Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-05-26

Voices, The Peoples News

May 26, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Archaeology
Lasers reveal ancient urban sprawl hidden in the Amazon. South America’s Casarabe culture built a network of large and small settlements in what’s now Bolivia centuries before the Spanish arrived. A network of pre-Columbian canals and pyramids lurks within the thick forest https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sciencenews.org/article/amazon-lasers-lidar-ancient-urban-system-casarabe-bolivia__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2Y_dl4DgN6pKROy1A1-GVwLoub74tRdHAMGZAmUToSLF4lRttKaSoDrmxl9LNj-A7NQtxVFZ5or0wqgR1njAAx7idSfDFOxS$

Ancient pyramids and canals have been revealed in the Amazon:
Archaeological remains of agrarian-based, low-density urbananism have been reported to exist beneath the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka and Central America.

Archeologists have discovered 11 ‘lost’ settlements beneath the Amazon.
The ground below is teeming with vast pyramids and waterways.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Long COVID poses risks to vaccinated people, too: Even vaccinated people with mild breakthrough COVID-19 infections can experience debilitating, lingering symptoms that affect the heart, brain, lungs and other parts of the body, according to new research https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-01453-0__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2Y_dl4DgN6pKROy1A1-GVwLoub74tRdHAMGZAmUToSLF4lRttKaSoDrmxl9LNj-A7NQtxVFZ5or0wqgR1njAAx7idXB4v3WL$

SARS-CoV-2 infection induces severe inflammatory bone loss in Syrian
hamsters: The University of Hong Kong discovered SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause inflammatory activation of bone resorption cells, leading to severe bone loss during the acute and post-recovery phases of COVID-19.
The findings of this study provide insights into the possible long-term complications of COVID-19 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-30195-w__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2Y_dl4DgN6pKROy1A1-GVwLoub74tRdHAMGZAmUToSLF4lRttKaSoDrmxl9LNj-A7NQtxVFZ5or0wqgR1njAAx7idfg4fhjI$

Patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia treated with leukotriene inhibitors are more likely to survive. University at Buffalo biomedical informatics researchers have found that patients hospitalized with
COVID-19 pneumonia had a 13.5% survival advantage when treated with a combination of leukotriene inhibitors (LTIs) and the steroid dexamethasone.

Study reports first use of antivirals in monkeypox patients: A new retrospective study of seven patients diagnosed with monkeypox in the UK between 2018 and 2021, suggests that some antiviral medications might have the potential to shorten symptoms and reduce the amount of time a patient is contagious.

Roche develops monkeypox PCR tests: Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche said  it had come up with PCR tests that can detect monkeypox, as the virus spreads outside endemic countries.

# Education / Schools
The GOP’s Only Answer to School Shootings Didn’t Help in Uvalde https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/05/gop-school-uvalde-shooting-response-guys-with-guns.html?sid=623cb62a440f2846fb4804c7&email=1602501a99a5758652052c0857f4beec9307dbfdcb75c1cebcb48b174fbab7bf&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_content=TheSlatest&utm_campaign=traffic__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2Y_dl4DgN6pKROy1A1-GVwLoub74tRdHAMGZAmUToSLF4lRttKaSoDrmxl9LNj-A7NQtxVFZ5or0wqgR1njAAx7idUWetfdv$

Confronted with mass shootings, Texas Republicans have repeatedly loosened gun laws: Gov. Greg Abbott and other Republican leaders signaled an openness to some gun restrictions after recent mass shootings. But in the last several years, lawmakers have eased gun laws, most notably by passing a permitless carry bill last year.

Top Texas Republicans resist gun control and push for more armed teachers and police at schools in wake of Uvalde shooting As President Joe Biden vowed to enact stricter gun laws following the Uvalde shooting, top Texas Republicans worked to create distance between the shooting and potential gun restrictions.

Texas Republican leaders’ response to the mass: Yet armed police failed to stop the massacre in Uvalde after engaging the alleged shooter before he entered the school.

Even after the mass school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, Republicans are still obstructing any gun reform. And Democrats seem resigned to waiting for Republicans to come around.

Why the Senate Protects Justices From Protesters but Won’t Protect Kids  From Mass Shootings. Our broken political system has produced a federal judiciary that’s enabling the next massacre.

Congress Has Not Passed Any Gun Control Legislation Since Sandy Hook.
While proposals to overhaul gun laws, such a ban on assault-style weapons or high-capacity magazines, face steep odds at the federal level, there are some areas of bipartisan agreement.

Daniel Defense, the Maker of the Uvalde Shooter’s ‘Perfect Rifle,’
Abruptly Exits the NRA Convention: But the company may still benefit from Tuesday’s horror, just as its sales went up after the 2012 slaughter of 20 kids and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

‘You Are Doing Nothing’: O’Rourke Accosts Abbott at Press Conference on
Shooting: O’Rourke’s comments are reminiscent of his calls for gun reform during his campaign for president in 2019, specifically following the mass shooting at a Walmart store in El Paso, his hometown.

Witnesses: Police Stayed Outside as Killer Stormed School: One official said 40 minutes to an hour passed between when Ramos first shot at a school safety officer and when he was finally shot by a tactical team.

March for Our Lives Plans National Protest After TX Shooting: The student-led campaign organized the biggest single day of protest against gun violence in history after the Parkland school massacre in 2018.

‘We Refuse to Go On Like This’: US Students Walk Out to Demand Gun
Control: “We are walking out because we refuse to accept a country where gunfire can ring out at any moment,” said student organizers in California.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical EPA to block Pebble Mine project in Alaska: The E.P.A. has proposed to ban the disposal of mining waste in the Bristol Bay watershed, a decision that very likely means the end of the Pebble Mine https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.axios.com/2022/05/25/epa-bristol-bay-pebble-mine-alaska__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2Y_dl4DgN6pKROy1A1-GVwLoub74tRdHAMGZAmUToSLF4lRttKaSoDrmxl9LNj-A7NQtxVFZ5or0wqgR1njAAx7idVQYHA4e$

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure The WEF Wants You to Accept “pain” of Climate Change Policies: As researchers Kevin Anderson and Isak Stoddard note, “Although such numbers reveal important insights, they risk masking how climate change is not simply a problem to be fixed, but an acute symptom of a highly unsustainable political economy.”

Massachusetts Sues 15 Companies Over PFAS Contamination: Toxic forever chemicals known as poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have polluted drinking water throughout the U.S. Now, one state is fighting back.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Farm groups ramp up battle to keep using banned pesticide to grow food:
Produce growers, other ag groups file an opening brief in the case against EPA’s chlorpyrifos ban. The EPA’s ban is technically a revocation of allowed tolerances for chlorpyrifos residues on food. When farmers use pesticides to grow food, residues of those pesticides often persist in the finished food that people and animals consume.

# Foodie Tips, Tricks and How To’s
8 Reusable Kitchen Essentials: Most of us recycle, and many of us compost our food waste, but there are still so many single-use products we feel we can’t avoid using and then chucking in the garbage once we’re done.

# General Information / Other News
Follow the money on gun rights and gun control: Deadly shootings across the country shock the conscience and spur debate, in communities and in Congress. OpenSecrets is tracking spending on lobbying, contributions from gun control and gun rights groups to members of Congress, as well as current NRA data.

# Gov / Politics Global
“Enough Was Enough”: How Australia Reformed Its Gun Laws & Ended Mass Shootings After 1996 Massacre. In just 10 days the prime minister brokered a deal with local officials to pass higher standards around gun safety that would prevent any mass shootings for the next 20 years.

# Gov/ Politics US
OK Governor Signs Country’s Most Restrictive Abortion Ban: The law bans abortions at the point of fertilization, with few exceptions.

When it comes to Guns, the US is a third world country run by corporate lobbyists for a profit. Trump may have derided sh*thole countries, but he and his ilk are exactly the people who have turned America into one.

How the Senate, Once, Long Ago. Banned Assault Weapons: Courage and common sense were necessary but not sufficient. Here’s how it passed.

A System That Allows Children to Be Killed: At the root of the Uvalde massacre is a wheezing politics and its meager facsimiles of solutions.

The Senate Has Forfeited Its Right to Exist: Not even 19 butchered children can break through its idiotic traditions. The Senate leadership barely even pretended to try to force their hands by scheduling a vote.
Instead, senators are reportedly going on their Memorial Day recess.
It’s a broken, worthless institution.

Senate Set to Leave Washington for 10-Day Recess Without Action on Gun Violence.
Sen. Bernie Sanders urged, “We must abolish the filibuster and pass gun safety legislation NOW.”

O’Rourke Crashes Abbott Press Conference, Blames GOP for Continued Gun Violence “Somebody needs to stand up for the children of this state,” said Beto O’Rourke, the Democratic Texas gubernatorial nominee.

Thanks to Republicans and Manchin, We May Get Only “Prayers” as Children
Die: There have been more than 550 school shootings in the U.S. since Columbine. There are more guns than people in the U.S.

Why Nothing Changed After the Shooting That Changed Everything: Ten years after Sandy Hook, the right is still repeating its line about not “politicizing shootings.” And it’s still working https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://slate.com/business/2022/05/uvalde-shooting-sandy-hook-politicize-tragedy.html?sid=623cb62a440f2846fb4804c7&email=1602501a99a5758652052c0857f4beec9307dbfdcb75c1cebcb48b174fbab7bf&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_content=TheSlatest&utm_campaign=traffic__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2Y_dl4DgN6pKROy1A1-GVwLoub74tRdHAMGZAmUToSLF4lRttKaSoDrmxl9LNj-A7NQtxVFZ5or0wqgR1njAAx7idRHEf4TG$

Why 18-Year-Olds in Texas Can Buy AR-15s but Not Handguns: This week’s massacre in Uvalde, Texas, highlights disparities in how federal laws regulate rifles and handguns. The shooter bought two rifles days after his 18th birthday.

‘Counting Dollars While They Were Counting Bodies’: Abbott Attended Fundraiser Hours After Massacre: “The same governor who told Beto O’Rourke this isn’t the time for politics took the time to stop at a political fundraiser for himself after he knew… kids had been murdered in a Texas elementary school.”

#Law Enforcement
Cops Still Can’t Explain Agonizing Wait to Storm TX School. Distraught parents can be seen literally collapsing into themselves and wailing in anguish as officers refuse to answer their pleas to storm the building.

Lawsuit: Chicago Cop ‘Callously’ Shot 7th Grader in the Back: A 13-year-old boy shot in the back by a Chicago police officer was unarmed and had his arms raised to surrender when he was hit by the bullet https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.npr.org/2022/05/26/1101496374/chicago-police-13-year-old-shot-lawsuit__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2Y_dl4DgN6pKROy1A1-GVwLoub74tRdHAMGZAmUToSLF4lRttKaSoDrmxl9LNj-A7NQtxVFZ5or0wqgR1njAAx7idaKQ1Drt$

Chicago’s Homeless ‘Walking Man’ Set Alight While Lying Down. Joseph Kromelis, 75, sustained burns on almost half of his body and is, according to one police officer, unlikely to survive.

# Legal / DOJ
NY Appeals Court Rules Trump and Two of His Kids Must Testify in Financial Fraud Case: “Our investigation will continue undeterred because no one is above the law.”

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
Rhode Island Becomes 19th State to Legalize Marijuana for Adults: “This new law will work to rectify past wrongs while also moving Rhode Island forward toward a brighter and more prosperous future.”

Case Report: Topical CBD Preparation Resolves Skin Cancer Lesions: The topical application of an ointment containing 20 percent CBD eliminated a cancerous lesion in a 64-year-old woman with a history of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), according to a case report published in the journal Cureus.

# Medical / Health Care
New insights into HIV virus shed light on how it evades immune
surveillance: About 36 million people have died from AIDS-related illnesses and approximately 38 million people globally are living with HIV.

# Science
A new approach to therapy-resistant tumors targets a specific cell-death pathway. An international group of scientists report a new way to kill hard-to-treat cancers. These tumors resist current immunotherapies, including those using Nobel Prize-winning checkpoint-blocking antibodies.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-05-25

Voices, The Peoples News

May 25, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
USDA whistleblower reveals fraudulent wolf kills: A recovery program for endangered Mexican gray wolves is being “sabotaged” by ranchers who claim the canines are killing cattle https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://theintercept.com/2022/05/24/mexican-gray-wolf-endangered-wildlife-services-fraud/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wMhE1hvEsqyFtr90RX9pDYvEv1O0Hzbw74LROQ3Lo6ZY5z4D7ol6l9H5-VURttTFNHDUUTNqgOSvxgwkuGJIcWZyFynOqz3s$

# Children / Youth
The Tragedy of Child Deaths From Firearms: “Of note, this is strictly a US problem. The authors cite a sobering statistic: 90% of all firearm deaths for children 0–14 years of age in high-income countries occur in the US.” Paediatrician Rachel Moon highlights a shocking statistic in an introduction to research analysing gun violence, which in 2019 became the leading cause of death for children under 19 in the United States.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
The Dangerous Parallel Between Monkeypox and AIDS https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/dangerous-parallel-between-monkeypox-aids-1709501__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wMhE1hvEsqyFtr90RX9pDYvEv1O0Hzbw74LROQ3Lo6ZY5z4D7ol6l9H5-VURttTFNHDUUTNqgOSvxgwkuGJIcWZyFySjxTSn$

Thanks to documents released through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by The Intercept against the National Institutes of Health, found that Fauci-funded EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based nonprofit headed by Peter Daszak, was absolutely engaged in gain-of-function research to make chimeric SARS-based coronaviruses, which they confirmed could infect human cells.

# Education / Schools
Office Hours: How the hell do we stop the slaughter of Americans? Must we accept as inevitable yesterday’s slaying of 19 elementary school children, and other mass shootings? The reality is that all forms of gun violence, including random violence, police violence, suicides, and mass shootings, are escalating. We cannot continue to live this way.
See also: Gun Violence Archive 2022: Charts and Maps https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wMhE1hvEsqyFtr90RX9pDYvEv1O0Hzbw74LROQ3Lo6ZY5z4D7ol6l9H5-VURttTFNHDUUTNqgOSvxgwkuGJIcWZyF5NCTJWv$

Uvalde 10-Year-Old Was Shot as She Called 911, Grandmother Says: “The gunman went in and he told the children, ‘You’re going to die.’ And she had her phone and she called 911. And instead of grabbing it and breaking it… he shot her.”

Ted Cruz, Ken Paxton Propose Guns in Schools After Texas Shooting
Horror: Texas Senator Ted Cruz and the state’s attorney general Ken Paxton have suggested that placing more armed officers in schools or giving teachers guns would prevent mass shootings, in the wake of the massacre at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Dangers Of Microwave Cooking: In the end, we came to the conclusion that microwave radiation is not safe. The way it cooks your food is not even and it can cause carcinogenic compounds and bacteria.

# Foodie Tips, Tricks and How To’s
5 Easy DIY Herb-Infused Cooking Oils From Your Backyard (That Could Also Heal Your Hands): Depending on the dried herb used, many infused oils are versatile. You can cook with them, use them as a moisturizer, treat small scrapes and cuts and more.

# Gov / Politics Global
Russia Will No Longer Depend on West, Deepen Trade Ties with China – Lavrov. Speaking with reporters in Moscow on Monday, the Russian diplomat said that while his country would consider rebuilding ties with Western states, it is inclined to stick with more dependable partners going forward.

# Gov/ Politics US
U.S. doesn’t want to protect Ukraine; it wants to defeat Russia. If the U.S. (and its allies) wanted to protect Ukraine, then it (they) would not be doing all they can to prolong Russia’s invasion and destruction of Ukraine. They would not be flooding Ukraine with their weapons to kill Russians. They would not be demanding that Ukraine fight on, which destroys Ukraine even more. But this is what they are doing.

GOP Drops Unprecedented Cash to Save Guvs From MAGA Mutiny. The Republican Governors Association never had to protect incumbents facing primaries, until now.

Democrats want to stop Google’s location data from being used against people who get abortions. If adopted, the change would dramatically reduce police access to citizens’ physical location and affect much more than abortion prosecutions.

Joining an insurrection against the US can disqualify a public official from continuing to serve, a federal appeals court ruled. The 4th Circuit didn’t specifically decide if the disqualification language would apply to Rep. Madison Cawthorn, who lost his reelection bid.

‘Why Are We Willing To Live With This Carnage?’: Biden Demands Action on Guns After Texas School Shooting https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/24/biden-texas-shooting-00034949__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wMhE1hvEsqyFtr90RX9pDYvEv1O0Hzbw74LROQ3Lo6ZY5z4D7ol6l9H5-VURttTFNHDUUTNqgOSvxgwkuGJIcWZyF_QgD1k0$

Chris Murphy Rips Do-Nothing Senators After School Slaughter. “Why are you here, if not to solve to solve a problem as existential as this?”

The Right-Wing Lie That’s Killing Our Children:  Republicans have twisted the 2nd Amendment to suit their extremist purposes, blocking sensible checks on gun ownership and enabling the unceasing procession of mass shootings https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/the-right-wing-lie-thats-killing-our-children-1358161/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wMhE1hvEsqyFtr90RX9pDYvEv1O0Hzbw74LROQ3Lo6ZY5z4D7ol6l9H5-VURttTFNHDUUTNqgOSvxgwkuGJIcWZyFy6Z9179$

Republicans on the Wrong Side of Public Outrage. Their opposition to gun laws and assault on women’s health should be center-stage issues.

Thanks to Republicans and Manchin, We May Get Only “Prayers” as Children
Die: There have been more than 550 school shootings in the U.S. since Columbine. There are more guns than people in the U.S.

Right-Wing Lawmakers Are Eyeing Restrictions on Contraception Like IUDs:
Influential anti-abortion groups have indicated they would back legislation banning these birth control methods.
Contraceptive restrictions would almost certainly face legal challenges.
But the Supreme Court has already laid the groundwork for states to restrict access.

# Media
Social media makes users dissociate from the world around them, social media is great at mindlessly wasting our time, but there are a few tools that can help.

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Attention Readers:

Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-05-24

Voices, The Peoples News

May 24, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
U.S. counts Indian boarding school deaths for first time but leaves key questions unanswered. The Interior Department documented more than 500 deaths of Indigenous children, but it’s far from a complete count. “We have a long way to go,” one expert said.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
The FBI Is Investigating American Parents as Domestic Terrorists: FBI whistleblowers confirm that the agency is targeting anti-mask and anti-vaccine mandate parents https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://emeralddb3.substack.com/p/the-fbi-is-investigating-american?s=r__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wta0z1EXjnc2PkQUbvI3OSXdTe24QUkw_pnSddDnU7sML0xSksZvNsmUQdLVnTFqC0QDm8aCU7Z5QjHqZoOByvsMbkAWk8wg$

Monkeypox Pictures: What Do the Virus Lesions Look Like? The photos can be alarming, but monkeypox remains rare, with a rash that is usually gone within two to four weeks. The virus has been rarely seen outside central and western Africa, and cases outside those regions have been connected to travelers or imported animals https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/monkeypox-pictures-what-does-monkeypox-look-like-1709028__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wta0z1EXjnc2PkQUbvI3OSXdTe24QUkw_pnSddDnU7sML0xSksZvNsmUQdLVnTFqC0QDm8aCU7Z5QjHqZoOByvsMbuwAjnIQ$

Belgium  becomes first country to introduce compulsory monkeypox quarantine . Anyone testing positive must isolate for 21 days as 14 countries now confirm outbreaks and doctors warn of ‘significant rise’
in UK cases

A monkeypox vaccine was approved by the FDA in 2019. Here’s what to know about it as the virus spreads. A handful of cases of the rare but serious monkeypox virus have occurred in the US and other countries where it normally doesn’t spread, but there is a vaccine that can prevent serious disease. Here’s what to know about the Jynneos shot.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Small businesses fear rising inflation, consider shutting down in
droves: The small business network Alignable released its small business inflation poll Monday, which found small businesses are very worried about rising inflation and its effect on the economy.

# Education / Schools
14 Students, One Teacher Dead After Mass Shooting at Texas Elementary School The shooter, identified as 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, has also died, according to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/uvalde-texas-elementary-school-shooting__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wta0z1EXjnc2PkQUbvI3OSXdTe24QUkw_pnSddDnU7sML0xSksZvNsmUQdLVnTFqC0QDm8aCU7Z5QjHqZoOByvsMbn3oHy1w$

Florida Is Banning “Social Justice” From its K-12 Textbooks. Social justice generally refers to the movement for equality in American society and against unfair treatment and unequal opportunities, and is often associated with movements against racism, sexism, and anti-LBGTQ rights.

# Employment / Labor
Why unions are coming to the new economy: And why the “you’re paid what you’re worth” mythology is being revealed as BS https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://robertreich.substack.com/p/the-youre-paid-what-youre-worth-bs?s=r__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wta0z1EXjnc2PkQUbvI3OSXdTe24QUkw_pnSddDnU7sML0xSksZvNsmUQdLVnTFqC0QDm8aCU7Z5QjHqZoOByvsMbuDuEIBs$

Unions in their present form no longer work for our new economy. If they want to play a role going forward they need to reinvent themselves. Time for a Law That Puts Workers, Not Unions, First. The Employee Rights Act of 2022, unlike Biden’s PRO Act, encourages innovation and job flexibility.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical A Gallon of Gas Now Costs More Than the Federal Minimum Wage. The federal minimum wage is $7.25—an amount that hasn’t been raised by Congress in more than a decade.

Oil giant consultant resigns, citing operations beyond ‘limits of our planetary systems’
“I can no longer work for a company that ignores all the alarms and dismisses the risks of climate change and ecological collapse.”

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Invasive Jumping Earthworms Spotted in California: What grows up to eight inches long, is dark with a white band, can leap a foot in the air and is the latest threat to California’s forest ecosystems?

Banned DDT and PCBs Still Threaten Critically Endangered California Condors Despite being banned since the 1970s, DDT and PCBs are still affecting wildlife today, particularly the California condor, a critically endangered species.

Over 500 animal species haven’t been seen in 50 years but they’re still not officially extinct yet. Some could be lost forever, while others could live in areas difficult to reach https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.zmescience.com/science/over-500-animals-and-birds-could-be-lost-or-extinct-study-finds-23052022/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wta0z1EXjnc2PkQUbvI3OSXdTe24QUkw_pnSddDnU7sML0xSksZvNsmUQdLVnTFqC0QDm8aCU7Z5QjHqZoOByvsMbpFG4V8V$

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other What is the glycemic index (GI)? Carbohydrates are found in breads, cereals, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. They’re an essential part of a healthy diet. When you eat any type of carb, your digestive system breaks it down into simple sugars that enter the bloodstream. Not all carbs are the same, as different types have unique effects on blood sugar.
The three GI ratings are:
Low: 55 or fewer
Medium: 56–69
High: 70 or more

‘Forever chemicals’ may have polluted 20m acres of US cropland, study says. PFAS-tainted sewage sludge is used as fertilizer in fields and report finds that about 20m acres of cropland could be contaminated. The analysis is an attempt to understand the scope of cropland contamination stemming from sewage sludge, or biosolids. Regulators don’t require sludge to be tested for PFAS or closely track where its spread, and public health advocates warn the practice is poisoning the nation’s food supply https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/may/08/us-cropland-may-be-contaminated-forever-chemicals-study__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wta0z1EXjnc2PkQUbvI3OSXdTe24QUkw_pnSddDnU7sML0xSksZvNsmUQdLVnTFqC0QDm8aCU7Z5QjHqZoOByvsMbpTIervv$

The U.S. Has Spent More Than $2 Billion on a Plan to Save Salmon. The Fish Are Vanishing Anyway. The U.S. government promised Native tribes in the Pacific Northwest that they could keep fishing as they’d always done. But instead of preserving wild salmon, it propped up a failing system of hatcheries. Now, that system is falling apart.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has chosen not to ban chemicals from food packaging that have been linked to serious health impacts including breast cancer, diabetes, asthma and brain development in children. Food packaging has been linked to serious health impacts including breast cancer, diabetes, asthma and brain development in children.

# General Information / Other News
It’s Trump vs. Pence in Georgia, Though Neither Is on the Ballot:
Georgia’s primaries bring Trump’s likely 2024 run into focus.

# Gov/ Politics US
Mike Pence is Prepared to Take On Donald Trump in 2024: Former Vice President Mike Pence has not officially declared whether he will launch a 2024 presidential run, but he has taken several steps that indicate he is prepared to face former President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination if he runs too.

Republicans Pressure Biden to Commit to War With China Over Taiwan:
After a White House statement appeared to walk back President Joe Biden’s commitment to help defend Taiwan from a Chinese invasion, several Republicans are calling for a firm commitment to a military response, should one be needed.

Anaheim mayor resigns amid FBI corruption investigation: “I hope that the people of Anaheim and our media continue to pursue the question of whether Harry Sidhu was acting alone.” Sidhu, a Republican, has not been charged with a crime, and a statement from his attorney Paul S. Meyer said a “fair and thorough investigation” would exonerate the mayor.
Elected officials in Anaheim had formally urged Sidhu to step aside.

GOP’s “Women’s Bill of Rights” Riddled With Attacks on Trans People: Far from recognizing women’s rights, one Harvard Law expert described the measure as being “solely about transphobia.”

Top Michigan GOP Governor Hopefuls Could Be Disqualified Over Forged Signatures Two top Republican gubernatorial candidates each submitted about 10,000 invalid signatures, the elections bureau found.

# Legal / DOJ
Longtime Trump Gatekeeper Subpoenaed by NY Attorney General: The former president’s executive assistant will face questions under oath next week about Trump’s financial statements.

DOJ to Agents: You Must Step in to Stop ‘Excessive Force’: The new policy obligates federal agents to take action if they witness law enforcement officials “engaging in excessive force.”

Washington State Sets Template for Protecting Kids’ Privacy in Court:
The Washington State Supreme Court has taken a bold step toward protecting children in the legal system by requiring them to be identified only by their initials in court documents. Will other states follow suit?

Lift the Supreme Court’s veil of secrecy: These nine individuals make decisions that affect every American. Why should they get to do it secretly?

State Farm Drops LGBTQ Kids Books Program After Backlash: “This program that included books about gender identity was intended to promote inclusivity. We will no longer support that program.”

Meet the Southern doctor fighting to help trans kids:  Dr. Izzy Lowell, an Atlanta-based family medicine doctor has worked for years to expand access to care for people transitioning, including minors. Lowell’s practice, Queer Med, offers puberty blockers and hormone therapy to nearly 3,000 trans and nonbinary patients across 14 states, via telemedicine as well as at her brick-and-mortar clinic in Atlanta, Georgia.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
Cannabis users require more sedation for endoscopy: As cannabis is legalized in more places and usage rises, clinicians should be aware of patients’ habits and prepare themselves and their patients for increased sedation and accompanying risks, researchers said.

# Medical / Health Care
‘Bio-glue’ could mean end to surgical sutures, staples: Western biomaterials experts have developed the first-ever hydrophobic
(water-hating) fluid, which displaces body fluids surrounding an injury allowing for near-instantaneous gelling, sealing and healing of injured tissue.

Blood Test Can Predict Clinical Response to Immunotherapy in Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Penn study shows clinical outcomes correlate with higher ratio of mutations detected by liquid biopsy https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2020/february/blood-test-can-predict-clinical-response-to-immunotherapy-in-metastatic-non-small-cell-lung-cancer__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wta0z1EXjnc2PkQUbvI3OSXdTe24QUkw_pnSddDnU7sML0xSksZvNsmUQdLVnTFqC0QDm8aCU7Z5QjHqZoOByvsMboUvw9TE$

Regulatory, patent reform needed for inhalers for asthma, COPD: Of the
62 inhalers approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration since 1986, few have offered novel drug innovations, according to a study published online May 17 in Health Affairs.

New head and neck cancer radiotherapy technique could deliver more robust treatment plan in shorter time. A new adaptive radiotherapy technique for head and neck cancer can deliver a more robust treatment plan in a shorter timeframe on MR-Linac, compared with the current method used by most radiotherapy centers.

Gout medicine may also help fight heart failure: The anti-inflammatory benefits of a common gout medicine may help save the lives of heart failure patients, researchers say.

Osteoporosis and a bone-healthy diet: Tips to keep your bones healthy.
Protecting your bone health is easier than you think. Understand how diet, physical activity and other lifestyle factors can affect your bone mass.

Pregnant People May Be Under Intensified Tech Surveillance in Post-Roe
U.S.: A new report forecasts a possible future where “antiquated abortion laws are enforced with cutting-edge technology.”

# Military / DOD
Plans revealed for U.S. to keep troops in Europe: The U.S. plans to keep
100,000 troops in Eastern Europe for the foreseeable future, potentially even increasing the number if it perceives a threat from Russia to NATO or its two new prospective members, Sweden and Finland, several officials told CNN on Friday https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thepressunited.com/updates/plans-revealed-for-us-to-keep-troops-in-europe/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wta0z1EXjnc2PkQUbvI3OSXdTe24QUkw_pnSddDnU7sML0xSksZvNsmUQdLVnTFqC0QDm8aCU7Z5QjHqZoOByvsMbmWcix8Y$

# Military / Global
20 countries in US-led Ukraine Contact Group offer new military aid packages to help Ukrainians beat back invading Russians https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us/2022-05-23/ukraine-russia-war-military-weapons-6104132.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wta0z1EXjnc2PkQUbvI3OSXdTe24QUkw_pnSddDnU7sML0xSksZvNsmUQdLVnTFqC0QDm8aCU7Z5QjHqZoOByvsMbrLXPNTc$

# Science
New research may explain unexpected effects of common painkillers:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin are widely used to treat pain and inflammation. But even at similar doses, different NSAIDs can have unexpected and unexplained effects on many diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

Magnetic device isolates rarest white blood cells. Across the world, food allergies are on the rise. In order to advance the science of food allergies, and learn more about this elusive cell, engineers and clinicians at Stanford University have focused their attention on a way to isolate basophils.

# UFO Disclosure
House Panel to Hold Public Hearing on Unexplained Aerial Sightings:
Congress has not held any open hearings on U.F.O.s since the Air Force closed a public investigation known as Project Blue Book in early 1970.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-05-23

Voices, The Peoples News

May 23, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“Climate change is the greatest threat to our existence in our short history on this planet.
Nobody’s going to buy their way out of its effects.”
– Mark Ruffalo
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
Striking new snake species discovered in Paraguay: It belongs to the genus Phalotris, which features 15 semi-subterranean species distributed in central South America. This group of snakes is noted for its striking coloration with red, black, and yellow patterns.

# Archaeology
Ancient Forest Found Growing Out of Giant Sinkhole in China: At the bottom of a 630-foot sinkhole in China lies a green surprise: an ancient forest with trees stretching nearly 130 feet out of the depths.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Jeffrey Sachs Presents Evidence of Possible Lab Origin of Covid-19: An article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences calls for an independent investigation of information held by U.S.-based institutions that could shed light on the origins of Covid.

Monkeypox Outbreak Prompts WHO to Explore Sexual Contact Theory: The World Health Organization reported 92 confirmed cases across the globe on Saturday and expects to soon issue guidance for health care workers.
As of Saturday, the WHO reported 92 confirmed and 28 more suspected cases in the outbreak in countries not normally affected by the disease.

Belgium Begins Monkeypox Quarantines, Biden Warns “Everybody Should Be Concerned”

Is Monkeypox Just the Beginning? So far, the outbreak is being contained, but what worries many epidemiologists is what happens next https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/monkeypox-animal-disease-covid-19-public-health-1357064/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaxrj_CUQlXHHoNcYBi3eD6czb1pCDSnmg8NGpVjm5B4N3gCae5I-SIk53Js0mMGsFrFI8-bVuGRTFFUmXWGdZ40l0o-gycb$

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Nearly 90,000 Small Businesses in US Expected to Close After Senate GOP Kills Main Street Relief Bill. “The fate of these small businesses,”
said one advocacy group, “will be tied to those senators who voted down this lifeline today.”

One Billionaire Created Every 30 Hours During Pandemic, Oxfam Says:
Inequality “literally kills,” says a new Oxfam International report, which calls for taxing billionaires. As the cost of essential goods rises faster than it has in decades, billionaires in the food and energy sectors are increasing their fortunes by $1 billion every two days.

# Education / Schools
Graduate Student Workers Across the Country Are Helping Each Other Unionize.
The interconnectedness of the movement across far-flung campuses is fueling a cascade of wins in unionization campaigns https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://truthout.org/articles/graduate-student-workers-across-the-country-are-helping-each-other-unionize/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaxrj_CUQlXHHoNcYBi3eD6czb1pCDSnmg8NGpVjm5B4N3gCae5I-SIk53Js0mMGsFrFI8-bVuGRTFFUmXWGdZ40l3jvLOyY$

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Child Hunger Has Skyrocketed Since Manchin, GOP Killed Expanded Child Tax Credit. The first month that eligible families stopped receiving monthly payments, 3.7 million kids were thrown into poverty.

Jif Peanut Butter Recall Follows Salmonella Outbreak in 12 States. J.M.
Smucker issues recall after consumers in 12 states are sickened https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.consumerreports.org/food-recalls/jif-peanut-butter-linked-to-salmonella-outbreak-a1038435385/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaxrj_CUQlXHHoNcYBi3eD6czb1pCDSnmg8NGpVjm5B4N3gCae5I-SIk53Js0mMGsFrFI8-bVuGRTFFUmXWGdZ40lyYmtgTB$

FDA Denies Petitions to Ban Phthlates in Food Packaging: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has chosen not to ban chemicals from food packaging that have been linked to serious health impacts including breast cancer, diabetes, asthma and brain development in children.

# General Information / Other News
E. Michael Jones Gives George W. Bush Free Psychotherapy https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMMh7-iu1aY__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaxrj_CUQlXHHoNcYBi3eD6czb1pCDSnmg8NGpVjm5B4N3gCae5I-SIk53Js0mMGsFrFI8-bVuGRTFFUmXWGdZ40l7hZdpfI$

Roger Stone ‘Going to Prison’ or ‘Flipping on Donald Trump’: Kirschner https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/roger-stone-going-prison-flipping-donald-trump-kirschner-1708922__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaxrj_CUQlXHHoNcYBi3eD6czb1pCDSnmg8NGpVjm5B4N3gCae5I-SIk53Js0mMGsFrFI8-bVuGRTFFUmXWGdZ40l_egmF62$

# Gov / Politics Global
Putin Will ‘Be Gone by 2023,’ Likely to Sanatorium, Predicts Ex-MI6 Chief https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/putin-will-gone-2023-likely-sanatorium-predicts-ex-mi6-chief-1708926__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaxrj_CUQlXHHoNcYBi3eD6czb1pCDSnmg8NGpVjm5B4N3gCae5I-SIk53Js0mMGsFrFI8-bVuGRTFFUmXWGdZ40lx0Su-5M$

Russia bans 963 Americans, including Biden and Harris, but not Trump:
The Russian Foreign Ministry published an updated list of 963 Americans barred from entering Russia, a symbolic move featuring a wide-ranging collection of Biden administration members, Republicans, tech executives, journalists, lawmakers who have died, regular U.S. citizens and even actor Morgan Freeman.

# Gov/ Politics US
‘She Can Win If We Stand With Her’: Sanders to Rally for Cisneros in Texas “Her opponent, one of the very few anti-choice Democrats in Congress, is funded by over a million dollars in corporate contributions from Big Oil companies,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Biden arrives in Tokyo for talks with Japanese allies and a Quad summit:
Thousands of people, most of them Japanese, in rows six deep lined the flight line for hundreds of yards. They waited hours like concertgoers anticipating the overdue headliner.

Oklahoma’s Total Abortion Ban Will Mean Surveillance, Criminalization, and Chaos The state’s new ban is the most extreme in the country, going further than Texas’s notorious S.B. 8 by banning abortion after fertilization.

Biden Vows to Defend Taiwan Militarily If China Attacks: Biden suggested that the U.S. would go further on behalf of Taiwan than what it has done for Ukraine, where Washington has provided military help and intelligence assistance but no American troops following the Russian invasion in February.

U.S. Considers Sending Special Forces to Kyiv to Protect U.S. Embassy:
Administration weighs desire to avoid escalating military presence against security of U.S. diplomats in a conflict zone https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wsj.com/articles/pentagon-weighs-deploying-special-forces-to-guard-kyiv-embassy-11653237183__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaxrj_CUQlXHHoNcYBi3eD6czb1pCDSnmg8NGpVjm5B4N3gCae5I-SIk53Js0mMGsFrFI8-bVuGRTFFUmXWGdZ40l70A5VW0$

Top Senate Republican who voted to overturn the 2020 election admits Biden won fairly. Florida Sen. Rick Scott boldly tells the truth about the 2020 election.

One-stop fix to the election rejection scam: Demand candidates must accept the outcome—or else. If we don’t stop this scourge of election rejection, then the future (and innate rights) of citizen voting are bleak https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nationofchange.org/2022/05/23/one-stop-fix-to-the-election-rejection-scam-demand-candidates-must-accept-the-outcome-or-else/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaxrj_CUQlXHHoNcYBi3eD6czb1pCDSnmg8NGpVjm5B4N3gCae5I-SIk53Js0mMGsFrFI8-bVuGRTFFUmXWGdZ40l19V_FWp$

Trumpist Perdue Seems Poised to Lose Georgia to Brian Kemp: The 2022 Republican midterm primary season rolls on, and like a chipmunk stuck in the waffle of a truck tire, Donald Trump rolls with it.

Jared Kushner’s Middle East Peace Plan Involves Nations Giving Him Billions of Dollars https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nypost.com/2019/06/22/jared-kushner-unveils-peace-plan-to-inject-50b-into-middle-east/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaxrj_CUQlXHHoNcYBi3eD6czb1pCDSnmg8NGpVjm5B4N3gCae5I-SIk53Js0mMGsFrFI8-bVuGRTFFUmXWGdZ40l7kBnPsT$

# Law Enforcement
FBI Provides Chicago Police With Fake Online Identities for “Social Media Exploitation” Team: Internal documents also reveal that police can take over informants’ social media accounts and pose as them online.

# Legal / DOJ
He was stationed in Florida when his child died, but Alabama put him  in
prison: Robert Rice still doesn’t understand how he ended up inside Bibb Correctional Facility, a prison for men far from the panhandle beach town where he lived while serving in the U.S. Air Force Reserves. His failure to act in protection of his child made him culpable, prosecutors said.

The Supreme Court Just Gutted Another Constitutional Right: Like the Dobbs leak, today’s decision also makes clear that the court’s conservative supermajority is hellbent on smashing and grabbing precedent and constitutional rights no matter the consequences.

A lesbian mom was removed from her son’s birth certificate in a case that could threaten LGBTQ parental rights. Oklahoma County District Court Judge Lynne McGuire declared that because Williams had not adopted her son, she was not his legal parent. Williams was ordered struck from W.’s birth certificate. In her place would go the couple’s sperm donor, who was now petitioning for custody.

Meet the Southern doctor fighting to help trans kids. After Alabama passed a law banning gender-affirming care for minors, Dr. Izzy Lowell had to get creative.

# Medical / Health Care
Home tests for sexually transmitted infections: Encouraged by the success of at-home tests for COVID-19, many researchers, policy-makers and affected communities have embraced self-testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

First pig kidneys transplanted into people: Kidneys from pigs that had been genetically modified to have human-like immune systems have been transplanted into two people who had recently died. The organs functioned successfully for more than two days.

# Military / DOD
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby to switch podiums for White House job:
Chief Pentagon spokesman John Kirby is stepping down from his position to switch podiums for a senior communications job at the White House https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nypost.com/2022/05/20/pentagon-spokesman-john-kirby-moving-to-white-house-job-report/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaxrj_CUQlXHHoNcYBi3eD6czb1pCDSnmg8NGpVjm5B4N3gCae5I-SIk53Js0mMGsFrFI8-bVuGRTFFUmXWGdZ40l2Uxgdh7$

Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group deploys from Yokosuka: The aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan and its strike group deployed Friday, months after returning to its homeport of Yokouska, Japan, from a five-month deployment last year.

# Military / Global
US, South Korea to discuss expanded joint military exercises: Citing the threat posed by North Korea, Presidents Joe Biden and Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea agreed Saturday to reinforce their defensive posture on the Korean Peninsula.

Israel Used U.S. Weapons to Destroy U.S. Assets and Aid Projects in
Gaza: Documents show that in 2021, arms made and funded by the United States destroyed UNRWA schools, USAID projects, and a Coca-Cola plant.

# Nuclear
A new law unchains fusion energy: Physicists at EPFL, within a large European collaboration, have revised one of the fundamental laws that has been foundational to plasma and fusion research for over three decades, even governing the design of megaprojects like ITER. The update demonstrates that we can actually safely utilize more hydrogen fuel in fusion reactors, and therefore obtain more energy than previously thought.

# Science
Enzyme breaks down PET plastic in record time: Plastic bottles, punnets, wrap, lightweight packaging made of PET plastic becomes a problem if it is not recycled. Scientists at Leipzig University have now discovered a highly efficient enzyme that degrades PET in record time https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://phys.org/news/2022-05-enzyme-pet-plastic.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaxrj_CUQlXHHoNcYBi3eD6czb1pCDSnmg8NGpVjm5B4N3gCae5I-SIk53Js0mMGsFrFI8-bVuGRTFFUmXWGdZ40l8mPO6R_$

Electrons in a crystal found to exhibit linked and knotted quantum
twists: As physicists delve deeper into the quantum realm, they are discovering an infinitesimally small world composed of a strange and surprising array of links, knots and winding. Some quantum materials exhibit magnetic whirls called skyrmions. unique configurations described as “subatomic hurricanes.” Others host a form of superconductivity that twists into vortices.

Research team develops wood-based foam to keep buildings cooler: Now, researchers reporting in the ACS journal Nano Letters, have designed a lightweight foam made from  wood-based cellulose nanocrystals that reflects sunlight, emits absorbed heat and is thermally insulating. They suggest that the material could reduce buildings’ cooling energy needs by more than a third.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

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This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-05-22

Voices, The Peoples News

May 22, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free
to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of
the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”

~ Ayn Rand
— Ayn Rand– Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan, Robert Hessen (1986).
“Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal”, p.320, Penguin
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
France, Belgium and Germany reported their first cases of monkeypox, joining several other European and North American nations in detecting the disease, endemic in parts of Africa, has already been detected in Australia, and several European and North American nations.

African scientists baffled by monkeypox cases in Europe, US: Scientists who have monitored numerous outbreaks of monkeypox in Africa say they are baffled by the disease’s recent spread in Europe and North America.

Monkeypox Virus Escapes, Simian Death Syndrome (SDS) Cases Soar:
Monkeypox is spread through close contact. It usually begins with flu-like symptoms and then progresses to body rashes.

Twenty Cases of Monkeypox Identified by UK Health Security Agency.

What Experts Need You to Know About the Monkeypox Hysteria. Take it from them. There isn’t a monkeypox-specific vaccine, but the virus is similar to smallpox, so smallpox vaccines should be reasonably effective, and a useful https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.thedailybeast.com/is-monkeypox-the-worlds-new-covid-19-scientists-make-judgment-call__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0DSQuqpX1tdCJrEMfj80niTd7ZQaIr-7NaoOpTQc5gmHQ5nLVl2vGCW1nEKgMRrXOg9NKjkKGPVi_-W0WVlUfu-ejR9oldJW$

Joe Biden on Monkeypox: ‘Everybody Should Be Concerned’: “We have vaccine available to be deployed for that purpose,” Sullivan told reporters aboard the flight to Japan. He said the president continues to be updated regularly on any developments by his health team.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
IRS under fire over wasted billions of dollars and millions in backlogs.  Lawmakers continued to raise concerns about the Internal Revenue Service at a Congressional hearing this week as the agency deals with billions in misspent dollars, hefty processing backlogs, and complaints over poor customer service.

# Education / Schools
College Student Expelled for Refusing Covid Booster, Despite Being Severely Injured by First Dose: Vaccination  mandates for healthy young people epitomized this mass psychosis as children were barred from attending school, doctors and nurses fired, and child patients denied life-saving care, for refusing to take a vaccine that does not stop you from getting covid.

# Employment / Labor
Unemployment Worker Accused of Helping Friends Steal $1.6M in Fraud Scheme.
Antonia Brown had worked for the state of Michigan since 2002, according to a criminal complaint obtained by Newsweek.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Coming this Summer: Spiking Electricity Bills Plus Blackouts. Climate change and poor planning puts strain on the grid and consumers.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other The alarming savvy of baby formula populism: American parents are running out of ways to describe how panicked, and upset the current shortage of formula is making them. Two children in Tennessee with special nutrition needs have been hospitalized because their parents could not find EleCare, an amino-acid based formula made by Abbott Nutrition. The plant in Michigan has been closed since February and only recently received permission to reopen.

Over the last decade, the number of people drinking cow’s milk has dropped, with people swapping dairy for plant-based alternatives, such as oat and almond milk. With new types of plant-based milks seemingly emerging every week, this trend is unlikely to stop any time soon.

Omar Leads Call for Probe of Baby Formula Industry Amid National Shortage. “The nationwide formula shortage is a story of corporate power and monopolies,” said Rep. Ilhan Omar.

# Food Recalls / Alerts
Ground Beef Sold at Whole Foods May Contain Plastic Pieces: If you have this meat in your freezer, throw it away or return it to the store for a refund.

# General Recalls / Alerts
Lead Poisonings of Children in Baltimore Are Down, but Lead Contamination Still Poses a Major Threat, a New Report Says. The Abell Foundation study found that as many as 85,000 homes in the city had “dangerous” levels of lead, and that remediation could cost billions.

# General Information / Other News
The Biggest Mystery of the SCOTUS Leak Isn’t “Who Did It?”  There are actually three mysteries surrounding the leak of a draft opinion that stands to overturn Roe v. Wade from a notoriously leak-proof Supreme Court.

NATO is on the attack once again, pretending to defend us: “The price is unknown at the moment, but that there will be a price is clear,” said Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, a former head of NATO https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/05/21/nato-is-on-the-attack-once-again-pretending-to-defend-us/?mc_cid=300a0883ba&mc_eid=3f7488d454__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0DSQuqpX1tdCJrEMfj80niTd7ZQaIr-7NaoOpTQc5gmHQ5nLVl2vGCW1nEKgMRrXOg9NKjkKGPVi_-W0WVlUfu-ejea-_7K_$

# Global Gov / Politics
Polish prime minister calls for permanent bases in NATO’s east: Poland is prepared to construct new bases to host more NATO forces and other countries along the alliance’s eastern flank ought to follow suit https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.realcleardefense.com/2022/05/21/polish_pm_calls_for_permanent_bases_in_natos_east_833558.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0DSQuqpX1tdCJrEMfj80niTd7ZQaIr-7NaoOpTQc5gmHQ5nLVl2vGCW1nEKgMRrXOg9NKjkKGPVi_-W0WVlUfu-ejYxf42gU$

Putin Is Bringing His Disinformation War to Ukraine https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/putin-bringing-his-disinformation-war-ukraine-1708674__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0DSQuqpX1tdCJrEMfj80niTd7ZQaIr-7NaoOpTQc5gmHQ5nLVl2vGCW1nEKgMRrXOg9NKjkKGPVi_-W0WVlUfu-ejVX7hjEt$

Russian State TV Says Ukraine War Is ‘Rehearsal’ for Conflict with NATO https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-russia-1-60-minutes-fenenko-1708500__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0DSQuqpX1tdCJrEMfj80niTd7ZQaIr-7NaoOpTQc5gmHQ5nLVl2vGCW1nEKgMRrXOg9NKjkKGPVi_-W0WVlUfu-ejb13C5x5$

Fact Check: Did Russia Destroy One of World’s Major Seed Banks in Ukraine? While some of the working samples destroyed may have been lost forever, the main collection, which is housed in underground vaults, appears to be safe, for now https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-ukraine-national-seed-bank-destroyed-russia-1707864__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0DSQuqpX1tdCJrEMfj80niTd7ZQaIr-7NaoOpTQc5gmHQ5nLVl2vGCW1nEKgMRrXOg9NKjkKGPVi_-W0WVlUfu-ejZOhmfTw$

Syria Says U.S. Must Pay for Civilians Killed in Strike and Withdraw Troops https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/syria-says-us-must-pay-civilians-killed-strike-withdraw-troops-1708755__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0DSQuqpX1tdCJrEMfj80niTd7ZQaIr-7NaoOpTQc5gmHQ5nLVl2vGCW1nEKgMRrXOg9NKjkKGPVi_-W0WVlUfu-ejdxPyghn$

Two Turkey Experts on Why Erdoğan Is Rejecting NATO Expansion: The move to block Finland’s and Sweden’s bids threatens the relationship between Ankara and the West.

# Gov/ US Politics
Trump Hand-Wrote Plan to Overturn the Election. John Eastman, the law professor tapped to lead Trump’s effort to keep him in power, has detailed the extensive behind-the-scenes effort to keep Trump in power.

Every President Vows to Focus on China—Biden’s Doing It: Chinese leaders are complaining that Biden’s trip to the region is part of a “Cold War strategy,” but their tough talk won’t deter his administration.

Ginni Thomas Pushed Lawmakers to Help Overturn Biden Win. The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas encouraged the Arizona lawmakers to go pick “a clean slate of Electors.”

Clarence Thomas’ wife more Deeply Involved in Subverting Biden Election https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-biden-us-supreme-court-clarence-thomas-arizona-9e6929dfc81fa53a9b5f9d70b2ba15e8__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0DSQuqpX1tdCJrEMfj80niTd7ZQaIr-7NaoOpTQc5gmHQ5nLVl2vGCW1nEKgMRrXOg9NKjkKGPVi_-W0WVlUfu-ejXQO56S-$

United States is edging closer to authoritarian peril. With autocrats assailing the liberal international order and unscrupulous elected leaders turning to corrupt and illiberal forms of governance, the primacy of democracy in the Nations in Transit region is giving way to violence and misrule.

The 2022 Elections Are Fraught With Undisclosed Dark Money. Nonprofits that do not disclose their donors reported less than $3 million of their independent spending to the FEC.

# Law Enforcement
Search, Destroy, Replace: The Buffalo shooting will be used to increase funding for police–the same police who didn’t stop the racist shooter, who across the country have aligned themselves with white supremacist movements and who regularly shoot young blacks suspected of committing minor offenses like jaywalking or shoplifting.

# Legal / DOJ
The 5th Circuit’s Ambush Against the SEC Is Unprecedented and Shocking Two conservative judges are threatening to turn the executive branch into an instrument of the president’s personal power.

DoJ getting 1000 Witness Transcripts which the Public Will See in Jan6, June Hearings Bombshell. The request comes as the committee prepares for its first public hearing next month, following interviews with more than
1,000 witnesses.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
A comprehensive assessment of the benefits of medical cannabis for cancer-related pain found that for most oncology patients, pain measures improved significantly, other cancer-related symptoms also decreased, the consumption of painkillers was reduced, and the side effects were minimal.

# Medical / Health Care
Abortion and inherited disease: Genetic disorders complicate the view that abortion is a choice: More consideration needs to be given to women and their partners who have a need for abortion due to serious fetal problems that will lead to early death or profound disability in their children.

# Military / DOD
U.S. Preparing Plan To Destroy Russia’s Black Sea Fleet—Ukraine: A Ukrainian official has said that the U.S. is working on a plan to target Russia’s Black Sea Fleet to free up ports whose blockade by Moscow threatens world food supplies.

US and allied military bosses gather in Brussels to chart path for NATO in east https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.stripes.com/theaters/europe/2022-05-19/nato-defense-chiefs-wolters-milley-6054030.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0DSQuqpX1tdCJrEMfj80niTd7ZQaIr-7NaoOpTQc5gmHQ5nLVl2vGCW1nEKgMRrXOg9NKjkKGPVi_-W0WVlUfu-ejQE7XWcg$

US Navy drawing up plans for fleet operations facility in Italy: The Navy is planning a four-story operations center at the home of 6th Fleet, which oversees naval forces in Europe and Africa.

Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen.
Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian General Staff, held a conversation that the Pentagon declined to further detail beyond acknowledging it had happened.

# Military / Global
Polish prime minister calls for permanent bases in NATO’s east: Poland is prepared to construct new bases to host more NATO forces and other countries along the alliance’s eastern flank ought to follow suit https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.realcleardefense.com/2022/05/21/polish_pm_calls_for_permanent_bases_in_natos_east_833558.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0DSQuqpX1tdCJrEMfj80niTd7ZQaIr-7NaoOpTQc5gmHQ5nLVl2vGCW1nEKgMRrXOg9NKjkKGPVi_-W0WVlUfu-ejYxf42gU$

Russia Sets Conditions to Ease Black Sea Blockade: Russia has offered to relax its blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, but only in exchange for sanctions relief from the West, amid fears that the war raging in Eastern Europe is driving a major international food crisis.

Russia’s Black Sea blockade is a problem for the whole world. The siege of Ukraine’s ports is causing global food shortages.

# Security
Secret Service workers for Biden Asia trip sent home: An agent and an armed physical security specialist were involved in an alcohol-fueled incident that included a heated argument with a taxi driver and led to local law enforcement filing a police report.

# Veterans / VA
House lawmakers look to help military families combat inflation by calling for lower prices at commissaries https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.navytimes.com/pay-benefits/mil-money/2022/05/20/lawmakers-urge-dod-to-take-action-to-curb-rising-commissary-prices/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0DSQuqpX1tdCJrEMfj80niTd7ZQaIr-7NaoOpTQc5gmHQ5nLVl2vGCW1nEKgMRrXOg9NKjkKGPVi_-W0WVlUfu-ejRVT3ARH$

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-05-20

Voices, The Peoples News

May 20, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Duwamish Tribe sues Interior in federal court, alleging sex discrimination After decades of back-and-forth with federal authorities, the matrilineal descendants of Chief Seattle want federal recognition, once and for all.

The Yurok Tribe is bringing condors home to Northern California skies.
Hunters, dairy farmers, utility operators, loggers, government agents and conservationists have all supported the tribe in helping North America’s largest land-based birds.

# Indigenous / Global
Hunters in Nunavut are urging Baffinland’s Mary River Mine to alter its shipping plan, as the mine’s ships and ice-breaking activities are negatively impacting narwhal populations. Narwhal is a vital food source for the Inuit living around Eclipse Sound, and hunters say there is hardly enough to feed their families.

# Border / Immigration
Immigration and Customs Enforcement wasted 17 million on 1,200 largely unused hotel rooms to house migrant families, and hired a contractor that did not follow Covid-19 testing protocols, according to a new report from the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
How better ventilation can help ‘Covid-proof’ your home.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Senate Passes $40 Billion in Aid to Ukraine During 40-Year-High
Inflation: The Senate has whisked a $40 billion package of military, economic and food aid for Ukraine and U.S. allies to final congressional approval.

$40 billion Ukraine aid package passed the Senate on Tuesday with relative ease despite opposition from 11 Republicans.

Bidens tax plans are directly aimed at your retirement investments.
While the president’s tax hike could compel high-income investors to move their money into tax-exempt retirement accounts, it could also benefit tax-deferred retirement plans. President Joe Biden’s 2022 budget proposal raises the top income tax rate up to 39.6%.

Pfizer Document Dump Shows Doctor With Ties to Gates Foundation Deleted Trial Participant’s Vaccine Injury: An 80,000-page cache of Pfizer-BioNTech
COVID-19 vaccine documents released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration sheds light on Pfizer’s extensive vaccine trials in Argentina, including the unusually large size of the trials and the story of a trial participant whose vaccine reaction was deleted.

# Education / Schools
Connecticut schools will soon be required to teach climate change.
Here’s why: Close to 90% of schools already teach about climate change, but it will be required by state law beginning in July 2023, said state Rep. Bobby Sanchez, co-chairman of the Education Committee.

# Employment / Labor
A sprawling community of victims have been caught up in a massive series of attacks targeting the nation’s generous coronavirus aid programs. The more than 5 trillion approved since the start of the pandemic has become a wellspring for criminal activity, allowing fraudsters to siphon money away from hard-hit American workers and businesses who needed the help most https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://scammernews.com/an-estimated-163-billion-from-pandemic-unemployment-benefits-were-misspent-or-stolen/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5ia7bs92$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Gas prices hit $4 in all 50 states for the first time, national average reaches record high. California has the highest gas prices at more than
$6 a gallon

More than 230 solar companies, consumer advocates and environmental organizations ask federal regulators to investigate ‘abusive utility practices’ they say have led to higher electricity prices and obstruction of renewable energy competition.
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://pv-magazine-usa.com/2022/05/18/legal-petition-calls-for-an-ftc-investigation-into-electric-utility-abuses/*:*:text=More*20than*20230*20consumer*2C*20environmental,customers*20access*20to*20renewable*20energy__;I34lJSUlJSUlJSU!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5tJAtCXO$ .

Over a million New Yorkers are at risk of losing utility service as their unpaid bills pile up from the first years of the pandemic.

House Democrats Approve Bill to Crack Down on Gasoline Price Gouging https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2022-05-19/house-approves-bill-to-take-aim-at-gasoline-price-gouging__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5vZ_Pl6f$

Exxon doubles down on ‘advanced recycling’ claims that yield few results. The petroleum company is under investigation for misleading the public while exacerbating the global plastic pollution crisis.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Calvert City, Kentucky, has long had what people in other toxic hot spots have been begging for: monitors to prove they’re being exposed to toxic industrial air pollution. Regulators have years of evidence, but the poison in the air is only growing.

# Environment / Climate / Global
UN: Four Key Climate Indicators Broke Records in 2021: The UN’s World Meteorological Organization released its annual State of the Climate report, and the result is a grim account of the progression of the climate crisis.

Australian government scientists have surveyed 719 reefs within Great Barrier Reef Marine Park by air and found that 91 percent are affected by coral bleaching. This year saw the sixth mass bleaching event on record in Australia and the fourth to occur since 2016.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is infamous for being the largest collection of ocean plastic in the world. Twice the size of Texas, it is home to more than 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic that weigh an estimated
80,000 tonnes.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Global Russia Rejects U.N. Plea to Allow Ukraine Grain Shipments as Global Food Crisis Grows.  Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council that Russia’s invasion threatens to trigger years of mass hunger and famine, compounding food shortages caused by climate change,
COVID-19 and inequality.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other These Nine Republicans Voted Against Expanding Access to Baby Formula.
Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene were among those who voted against passing the Access to Baby Formula Act.

Baby Formula Maker Chose Shareholders Over Safety Amid Deadly Bacterial Outbreak New documents show Abbott issued stock buybacks instead of investing in equipment that could have saved babies’ lives https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.salon.com/2022/05/20/abbott-enriched-shareholders-with-stock-buybacks-amid-at-baby-formula-plant_partner/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5r0Op23F$

More than 3,000 potentially harmful chemicals found in food packaging.
International experts who analyzed more than 1,200 scientific studies warn chemicals that migrate into food from food packaging are being consumed https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/19/more-than-3000-potentially-harmful-chemicals-food-packaging-report-shows__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5kNwSv2p$

# General Information / Other News
This drone can both fly and swim. It can also hitch a ride by piggybacking other moving objects. The amphibious drone was inspired by the kingfisher and the suckerfish.

Who owns Einstein’s face? Physicist Albert Einstein resisted efforts to commercialize his identity when he was alive. Now, his image earns millions for the university that he co-founded, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which maintains “extremely aggressive and litigious” control over it. With a patchwork of laws governing ‘publicity rights,’ which didn’t exist as a concept when Einstein died, the situation has ignited endless legal clashes.

Trump Pays $110K Fine But May Still Be Found in Contempt. The former president has until the end of the day to meet the requirements set by New York’s Attorney General.

This Trump-Backed Candidate Wants to Ban Birth Control. She believes “sex ought to be between one man and one woman in the confines of marriage.”

# Global Gov / Politics
Russia Could Actually Lose Territory Amid Ukraine War Disaster: Debate has reportedly emerged within NATO circles over the possibility Ukraine could seize the momentum in its fight against Russia and take back Crimea and the Donbas region.

Russia moves to withdraw from WTO, WHO: Proposals for ending membership in the international organizations have been sent to the parliament https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bignewsnetwork.com/news/272554977/russia-moves-to-withdraw-from-wto-who?utm_source=feeds.bignewsnetwork.com&utm_medium=referral__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5rqr6WJ-$

‘These seeds were stored so that future generations could restore them’:
Russian invaders destroyed Ukraine’s plant biodiversity gene bank housed in Kharkiv https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2022/05/20/these-seeds-were-stored-so-that-future-generations-could-restore-them-russian-invaders-destroyed-ukraines-plant-biodiversity-gene-bank-housed-in-kharkiv/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5qDEZCFv$

# Gov / Politics
Jan 6 committee says it has evidence of GOP-led ‘reconnaissance’ tours The select committee may have determined whether reports of ‘reconnaissance’ tours led by Republican members were accurate https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/january-6-capitol-riot-tours-barry-loudermilk-evidence-investigation-1708377__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5kVkIywC$

Democrats Want to Campaign Against MAGA Candidates: The rise of far-right Republican candidates has some Republicans considering voting Democratic this fall,  and some Democrats trying to engineer the rise of ultra-MAGA candidates they feel will be easier to defeat in a general election https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.axios.com/2022/05/19/gop-ultra-maga-right-could-play-into-dems-hands__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5vu_le0U$

The Buffalo massacre and the mainstreaming of the Great Replacement Theory Like an untreated wound, the Great Replacement Theory is being allowed to fester and is poisoning minds.

Movements are vying for political power, is ‘co-governance’ the answer?
As the left increasingly focuses on electoral politics, a new framework is emerging for how candidates who win should partner with social movements.

Anti-Terrorism Bill Targeting White Supremacists Puts House GOP on the Defensive Progressives put civil liberties “guardrails” in the domestic terrorism bill passed by the House this week. Plus: Some lawmakers push for creation of an active shooter alert system.

Trump Endorsed Her. Now She Wants to Use State Power to ‘Crush’ the Left and Impose ‘God’s Moral Order.’ Jacky Eubanks, a Gen Z zealot running for state office in Michigan, vows to make contraception illegal,
insisting: “God’s morality is for everybody”

# Legal / DOJ
Noam Chomsky: The Supreme Court Is Wielding Illegitimate Authority in the U.S.
The Supreme Court has returned to its ultra-reactionary roots, and effects of this turn will be “extreme,” Chomsky says.

# Media
Censorship Isn’t the Solution to Social Media’s Ills. Technology is tampering with freedom of speech, and we don’t know what to do about it.
At issue are the global platforms Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and the disturbing propaganda, disinformation and lies propagated on them.
The inclination, on the left and the right, is to censor. It is a terrible solution, more toxic and damaging to the body politic than the disease.

# Medical / Health Care
U.S. Buys Millions of Monkeypox Vaccines, Which Were Already Made and Invoiced, After Massachusetts Man Is Infected: The massive $119 million order of Jynneos jabs, which can be used to treat both the monkeypox virus and smallpox, was created by the biotechnology company Bavarian Nordic https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/monkeypox-cased-uk-massachusetts-case-vaccine-ordered-us-1708075__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5oeP38hD$

Monkeypox cases under investigation in Canada as outbreak spreads in Europe, U.S., U.K., Portugal and Spain also investigating cases as global numbers grow https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/monkeypox-canada-quebec-europe-us-outbreak-1.6458523__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5n1mbhyl$

Monkeypox: why scientists are on alert: Scientists are trying to understand why the virus, a less lethal relative of smallpox, has cropped up in so many populations around the world. More than 120 confirmed or suspected cases of monkeypox, a rare viral disease seldom detected outside of Africa, have been reported in at least 11 non-African countries in the past week.

A Black doctor tried to diversify medicine. Then she lost her job. After Hurricane Katrina, Princess Dennar made history as the first Black woman to run a physician residency program at Tulane University. In 2020, she made history again, this time by suing Tulane for racial and gender discrimination. Her white male bosses had “subverted” and “actively undermined” her leadership for years “to force her to resign,” she alleged, and young Black women training under her were suffering the consequences.

New Documents Show How Drug Companies Targeted Doctors to Increase Opioid Prescriptions. A trove of documents published as part of a legal settlement offers an unvarnished look inside the financial relationships between pharmaceutical companies and the medical community, from the perspective of drug companies themselves.

Oklahoma GOP Passes Anti-Abortion Bill That Bans Procedure at Fertilization The ban utilizes a Texas-like enforcement mechanism, allowing residents to sue abortion providers for sums of $10,000. If signed into law, the bill would be the most restrictive ban yet, essentially outlawing all abortions in the state https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://people.com/health/oklahoma-legislature-passes-bill-banning-abortions-from-the-moment-of-fertilization/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1QeU_k8SCKeYAPeCj3mdytLJJ_VwS6Ln5jd-kk-aOt57wBm8QLcHOiN0S7YaRNa63ALCyi0wQRV985ZLQg52Brzz5vLSNATH$

Rep. Lucy McBath Warns Anti-Abortion Laws May Treat Miscarriage as Manslaughter. The Democratic congressmember from Georgia spoke against the criminalization of reproductive care.

# Military / DOD
Junior sailors stationed at Naval Air Station Key West, Florida, are struggling to find homes after the closure of two of the base’s barracks sent about 60 service members looking for alternative places to stay.

# Social
She Warned the Grain Elevator Would Disrupt Sacred Black History. They Deleted Her Findings. A whistleblower says a plan to build a grain elevator on an old plantation would disrupt important historical sites, including possibly unmarked graves of enslaved people, and that her cultural resource management firm tried to bury her findings.

# Technology
The Global Drive to Control Big Tech: In the high-stakes battle between states and technology companies, the rights of internet users have become the main casualties.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-05-19

Voices, The Peoples News

May 19, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
CDC Urges Indoor Mask Use as U.S. Coronavirus Cases Surge Again https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.democracynow.org/2022/5/19/headlines/cdc_urges_indoor_mask_use_as_us_coronavirus_cases_surge_again__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1z34crzfpydYRKtV5O1GUReXVfv4__DPiYLV-50ggPV1gTNnfJbECIka4Z2M4NsdsBPlCtE6kr-FZRJ3lVQ_xdM0Dyfw1JH9$

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Retirees Are Poised to See the Biggest Social Security Change in 41 Years Key Points
* Social Security retirees experience several changes in most years.
* The biggest change in 41 years is expected in 2022.
* The change may seem like good news, but most likely isn’t.

These are Congress’ biggest private equity investors. Featuring some of DC’s wealthiest politicians. In our May+June 2022 issue, Mother Jones investigates the vulture capitalists chewing up and spitting out American businesses, the politicians enabling them, and the everyday people fighting back. Find the full package here.

# Education / Schools
End of Free School Meals Will Be Catastrophic for Kids. Authorization to allow schools to serve free meals to all students is set to expire on June 30.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Gas stations in Washington reprogram pumps for $10-a-gallon fuel. The nation’s average gasoline price climbs to $4.57 a gallon, nearly double from the average of $2.41. Other gas stations across the state have started to run out of gas as supplies become scarce, with reports that at least 10 stations have gone dry.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other ER docs to parents: Please don’t dilute infant formula: As the United States faces critical shortages of baby formula, parents are being cautioned against watering down formula in an effort to stretch out what they have.

Full List of 192 House Republicans Who Voted Against FDA Baby Formula Bill The bill would provide $28 million in emergency funding to address the nationwide shortage of infant formula.

# Global Gov / Politics
Putin’s Troops Now Openly Plotting to Ditch ‘Stupid’ War: “It’s not desertion, because we shouldn’t be on this territory.”

Two Turkey Experts on Why Erdoğan Is Rejecting NATO Expansion. The move to block Finland’s and Sweden’s bids threatens the relationship between Ankara and the West.

# U.S. Gov / Politics
Ted Cruz hit with 15-page ethics complaint seeking to have him
disbarred: Citing the suspension of Rudy Giuliani’s law license by the state of New York, an activist organization seeks to have Sen. Ted Cruz disbarred over his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

What you need to know about the anti-democracy movement, who’s funding it, why it’s inspired by Viktor Orban, and what it aims to achieve.
Today’s billionaire class is pushing a radically anti-democratic agenda for America, backing Trump’s lie that the 2020 election was stolen, calling for restrictions on voting, and even questioning the value of democracy.

Why Ken Paxton’s supporters in the Texas attorney general race are unbothered by his mounting scandals. Paxton’s backers say they’re looking past the FBI investigation into Paxton and his felony indictment because he’s a a strong conservative advocate fighting the Biden administration.

Congress Must Pass the ‘For the People Act’: Bold legislation introduced in the House (H.R. 1) and Senate (S. 1) would ensure that our democracy works for everyone.

George Bush finally admits it: He launched a “wholly unjustified and brutal” invasion of Iraq https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.motherjones.com/mojo-wire/2022/05/george-bush-ukraine-iraq/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1z34crzfpydYRKtV5O1GUReXVfv4__DPiYLV-50ggPV1gTNnfJbECIka4Z2M4NsdsBPlCtE6kr-FZRJ3lVQ_xdM0DxN_mCmp$

Dark money gets darker with less disclosure in the 2022 election https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.businessinsider.com/republicans-ketanji-brown-jackson-dark-money-disclose-act-mitch-mcconnell-2022-3__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1z34crzfpydYRKtV5O1GUReXVfv4__DPiYLV-50ggPV1gTNnfJbECIka4Z2M4NsdsBPlCtE6kr-FZRJ3lVQ_xdM0D_qf6GFJ$

Campaign finance reform bill passes after McNally issues rebuke of dark-money groups. Editor’s note: This story has been updated to correct and provide additional information about Tennesseans for Student Success.

After a last-day negotiation, lawmakers passed a campaign finance and ethics reform bill to provide a spotlight on dark-money groups.

Oklahoma Legislature Passes Bill Banning Nearly All Abortions. If Governor Kevin Stitt signs the bill requiring private citizen enforcement, the state will have the strictest anti-choice law in the country https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/oklahoma-passes-bill-banning-nearly-all-abortions-1355947/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1z34crzfpydYRKtV5O1GUReXVfv4__DPiYLV-50ggPV1gTNnfJbECIka4Z2M4NsdsBPlCtE6kr-FZRJ3lVQ_xdM0D6ZW7MzC$

# Legal / DOJ
Former Minneapolis cop pleads guilty to manslaughter during George Floyd arrest “His acknowledgment he did something wrong is an important step toward healing the wounds of the Floyd family, our community, and the nation.”

A group of lawyers want the State Bar of Texas to investigate Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz for his “leading” role in attempting to overturn the
2020 presidential election results.

MyPillow Guy Gets Indicted; MAGA Clerk In Even More Trouble https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/lindell-tina-peters-ethics-investigation__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1z34crzfpydYRKtV5O1GUReXVfv4__DPiYLV-50ggPV1gTNnfJbECIka4Z2M4NsdsBPlCtE6kr-FZRJ3lVQ_xdM0D_etOADv$

Justice Thomas: ‘We are in danger of destroying the institutions required for a free society’: A roughly 8-minute clip of his talk was published by C-SPAN, in which he said, “I think we are in danger of destroying the institutions that are required for a free society. You can’t have a civil society, a free society without a stable legal system.

The GOP Is Attacking LGBTQ Rights in Schools. These Students Are Fighting Back.
Anti-racist and LGBTQ youth are organizing in school to resist the onslaught of Republican attempts to silence them.

Texas to Resume Investigating Families of Trans Kids. A recent court ruling has cleared the way for Gov. Greg Abbott’s crusade to resume.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
Marijuana legalization linked to fall in alcohol, tobacco, and pain medication consumption https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.zmescience.com/medicine/marijuana-legalization-linked-to-fall-in-alcohol-tobacco-and-pain-medication-consumption/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1z34crzfpydYRKtV5O1GUReXVfv4__DPiYLV-50ggPV1gTNnfJbECIka4Z2M4NsdsBPlCtE6kr-FZRJ3lVQ_xdM0D-wf1FtD$

# Medical / Health Care
First US monkeypox case identified hours after a CDC official expressed concern about unusual outbreak across Europe https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.businessinsider.in/science/health/news/first-us-monkeypox-case-identified-hours-after-a-cdc-official-expressed-concern-about-unusual-outbreak-across-europe/articleshow/91650274.cms__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1z34crzfpydYRKtV5O1GUReXVfv4__DPiYLV-50ggPV1gTNnfJbECIka4Z2M4NsdsBPlCtE6kr-FZRJ3lVQ_xdM0D0q6ivz8$

Spain and Portugal have detected over 40 suspected cases of monkeypox, a viral infection rarely seen in Europe, with both outbreaks concentrated in the Madrid and Lisbon areas. Monkeypox Disease: Symptoms of monkeypox in humans include lesions, fever, muscle ache and chills. Most people recover from the illness within several weeks.

Mozambique has detected its first case of wild poliovirus in three decades, following an outbreak in neighbouring Malawi in February https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.afro.who.int/countries/mozambique/news/mozambique-confirms-wild-poliovirus-case__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1z34crzfpydYRKtV5O1GUReXVfv4__DPiYLV-50ggPV1gTNnfJbECIka4Z2M4NsdsBPlCtE6kr-FZRJ3lVQ_xdM0D0TIPNJ9$

Texas doctor’s research links onset of Gulf War illness in some veterans to sarin gas exposure https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/newsroom/articles/year-2022/sarin-nerve-gas-gulf-war-illness.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!1z34crzfpydYRKtV5O1GUReXVfv4__DPiYLV-50ggPV1gTNnfJbECIka4Z2M4NsdsBPlCtE6kr-FZRJ3lVQ_xdM0DyfLl5Qy$

Unexplained hepatitis cases in kids offer more questions than answers:
There is a lot that is unclear about the hepatitis that’s impacting several hundred children worldwide, but parents shouldn’t panic.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

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This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-05-18

Voices, The Peoples News

May 18, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous / Global
# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
Scientists find new and mysterious DDT chemicals accumulating in California condors https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.arcamax.com/currentnews/newsheadlines/s-2677202-p3__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMB_CAWDp$

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
‘That’s Just Part of Aging’: Long Covid Symptoms Are Often Overlooked in Seniors https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://khn.org/news/article/long-covid-symptoms-seniors/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMLTJNaPq$

# Economy / Finance / Trade
“It’s a money game”: How Mastercard and Visa tolerate scams that hurt consumers on a massive scale. Two-Card Monte: Why Mastercard And Visa Rarely Shut Down Scammers Who Are Ripping Off Consumers. The global credit card rivals maintain a strikingly permissive relationship with companies that have been accused of fraud. For one of Mastercard’s top executives, that relationship went even further.

# Education / Schools
The GOP Is Attacking LGBTQ Rights in Schools. These Students Are Fighting Back.
Anti-racist and LGBTQ youth are organizing in school to resist the onslaught of Republican attempts to silence them.

# Employment / Labor
NY Sues Amazon for Discrimination Against Pregnant, Disabled: The state claims that Amazon denies “reasonable accommodations” for pregnant and disabled workers. Amazon managers repeatedly ignored recommendations from the company’s “accommodation consultants,” who in turn never challenged these brushoffs, according to the complaint. It also claims workers were approved for reduced work schedules for medical reasons and then were denied by their supervisors who simply said no “without offering any explanation.”

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical After Cuba, Biden Moves to Ease Some Trump Sanctions on Oil-Rich Venezuela https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nypost.com/2022/05/17/biden-eases-venezuela-sanctions-one-day-after-cuba-rules-lift/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMIhG5Rt_$

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Yes, the drought really is that bad. The Western U.S. is experiencing its longest continuous streak of dry years since 800 A.D.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Global Madera, California, residents complain about agricultural pesticides.
Nearly every resident who spoke at a meeting mentioned someone they knew who had pancreatic or lung cancer, leukemia or asthma.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Nancy Pelosi Opens Door for Criminal Charges Over Baby Formula Shortage.
The Speaker of the House did not specify who should be charged, or for what crime they should be prosecuted.

Democrats Want $28 Million To Boost Baby Formula Supplies https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.axios.com/2022/05/17/house-democrats-new-bill-baby-formula-shortage__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMCgs1Tby$

Farm vehicles have become so heavy they’re affecting the world’s soils.
As they operate across fields, these machines slowly crush the soil and make it harder for plants to grow, risking reducing harvests across global cropland in the next decades, a new study found.

# Global Gov / Politics
Putin’s Next Big Farce Is Happening Right Under Our Noses. The Russian president is still taking us all for idiots.

U.S. Allies Snubbed by Biden Could Now Threaten to Derail NATO Expansion https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/us-allies-snubbed-biden-could-now-threaten-derail-nato-expansion-1707106__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMEpkLDik$

Cracks Are Emerging in Putin’s Alliance Against the West https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-csto-belarus-putin-war-lukashenko-1707377__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMGjuQV-n$

‘The whole world is against us’: Russian military analyst gives damning assessment of Ukraine war on state TV. We need to get out of this situation,” Mikhail Khodaryonok said.

The Kremlin controls messaging about the war in Ukraine. As more information leaks out online and from soldiers’ family members, Russian residents begin to challenge this narrative https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fortune.com/2022/03/11/russia-kremlin-backed-media-off-message-question-putin-war-ukraine-invasion/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMF3H4u4B$

An Intriguing New Sign That Key Russian Figures Might Be Turning Against Putin’s War https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/05/russian-colonel-putin-war-critics-tv.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdML9ieXDU$

# U.S. Gov / Politics
Trump Endorsements Face Toughest Test Yet in 27 Primary Election Battles https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/trump-endorsements-gop-primaries-pennsylvania-north-carolina-1707366__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMEn714XY$

Republicans Just Chose Their Candidate for PA Governor. He Could Cause a Constitutional Crisis in 2024. Doug Mastriano has endorsed radical theories about overturning the popular vote to empower Trump.

Pennsylvania’s GOP Nominee for Governor Is Arguably the Scariest Man in Politics. Exit Madison Cawthorn, enter Doug Mastriano, and God help us all.

Democratic Leadership Sided With Corporatists to Fight Progressives in Primaries. Super PACs, corporatist Dems and oligarchs tried to shut out the voices of the people in these races, says Nina Turner.

Anticipating End of Roe, Michigan Judge Blocks 1931 Anti-Abortion Law.
The statute violates state constitutional protections on bodily integrity, Judge Elizabeth Gleicher said.

Ex-Trump Official Quits GOP, Says Republican Party Is Now A Threat To America. “I’m done. I no longer believe the Republican Party can be saved.  The vitriolic rhetoric is inspiring violent radicals. I’m quitting the GOP. And I hope more do the same,” former DHS chief of staff Miles Taylor https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thehill.com/news/administration/3492717-trump-era-anonymous-whistleblower-leaving-republican-party/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMKxDzf0U$

PA Primary Is Too Close to Call, But Trump Says ‘Dr. Oz Should Declare Victory’ Anyway “This is why we keep saying Trump is a clear and present danger to democracy.”

# Medical / Health Care
Ultra-powerful brain scanners offer hope for treating cognitive symptoms in Parkinson’s disease: Ultra-powerful 7T MRI scanners could be used to help identify those patients with Parkinson’s disease and similar conditions who are most likely to benefit from new treatments for previously-untreatable symptoms, say scientists.

Type-I interferon stops immune system from ‘going rogue’ during viral infections McMaster University researchers have found not only how some viral infections cause severe tissue damage, but also how to reduce that damage.

Researchers from the Centenary Institute and the University of Technology Sydney have published the first study showing why people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19.

Hospitalized children covered by Medicaid who reside in the poorest neighborhoods are at increased risk of being admitted to the hospital’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and of dying while there. The researchers also found higher mortality rates among Black children treated in PICUs.

Anti-abortion crusaders tried to block a clinic by claiming flushed fetuses will clog the waterways https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/05/anti-abortion-brave-brighton-new-york-planned-parenthood-water/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMBVIij4a$

New documents show how drug companies targeted doctors to increase opioid prescriptions A trove of recently released documents offers the public an unvarnished look inside those relationships from the perspective of drug companies themselves.

Study reveals that kidney cells don’t filter blood, they pump it: Human kidneys are an intricate network of tubes that process roughly 190 quarts of blood every day. Lining these tubes are epithelial cells that transport blood through the kidneys and circulate it back into the body.
How these immobile cells generate the mechanical force needed to do their job is not fully understood.

Portugal finds 5 monkeypox cases in men as outbreak spreads: Portuguese health authorities on Wednesday confirmed five cases of monkeypox in young men, and Britain announced another two, marking an unusual outbreak in Europe of a disease typically limited to Africa.
See also: The UK Health Security Agency is investigating four new cases of monkeypox in the UK. There are now a total of six confirmed cases.

# Military / DOD
Biden Afghanistan Withdrawal Likely Strengthened al-Qaeda, Pentagon Admits https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cengnews.com/news/the-pentagon-admits-that-bidens-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-strengthened-al-qaeda-475872.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdME2otN4p$

# Nuclear
The Door to Fusion Energy Might Have Just Been Unlocked. An old physics rule-of-thumb has just been updated in a potentially explosive way.

Environmental Advocates Decry Plan to Dump Water From Fukushima Into the Pacific Critics say the plan to discharge contaminated waste water from the nuclear power plant will endanger marine life.

UN to review Japan’s plan to release Fukushima water into Pacific This article is more than 2 months old Taskforce will ‘listen to local people’s concerns’, as government plans to release more than 1m tonnes https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/feb/18/un-to-review-japans-plan-to-release-fukushima-water-into-pacific__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMJKCGs03$

# Science
Vaccinia virus MacGyvers a makeshift tool to repair its DNA, exposing a vulnerability that could be targeted. Instead of relying on the cell’s repair mechanisms, the vaccinia virus MacGyvers a tool for DNA repair from one that it already uses to copy DNA, reports a team of researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://web.musc.edu/about/news-center/2022/05/16/vaccinia-virus-discovery__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMFJVuK4U$

Now a single approach could be used to edit genes in 1.5 million insect species.
With new CRISPR method, gene editing in insects becomes piece of cake https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.zmescience.com/medicine/genetic/crispr-editing-method-insects-20052022/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMAZgC1tF$

Monkeys infected with transmissible diseases are trucked across US—where’s the transportation department? Experimenting on monkeys is cruel, and keeping them is a threat to public health.

# Technology
Twitter Says It’ll Enforce Deal as Musk Appears to Edge Away. The deal includes both a billion-dollar breakup fee and a “specific performance clause” that would let Twitter sue him to try and force him to see it through.

Why Elon Musk’s Plans to ‘Fix’ Twitter Will Be Harder to Implement Than He Thinks On Monday, Musk gave a statement with a short list of goals for the platform, many of which he has recently floated to his 83 million followers on Twitter https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://time.com/6170494/elon-musk-fix-twitter-plans/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!xwZPKX-WcTq5b61HWvhUCmi97gvHMSIocWuhnxVoGN9U8iRjLBI5Akkwvx4G-aEfTn1HRoQI6aZXX_HAwMlvOXtdMBiGfqVV$

# UFO Disclosure
The US government now has 400 official reports of UFOs but Congress wants you to know there’s still no proof of aliens. “Unidentified aerial phenomena are a potential national security threat, and they need to be treated that way,” the committee chairperson said.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-05-17

Voices, The Peoples News

May 17, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“Once in your life you need a doctor, a lawyer, a policeman, and a preacher.
But every day, three times a day, you need a farmer.”
– Brenda Schoepp
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
‘A Crisis Ignored’: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women: To mark the “Day of Awareness” for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW), advocates and allies take to the media to spread awareness about unsolved cases that need greater attention, like that of Kaysera Stops Pretty Places.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
COVID revealed: Full transparency. That’s the only path forward as we expose the entire world to credible experts whose voices must be heard.
There is much, much more to the COVID story than the mainstream media is allowing you to see.

Mask up in indoor public settings, NYC health chief urges: New York City health officials issued an advisory Monday urging New Yorkers to wear masks in all indoor public settings as the city approaches “high risk”
COVID-19 alert status.  People at high risk of severe illness from the virus such as those over 65 years old should avoid crowded settings and nonessential gatherings.

North Korea has confirmed 15 more deaths and hundreds of thousands of additional patients with fevers as it mobilizes more than a million health and other workers to try to suppress the country’s first COVID-19 outbreak, state media reported Sunday.

Most of Shanghai has stopped the spread of the coronavirus in the community and fewer than 1 million people remain under strict lockdown, authorities said Monday, as the city moves toward reopening and economic data showed the gloomy impact of China’s “zero-COVID” policy.

Growing share of Covid-19 deaths are among vaccinated people, booster shots substantially lower the risk. In January and February, amid the Omicron surge, more than 40% of Covid-19 deaths were among vaccinated people https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/11/health/unvaccinated-covid-deaths-growing/index.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kY-7raQ-$

CDC Used Cell Phone Data to Track Americans During Lockdowns and COVID Vaccination Campaigns https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nypost.com/2022/05/04/cdc-bought-cell-phone-data-to-track-lockdowns-vaccination-docs/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kSKOTleT$

College Student Expelled for Refusing COVID Booster After Previous Severe Reactions https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://video.foxnews.com/v/6305736494112*sp=show-clips__;Iw!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kcfGaFfK$

# Education / Schools
Texas librarians face harassment as they navigate book bans: As communities and school districts push for book bans, some Texas librarians are nearing their breaking point.

# Employment / Labor
Goldman Sachs is giving senior staff an unlimited number of vacation days, and all employees will be required to take three weeks off a year beginning in 2023.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical More Oil From U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve Heads to Europe –U.S.
crude is flowing to Europe at rates never seen before.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure As the planet warms, let’s be clear: We are sacrificing lives for profits. Climate change is the result of a deadly calculus: human lives are worth risking and even losing over the profits of global corporations.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Global Independent Swedish study finds switch from conventional farming to organic would require 130% additional land to maintain yields https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2022/05/16/independent-swedish-study-finds-switch-from-conventional-farming-to-organic-would-require-130-additional-land-to-maintain-yields/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kWoGXuPo$

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Nestle Flying Emergency Baby Formula Supplies to U.S.: As U.S. stores run out, Swiss multinational flies in supplies of formula designed for babies that are allergic to cow’s milk.

Baby Formula Shortage Reveals Corporate Monopolies’ Grip on Market.
Currently the U.S. government subsidizes only a few formula brands.
Overhauling this system would combat monopolization.

Baby Formula Import Rules Eased; Abbott Steps Up US Production https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/16/abbott-reaches-agreement-with-fda-to-reopen-baby-formula-plant-to-ease-nationwide-shortage.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kUH5v3Kt$

America is running out of baby formula because 3 companies control the market and babies aren’t that profitable https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fortune.com/2022/05/14/baby-formula-shortage-milk-monopoly-fda/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kQn5PdDN$

# General Information / Other News
Newly released video shows 9/11 hijackers with alleged Saudi intelligence operative:  “Allegations of al-Bayoumi’s involvement with Saudi Intelligence were not confirmed at the time of the 9/11 Commission Report. The above information confirms these allegations.” Another recently declassified FBI memo … said, “There is a 50/50 chance Omar al-Bayoumi had advanced knowledge the 9/11 terrorist attacks were to occur.”

A gunman fatally shot one person and injured five others at Geneva Presbyterian Church Sunday in Laguna Woods, California.

JetBlue launched a hostile takeover bid for Spirit Airlines after Spirit opted for a merger with Frontier. Here’s a quick explainer on hostile takeovers.

Russia has threatened countries supplying arms to Ukraine with retaliation, though did not specify what that retaliation would be. Most analysts believe the threat to be nuclear.  NATO says it is ready to continue backing Ukraine’s war against Russia for years. Israel and other countries are supplying Ukraine with higher-tech weaponry as the war with Russia drags on, with longer range weapons now being deployed for Ukraine.

# Global Politics
Russian State TV Suggests Deploying Nuclear Weapons Against Finland, Sweden https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/russian-state-tv-suggests-deploying-nuclear-weapons-against-finland-sweden-1706855__;!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kW4r5eo1$

# Gov / Politics
Trump Admits ‘Ultra-MAGA’ Candidate Can’t Win Against Democrats https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-kathy-barnette-cant-win-against-democrats-pennsylvania-1707053__;!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kfsHigYd$

Donald Trump’s Enemies Flock to Brian Kemp in Bid to Thwart MAGA Surge.
Mike Pence and George W. Bush are among those who are hoping the governor can defeat the Trump-backed David Perdue in the upcoming primary.

How Russian , Saudis, and China oligarchs are swaying American elections. There is a problem of foreigners influencing American elections, a problem that has nothing to do with immigrants or fraudulent voting. The problem is foreign money flowing into U.S. campaigns.

Biden Signs Law Banning Baby Sleep Products Linked To Deaths https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://khn.org/morning-breakout/biden-signs-law-banning-baby-sleep-products-linked-to-deaths/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kW19mniy$

Overturning Roe v Wade Could Turn Your Cell Phone into Evidence: Privacy and reproductive rights advocates warn that supposedly private phone search histories for abortion options could be used as evidence in fetal death cases prosecuted as crimes.

Don’t Fret, Said Alito; There’s Family Leave! But there’s paid family leave only in states where abortion is legal and will remain so. No state where it’s being criminalized would consider such post-birth decency.

Congress Approves 40 Billion Dollar Ukraine War Bill. Who will hold career politicians and the ruling class accountable? Fight the parties of war and empire. A class-conscious campaign for peace across national borders is difficult. The alternative is an ongoing industrial slaughter, and possibly a nuclear war.

Violent far-right extremism is fueling mass shootings in America. The repugnant massacre in Buffalo also highlights the urgent need for greater attention on shooter warning signs.

# Law Enforcement
Abuse-clouded prison gets attention, but will things change? An Associated Press investigation had revealed a culture of abuse and cover-ups that had persisted for years at the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, California, a women-only facility called the “rape club” by many who know it.

Police chief arrested for selling meth. “DEA and our law enforcement partners will hold drug dealers accountable no matter who they are.”

Guard Allegedly Sodomized Inmate Quarantining With COVID: Former federal correctional officer Jose Viera “knew his conduct was against the law but engaged in such conduct anyway,” a newly unsealed plea agreement states.

Tennessee Pastor Gets Nabbed by Feds for Child Sex Abuse. Joshua Henley also worked as an elementary girl’s basketball coach.

Man Accused of Repeatedly Punching Baby, Then Lighting a Cig. The man has been charged with a first-degree felony count of cruelty against a child after eyewitnesses said they saw him punch the 1-year-old boy up to 15 times.

Man is accused of throwing lit cigarette into baby’s crib: Shannon D.
Wells, 44, faces seven felony charges, five for domestic assault and two for endangering the welfare of a child.

# Legal / DOJ
The January 6 Committee Gets Ready for Prime Time. Can these hearings win the attention of the public? The House select committee investigating the January 6 attack is boldly going where congressional committees almost never go: prime time. Next month https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/05/the-january-6-committee-gets-ready-for-prime-time/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kaekrubX$

What is DHS’ Disinformation Governance Board and why is everyone so mad about it? The Department of Homeland Security’s announcement of a “Disinformation Governance Board” to standardize the treatment of disinformation by the agencies it oversees has been met with an overwhelmingly negative response since it was first unveiled in April.

Yuma County Investigates 16 Voter Fraud Cases. The Yuma County Sheriff says it will investigate 16 election fraud cases involving voting and registration fraud in the 2020 General Election.

Michigan Police Seize Voting Machine During Investigation Into Possible Election Breaches. Police officers in Michigan took custody of a voting machine as the state expands its investigation into what it’s described as possible unauthorized access to election equipment.

# Medical / Health Care
Ripple effects of abortion restrictions confuse care for miscarriages:
As the Supreme Court appears poised to return abortion regulation to the states, recent experience in Texas illustrates that medical care for miscarriages and dangerous ectopic pregnancies would also be threatened if restrictions become more widespread.

UK officials: 4 men infected with ‘rare’ monkeypox in London: British health authorities say they have identified four “rare and unusual”
cases of the disease monkeypox among men who appear to have been infected in London and had no history of travel to the African countries where the smallpox-like disease is endemic.

Dutch doctor says group will keep sending abortion pills to US women.
Rebecca Gomperts, a 55-year-old Dutch physician, has spent years fighting for women’s access to abortion around the world. Now the FDA Is Going After Her.

Rural Texans are facing a shortage of access to medical care. What are the latest solutions?
Texas had rural health issues well before the pandemic. The problems have only gotten worse, major staffing shortages, economic hurdles and spotty broadband limiting access to telehealth.

Record Numbers of Americans Are Dying of Overdoses. Instead of Justice, We Get Theater https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/record-numbers-americans-are-dying-overdoses-instead-justice-we-get-theater-opinion-1706231__;!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kanBcHFA$

Doctors in Alabama Already Turn Away Miscarrying Patients. This Will Be Our New Normal Across the Country. If you want to understand the future of medical care for pregnant women in a post-Roe world, look no further than what is happening in Alabama.

# Military / DOD
Two-star general becomes first woman to lead Horn of Africa command: An Army two-star general is the first woman to take command of forces at the only permanent American military base in Africa, a milestone in the military’s 20-year mission in Djibouti.

# Science
Drug combination reduces the risk of asthma attacks: Results from a clinical study involving a Rutgers scientist suggest a “paradigm shift”
in treating attacks

# Social
200 Mass Shootings So Far This Year; Most With Legal Guns. Academic papers and news accounts compiled by the National Institute of Justice which found that many mass shooters obtained their guns legally.

# Technology
Facebook Is Still Allowing Mug Shots Even Though They Can Ruin Lives:
When an individual’s mug shot goes viral on Facebook, they are often subjected to extreme harassment and struggle to find stable housing and employment.

# UFO Disclosure
Here’s the footage shown at Congress’ first UFO hearing in 50 years.
Aliens? Not sure. Weird stuff caught on camera? Yes.

Military List of UFO Sightings Has More Than Doubled in the Past Year, Navy Official https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sports.yahoo.com/military-list-ufo-sightings-more-185228281.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!31qIkwpOCTPex7Te2h_WIynlyimpze546UWWLFiWPHaXbfgMGWwNmCrN0L1P5zn0Fb7YpOLBUvY_Qeo4X-aNjHl4kVee9oEO$

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-05-16

Voices, The Peoples News

May 16, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous / Global
# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
This is an alert: FDA Warns Dog Food Maker Due to Safety Violations, Multiple Brands. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Warning Letter to Sunshine Mills, Inc., of Red Bay, Alabama due to significant safety violations.

Russian war could be causing surge in dolphin deaths in the Black Sea:
Turkey has recorded rise in strandings across its Black Sea coast since beginning of Russian invasion https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/may/10/ukraine-war-rise-dolphin-deaths-strandings-black-sea__;!!On18fmf1aQ!z2fsMkjEIIldzSNDIEKtGduhfyZzKtpKe5cYMHK5PO-ASbSa0NsAjCh4DdpRDqrgZgm-SEkVMQLc4QmD5MGX_PrhUtP7W8d6$

# Border / Immigration
“This Is America Motherfucker.” Witnesses Describe Border Patrol Killing of Mexican Migrant: Men traveling with Carmelo Cruz Marcos told authorities that Border Patrol agents tampered with evidence and sought to concoct a cover story.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
The COVID Testing Company That Missed 96% of Cases: State and local officials across Nevada signed agreements with Northshore Clinical Labs, a COVID testing laboratory run by men with local political connections.
There was only one problem: Its tests didn’t work.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Biden Losing Inflation Battle 300 Days After Saying It Would Be ‘Temporary’

# Education / Schools
Illinois Will Stop Helping Cities Collect Some School Ticket Debt From Students. Since a Chicago Tribune-ProPublica investigation, school officials say they’re reevaluating when to involve law enforcement in student discipline.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical John Oliver Explains Why Your Electric Bill Is So Damn High: Utility companies gouge consumers, provide substandard service, and even kill people. Yet they seldom pay any meaningful penalties for their negligence https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-news/john-oliver-last-week-tonight-utility-companies-1353786/*recipient_hashed=1602501a99a5758652052c0857f4beec9307dbfdcb75c1cebcb48b174fbab7bf__;Iw!!On18fmf1aQ!z2fsMkjEIIldzSNDIEKtGduhfyZzKtpKe5cYMHK5PO-ASbSa0NsAjCh4DdpRDqrgZgm-SEkVMQLc4QmD5MGX_PrhUgHFfffP$

Texans Slam Gov. Greg Abbott for Power Grid Failures After Earlier Boasts. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas asked residents Friday to conserve power after “six power generation facilities” went offline due to rising temperatures.

Biden’s battling one energy price nightmare. Here comes another. Natural gas prices have tripled since January, adding more fuel to the inflation plaguing the White House’s popularity.

The Tesla effect: Snowmobiles, boats and mowers go electric:
Snowmobiles, made by a start-up Canadian company, Taiga, are battery-powered, the first electric snowmobiles to be sold widely.
“These are not only decisions for the environment but also good decisions for our bottom line.”

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global In the Philippines, a Landmark Finding Moves Fossil Fuel Companies’
Climate Liability into the Realm of Human Rights. While not binding, the findings of the report by the country’s Commission on Human Rights has broad implications for other cases, experts say.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure In a warming world, trees aren’t a climate change cure-all: It’s probably not a great idea to count on forests for a widespread carbon sink, particularly if societies don’t reduce their emissions.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Global Warning: Earth Has 50% Chance of Exceeding 1.5 Degrees Celsius in Next Five Years, Scientists Say https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ecowatch.com/global-warming-forecast-scientists.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!z2fsMkjEIIldzSNDIEKtGduhfyZzKtpKe5cYMHK5PO-ASbSa0NsAjCh4DdpRDqrgZgm-SEkVMQLc4QmD5MGX_PrhUswVFYEU$

Brazil’s Amazon Breaks Another Deforestation Record: Another month in 2022, another announcement of record deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Baby Formula Industry Successfully Lobbied to Weaken Bacteria Safety Testing Standards. The current formula shortage is traced in part to a contamination-induced shutdown at a key manufacturing plant.

McDonald’s Is Officially Done With Russia: Conducting business in Russia is no longer consistent with McDonald’s values, the fast food juggernaut said.

# Global Politics
Athens Declaration Calls for End to Ukraine War and Creation of ‘Lasting Peace.’
Put forth by international progressive leaders “calling the world to sanity,” the document envisions a global security framework committed to de-escalating tensions in the world.

Sweden’s Leaders Defy Putin, Back NATO Bid After Centuries of Neutrality https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/swedens-leaders-defy-putin-back-nato-bid-after-centuries-neutrality-1706772__;!!On18fmf1aQ!z2fsMkjEIIldzSNDIEKtGduhfyZzKtpKe5cYMHK5PO-ASbSa0NsAjCh4DdpRDqrgZgm-SEkVMQLc4QmD5MGX_PrhUm8gE034$

Jewish Progressives Sound the Alarm as Pro-Israel Groups Target Marginalized Candidates. AIPAC and DMFI are leading scorched-earth campaigns in Democratic primaries. Progressive Jews warn the tactics are all too familiar.

Russian State TV Suggests Deploying Nuclear Weapons Against Finland, Sweden https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/russian-state-tv-suggests-deploying-nuclear-weapons-against-finland-sweden-1706855__;!!On18fmf1aQ!z2fsMkjEIIldzSNDIEKtGduhfyZzKtpKe5cYMHK5PO-ASbSa0NsAjCh4DdpRDqrgZgm-SEkVMQLc4QmD5MGX_PrhUuhndVU9$

Russia ‘Won’t Put Up With’ Sweden and Finland Joining NATO: The Kremlin also warned that Brussels, Washington and other NATO capitals should expect a “military-technical response” to the Nordic nations’ new move.

# Gov / Politics
Sanders: GOP Ended Filibuster to Pack Supreme Court, So Dems Must End It to Save Abortion Rights: “If Republicans can end the filibuster to install right-wing justices nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote in order to overturn Roe v. Wade, Democrats can and must end the filibuster to make abortion legal and safe.”

Senate Dems Won’t Protect Abortion Rights, But Vote Unanimously to Protect Justices From Protests: “It’s remarkable how quickly the Senate has acted to protect the privacy and safety of five justices,” said one critic. “It’s something senators are unwilling to do for millions of women.”

MAGA Candidates Attack McConnell Over ‘Abhorrent’ $40B Ukraine Aid Bill https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/maga-candidates-attack-mcconnell-over-abhorrent-40b-ukraine-aid-bill-1706779__;!!On18fmf1aQ!z2fsMkjEIIldzSNDIEKtGduhfyZzKtpKe5cYMHK5PO-ASbSa0NsAjCh4DdpRDqrgZgm-SEkVMQLc4QmD5MGX_PrhUjEJQRHR$

Abortion as ‘Murder’ Bill to Get Rewrite After Failing in Louisiana House https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/abortion-murder-bill-get-rewrite-after-failing-louisiana-house-1706280__;!!On18fmf1aQ!z2fsMkjEIIldzSNDIEKtGduhfyZzKtpKe5cYMHK5PO-ASbSa0NsAjCh4DdpRDqrgZgm-SEkVMQLc4QmD5MGX_PrhUrqYBZEp$

McCarthy ‘Has Nowhere to Run’ After Jan. 6 Subpoena, Ruling: Legal analyst Glenn Kirshner on Sunday reiterated claims that Kevin McCarthy could face federal charges for concealing the alleged crimes of Donald Trump https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/mccarthy-has-nowhere-run-after-jan-6-subpoena-ruling-kirschner-1706749__;!!On18fmf1aQ!z2fsMkjEIIldzSNDIEKtGduhfyZzKtpKe5cYMHK5PO-ASbSa0NsAjCh4DdpRDqrgZgm-SEkVMQLc4QmD5MGX_PrhUh-1RdCr$

Inside the Secret Meeting Between the CIA Director and Saudi Crown Prince. In an unusual foray into diplomacy, William Burns pressed Mohammed bin Salman on oil production, prominent detainees, and the kingdom’s relationship with China.

The U.S. Is Stealing Afghanistan’s Money and Starving Its People: Afghan journalist Masood Shnizai describes his country’s worsening plight since the U.S. departure last year.

SCOTUS Decision in Cruz Case Makes It Easier for Mega-Wealthy to Influence Races The ruling removes caps on the amount of post-election funds a candidate can raise to repay personal campaign loans.

Texas can resume investigating parents of children receiving gender-affirming care for “child abuse,” the state’s highest court ruled Friday. However, the court also stated that the Department of Family and Protective Services is not required to do so, even though it legally can.

# Media
Say No To Censorship: Here’s How We’re Rebuilding Alternative Media:
With the war in Ukraine raging on and corporate media outlets pushing a pro-NATO agenda – we’ve entered war time and having access to alternative information is crucial to preventing escalation.

# Medical / Health Care
Heartbeat , the new biometric method of identifying people: A heart can hide many things. But can it hide your identity? According to a new study, the answer is likely ‘no’ — your heartbeat may contain enough information for smart algorithms to identify you based on it.

The Pentagon has a laser that can identify people from a distance, by their heartbeat The Jetson prototype can pick up on a unique cardiac signature from 200 meters away, even through clothes.

The State Behind Roe’s Likely Demise Also Does the Least for New Parents in Need Mississippians on Medicaid lose coverage a mere 60 days after childbirth. “When women don’t have that coverage, what happens is they die,” says one expert.

Will the FDA change how it vets drugs following the Alzheimer’s debacle?
The accelerated approval of aducanumab has triggered US lawmakers to push for more oversight from the agency.

# Military / DOD
Troops sent to bolster NATO begin turnover as US mulls larger footprint in Europe.
The Pentagon is deploying 10,500 troops in the coming months to replace military units that were rapidly deployed to Europe to bolster NATO’s eastern edge after Russia invaded Ukraine in February.

Junior sailors scrambling for a place to live after the Navy shutters its barracks at Key West: Junior sailors stationed at Naval Air Station Key West, Florida, are struggling to find homes after the closure of two of the base’s barracks sent about 60 service members looking for alternative places to stay https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/05/13/junior-sailors-scrambling-place-live-after-navy-shutters-its-barracks-key-west.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!z2fsMkjEIIldzSNDIEKtGduhfyZzKtpKe5cYMHK5PO-ASbSa0NsAjCh4DdpRDqrgZgm-SEkVMQLc4QmD5MGX_PrhUsSZIQXE$

Biden Orders U.S. Troops Back Into Somalia: The goal is to suppress the militant group Al Shabab, which, according to U.S. military leaders, poses a threat to both the Horn of Africa and the United States.

# Social
Buffalo Gunman’s Racism Directly Tied to Mainstreaming of White Nationalism, Say Critics: “This hateful, white nationalist rhetoric is not just being spread by lone gunmen. It can also be found on cable news and in the rhetoric of politicians today.”

Gunman Kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket in ‘Racially Motivated Hate Crime’
18-year-old white shooter Payton Gendron charged with first-degree murder after targeting Black shoppers in what the FBI called a “case of racially motivated violent extremism”

Three recent shootings at Asian-run businesses in Dallas may be connected hate crimes, police say. The Dallas shootings also follow a disturbing wave of anti-Asian violence across the US.

# Space
Moon goes blood red this weekend: ‘Eclipse for the Americas’:  A total lunar eclipse will grace the night skies this weekend, providing longer than usual thrills for stargazers across North and South America.

# Technology
Google Knows Where You’ve Been. Should It Tell the Police? A federal case cracks open how the search giant traces users’ locations—and how much it’s willing to give to law enforcement.

# UFO Disclosure
This week in Congress: UFO debate flies into Capitol Hill: Members of the House Select Intelligence Committee will hold an open hearing on “unidentified aerial phenomena,” the first in more than 50 years. Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Ronald Moultrie and Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray will testify before the panel on recent research and findings from the Defense Department.

# Water
California is in a water crisis, yet usage is way up. Officials are focused on the wrong problem, advocates say. Residents and businesses across the state are also using more water now than they have in seven years.

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