Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-19

Voices, The Peoples News

August 19, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Cash-Strapped California Inches Closer To Handing Taxpayer Home Loans To Illegal Migrants

# Corporations / Industry / Business
Toxic substances found in Shein and Temu products: In the most recent inspection, 144 products from Shein, AliExpress and Temu were tested, and multiple products from all companies failed to meet legal standards.
Seoul officials have asked for the products to be removed from sale, according to a government statement

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Kids Who Received mRNA COVID Vaccines Had Altered Immune Systems a Year Later

# Education / Schools
A South Texas school district received a request to remove 676 books from its libraries

Student Protesters Were Suspended With No Chance to Defend Themselves. Will Courts Return Them to Campus? “The suspensions happened immediately and it was without any due process.”

US colleges revise rules on free speech in hopes of containing anti-war demonstrations

Back to school while banned from campus: UT Dallas protesters fight discipline: Students arrested during a May 1 protest at the University of Texas at Dallas still face criminal and academic consequences.

Interim Suspensions Leave MIT Student Protesters Stranded: The university, which is home to a large number of families, gave suspended students a week to find new lodgings. Administrators said they acted in the interest of the rights of everyone on campus.

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water
Project 2025: The right-wing conspiracy to torpedo global climate action: The GOP threatens to weaponize a potential second Trump term against any and all domestic climate action. But what happens in the United States doesn’t stay in the United States.

# Food / Alerts / Recalls / How-to
More Than 165,000 Pounds of Perdue Chicken Recalled for Metal Contamination

# Gov / Politics / Global
China’s New Power Play Is a Blow to US Military Capabilities: Bans Exports of Key Raw Material Used for Weapons

China and Vietnam sign 14 deals from rail to crocodiles after leaders meet

# Gov / Politics
The Right’s Push to Whitewash History Is a Precursor to Fascism: As a new school year begins, we must resist turning schools into right-wing indoctrination centers.

Blinken Warns of Ceasefire Deadline as US Pledges Even More Arms to Israel: Israeli officials have repeatedly rejected the idea of a ceasefire even as the US keeps up a charade of negotiations.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Accused financier of Moise assassination apparently advised by US intelligence: Two plotters of the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse were exposed as DEA informants.

Historic US-Russia prisoner swap exposes CIA support for Chechen jihad: Western media focused intently on a Russian “murderer” released in the exchange with Washington, but whitewashed the record of his target – a Chechen militant now confirmed as a CIA asset.

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court
Ex-GOP Rep. George Santos pleads guilty to two federal charges in fraud trial: There is a two-year mandatory minimum sentence, but the judge estimated that the sentence could range between six to eight years.

House probe concludes Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses by helping enrich his family: The 291-page report lays out evidence of the Biden family’s foreign payments and the family patriarch’s role in meeting or speaking with partners.

Cincinnati Airport Video Exposes DEA Shakedown for Cash

# Media
Internal crisis shakes Balkan media network run by UK intel, leaked emails show

# Medical / General News
Fighting for Our Lives: The Movement for Medicare for All

By Vowing to Codify Roe, Kamala Harris Ensures Continued Government Meddling in Abortion Care

Leonard Leo’s Effort to Gut Planned Parenthood Threatens Myriad Health Services: A lawsuit in Texas has a web of ties to Leo and builds on a years-long campaign by anti-abortion activists.

They All Got Mysterious Brain Diseases. They’re Fighting to Learn Why. Three years later, however, no satisfactory explanation has been found, and the New Brunswick syndrome remains shrouded in mystery — and controversy

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
The Pentagon Is Planning a Drone ‘Hellscape’ to Defend Taiwan

Revolutionizing Flight: The US Air Force Unveils Jet Engines With No Moving Parts: In 2021, the US Air Force invested a whopping $1 million in the Wave Engine Corporation to design and build revolutionary pulsejet engines.

US carriers have pulled out of the western Pacific, leaving China in charge

How the US is Launching Massive Number of AAVs in Middle of the Ocean

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Ominous: Putin’s Tyrant Pal Lukashenko Warns of Nuclear WW3 as He Deploys Troops Along Entire Ukraine Border Amid Kursk Siege

Russia issued a stark warning to Poland on Monday over the NATO member’s repeated proposals to down Russian missiles over Ukraine with its air defense systems.

# Nuclear
US Plans to Start Recycling Nuclear Waste: The pilot plant concept – expected to recycle 100 tonnes per year of used nuclear fuel, extracting 99% of usable uranium and plutonium – will validate commercial-scale aqueous recycling with integrated non-proliferation measures.

# Other Interesting Things
A Fingerprint Taken From Stonehenge Changes Everything We Know About Its Mystical Origins

Pre-Historic Mega Structure Discovered in Montana, USA – Sage Wall

Scientists Discovered A Mega Structure Carved Underground That Ancient Humans Couldn’t Build

# Social
Florida Retiree Forced to Return to Work After Gov. DeSantis Demanded a $100,000 Homeowners Fee: Thousands of Floridians are infuriated at Governor DeSantis for passing a bill that will cost them nearly $100,000.

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