Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-07-18, AM Issue

Voices, The Peoples News

July 18, 2024 – AM Issue
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate
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# Borders / Immigration
Former ICE chief: Biden ‘unsecured the border by design. It’s national suicide’

Arizona border residents give picture of immigration crisis at RNC

# Corporations / Industry / Business
Congress Must Reject Monsanto-Bayer Plan to Avoid Liability for Poisoning Humans, Environment

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
U.S. Government ‘Saddled’ With COVID Vaccine Injury ‘Mess’ — While Vaccine Makers Avoid Liability

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Bitcoin mining noise leads to health problems in Texas town. The number of commercial-scale Bitcoin mining operations in the U.S. has increased sharply over the last few years; there are now at least 137.

Drilling in Permian Basin linked to high ozone levels in New Mexico park.  Researchers identified oil and gas extraction as major contributors to high ozone levels, with nitrogen oxide emissions from drilling operations being significant

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure GOP plans major rollbacks of US climate policies if victorious in elections

Trump’s climate policy legacy has lasting effects at home and globally. His break from the Paris accord inspires other populist leaders, while his reshaping of the federal courts and environmental rollbacks affect the air, water, wetlands and public lands, disrupting efforts to counter climate change.

North Carolina commission postpones decision on chemical water pollution rules

Carbon emissions from the destruction of mangrove forests predicted to increase by 50,000% by the end of the century. Mangroves in regions such as southern India, southeastern China, Singapore and eastern Australia are particularly affected

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Global Analysis shows Australia playing an outsized role in destroying global forest carbon sinks. Deforestation in Australia is dragging down the global carbon budget of forests, according to a new analysis.

Entire pod of 89 pilot whales dies on Scottish beach in freak mass stranding. The cause is unclear, he said, but it could be due to there being more animals at sea, or because those animals are exposed to more hazards.

Melting Ice In The Andes Just Revealed The Body Of An American Mountaineer Who’s Been Missing For 22 Years. Two decades ago, 58-year-old mountaineer Bill Stampfl tried to reach the top of Peru’s highest mountain. He never made it home.

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals Calcium Peroxide in Your Wendy’s Classic Burger? The Daily Mail examined the ingredients lists of nine of the “most-loved fast food items” from U.S. restaurant chains, including Chipotle, KFC, Burger King, Wendy’s, Starbucks, Panera Bread, Domino’s, McDonald’s and Chick-fil-A.

Latino farmworkers face dangerous pesticide exposure, facing severe health risks and minimal protection.

# General News
Russia and Ukraine were set to swap 180 prisoners in a deal facilitated by the United Arab Emirates, a person familiar with the matter said, in what will be the sixth exchange this year managed by the Gulf state

# Gov / Politics / Global
Russia wants 2,600 satellites in orbit by 2036. Is this realistic? Notably the country aims to put Sfera communications satellites into orbit — an analogue of the Starlink and OneWeb constellations.

# Gov / Politics
Ex-Trump Adviser Headed to RNC Fresh Out of Prison

In MAGA World, Trump Is Now the Ultimate Survivor—and Savior

RNC Dominated by Xenophobic Hate Speech on Day 2 as Republicans Line Up Behind Trump

FACT FOCUS: A look at claims around illegal immigration made at the Republican convention. A video of chaos at the U.S.-Mexico border led into a speech by U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who declared, “We are facing an invasion on our southern border.” Here’s a look at some of the claims made Tuesday:

Cops From Across the US to Suppress Protest at RNC. Despite efforts to corral and silence them, determined protesters marched close enough to be heard by RNC attendees.

Dark Money Just Got Darker: Wall Street Helped Fund Project 2025. Financial giants are helping wealthy donors funnel cash to Project 2025 and other extremist causes with zero transparency or tax repercussions.

Trump Has a Treasury Secretary in Mind—and He’s a Total Nightmare. Donald Trump is planning a horrifying Cabinet in case he retakes the White House

Trump Issues Dangerous Call to Arms During RNC. Donald Trump and his allies are using the convention to undermine faith the upcoming election

# Medical / General News
UnitedHealth reports $7.9 billion Q2 profits as protesters decry coverage denials. Protesters reiterated their commitment to fighting for healthcare justice, emphasizing the need for systemic changes.

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
NATO space enterprise must throttle up — or risk falling short. Opinion: Here are some actions NATO should undertake and articulate as specific objectives at the 2024 NATO summit in Washington.

US renews call on China to stop aggressive actions in disputed sea, where hostilities have flared The United States has renewed a call on China to stop its aggressive actions in the South China Sea, saying a broader web of security alliances has emerged to preserve the rule of law in the disputed waters

The New York National Guard has entered a partnership with Sweden’s armed forces that will see the two sides regularly work together. The deal marks the latest military agreement inked by Sweden, which in March ended two centuries of neutrality by joining NATO amid ongoing concerns over Russia’s expansionist ambitions.

# Military / Nuclear / Global
China’s Military Reorganisation and the Emergence of an Aerospace Force

Farewell to China’s Strategic Support Force. Let’s meet its replacements. The PLA axes an organization once hailed as evidence of innovation.

Russia conscripts 150,000 troops as Ukraine says it needs more arms Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he wants to host another international peace summit and invited Russia to attend.

Ukraine will find a way to deal with whatever comes if former President Donald Trump wins a second term, throwing into doubt vital U.S. support for its defense against Russia’s invading forces, Ukraine’s defense minister said Wednesday.

Armenia launches military drills with US amid souring ties with Russia. The move reflects Armenia’s efforts to strengthen ties with the U.S. and other Western allies amid strained relations with old ally Russia

# Pharmacy / Pharmaceuticals
Moderna COVID Vaccines More Deadly Than Pfizer’s? Maybe, Analysis Shows

Pediatrician Slams $11.9 Billion Plan to Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030. Dr. Paul Thomas warned that vaccination programs are unnecessary and health agencies should focus on nutrition and overall health.

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