunctions stop the Biden administration from cancelling any additional student loans, and from implementing additional provisions of the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Nuclear
Exxon and Suncor lose bid to escape Boulder’s climate change lawsuit. A Colorado judge rejects ExxonMobil and Suncor Energy’s attempts to dismiss a lawsuit holding them accountable for climate change-related damages.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure
Massachusetts State Senate Passes Plastics Ban. A ban on single-use plastic items like bags and straws is closer to becoming reality in Massachusetts after the state Senate approved a broad bill addressing plastics last Thursday. The Senate passed the bill by 38-2.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Global Scientists identify new Antarctic ice sheet ‘tipping point,’ warning future sea level rise may be underestimated

# General News
New Pics Show Nuclear Secrets Stashed Beside the Diet Cokes at Mar-a-Lago

Trump revealed US nuclear submarine secrets to Australia businessman: Media Trump reported to have told Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt about tactical capabilities of US nuclear submarines.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un are getting closer — and China has reason to be worried

The Taliban confirm they will attend a UN-led meeting in Qatar on Afghanistan

Settlers Are Already Executing Smotrich’s Plan to Annex West Bank, Residents Say. “They make it impossible for you to stay, they make your life miserable,” said Palestinian activist Issa Amro.

# Gov / Politics
How Crazy Will the GOP Convention Be? The state Republican Convention was a 16-hour grueling test of survival for delegates, activists and especially the candidates.

Watchdog Memos Show a Trump ‘Utterly Indifferent to the Public Interest’ in First Term

ROOKE: Election ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Dems Said Wasn’t Happening Is … In 49 States. Democrats insist that illegal immigrants are not eligible to vote and, therefore, will not, but that’s not the whole story.

‘The enemy gets a vote, too’ — terrorism experts are warning of new attacks. These days, an uneasy calm is hanging over national security circles. The feeling of a looming terrorist attack feels stronger than at any time in the recent past.

Biden-Saudi Alliance Puts America in Danger. Successive presidents have failed to pull away from the grip Big Oil has on geopolitics. It’s time for Congress to act, says this Senate candidate

The U.S.-Saudi Agreement Is a Fool’s Errand. For the sake of the international order, Biden must abandon his proposed deal with Riyadh.

‘Spies Who Lie’ leader, cosigners were on CIA payroll when they falsely claimed Hunter Biden laptop was Russian fake

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Video of Lakeland Police Punching and Tasing 16-Year-Old Sparks Outrage. Police Chief Sam Taylor said an internal affairs investigation is underway. Bystander video of the incident has been widely shared, with many people tagging LPD.

# Legal / DOJ / International Criminal Court
Judge Cannon Dresses Down Trump Prosecutor for His ‘Tone’

‘DA Willis disqualified herself’: Trump opening brief says appeals court must remove ‘unethical’ Fulton County prosecutor from RICO case and dismiss indictment entirely

“It’s going to be a crime”: Trump attorney notes show ex-president tried to defy documents subpoena

# Medical / General News
$30 Million Government-Funded Cell Phone Radiation Study Shows Clear Evidence of Cancer at Least in Male Rats. Many caveats apply, and the results involve radio frequencies long out of routine use.

Why did NIH abruptly halt research on the harms of cell phone radiation? Cancer, heart damage and DNA damage associated with exposure to cell phone radio frequency radiation at levels comparable to those experienced by Americans today.

Warning to millions as tiny particles emitted by planes put public health at risk, study finds. Exposure to UFPs can be linked to the development of serious and long-term health conditions, including respiratory problems, cardiovascular effects and pregnancy issues

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
Biden administration moves toward allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine. The proposed policy change would reportedly end a ban on American defense firms operating inside the former Soviet republic

US expected to bolster Ukraine’s defense with $150M in munitions. The latest military aid package comes as Russia is accusing Ukraine of using U.S.-provided munitions to strike inside Russia or Russian-held territory

US carrier strike group’s new video captures the Navy’s explosive front-line combat in the Red Sea

The rise in shoulder-mounted anti-missile systems is a key feature of modern warfare. The Roccketsan Sugur system claims it has the longest range in its class

It’s Almost Impossible For A Tank Crew To Survive Being Hit With A Sabot Round

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Kenya Prepares to Deploy 400 Troops to Haiti. The first wave of a 2,500-member international force sent to restore order in the gang-plagued Caribbean nation has arrived, but critics worry the plan will fail.

Armed with quantum sensors, France eyes leaps in electronic warfare. Quantum gravimeter technology, used for mapping the seabed, offers the prospect of surreptitiously tracking adversary submarines

Volunteers tasked with shooting down Russian drones

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space / Astronomy
The growing problem of space debris isn’t just one that plagues Earth’s orbit. Several instances of space trash crashing back down to Earth have made recent headlines, and one family is requesting that NASA pay for the damages

NASA Astronaut Alarmed When Water Starts Squirting Out of Her Suit and covering her visor with ice.

Something Strange Appears to Be Powering “Immortal” Stars at the Center of Our Galaxy

Neutrino that could be most energetic detected by underwater observatory. ARCA has been collecting data since the mid-2010s. Often called “ghost particles,” neutrinos are elusive subatomic entities that rarely interact with matter. They are produced by some of the most energetic events in the universe, such as supermassive black holes in distant galaxies.

# Space / Global
Video Shows Villagers Running as Huge Chinese Rocket Parts Fall From the Sky. Video circulating on social media show what appears to be debris from a Chinese rocket crashing down over a village in southwest China, resulting in a massive cloud of unnervingly yellow smoke.

# Veterans / VA
Warning veterans of side effects in PTSD medication. Washington Examiner speaks to Veterans Strategic Solutions President about PTSD medication side effects.

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