Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-09

Voices, The Peoples News

August 9, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

Solar storm alert: Auroras and radio blackouts expected this weekend!

This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Borders / Immigration
Texas OLS pursues smugglers by air, arresting them after several day manhunts

# Corporations / Industry / Business
Discount chain Big Lots received approval to shut down hundreds of outlets, after the company expressed ‘substantial doubt’ on continuing business operations.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Covid-Hearing Witness Lays Out Overwhelming Case for Lab-Leak Theory in Blockbuster Opening Statement

COVID may have leaked out of a Chinese lab, after all. So much for ‘misinformation.’ Turns out, the individuals who raised concerns during the COVID-19 debate weren’t so crazy after all. Unfortunately, the damage is done to those who dared go against the ‘correct’ narrative.

Covid origin: Why the Wuhan lab-leak theory is so disputed: More than three years after Covid-19 was detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the question of how the virus first emerged remains a mystery. On 28 February 2023 the controversial claim the pandemic might have leaked from a Chinese laboratory resurfaced

Hearing Wrap Up: Suppression of the Lab Leak Hypothesis Was Not Based in Science

# Drugs / Trafficking / Cartels
Iranian brothers charged in smuggling operation tied to SEALs’ deaths

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
Federal government borrowed $5 billion a day in fiscal year 2024

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water How a Green Tech Startup With No Climate Experience Secured Millions of Dollars in Government Contracts

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals Chemical Used in Rocket Fuel Found in Foods Commonly Fed to Babies and
Children: CR’s tests confirm that the chemical perchlorate is widespread in our food. Regulators have known of the risks for decades but continue to drag their feet.

# Gov / Politics / Global
“Welcome to Hell”: Israeli Nonprofit Finds Systematic Torture of Palestinians in Detention Centers: “The only possible conclusion is that in carrying out these acts, Israel is committing torture that amounts to a war crime and even a crime against humanity,” the nonprofit’s report says.

Israel has a long history of assassination operations across borders

Paraguay says it wants the US ambassador to leave the country in apparent protest over sanctions

# Gov / Politics
Evangelical Leaders Call Out Danger as ‘Prophets’ Tie God to Donald Trump  who claim God has anointed the former president as the chosen one.

Since Trump lost in 2020 and falsely blamed widespread voter fraud, right-wing activists have sought to ‘clean’ the election system by deleting tens of thousands of their neighbors from voter rolls.

US, Qatar and Egypt say Gaza truce talks must resume with ‘no excuses’ for further delay

While Silicon Valley is divided, hackers give the Harris campaign a $150,000 boost

“A Terrible Vulnerability”: Cybersecurity Researcher Discovers Yet Another Flaw in Georgia’s Voter Cancellation Portal

Trump 2024 Victory Would Lock in Far Right SCOTUS for Generations to Come: Biden and Harris favor term limits and an ethical code for the Supreme Court and elimination of presidential immunity.

Thousands of Noncitizen Registered Voters Discovered, Governor Says

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
California budget watchdog opposes prison for child-sex buyers — too expensive

3 Denver officers fired over messages about using migrant and refugee shelters as ‘target practice’

Cop Never Submitted This Report And Deleted Evidence

Innocent Nurse put in handcuffs for following the rules! That’s after she calmly explained to him that it is against hospital policy to allow blood to be drawn without a warrant or the patient’s consent, unless the patient is under arrest.

Police Arrest 14-Year-Old Boy Wanted For 24 Different Felonies: A 14-year-old Milwaukee boy with an extensive criminal history is reportedly facing 25 charges, including 24 felonies, after a series of alleged violent crimes.

Feds shoot homeless man in wheelchair: Bodycam footage shows federal agents shooting a wheelchair-bound man 11 times without identifying themselves in Idaho in May

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court We Are Witnessing the Biggest Judicial Power Grab Since 1803 During a major hearing this week, the conservative justices made clear they’re about to gut the federal government’s power to regulate—and take that power for themselves.

State coalition calls on SCOTUS to rule against Biden-Harris in asylum case: A 15-state coalition led by Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody is calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to weigh in on a multi-jurisdictional asylum case

# Medical / General News
This Guardian Enriched Herself Using the Finances of Vulnerable People In Her Care. Judges Let It Happen.

# Medical / Global
Footage of the UK’s DragonFire laser weaponry system has been declassified. The weapon is seen destroying airborne drones and mortar shells. DragonFire is intended to be a technology demonstrator for a larger future project

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
Israel and the US prepare for a potential Hezbollah attack

US closes last drone base in Niger after coup, with uncertain future for counterterrorism fight

Stealth submarine can pull 180-degree turns – at full speed: A new stealth submarine can apparently make 180-degree turns at full speed. The Kronos submarine could well have military, as well as commercial, buyers.

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Kursk residents recorded a video for Putin, saying Russia’s military chiefs are lying that Ukraine’s attack is ‘under control’

Families Flee Khan Yunis as Israel Hammers Gaza With US-Supplied Bombs: Al Jazeera reports the southern city was bombed approximately 30 times in “just a few hours” overnight.

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space A Deeply Mysterious Antihelium Particle Has Appeared in Space:
Unofficial reports of 10 antihelium nuclei smacking into the International Space Station have inspired theoretical physicists to speculate beyond our current models in search of an explanation.

NASA Made a World-Shaking Discovery: Compelling Evidence of Past Life on Mars

New Images Show Massive Crack On Mars’ Surface: A satellite orbiting Mars has captured the best-ever images of a gigantic “scar” carved across the Red Planet’s surface.

Are there Spiders on Mars? ESA unveils truth behind the mysterious clusters seen on the red planet

The SR-91 Aurora: Unraveling the Mystery of the Hypersonic Aircraft: A hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft, supposedly capable of exceeding Mach 5, which has been long rumored but never officially acknowledged.

Space Perspective unveils balloon mothership boat: The first-ever “marine spaceport” is now complete and begins preparing for launches of balloons transporting tourists to the edge of space.

# Other Interesting Things / Archaeology / Anthropology / Astronomy Jerusalem’s Second Temple was built with gigantic stone blocks — now we think we know where they came from

Ancient Tomb Discovery Rocks Historical Understanding: Archaeologists Unearth Ancient Egyptian Tomb and Stunning Trove of Artifacts. Excavations at Saqqara revealed burials, colorful masks and statues of the goddess Isis

# Pharmacy / Pharmaceuticals
CVS Is Closing 300 Stores in 2024 (Even Inside Target)

# Science / Technology / Biosciences
Record-breaking hole drilled into the Earth’s mantle is a scientific goldmine. A scientific drilling ship has burrowed further into Earth’s mantle than ever before, obtaining new clues about the processes that feed oceanic volcanoes and the possible origins of life

Earth has a vast interior ocean, 400-miles under our feet, that creates ‘ringwoodite’ gems

# Space / Global
China Launches First Portion of Satellite Megaconstellation: Assembly of the enormous ‘Thousand Sails’ network is underway.

China’s super-secret space plane spotted above Europe: A satellite tracker captured new images of the experimental Shenlong vehicle above Austria.

Chinese rocket breaks apart after megaconstellation launch, creating cloud of space junk The Aug. 7 incident created more than 300 pieces of trackable debris.

# Social
As cities enact camping bans, where will California’s unhoused population go? The number of people experiencing homelessness vastly exceeds the number of available shelter beds in the state.

Homeless people are still being arrested under a 200-year-old act criminalising rough sleeping

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
Venezuelan Dictator Suspends Major Social Media Platform After Sparring With Elon Musk

Automated Phishing Machine: Attacks on Microsoft’s Copilot AI allow for answers to be manipulated, data extracted, and security protections bypassed, new research shows.

AMD allegedly has its own Spectre-like security flaws Researchers say they’ve found 13 flaws in AMD’s Ryzen and EPYC chips, which could let attackers install malware on highly guarded parts of the processor.

AMD ‘Zenbleed’ bug lets hackers steal data from Ryzen CPUs. All Zen 2 chips are affected.

# Veterans / VA
Disability income for veterans will no longer disqualify them from rental assistance

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