Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-07-24

Voices, The Peoples News

July 24, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate
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# Drugs / Trafficing / Cartels
Multimillion-dollar crystal meth lab found hidden in remote South Africa farm; Mexican suspects arrested

Project Gunrunner [was] a nationwide initiative launched in Laredo, Texas, in 2005, which sought to reduce the smuggling of firearms across the U.S. southern border. But while the primary tactic of Gunrunner was the interdiction of buyers and sellers who were violating the laws, [ATF] agents in Phoenix had other plans.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
Social Security benefits are falling short. The problem could soon get worse: Recipients are on track to receive a 2.63% cost-of-living adjustment in 2025, which is below the current 3% pace of inflation.

Warren Introduces Bill Effectively Overturning Extremist SCOTUS Chevron Ruling: The far right court handed a major win to corporate and right-wing interests in their Chevron ruling last month.

# Education / Schools
Mother sues school after they disciplined her daughter, 7, and forced her to make a public apology for writing ‘any life’ on a Black Lives Matter drawing

Poll: Voters, parents are opposed to AI in schools

North Carolina district adopts Title IX policy despite court order

Schools with police saw more student arrests: The Government Accountability Office said in a recent report that male students of color with disabilities were more likely to be arrested than the average student.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure The Burning Truth Behind the Hottest Day Ever: Sam Champion Talks Extreme Weather and Climate Change

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals Second person dies in edibles outbreak; recall initiated but products still available: Another person has died in the outbreak of illnesses tied to Diamond Shruumz edibles, which are sold nationwide. As of July 22, 2024, a total of 74 illnesses had been reported from 28 states

# Food / Alerts / Recalls / How-to
Warnings Issued After Children Nearly Die From Drinking Slushies

6 Most Powerful Teas to Help Cure Inflammation in the Body

# Gov / Politics / Global
Russia is offering Moscow residents a record $22,000 to fight in Ukraine

Ukraine’s foreign minister seeking ‘common ground’ with China in talks on ending war with Russia

# Gov / Politics
Kamala Has a Fight to Win—and Black America Must Support Her

Demonstrators stage mass protest against Netanyahu visit and US military aid to Israel

Lots of Democrats are boycotting Netanyahu’s address to Congress: At least three dozen lawmakers will skip the Israeli leader’s speech to protest his military campaign in Gaza.

Donald Trump’s campaign filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission over the transfer of funds from President Biden’s reelection campaign to Harris’ presidential bid, calling it “a brazen money grab.”

Harris Plans To Finish Biden’s Progressive Agenda

‘Chaos, fear, and hate!’ Kamala Harris shreds Trump’s vision for the future while promising to build the middle class

Election law violates rights of voters with disabilities in Ohio, judge rules

Nashville struggles to respond as neo-Nazi groups turn focus on to city

Tens of thousands plan to march on the Capitol during Netanyahu’s speech

Watch Live: Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to Congress: Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to Congress

Wait, what just happened? If you are feeling as if things seem to be spinning out of control, you’re not wrong. Here’s all that unfolded in only 3 short weeks.

Netanyahu’s Visit to Congress Underscores US Contempt for International Law: Netanyahu is getting cozy with Congress, just days after the ICJ told UN members to stop aiding the Israeli occupation. Democrats are frustrated with Netanyahu, and support for Israel’s war on Gaza is an increasingly partisan cause.

Despite Protests, Netanyahu Solidifies Support From the Right During US Trip: Democrats are frustrated with Netanyahu, and support for Israel’s war on Gaza is an increasingly partisan cause.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Missouri prison ignores court order to free wrongfully convicted inmate for second time in weeks

# Legal / DOJ / International Criminal Court ‘I’m a f—ing judge!’: State justice’s threat to ‘shoot’ Black teens ‘on the property’ after grad party chaos should lead to removal from bench, panel says

DOJ reverses course and tells judge about ‘newly-located, verbatim transcripts’ of Biden biographer audio recordings from special counsel’s classified docs probe

# Medical / General News
Lawsuits against chemical companies over cancer risks are on the rise

Louisiana Reclassifies Drugs Used in Abortions as Controlled Dangerous Substances: Embedded Player Louisiana lawmakers have voted to classify two drugs — mifepristone and misoprostol –commonly used to induce abortions as “dangerous controlled substances.”

Two newborn babies died after ‘complete and total failure’ by hospital that led to grave ‘medication error’: Neither the pharmacist in charge of the drugs administered to the babies nor the nurse looking after them had checked the see if the medicine was correct, the inquest heard.

# Medical Science / Technology
Why the Y chromosome is vanishing and what this means for the future

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
Army Reserve punishes officers for dereliction of duty related to Maine shooting

Pentagon Arctic strategy seeks new tech to keep pace with adversaries

Michigan, Navy and Pentagon announce partnership to train workers for defense production

What’s next for the US military’s Global Information Dominance Experiments: Col. Matthew Strohmeyer briefed DefenseScoop on the Pentagon’s plans for the upcoming iterations of the GIDE series.

Marine Corps wants rifle-mounted jammers, ‘buckshot-like’ ammo to help grunts counter drones

Raytheon partners with Italy’s Avio to boost solid rocket motor production: The agreement comes as demand for solid rocket motors has surged due to conflicts such as the war in Ukraine

American-Made Dome For Cold War-Era Nuclear Waste Is Cracking Open In The Pacific: The concrete structure was never built with the long term in mind as the bottom was never properly lined. It could be leaking into the ocean right now.

# Military / Nuclear / Global
German chief of defence warns Russia is directing its army at West

Russia claims German military leak proves Western involvement in Ukraine Kremlin says the wiretap shows the German military is discussing plans to strike Russian territory.

Israel’s IAI announces new Wind Demon air-to-surface missile: Weighing 308 pounds and with a range of over 124 miles, IAI says the missile can be launched from various aerial platforms such as helicopters or warplanes. The system includes laser-homing seekers and electro-optics for day or night operations.

Russian soldiers poisoned by watermelons in Mariupol – Ukrainian sabotage in conflict zone:  The fruits, which is also said to have “left around 30 others hospitalised”, were given to the troops in the occupied town of Mariupol.

The UK conducted a ‘groundbreaking’ trial of a laser beam weapon that can neutralize targets for $0.12 a shot

AI’s ‘Oppenheimer moment’: autonomous weapons enter the battlefield. The refrain among diplomats and weapons manufacturers is that AI-enabled warfare and autonomous weapons systems have reached their “Oppenheimer moment”

Israeli Forces Have Killed 366 UN Workers and Their Family Members in Gaza

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space Radio blackouts could cripple global systems again this week as NASA captures plasma eruption from sun: The solar flare is estimated to be 20,000 degrees Celsius and prompted the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to issue an alert warning about possible disruption caused to Earth’s radio systems

Before plunging to its death, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft saw secrets in the seas of Saturn’s moon Titan

NASA Will Soon Launch An Artificial Star Into Orbit Over The USA

Scientists find 2 searched-for ‘missing link’ black holes: A separate team of researchers has discovered evidence of another medium-sized black hole, this time lurking near the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) at the heart of the Milky Way, some 27,000 light-years from Earth.

LRO Mini-RF data reveals extensive cave network beneath lunar surface

25 Stunning Images of the Cosmos From the Chandra X-Ray Observatory as It Celebrates 25 Years in Space

# Other Interesting Things / Archaeology / Anthropology / Astronomy ‘Lost City’ deep in the Atlantic is like nothing else we’ve ever seen on Earth: Discovered by scientists in 2000, more than 700 meters (2,300
feet) beneath the surface, the Lost City Hydrothermal Field is the longest-lived venting environment known in the ocean. Nothing else like it has ever been found.

Unexplained things that were caught on film: Flight 370

# Science / Technology / Biosciences / Global
The World’s Rarest Whale: The body of a spade-toothed whale, the rarest whale in the world, washed up in New Zealand, offering scientists a chance to examine it.

# Space / Global
UK’s next astronaut believes aliens are real saying it’s ‘extremely unlikely’ humans are alone in the universe

Chinese lunar probe finds water in Moon samples

# Social
White Parents Of Adopted Black Sons Fled Predominately White Nebraska Town Over Anti-Black Racism: After one semester, the Grahams withdrew their son from the school and he completed the following school year from home. Instead of enrolling him in a different, hopefully, less racist school, they decided it would be best to leave Wayne altogether, which they did in May.

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
Millions of Samsung phone owners to receive ‘early’ upgrade after Google finds ‘critical’ Android threat

‘We’re getting played by AI’ say ChatGPT users who warn over-using chatbots risks dark future for humanity

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