Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-12-01

Voices, The Peoples News

December 1, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration
Number of Immigrants Under Punitive Surveillance Quadrupled on Biden’s Watch: Surveillance technologies like ankle monitors and cellphone apps are not harmless “alternatives” to immigration jails.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
How COVID Shots Harm the Immune System and May Cause Neurological Disease: Emerging reports of rare neurological complications associated with COVID-19 infection and vaccinations are leading to regulatory, clinical and public health concerns.

# Education / Schools
Point: Discrimination in Education Cannot Be Justified: For an alternate viewpoint, see “Counterpoint: Americans of Every Race Deserve a Fair Shot; Affirmative Action Provides One.” The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard arguments about using race and ethnicity in admissions policies.

Counterpoint: Every American Deserves a Fair Shot; Affirmative Action Provides One: For an alternate viewpoint, see “Point: Discrimination in Education Cannot Be Justified.” Most agree we all deserve a fair shot in life. But too many Americans are denied that chance because of their skin color.

# Employment / Labor
The Eyes of Amazon: How the Tech Giant Secretly Watches Employees’ Every Move From Afar

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical
Fracking Firm Agrees to Pay a Small Town’s Water Bills for 75 Years: A fracking company has been convicted 14 years after polluting water wells in Dimock, Pennsylvania.

Landmark Deal: Fracking Company Admits Criminal Responsibility, Will Pay $16.29 Million to Build Pennsylvania Water System: Coterra Energy (formerly Cabot Oil & Gas), the gas-drilling company made famous by the documentary “Gasland,” will pay $16.29 million to connect the homes of residents in the rural Pennsylvania community of Dimock to a clean water source.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure
Montana judge won’t halt Go. Greg Gianforte’s aggressive wolf hunt: The decision came as part of a lawsuit from environmental groups filed after the deadliest year for Yellowstone wolves since their reintroduction. Despite tens of thousands of public comments demanding a more measured approach to wolf management, the state has continued to pursue a campaign of large-scale population reduction.

# Environment / Climate / Global
How to Move a Country, Fiji has a radical plan to escape rising sea levels: Standard Operating Procedures for Planned Relocations. It is the most thorough plan ever devised to tackle one of the most urgent consequences of the climate crisis: How to relocate communities whose homes will soon be, or already are, underwater.

# General Information / Other News
Tax returns reveal finances of former Trump aides’ ‘dark money’ group bankrolling divisive ads ahead of 2022 midterms: The America First Legal Foundation, a “dark money” group run by former Trump officials, raised millions during its first year in operation.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Deaths Back Home Leave Russians Furious with Putin: While Ukrainians suffer the misery of power cuts and no heating due to missile strikes, people are also freezing to death back in Putin’s broken Russia.

Bibi Is Putting Israel on a Collision Course With U.S: Benjamin Netanyahu’s embrace of dangerous far-right extremists may create a crisis with its most important friend.

Iranian players may be out of the World Cup, but they stole the show anyway: Iran’s players are risking more than any other team to condemn injustice at a World Cup clouded by human rights abuses and suppression of dissent. Would Iran’s leaders punish players who carried the nation to its proudest athletic achievement in generations?

# Gov / Politics / US
Speaker Sendoff: Pelosi Granted New Title and Capitol Room: “She has dedicated her life to the dignity of the American people, to the defense of our Democracy, and always foremost, to the children and the posterity of our Nation.”

Congress Seat Could Flip if Officials Don’t Certify Election: GOP officials in Arizona’s Cochise County’s are stonewalling on certifying the election, and it could imperil a Republican candidate’s victory in the midterms.

Hakeem Jeffries is the next head of the House Democrats, becoming the first Black person to lead a party in Congress

Walker-Warnock U.S. Senate race in Georgia most expensive in 2022 cycle as runoff intensifies

Can France and the United States Get Over Their Petty Squabbles? Macron’s state visit is a chance for Washington to realize the value of its independent-minded ally.

# Law Enforcement
Elderly Woman Arrested for Not Paying $77.80 Trash Bill: Police said they were obliged to arrest the 82-year-old woman but insisted that she was “treated respectfully” by officers.

Boy, 10, Killed Mom When She Refused to Buy VR Headset: The boy did not cry or show remorse over his mother’s death, his aunt reportedly told police.

# Legal / DOJ
Ron DeSantis’ Controversial Power Grab Gets Its Day in Court: The right-wing Florida governor axed a liberal prosecutor in August over his stance on abortion. A federal judge could rebuke him this week by reversing that decision.

Senior US official Elizabeth Rood says that the government “has put a significant proposal on the table” regarding Russia’s release of Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan. However, the Guardian reports, Russia has yet to offer a serious response.

Houston voted to give firefighters equal pay with police in 2018. Now, it’s up to Texas Supreme Court
One justice told the city it is “on a knife’s edge” in trying to argue against pay parity.

Oath Keepers Founder Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy for Plotting to Violently Overthrow U.S. Gov’t
See also: What is Seditious Conspiracy?

# Medical / Health
Air pollution causes almost half of all stillbirths, over 1 million a year: First global analysis follows discovery of toxic pollution particles in lungs and brains of foetuses

Gardasil’s Long Shadow of Autoimmunity Confirmed Again: Girls and young women experiencing complications from Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine show symptoms and biological markers of autoimmune conditions, according to a new study published in The Journal of Autoimmunity.

# Technology
‘Vassal to the Chinese Communist Party’: Apple blasted for limiting AirDrop function for Chinese protesters: Chinese iPhones limited the receiving options from non-contacts to a maximum of 10 minutes. The receiving preference automatically returns to “off” or “contacts only” once the 10 minutes have passed. There was no time limit previously.

The Dark Era at Stake if Congress Allows Internet Censorship: Americans need to find common ground now perhaps more than ever but curtailing free speech online is not the place to start. The new Congress inherits a nation divided. Americans are insecure in their status and uncertain of their futures. And as an equally divided Congress searches for possible common ground, bipartisan proposals to punish online platforms for the nation’s ills appear ascendant.

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