Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-07-16

Voices, The Peoples News

July 16, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate
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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Coastal tribe faces dire challenges as sea levels rise. The Quinault Indian Nation’s efforts to relocate residents from a village threatened by the rising Pacific Ocean are hindered by insufficient funding and increasing climate impacts.

# Borders / Immigration
Court shoots down border ballot measure lawsuit. The proposition would make it a state crime to cross into Arizona through an illegal point of entry, as well as other provisions to crack down on the high levels of migrant crossings and the fentanyl crisis.

More than 205,000 illegal border crossers in June, 2.5 million in fiscal 2024, according to new U.S. Customs and Border Protection data released on Monday.

Rights Groups Accuse Buffalo ICE Prison of Chronic Abuse, Retaliation Against Immigrants

# Corporations / Industry / Business
Inflation Claims Another Victim: Walgreens Shutters 600+ Stores

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Bird Flu Gain-of-Function Study Fueling Vaccine Development, Fears of Human Transmission

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
A new Louisiana law allows insurers to cancel more homeowners’ policies, raising premiums and deductibles and potentially increasing financial strain for residents.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
A Maryland judge dismisses Baltimore’s climate lawsuit against oil companies

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure Why is Earth’s weather getting weirder? These weather events have happened in the past, but the problem is nowadays they’re happening more frequently and to a far greater extent.

Scientists find new, widespread trifluoroacetic acid, ‘forever chemical’ in water supplies

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Global Trash found at bottom of huge ocean hole: ‘Starkest reminder of the danger of climate change’

# Gov / Politics / Global
New UK government orders review of ‘hollowed out’ armed forces. The U.K. must contend with security threats emanating from China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, the thinking behind the analysis goes.

Children Caught Up in El Salvador’s Gang War Are Suffering Major Abuses. El Salvador’s state of emergency, declared in March 2022, has led to severe human rights violations against children of low-income communities. Many children have been doubly victimized by gang members who abused them and then by security forces who detained and mistreated them, with possible lifelong consequences.

# Gov / Politics
Donald Trump’s New Mr. Nice Guy Act Doesn’t Even Last a Day

The New Abnormal: The Most Extreme Presidential Ticket in Modern U.S. History

How The DNC Plans To Run Out The Clock For Biden

Biden is trying to sharpen the choice voters face in November as Republicans meet in Milwaukee

The campaign is getting real for political donors

Where the Money Came From. Donations to congressional campaigns come from four main sources: political action committees or PACs; large individual contributions of more than $200; small individual contributions of $200 or less; and money from the candidates’ own pockets

Trump’s Alternative to Project 2025, “Agenda 47,” Is Also Extreme and Anti-LGBTQ. Trump is trying to woo moderate voters, but his policy platform is also a far right attack on queerness in public life.
Agenda 47: According to the Trump campaign, it is “the only official comprehensive and detailed look at what President Trump will do if he returns to the White House.” It is presented on the campaign’s website in a series of videos with Trump outlining each proposal

J.D. Vance’s Wall Street Tax Dodge. The faux-populist GOP Senate candidate, J.D. Vance, structured his finances to take advantage of a notorious tax loophole — one he could help preserve if he wins.

The Scary Message Trump Sent by Choosing J.D. Vance. The Ohio senator is a sycophant who will never challenge or question his boss—not even to defend American democracy.

MAGA’s Shameless Bid to Exploit Trump Shooting Takes a Darker Turn. A political writer argues that this choice, and some other signs, suggests the politics around the assassination attempt will get a lot uglier.

Trump’s ugly new post-shooting rant instantly wrecks his “unity” pivot. Donald Trump’s idea of unity: Everybody needs to unify around putting him above the law. The media must resist getting played by his scam.

Factbox-Wife of Trump running mate J.D. Vance is lawyer with Supreme Court ties

President Biden admitted his comments about putting Donald Trump ‘in the bullseye’ were a ‘mistake,’ but insisted he meant there needed to be more ‘focus’ on the former president’s lies and agenda

Donald Trump sues Gretchen Whitmer for making VA medical centers a designated voter registration site

Fifty-three members of Congress announced retirement this year, compared to 55 at this point in 2022

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
FBI and DHS warn of possible ‘retaliatory’ attacks following Trump attempted assassination

Signs of trouble at Trump rally were evident in minutes before gunman opened fire. Investigators are trying to painstakingly piece together how an armed man with no military background managed to reach high ground and get the jump on teams of Secret Service agents.

Secret Service blames local police, says they were tasked with securing properties surrounding Trump’s Pa. rally

Top police group blasts Secret Service for blaming local cops for Trump assassination attempt

# Legal / DOJ / International Criminal Court Supreme Court curtails agencies’ ability to enforce regulations

What Trump Documents Case Dismissal Means For Special Counsels And Jack Smith

Ex-FBI informant accused of lying about Biden family seeks to dismiss charges, citing decision in Trump documents case

Matt Gaetz Reveals Judge Cannon’s True Motive Behind Trump Ruling

Sen. Bob Menendez Convicted In Federal Bribery Trial. This wasn’t politics as usual. This was politics for profit,” U.S. Attorney Damien Williams said outside the courthouse

Cori Bush Still Using Campaign Cash To Pay Husband, Despite Ongoing Federal Investigation. Rep. Cori Bush’s campaign has made several additional payments to her husband despite the DOJ ongoing investigation into previous payments she made to him.

# Medical / General News
J.D. Vance Wants Police To Track People Who Have Abortions

# Military / Nuclear / Global
India unveils light tank designed for operations near the China border. Desert and high-altitude trials are up next for the vehicle, before the Indian Army runs its own extensive tests.

Armenia launches military drills with US amid souring ties with Russia

Slovenia picks howitzers, air defense systems and armored vehicles. Ljubljana aims to secure funds from the European Union to finance “the construction of joint military capabilities” together with other member states.

NATO Ally Developing ‘Plan’ to Deploy 800,000 Troops Against Russia

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space Lockheed Martin is Leading in Next-Gen Radar Technology.  “ARTS-V3 enhances our product line and demonstrates that we are continuing to lead the way in next-gen radar capability,”

Found Evidence for Hidden Passageways Under the Moon’s Surface. This is the best evidence to date of natural tunnels occurring on the Moon.

Existence of Lunar Lava Tube Confirmed by International Scientists

How AI Is Changing NASA’s Mars Rover Science

Twenty SpaceX Satellites Fall From Space After Falcon 9 Explodes. Heads up. No, really: Another “rapid unscheduled disassembly” sent SpaceX space junk down to earth.

# Other Interesting Things / Archaeology / Anthropology / Astronomy # Pharmacy / Pharmaceuticals # Planetary # Recycle / Repurpose / Reuse # Rocketry / Space / Global # Science / Technology / Biosciences Scientists Seeking Permit to Dump Chemical Into Ocean in Experiment to Fight Climate Change

# Transportation / Travel
J.D. Vance Helped Lobbyists Weaken His Rail Safety Bill/ The Ohio senator quietly delayed the timeline for safer tank cars that regulators say could help prevent train spills like the one in East Palestine.

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