Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-07-13

Voices, The Peoples News

July 13, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate
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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Borders / Immigration
The World War on Asylum. From Mexico to the Mediterranean, rich countries would rather see refugees die than recognize their legal asylum rights.

House subpoenas Mayorkas for data on ‘record number’ of illegal migrants on terrorist screening list. (EDITOR’S NOTE: This story has been corrected to reflect that Secretary Mayorkas has not been asked to appear before the committee.)

# Corporations / Industry / Business
The $11 Billion Marketplace Enabling the Crypto Scam Economy. Deepfake scam services. Victim data. Electrified shackles for human trafficking. Crypto tracing firm Elliptic found all were available for sale on an online marketplace linked to Cambodia’s ruling family.

The Companies Making It Easy to Buy in a West Bank Settlement. A company called My Israel Home hosted an expo at a Los Angeles synagogue catering to a specific clientele: Jewish Americans looking to buy a new home in Israel — or on illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

# Corporations / Industry / Business / Global # Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals Study suggests reinfections from the virus that causes COVID-19 likely have similar severity as original infection

# Drugs / Trafficing / Cartels
Mexican drug cartels now in possession of US military weapons including shoulder-fired Javelin missiles capable of shooting down helicopters

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Fossil Fuel Plants Belched Toxic Pollution as Hurricane Beryl Hit Gulf Coast. Medical experts urge the Biden administration to block construction of new fossil fuel plants in the path of hurricanes.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure The Supreme Court Is Gutting Protections for Clean Water and Safe Air. Four key rulings from the US Supreme Court will hamper the ability of the EPA and other agencies to write and enforce climate policies.

One year ago this week, the Supreme Court weakened the Clean Water Act and removed protections for no less than 118 million acres of wetlands, or 60% of the wetlands the country has left.

# Gov / Politics / Global
NATO’s Endgame Appears to Be Nuclear War. It is downright puzzling that millions of people aren’t protesting in the streets every day to deescalate the crisis between Russia and the West and pull civilization back from the brink.

# Gov / Politics
Whitmer, Multiple Lawmakers Absent at Biden Event in Michigan Amid Calls for Him to Step Aside

House will subpoena Biden doctor, seek records of medical visits outside White House, Comer vows. Comer says president’s mental health “the No. 1 issue in America” as he vows vigorous and fast probe.

The rebellion against Joe Biden continues, with more Democrats publicly—and rather frankly—doubting the president’s ability to beat Donald Trump.

The Kamala Harris Conspiracies Are Here. The far right is already spreading conspiracies about Vice President Kamala Harris after speculation that she may replace President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee.  For years it’s been a Republican scare tactic.

The GOP Platform Perfectly Reflects the Lunacy of Trump’s Party. I read it so you don’t have to: It’s an unconditional surrender to the cult of Trump, and its plan to reduce inflation is laughable.

Trump Fumbles Repeatedly in Terrifying Speech at Florida Rally. Try to make any sense of what Donald Trump said.

Trump’s Deranged Platform Is Already Sending RNC Into Chaos. Not everyone is pleased with Donald Trump’s newly unveiled policy plan.

‘A Nation in SERIOUS DECLINE’: GOP platform is an unhinged all-caps list of Trump lies The platform is basically a bunch of random capitalized words – PREVENT WORLD WAR THREE, REBUILD OUR CITIES – generated, I assume, by an authoritarian-leaning AI that was fed a Trump rally transcript.

The Democrats’ Billboard-Size Plan to Make Trump Own Project 2025. Ahead of a rally in Doral this week, the DNC launched billboards outlining his connections to the radical conservative agenda.

Nikki Haley Caves to Trump in Most Pathetic Way Possible. Nikki Haley is reportedly ceding to Donald Trump ahead of the Republican National Convention—in a totally humiliating manner. Haley has abandoned her opposition to Trump for political expediency. Joe Biden should use Haley’s words against her—and Trump.

Trump Has Turned RNC Into a “Slut Walk,” Republicans Complain. Former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis was not pleased by the convention’s platform or scheduled speakers.

Shocking Report Reveals Team Biden Quietly Considering Kamala Harris. A new report reveals the Biden campaign may be thinking about putting Kamala Harris at the top of the Democratic ticket in November.

Chain of fools – The Grayzone live: Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss plans announced by NATO at its Washington DC summit to escalate conflicts across the globe and its expand its ranks, the vindication of their reporting on Israel’s scandalous Hannibal Directive, the ongoing meltdown over Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, and much more

Biden Faces Moment of Truth as Democratic Defections Grow. President Joe Biden is about to face another massive test as he tries to save a re-election campaign that has been overrun by questions about his mental and physical fitness to serve four more years

Bernie Sanders steps up to endorse Biden staying in the race in NYT ‘guest essay.’ While nearly 2 dozen members of the House and one Democratic senator have called on Biden to step down, Sanders has written a “guest essay” for the NYT.

Project 2025 Group Is a Key Sponsor of the Republican National Convention. The sponsorship indicates yet another connection between Trump, the Republican Party and Project 2025.

Schumer, Pelosi Appear Open to Replacing Biden as Nominee as Donors Flee. Reports have found that the campaign is losing huge amounts of support from donors big and small.

GOP-led House passes measure banning non-citizens from voting. The Republican-led U.S. House late Wednesday passed a measure to ensure that non-citizens aren’t registered to vote in federal elections

Nobody for President: This Absurd Election Choice Should Have Us Thundering in the Streets

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
FedEx working with police to create a massive car surveillance network powered by AI

# Legal / DOJ / International Criminal Court
Trump asks judge to dismiss guilty verdict in New York hush money case after SCOTUS ruling. Sentencing for Trump’s guilty verdict was originally scheduled for Thursday, but Merchan allowed a delay last week for Trump’s lawyers to argue on the Supreme Court ruling, according to NBC News.

The Case for Expanding the Supreme Court Has Never Been Stronger. Biden has repeatedly refused to endorse “court-packing.” The right-wing justices’ ruling on presidential immunity ought to change his mind.

Democrats Finally Take Action on Clarence Thomas’s Shady Dealings. Senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Ron Wyden are referring Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas to the Justice Department.

We Now Know Why a Trump Judge Suddenly Resigned—and It’s a Nightmare

# LGBTQ / Gender
The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on Porn. It’s not people watching porn online. It’s drag queens, trans people, LGBTQ library books, and more.

# Medical / General News
Why Abortion Bans Keep Getting Passed, Even Though They’re Unpopular. Polls show voters don’t like restrictive abortion laws. But they also show a growing political divide on the issue.

Insurers Bilk Medicare for $50 Billion to Treat Fictitious Illnesses. Private insurance firms running Medicare Advantage programs have been overcharging the federal government billions of dollars by making patients look sicker than they really are

Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
The Defense Department has reached a pivotal point in responding to the quickly evolving biological threat landscape, a senior Pentagon official said today.

# Science Technology / Biosciences
15-minute process recycles old clothes. Fast fashion creates millions of tonnes of waste each year — could clever chemistry help to tackle the problem?

First fossil chromosomes discovered. Scientists have discovered intact chromosomes preserved in the skin of a woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) that met its end some 50,000 years ago — a feat previously thought to be impossible.

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