Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-09-30

Voices, The Peoples News

September 30, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Revealed: 13,099 people convicted of homicide have been released into the US

A Wisconsin City Welcomed New Refugees. Then the Angry Billboards Went Up.

Abbott Orders More Razor Wire for Southern Border, Harris Says GOP ‘Fanning Immigration Flames’

Texas advocate calls on state to protect unaccompanied minors, Texas children: After 158 U.S. House Democrats voted against deporting sex offenders, including child rapists, and one U.S. Senate Democrat blocked a bill to strengthen protections for unaccompanied minors, a Texas group is again calling on state leaders to act.

They joined the military thinking it was a path to citizenship – then they found out they were being deported:  There are roughly 94,000 immigrant veterans who have not been “naturalized” and vulnerable to deportation should they have run-ins with the law. Many believed that serving in the military would allow them to stay.

Trump’s Lies Have Put A Target On Haitian Immigrants In Small Towns: Officials in Pennsylvania, Indiana and Alabama are combating an uptick in threats and hatred toward the Haitian immigrants.

# Cartels / Drugs / Trafficking
Mexican authorities uncover 24 drug cartel surveillance cameras in city on the border with Arizona

Cartels using spikes to evade law enforcement near US border: Border patrol seeing more tire deflation devices by smugglers. Cartels getting ‘desperate,’ DPS leader says. Caltrops were found by DPS in smuggling vehicle

Large Cocaine Busts on Texas Border valued at approximately $675,850

Mexican cartels flood US with fentanyl, causing 200+ deaths daily: The Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels have established a sophisticated supply chain

# Chemicals
‘Chroming’ is killing kids. Experts explain this trend

‘Chroming’: A Dangerous Social Media Trend: “Chroming” refers to the act of inhaling aerosol metallic paint to get high. It is also a blanket term for inhaling many other household products or other chemicals. When chroming, people try to inhale the hydrocarbons in metallic paints and other products. This can produce a high but also cause severe short-term and long-term health effects — including death.

Fluoride in Water Poses ‘Unreasonable Risk’ to Children, Federal Judge Rules: The verdict is a significant loss for the EPA and the promoters of fluoridation like the American Dental Association and the US Centers For Disease Control because the court found that their claims of safety were, in fact, not supported by evidence

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Long COVID Changes Brain Structure, Scans Reveal

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
States Need to Assert Their Rights Under Article V of the Constitution: Adopting a fiscal responsibility constitutional amendment is the only way to force Congress to make the tough but necessary choices to restore fiscal sanity and sustainability. No nation is exempt from the laws of prudent finance. Our debt bomb is ticking.
Article Five of the United States Constitution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Five_of_the_United_States_Constitution

Whitesboro Set to Raise Property Taxes 30% Without Voter Approval: Elected officials in the small North Texas city of Whitesboro want a big property tax increase, and thanks to a carve-out in the state’s tax laws, they won’t need voters’ approval to get it.

A researcher who studied Trump’s plans to control the Fed said it could tank the economy

CNBC ’Squawk Box’ Host Reveals Why His Wall Street Sources Are ‘Scared’ Of Trump 2.0: Sorkin cited Trump’s proposal this week to “add a 200% tariff on John Deere” as an example. Trump has also proposed sweeping tariffs across the board, which Sorkin equated to a big tax hike on Americans.

Credit expert warns ‘time is of the essence’ for anyone using identity protection services following all data breaches

# Employment / Labor / Unions
‘Unreal’: Massive pushback after Trump ‘admitted he stiffed his workers’ at latest rally

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining
Aging infrastructure and climate change leave power grid vulnerable: aging power infrastructure increases the risk of catastrophic events like wildfires. Without major upgrades to the grid, the U.S. faces rising costs, energy instability and public safety concerns.

# Environment / Climate / Infrastructure / Water
Hurricane Helene’s catastrophic flooding linked to climate change

# Environment / Global
The Sahara Desert is turning green: The Sahara Desert, located in West Africa, is the largest hot desert in the world. While deserts are traditionally characterized by a dry climate with low levels of vegetation, the Sahara has been much greener than usual as of late — mainly due to climate change.

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering
Congress’ failure to pass the farm bill reflects a long history of hunger as a political tool

Congress’ failure to pass the farm bill reflects a long history of hunger as a political tool: What makes this expansive, must-pass bill so controversial?

# Gov / Politics / Global
US says military moves in Middle East aimed at de-escalating tensions

Cuba Warns US Pressure Drives Closer Ties With China and Russia

Russia is about to face the moment of truth on an economic lifeline from China: China’s yuan is the most traded foreign currency in Russia, but its availability in the heavily sanctioned country may soon dry up.

Russia Issues New Nuclear Warning to US at UN: ‘Suicide Venture’

Russia revises nuclear policy; North Korea vows never to give up weapons

Russian State TV Pundit Warns Poland ‘May Cease to Exist’: Russian officials have regularly floated the possibility that Moscow could strike North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members in response to the aid and weapons they have provided Ukraine in the conflict.

Iranians charged with hacking Trump campaign in effort to influence 2024 election: Officials warn of persistent efforts by some foreign countries to interfere in the upcoming U.S. election.

# Gov / Politics
Congress passed funding bill without disaster aid despite looming hurricane

Alaska Native community moves to escape climate-driven permafrost loss

Trump Suggests Terrifying Solution To Ending Crime; The Purge: At a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump seemed to casually suggest that a day of violence would put an end to crime.

‘There can be nothing worse!’ Trump demands Harris impeachment weeks before election

‘This Chills Me’: Authoritarianism Expert Warns Of What Trump’s New Promise Really Means: The former president’s call for “one really violent day” has critics shuddering

Even Republicans alarmed by new Georgia election rules — but experts worry “nothing will be done”

‘Simply a myth’: Trump’s false voter fraud claims set stage for turmoil — again

Look what’s happening to U.S. Embassies in some foreign countries.

Republicans have a message for Zelenskyy: Stay out of US politics

Perspective: 5 ways the Constitution is being violated, according to conservatives: Conservatives have raised concerns for years about ‘not following the constitution.’ Yet many people still don’t know what that actually means.

US drops push for Haiti peacekeeping plan to appease China, Russia

State Department urges Americans to flee Lebanon as unrest over Hezbollah spreads across Mideast Violence was also reported outside the US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.

# Media
AT&T sells stake in DirecTV to TPG for $7.6 billion: Under the agreement, the Company will sell its entire 70% stake in a non-contingent transaction subject only to customary closing conditions.

# Medical News
The Vagus Nerve’s Crucial Role in Creating the Human Sense of Mind: Like a highway system, the vagus nerve branches profusely from your brain through your organs to marshal bodily functions, including aspects of mind such as mood, pleasure, and fear. How is this crucial brain-body connection orchestrated?

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis have designed a drug-like compound which effectively blocks a critical step in the malaria parasite life cycle and are working to develop this compound into a potential first of its kind malaria treatment.

Bringing treatments for lupus into 21st century: Drugs traditionally used to treat it come with serious side effects. Still, doctors and scientists are determined to find solutions. Two new drugs that treat lupus and lupus nephritis (lupus that involves the kidneys); each has allowed doctors to offer more patients a better chance of remission.

Harris-Trump race poses biggest test yet for reproductive rights

Medicare Beneficiaries Could Lose Access to Some Benefits: Unless Congress acts, telehealth services are scheduled to expire by the end of the year.

How Kamala Harris’ Tie-Breaking Vote Could Push Up Medicare Costs in 2025

Medicare Advantage (MA) to Undergo Significant Changes During the Upcoming Annual Enrollment Period: Among these changes are increased government scrutiny , tighter CMS regulations , reduced base payments and rising healthcare costs.

Seniors Face Medicare Advantage Loss: Insurer Cuts Plan:  The decision reflects a broader trend of insurers restructuring or dropping coverage for participants to cope with financial pressures.

# Military / DOD / NATO / Militia
Israel will invade Lebanon – media: A senior US official confirmed West Jerusalem’s plans to ABC

Thousands of protesters trying to storm US embassy in Baghdad after Nasrallah killing

Bipartisan report urges rethink of America’s Russia strategy

Coast Guard watching Russian, Chinese navy activity near Alaska: “We are actively patrolling our maritime border in the Bering Sea, Bering Strait, and Chukchi Sea, with our largest and most capable cutters and aircraft, to protect U.S. sovereign interests, U.S. fish stocks, and to promote international maritime norms,” said Rear Adm. Megan Dean, Commander of Coast Guard District Seventeen. “Coast Guard Cutter Stratton ensured there were no disruptions to U.S. interests.”

China’s presence in the Northern Pacific Ocean, which borders the United States coast off Alaska, has been growing as its coast guard fleet continues to patrol the area for fisheries law enforcement.

# Military / Global
NATO is planning for mass medical evacuations in case of a war with Russia: NATO is planning for the mass transport of wounded troops in case of a war with Russia. NATO could use hospital trains and buses to move injured troops in such an event, a German general told Reuters. The general’s comments come amid increasing tension between NATO and Russia.

# Nuclear
AI revives ‘zombie’ nuclear plants: A shuttered nuclear plant rumbles back to life to power artificial intelligence at the site of the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history

US nuclear plants won’t power up Big Tech’s AI ambitions right away

# Other Interesting Things
Deep Ocean Mystery: Scientists Stumped by the Enigmatic Discovery of Golden Orb!

Fishermen make rare catch: A doomsday fish, but with a seahorse head?

Scientists confirm there are 40 huge craters at the bottom of Lake Michigan: New observations show the circles are craters, but how they formed remains unclear.

# Transportation / Travel
US Issues Travel Warnings For Venezuela And Panama, Urges Caution In Caribbean

# Veterans / VA
Annual Cost-of-Living Boost for Veterans Benefits Finalized by Congress

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