Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-09-28

Voices, The Peoples News

September 28, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Arizona county sheriffs say they will not enforce immigration measure if passed

Biden “doubling down” on asylum restrictions despite alleged violation of international law

ICE: 662,000 criminal foreign nationals to be deported are living free nationwide

Legislation introduced to improve northern border

The illegal immigration crisis in America is a scandal.

How the federal government created the immigration crisis that now bedevils it: The mounting concerns and clamor for reform that engulfed the Senate for months didn’t come out of nowhere: They stem from past legislative rushes that built the current immigration system and the situation at the border.

How the migrant crisis drained $150 billion from taxpayers in a single year: Last year, US taxpayers shelled out some $150 billion in government services and support to help the 20 million illegal migrants in the country, according to a study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Travel agents smuggle migrants to the US, some take charter flights: Migrants from around the world are trying to reach the U.S. via charter planes

Migrants smuggled into US by European travel agents, says State Department: Trips organised to Mexico where people are then taken across border, claim officials

# Cartels / Drugs / Trafficking
‘People are dying’: rise of nitazenes should be treated as pandemic, injecting centre head says Exclusive: Dr Marianne Jauncey says NSW government must make ‘hard decisions’ to combat growing threat of synthetic opioids

# Censorship
How ‘fighting disinformation’ turns into political censorship

# Chemicals
High levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals found in breast milk across China: In 19 cities, newborns’ ingestion of EDCs through breast milk exceeded safe exposure levels. Five EDCs – including multiple parabens, BPA, and triclosan – were detected in over 50% of the breast milk samples tested.

California attorney general accused ExxonMobil of “deceptively” promoting chemical recycling as a solution for the plastics crisis, citing ProPublica’s recent reporting and expanding on our findings.

Water Fluoridation Halted in New York Municipalities

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
August 14, 1935– President Roosevelt signs the Social Security Bill into law

Office of the Chief Actuary’s Estimates of Proposals to Change the Social Security Program or the SSI Program

Five things to know about Social Security reforms being considered in Congress in Economics and Finance, Retirement and Social Security

# Education / Schools
The Right’s Raid on Libraries Is So Extreme, Even the Dictionary Is Under Fire: The right to read is under attack. During National Banned Books Week, we fight back.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Khanna proposes ending billions in taxpayer subsidies for Big Oil amid growing climate crisis: Legislation targets federal handouts fueling enhanced oil recovery while exacerbating the climate emergency.

# Environment / Climate / Infrastructure / Water Lithospheric ‘dripping’ occurring beneath Türkiye’s Central Anatolian Plateau

Earth Is Close to Passing 7 of 9 Planetary Boundaries, Report Says

Secretary-General Warns of Climate Emergency, Calling Intergovernmental Panel’s Report ‘a File of Shame’, While Saying Leaders ‘Are Lying’, Fuelling Flames

The message of the IPCC report is clear: despite affordable renewable energy solutions being available now, governments and businesses are failing to act.

Global Health and Medical Community Unite To Demand End Fossil Fuel Dependency at COP28

# Environment / Global
A startup in Nova Scotia plans to use limestone to capture carbon dioxide from rivers, which could reduce emissions if scaled up. The method is part of a growing trend of ocean-based carbon removal strategies, but challenges remain in scaling and proving the technology.

# General News
Drivers stunned by cages installed over gas pump buttons sparking new wave of complaints after locked up items in stores.  A TikTok user recorded the strange sighting at a gas station in Alabama, something that present-day shoppers find all too familiar.

US announces $160 mn of new aid for troubled Haiti

# Gov / Politics / Global
Hezbollah confirms leader Hassan Nasrallah is dead

Who was Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader killed by Israel?

Lukashenko threatens use of nuclear weapons and World War III

Netanyahu Trashes Protesters in U.N. Speech, as Israel Bombs Beirut

# Gov / Politics
Intelligence officials have briefed the Trump campaign on Iranian threats. A look at what’s known

Meeting with Zelenskyy, Trump says he will negotiate a Ukraine-Russia deal ‘that’s good for both sides’

Trump’s Latest Bogus Claim About Mail-In Vote Fraud Claim: “An interview by Tucker Carlson of an election expert indicates that 20% of the Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania are fraudulent.”
Claimed by: Donald Trump; Fact check by FactCheck.org: False

Schiff introduces bill that would stop presidents from dismissing prosecution against themselves

# Juvenile / Children / Youth
15-Year-Old Girl Sentenced to Life Without Parole: Fatally shooting her mother and attempting to kill her stepdad after they learned of her “secret life” with drugs.

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Cop gets caught trying to plant drugs on suspect car:  He was convicted in May on 19 of 67 counts, including racketeering, official misconduct, fabricating evidence, perjury, false imprisonment and possession of controlled substances and drug paraphernalia.

DOJ Finds Mississippi Police Department Violates Rights Of Black Residents: The Lexington Police Department “has created a system where officers can relentlessly violate the law,” according to the Justice Department

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court [ICC] NYC Mayor Adams pleads not guilty to federal bribery charges and other counts: dams, a Democrat, entered the plea in a Manhattan court the day after being formally indicted

‘Massive Win’: Analyst says Trump just handed Jack Smith a legal gift

“The evidence will be powerful”: Legal experts say Jack Smith about to drop a bomb in Trump case: Legal scholars expect a bitter fight over what evidence may be redacted from the public

DOJ Announces Indictment of Former FAA Contractor for Acting as Agent of Iranian Government

There’s a growing number of legal threats to DOJ’s Jan. 6 cases

# Medical News
US Medicare says Part D and Advantage premiums will fall in 2025:
Average premiums and benefits for Medicare’s prescription drug program and private Medicare plans are projected to remain stable in 2025 with premiums slightly declining

Biden Officials Stave Off Sticker Shock on Medicare Drug Premiums

FDA warns of potential contamination in multiple brands of drugs, dietary supplements

Judge sides with Catholic diocese — suspends abortion, IVF and LGBTQ protections in ND

Diabetes reversed with stem cells: A woman with type 1 diabetes started producing her own insulin less than three months after a transplant of reprogrammed stem cells.

Podcast: Leukaemia’s link to Down’s syndrome:  The extra whole or partial copy of chromosome 21 present in Down’s syndrome changes how DNA is packaged in the nucleus of these cells, opening up areas that are prone to mutation, including those known to be important in leukaemia development.

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey says that her administration has formally seized a hospital through eminent domain to help keep it open and transition to a new owner

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
US Navy warships fought off a ‘complex’ missile and drone attack in the Red Sea

Company Behind Walkie-Talkie Devices Transformed into Bombs Also Supplies the U.S. Military

# Military / Global
China’s missile arsenal may soon rival the US. Here are the leading missiles it’s stockpiling for a big fight.

# NASA / Rocketry / Space / UFO Disclosure NASA Inspector Issues Warning About Growing Cracks Leaking Air From Space Station: Two words: Not good.

# Other Interesting Things
Shape-Shifting Robots Mimic Muscle Movements: Researchers have developed a set of hexagon-shaped robotic components that can be snapped together into larger and larger structures.

Energy-Stealing Zel’dovich Effect Confirmed Using Electromagnetic Fields 50 Years After Being Proposed

# Science / Biosciences
Why an EMP Attack Is Worse Than You Think: There are many facts to be considered when planning for the possibility of an EMP attack. But two stand out above all others: 1. Nowhere is it written that an EMP will be a one-time event. 2. AC power distribution transformers are not an off-the-shelf item.

# Space / Rocketry
Newest Starlink satellites are leaking even more radiation than their predecessors — and could soon disrupt astronomy

# Technology / Artificial Intelligence
Engineers Create Building Bricks From 3D-Printed, Recycled Glass

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