Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-10-16

Voices, The Peoples News

October 16, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
The US designates a new marine sanctuary led by Indigenous people

Standing Rock Tribe sues Army Corps over Dakota Access Pipeline operation

The Long Walk: A Brutal Chapter of U.S. History That Left 200 Native Americans Dead

Trail of Tears: At the beginning of the 1830s, nearly 125,000 Native Americans lived on millions of acres of land in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina and Florida–land their ancestors had occupied and cultivated for generations. But by the end of the decade, very few natives remained anywhere in the southeastern United States.

Muwekma Ohlone tribe journeys from Bay Area to DC on horseback in fight for recognition

Police surrounded a horse trailer belonging to Indigenous activists seeking recognition of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe at the US Capitol Tuesday afternoon, apparently threatening to take the horses.

# Border / Immigration / Migrants
Aurora resident slams media for downplaying Venezuelan gangs after being forced from Colorado complex: ‘Slap in the face’

Baby-faced Tren de Aragua crew at NYC migrant shelter targets Times Square, and they’re getting away with it,  they’re managing to stay out of jail because of their ages

Pasco County Officials Release Statement About Haitian Immigrants Stored in Warehouse Rumor

Texas Border: Huge Migrant Groups Keep Crossing Illegally

Indiana resident pleads for help, transparency as exploding migrant population overwhelms community

# Cartels / Drugs / Trafficking
Haiti residents fear ‘fate is in God’s hands’ after gang commits worst mass killing in decades

# Corporations / Industry / Business
Another Discount Retailer Declares Bankruptcy, Closing All Stores

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
At $1 trillion, Biden-Harris the most wasteful administration ever: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently announced that the 2024 fiscal-year federal budget deficit — the amount the government spent over and above what it received in total revenue — was $1.8 trillion

Wall Street Is Buying Up Entire Neighborhoods

Scammers hide harmful links in QR codes to steal your information

Many of the small business owners Harris is targeting say they’ve never heard of a key economic proposal

Damning Report Reveals How Trump’s Tariffs Plan Would Demolish Economy

# Education / Schools
Anonymous texts threaten college students with prison time if they vote: report

Campuses Are Pulling Out All the Stops to Crush Palestine Solidarity This Fall Students are fighting back against administrations’ efforts to challenge their right to organize.

The War Profiteers Who Are Quashing Gaza Dissent on Campus: A new database reveals weapons companies’ broad reach and influence on cultural and educational institutions nationwide.

College applicants avoid entire states because of their politics

# Employment / Labor / Unions
What’s behind the widening gender wage gap?

‘Everybody’s angry’: Thousands of autoworkers unemployed

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Oil
DOE’s LNG Export Pause Puts 900,000 Jobs at Risk

# Environment / Climate / Infrastructure / Water
DDT, WWII munitions and radioactive waste: L.A.’s ocean dumping reckoning continues

Scientists warn of ‘societal collapse’ on Earth with worsening climate situation: The study says that among 35 “planetary vital signs”, 25 are currently at record-breaking extremes. Fossil fuels are included in those figures, which show higher-than-ever surface temperature, ocean acidity, and extreme weather.

Wildfires could devastate Butte’s water supply, How officials are working to get ahead of disaster

Watchdog found $7B in untapped FEMA funds — even though DHS Secretary Mayorkas said none available for future disasters

House GOP presses Mayorkas for answers on FEMA funding for illegal immigrants

FEMA’s Inadequate Oversight Led to Delays in Closing Out Declared Disasters

# Food / Alerts / Recalls / How-to
Thousands of cases of ‘zero sugar’ soda recalled after ugly truth discovered

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering
U.S. Department Of Agriculture Forcing More Regulations On Famers

USDA Announces Support for Farmers Impacted by Unjustified Retaliation and Trade Disruption

# General News
‘Horrifying’: Ex-aide recalls begging Trump not to have troops shoot at protesting friends

Ex-Trump Aide Offers Chillingly Specific Details On Trump’s Mental ‘Decline’: Omarosa Manigault Newman, who was on “The Apprentice” and worked in the Trump White House, revealed the alarming changes she’s seen in the former president.

Ex-Trump Official Issues Dire Warning on “Enemy From Within” Comment: Mark Esper, Donald Trump’s former defense secretary, is warning America to take Trump’s military threat seriously.

The Washington Post Covered That Bizarro Trump Rally the Right Way: The Post’s reporter described Trump’s weird town hall–dance party exactly as it was. Is the press starting to get it?

Trump’s pro-Israel stance alienates far right as it ramps up antisemitic attacks

Trump Gives Ominous Clue About What May Happen If He Loses

Even Team Trump Is Panicking Over His Fascist Military Threat

Trump Goes Full Dictator With Threat to Turn Military on U.S. Citizens

Three billionaires have given a whopping $220 million combined to help get Trump elected

Trump Promises Both ‘Immunity’ For All Law Enforcement And to Punish ‘Bad Apple’ Cops: ‘You’re Gonna Have a Bad Police Officer’

Trump Reveals First Targets on Military Hit List in Shocking Interview

Trump would weaken child labor protections in second term, report warns

# Gov / Politics / Global
Israel’s escalates its assault on Lebanon, threatens to strike Iran, and enacts a horrifying plan in Gaza. There is a serious risk of all-out war between Israel, Hezbollah, and Iran.

Israel is a rogue nation. It should be removed from the United Nations | Mehdi Hasan

Netanyahu hits Biden admin, says Israel – not US – will decide how to handle Iran

# Gov / Politics
Biden administration invokes war-time powers: Amid the Gaza war, the Biden administration has resorted to military force without asking Congress, further corroding the U.S. constitution’s checks and balances in this domain. Job one is a ceasefire but war powers reform is a vital task for the future.

Government Corruption Media Articles

Court in Fulton County rules Georgia officials can’t delay, refuse to certify election results: “Election superintendents in Georgia have a mandatory fixed obligation to certify election results,” wrote Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney in the ruling.

The Shadowy Right-Wing Group That’s Suppressing the 2024 Vote: Cleta Mitchell sits atop a well-funded effort to purge voter rolls, muddy the election certification process, and promote sketchy voter registration software.

Ted Cruz Exposed as a Scammer in Embarrassing Debate Smackdown

It’s the 4th anniversary of the biggest lie the Biden-Harris administration ever told. It’s only gotten worse: The American people understand it is not uncommon for political campaigns to spin negative stories, but this went far beyond spin. It was a lie

How the UN Human Rights Council promotes dictatorships over human rights

The top election issue isn’t the economy or immigration — it’s Trump’s unfitness to lead

# Law Enforcment / ATF / FBI / CIA
Neo-Nazi who 3D-printed gun and downloaded terror material jailed for six years

“Police brutality” allegation after shocking video of arrest emerges

Phoenix police under investigation for punching and tasering deaf Black man with cerebral palsy during arrest

Walking While Black: Viral Video Shows ‘Child’ Racially Profiled, Threatened In Florida Community, Mom Says: This follows a concerning trend of Black individuals being racially profiled in public spaces

# Legal / DOJ / ICJ / International Criminal Court [ICC]
Supreme Court tosses decision that shielded officers who arrested citizen journalist

The callous injustice of Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito: The question before the court in the Glossip case is “so bizarre that its very existence should serve as an indictment of capital punishment: Can courts force a state to execute a possibly innocent prisoner when the state itself doesn’t want to?”

Supreme Court steps into a fight over plans to store nuclear waste in rural Texas and New Mexico

# Media
Former politician gets at least 28 years for killing Vegas reporter

# Medical / Health News
The Doctor Behind the ‘Suicide Pod’ Wants AI to Assist at the End of Life

How insurers use doctors to profit off medical codes

Insurers Pocketed $50 Billion From Medicare for Diseases No Doctor Treated: Questionable diagnoses of HIV and other maladies triggered extra Medicare Advantage payments; ‘It’s anatomically impossible’

The real reason health care costs are so high

# Military / DOD / Militia
Mystery drones flew over US base: According to retired US Air Force General Mark Kelly, the flyovers took place using a mixture of 20-foot long fixed-wing drones traveling at around 100mph (160 km/h) and smaller quadcopters.

Destroyer USS Preble arrives in Japan armed with high-energy laser weapon

President Biden Officially Notifies Congress of Troop Deployment to Defend Israel from Iran

US expanding NATO airbase to host nuclear-capable fighter jets

The Iowa-class battleship ‘Wisky’ lost her temper after being hit by fire from North Korean forces

# Military / Global
North Korea says 1.4 million apply to join army amid tensions with South: In escalating rhetoric, Pyongyang blames Seoul for drone incursion that brought ‘tense situation to the brink of war’.

Gulf countries beef up their undersea-warfare chops with European tech: French and Italian firms are on tap to supply sonar technology and miniature submarines to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, respectively.

Video shows one of Taiwan’s F-16s tracking a Chinese J-15 fighter jet with its sniper pod during war games

North Korean Troops Deserting Ukraine Frontline Days After Arrival:

Taking No Prisoners: Why Russia Is Executing Ukrainian Captives

# Other Interesting Things
Stonehenge mystery finally solved as Brit scientists discover where huge ancient stones came from: But how the builders moved the huge stone megaliths to the Salisbury site remains a mystery

# Pharmacy / Pharmaceuticals
The Crackdown on Compounded GLP-1 Meds Has Begun: Now that the Mounjaro and Zepbound shortage is over, Eli Lilly is going after the cottage industry selling “compounded” versions of its meds.

Pharma Exec Convicted in $200M Medicare Fraud Scheme, Faces Decades in Prison

# Social
Alleged Squatters That Took Over Elderly Man’s Home Get Free Lawyer

Video Shows Heavily Armed Police Evict Squatters From Georgia Mansion

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