Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-06

Voices, The Peoples News

August 6, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate
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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous / Global
Uncontacted Amazon Tribe Attacked Loggers In Battle Over Turf: Mascho Piro, an uncontacted Amazonian tribal group, reportedly attacked loggers who were suspected of encroaching on their territory with bows and arrows.

# Borders / Immigration
Feds bust elaborate human smuggling operation stretching from Honduras to Boston

Terror at our door: How the Biden/Harris administrations open border policies undermine National Security and endanger Americans

# General News
Evan Gershkovich, freed Americans now face IRS fines, fees for time they were Russia’s hostages

# Gov / Politics / Global
As Israel braces for attack, ordinary citizens fear that Netanyahu has destroyed a country and a dream

# Gov / Politics
“A Terrible Vulnerability”: Cybersecurity researcher discovers yet another flaw in Georgia’s voter cancellation portal: The flaw would have allowed anyone to submit a voter registration cancellation request for any Georgian using their name, date of birth and county of residence, information that is easily discoverable online.

Vance Backed Attempts To Gut Dozens of Biden Rules

J.D. Vance As Trump’s VP: “A Corporate CEO’s Dream And A Worker’s Nightmare”

Who Is Tim Walz? The Man Who Memed His Way Into Becoming Kamala’s V.P: Kamala Harris has announced Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her pick for vice president.

Project 2025 Responds to House Democrats’ Unserious and Misleading Task Force: “Project 2025 will not be ‘stopped’ by an unserious, mistake-riddled press release or a task force of House Democrats lacking a basic understanding of federal governance.”

Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC is now under investigation for falsely claiming to register voters: Musk, who endorsed Trump, founded a PAC that is collecting voter data under the guise of registering them to vote

Hillary Clinton Shreds Donald Trump’s Latest Move As ‘Traitorous And Pathetic’

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Indianapolis man gunned down girl, 7, and 3 others because he ‘wanted girlfriend’s stimulus check’

Murder suspect featured on America’s Most Wanted worked 20 years as a cop

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court
Texas Man Gets Executed While Lawyers Challenge Conviction Based On Discredited Shaken Baby Hypothesis:  Roberson’s defense claims his daughter died of “severe viral and bacterial pneumonia that progressed to sepsis and then septic shock,” which explains her unfortunate demise. This narrative is supported by professionals such as former lead detective Brian Wharton, who, in an interview with the Innocence Project, expressed his belief in Roberson’s innocence

# Medical / General News
Millions left uninsured as states redetermined Medicaid eligibility (Tuesday, Aug 6 2024 – Updated 9:17 AM)

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space
Northrop Grumman’s robotic Cygnus freighter reached the International Space Station (ISS) early Tuesday morning (Aug. 6), carrying about 4 tons of supplies to the orbiting lab.

# Other Interesting Things / Archaeology / Anthropology / Astronomy
‘World’s oldest pyramid’ built 25,000 years ago was not made by humans, archaeologists claim

Wow, very crazy – on the side of a building – is it real,or is it broken matrix?

# Social
# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
Nearly a year after the US government took Google to trial, a judge has found that the tech giant violated antitrust laws. A new trial will determine how Google should be penalized.

Zoom Is Going After Google and Microsoft With AI-Driven Docs: The video-conferencing app is trying to create an “everything workplace” app in a crowded market.

What’s ahead for Kosa, an online safety act for minors, as it reaches US House? Act pushing social media reforms for children passed 91-3 in Senate but still faces a long road ahead in House

These bots from Chinese company Ex-Robots have incredibly human-like facial features. They’re so scarily accurate that some lawmakers are already calling for them to be banned in the US. 🎥 Ex-Robots

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