Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-07-05

Voices, The Peoples News

July 5, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate
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Folks, hurricane Beryl is headed right for my area. I am about 65 miles
northeast of Houston. If you don’t get Voices anytime next week, this
is probably why. It is being said this is a very violent storm. I watched
one video from the air radar plane and saw strange lightening in the
eye. Not good! I went through Wndrew and Gordon, not too thrilled to
do it again, so, I’ve battened down the hatches and got the pontoons
on, all I need do now is to drop anchor.
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Hurricane Beryl threat growing for South Texas as forecasts indicate
potentially stronger storm. The latest forecast cone from the National
Hurricane Center now suggests Beryl will make landfall on the Texas
side of the border as a Category 1 hurricane overnight Sunday into
Monday morning with peak winds of 85 mph.

Hurricane Watches issued for Texas coastline
ahead of Beryl’s impacts

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous / Global
Yanomami people face rising threats from organized crime in Brazilian Amazon. Illegal miners, supported by organized crime, continue to ravage the Yanomami Indigenous territory

# Borders / Immigration
Biden’s Illegal Immigration Problem Has Gone From Bad To Worse As High-Profile Murders Rock US. Illegal migrant crimes against women has brought the issue of illegal immigration into sharper focus as the 2024 presidential election draws closer for Biden.

DHS deports 116 Chinese illegal migrants amid flood of border encounters

# Borders / Immigration / Global
‘Slavery gang masters beat us for fun.’ Modern slavery, a term that describes when someone is exploited by others, for personal or commercial gain. Whether tricked, coerced, or forced, they lose their freedom.

# Drugs / Trafficing / Cartels
Drug-burritos: Woman arrested with tortillas stuffed with drugs in Taco Bell wrappers, police say

Big Drug Busts at Texas Border

El Paso college students arrested in bridge drug bust after answering border job ad. Drug cartel job ads trap ‘mules’ in El Paso, Juárez border

‘Gargantuan’ meth bust made at border in Eagle Pass, Texas

Mexico’s Long War: Drugs, Crime, and the Cartels. Violence continues to rage more than a decade after the Mexican government launched a war against drug cartels.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
Chase Bank warns It Will End Free Checking Accounts

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Biden administration’s natural gas export pause ends quietly. Climate activists saw the policy as a major win. It fizzled out within six months.

Texas to boost energy fund to $10 billion to expand power grid

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure Tectonic evolution of the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean and northern South America in the mantle reference frame: An update

Baja quakes highlight seismic risk in northern Mexico. Motion between the Pacific and North American plates is not limited to this series of faults. Throughout southern California and Baja, a network of faults accommodates a broad zone of movement known as the Southern California Shear Zone.

Science of the New Madrid Seismic Zone. The most seismically active area east of the Rocky Mountains was in the Mississippi Valley area known as the New Madrid seismic zone. Since 1974, seismometers, instruments that measure ground shaking, have recorded thousands of small to moderate earthquakes.

The Minnesota Dam That Partially Failed Is One of Nearly 200 Across the Upper Midwest in Similarly ‘Poor’ Condition.  New aerial images from Tuesday morning show strong water continuing to rush around a dam that has partially failed in southern Minnesota.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Global Three-kilometer fault has formed near Tula, the ancient capital of the lost Toltec civilization, in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas.

Cambodia has sentenced ten Mother Nature environmental activists to prison for exposing river pollution, in what critics claim is a politically motivated trial. The trio could face additional 10-years sentences on top of their current jail terms.

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals FDA removes common soda ingredient due to health risks. The ban follows action in California against food additives modified with bromine, used in small quantities as a stabilizer in some citrus-flavored drinks and also found in fire retardants.

Florida bans the sale of lab-grown meat

# Gov / Politics / Global
‘More Unhinged by the Minute’: Senior Israeli Lawmaker Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran. “It is not possible anymore to stop the Iranian nuclear program with conventional means,” the hardline Knesset member and former Israeli defense minister said.

# Gov / Politics
Trump advisers call for US nuclear weapons testing if he is elected. A former national security adviser says Washington “must test new nuclear weapons for reliability and safety in the real world,” while critics say the move could incite a global arms race that heightens the risk of war.

Trump Reveals His Shiny New ‘No Holds Barred’ Debate Plan

Bombshell text messages made public alleged Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign settled ‘multiple’ seedy lawsuits for a man described only as “Boris,” leading to conjecture it could be a powerful Trumpworld figure.

Former Pioneer executives increase political donations to Republicans

Major Dem Political Outfit Doled Out Lucrative Contract To Firm Owned By Board Member. One of the largest Democratic money operations in the United States handed off a six-figure consulting contract to a firm owned by one of its board members.

Listen closely to the men crafting the GOP’s anti-abortion policy. The main dispute within Trump’s Republican Party is not about how severely to punish women for having abortions, but merely how to “frame the argument.”

The “Land of the Free” Has Been the Enemy of Freedom Around the World. For hundreds of millions across the world, the stars and stripes are symbols of US empire, not independence.

Here’s how the Democrats can reverse the terrible Supreme Court immunity ruling. This Supreme Court, once highly regarded and esteemed, has now become a rogue court taking its orders from Trump and the Republican Party. The time to reverse this terrible immunity ruling is now.

Disney heiress, wealthy Democratic donors say they won’t finance the party until Joe Biden drops out

The Party Running On Saving Democracy Wants To Rig Their Election. Saddle up Americans because the party claiming to be “Saving Democracy” just laid out the process to rig their latest election against their voters.

The Supreme Court Has Murdered the Constitution. America’s founding document is now an all-but-meaningless scrap of paper.

The terrifying SEAL Team 6 scenario lurking in the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling. The Supreme Court’s immunity ruling this week makes the hypothetical scenario raised during oral arguments, in which a president can’t be prosecuted for murder, well, possible.

Biden Has Fallen Into a Psychological Trap. The same approach that has long driven his success now threatens to destroy his legacy.

Biden Has Fallen Into a Psychological Trap. The same approach that has long driven his success now threatens to destroy his legacy.

Bribes, assassination and pardons: Immunity ruling leaves questions on unchecked presidential power

Former Trump Staffer Shares Texts Revealing Secret Payoffs

Republicans are divided over how far to go in pressing for Vice President Harris or another Cabinet member to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Biden from office.

# Legal / DOJ / International Criminal Court Supreme Chaos: The Latest SCOTUS Moves Will Affect Every American

The Supreme Court’s Trump immunity decision is a blueprint for dictatorship

The Supreme Court’s Trump v. United States ruling gives Donald Trump “legal” cover for past and future lawbreaking. The reactionary supermajority held that presidents have absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for core official acts, and presumptive immunity for all other official acts

# LGBTQ / Gender
President Joe Biden’s attempt to re-interpret Title IX and thereby implement a sweeping LGBTQ agenda at schools around the country may be put on hold after a few key court rulings.

# Medical / General News
Tampons shown to contain toxic metals in first study to test for them

Reproductive Health Funding Remains “Shackled” as Abortion Rights Are Decimated

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
Air Force Ospreys in Japan resume flight ops. U.S. Air Force crews from the Japan-based 353rd Special Operations Wing started flying the CV-22 Osprey once again Tuesday

F-15EX, F-35 headed to Japan under new DOD tactical aircraft laydown. In addition, the US announced it would restart CV-22 flights from Yokota.

Pentagon sending advanced fighters to Japan as part of force upgrade. The Air Force will permanently deploy 36 F-15EX Eagles to Okinawa as part of a broader plan to station more advanced U.S. fighter aircraft across Japan over the next several years, the Defense Department announced.

Defense Secretary Austin says the US will provide $2.3 billion more in military aid to Ukraine

MQ-9 Reaper: US spy drone gets e-warfare pods to disappear off enemy radars

NATO leaders will vow to pour weapons into Ukraine for another year, but membership is off the table

US hypersonic vehicle achieves 5 times the speed of sound in test flight

US Navy Super Hornets armed with SM-6s, warship missile tested in combat, spotted in the Pacific

World leaders coming to Washington for NATO summit

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Philippine military chief warns his forces will fight back if assaulted again in disputed sea

Ukraine’s army retreats from positions as Russia gets closer to seizing strategically important town

China-made military drones similar to the MQ-9 Reaper were disguised as wind turbines in shipments to Libya: Italian officials

Lebanon’s Hezbollah rains 200 rockets on Israel as Gaza war rages

# Pharmacy / Pharmaceuticals
Biden and Sanders denounce ‘corporate greed’ in Big Pharma, demand lower drug prices. President Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders call out pharmaceutical companies for overcharging Americans, urging immediate reform

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
YouTuber helps researchers solve the mystery of a 2,000-year-old ‘computer’

The World’s Most Popular 3D-Printed Gun Was Designed by an Aspiring Terrorist. We are now witnessing extremists worldwide searching for, downloading, sharing, and manufacturing 3D-printed gun designs.

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