Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-07-22

Voices, The Peoples News

July 22, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate
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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Minnesota tribes face mercury pollution from steel industry from taconite mining, as steel companies challenge new EPA regulations designed to curb emissions.

# Indigenous / Global
Decades of water mismanagement threaten Yaqui culture in Mexico. The sacred waters of the Yaqui tribe in the northwestern Mexican state of Sonora have dried up after decades of overexploitation, unequal water distribution and drought

# Borders / Immigration
Hundreds of migrants from around a dozen countries left from Mexico’s southern border on foot Sunday, as they attempt to make it to the U.S. border.

# Employment / Labor
Trump’s civil service plans unsettle labor leaders at start of campaign season. Lawmakers and leaders of the American Federation of Government Employees warned that the former president represents a “threat to democracy” at the union’s annual legislative conference.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Newark’s Ironbound to get another power plant despite high asthma rates

27 States Let Utilities Shut Off Electricity for Nonpayment During Heat Waves. For people who struggle to access or afford air conditioning, the rising need for cooling is a growing crisis.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure Biden administration announces $4.3 billion in climate grants

Contaminated water linked to Ohio man’s cancer prompts lawsuit

Virginia maintains strong wetlands protections despite federal rollbacks

Many congressional Republicans still deny climate science. An analysis reveals that 123 Republican lawmakers in Congress deny human-caused climate change

Climate scientists warn of large decline in global carbon sink. With rising temperatures, escalating droughts, wildfires, and disease outbreaks taking a toll on trees, researchers warn that forests across the American West are bearing the brunt of the consequences.

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals FDA and FTC warn companies about illegal delta-8 THC copycat snacks. The FDA is concerned about the processes used to synthesize delta-8 THC, as impurities or variations in the composition process can result in products that may be harmful or have unpredictable effects on consumers.

# General News
The world’s first plastic treaty could finance Global South waste management. Tackling plastic’s entire lifespan, from production to disposal, could eliminate most of the pollution it generates. But a vast expansion of waste management is a “crucial prerequisite.”

9th Circuit Court rules AZ residents must have citizenship proof for state voter registration form

# Gov / Politics / Global
The ICJ Ruling Confirms What Palestinians Have Been Saying for 57 Years. Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal, a form of apartheid, and must end, says the U.N.’s high court at The Hague.

# Gov / Politics
Biden steps aside, endorsing Harris as climate advocate. In a historic move, President Joe Biden withdraws from the presidential race endorsing Kamala Harris, highlighting her strong climate action record

Manchin Considering Run Against Harris Despite Quitting Dems

Trump and Zelenskyy hold phone call — and Ukraine says it liked what it heard. A Ukrainian official says Trump pledged to “achieve a just peace in Ukraine” if he gets a second term

Pete Buttigieg Favorite to Become Kamala Harris’ Running Mate

Trump Allies Move Quickly On Harris In Battleground States And Beyond

‘Ludicrous’: Donors leave call with Kamala Harris frustrated and annoyed.The gathering of about 300 donors was meant to calm concerns, instead upset several who said it was badly organized, though they didn’t blame Harris herself.

‘They’re The Threat!’ Fox News Anchor Claims Biden Deciding to Drop Out is Attack on Democracy

All the Democrats who have endorsed Kamala Harris to replace Joe Biden after he dropped out

CBS’s Brennan Warns It Would Be ‘Political Suicide’ For Any Democrat To Challenge Kamala Harris For The Nomination

Legal experts are dubious of any court challenge to Democrats’ move to put forward new nominee

Massachusetts Democrat expresses concerns with DNC’s plans to hold roll-call vote ahead of convention

Rep. Ayanna Pressley Introduces Bill to Safeguard Prison Workers and Inmates from Environmental Hazards

Trump and JD Vance Tell Jesse Watters Biden Dropping Is a ‘Coup’ Before Calling to ‘Invoke the 25th Amendment!’

Concerns Grow Over Biden’s Campaign as Manchin Is the Latest to Call for New Nominee

Trump response to Biden dropping out: President ‘not fit to run.’ The former US president and Republic contender attacks his Democratic opponents after Biden withdraws from the race.

‘Crooked Joe Biden’: Trump reacts to Biden dropping out. Trump attacked Biden in less than an hour after the announcement.

DNC Chair Harrison promised an open nomination process after Democratic heavyweights threw support behind Harris for president

The Republican Party platform unveiled this week says — in all caps, of course — that “We will DRILL, BABY, DRILL.”

A Well-Connected Veteran’s Congressional Campaign Is Fueled by Out-of-State Donors. Maggie Goodlander’s campaign has also been boosted by a super PAC with links to billionaires Jeff Bezos and Michael Bloomberg.

Manchin: ‘I Am Not Going to Be a Candidate for President.’ “I’m not running for office,” Manchin told “CBS Mornings” on Monday, adding, “I’m not looking. … I don’t need that in my life.”

Kamala Harris Gets Game-Changing Youth Vote Endorsement. “The amount this single tweet may have just done for the youth vote is not insignificant,” one activist wrote.

Kamala Harris’s Historic Fundraising Should Worry Trump. Harris has seen an outpouring of support since announcing her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Kamala Harris and Gretchen Whitmer Could Reclaim America’s Imagination. The ticket that could make Democrats fall in love and fall in line. In an unprecedented year in our unprecedented politics, why shouldn’t Democrats really make history and nominate a two-woman ticket?

# Medical / General News
Sugar: A Potential Culprit in Pancreatic Cancer, the ‘King of Cancer’:
Pancreatic cancer, sometimes dubbed the “king of cancer“ due to its malignancy, poses challenges in both early detection and late-stage treatment.

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
How the sixth-generation fighter jet will upend air warfare. The next generation of fighter aircraft could bring greater speed, range and ability to penetrate deep into enemy airspace—and it might even feature a revolutionary new type of engine

Should NATO help the NGOs that train Ukrainian soldiers? The leader of one such organization says he’s getting good results at less cost, time, and political risk

The Air Force revealed today that it has embarked on a restructuring of the troubled but critical long-range missile program, which is now expected to cost 81 percent more than initially estimated.

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Israeli Soldiers Flaunt War Crimes Online. Why Aren’t They Held Accountable? In video after video, soldiers document their atrocities, marking a new era of impunity.

Civilians killed and wounded as Russia and Ukraine trade attacks. Russia claims gains in the east

Ukraine’s cheap sensors are helping troops fight off waves of Russian drones

Israel Bombs Yemen After Houthis Claim Responsibility for Tel Aviv Drone Attack. A Houthi spokesman said Israel aims to “deepen people’s suffering and to pressure Yemen to stop supporting Gaza.”

# Planetary
Has the Sun risen early on its next solar cycle? The Sun might be beginning to enter its next 11-year solar cycle halfway through its current one according to new research. During times of solar maximum, astronomers notice more sunspots, flares and coronal mass ejections. Such events can result in surges of electromagnetic radiation and high-energy charged particles being shot toward Earth at high speed.

# Social
LA City Council Considers Paying Former IDF Soldiers to Patrol Its Streets. Security group Magen Am’s staff also includes a former Navy SEAL who posted a video of waterboarding his own child.

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
Stretchy batteries for flexible, wearable technology. Lithium-ion battery made from polymers can expand to 50 times its original size, and retained its capacity after 67 charge and discharge cycles.

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