Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-15

Voices, The Peoples News

August 15, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous / Global
Brazil revisits law restricting Indigenous land claims amid rising violence

# Border / Immigration
Migrant repatriation flights from Panama to start this month

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Australian Researcher Finds Link Between COVID Vaccines and Excess Deaths

Sweden confirms first case of mpox strain outside Africa: Swedish officials say they have registered the first case outside Africa of the more dangerous variant of mpox.

WHO declares mpox a global public health emergency: Officials say a new fast-spreading variant has been detected in the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighbouring countries.

# Drugs / Trafficking / Cartels
The little-known US agency behind the string of coups against Mexico’s druglords: Homeland Security Investigations played a key role in the capture of elusive kingpin ‘El Mayo’ Zambada and two sons of ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán

The US Government Is Complicit in the Drug Cartels’ Crimes: Last month, a federal US court found a former Mexican security chief guilty of colluding with the Sinaloa Cartel. The trial showed how both the US government and its Mexican clients have been guilty of the criminal activity they’re supposedly trying to stop.

Mexican cartels taking control of tortilla industry: 20,000 tortilla shops have been extorted. The price of tortillas just jumped 61% in Mexico. Other businesses also fear violence, retribution

Transnational Organized Crime in Central America and the Caribbean, A Threat Assessment

Mexico based drug cartel leaders indicted and sanctioned, charged by a federal grand jury with conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute heroin and conspiracy to import heroin into the United States.

# Education / Schools
Fossil fuel emissions disrupt education worldwide: Rising global temperatures, driven by fossil fuel use, are causing widespread school closures

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water
Conservation efforts focus on acquiring land, restoring ecosystems and altering dams to protect fish habitats and mitigate climate change impacts.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure/ Water / Global
The world’s largest wetland, Pantanal, threatened by waterway plans

Mount Etna erupts sending lava plumes miles into sky days after mass disruption amid increased activity: After four years of limited activity, eruptions have increased in recent weeks. Etna covers an area of 1,190km 2 (459 sq mi) with a circumference of 140 km (87 miles) at its base – making it the largest of active volcano in Italy.

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals
The Real Root of High Food Prices: Corporate Greed and Consolidation

Why Your Groceries Are Still So Expensive: The U.S. grocery industry is a $1.03 trillion behemoth.

# Gov / Politics / Global
US ballerina Ksenia Karelina jailed for 12 years in Russia for high treason for donating $51.80 to a Ukrainian charity

German prosecutors have issued a first arrest warrant in their investigation into the undersea explosions in 2022 that damaged the Nord Stream gas pipelines between Russia and Germany, according to a media report

The Iraqi bill to lower the age of marriage for girls to nine: Politicians and activists are protesting the conservative bill, which would give religious leaders more power over personal affairs

First Biden, now Kishida: Scandal-plagued Japanese prime minister stepping down

# Gov / Politics
Oil industry pours millions into Trump’s campaign as Harold Hamm leads fundraising push

Western leaders urge restraint amid expected Iran response towards Israel: The US and four European countries warn against escalation and urge a ceasefire in Gaza.

Turkish National Bound for Mexico Arrested by Feds With Stolen Pentagon Documents: Gokhan Gun was arrested en route to Mexico on August 9, after the FBI raided his home and allegedly discovered copies of classified and top secret documents.

Hackers’ confab shows vulnerabilities in election machines amid testing concerns ahead of November: Increasing the use of voting machines after the 2000 “didn’t fix the Bush v. Gore problem,” but “just made our elections less transparent,” Phill Kline said.

Little-Known Project 2025 Policy Would Tax Benefits for More Than 15 Million Workers: “Organized conservative constituencies for the corporate class got everything they wanted in the first Trump administration,” wrote one economist. “There’s no reason to expect this time to be different.”

Trump’s failure to name an official transition team offers more evidence that the former president may rely on Project 2025 and its database of thousands of job-seekers being vetted for their loyalty to the MAGA movement to staff his second presidential administration.

Project 2025’s Plan to Kill Medicare Via Default Enrollments in For-Profit Alternative: “If implemented, Project 2025 would lead to a multibillion-dollar annual giveaway to corporations at the expense of Medicare enrollees and taxpayers,” warns a new Center for American Progress report.

In Undercover Video, Project 2025 Architect Says Trump Is ‘Very Supportive of What We Do’: A watchdog group secretly recorded Russell Vought, a former Trump administration official, explaining his plan to get confidential Project 2025 plans into the Republican nominee’s hands if he wins in November.

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court
“Really scary”: Experts alarmed by Trump plot to “weaponize” DOJ by mass firing career officials

Privacy in Peril: Opposing rulings set up Supreme Court showdown over police cell phone tracking: Law enforcement must obtain warrants before demanding cell phone companies hand over information showing where we’ve been in the past and when.

Judge removes lawyer from Dominion Voting Systems case, ruling she violated court order

# Media
Trump-Elon Musk interview violated campaign finance regulations, Democratic PAC claims

# Medical / General News
Biden policy will make 10 popular medicines less expensive for those with Medicare

Texas women denied care for ectopic pregnancies proves exceptions are a “farce”, experts say:  Two complaints filed against Texas hospitals reflect a bigger issue about abortion ban exceptions

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Toyota Mirai Turned Into Hydrogen Bomb By Ukrainian Forces Explodes With The Force Of 400 Pounds Of TNT. The improvised explosive device was delivered via pizza delivery robot

Tensions escalating in Middle East after Hamas and Hezbollah leaders | Israel and Iran tensions

Ukraine’s top general disobeyed Zelenskyy and blew up the Nord Stream pipeline without permission, report says

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space
NASA has once again pushed back the deadline for when the troubled Boeing Starliner spacecraft must leave the International Space Station. The agency expects to be ready to conduct a flight readiness review as soon as the end of next week.

Astronaut stuck on the International Space Station due to Boeing Starliner delays is roughing it in a sleeping bag over in the Japanese space module

Lockheed acquires satellite firm Terran Orbital in $450 million deal: Lockheed already owns one-third of the firm due to its satellite production contracts and investments made in Terran through its venture capital arm.

# Nuclear
Japan: Robot detects 25-ton radioactive water leak at Fukushima nuclear site: About 25 tons of radioactive water have leaked within the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the plant’s operator has reported, a week after the latest round of ocean discharge started.

NASA’s Planetary Defense Telescope Sends Back Final Image Before Shutting Down

# Other Interesting Things / Archaeology / Anthropology / Astronomy
Researchers in Spain revealed the discovery of 57 new Roman sites in early August.

4,000-Year-Old Ceremonial Temple Within a Sand Dune in Peru Stuns Archaeologists: The team also found the skeletal remains of three adults tucked between the temple walls.

Amateur Archaeologist Deciphers 20,000-Year-Old Rock Writing: An amateur archaeologist from Britain has made a groundbreaking discovery that could potentially rewrite history.

# Pharmacy / Pharmaceuticals
Big Pharma ‘Unleashed an Army’ of Lawyers to Avoid Lowering Medicare Drug Costs: Pharma giant AstraZeneca’s legal argument that Medicare drug-price negotiations are unconstitutional was just shut down by a Delaware court.

# Science / Biosciences
New liquids can safely extract nanoplastics from water: US researchers have made substances that can extract nanoplastics from water. The solvents, made from non-toxic components, could remove 98% of the tiny plastic particles from water in a lab environment.

# Science / Biosciences / Global
# Security
Hackers May Have Leaked Every American’s Social Security Information: Not to state the obvious, but this is potentially very, very bad

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
Urgent warning about new fake website scam on Chrome and Edge – here’s how to find out if you’ve been affected: Cybersecurity experts have uncovered a widespread hacking campaign targeting Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Criminals are posting malicious websites on the popular search engines, which masquerade as legitimate software for sites like YouTube and Roblox.

Confused Robotaxis Gather in Droves to Honk at Each Other All Night: The robotaxi future is here and it’s sheer comedy. A must-watch.

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