Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-07-28

Voices, The Peoples News

July 28, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
‘Murder hornets’ have a new common name: Northern giant hornet: Anti-Asian hate crimes helped push U.S. entomologists to give a colorful insect initially dubbed the Asian giant hornet a less inflammatory name.

# Border / Immigration
Former Democratic judges declare invasion, now run for reelection as Republicans in Texas border communities. Two life-long Democrats are now running for judicial reelection as Republicans in Texas border communities. Both women say they are fighting against the Biden administration’s open border policies that they argue are wreaking havoc in their
communities https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.thecentersquare.com/texas/former-democratic-judges-declare-invasion-now-run-for-reelection-as-republicans-in-texas-border-communities/article_f242ea32-0df7-11ed-8dec-e71b3af51dad.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2HGrIp1RfTMoRGEHvX_ivdLmCHXfAgPjvU13uJs9SDhH7y4uWhuTN1yh9UorrXhyhZtnTfAeXKjnhMv9IlQs0TWFWvYPsp6J$

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Manchin’s latest shocker: A $700B deal: The West Virginia centrist and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer struck agreement on a party-line bill that almost everyone in Washington had given up on. West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin said in a press release that his agreement with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer “would dedicate hundreds of billions of dollars to deficit reduction by adopting a tax policy that protects small businesses and working-class Americans while ensuring that large corporations and the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share in taxes.”

How the Federal Reserve’s Rate Hikes Affect Your Finances: The central bank is aggressively raising borrowing costs to try to slow spending, cool the economy and defeat the worst outbreak of inflation in two generations.

# Education / Schools
Betsy DeVos and the GOP’s Plan to Destroy Public Schools: “School choice” is a rhetorical dodge. It’s actually all about entrenching right-wing power, control, and Christian nationalism.

Clarence Thomas Bows Out of Teaching at George Washington University After Students Demand His Dismissal A petition with more than 11,000 signatures demanded that Thomas not be allowed to teach this coming term.

# Employment / Labor
An Industrial Policy Without Worker Protections: The domestic manufacturing bill was meant to be the new frontier of bringing good jobs to America. But workers became an afterthought.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical US sold nearly 6 million barrels of oil from reserves to China, records
show: Chinese firm with ties to Hunter Biden had invested in the national oil giant. Rep. Pat Fallon (R., Texas), a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, is spearheading the investigation along with six of his GOP colleagues, including Reps. Ronny Jackson (Texas) and Ralph Norman (S.C.).

House Democrats Block Vote to Ban Strategic Oil Sales to China: In a vote, House Democrats shot down a GOP-led amendment that would ban the Biden administration and U.S. Department of Energy from selling oil kept in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to one of our nation’s biggest foes, China.

House Democrats Don’t Mind Emptying Out Emergency Oil Reserves To China: China, which has equally sized reserves to the U.S., has tapped only 7.4 million barrels of its own stockpile while our emergency supplies are shipped to Beijing.

Could giving up control of your thermostat save the power grid? Letting power companies adjust the appliances of consenting customers could avert blackouts. Some Republicans think it’s government intrusion. It was unclear how many homes had thermostats changed Wednesday, though TXU said tens of thousands of customers participate in the program.

Why Utilities Want to Control Your Smart Thermostat. A small impingement on your freedom can help avert a regional fiasco: EnergyHub is one of several companies that run demand response programs nationwide, and their program is device-agnostic, so it won’t be users of just one brand of thermostat who notice an increase.

Fossil fuel industry lobbying increases as ConocoPhillips fights for more oil drilling in Alaska. Oil and gas companies spent more than $63.5 million lobbying the federal government in the first six months of 2022, an increase of 11% compared to the same period last year when industry spending hit a 10-year low.

Manchin’s Climate Reversal Comes With Major Caveat: Expanding Oil and Gas: The bill essentially locks the government into permitting new oil and gas leases for the next decade.

Leaked Documents Show Florida’s Largest Utility Funded Far-Right News Site to Spread Propaganda: The documents show how Florida Power and Light (FPL) funneled money to a “news” website that promptly published pieces defending the utility’s policy positions and attacking its critics

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Since 2021, Big Oil has spent over $200 million to sabotage climate
action: Climate Power, the group behind the new analysis, said Democrats’ new climate deal sends “a strong signal” that “deep pockets only go so far.”

To Reduce Harmful Algal Blooms and Dead Zones, the U.S. Needs a National Strategy for Regulating Farm Pollution. Midsummer is the time for forecasts of the size of this year’s “dead zones” and algal blooms in major lakes and bays. Will the Gulf of Mexico dead zone be the size of New Jersey,or only as big as Connecticut? Will Lake Erie’s bloom blossom to a human health crisis, or just devastate the coastal economy?

# Environment / Climate / Global
Palm oil producer mired in legal troubles still razing Sumatran forest: A palm oil company has resumed clearing forest in its concession in Indonesia’s Leuser Ecosystem, the only place on Earth where tigers, orangutans and rhinos coexist.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Global Trudeau Moves Forward with Plan to Reduce Fertilizer Use and Bankrupt Farmers During Global Food Shortage Emergency: This will bankrupt farmers, their land will be scooped up by international billionaires and the global food shortage will deepen.

# General Information / Other News
GOP Rep plants ‘seeds of violence’ as gun victims speak out: Never mind the harrowing shooting stories at a House hearing, Rep. Clay Higgins predicted widespread bloodshed between gun owners and law enforcement if assault weapons are banned.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Syria: NATO, UN are responsible for Turkish Use of Chemical Weapons. Swedish-Iranian Expert Dr. Mansoura Accuses: “Israeli Attacks on Syria would never been Done without Western Support and UN Silence.” Damasco’s Ambassador said. The use of chemical weapons is considered a crime in many international conventions and treaties.  However, the Turkish state continues to perpetrate this crime in front of the whole world on a daily basis.  Although using it against the Kurdish people and guerrilla has been documented hundreds of times, the Turkish state has never been tried

Rep. Haley Stevens Isn’t Paying Her Campaign Interns: Despite her campaign raising millions, one intern got a single Starbucks card. The Prospect can report that Stevens does not pay her campaign interns any compensation.

# Gov / Politics / US
We are One Species, How did we end up so fractured? There are observable differences in such things as skin color and hair texture, as well as some patterns in predisposition to disease based on ancestors’
geographic origins, but the idea of separate races was created by humans and is not found in nature.

Cuba is not a terrorist state, Biden must remove Cuba from the terror list: At the beginning of Biden’s presidency, he stated Cuba’s designation on this list was under review. Eighteen months later, with the administration more concerned about Florida politics than the welfare of the Cuban people, the results of this review have still not been revealed. Cuba remains on the list https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/07/28/biden-should-remove-cuba-from-the-infamous-state-sponsors-of-terrorism-list/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2HGrIp1RfTMoRGEHvX_ivdLmCHXfAgPjvU13uJs9SDhH7y4uWhuTN1yh9UorrXhyhZtnTfAeXKjnhMv9IlQs0TWFWu5Oq-k_$

Arizona’s senate race already one of the most expensive in the nation (Arizona Public Media) “Clearly, this is a critical race for the Republicans. They view this as a top opportunity to pick up a seat and take the majority,” said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of OpenSecrets.

Wave watch: Hundreds more Republicans running for House than Democrats: There are currently more candidates running for the U.S. House of Representatives than in any other election year since at least 1990, according to OpenSecrets data.

# Legal / DOJ
Where the Diverse Judges Are … and Are Not: There is something unusual about the federal judiciary in Tennessee: It has 23 trial judges, but only three are women. Nearly 100 years have passed since the first female federal judge was appointed by President Calvin Coolidge in 1928. The federal judiciary is still primarily a male institution. Of the more than 1,400 federal judges across the country, 70 percent are men. The federal bench is also overwhelmingly White: 78 percent.

# Medical / Health
Kansas GOP Seeks to Remove Abortion Rights From State Constitution in Primaries: If Amendment 2 passes, the Republican-dominated legislature is poised to quickly advance a total abortion ban in Kansas.

Republican Blocks Contraception Access Bill From Coming to Vote in Senate: Bill sponsor Sen. Ed Markey said that the GOP wants “no abortions, and no birth control to prevent the need for one.”

‘It’s Just Going to Unravel’: One of the Midwest’s Last Abortion Doctors Sees Darker Days Ahead: Dr. Sarah Traxler was once avidly against anti-abortion rights. Today, she oversees access to abortion care for millions of women

Judges in North Dakota and Wyoming on Wednesday blocked enforcement of “trigger” bans on abortions, allowing abortion providers in those states to resume services after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a landmark ruling that established the constitutional right to abortion.  The bans in Wyoming and North Dakota were meant to go into effect this week.

# Pharmaceuticals
GOP Opposition to Drug Pricing Bill Shows Scope of Big Pharma’s Grip on Congress: Republicans are opposing legislation that would lower drug costs for millions.

# Science
Fourth person ‘cured’ of HIV, but is a less risky cure in sight? AIDS researchers announced on Wednesday that a fourth person has been “cured” of HIV, but the dangerous procedure for patients also battling cancer may be little comfort for the tens of millions living with the virus worldwide.

# Technology
U.S. Senate Passes Bill To Boost Chip Manufacturing, Compete With China: The US hopes the $52bn in government subsidies for semiconductor production will help alleviate a persistent shortage.

# Veterans / VA
Senate confirms new VA undersecretary for health after job remained vacant for five years: The Senate confirmed Dr. Shereef Elnahal as the VA’s undersecretary of health. Elnahal previously served as the CEO and president of University Hospital in Newark, N.J., since 2019.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-07-27

Voices, The Peoples News

July 27, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
The U.S. Has Spent More Than $2 Billion on a Plan to Save Salmon. The Fish Are Vanishing Anyway. The U.S. government promised Native tribes in the Pacific Northwest that they could keep fishing as they’d always done. But instead of preserving wild salmon, it propped up a failing system of hatcheries. Now, that system is falling apart.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
# Economy / Finance / Trade
US economy sending mixed signals: Here’s what it all means: The U.S. economy is caught in an awkward, painful place. Growth appears to be sputtering, home sales are tumbling and economists warn of a potential recession ahead. But consumers are still spending, businesses keep posting profits and the economy keeps adding hundreds of thousands of jobs each month.

Biden Talks Up the Economy, While the Fed Mashes It Down: Managing today’s economic crosscurrents is far from easy. The Fed is making things worse. So is Biden’s happy talk. Once again, the Federal Reserve has added to the woes of a weakening economy by voting to raise short-term interest rates another three-quarters of a point. The Fed remains worried about inflation, when nearly everyone else is worried about recession.

Fed Rate Hikes Are “Body Blow” to Workers Reeling From Pandemic: Experts forecast another economic recession in the United States with rising inflation and an unchanged minimum wage.

# Employment / Labor
Why Trader Joe’s Workers Are Joining the Fight to Unionize: The big lie corporations sold to American workers in the 20th century and in the first decade of the 21st century: That profit-driven entities could make both employees and customers happy enough that no interventions like worker unions or strong federal regulations were needed.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure New Climate Maps Show a Transformed United States: According to new data analyzed by ProPublica and The New York Times Magazine, warming temperatures, rising seas and changing rainfall will profoundly reshape the way people have lived in North America for centuries.

# Environment / Climate / Global
The Barbados rebellion: An island nation’s fight for climate justice: The Caribbean is trapped between crushing debt and a climate disaster caused by rich nations.

How deforestation is pushing the Amazon toward a tipping point:
Deforestation and degradation are reducing the amount of water the Amazon can recycle back into the atmosphere, leading to less rain and higher temperatures. Climate change is further heating up the forest, contributing to lengthier and more-intense dry seasons and even extreme droughts.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Black farmers in Arkansas still seek justice a century after the Elaine
Massacre: The long shadow of systemic racism continues to harm generations of Black agricultural communities that face entrenched economic obstacles

# General Information / Other News
Oz’s Turkish Nationalist Pals Living in His Secret NJ Condo: Dr. Oz failed to report his ownership of a Garden State apartment, home to friends tied to groups involved in Armenian genocide denial.

Trump Calls for the Execution of Drug Dealers in D.C. Rally Speech: Executing people for drug crimes is a violation of international law.
Trump falsely claimed that the implementation of such a policy would act as a deterrent, and would result in a decrease of drug-related crimes in the U.S.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Zelensky’s conscription now targeting nursing homes, elders flee for their lives: “They’re already grabbing 50-year-olds off the streets, beaches, shopping malls, ‘checkpoints, gas stations and other public places.’ Looks like they’re coming for us next.”

Top democracy activists executed in Myanmar, 4 key things to know: Myanmar’s military junta is losing control over the country, but its execution of four high-profile leaders and prisoners sends a warning to Myanmar citizens and the rest of the world.

Putin’s Pals Admit New Plan to Tamper with U.S. Elections: Moscow is convinced that Trump would have allowed Russia to take Ukraine without a fight and they are desperate to help him back into power.

Hungary PM’s Adviser Resigns After ‘Purely Nazi’ Speech: Viktor Orban’s speech about wanting to avoid becoming “peoples of mixed race” drew international condemnation. Zsuzsa Hegedüs said the Hungarian prime minister’s remarks on ‘race mixing’ were indefensible

# Gov / Politics / US
Biden’s Grants of up to $500,000 to “Promote Atheism Worldwide”: Republicans against US Funding for Asian and Muslim Countries: «How does deconstructing America’s reputation as a country of faith into one that promotes the negation of it improve our standing in the world? How does promoting atheism in parts of the world where religious persecution is widespreadhelp those facing persecution? How does promoting atheism in Muslim countries promote U.S. values and interests?». These are three crucial questions are written in a official note to US President Joseph Biden and to the Secretary of State Anthony Blinken by several House Republicans regarding a grant program the Republicans say will “promote atheism worldwide.”

GOP Pushes Lie that Biden State Dept. is ‘Promoting Atheism’: The House Republicans, instead, accused the Biden administration of empowering “atheists, humanists, non-practicing, and non-affiliated in public decision-making.” They also called the DRL’s program “constitutionally dubious,” questioning how the program could support the U.S.’s foreign policy interest.

House Republicans demand answers from Biden admin over grants ‘to promote atheism worldwide’: House Republicans argue Biden admin grants violate the Constitution

An antidemocratic philosophy called ‘neoreaction’ is creeping into GOP
politics: The explicitly anti-democratic movement seems to have the ear of a major GOP donor, along with at least two GOP front-runners for the US Senate.

Teen’s Twitter Spat With Gaetz Raises $50K for Abortion Fund: He singled her out a tweet, after she blasted his misogynistic comments about women who support abortion rights. Matt Gaetz’s bullying of Houston teen helped her raise over $168K for abortion funds. Olivia Julianna, a 19-year-old Houston activist, said the donations will be split among 50 different abortion funds across the country. Julianna said in an emailed statement; “When a sitting congressmen tries to weaponize your appearance because you’re an abortion rights activist, you raise money for a cause he hates.

Trump Got Burned by a Major Mistake in His First Term. According to Jonathan Swann’s blockbuster two-part Axios report, the former president is currently overseeing plans to build a government based on personal loyalty to him. Trump’s weapon  to disembowel government is an executive order he signed shortly before the 2020 election: Schedule F.

The U.S. is a world outlier on abortion restrictions: The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade is part of a pattern of American exceptionalism that harms people in both the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Democrats Introduce Bill to Place 18-Year Term Limits on Supreme Court Justices: Lawmakers say that the bill is necessary to combat the far right’s hold on the nation’s highest court.

# Legal / DOJ
Justice Dept. investigating Trump in Jan. 6 criminal probe: The former president’s actions after the 2020 election are now under federal scrutiny, according to a new report. Questioning focussed on Mr Trump’s role in ‘fake electors’ scheme

# Medical Alternatives / Herbology
Assimilate & Destroy: The Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in Exploiting Then Suppressing Natural Medicine

# Medical / Health
LISTEN: Max Aung on hidden toxic threats: Dr. Max Aung joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss the dangers of some everyday chemicals to our health

U.S.’s Reactive Polio Strategy Could Be Silently Putting Many at Risk: A New York man is now paralyzed due to polio. Why aren’t public health agencies testing wastewater for the virus?

Texas Republican Seeks to Limit HIV Medication Access After Winning Abortion Ban: Lawyer Jonathan Mitchell is most well-known for helping to craft Texas’s abortion bill, last year’s first blow to Roe. The basis of his argument is blatantly anti-LGBTQ: the lawsuit hatefully claims that requiring people to purchase or provide health insurance that allows free access to PrEP “encourages and facilitates homosexual behavior, drug use, or sexual activity outside of marriage.”

Stem-Cell Transplant Essentially Cures HIV Patient: The 66-year-old received a transplant of blood stem cells with a rare mutation that doctors believe they may be able to mimic using gene editing technologies.

5 misunderstandings of pregnancy biology that cloud the abortion debate. The U.S. Supreme Court’s scrapping of Roe v. Wade leaves abortion laws up to the states: The standard pregnancy clock actually starts ticking before a sperm cell encounters an egg, two weeks before, on average. An ovary releases an egg around day 14 of an average 28-day menstrual cycle. (Day 1 is the first day of menstruation; day 1 is also when a pregnancy officially begins in the month an egg is fertilized.) That means that when a sperm fertilizes an egg, a person is already officially two weeks pregnant. As nonsensical as that sounds, it’s the simplest way medical professionals can date a pregnancy.

# Military / Global
Ukraine strikes at Russian forces in Kherson, a southern city that was captured in March. Rockets appeared to target the Antonivskiy Bridge, which is critical to Russia’s supply routes, the Guardian reports.

# Science
Delayed umbilical cord clamping benefits babies. Cord blood donation could help others: While blood from a newborn’s umbilical cord was once considered a waste product, it’s now known that it contains stem cells. These cells can be used for cord blood transplants, including for specific genetic and hematologic conditions, and some cancers, potentially saving lives.

Physicists have built a molecular-scale motor entirely from DNA strands, and used it to store energy by winding up a DNA ‘spring’. It is not the first DNA nanomotor, but it’s “certainly the first one to actually perform measurable mechanical work”, says biophysicist and co-author Hendrik Dietz.

# Space / UFO Disclosure / Other
Russia’s withdrawal from the International Space Station could mean the early demise of the orbital lab – and sever another Russian link with the West

# Technology
Opponents of CHIPS Act say it could subsidize construction of semiconductors in China, not America: When it was initially introduced, the bill would cost taxpayers $76 billion. Since then, it’s ballooned to $250 billion and is full of taxpayer subsidies to multi-billion-dollar companies with no strings attached for how the money is spent, opponents argue

Tech to climate career changes: Why these workers left jobs like Google:  As the sense of urgency around climate change is increasing, some tech workers are ditching their ultra-desirable, high-paying tech jobs to work at companies fighting climate change. CNBC spoke with a collection of people who have left their tech jobs to work at climate-first companies. Here’s what they told us.

# Technology / Global
TikTok Owner ByteDance Used A News App On Millions Of Phones To Push Pro-China Messages, Ex-Employees Say: Former employees claim the company placed pieces of pro-China content in its now-defunct US news app, TopBuzz, and censored negative stories about the Chinese government. ByteDance says it did no such thing.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-07-26

Voices, The Peoples News

July 26, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Meet the group that’s been bringing bison back to tribal lands for 30 years: For the past three decades, the InterTribal Buffalo Council has worked to reconnect Indigenous people with bison, reviving traditions and healing communities.

FBI shares list of Native Americans missing in New Mexico: More than 170 Indigenous Americans have been reported missing. In an effort to improve the reporting of missing persons in Indian Country, the FBI is releasing a list of more than 170 Native Americans verified as missing throughout New Mexico and the Navajo Nation. The list was last updated on July 21, 2022.

# Border / Immigration
ICE Is Using Data From LexisNexis to Skirt Sanctuary Laws and Deport Immigrants: A hearing this week in Illinois will probe how the data-sharing contract may violate Cook County’s sanctuary ordinance.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
US agencies aren’t ‘following the science’ on COVID, and staff are too scared to complain. “It’s like a horror movie I’m being forced to watch and I can’t close my eyes,” one senior FDA official lamented. That particular FDA doctor was referring to two recent developments inside the agency.

With no solid clinical data, the agency authorized COVID vaccines for infants and toddlers, including those who already had COVID. FDA bypassed its external experts to authorize booster shots for young children. As of Wednesday, just 11,077 kids from 6 months through 4 years old had received the shot, which gained approval for that age group on June 18. There are about 530,000 New York City kids younger than 5.

Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants in wastewater: A system that combined advanced sample preparation with powerful computer analysis was able to identify individual SARS-CoV-2 variants in wastewater.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Wall Street is buying up family homes. The rent checks are too juicy to ignore: Pension funds, investment firms and Wall Street banks are snapping up family homes in Europe and the United States at a rapid pace as prices rocket higher.

Inflation is hammering rural America, report shows: A report from Iowa State University shows that rural Americans are feeling the pain of inflation more than the rest of the country.  Earnings were not able to keep pace with inflation, rising by only 6.1%. The net effect cut rural discretionary incomes by –49.1% between June 2020 and June 2022, reducing the cushion to only $5,426. Expenses now consume 91% of rural take‐home pay.”

Homeowners insurance rate may force some families out of Colorado: Increased homeowner’s insurance rates have forced some Coloradans to look for areas where they can cut costs for necessities like food.

# Education / Schools
The Trump Effect: The Impact of the 2016 Election on the Nation’s Schools: These verbatim comments came in response to questions on a survey asking educators about the impact of the 2016 election campaign on students and schools. The survey was conducted by Teaching Tolerance, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, from March 31 to April 2, 2016.

# Employment / Labor
You’re Going to Miss the Deep State When It’s Gone: Trump’s terrifying plan to purge tens of thousands of career government workers and replace them with loyal stooges must be stopped in its tracks.

Why Trader Joe’s workers are joining the fight to unionize: Workers at two stores among the hundreds of Trader Joe’s locations nationwide are hoping to join a newly formed independent union.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Rising cost of energy: With triple-digit temperatures reported in parts of the U.S., including Texas, the cost of electricity has become “beyond affordable” for some low-income households.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global
Zelensky: Russia Is Waging an ‘Overt Gas War’ Against Europe: His comments came after Gazprom slashed Germany’s supply by around a fifth.

Russian gas company Gazprom announced on Monday it’s severely cutting supply to a pipeline in Germany. EU leaders plan to meet today to discuss the possibility of a winter with unpredictable gas supplies from Moscow, the New York Times reports.

World Oil Production Is Rising, With No End in Sight: Global production is projected to rise to 126 million barrels a day by 2050. It’s time to end the tyranny of oil.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure EPA needs funding and staffing restored for any environmental justice:
Advocates want Congress to make up for the funding and staffing the EPA has lost in its enforcement division. Since 2011, enforcement budget has declined by nearly 30 percent.

We were warned for decades about the death march we are on because of global warming. And yet, the global ruling class continues to frog-march us towards extinction.

Performative Cruelty Is Republicans’ Only Remaining Policy: Being mean and nasty to perceived enemies is all the GOP has to offer. We should disabuse ourselves of illusions that Republicans want power for any purpose other than to exercise power, and to exercise it arbitrarily, unfairly, and with vindictiveness.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Freezing Point on Swiss Alpine Summits Reaches a New High, Another Sign of Climate Change: Meteorologists in Switzerland sent weather balloons over Alpine country in search for the freezing point. The weather balloons had to rise over 5,100 meters (over 17,000 feet), before finding the freezing point, setting a new record and breaking the previous highest freezing point of 27 years ago.

In First-of-its-Kind Protest, Hill Staffers Arrested After Sit-in for Climate Action at Schumer’s Office: Democratic leadership may have given up on passing major climate legislation, but their employees aren’t ready to throw in the towel.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Food additive or carcinogen? The growing list of chemicals banned by EU but used in US: There’s a hidden ingredient used as a whitener in an array of foods, from candies and pastries to cheeses and gum. It’s called titanium dioxide, and while commonly used in the US, it’s being banned in the EU as a possible carcinogen. The additive, also known as E171, joins a host of other chemicals that are banned in foods in the European Union but allowed in the US.
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/23/titanium-dioxide-banned-chemicals-carcinogen-eu-us*:*:text=It’s*20called*20titanium*20dioxide*2C*20and,but*20allowed*20in*20the*20US__;I34lJSUlJSUlJSU!!On18fmf1aQ!xU7RZvPCnNoLDwoWmB3_KX5hXIIAebO_PcSfKzfHjhGLTELuAknOUVXa2FF2CCul2SrvM4edLHzzRiyYHDy-BKCNJezFLRJw$ .

# General Information / Other News
They Want To Kill Americans:  New York Times bestselling author, Malcolm Nance, offers a chilling warning on a clear, present existential threat to our democracy. Our fellow Americans “Malcolm Nance is one of the great unsung national security geniuses of the modern era.”

Steve Bannon Calls On ‘4,000 Shock Troops’ To ‘Deconstruct’ The Government ‘Brick By Brick’: Fresh from a double contempt of Congress conviction  linked to his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, Steve Bannon is now calling on “4,000 shock troops” to “deconstruct” the federal government “brick by brick.” He wants to see people “stepping forward, say[ing], ’Hey, I want to be one of those 4,000 shock troops,” Bannon said on his “War Room” podcast Monday. “Shock troops” are assault forces that lead an attack. “Suck on it,” said Bannon. “We’re destroying this illegitimate regime.”

Exclusive: Neo-Nazi Marine Plotted Mass Murder, Rape Campaigns with Group, Feds Say: While tasked with protecting the nation, Matthew Belanger was plotting a killing spree against minorities and to rape “white women to increase the production of white children,”  according to federal prosecutors

# Gov / Politics / Global
Russia says it wants to end Ukraine’s `unacceptable regime’: Russia’s top diplomat said Moscow’s overarching goal in Ukraine is to topple President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s government

Moldova, which borders Ukraine, fears an invasion by Russia. “If a country can start an annexation war without any regard for, you know, international law, then in this sense nobody is safe, and I think that a lot of countries are worried,” Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita told CNN.

# Gov / Politics / US
Global Reform and How the US Hurts Itself: Both Russia and Iran have, in the past, offered the US the reform it desires. And in both cases, the US undermined those attempts and destroyed what it most desired. Two of the biggest international crises confronting the US today are Russia’s war in Ukraine and the comatose renegotiations of the nuclear agreement with Iran.

The Biden comedy act wows the world in the Middle East: Biden’s trip to the Middle East, like his Presidency, is an unmitigated disaster. His performance with Israelis underscores that his Administration will support the Zionist enterprise under any and all circumstances, but clearly paves the way for an illegitimate and catastrophic American Zio-War with Iran

Mo Brooks Falls With Trump’s Knife in His Back: Casting about for an excuse to dump Brooks, Trump seized on the hard-core constitutionalist’s refusal to support a post-inauguration ouster of President Joe Biden to suggest that this classic troglodyte had gone “woke.” He soon de-endorsed Brooks.

Trump Returns to D.C. and His Minions Can’t Wait to Knife Each Other:
“It’s a mile wide and an inch deep,” a Trump adviser told The Daily Beast of the nonprofit where Trump will speak on Tuesday. The keynote speech will offer “an opportunity to showcase the dual contrasts between America under Trump and America under Biden,” according to the source, who speaks frequently with the former president.

Why do we have state senates? How can 49 percent of the electorate support a candidate for office, yet get no representation? And why doesn’t everybody vote? In today’s installment of the Prospect’s big ideas series, Prospects 2032, Harold Meyerson, Miles Rapoport and E.J.  Dionne look closer at these issues of democracy and voting, and imagine a different world Read Harold Meyerson’s piece here:
Read Miles Rapoport and E.J. Dionne’s piece here:

House progressives are alarmed about a package of bills that would increase funding for local law enforcement, raising concerns that the moves could cost them votes in the upcoming midterm elections, even as moderate Democrats see them as a chance to blunt GOP political attacks.

Lindsey Graham: The GOP Likes Trump Because We Can Use Him: Graham said the quiet part aloud about why he and others who once loathed Trump have become so obsequious to him.

Sanders: If U.S. Can Spend $76 Billion on Computer Chips, It Can Pass Medicare for All: “Let’s join the club” of countries that offer people universal health care and paid medical leave, Sen. Bernie Sanders said.

‘Really Inexcusable’: Progressives Lament Democrats’ Failure to Reverse Trump Tax Cuts: “If the so-called party of the people cannot raise taxes on the ultra-rich they have little purpose other than being yet another handmaiden for the wealthy in Washington.”

# Legal / DOJ
According to an internal email obtained by The Texas Tribune, Attorney General Ken Paxton has banned his office’s lawyers from speaking at any events organized by the State Bar of Texas, further escalating his feud with the entity. The state bar is suing Paxton, alleging professional misconduct, over his lawsuit challenging the 2020 presidential election results.

Corporate interests have given $21.5 million to GOP ‘sedition caucus’  since Jan. 6 attack: In the month of June, as the House J6 committee revealed alarming new details on former President Donald Trump’s coup attempt, corporate trade groups and Fortune 500 companies donated more than $819,000 to the Republican members of Congress who voted against certifying the 2020 election results.

North Carolina AG ‘Concerned’ About Shkreli’s New Venture: Shkreli was banned for life from the pharmaceutical industry earlier this year for conduct at his former drug company.

Department of Justice Is “Finally Going for the Jugular” as Top Pence Aides Testify About January 6: Pence’s ex-chief of staff and top White House attorney recently appeared before the Justice Department’s grand jury.

GOP Lawmaker Attends Gay Son’s Wedding Days After Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Bill: Glenn Thompson voted against Respect for Marriage Act, which would codify the right to have a same-sex marriage into federal law

# Medical / Health
Biden’s top-down booster plan sparks anger at FDA: Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock sent a memo Tuesday evening to vaccine regulators, reiterating her support as frustration over the process spreads within their ranks.

Kids’ Risk of Severe Reaction to Pfizer Shot 4 Times Greater Than Risk of Needing Oxygen Therapy, Singapore Data Show: A New England Journal of Medicine study involving more than a quarter million children ages 5 to 11 raises serious questions about the risk-benefit analysis for vaccinating young children, according to John Campbell, Ph.D., who reviewed the study in a recent video.

Texas Abortion Ban Turned One Woman’s Pregnancy Into a ‘Dystopian Nightmare’: “Anti-abortion zealots should be forced to read this…” asserted one journalist. “They are responsible for her suffering.” Reproductive healthcare advocates on Tuesday recoiled at a harrowing report describing how one Texas woman’s wanted pregnancy became a “dystopian nightmare” after she suffered potentially deadly complications but was still initially denied lifesaving care under the state’s extreme abortion ban.

# Pharmaceuticals
From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire? Over the past decades, regulatory agencies have seen large proportions of their budgets funded by the industry they are sworn to regulate. In 1992, the US Congress passed the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), allowing industry to fund the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) directly through “user fees.”

Bayer Loses Again as US Supreme Court Allows $87 Million Roundup Award: The US Supreme Court let stand an $87 million award against Bayer AG, rejecting the company for the second time in a week as it tries to fend off tens of thousands of claims that its top-selling Roundup weedkiller causes cancer.
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.courthousenews.com/us-supreme-court-deals-bayer-another-roundup-loss/*:*:text=The*20court*20delivered*20its*20rejection,of*20using*20its*20signature*20product__;I34lJSUlJSUlJQ!!On18fmf1aQ!xU7RZvPCnNoLDwoWmB3_KX5hXIIAebO_PcSfKzfHjhGLTELuAknOUVXa2FF2CCul2SrvM4edLHzzRiyYHDy-BKCNJdIiEAHh$ .

Pharma Dirtbag Martin Shkreli Wants to Disrupt the Drug Biz: Two months after getting out of prison, the notorious “pharma bro” is back in the game.

The opioid crisis isn’t just the Sacklers’ fault,  and making Purdue Pharma pay isn’t enough on its own to fix the pharmaceutical industry’s deeper problems. Making them pay is important but it’s not going to stop drugmakers from endangering public health.

Biden, Pharma Pressured Top FDA Officials to Approve Booster Timeline, Emails Reveal: Judicial Watch announced it received 112 pages from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that show top officials being pressured by “companies and for that matter the administration, who try to impose timeless [sic] that make no sense.”

# Science
Understanding how sound suppresses pain. Scientists used mice to identify brain circuits through which sound can blunt pain.

# Social
Lawmakers, Law Enforcement in Two States Crack Down on Homeless: Missouri makes it a crime for the homeless to sleep on state-owned land, while authorities in California’s LA County have forced roughly 200 unhoused people into the desert.

# Space / UFO Disclosure / Other
Russia Quits International Space Station to Build Its Own: The Kremlin will no longer send cosmonauts to the ISS after 2024. Yuri Borisov, head of Roscosmos, says Moscow will fulfil obligations to ISS partners before quitting project

# Technology / Global
Russians reportedly building a satellite-blinding laser – an expert explains the technology: Build a powerful enough laser, and you can shine it into space. Aim it well, and you can blind satellites.

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All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-07-25

Voices, The Peoples News

July 25, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
Hungry Polar Bears Are Eating Garbage Instead of Seals as Their Habitats Melt Away: As climate change erodes the icy habitats of polar bears, they are left stranded from their usual food sources for longer periods of time. So instead of filling up on seals, a new study has found that polar bears are supplementing their diets with garbage, which is expected to become a growing threat to the species.

A few jaguars now roam the Arizona borderlands, why that’s a big deal: Motion-detection cameras in the Dos Cabezas Mountains near Willcox photographed the cat in November. All six jaguars previously found in Arizona and New Mexico since 1996 have been males. This animal’s gender is not known.

# Children / Youth
Is US a beacon of human rights for the world? The US is the only country in the world that has not yet ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
mRNA Platform Inventor Sifts Through the Lies: Story at-a-glance Media and health authorities also ignore what Dr. Robert Malone and others have warned about from the start, which is that vaccinating during a pandemic will drive the evolution of resistant strains. This is precisely what we’re now seeing with Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5, which circumvent both natural immunity and COVID jab-induced antibodies.

There’s One Thing Between Us and the COVID Vax of Our Dreams: We’re about to find out if the new vaccine from Novavax will work as a global fix for the vaccine blindspots that are keeping COVID mutations alive.

87% – The proportion of blood donors under 30 in Ireland who have antibodies showing they have been infected with SARS-CoV-2. That rises to 99% when including those who have vaccine-derived antibodies. Cases of subvariant BA.2.75 have not been detected in Ireland, Dr Cillian de Gascun has said

CHD Demands D.C. Schools Rescind COVID Vaccine Mandate, Says It Violates Federal Law: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief legal counsel for Children’s Health Defense, today told the superintendent of schools for the District of Columbia that CHD will sue the school district unless it rescinds its recently announced COVID-19 vaccine mandate for students ages 12 and up.

Monkeypox or Moneypox? WHO Director Overrules Panel, Declares Public Health Emergency: Contradicting the advice of an independent review panel, World Health Organization Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Saturday officially declared the monkeypox outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

5 Mistakes Fauci Made on COVID That Spelled Disaster : The COVID-19 pandemic was prolonged and intensified by Dr. Anthony Fauci through a series of dramatic missteps including a focus on contact tracing, failing to target the at-risk elderly and closing schools.

COVID Vaccine Mandates From Biden Admin May Cripple National Guard: When the next crisis comes to our shores, the U.S. will lack the number of Guardsmen and women to come to our rescue. Should Secretary Austin enforce this mandate on service members who have opted not to get vaccinated due to personal health reasons or religious exemptions, the National Guard will be crippled.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Global
Russia And China Announce A ‘New Global Reserve Currency’: China and Russia are taking their shot at the U.S. dollar. And as often happens with consequential news in the United States and the West, no one seems to notice or even care.

Global Planned Financial Tsunami has Just Begun: The US is becoming a Third World economy. If the Fed no longer buys trillions of US debt, who will? Since the creation of the US Federal Reserve over a century ago, every major financial market collapse has been deliberately triggered for political motives by the central bank. The situation is no different today, as clearly the US Fed is acting with its interest rate weapon to crash what is the greatest speculative financial bubble in human history, a bubble it created.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical The Ethanol Fraud: America’s ethanol scam is responsible for the malnourishment of millions of people, higher energy costs and substantial resource misallocations. The most damning count of this indictment is corn ethanol fails to do what it is supposed to do and is more tragic because corn ethanol is not environmentally responsible.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global Congo to auction off oil and gas blocks in a step back for climate
change: Peatlands and rainforests in the Congo Basin protect the planet by storing carbon. Now, in a giant leap backward for the climate, theyre being auctioned off for drilling.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Oceans, Technology, and a New Era: In an on-going pillage of Earth and skies, the technology sector has now turned to the oceans. Passion for profit veiled by empty promises of a “green energy future” are the main drivers behind the new blue economy and the emergent Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT). And critical for all this technology are Rare Earth Minerals (REM) found in abundance at the bottom of the ocean.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Mangrove forest found living in freshwater: An international team of researchers has found a mangrove forest living in a freshwater part of the Amazonian delta. In their paper published in the journal Current Biology, the group describes their study of the Amazonian delta and explain why their find is so important.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Global Concern mounts as China sinks its teeth into US farmland: A Chinese company purchased hundreds of acres of North Dakota farmland mere minutes from a major US Air Force base, prompting national security fears as the communist country adds to its nearly 200,000 acres of US agricultural land worth $1.9 billion.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other The Cooling Earth & Farmers In Crisis: Why are Dutch farmers in full revolt with blockades and protests over new controls by the World Economic Forum (WEF)? The problem began when the Dutch government used its Nitrogen Policy (alleged excessive nitrogen emissions) to acquire land from farmers by sale or by theft. They seek to use the land to quickly reduce the number of livestock by 25%.

CDC Finds Glyphosate in Urine of Majority of Children in U.S: A recent analysis by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that urine samples of approximately 87 percent of 650 children living in the United States had detectable levels of the weed killer pesticide glyphosate.

EPA Broke Rules for Evaluating Cancer Risks of Widely Used Pesticide: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency did not properly conduct the cancer risk for a widely used pesticide, a failure that could jeopardize human health, the Office of the Inspector General said in a report issued last week.

# General Information / Other News
How the plastic industry turned the pandemic to its advantage: With its products proving indispensable to combatting Covid-19, the plastics business is reinvigorated. What will it take to bring this major polluter to heel?

‘True Cost of Aging’ Index Shows Many Seniors Can’t Afford Basic Necessities: More than half of older women living alone—54%—are in a similarly precarious financial situation: either poor according to federal poverty standards or with incomes too low to pay for essential expenses https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fortune.com/2022/07/25/elder-index-cost-of-aging-seniors-basic-necessities/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2EcT_1TxhsTcrT-ZmBhoKmvNzxicRBCqCBPZ61Y7zqoaZ_oMpKzdt7iakJyP7FKENHOBFCLLgYdn5t-0bPbk-7bNYs-uXEhg$

# Gov / Politics / Global
The Elephant in the Room: Geopolitics and the ‘Great Reset’ in Sri Lanka to Benefit QUAD-NATO’s Corporates Ranil Wickramasinghe who lost his parliament seat and decimated his own political party at the last elections, and whose house was partially burned by protestors, is now Acting President of Sri Lanka

Zelensky Rejects Any Ceasefire With Russia: He warned that a ceasefire that allows Russia to keep Ukrainian territories seized since the invasion in February would only encourage an even wider conflict, giving Moscow an opportunity to replenish and rearm for the next round.

El Salvador’s Embrace of Bitcoin Didn’t Bring Prosperity — It Rode in With Waves of Repression: The Salvadoran president paired his bitcoin mandate with policies of mass incarceration and forced displacement.

Anger as Myanmar Military Executes Four Democracy Activists: Nation’s first judicial executions since 1988 draw international condemnation. Democracy figures, including former lawmaker in Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, executed after being accused of carrying out ‘terror acts’

# Gov / Politics / US
Coachella’s Parent Company Is Donating Major Cash to a Political Organization Pushing Anti-Abortion Agenda The Anschutz Corporation, which owns concert giant AEG Live and its subsidiary Goldenvoice, gave $75,000 to the Republican Attorneys General Association days after Roe v. Wade was overturned

Federal Agency Staffers Call for Manchin to Be Stripped of His Chairmanship: 165 federal agency and congressional office staffers urged the president to act against Sen. Joe Manchin’s obstruction. In a letter first reported by The Lever on Monday, 165 staffers from federal health and environmental agencies and 80 congressional offices urged Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to “strip Senator Manchin of his chairmanship of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, shut down the Mountain Valley Pipeline Project, eliminate the use of mountaintop removal and coal burning, and establish stringent water and air pollution standards.”

The fateful fist bump: If you thought the polarization of politics in the United States was corrosive, brace yourself for the even more corrosive polarization of geopolitics.

# Law Enforcement
Suspect in Rape of Child Who Had Abortion Pleads Not Guilty: Prosecutors asked the judge to hold Gerson Fuentes, 27, without bond.

# Legal / DOJ
Jan. 6 panel will ‘get to the bottom’ of Secret Service texts, Cheney says: The committee is seeking text messages from 24 Secret Service employees related to Jan. 5 and the day of the Capitol attack.
* Vice chair Liz Cheney says panel could subpoena Ginni Thomas
* Secret Service agents have hired lawyers ahead of questioning

CIA Director Admits US Lied About Iran’s Nuclear Program. They “have not Resumed the Weaponization Effort.” The statement only confirms the suspicion of several analysts around the world, but it is truly impressive that it came from the head of American intelligence. Indeed, it reveals that Washington really bases its interventionist foreign policy on lies and distortions.

Amid Eviction Crisis, Organizers Win Right to Legal Representation for
Tenants: A right to counsel in eviction cases exerts an outsize impact as an intervention in housing injustice.

Ex-Congressman Made $350K in Insider Trading Scheme: The feds charged nine people for alleged insider trading schemes, including a former investment banker who tipped off his squash pal.

January 6 committee has provided sufficient evidence for Garland to indict Trump: Attorney General Merrick Garland has suggested there will be no indictment before the fall midterm elections. The House of Representatives Select Committee to Investigate the January attack on the U.S. Capitol presented overwhelming evidence from Trump loyalists, that Trump committed at least two federal crimes, as well as criminal offenses in the state of Georgia. Although the Select Committee has no power to bring charges against Trump, it can make a criminal referral. The decision to prosecute rests solely with the DOJ.

# Medical / Health
Post-‘Roe,’ People Are Seeking Permanent Sterilizations, and Some Are Being Turned Away: Young women who declare they don’t want children have always faced pushback, but the US Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn the landmark abortion decision Roe v. Wade, has forced Americans, and particularly women of childbearing age, to seriously consider how to manage their bodies as their reproductive rights and choices diminish.

What Weakened Immune Systems Have Wrought for Children: In the report of June 24, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) noted a further rise from 450 cases to 920 cases of acute hepatitis in children worldwide from May 26 to June 24, mostly (78 percent) in children under the age of 6 years. Unfortunately, forty-five children required liver transplants and 18 children died. Most children have been diagnosed in the U.K. (367), U.S. (305), Japan (58), Mexico (58), Italy (34)

Amazon Wants to Be Your Doctor: A proposed merger with One Medical would further Amazon’s efforts to sit in the middle of health care transactions. Last Thursday, Amazon announced that it would purchase One Medical, a private equity-backed network of primary-care clinics, for $3.9 billion. It’s part of the company’s concerted effort to capture the health care market.

# Military / DOD
Milley: China more aggressive, dangerous to US, allies: Gen. Mark Milley’s trip to the region is sharply focused on the China threat. He will attend a meeting of Indo-Pacific chiefs of defense this coming week in Australia, where key topics will be China’s escalating military growth and the need to maintain a free, open and peaceful Pacific.

Ukraine wants more ‘game-changer’ weapons; the US says it’s complicated: The administration announced Friday that it would send four additional HIMARS — High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems — to Ukraine, bringing the total to 16.

# Military / Global
Ukraine defense chief says US rocket systems have been ‘game-changer’: Ukraine’s defense minister told The Wall Street Journal that the deployment of U.S. long-range rocket systems has been a “game-changer” in the war against Russia.

# Technology
Democrats Want to Outlaw Apple From Thinking Differently: Elizabeth Warren and other Dems are pushing laws that will prevent companies from innovating.

Pegasus Spyware Maker NSO Is Conducting a Lobbying Campaign to Get Off U.S. Blacklist: The cybersecurity firm has invested heavily in top lobbyists and law firms in an effort to lift restrictions on doing business in America. NSO is hoping the Israeli prime minister will raise the issue with Joe Biden when the two meet this week.

“The Drone Problem”: How the U.S. Has Struggled to Curb Turkey, a Key Exporter of Armed Drones: aTurkey is changing the face of modern warfare with its TB2 drone. As the weapon spreads across the globe, some U.S. lawmakers seek to crack down on the country, saying it’s exploiting its NATO status to obtain key parts from Western manufacturers.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-07-22

Voices, The Peoples News

July 22, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
What Indigenous leaders think about co-managing Bears Ears with the feds: Native advocates share their hopes and relief after decades of fighting for their ancestral lands.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls Congressional panel asks EPA to take Seresto flea collars off market
again: In a 22-page report that heavily cites reporting and documents published by Investigate Midwest and USA TODAY, as well as never-before-released information, the subcommittee reveals new details about how Seresto “may be the most dangerous flea and tick product on the market” and that the EPA knew it.

# Border / Immigration
U.S. Supreme Court Declines To Allow Biden’s Shift on Immigration Enforcement: The justices on a 5-4 vote denied the Biden administration’s request to block a federal judge’s ruling that had prevented immigration officials from carrying out the enforcement guidelines while litigation over the legality of the policy continues.

U.S. Supreme Court hands Texas another legal victory on Biden’s immigration policies: The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday handed Texas another legal win in an ongoing lawsuit over the Department of Homeland Security’s deportation policy.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
New Challenge to FDA on 12-15-Year-Old Children Covid Injections:  Icandecide.org ICAN has filed a Citizen Petition with the FDA calling on the agency to reverse its reckless course on Covid-19 injections for teenagers. The Petition demands that the FDA revoke its emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s product in children aged 12 through 15

New clues help explain why the SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant is so transmissible: A team of researchers with members from the Gladstone Institute and Curative Inc. has uncovered new attributes of the SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant that could explain why it is so much more transmissible than other variants of the virus.

Study suggests SARS-CoV-2 virus enters the brain by using cells in the nose to make nanotube tunnels: A team of researchers at Institut Pasteur reports evidence that suggests the SARS-CoV-2 virus is able to enter the brain by using nose cells to make nanotube tunnels. The group describes their study of the virus behavior when infecting certain types of cells and using high-powered microscopes to study its movement.

A novel COVID-19 vaccine using modified bacterial DNA: Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues elsewhere, describe a different way to build a COVID-19 vaccine, one that would, in theory, remain effective against new and emerging variants and could be taken as a pill, by inhalation or other delivery methods.

New clinical symptoms identified in largest international case series of confirmed monkeypox cases: The study identifies new clinical symptoms of monkeypox infection, which will aid future diagnosis and help to slow the spread of infection.

As if COVID, monkeypox and triple-digit heat indices aren’t enough to make you consider sealing yourself inside an air-conditioned hazmat suit, the announcement by Florida’s health department that confirmed the first locally transmitted case of dengue in Miami-Dade County might be enough to get you asking about measurements for such a suit.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Republicans on Senate Banking Committee criticized the SEC chairman’s lack of transparency

# Education / Schools
Florida’s Repressive Laws Are Exacerbating a Growing National Teacher Shortage: A hostile climate toward educators, particularly around LGBTQ+ issues and race, is pushing people out of the profession  in droves.

# Employment / Labor
Auto factory in Alabama busted hiring 12-yr-old kids: “Consumers should be outraged,” said a former U.S. assistant secretary of labor for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. SMART Alabama had three children from a Guatemalan migrant family working at the plant, a 14-year-old girl and her two brothers, ages 15 and 12. The children did not attend school.

Why workers are turning to unions: Besides fighting for better wages and working conditions, unions confront favoritism and discrimination when no one else will.  A short answer to the headline might be, “The same reason laborers invented unions in the first place: they are tired of being screwed by management and know the only hope of changing that is working together.”
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://m.usw.org/blog/2022/why-workers-are-turning-to-unions*:*:text=They*20not*20only*20empowered*20workers,essential*20for*20years*20to*20come__;I34lJSUlJSUlJQ!!On18fmf1aQ!yxOzHtO_v4E31-BZBLCLwOR0jRMhXjxfAUajvczOXPnXK1cgq3nuHfoGHeqd5sgMkItnxt7yL2LtNUEtxVJzy6-d-eciCEmu$ .

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical The Gulf of Mexico is set to have its first offshore wind farms along the coasts of Texas and Louisiana

Feds want to help build massive wind farm larger than the City of Houston off the coast of Galveston. Federal officials said Wednesday they are looking into leasing a massive amount of offshore land for wind projects about 24 nautical miles off the coast of Galveston.

Texan politicians won’t say this, but solar is saving their tushies right now: There has been an enormous increase in solar investment, and technological advancements have made solar power astonishingly cheap.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure The most fascinating birds will be the first to go extinct: The biodiversity crisis will most directly affect distinctive members of the avian family. The giant ibis, along with other physically distinctive birds of extreme shapes and sizes, is more likely to be lost in the current biodiversity crisis

Bob Bullard interview: Supreme Court’s climate change ruling places ‘uneven burdens on overburdened communities’: Curbing federal authority over carbon emissions reductions and increasing heat waves will have a cascading effect on the most vulnerable communities

Hidden hazards in urban soils at risk of being unleashed by rise in
flooding: For decades in Houston, where resident Bryan “Lucas” Parras grew up near the city’s shipping channel, neighborhoods have faced the cumulative impacts of toxic emissions. The area is crammed with industrial facilities, chemical plants and oil refineries. Pollution has become such an ingrained part of life, Parras said, that residents on the city’s East End automatically adjust to the health threats: limiting time outdoors, filtering their water and making sure to carry their inhalers in case of asthma attacks.

Chomsky: U.S. Government’s Nonresponse to Climate Crisis Has HistoricalPrecedent: Combating the climate crisis must be a common effort, everywhere, says Noam Chomsky.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Congo peat swamps store three years of global carbon emissions, imminent oil drilling could release it: When we overlayed our new map of the peatland on a map of oil concessions, we discovered that the upcoming sale of rights to explore for fossil fuels includes close to 1 million hectares of peat swamp forest. If destroyed by the construction of roads, pipelines and other infrastructure needed to extract the oil, we estimate that up to 6 billion tonnes of CO₂ could be released, equivalent to 14 years’ worth of current UK greenhouse gas emissions.

Inside a glacier, a biologist finds an incredibly rare ice dragon: The Patagonian ice dragon lives on glaciers and is believed to have natural anti-freeze in its blood. This rare creature is endangered because its habitat is melting away

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Global
Russia and Ukraine are set to agree on a grain shipment deal on Friday. The two countries are slated to approve a UN proposal that will allow Ukraine to export 22 million tons of grain and other agricultural products internationally. Previously, Russia’s invasion had halted shipments from leaving Black Sea ports.

Russia and Ukraine have blamed each other for the shipment hiatus.  During this standoff, wheat and barley prices skyrocketed, and dangerous food shortages have affected up to 181 million people worldwide, according to AP.

Why China’s embrace of GMO wheat and soy will change policies in South Africa and the rest of the continent Chinese National Crop Variety Approval Committee released two standards that clear the path for cultivating genetically modified (GM) crops in the country — wheat and soy

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other This Company Has Developed Vegan Oysters, With Biodegradable ‘Shells’ to Come: Pearlita Foods, a cell-cultured seafood startup, has revealed its vegan prototype for oysters made from ingredients like mushrooms and seaweed. The plant-based oysters will even come served in a no-shucking-necessary shell that is biodegradable.

# General Information / Other News
How a 1989 poster became a fixture on the front lines in the battle over abortion rights: Barbara Kruger’s ‘Untitled (Your body is a battleground)’ has seamlessly transitioned to social media, inspiring a new generation of media-savvy artists and activists.

# Gov / Politics / Global
“The Moment Of Truth Is Coming In The Russia-Ukraine War”: Steve Forbes Shares Insights On Putin’s Attack This episode of What’s Ahead sounds the alarm over what’s unfolding in the Ukraine war. Despite embarrassing setbacks and enormous casualties, Putin believes he can still win.

# Gov / Politics / US
The Good, the Bad, and the Omitted in the Electoral Count Act: The bill introduced yesterday fixes many problems, but doesn’t really safeguard Americans’ right to vote.

Former President Donald Trump went on a massive tirade late Thursday night after the House select committee on the Jan 6th riot concluded their latest public hearing, with Trump ending his night by trashing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as a “disloyal sleaze bag!”

Why won’t Republicans investigate white supremacists in uniform? We know why, every House Republican, including Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, voted to ignore far-right extremists in uniform. The current Republican Party and the larger white right have been willing to amplify such voices, bringing them into the highest levels of government and power and, through “narrative laundering,” into the mainstream of American society and politics. Trumpism and American neofascism are at once a reflection, a cause and a symptom of growing racial authoritarianism and outright white supremacy, both in the United States and around the world.

Trump’s inner circle is secretly making plans to fire thousands government employees if he wins in 2024, report says. The plan would be to replace them with people loyal to Trump, the report said.

Austin City Council approves resolution to decriminalize abortion: The Austin City Council approved legislation on Thursday aimed at protecting abortion rights, even as the state of Texas moves to make it tougher to get the procedure.

Nearly every House Republican votes against codifying right to contraception: “If they had the chance they would ban it,” said Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.)

# Law Enforcement
Missing Footage Fuels Questions About Shooting of Black Teen: New video of an incident that left a 13-year-old paralyzed has a glaring omission:  the footage from the cop as he fired.

# Legal / DOJ
‘He chose not to act’: Jan. 6 panel details Trump’s actions during Capitol riot: Lawmakers on Thursday broke down the former president’s 187 minutes of inaction as a riot engulfed the Capitol, promising more hearings on the way.

“Donald Trump ignored and disregarded the desperate pleas of his own family, including Ivanka and Don Jr. He could not be moved.” “There can be no doubt that there was a coordinated, multi-step effort to overturn an election overseen and directed by Donald Trump.” January 6 Committee Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.)

When Trump Finally Told His Mob to Go Home: It was only when it became clear that the January 6th coup wouldn’t succeed that Trump told his insurrectionists to stand down.

Secret Service erased text messages sent before and during the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Secret Service text messages from around the time of the attack on the U.S. Capitol were deleted despite requests from Congress and federal investigators that they be preserved, the agency confirmed in response to a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee.

Why Donald Trump can’t be prosecuted for ‘dereliction of duty’ for his inaction on Jan. 6: With the exception of a few states, dereliction of a duty is mostly used in military law and does not apply to citizens, including US presidents.

Bannon trial live updates: Bannon chose ‘allegiance’ to Trump, prosecutor says: The defendant chose allegiance to Donald Trump over compliance with the law,” Gaston said. “He has contempt for our system of government and he does not think he needs to play by its rules,” she added.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
Senate Democrats unveil bill to legalize, tax and regulate cannabis, opposition from Republicans and some Democrats is expected to pose a challenge to passing the measure.

# Medical / Health Global
In Post-Roe America, A Grave Miscarriage of Justice Proliferates: Post-Roe America Will Lead to Increased Criminalization of Pregnant Women. These laws grant state lawmakers and prosecutors jurisdiction to criminalize women in cases of illegal abortions, miscarriages and many other instances of so-called child abuse.

# Medical / Health
Birth-Control Access Bill Passed by House: Contraception legislation follows effort to protect same-sex and interracial marriage

‘We are bearing witness’: Reproductive-health researchers are scrambling to track the effects of the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the federally protected right to an abortion. Recent studies have shown that:
* Maternal deaths could rise by an estimated 29% in some of the states expected to ban the procedure
* Pregnant people who visited two hospitals in Texas — where there are strict laws against abortion — with potentially deadly complications were significantly more likely to experience serious effects than people in states who could choose termination

Mississippi judge sets hearing on challenge to abortion law

# Military / DOD
Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025: The report starts out stating, “The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather-modification system to achieve military objectives.” The full report lists a wide variety of weather modification and weather weapon capabilities. As the report has disappeared from the USAF website, you can find a copy here.

HAARP: Weather Control: Is the HAARP Project a Weather Control Weapon? “It isn’t just conspiracy theorists who are concerned about HAARP. The European Union called the project a global concern and passed a resolution calling for more information on its health and environmental risks. Despite those concerns, officials at HAARP insist the project is nothing more sinister than a radio science research facility.” From documentary on HAARP weather control capabilities by Canada’s CBC

Tsunami Bomb Weapon Reported in New Zealand’s Top Newspaper: All of the deepest research on these projects is classified for reasons of “national security.” They don’t want the public to know about the very disturbing and damaging capabilities they have developed. Many researchers suspect those who control these technologies can influence and even trigger major events like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis

# Military / Global
What Putin Can Do With His Deadly New Gift from Iran: A shiny, and dangerous, army of drones will soon fall into Russian hands. Will it turn the tide for Moscow?

How the Chinese military is absorbing the lessons of Russia’s war in Ukraine. “This Is Far More Complex Than They Might Have Imagined”

# Pharmaceuticals
Abortion Pill Maker Moves to Challenge Mississippi Trigger Law: The company is currently challenging a Mississippi law that effectively banned telehealth abortions by making patients see doctors in person.

# Security
Surveillance is pervasive: Yes, you are being watched, even if no one is looking for you: It’s increasingly difficult to move about, both in the physical world and online, without being tracked. Most Americans are aware of video surveillance of public spaces. Likewise, most people know about online tracking – and want Congress to do something about it. But as a researcher who studies digital culture and secret communications, I believe that to understand how pervasive surveillance is, it’s important to recognize how physical and digital tracking work together.

# Space / UFO Disclosure / Other
Unusual movement in the sky

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-07-21

Voices, The Peoples News

July 21, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“We are no longer accepting things we cannot change. It is now time to change the things we cannot accept.”
– Robert Kennedy
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Medals of Honor for soldiers who perpetrated Wounded Knee massacre may be rescinded: Lawmakers took a step last week towards taking back the nation’s highest award for valor from Army troops who perpetrated one of the most infamous Native American massacres in U.S. history.

Who gets to prosecute on Native land? Jurisdiction can be defined as the power or authority of a court over a particular person, area, or subject matter.

In its latest term, Supreme Court reversed almost 200 years of US law and tradition upholding tribal sovereignty For the past 50 years, the Supreme Court has issued rulings that narrow tribal rights while Congress has worked to expand them. A recent ruling struck yet another blow against Native sovereignty.

# Indigenous / Global
Scientists call for end to violence against Amazon communities, environmental defenders – The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) demanded urgent action to stop attacks against Indigenous peoples, environmentalists, and communities in a July 14 declaration.
– An alignment between illegal resource extraction and drug trafficking in the Amazon places people protecting resources at increasing risk, according to the association.
– Latin America is the most dangerous region in the world for environmental defenders, and Colombia and Brazil are at the top of the list for killings.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls How canine heart disease was tied to grain-free dog food: In 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, acting on input from a group of veterinary researchers, began investigating whether the increasing popularity of grain-free dog foods had led to a sudden rise in a potentially fatal heart disease in dogs, dilated cardiomyopathy.

[My eldest daughter is a wildlife rescue and rehabber … so very proud of her.] Wildlife ‘rehabbers’ wage herculean fight for a noble cause
– Rehabilitators who help injured creatures or abandoned baby animals have a role to play in conserving wildlife across the U.S.
– One estimate of the number of animals hit by vehicles on U.S. roads every year was projected to be about 300,000, but this is almost certainly a low estimate.
– A national network of 1,600 mostly volunteer “rehabbers” are at work every day to recuperate and return wild animals to their natural habitats.

Brazil’s Indigenous Pataxó reclaim their land: On June 22, a group of nearly 200 Indigenous Pataxó people occupied a eucalyptus plantation inside their demarcated territory in Brazil’s Bahia state, setting fire to the trees.

Chinese paddlefish, last seen in 2003, officially extinct due to human activity: The Chinese paddlefish, a freshwater fish known to live for as many as 100 years, has been ruled extinct and more than two dozen similar fish are also threatened https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.upi.com/Science_News/2022/07/21/switzerland-wwf-chinese-paddlefish-extinct/1671658420044/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!yaa06I3128BrPdo0MBIYG9NPDBIJHJ3DTLTq2SaxEr8WAlYDjhxbDeVZHCo18OUF59KvkIkza_GeDpkCLKgF_b7Bqn0CoMyP$

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
The first US case of monkeypox was confirmed in Massachusetts in May, and now there are at least 1,972 cases across 44 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. The CDC expects rising cases in the coming weeks on account of enhanced reporting protocols and presumed exposures with positive cases.

What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You: Novavax’s ‘Loud-and-Clear’
Nanoparticle Adjuvant: Advisors to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday unanimously recommended Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine, claiming the unvexed are the product’s “primary target population.”

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Buys Millions In Chip Stocks Right Before Vote On Massive Chip Subsidy

Nancy Pelosi Urges Support Of $50 Billion ‘CHIPS’ Bill Hours After Disclosing $8 Million Nvidia Stake

Trump steered $2 million in PAC money into legal fees for witnesses in Jan. 6 probe: new filing

# Education / Schools
Senators Question School Surveillance Startups on Abortion Searches: Four of the largest school surveillance software makers are facing questions from US senators around how they plan to handle data related to students’ searches for abortion services and reproductive care.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Progressives Demand Biden Immediately Ban New Fossil Fuel Leases on Public Lands: The lawmakers say it’s past time for the Biden administration to start phasing out fossil fuel leasing on public lands.

Sean Patrick Maloney’s Hazardous Support for Dirty Energy Infrastructure: The story of Maloney’s office shutting down a colleague who tried to stir up opposition to a fracked-gas plant is part of a pattern.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global Putin signals gas pipeline will resume at reduced levels

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure
IUCN Officially Lists Beloved Monarch Butterflies as Endangered: Migratory monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus plexippus) are now considered endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The species will now be listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species after habitat loss and climate change decimated the population.

Nine Senators Urge Biden to ‘Act Boldly’ and Declare Climate Emergency:  “Aggressively use your executive powers to address the climate crisis, create good-paying union jobs in the United States, and liberate hard-working American families from volatile energy prices.”

Impact of Supreme Court’s climate ruling spreads: The legal doctrine that the conservative justices used to strike down an EPA regulation in late June is popping up in a host of new legal challenges, including many having nothing to do with climate change.

Can the EPA get environmental justice right?

Here’s what could happen if Biden declares a climate emergency: Climate change is an emergency.

Presidential Climate Malpractice: Joe Biden’s mishandling of the many episodes of the Joe Manchin follies imperiled a burning planetm and the executive actions he should take have not materialized

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Global
UK Government Offers Farmers Cash Incentives to Sell Their Land: The UK government is offering a lump sum of cash to farmers as an incentive for them to either retire, sell their land, or get a different job.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
The FDA Is Funding and Approving Cigarettes: It is astounding that the FDA and other agencies spent $100 million from U.S. taxpayers to develop evidence on the safety and efficacy of combustible cigarettes.

Follow the science? Biden Administration politicizes EPA by ignoring its own scientists in backdoor way to ban atrazine. It will harm farming and increase food prices: The No. 1 crop in America is corn. It’s a major ingredient in thousands of food and beverage items as well as a staple in beef cattle diets, and it is the second largest export after soybeans.

# General Information / Other News
Rocky Mountain Massacre: Was Yellowstone’s Deadliest Wolf Hunt in 100 Years an Inside Job? A veteran ranger who killed a park wolf claims he’s the target of a “witch hunt.” It had been a long and bloody winter for wolves living on the park’s northern border, and it wasn’t over yet.

Young Workers Are Bridging the Climate and Labor Movements: Ongoing organizing in the labor movement could have enormous implications for curbing the climate crisis.

# Gov / Politics / Global
The Next Big Crisis That Could Give Putin the Edge He Needs: Russia’s ongoing bloodbath is forcing an uncomfortable question on the U.S.: What happens if Ukraine runs out of the manpower it needs to use the equipment Uncle Sam is sending?

Kremlin ‘Scrambling to Annex Parts of Ukraine by September’: Sergei Kiriyenko, the Kremlin official widely seen as Vladimir Putin’s point man in Ukraine, is reportedly heading up the project.

# Gov / Politics / US
Are the Feds Handing Trump an Unfair Advantage in the 2024 Election? A democratic group is demanding the FEC treat Trump like a presidential candidate, as Trump is already running an obvious presidential campaign

Implementing a New World Order: Politics do Not Rule the World, Corporations, Financial Institutions and Bankers do:Summary: The state is not disappearing; it is unbundling into its separate, functionally distinct parts. These courts, regulatory agencies, executives, and legislatures are then networking with their counterparts abroad, creating a new, transgovernmental order. And they may hold the answer to many of the most pressing international challenges of the 21st century.

Biden Ripped for $1 Billion UAE Arms Deal Days After Khashoggi Lawyer Sentenced:  Journalist Mehdi Hasan said “it’s clear that Biden isn’t breaking with Trump” on supporting Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, “even when they kill or detain U.S. citizens.”

A Potential Historic Political Shift Is Taking Place Among Evangelical Christians: Christians are splitting with the religious right over Trump, Covid, and Black Lives Matter, creating opportunities for those interested in social justice.

New Envoy to S. Korea Arrives at a Promising Time: The United States has a new ambassador to South Korea at a pivotal moment in U.S.-Korean relations and the confrontation between North and South Korea.

It’s Time for Congress to End U.S. Involvement in the Saudi-Led War on Yemen: Saudi Arabia could resume its bombing campaign and blockade of Yemen when the ceasefire expires at the end of July.

Texas charity that backs Trump’s stolen-election lie has deep ties to Ken Paxton: The Texas attorney general would be the one to hold True the Vote accountable on allegations that it swindled a $2.5 million donor. But the nonprofit’s founder has been a friend and an ally.

Michael Peroutka, a neo-Confederate activist who’s refused to disavow a racist group to which he once belonged, has won the Republican nomination to be Maryland’s next attorney general.

Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine: American soldiers are already “boots on the ground”

The President’s Policy Is Dangerous: What Does Joe Biden Believe He Is Doing in Ukraine?
Biden’s Dangerous New Ukraine Endgame: No Endgame. With his strategy to “weaken” Russia, the U.S. president may be turning the Ukraine war into a global one.

Biden called Russia’s war in Ukraine ‘genocide.’ When President Joe Biden declares Russia’s Ukraine war “genocide,” it isn’t just another strong word.

House Passes Bill Protecting Right to Contraception: The bill passed largely along party lines, with only eight Republicans joining Democrats in support. However it is almost certainly doomed to fail in the Senate.

House Passes Bill Barring States From Restricting Access to Contraception: The bill comes as a response to Clarence Thomas’s warning that birth control could be next on the chopping block.

All But 10 House Republicans Voted Against Ensuring the Right to Contraception: GOP lawmakers insist they’re not coming for contraception or marriage rights — yet the vast majority of them have voted against codifying them into law

Trump’s Allies in Congress Are About to Be Humiliated in Prime Time:  Early reports suggest tonight’s committee hearing on the January 6 Capitol attack will be quite the stemwinder.

Democrats spend millions on Republican primaries: Democrats spent nearly $44 million on advertising campaigns to influence Republican primaries across five states.

Trump is illegally running for president undeclared, and the nation’s top election agency is letting it happen: lawsuit

# Law Enforcement
Teens in a Louisiana juvenile facility are being sent to Angola prison. Experts say it’s not only cruel, it could violate the law.

Two more men convicted of murder have been exonerated after 23 years in prison due to allegations of police misconduct.  Eruby Abrego and Jeremiah Cain became the 27th and 28th people exonerated based on allegations that retired detective Reynaldo Guevara routinely beat suspects and witnesses, coerced confessions, and used threats in order to close murder investigations.

Uvalde school officials are set to decide the fate of Uvalde schools police Chief Pete Arredondo, one of the first law enforcement officers to arrive on the scene of the May 24 shooting in Uvalde. The school district’s superintendent has already recommended Arredondo be fired from his post as police chief.

Crime-Obsessed San Fran Flirts With ‘Police State’ Crackdown: After a progressive district attorney was ousted, everyone knew the city would change. But the new regime is raising red flags.

# Legal / DOJ
Docs Expose Trump’s ‘Illegal’ Effort to Help GOP by Weaponizing Census

Hunter Biden Probe Reaches ‘Critical Stage,’ as Officials Weigh Possible Charges: Officials are reportedly weighing possible charges against Hunter Biden as the federal investigation into the president’s son has reached a “critical stage,” sources said. Hunter Biden, 52, could face charges related to possible tax violations or more seriously, foreign lobbying violations

Giuliani Ordered to Testify in Georgia Inquiry of Trump Attempt to Overturn Election: Giuliani failed to appear at a court hearing earlier this month where he could have disputed the subpoena order. An order for Rudy Giuliani to testify before a grand jury is the latest twist in a rapidly advancing criminal inquiry by District Attorney Fani Willis.

Lawsuit Claims Trump’s Lawyer Called AG ‘That Black B*tch’: Donald Trump’s favorite New Jersey criminal defense lawyer is in hot water after allegedly repeatedly singing the N-word while listening to rap. And there’s more.

‘Why Hide the Information’? Lawsuit Seeks Documents Related to Fauci’s Wife: A lawsuit filed in federal court accuses the U.S. government of stonewalling because officials won’t release documents pertaining to potential conflicts of interest involving Christine Grady, Ph.D., chief of the National Institutes of Health Department of Bioethics, and wife of Dr. Anthony Fauci.

A Government Official Helped Them Register. Now They’ve Been Charged With Voter Fraud: Ten Florida men with felony convictions have been charged with voter fraud because prosecutors say they registered and voted illegally. Critics say the punishments are unfair.

The Secret Service Has Managed to Locate Only One Coup-Related Text Message: The Secret Service claims the rest of the messages are permanently gone and completely unrecoverable.

Criminal Probe Launched Into Secret Service’s Missing Texts: The Department of Homeland Security ordered the Secret Service to stop its internal investigations Wednesday while a criminal investigation is underway.

Republicans Squeezed Over Same-Sex Marriage Protections: GOP senators are dodging the question of whether to codify protections for marriage equality following the Supreme Court ruling overturning abortion rights.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, with Senators Booker and Wyden, formally introduced the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA) to end federal marijuana prohibition. Circulated initially as a discussion draft in July 2021, the finalized version of this historic bill is now pending action in the United States Senate.

# Media
‘Public Pressure Works’:  Postal Service to Boost Electric Vehicle Purchases After Backlash: This announcement is a step in the right direction, said one advocate, but “we won’t settle” until the postal fleet is made up of “100% union-built electric vehicles.”

# Medical Alternatives / Herbology
Healthiest Drink In The World? 10 Terrific Health Benefits From Tea, According To Science

# Medical / Health
Facebook Is Receiving Sensitive Medical Information from Hospital Websites: Experts say some hospitals’ use of an ad tracking tool may violate a federal law protecting health information. A tracking tool installed on many hospitals’ websites has been collecting patients’ sensitive health information, including details about their medical conditions, prescriptions, and doctor’s appointments—and sending it to Facebook.

Despite treatments for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies being legal under Texas law, according to legal experts, the state’s abortion statutes have not stopped confusion to spread among medical professionals, who have in some instances delayed or denied care to patients for fear of retribution.

Surgery risks go up depending upon the anesthesiologist’s workload: Most major surgeries would not be possible without anesthesia to render a patient unconscious and pain free and to ensure that their vital functions remain stable throughout the procedure.

Pregnant Women Beg Docs in Anti-Choice States: Save Me First: Amid harrowing stories of complications and miscarriages left untreated, women are pre-emptively warning doctors to remember who their patients are.

Texas Says It Cares About Mothers, but Its Medicaid Postpartum Coverage Lags Behind Most Other States:Gov. Greg Abbott claimed Texas provides expectant mothers “necessary resources so that they can choose life for their child,” but it is now one of a dwindling number of states not to offer Medicaid coverage for a full year after residents give birth.

Georgia Law Takes Effect Banning Most Abortions and Granting “Personhood” to Embryos & Fetuses: Attorneys for groups challenging the law acknowledged that the ruling allows the state’s ban on many abortions to take effect. But they argued in their brief that a provision that grants “personhood” to a fetus should remain blocked.

‘They Must Provide The Abortion!’ AG Garland Hits Back at Texas Lawsuit Challenging Biden Emergency Abortion RuleGarland told reporters he’s moving to dismiss the suit, and gave an emphatic explanation that cited the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act as the basis for the guidance:

# Military / DOD
New program to cut child care costs for military families coming to more states: A program aimed at reducing child care costs and providing options for military parents is coming to more states.

# Military / Global
The UN Is Failing Palestinian Victims: The clear message here is that Israel may target Palestinian children as it pleases, as there will be no legal, political or moral accountability for its actions.

# Pharmaceuticals
Big Pharma Has Raised Drug Prices 1,186 Times This Year, Analysis Shows: “We must put an end to drug corporations’ unfettered ability to dictate prices at the expense of patients.” The U.S. pharmaceutical industry exercised its virtually unlimited pricing power to hike costs for patients again this month as Senate Democrats made progress toward a limited deal to regulate out-of-control prescription drug prices, which are forcing millions of people to ration their medication or go without it entirely.

Big Pharma Wants to Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements: Story at-a-glance One of the latest attempts to thwart your ability to access nutritional supplements comes in the form of draft legislation that would require premarket approval for dietary supplements.

Pharma mobilizes army of lobbyists to tank Democrats’ Medicare drug pricing plan: “Big Pharma is fighting hard to keep their price-setting monopoly intact,” said one advocacy coalition.

Pharma Is Mobilizing to Tank Democrats’ Effort to Cut Prescription Drug Costs: The pharmaceutical industry is mobilizing its army of lobbyists to attack Senate Democrats’ Medicare drug pricing plan.

# Science
With just a tablespoon of blood, researchers aim to transform cancer treatment: Researchers at the Vancouver Prostate Center have developed a new blood test that provides unprecedented insight into a patient’s cancer make-up, potentially allowing doctors to better select treatment options that will improve patient outcomes.

New combination therapy shows early promise against certain lung cancers: Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute have found that using immunotherapy alongside a drug that blocks a common gene mutation in lung cancer could be a promising new combination therapy for certain types of lung tumors

Molecular motor is ‘DNA origami’ milestone: Physicists have built a molecular-scale motor entirely from DNA strands, and used it to store energy by winding up a DNA ‘spring’. It is not the first DNA nanomotor, but it’s “certainly the first one to actually perform measurable mechanical work.”

# Social
Detecting who wields power in social networks: From in-crowds to power couples, network science uncovers the hidden structure of community dynamics

A town’s anti-Section 8 policy forces Black residents out: Landlords in Texas don’t have to accept renters who receive federal housing assistance, Denton County is taking it a step further: making most of the town off limits to Section 8 tenants.

# Water
Revealed: US cities refusing to replace toxic lead water pipes unless residents pay: A Guardian investigation finds pipes are only replaced at homeowners’ cost, and removal work risked causing increase of lead in water

Big water pipelines, an old pursuit, still alluring in drying West. Diverting Mississippi River is not happening, though.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-07-20

Voices, The Peoples News

July 20, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
First Protein-Based Covid Shot Authorized For Use In US: Branded Nuvaxovid and Covovax outside the U.S., Novavax’s vaccine is approved for use in several countries worldwide, including the EU, U.K., Canada, Australia, South Korea and India.

Statement from NIH and BARDA on the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine be used as another primary series option for adults in the United States ages 18 years and older.

# Education / Schools
Rural Texas districts struggling to attract teachers are switching to four-day school weeks: The switch to four-day school weeks is popular among smaller school districts that don’t always have the finances to attract or retain teachers with pay increases.

# Employment / Labor
“Welcome to Hell”: Mars, Inc., is best known for making chocolate bars. But it also owns the most pet hospitals in the U.S., and workers say the conditions are toxic.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Feds, Local Governments Start To Prep For Growing Extreme Heat Threats: President Joe Biden is expected to announce moves his administration will urge or order to address the health and infrastructure dangers of climate change. Some cities are also allocating resources to the issue, hiring “chief heat officers.”

Major Questions Doctrine new major trouble for executive branch of government: Unvarnished and unbiased, this is what the U.S. Supreme Court did in its West Virginia v. EPA decision last month: Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. and his merry band of conservative cohorts ruled against an obsolete EPA plan, repealed by the Trump Administration and rejected by the Biden Administration, to create a new but largely undefined doctrine that federal judges across the country will use to stymie all manner of federal agency rulemaking.

Federal report says removing Snake River dams ‘essential’ to helping threatened salmon https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://idahocapitalsun.com/2022/07/19/federal-report-says-removing-snake-river-dams-essential-to-helping-threatened-salmon/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2FwrwGwf_tiOc1-H4KH6Fia-B3zZOQkUgQSEUEzq3NcV52ZdOmrCrryUV05ohESOhcgdZFA2BH5EiyslSprPW8uX2MrCBGje$

What If They Held a Climate Emergency and No Money Came? Executive
actions on climate are important and necessary, but it’s unclear whether
they can create the funding required for a green transition.

Democrats Need to Fight for a Government That Works: The party proposes to fund OSHA, EPA, the IRS, and the NLRB at much less than those agencies got in 2010, in real terms.

Republicans Have Created a Pro-Life Dystopia: And they’re not going to do anything to fix it

# Environment / Climate / Global
Yes, this is a hot-as-hell summer, but every summer going forward will be like this or worse: Europe Is Having A Heat Wave And People Are Freaking Out Because We’re Not Built For This Kind Of Weather. “This emergency — these heat waves and future weather disasters — have come about because of a system where the richest among us, like Kylie Jenner, can consume on an unimaginable scale.”

More mountain glacier collapses feared as heat waves engulf the Northern Hemisphere: Researchers spot a vast new crack on a crumbling Italian glacier that killed 11 people earlier this month, as warming temperatures and snow droughts take a toll on alpine icefields. The Marmolada Glacier in the Alps of northern Italy may crumble even more before Europe’s brutally hot summer ends. Glaciologists are tracking a new crack, about 650 feet long and more than 100 feet wide, that has appeared in a different part of the glacier

# General Information / Other News
‘Proud’ Gunmaker Figures Out How to Make Massacres Worse: The assault rifle was made for the military and is already being marketed to the public. SIG Sauer’s new MCX-SPEAR fires bullets with twice the kinetic energy of those from an AR-15. That means double the horrifying force that mangled the victims of the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. “It’ll shoot through almost all of the bulletproof vests that are worn by law enforcement in the county right now.”

# Gov / Politics / Global
Putin tells US to stop ‘looting’ Syria: The US must stop “stealing” oil from the Syrian people, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Tuesday, after meeting with his Iranian and Turkish counterparts in Tehran.

# Gov / Politics / US
The American People, Unlike US Congress Leaders, Are Not United for Israel: United States Congress top leadership members — both Republican and Democratic, the support for the government of Israel appears unanimous and over the top.

A Foreign Policy for the American People: Speech by Antony J. Blinkin, Secretary of State

Texas political blogger Jerry McHale, who has received campaign funds from U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, D-McAllen, has spewed racist attacks toward Gonzalez’s opponent, Republican Rep. Mayra Flores. Gonzalez’s campaign has distanced itself from the attacks, claiming it did not pay McHale to unleash the racist commentary.

Protecting rights threatened by Clarence Thomas:  House took the first step yesterday. Will the Senate screw up a sure thing?

Republicans Took a Woman’s Right to Choose. Now They’re Threatening Her Right to Travel: In Washington, Republicans say it’s ridiculous to accuse the GOP of trying to prevent women from traveling to access abortion care. In Texas, that project is already underway

SCOTUS Put Politics Above Law and Surrendered Its Legitimacy: The court of public opinion does not look kindly upon the Supreme Court, and the justices have only themselves to blame.

Liberal Panic Could Help Trump Steal the Next Election: The Supreme Court is not about to endorse overturning presidential elections, so don’t give ammo to MAGA subversion in 2024 by misstating the Independent State Legislature theory.

# Law Enforcement
In San Bernardino, California, the family of a Black man shot dead by police is calling for charges to be filed against the officers involved. On Saturday, two officers jumped out of an unmarked police car and within seconds shot 23-year-old Robert Adams in the back as he tried to run for cover. Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who is representing the family, shared security camera footage of the shooting, which he described as a “horrific execution.”

# Legal / DOJ
Most legal and constitutional experts agree: Given the facts that have come to light about former President Donald Trump’s role in the mob attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and the efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, it is now plausible that he will be charged with crimes, tried and convicted.Will Trump Do Time? What It Would Take to Convict the Former President:

Secret Service Trolls Jan. 6 Panel, Submits ‘a Single Text’: The House committee had subpoenaed all communications around the attack on the Capitol. It reportedly got just one text message.

U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales of San Antonio was the only Republican to vote for a bill to codify same-sex marriage into federal law. The U.S. House passed the bill, 267-157, with 47 Republicans joining 220 Democrats. Whether the bill has a chance to pass in the Senate is unclear.

# Medical / Health
Biden Focusing On Protecting Access To Abortion Pills, Sources Say: The administration considers it the most feasible of the White House’s limited options and that it would have the most immediate effect.

Pressure Grows For Texas To Impose Charges On Those Who Aid Abortion: No criminal charges have been filed under two current Texas laws restricting abortion, but abortion opponents are looking to build on the momentum of recent victories, including the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.

FDA Must Approve OTC Birth Control Quickly: A pharmaceutical company  in Paris, HRA Pharma, is seeking approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for an over-the-counter birth control pill. The pill includes progestin only, not estrogen, and is known as a mini pill. If approved, it would be the first contraceptive available in the U.S. without a prescription.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-07-19

Voices, The Peoples News

July 19, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration
The Supreme Court and the Current Immigration Crisis: In the case of Biden v. Texas, the Supreme Court backed the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s decision to end the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP). This case shows that the Supreme Court is not simply a mirror of current political views. Interpretation of the law is still at the center of the Justices’ work, even if their personal political beliefs might differ from one another.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Two cases of the deadly Marburg virus have been identified in Ghana, the first time the Ebola-like disease has been found in the west African nation. No treatment or vaccine exists for Marburg, which can spread from infected animals such as bats.

Excess deaths are on the rise, but not because of Covid: Health experts have called for an urgent investigation into what is behind the excess mortality, with fears that the pandemic response, lack of access to healthcare and even the cost of living crisis, may be to blame.

The US is ill prepared if monkeypox escalates into a pandemic. As if dealing with continued waves of Covid-19 isn’t enough, the U.S. is facing an outbreak of monkeypox, that highlights how close the U.S.
public health system is to its breaking point https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2022/07/19/why-the-us-is-ill-prepared-if-monkeypox-escalates-into-a-pandemic/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!wG5ouBpmTMkW7ShxvLW_D22zxpv33YVq9HdWtNw5AlwixsTGM6gHI3TCt4T8r-e-A0XZBK-ew2k_KBF8zDfXEyqC6U0Ih2XX$

U.S. Counted Over 126,000 New COVID Infections Yesterday. What Are We Doing? How much we come to regret our inaction will be counted in corpses once next winter’s snow melts.

Vaccine-Induced Immune Response to Omicron Wanes Substantially Over
Time: The findings are consistent with real-world reports showing waning protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection during the Omicron wave.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Just 27 billionaires have spent $90 million to buy GOP Congress:
“They’re counting on that ‘small’ investment in anti-tax Republicans to save them billions in taxes,” said Americans for Tax Fairness, which conducted the analysis.

Report: CEOs Are Driving “Greedflation,” Raising Prices to Pay Themselves More: In 2021, CEO pay rose 18.2 percent. Workers’ wages rose
4.7 percent.

What is pandemic inflation, and why are things so expensive? Are companies using the pandemic as an excuse to raise prices? Is price-gouging helping fuel high inflation?

# Education / Schools
Olivet Student’s Desperate 911 Call Led to Federal Trafficking Probe: The university’s New York campus was shut down in June by the state education department, which said Olivet had failed to clean up its act after a previous criminal conviction. The college’s only accreditor of campuses in eight remaining states and the District of Columbia is reviewing its status based on previous reporting from Newsweek that Olivet has dismissed as false.

Following the Uvalde shooting, Dallas Independent School District will require middle and high school students to wear clear or mesh backpacks, starting this fall. The district said this one of several steps it’s taking to ensure school safety.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical
H.R.2454 – American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009: 111th Congress (2009-2010) American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 – Sets forth provisions concerning clean energy, energy efficiency, reducing global warming pollution, transitioning to a clean energy economy, and providing for agriculture and forestry related offsets.

How oil companies endlessly avoid cleanup costs: In Colorado, a sale of 110 low-producing oil wells illustrates a hot potato effect, and how funding remediation eventually comes from the public.

The Real Reason Big Oil Won’t Save the U.S. from High Gas Prices: After years of losses prompted ‘capital discipline’, oil companies are returning soaring profits to investors, not spending it on riskier new drilling projects.

Pennsylvania bill jeopardizing millions in oil well cleanup funding to be passed by governor, say sources

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure
US legislation to hold global shipping industry accountable for climate and air pollution introduced in Congress“This is a big step forward for climate smart ports and a clean energy future for every community.”

H.Res.109 – Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal: Whereas the October 2018 report entitled “Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºC” by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the November 2018 Fourth National Climate Assessment report found that—(1) human activity is the dominant cause of observed climate change over the past century;

Climate-focused bill collapses as nation is gripped by impacts: Climate change is altering life in the United States.

Democratic lawmakers are urging President Joe Biden to take a more aggressive approach to address the threat of global warming now that the bulk of his “Build Back Better” agenda has stalled in Congress.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
From farmland to frac sand: In the Midwest, fertile soil is being excavated in pursuit of fossil fuels, while communities suffer. In the Midwest, farmland is being irreversibly lost in pursuit of silica sand.

‘Forever chemicals’ in drinking water pose risk even at low levels, EPA says:  The revised health guidelines are based on new science and consider lifetime exposure to the chemicals, the EPA said. Officials are no longer confident that PFAS levels allowed under the 2016 guidelines “do not have adverse health impacts,” an EPA spokesman said.

# General Information / Other News
Trump Ignores 9/11 Families, Urges Golfers to Play for Saudi-Backed Tour: Families of 9/11 victims accused Trump on Sunday of casting “our loved ones aside for a personal financial gain.” Not only will Trump continue to accept money from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s golf league, but he’s urging golfers from the PGA Tour to do the same. In a Monday morning post on TruthSocial, Trump slammed the “very disloyal” PGA and warned golfers against missing out on the money being offered by the Saudi-funded LIV Golf league.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Meet the Putin Lovers Who Want Him to Invade Their Country: Fueled by a man known as “Putin’s mini-me,” a dangerous movement is spiraling in a country just across the border from Russia’s war.

Putin to meet leaders from bloc of countries that have not condemned his invasion of Ukraine: Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to take part in his first major multilateral meeting since he launched an unprovoked war on Ukraine.

Ukraine in Talks to Use Western Weapons to Take Back Crimea: “Russia will have to leave Crimea if they wish to exist as a country,” Ukraine’s deputy defense minister was quoted saying.

Ukraine Preparing to Target Russia’s Black Sea Fleet With Western Weapons: “Russia will have to leave Crimea if they wish to exist as a country,” the British newspaper quoted Havrylov as saying. “We have a permanent threat from the Russian Black Sea fleet. Given the new technologies and capabilities we receive, we have to address this threat,” he continued. “We are ready to target them all over the Black Sea if we have that capability.”

# Gov / Politics / US
Manchin directed millions to wetlands near vacation condo: While upending climate legislation, Manchin directed over $15 million in federal funding to protected wetlands where the couple owns property.

Moody calls on Biden to classify illicit fentanyl as weapon of mass destruction: Attorney General Ashley Moody is calling on President Joe Biden to classify illicit fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction after 26 people in two separate incidents were poisoned by fentanyl in one week, including nine who died over the July 4 weekend.

Cori Bush arrested at abortion rights rally after unveiling bill on pill access: Bush, AOC, Pressley, and 13 other House Democrats arrested at the abortion rights demonstration. ‘We Need to Fight’: Cori Bush, Tina Smith, “Abortion care is healthcare and, therefore, a human right, period,” said Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.).

Texas Guv Skipped Every Uvalde Funeral: Gov. Greg Abbott “did not go to one single funeral—and quite honestly, many of the families didn’t want him there,” a Texas state senator said. “Many families requested private funerals, and the Governor and First Lady instead sent flowers and condolences to let the loved ones know they remain in their prayers,” the statement said.

Oklahoma Town’s First Openly Gay Mayor Resigns Amid Threats: “I’ve been followed home from meetings, threatened while walking my dog, harassed at Starbucks and have had my tires slashed,” he wrote in a resignation announcement.

# Law Enforcement
Outgoing Prison Boss Ordered to Testify on Abuse and Corruption: Michael Carvajal, the outgoing director of the federal Bureau of Prisons, submitted his resignation in January amid mounting pressure from Congress after an investigation revealed widespread criminal activity by staff and rampant sexual assault.

More could have been done to save Uvalde victims, a new report says: McCraw said police had enough officers and firepower on the scene of the Uvalde school massacre to have stopped the gunman three minutes after he entered the building, and they would have found the door to the classroom where he was holed up unlocked if they had bothered to check it.

Video shows police waiting in Uvalde school hallway while gunman shot children and teachers in classroom: A new wave of anger swept through Uvalde on Tuesday over surveillance footage of police officers in body armor milling in the hallway of Robb Elementary School while a gunman carried out a massacre inside a fourth-grade classroom where 19 children and two teachers were killed.

The staggering scope of U.S. gun deaths goes far beyond mass shootings: Mass killings, particularly those in which a gunman opens fire in a crowded public space, tend to draw much more attention than daily violence. Defining a mass shooting as four or more people killed, such cases account for fewer than 1 percent of all people killed by firearms. They are very rare

“Systemic failures” in Uvalde shooting went far beyond local police, Texas House report details: In total, 376 law enforcement officers descended upon the school, according to the most extensive account of the shooting to date. It says that better-equipped departments should have stepped up to fill a leadership void after the Uvalde schools police chief failed to take charge.

Virginia Cops Escape Charges for Killing Mentally Ill Woman: A report concluded that all five officers acted “appropriately and with justifiable use of lethal force.”

Ron DeSantis should revoke Florida’s cruel new prison visitation rules: Florida’s Department of Corrections is proposing a rule that would drastically reduce visitation privileges for inmates. While the FDC publicly acknowledges the critical role familial contact plays in reducing recidivism and helping keep families together, the new rule would be a disaster.

A federal judge blocked the Biden administration from enforcing LGBTQ+ protections in the workplace and under Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination in schools. The injunction also temporarily blocks enforcement of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s anti-discrimination guidance for LGBTQ+ workers.

House Passes Bill to Protect Same-Sex and Interracial Marriages: The House passed a bill that would provide protection for same-sex and interracial marriage under federal law, with Democratic lawmakers saying the recent Supreme Court ruling ending abortion rights could endanger other precedents.

# Medical / Health
Abortion surveillance: States unleashing abortion bans have been found to be some of the biggest users of location data from people’s phones to track abortions. Between 2018 and 2020, Texas sent more than 1,800 “geofence” warrants to Google. Ten states where ending a pregnancy is now  illegal have sent the search giant more than 5,700 demands for location  tracking data since 2018, showing the data’s potential usefulness to authorities enforcing abortion bans.

Dangers Of Common Painkillers: 5 Potential Risks From Taking OTC Pain Relief Drugs: Unfortunately, non-prescription painkillers aren’t without their fair share of risks. Here’s a look at five studies published on StudyFinds demonstrating some of the dangers from taking common pain relief medications.

# Military / Global
Putin’s Private Army Lowers Recruiting Standards After Heavy Losses: The notorious Russian military company Wagner Group is lowering its recruiting standards after heavy losses sustained in the war against Ukraine. In an intelligence update, the British defense ministry noted that Russia has used Wagner to reinforce front-line forces and to “mitigate manning shortfalls and casualties.”

# Social
Lawmakers, Law Enforcement in Two States Crack Down on Homeless: Missouri makes it a crime for the homeless to sleep on state-owned land, while authorities in California’s LA County have forced roughly 200 unhoused people into the desert.

# Space / UFO Disclosure
Why is NASA conducting a new study on UFOs? The agency has announced a project investigating reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), although extra-terrestrial explanations are not expected.

How big a deal is NASA’s new UFO study? “NASA believes that the tools of scientific discovery are powerful and apply here also,” Zurbuchen said in a statement(opens in new tab). “We have access to a broad range of observations of Earth from space – and that is the lifeblood of scientific inquiry. We have the tools and team who can help us improve our understanding of the unknown. That’s the very definition of what science is. That’s what we do.” The UAP study team will be led by astrophysicist David Spergel, previously the chair of the astrophysics department at Princeton University.

The Mysterious Bundle Of ‘Noodles’ Isn’t The Only Weird Thing We’ve Found On Mars: The odd bit of debris was spotted by one of Perseverance’s hazard cams that are tasked with making sure the SUV-sized rover doesn’t crash into any boulders or flounder in a Martian ditch. The bit of space trash was first spotted last week and caused such an online ruckus that it became the mission’s image of the week by public acclaim. Less than a week later, the little bundle of mystery was gone, presumably carried off by the wind

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NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-07-18

Voices, The Peoples News

July 18, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration
“I Don’t Want Anyone Else to Go Through That”: ICE Detainees Allege Sexual Assault by Jail Nurse Intercepted: ICE stopped jailing women in an immigration jail after allegations of abuse. Where women were detained next became a new nightmare.

Ukrainian Refugees Now Have Expedited Entry to U.S. But No Pathway to Green Cards: The U4U refugee program expedites entry for Ukrainians, but they need a financial sponsor and can only stay two years.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Research Confirms Menstrual Cycle Bleeding Changes After COVID Shot: Many people did notice changes to their menstrual cycles. A survey conducted by anthropologists found numerous reports of unusually heavy flows and even breakthrough bleeding among some people who hadn’t menstruated in years.

VAERS Data Reveal Serious Adverse Event Reports in Babies After mRNA COVID Shots: VRBPAC released a report listing adverse events reported following mRNA COVID shots in the under age five age group, which included fever; chills; injection site pain; fatigue/excessive sleepiness; irritability/crying; headache and body pain; swollen lymph nodes; vomiting and diarrhea, etc.2 The document stated:

How the Novavax Coronavirus Vaccine Uses Moth Cells: “As companies like Moderna and Pfizer race to use cutting-edge mRNA technology to deliver the first set of coronavirus vaccines, Novavax took a different approach. The Maryland biotechnology company used insect cells to produce the coronavirus’s unique spiked protein, which can then be introduced to patients to prime their immune systems. This process is known as a recombinant protein vaccination…”

# Economy / Finance / Trade
The Impossible, Inevitable Survival of the Trump Tax Cuts: How Democrats went from unanimous opposition to an unpopular policy to doing nothing about it in the five years since it became law.  The Trump tax cuts rolled back the estate tax, eliminated the alternative minimum tax, slashed the corporate tax rate, and created a new loophole, used mostly by the rich, for “pass-through” businesses. Repealing those measures alone could net you around $3 trillion—and all you would have to do is go back to the pre-Trump tax code circa fall 2017.

# Education / Schools
Post-Roe, Republicans Continue Taking Aim at Comprehensive Sex EdClasses: Proposals to restrict sex ed coincide with abortion restrictions at the national and state levels.

Oakland Parents Occupy Elementary School to Prevent Its Closure: “We fight for our kids until they fight for themselves,” said one parent.

DeSantis’ Education Message Is Winning in Battleground States, Teacher Union Poll Finds: Before a friendly audience of conservative moms, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday excoriated political opponents of wanting to “sexualize” children and warp kids’ understanding of race and history.

Betsy DeVos Wants to Destroy the Agency She Ran Under Trump: The former Secretary of Education’s comment was met with resounding applause from conservative activists.

Students Like Me Can Target School Boards to Get Police Out of Schools: Students can challenge injustices like school policing by organizing and making their voices heard at school boards.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Ilhan Omar Calls for Manchin to Be Removed From Role as Chair of Energy Committee: Other Democrats have also questioned why Manchin is allowed to lead the powerful committee, which guides energy policy.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Reflections on the Supreme Court’s Decision in West Virginia v. EPA: Danger resides in the majority’s having invoked a sweeping “Major Questions Doctrine” to justify its decision in this relatively narrow case. The recent 6-3 U.S. Supreme Court decision in West Virginia v. EPA was an exercise of raw political power.

Texas power outages: The grid doesn’t look very “fixed”:  Extreme cold paralyzed the state in 2021. Extreme heat almost took it down again.

Swamps can protect against climate change, if we only let them: Wetlands absorb carbon dioxide and buffer the excesses of drought and flood

Pressure mounts on New York City to come clean with 9/11 WTC files: More people have died of toxics exposure from 9/11 than in the attacks themselves

Central Texas ranchers are being forced to sell off their cattle by the thousands as a result of record-setting temperatures

Crew aboard private yacht confirm sighting of bio-luminescent ‘milky
sea’: In his paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, Steven Miller describes how he discovered the event while
studying satellite images and then gained confirmation from a crew
aboard a yacht that happened to be sailing through the area.

To reduce harmful algal blooms and dead zones, the US needs a national strategy for regulating farm pollution:Nutrient pollution fouls lakes and bays with algae, killing fish and threatening public health. Progress curbing it has been slow, mainly because of farm pollution.

Climate activists demand more from state lawmakers in wake of Supreme Court EPA ruling: With federal government’s ability to tackle climate change curtailed by the Supreme Court, activists pressing climate-friendly state lawmakers to step up.

With the Supreme Court’s EPA ruling, can Trump’s damage to the environment ever be repaired? Trump’s appointments reveal the frightening far-reaching power of a corrupt president.

California is losing its trees, perhaps permanently, as climate change is shifting its ecosystems.Trees are burning and grasslands are taking their place.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Our empty oceans: Scots team’s research finds Atlantic plankton all but wiped out in catastrophic loss of life

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Global
Viewpoint: Millions face food insecurity. Following ‘green hysteria’ in rejecting pesticides and fertilizers will make this crisis worse. From 2023, the European Union will allocate 25 per cent of its direct agriculture payment budget to “eco-payments” for carbon and organic farmers. They do this as the world experiences historic starvation levels

Orphan Crops: How biotechnology can protect indigenous ‘orphan crops’ from disease and boost economic growth: While these crops play a key role in local diets and are uniquely adapted to the environment in which they are grown, they are characterized by underfunding for research and development, very little attention from agriculture extension services, weak and underdeveloped value chains, lack of awareness about their nutritional value, a perception that they are a “poor farmer’s crop” and low interest among farmers and industry due to lack of demand.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Toxic chemicals found in oysters in Biscayne Bay pose potential health concerns

# Gov / Politics / US
Biden’s Trip Is About Exiting the Middle East, but U.S. Might Get Pulled Back In: Joe Biden lacks the will to truly disentangle the U.S. from its unsavory regional allies and the chaos they have sown together.

Biden to Saudi Arabia and Israel: Sure, Kill Our Journalists: On his trip to the Middle East, Joe Biden’s efforts to paper over nominal allies’ atrocities against Americans sends a message of impunity.

Palestinians Face Forced Expulsions as Biden Pledges Allegiance to Israel: Biden promised Israel $3.8 billion in annual military aid to maintain the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.

The sudden prominence of Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, a new protest group led by followers of fringe communist theorist Bob Avakian, has alarmed veteran activists.

It’s time for the Democratic Party’s geriatric leaders to relinquish power: The Democratic Party needs to transfer power from the gerontocracy in the White House, U.S. Senate, and House of Representatives to a new generation of leaders.

Republican Senators Marco Rubio And Kevin Cramer Introduce Bill Requiring Child Support At Conception:Following the Supreme Court’s reversal of the landmark case Roe v. Wade, Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Kevin Cramer proposed a bill requiring child support payments beginning at conception.

Idaho GOP overwhelmingly rejects adding abortion exceptions to save the life of the mother to platform: According to The Idaho Statesman’s reporting, “the party supports the criminalization of all abortions within the state’s jurisdiction and said Idaho’s Constitution should be amended to include a ‘declaration of the right to life for preborn children.'” Miscarriages were not criminalized, however.

Palin Tied to Builder Who Allegedly Bribed Trump Admin: The developer whom a House committee accused of using cash and connections to get a federal permit has six-figure dealings with the former Alaska governor.Palin revealed her dealings with Scottsdale-based El Dorado Holdings in disclosures she made to the House clerk’s office as part of her bid for Alaska’s vacant congressional district.

Sanders denounces Manchin for “intentionally sabotaging” Democratic agenda: “Manchin represents the wealthiest people in this country, not working families in West Virginia or America,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders. Senator also rebukes Biden for Saudi Arabia trip: ‘I don’t believe we should maintain a warm relationship with a dictator like that’

Trump Tells Team He Needs to Be President Again to Save Himself from Criminal Probes: The former president is planning on running for the White House, and away from the law

# Law Enforcement
“Systemic failures and egregious poor decision making”: The interim report released Sunday by a House committee­ investigating the state’s worst school shooting found that various law enforcement agencies failed to seize authority at the scene.

# Legal / DOJ
Secret Service Deleted Jan. 6 Text Messages After Oversight Officials Requested Them: A letter given to the January 6 committee says the erasure took place shortly after oversight officials requested the agency’s electronic communications.

Cop passed out before key Uvalde briefing, report says: The unnamed officer was replaced by a police administrator who had not witnessed most of the shooting’s key events.

Judge blocks protections for LGBTQ students and workers: A judge in Tennessee temporarily blocked a federal directive that protects students and workers from being discriminated against based on their sexual orientation or identity.

# Medical Alternatives / Herbology
House Moves to Expand Psychedelic Therapy Research: In a rare bipartisan display, Reps. Dan Crenshaw and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez secured defense spending amendments that would support psychedelic-assisted PTSD treatment for veterans.

# Medical / Health
Glyphosate detected in 80% of urine? Reason for alarm or deceptive data distortion? Glyphosate fell into IARC’s “probably carcinogenic” category, along with such dastardly things as eating processed meat, sunbathing too long and working as a hairdresser or barber. What does IARC consider much more dangerous than glyphosate?

Woman left to bleed for 10 days from incomplete miscarriage after being turned away by hospital post-Roe.Because of Wisconsin’s outright ban on abortion, the woman was turned away by emergency room staff at a hospital. Several stories have detailed delays in affected person care as physicians have been compelled to seek the advice of different medical doctors and attorneys for approval.

Every doctor needs a lawyer: Do they have to be dying in front of me? Because of the confusion caused by vaguely written anti abortion laws, “we have to call the lawyers first before we can make the decisions now,” she tells Sam Stein. “Do they have to be dying in front of me? There’s just no clarity whatsoever.”

Research shows investigational drug fosters nerve repair after injury: Scientists from the University of Birmingham have shown that a brain-penetrating candidate drug currently in development as a cancer therapy can foster regeneration of damaged nerves after spinal trauma.

Progressives release blueprint for federal action on reproductive freedom: “Access to abortion has reached crisis level, and it demands a response from Congress and the Biden administration that meets this moment,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal.

Idaho GOP Sets Party Line Against Life-Saving Exception for Abortions: Delegates at the state convention voted nearly four to one against endorsing a life-saving exception for abortion.

# Science
Physicists harness quantum ‘time reversal’ to measure vibrating atoms: The quantum vibrations in atoms hold a miniature world of information. If scientists can accurately measure these atomic oscillations, and how they evolve over time, they can hone the precision of atomic clocks as well as quantum sensors, which are systems of atoms whose fluctuations can indicate the presence of dark matter, a passing gravitational wave, or even new, unexpected phenomena.

Chemists change the bonds between atoms in a single molecule for the first time: A team of researchers from IBM Research Europe, has changed the bonds between the atoms in a single molecule for the first time. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes their method and possible uses for it.

Trial puts CRISPR ‘cousin’ to the test: A clinical trial that recently treated its first participant will test whether base editing, a genome-editing method related to the CRISPR–Cas9 system, can safely be used to make precise, single-letter changes to a DNA sequence. The approach, developed by US biotechnology company Verve Therapeutics, aims to treat a condition that causes dangerously high cholesterol.

Human-on-a-chip system replicates rare neuromuscular disorders, finds
new treatment without animal testing

# Security
The Coup Allegations Against the Secret Service Are Astonishing: This is perhaps the most gruesome scandal in Secret Service history. “Another way to put it,” reports The Atlantic, “is that the Secret Service has been a rolling disaster, with almost too many breaches to keep track of.” Most of these blunders have involved grossly inappropriate behavior abroad, drunken foolishness at home, a consistent failure of leadership, and more than a few disturbing breaches in White House security.

# Veterans / VA
More than 155,000 military family members and retirees will be moved from the military hospital system to civilian health providers starting later this year, a process expected to last through mid-2026, according to a new Defense Department report.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-07-17

Voices, The Peoples News

July 17, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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# Border / Immigration
19 state AGs petition SCOTUS supporting lawsuit over altered deportation
policy:  Nineteen attorneys general, led by Arizona AG Mark Brnovich, filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in a case the Biden administration is fighting after a federal judge in Texas ruled against it last month. Texas and Louisiana sued over a Department of Homeland Security directive altering deportation policy.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Uruguay Halts COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids Under 13, Judge Demands Government Officials Turn Over Pfizer Contracts: Uruguay suspended COVID-19 vaccines for children under 13 after a judge on Thursday issued an injunction halting vaccinations in that age group until government officials turn over its contracts with Pfizer.

Guitarist Who Lost 8 Fingers After J&J Vaccine Tells RFK, Jr.: People Have to Be Held Accountable: On a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” guitarist Jeff Diamond described having eight fingers amputated and losing his singing voice after developing blood clots about a week after getting the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

FDA Colluded With Moderna to Bypass COVID Vaccine Safety Standards, Documents Reveal: According to Alexandra Latypova, an ex-pharmaceutical industry executive, documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine suggest the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Moderna colluded to bypass regulatory and scientific standards used to ensure products are safe.

‘Head-Spinning’: FDA Quietly Grants Full Approval of Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine for Adolescents: In a move Children’s Health Defense President Mary Holland called “head-spinning,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday granted full approval of Pfizer-BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents 12 through 15 years old.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Texas grid heaves under extreme heat: Texas’ free market approach to the power grid has created a surplus of solar and wind energy, but record-breaking temperatures reveal the vulnerabilities of the system. A high-octane power grid is hitting its limits.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure With power lines sparking more wildfires as climate change makes landscapes more flammable and drives a movement to “electrify everything,” a simple solution is gaining acceptance despite the cost.

‘A modern-day villain’: Joe Manchin condemned for killing US climate action: The West Virginia senator, a fossil-fuel millionaire, has refused to support any spending to curb the climate crisis

Op-Ed: What Joe Manchin cost us: Mr. Manchin’s legacy will be climate destruction.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Manure-Eating Worms Could Be the Dairy Industry’s Climate Solution: The worms devour pollutants in dairy wastewater and even prevent greenhouse gas emissions, making such a system a boon to water quality and a possible alternative to digesters.

Skittles are ‘unsafe’ for consumers, lawsuit charges, because they contain ‘a known toxin’: Class action suit says Mars concealed information about toxic ingredient called titanium dioxide, rendering them “unfit for human consumption”

# Gov / Politics / Global
Russia is waging war on Jewish history, why isn’t Israel doing something about it? Despite its outrage, all that the Israel government did was to summon the Russian ambassador to the Israel foreign ministry for a scolding and demand an “apology,” as though this was just an unfortunate diplomatic gaffe. Thus far no Russian apology has been forthcoming.

Russia-Ukraine war: The West must stop its unconditional support for Zelensky Regime: Zelensky should instead be pushed towards the negotiating table – for his own sake, that of his suffering people

The Presbyterian Church voted to declare Israel an apartheid state. Jewish organizations are calling the move antisemitic. Commissioners of 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted 266 to 116 in their annual meeting to make public the church’s stance that both affirms the right of Israel to provide security to its borders and criticizes human rights offenses perpetrated against Palestinians.

# Gov / Politics / US
How Jewish Is the War Against Russia? The head of the Department of Homeland Security, which is hot on the trail of domestic “terrorist” dissidents, is also Jewish as is the Attorney General and the president’s chief of staff. They and their boss Joe Biden do not seem concerned that their client Ukraine is no democracy.

Is a US-Russia War Becoming Inevitable? Americans appear dismissive of dark Russian warnings that rather than accept defeat in Ukraine, the humiliation of their nation, and their encirclement and isolation, they will resort to tactical nuclear weapons.

AIPAC Has Taken Over the Democratic Primary Process. What will it take for Democratic leadership to cry foul?Primary season is ending with a bang this year in the Democratic Party, thanks to AIPAC, the single most consequential political action committee involved. The hawkish political group, through its super PAC United Democracy Project, is dumping trainloads of money to influence the outcome of two particularly high-profile races

John Bolton Admits on Live TV He ‘Has Helped Plan Coups D’État’: “As somebody who has helped plan coup d’etat, not here, but other places, it takes a lot of work.” – John Bolton

War with Iran: The United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel, responsible for military fiascos, hundreds of thousands of deaths and innumerable war crimes in the Middle East, are now plotting to attack Iran.  U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) is reviewing options to attack if Teheran looks poised to obtain a nuclear weapon and Israel, which opposes U.S.-Iran nuclear negotiations, carries out military strikes.

House Democrats Push GOP to Take a Position on Military-Style Assault Rifles: Lawmakers will consider a ban on assault weapons sales and have called on gun makers to testify.

Palestinians Face Forced Expulsions as Biden Pledges Allegiance to Israel: Biden promised Israel $3.8 billion in annual military aid to maintain the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.

# Legal / DOJ
Jayland Walker was shot nearly four dozen times, autopsy results show: Jayland Walker, the 25-year-old Black man who died at the hands of police in Akron, Ohio, was shot with 26 bullets, recovered from his body, according to a preliminary autopsy report released Friday, 41 entry wounds and five wounds from bullets that grazed Walker.Walker’s body had more than 60 wounds.

Dark Money and the Courts: The Supreme Court are hard right activists in robes, adorned with enormous power and influence, and they are preparing to take away rights so fundamental that many don’t realize they can be taken at all. They can, with the bang of a gavel. The Supreme Court is coming for Griswold, the basis for the right to use contraception that is actually the cradle of privacy rights. They are coming for Sullivan, which protects a free press. They are coming for Obergefell, the landmark decision legalizing marriage equality. They are coming for Moore v. Harper, which if overturned will deliver the power to decide elections to state legislatures. Currently, 30 states have legislatures with a Republican majority, and the Republican Party belongs to Donald Trump and his stolen election fictions.

“Parental Rights in Education” laws are a form of child abuse: At least 12 other state legislatures are now appropriating the Florida model and are considering similar “Don’t Say Gay” laws. Passed primarily by Republicans in the state legislature and signed into law, the new law reads in part: “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state

# Media
Right-Wing Model Legislation Would Criminalize Sharing Information on Abortion: The legislation would directly target journalists, as it essentially criminalizes freedom of speech regarding abortion.

# Medical / Health
Modified pig hearts transplanted into dead people kept on life support: For the first time, researchers have successfully transplanted genetically modified pig hearts into two recently deceased humans who were on life support. The recipients, who had been declared brain-dead prior to the transplants, were kept on ventilators and dialysis both before, during and after the procedures.

Texas AG challenger says lawsuit preventing the Biden administration from protecting abortions in medical emergencies is ‘state-sanctioned femicide’

Autoimmune patients are losing access to essential medications as states crack down on abortions. The reason? The drugs can also be used to end pregnancies.

Indiana abortion doctor faces litany of threats after being named on website linked to Amy Coney Barrett: The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) previously warned Planned Parenthood that it had received intel about a potential threat against Dr. Caitlin Bernard and her child.

Daughter of doctor who gave 10-year-old an abortion faced kidnapping threat: Caitlin Bernard of Indiana is named on an extreme anti-abortion website linked to Amy Coney Barrett

Op-Ed: Dr. Caitlin Bernard was meant to write this with me before she was attacked for doing her job: It’s terrifying to be a doctor in post-Roe America.

# Military / DOD
NATO: The Most Dangerous Military Alliance on the Planet: Flirting with Armageddon to profit the arms industry and reclaim U.S. global hegemony is at best extremely reckless and at worst genocidal.

# Veterans / VA
Veterans Crisis Line gets new phone number — 988: Starting Saturday, the Veterans Crisis Line will have a new and simpler phone number. The VA’s 2021 National Suicide Prevention Annual Report states 6,261 veterans died by suicide in 2019.

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