Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-16

Voices, The Peoples News

August 16, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration
Republicans call for enhanced northern border security as Gazans flock to Canada

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
‘Historic breakthrough’: US ditches defense trade restrictions with top allies to counter China

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Washington solar project paused amid concern about Indigenous sites: Avangrid Renewables said they plan to review comments from tribal nations and private landowners.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water
At least 36 facilities in Texas identified as potential microplastic polluters, according to new map

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure/ Water / Global
The Arctic is experiencing record-breaking temperatures due to intense heat domes with some areas up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit above normal.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Diplomacy takes center stage as Iran holds off retaliation against Israel

The Real Reason Iran Hasn’t Retaliated Against Israel: Analysts believe Iran’s hesitation stems from concerns about sparking a larger war and the complexities of coordinating with its allies.

Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive Echoes the Past and Offers a Glimpse of the Future: The operation at the site of a storied World War II battle has humiliated Putin. He wants revenge but should prepare for more to come.

Russia is being drawn deeper into the Middle East conflict. A steady flow of weapons from Moscow to Tehran could change the balance of power in the region.

Israel Continues Deadly Attacks in Gaza as Ceasefire Talks Resume for Day 2

# Gov / Politics
New York Mayor Eric Adams served with more grand jury subpoenas in corruption investigation

Stuart Varney: Kamala Harris’ economic plan is about to take another left turn

US State Department clears $5B sale of Patriot missiles to Germany

Gaza cease-fire, hostage release negotiations continue in Qatar: Israel, United States, Qatar and Egypt return to the negotiating table in talks that are “moving forward,” White House official said. Hamas has not attended.

Texas election officials are dealing with a flood of challenges to voter registrations: Conservative groups and individual activists have targeted tens of thousands of Texans over their eligibility. But state and federal protections are in place.

Harris to Target Predatory Wall Street Landlords With Four-Year Housing Plan

Trump’s Biggest Fans Think He’s Part of the Deep State Now: Donald Trump’s favorite conspiracy theory just turned against him.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Alaska State Troopers beat, stunned and used dog in violent arrest of wrong man, charges say

Former Alabama Officer Charged in Drug-Planting Scheme Targeting Innocent Motorists

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court
Judge Punished for Putting Sleepy Field Trip Teen in Cuffs: A sleepy teenage girl was handcuffed, put in a jail uniform and threatened with incarceration during a field trip to a Detroit judge’s courtroom, leaving her “traumatized.” Judge Kenneth King is off the bench–for now–as more details about the girl’s situation surface.

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
Lawmakers push Pentagon for clarity on domestic military deployments

The Navy is preparing to award an estimated $11.5 billion multi-ship deal to build four amphibious warships, according to a copy of a Tuesday Navy notification to Congress reviewed by USNI News

The US must take the lead in a destabilized, increasingly militarized
Arctic: The end of an era of cooperation is turning the Arctic region into an unsettled proving ground for nations competing for access to natural resources, trade routes and military advantage

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Putin promised poorly trained conscripts wouldn’t be sent to war. Now the front line has come to them

Zelenskyy says Ukrainian troops have taken full control of the Russian town of Sudzha: Moscow evacuates more residents from the border region as Ukraine pushes on with its daring incursion into Russian territory.

Israeli Settlers Kill Palestinian as They Go on Armed Rampage in Occupied West Bank

Ukraine Says Its Troops Have Taken Full Control of Russian Town of Sudzha

Putin Humiliated by War’s Largest Mass Surrender… This Time In Russia!

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space
NASA Citizen Scientists Spot Object Moving 1 Million Miles Per Hour: They used data from NASA’s WISE telescope, which later became the NEOWISE mission, to discover the faint, fast-moving object zooming out of the Milky Way.

# Nuclear
Teen builds nuclear fusion reactor as part of his A* A-levels: Cesare Mencarini, 17, built the reactor to generate neutrons as part of his Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), for which he achieved an A* in his A-Level results today.

# Other Interesting Things / Archaeology / Anthropology / Astronomy Top 5 Unexplained Things Seen By Mars Rovers: From a secret doorway to a cannonball, entertaining images from Mars amuse scientists and excite conspiracy theorists and alien fans.

Babylonian Map of the World features a strange land “where the Sun is not seen.”

Australian mathematician discovers applied geometry engraved on 3,700-year-old tablet

18 Facts About the Ancient Sumerians, the Forgotten Pioneers of Writing, Architecture & Beer

# Pharmacy / Pharmaceuticals
Parties Agree, Lawmakers Need To Stop Drug Price Manipulation: For the first time ever, Medicare is negotiating with pharmaceutical companies to reduce the cost of lifesaving medicines.

Biden, Harris Tout Billions in Savings From Medicare Drug Price Cuts

The Cost of Allowing Medicare to Cover Anti-Obesity Drugs:  The introduction of highly effective anti-obesity drugs, such as Wegovy, has prompted debate over Medicare’s prohibition on coverage of such products.

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