Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-08-24

Voices, The Peoples News

August 24, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
A uranium mine threatens the Havasupai Tribe’s sole water source: A new study challenges the safety assessments of the mine, suggesting the rock layers could allow uranium to contaminate the tribe’s water.

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Migrants Allegedly Connected To Tren de Aragua Indicted In Jewelry Heist: A federal grand jury indicted four Venezuelan nationals on charges stemming from an armed robbery at Denver-area jewelry store.

# Border / Immigration / Migrants / Global
16 state coalition sues Biden administration to block amnesty plan: The new lawsuit aims to stop an unlawful agency rule granting hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens the ability to “parole in place.”

New arrest in connection to deadliest tragedy involving migrants in U.S: New arrests in smuggling of migrants who died in a Texas truck. Guatemalan officials announced the dismantling of a smuggling ring behind the deadliest incident of its kind on U.S. soil.

Migrant crisis stirs frustration and resentment in Chicago

# Drugs / Trafficking / Cartels
The Dark Truths Behind the US War on Drugs That Mainstream Media Ignores:  The drug war is not working, and if alternatives are not considered now, a solution may never be possible.

From Misinformation to Mass Incarceration: The Role of Racism in Drug Policy Hysteria: At this critical juncture, with overdose deaths at record highs, it’s time for a fundamentally new approach – one that recognizes substance use disorders as a public health issue, not a criminal justice issue.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
The Fed Doesn’t Need to Cut. What Economists Are Missing: Rate cuts won’t prevent a recession and the economy is deteriorating ‘quite rapidly,’ investment strategist says

Interest Rate Cuts Now Could Help Workers. But That’s Not Who the Fed Serves: Progressive economist Gerald Epstein says the Fed is more sensitive to the needs of the wealthy few than the rest of us.

# Education / Schools
Ron DeSantis banned lessons on racism in Florida public schools. ‘Freedom schools’ fill the gaps

Florida’s New African American History Standards: What’s Behind the Backlash

# Employment / Labor / Unions
Class Contradictions Were on Display as Democrats Courted Labor at the DNC: Differences could remain between unions and a potential Harris administration on Gaza and corporate allegiances.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Coal Baron a No-Show in Alabama Courtroom as Abandoned Plant Continues to Pollute Neighborhoods

In Alabama Meeting, TVA Votes to Increase the Cost of Power, Double Down on Natural Gas: The 5.25 percent base price hike will fund ongoing construction and energy development, including fossil fuel infrastructure

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure / Water Noem rejects more than $70 million in federal funds for energy and environmental programs

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering / Chemicals Mystery Of 10 Billion Snow Crabs Dying In Alaska Solved: Scientists are increasingly confident that man-made climate change is to blame for an ecological shift that killed them off.

# Gov / Politics
Republican group cites notorious Dred Scott ruling as reason Kamala Harris can’t be president: Group also challenged right of Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley to appear on Republican primary ballots
See also: Dred Scott Rulling: The U.S. Supreme Court stated that enslaved people were not citizens of the United States and, therefore, could not expect any protection from the federal government or the courts. The opinion also stated that Congress had no authority to ban slavery from a Federal territory

The United States and the Philippines reached an agreement that will allow Afghan nationals who assisted the United States military in war to stay in the Philippines while they wait for visa processing and resettlement in the U.S.

It’s No Surprise RFK Jr. Endorsed Trump — They’re Backed by the Same Billionaire

# Juvenile / Children / Youth
10-year-old and 11-year-old get 2 years for ‘borrow pit’ killing of 8-year-old boy who was held under the water until he drowned

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court
Federal Judge Undoes Key Civil Rights Protections in Louisiana’s Cancer Alley: The decision may open the door for other states to file similar lawsuits blocking efforts to fight environmental racism.

Court permanently blocks environmental civil rights protections for Louisiana’s Black communities The new ruling bars the state from considering whether to permit industrial facilities in communities already facing a disparate impact from pollution

MIT Researchers Find That Lawyers Do Something Very Sleazy to Keep Themselves in Demand: Well this completely checks out. According to the researchers’ findings, lawyers use so-called legalese, or the cryptic language associated with court filings and laws, to assert authority over those less versed in such language.

The DOJ Sued an AI Software Company It Says Artificially Inflated Rents for Millions of Americans: The lawsuit comes after a two-year investigation that included an unannounced FBI raid.

# Media
The US Postal Service is discussing a plan to save $3 billion a year by delivering mail slower

# Military / Nuclear / Global
Dozens killed in strikes in southern Gaza as preparations for cease-fire talks move forward

Russian sailors are practicing flying drones in swings so they can hunt Ukraine’s exploding drone boats from warships on the waves

Saudi Arabia’s Neom is getting electric shuttle ships that appear to hover over water to transport passengers in its waterways

# NASA / Rocketry / UFO Disclosure / Space NASA Fears Another Tragedy If Astronauts Return on Starliner

UFO investigator did us a ‘public service’: Michio Kaku: Kaku told NewsNation’s Brian Entin on Friday that Elizondo has “done a public service” by releasing a “mountain of classified data, which gives us hard numbers for the first time.”

NASA to keep Starliner crew in space until 2025, with SpaceX handling return

Nobody Can Explain 1000s of Strange Little Red Dots Found by JWST Everywhere

Full interview: Investigators say 2nd Roswell UFO debris field discovered

# Other Interesting Things
Scientists demand the Shroud of Turin to be re-analyzed amid growing evidence it could be authentic

10,000-Year-Old Stonehenge-Like Sculpture Discovered at the Bottom of a US Lake: An ancient mini-Stonehenge stands underwater in Grand Traverse Bay, part of Lake Michigan.

# Social
Squatters are taking over America: These aren’t homeless people who don’t have anywhere else to go. They are professional squatters, often heavily armed and dangerous. This can happen to anyone.

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
The founder of a software-development company says there’s a ‘huge demand’ for training and education applications — extended reality can help

# Technology / Global
18-Year-Old Khalifa Aminu Creates Sensory Glasses That Help Those Who Are Visually Impaired Walk Safely On Their Own: Born in Kano, Nigeria, he cites other works, including a radio station, a bomb detector, and an automatic water spray for farmers.

# Veterans / VA
Government Has Clawed Back More Than $2.5B Given to Veterans to Leave the Military, Data Shows

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