Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-28

Voices, The Peoples News

February 28, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“Bombs costing $100,000 from a plane that costs $100,000,000 flying at a cost of
$40,000 an hour to kill people living on less than $1 a day. This is the shit they call war. ”
– Author Unknown
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Covid / Pandemics
Strange Evolutionary Pace of SARS-CoV-2 Mutations Is Finally Revealed in New Study. According to the researchers, the background substitution rate of SARS-CoV-2 suggests the virus accrues approximately two mutations each month.

COVID-19 is linked to long-term mental health issues in recovered patients, study finds. Those who recovered from COVID-19 are more likely to have anxiety, depression and other mental health issues

Scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began.
* Genetic match discovered in Covid’s unique furin cleavage site on spike protein
* Matched genetic sequence patented by Moderna for cancer research purposes
* Researchers say one in 3trillion chance Covid developed the code naturally https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10542309/Fresh-lab-leak-fears-study-finds-genetic-code-Covids-spike-protein-linked-Moderna-patent.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mNoW-VdoPfK907vQf-WHJ4ANTJfIowjZFmSKAuieLcAXwx_L6QLwcijBQm8Sg81H-YqK$

COVID ground zero: Three new studies again point to Wuhan live animal market as source of coronavirus outbreak. Report says that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 jumped from animals sold at the market into people twice in late 2019 — but some scientists want more definitive evidence.

A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – and Red States Are Getting on Board https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.forbes.com/sites/suzannerowankelleher/2022/02/24/national-vaccine-quietly-rolled-out/?sh=36d4ab3e6be6__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mNoW-VdoPfK907vQf-WHJ4ANTJfIowjZFmSKAuieLcAXwx_L6QLwcijBQm8Sg8FXnzqf$

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Medicare Owes Retirees a Refund, Says Powerful Senior Group.  In addition to surging prices on goods and services, Medicare premiums rose significantly and ate up a large portion of the raise most retirees got in 2022.

How Congress made sure the rich retire in luxury, at taxpayer expense:
Savings plans pitched as helping the middle-class have turned out to be a gold mine for the wealthy.

# Education / Schools
Our Universities’ Investments in Fossil Fuels Are Unethical, and Illegal. Our schools are complicit in the climate crisis. They must divest.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical U.S. oil and gas companies are using Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to push back against the Biden administration’s climate agenda.

Lobbying Firms Sever Partnerships on Russian Pipeline After Raking in Millions Lobbyists are now distancing themselves from companies partnering on the Russian state-owned Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global BP quits Russia in up to $25 billion hit after Ukraine invasion https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/britains-bp-says-exit-stake-russian-oil-giant-rosneft-2022-02-27/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mNoW-VdoPfK907vQf-WHJ4ANTJfIowjZFmSKAuieLcAXwx_L6QLwcijBQm8Sg5LStdgB$

Can Germany function without Vladimir Putin’s gas? Nord Stream 2 was meant to deliver 70% of country’s gas and switch to renewable energy sources has been slow.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Why did California regulators choose firm with ties to Chevron to study irrigating crops with oil wastewater? In 2015, a California water board suddenly found itself under a microscope for allowing farmers to irrigate their crops with oil field wastewater https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://insideclimatenews.org/news/27022022/california-produced-water-gsi-chevron-kern-county/*:*:text=They*20feared*20that*20oil*20companies,drinking*20water*20and*20growing*20crops__;I34lJSUlJSUlJQ!!On18fmf1aQ!mNoW-VdoPfK907vQf-WHJ4ANTJfIowjZFmSKAuieLcAXwx_L6QLwcijBQm8Sg-6JKlub$ .

# General Information / Other News
Putin’s ‘assault on humanity’ in Ukraine is looking really bad for Donald Trump. The world is rallying behind Ukraine as it is invaded by Russia. Donald Trump may suffer political consequences for embracing Putin.

# Global Politics
Ukraine conflict: Russia Issues Ominous Warning to Finland, Sweden Should They Join NATO https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newsweek.com/russia-threatens-finland-sweden-nato-ukraine-invasion-1682715__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mNoW-VdoPfK907vQf-WHJ4ANTJfIowjZFmSKAuieLcAXwx_L6QLwcijBQm8Sgx_E_SBh$

The world’s largest sovereign wealth fund said it will dump its Russian assets on the Ukraine invasion https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/27/intl_business/norway-sovereign-fund-russia/index.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mNoW-VdoPfK907vQf-WHJ4ANTJfIowjZFmSKAuieLcAXwx_L6QLwcijBQm8SgyAyLGy_$

Pariah Status Starts to Exact a Financial Toll on Russia https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bloombergquint.com/gadfly/russia-s-pariah-status-from-ukraine-will-take-its-financial-toll__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mNoW-VdoPfK907vQf-WHJ4ANTJfIowjZFmSKAuieLcAXwx_L6QLwcijBQm8Sg_whmP2e$

Mexico’s cartels are finding new ways to get their hands on a new kind of gun: One chart that tells the story: 70 percent of guns seized in Mexico and traced by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) from 2009 to 2014 came from the US https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.vox.com/2016/1/14/10771628/gun-violence-america-mexico*content__;Iw!!On18fmf1aQ!mNoW-VdoPfK907vQf-WHJ4ANTJfIowjZFmSKAuieLcAXwx_L6QLwcijBQm8Sg_oeUm5N$

EU to Purchase and Deliver Weapons to Ukraine in Historic First: The European Union will finance the purchase and delivery of $500 million worth weapons to Ukraine, marking the first time in the bloc’s history that it will send arms to a country under attack.

Ukraine Agrees to Meet for Negotiations With Russia at Belarus Border:
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky agreed to hold discussions with Moscow “without preconditions.”

# Gov / Politics
Giuliani’s legal problems deepen as ‘false electors’ scheme investigated. Ex-prosecutors say possible charges could include falsifying voting documents and conspiracy to defraud the US https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/590832-giuliani-led-fake-electors-plot-cnn__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mNoW-VdoPfK907vQf-WHJ4ANTJfIowjZFmSKAuieLcAXwx_L6QLwcijBQm8Sg4XLVaxm$

Why Biden is going easy on Russia’s energy industry: U.S. and European dependence on Russian oil and gas is tempering the push for harsh sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime.

Republicans Are Already Sabotaging Biden’s Fragile Diplomacy With Iran.
The GOP, like the hardliners in Iran, has long opposed any deal that the other country could agree on.

# Military / DOD
A team of American and British special forces veterans are preparing to join Ukraine’s fight against Russia https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/christopherm51/american-nato-military-veterans-fight-russia-with-ukraine__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mNoW-VdoPfK907vQf-WHJ4ANTJfIowjZFmSKAuieLcAXwx_L6QLwcijBQm8Sg6G8X8hw$

# Military / Global
Russia Stumbles in Biggest Test of Its Military Force. Initial setbacks spur fears that Russians will step up firepower.

Kyiv and Moscow Hold Talks as Ukrainian Troops Repel Russian Attacks.
Delegations from Kyiv and Moscow are holding discussions at the Ukraine-Belarus border after days of war.

The Russian Invasion Touches Outer Space. The long-held idea that earthly conflict can’t tarnish something as lofty as space travel is only a platitude, not a certainty.

U.S. official: Belarus is preparing to join Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko are allies, and the troops could leave Belarus for Ukraine as early as Monday https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://theweek.com/russo-ukrainian-war/1010678/us-official-belarus-is-preparing-to-join-russian-invasion-of-ukraine__;!!On18fmf1aQ!mNoW-VdoPfK907vQf-WHJ4ANTJfIowjZFmSKAuieLcAXwx_L6QLwcijBQm8Sgz3XdaT0$

Breaking: Putin Puts Russian Nuclear Deterrence Forces on High Alert Over Aggressive Statements By NATO: Putin has ordered the defence minister and the chief of the military to put nuclear deterrent forces in a ‘special regime of combat duty’

North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Toward Sea of Japan. The Japanese government lodged a protest with North Korea via the Japanese Embassy in Beijing, Kishi said. Tokyo and Pyongyang do not have diplomatic relations.

# Nuclear
Opinion: Bury it? Shoot it into space? Why scientists still can’t find a place for nuclear waste. Propositions abound: from catapulting it into space, ditching it between tectonic plates, or burying it deep underground on remote islands.

# Science
The brain activity of a dying person was recorded for the first time ever. A patient’s unexpected death during a study has given us the first recording of a dying human brain.

Novel treatment might be the key to cure HIV: Scientists cure a woman infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) using a never-seen-before treatment.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-27 – Afternoon Edition

Voices, The Peoples News

February 27, 2022 – Afternoon Edition
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
On February 14, 2022, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) convened Tribal Nations across the United States for the 2022 State of Indian Nations (SOIN) Address and its legislative conference, the 2022 Executive Council Winter Session.

Bison Restoration on Tribal Lands Has Cultural, Ecological and Economic Benefits https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ecowatch.com/bison-restoration-on-tribal-lands-has-cultural-ecological-and-economic-benefits-study-finds.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeUblEqlT$

# Indigenous / Global
Backed by International Investors, Mining Companies Line Up to Expand in or Near the Amazon’s Indigenous Territories: While it’s illegal to mine or prospect for precious metals on Indigenous lands in Brazil, two pending bills supported in concept by President Jair Bolsonaro could lift the ban.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls Nearly Half of Bald Eagles in the U.S. Suffer From Toxic Lead Exposure https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.voanews.com/a/nearly-half-of-us-bald-eagles-suffer-lead-poisoning-/6447550.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeVbYYkO0$

Family Dollar locations are recalling all pet food and treats (plus human foods and medicines). The reason? There was a rodent infestation at a distribution center.

Will Exporting Farmed Totoaba Fix the Big Mess Pushing the World’s Most Endangered Porpoise to Extinction? International officials will soon decide the fate of Mexican totoaba fish farming—and with it, possibly the last glimmer of hope for the vaquita.

# Covid / Pandemics
CDC Says Most Americans Can Ditch Their Masks. Nearly 72 percent of Americans live in places where they no longer need to mask up indoors, the CDC announced https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2022-02-25/most-americans-dont-need-to-wear-masks-indoors-under-new-cdc-covid-19-guidance__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeZlgcghi$

More than 7 million immunocompromised people in the US remain vulnerable to COVID. How should their concerns be addressed?

Danger ahead? How a COVID variant with the transmissibility of Omicron and the deadliness of SARS could emerge https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2022/02/25/danger-ahead-how-a-covid-variant-with-the-transmissibility-of-omicron-and-the-deadliness-of-sars-could-emerge/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSecwVsV96$

CDC Has Not Been Transparent With the American Public on COVID https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20220222/report-cdc-not-publishing-large-amounts-of-covid-19-data__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeZkN77JV$

College Student in New York Dies of Myocarditis Related to Pfizer COVID Shot https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wfla.com/community/health/coronavirus/ny-college-student-dead-after-covid-vaccine-had-rare-complication-deputy-coroner/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeSWDO76J$

Vaccine monopolies make cost of vaccinating the world against COVID at least 5 times more expensive than it could be https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/vaccine-monopolies-make-cost-vaccinating-world-against-covid-least-5-times-more__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSecq6mG0S$

Pfizer Reaps Hundreds of Millions in Profits From Covid Vaccine https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/04/business/pfizer-covid-vaccine-profits.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeVdvrDK-$

Covid vaccine profits mint 9 new pharma billionaires https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/21/business/covid-vaccine-billionaires/index.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeRU0vSZj$

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Members of Congress overseeing payday lending have taken over $3.4 million from the industry https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2022/02/members-of-congress-overseeing-payday-lending-have-taken-over-3-4-million-from-the-industry/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeWTo5oXv$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Supreme Court Refuses to Consider Dakota Access Pipeline Appeal. The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to consider an appeal by Energy Transfer, the Dallas-based operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), over a
2020 ruling requiring an environmental review of the oil pipeline, The Guardian reported.

Energy-Hungry Bitcoin is Bringing Old Fossil Fuel Plants Back on Line:
One of the biggest questions surrounding the cryptocurrency boom is whether or not the climate can afford such an energy-intensive trend.

Oil and Gas Companies ‘Flare’ or ‘Vent’ Excess Natural Gas. It’s Like Burning Money—and it’s Bad for the Environment https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://insideclimatenews.org/news/25022022/flaring-venting-natural-gas-economics/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSebFglxZw$

Fossil fuel giants seek billions from European countries under secretive treaty. “It is literally insane that the global fossil fuel phase-out is being actively sabotaged by antiquated treaties and corporate greed,”
said one critic.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global Lobbying firms distance themselves from Russian pipeline after taking in millions https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2022/02/lobbying-firms-distance-themselves-from-russian-pipeline-after-taking-in-millions/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSedGHe2hz$

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure How Greenhouse Gases Released by the Oil and Gas Industry Far Exceed What Regulators Think They Know https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://insideclimatenews.org/news/24022022/texas-natural-gas-flaring-venting/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSef3-khKz$

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Plastic Packaging on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Increases Food Waste, Study Finds https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/feb/24/plastic-packaging-increases-fresh-food-waste-study-finds__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeYP1JjwP$

# Global Politics
Putin’s Own Minions Are Exposing Him for the Liar He Is. Putin diehards across Moscow have inadvertently revealed the president’s web of lies on Ukraine. Putin diehards across Moscow have inadvertently revealed the president’s web of lies on Ukraine.

Ukraine, Russia Discussing Timing of ‘Potential Peace Talks’: “The sides are holding consultations on the place and time,”  spokesman for Ukranian President Zelensky said.

Ukrainians Want to Know Why They Were Not Prepped for War. President Zelensky spent the last month downplaying the threat of war instead of readying citizens for the Russian onslaught with stockpiles, evacuations and safety plans.

Ukrainian Prez Won’t Flee, Says He Needs Ammo, ‘Not a Ride’: The U.S.
government reportedly urged him to get out of dodge as Russian forces broke through to the Ukrainian capital.

Russia Bans Its Media From Calling Putin’s War a ‘War’: Moscow threatens to shut down any media outlet telling the truth about Ukraine.

# Gov / Politics
U.S. Will Target Putin’s Assets Like Every Other Tyrant. President Joe Biden has plans to sanction Russian President Vladimir Putin personally in an attempt to isolate him as he invades Ukraine.

Here’s How Trump’s Russia “Hoax” Led to Death and Destruction in Ukraine What began in 2016 could only have emboldened Putin. And this fraud, perpetuated by Trump, his conservative minions, top Republicans, Fox, and other right-wing media, has led to Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Sen. Jim Inhofe, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, announced Friday that he will retire at the end of the current congressional session after decades in office.

Lee Camp: New Data Shows US Government Has Been Bought For $14 Billion No wonder the latest polls show both corporate parties are thoroughly disliked. It’s time to acknowledge that our system has been 100% purchased by the One Percent, and that even the best candidate on their best day is still no better than a Zungenwurst.

# Law Enforcement
Two Louisiana sheriff’s deputies were fired and arrested on manslaughter counts after they shot and killed an unarmed man inside his car, which the Jefferson Parish sheriff said was “not justified.”

# Legal / DOJ
Top Prosecutors Leading Manhattan DA’s Trump Probe Resign. Two top prosecutors overseeing the Manhattan district attorney’s investigation into Trump and his company resigned amid doubts about the case’s future.

She Said Her Husband Was Abusive. A Judge Took Her Kids and Ordered Her Arrest. Judges regularly take liberties to get around statutes that are supposed to protect survivors, advocates say.

‘They Want to Drive Trans Kids Out of Texas—or Into a Grave’: Texas’
governor and attorney general say gender-affirming care is “child abuse,” and will be prosecuted as such. But that isn’t the law, and now angry parents are fighting back.

Texas Guv Sinks to New Low in Persecuting Trans Kids: The state’s child welfare agency said it would begin probing cases of gender-affirming surgery as “child abuse” after Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
Study: Older Patients Experience Improvements in Their Quality of Life Following Medical Cannabis Treatment: “Results showed … a high rate of effectiveness in the prescribed treatment, as well as a decrease in pain levels, improvement in QOL, and a reduction in the consumption of concomitant medications.”

# Media
Daily Beast Reporters ‘Lucky’ After Being Shot in Ukraine. Brilliant war reporters Emil Filtenborg and Stefan Weichert suffered multiple gunshot wounds in northeast Ukraine. Two Danish correspondents were able to drive their badly damaged car to a hospital after being fired on by unknown assailants https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-daily-beast-journalists-shot-b2024398.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeY3pgWyx$

# Medical / Health Care
For the first time, CRISPR gene editing tools were injected into the human body — and cured a patient’s blindness. What’s next?

# Military / DOD
Army, VA honor Black soldiers hanged in the aftermath of 1917 Houston Riots, pledge to review their courts-martial: The Department of Veterans Affairs unveiled a sign at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio to acknowledge the 1917 race riots in Houston that led to courts-martial and death sentences for 19 Black soldiers. The Army this month announced it would review the trials.

Court orders Navy to review thousands of ‘bad paper’ discharges: “Not everyone who serves overseas and is injured comes back missing a limb … That doesn’t mean that everyone who comes back is perfectly okay.”

Biden orders more troops, helicopters and F-35s to Eastern Europe as Russian troops move into Ukraine. President Joe Biden on Tuesday ordered an additional 800 U.S. troops, more than 30 helicopters and as many as eight F-35 fighter jets now in Europe to NATO countries on the alliance’s eastern flank as Russian troops begin to move into Ukraine.

82nd Airborne troops poised to help evacuees from Ukraine, but few Americans have crossed the border as Russian invasion begins https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thehill.com/policy/defense/595665-us-troops-moving-to-help-process-evacuees-from-ukraine__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeUuvEunZ$

US paratroopers training for multiple missions with Polish allies amid Ukraine crisis https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://darik.news/northcarolina/us-paratroopers-training-for-multiple-missions-with-polish-allies-amid-ukraine-crisis/202202514853.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jWbnyPANRpymdsUn-A5N3o9ang_-2PPX9V1iKj7SVef-qXT4zY9Zs0Th4EpSeXGbkPjF$

# Military / Global
NATO Green Lights Historic Troop Deployment to ‘Deter’ Putin. NATO is activating its collective NATO Response Force for the first time in history as Russia bears down in Ukraine.

Russian Assault on the Ukrainian Capital Is Underway: Ukraine’s ministry of defense urged Kyiv citizens to attack the Russian forces who have entered the city with Molotov cocktails after a barrage of missiles on Friday.

Russia Unleashes Tanks and Missiles in Blitzkrieg Invasion: The largest European invasion since World War II is underway, with missiles pounding Ukraine and vehicles pouring over the border.

Putin Army Now Menacing Ukrainians From Inside Their Country: World leaders scramble to force Vladimir Putin back with sanctions but it is too late to stop the Russian military crossing into Ukrainian territory.

# Nuclear
Putin waves nuclear sword in confrontation with the West: President Vladimir Putin appeared to lay out a thinly veiled threat to the economic and ecological sustainability of any country that dared
intervene: nuclear attack. “Today’s Russia remains one of the most powerful nuclear states. Moreover, it has a certain advantage in several cutting-edge weapons,” Putin said.

# Space
We’re About to Enter a New Era of Chaos for Outer Space. A race is brewing to succeed the ISS and become the next hottest destination in Earth’s orbit.

This Quasar’s Twin Black Holes Are About to Come to Blows: Two supermassive black holes are going to experience a reckoning unlike anything ever seen before.

# Technology
The Battle for the World’s Most Powerful Cyberweapon: Phantom allows American law enforcement and spy agencies to get intelligence “by extracting and monitoring crucial data from mobile devices.” It is an “independent solution” that requires no cooperation from AT&T, Verizon, Apple or Google. The system, it says, will “turn your target’s smartphone into an intelligence gold mine.”

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-27

Voices, The Peoples News

February 27, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Checkerboarded land ownership poses challenge to redistricting. An 1887 federal law to assimilate Native Americans has had a lasting impact as tribes push for more political power.

# Indigenous / Global
A Saskatchewan Métis community wants to save its land. Dealing with government? ‘Like talking to a wall’: The historic fur-trading community of Île-à-la-Crosse wants to create an Indigenous protected area named Sakitawak to protect the region’s forests, ways of life and vast carbon stores. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thenarwhal.ca/saskatchewan-sakitawak-ipca/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZwSDWjqLk$

# Archaeology
Largest ever human family tree: 27 million ancestors: Researchers have taken a major step towards mapping the entirety of genetic relationships among humans: a single genealogy that traces the ancestry of all of us.

# Border / Immigration
Members of the Texas Air National Guard had few nice things to say about their deployment for Gov. Greg Abbott’s Texas-Mexico border mission, Operation Lone Star, in a January survey obtained by The Texas Tribune and Military Times.

# Covid / Pandemics
Biden Extends US National Emergency Over COVID-19: “There remains a need to continue this national emergency. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause significant risk to the public health and safety of the nation.”
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/hospital-management-administration/biden-extends-covid-19-national-emergency.html*:*:text=President*20Joe*20Biden*20has*20decided,not*20chosen*20to*20extend*20it__;I34lJSUlJSUlJQ!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZwd1gppjZ$ .

# Education / Schools
Virginia wanted to report fewer kids to police. Now it’s reversed course. The commonwealth’s schools refer a higher rate of students to law enforcement than in any other state, a Public Integrity investigation found. Virginia’s effort to curtail that abruptly came to an end this week.

School segregation. In one of the most segregated states for Black students, suburban districts are resisting integration.

Teaching about race. New polling finds wide opposition to Republicans’
push to ban teaching about the country’s history of racism, with a majority saying schools should be teaching more about it.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Biden administration suspends right of way for Alaska mining road advanced by Trump officials. Why it matters: “The Interior Department is asking the court to remand the right-of-way decision to the agency to correct the significant deficiencies we have identified in the underlying analyses,” the department said in an emailed statement.

US supreme court rejects Dakota Access pipeline appeal. The US supreme court has rejected a case by the Dakota Access oil pipeline operator to avoid a legally mandated environmental review https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/22/us-supreme-court-dakota-access-pipeline__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZwZz9hQE1$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global Could Russian sanctions hobble U.S. clean energy push? Russia is a major producer of copper, nickel and other minerals vital for the energy transition.

Germany halts Nord Stream 2 in response to Russia. After Russia ordered its military into Ukraine, Chancellor Olaf Scholz suspended a natural gas pipeline connecting Germany to Russia.

How the Ukraine Conflict Looms as a Turning Point in Russia’s Uneasy Energy Relationship with the European Union. Putin’s threats galvanize sentiment in Europe to end dependence on Russian natural gas, with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline the first potential sacrifice.

Russia, Ukraine and the coming energy shock. Beyond the violence of the Ukraine invasion, Russia is poised to upend the global energy market.

A secretive Belgian tycoon is a key investor in a major new gold refinery in Brazil’s Amazon. Tesla, Amazon, Dell, and Starbucks have likely purchased gold from the scandal-ridden family business of Sylvain Goetz, who’s been convicted of fraud.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Dave Dickey: Saving bumblebees in the U.S. is a slough. The little critters are being absolutely obliterated by Big Ag pesticides from companies including Bayer AG and Syngenta.

The surprising biodiversity hidden in the world’s fragile mangrove forests. New research finds mangroves host thousands of unique insect species — and these trees are more vulnerable than previously understood.

Ocean plastic is bad, but soil plastic pollution may be worse. The rise of plasticulture threatens the soil and human health. A new U.N. report spells out what’s needed to end it.

The one group of people Americans actually trust on climate science.
Local meteorologists are better positioned than anyone else to talk their communities through the facts about climate change.

The Supreme Court case that could gut the EPA’s power to fight climate change. Nothing is at stake in West Virginia v. EPA, yet somehow everything is at stake.

Republicans respond to world-historical drought by propping up fossil fuels. Climate change is ravaging the American West. Lawmakers in those states, meanwhile, want to punish any bank that pulls money from the fossil fuel companies contributing to that climate change.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Ukraine, war and our world: It is hard to think about the environment when lives are being torn asunder by war https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ehn.org/ukraine-war-and-our-world-2656790104.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZwXKvYpfB$

Russian conflict in Ukraine is reshaping the climate debate https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://globalonlinemony.com/russian-conflict-in-ukraine-is-reshaping-the-climate-debate/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZwQ5v2CEm$

Antarctica and Greenland’s polar ice shelves are melting from below: The largest ice masses on the planet contain so much water that they’re increasing sea levels around the globe as temperatures rise. Satellites can see these drastic changes from space.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Can genetic engineering make meat sustainable? Climate-friendly sheep and salmon that eat less yet grow faster. Researchers are using genetic engineering to design animals for the livestock farming of the future.

# General Information / Other News
Are microbes the future of recycling? It’s complicated. An enzyme-based recycling technology is poised to go commercial, but questions about cost and scalability linger.

# Global Politics
Russian parliament grants Putin right to deploy military abroad. After discussing the situation in Donbass, the Senate has authorized the president’s request https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rt.com/russia/550276-putin-military-use-abroad/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZwd24BjhG$

Is war with Ukraine just the beginning of Vladimir Putin’s master plan?
| 60 Minutes Australia

Ukraine Invasion Is the Beginning of the End for Putin. Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine will result in the downfall of him and his friends.

# Gov / Politics
Col. Macgregor: Biden refused to acknowledge what’s important to Putin, now he has to watch the invasion –Macgregor says he’s very concerned that Biden didn’t take Putin seriously https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.foxnews.com/media/col-macgregor-biden-refused-to-acknowledge-whats-important-to-putin__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZwT2MGMfS$

White House Announces Sanctions on Ukraine’s Contested Areas After Putin Recognizes Them as Independent, US says more measures to come https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-ukraine-western-reaction-putin-united-nations/31715724.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZwQC0XDma$

Biden orders troops to countries bordering Russia. The US is shifting forces from elsewhere in Europe to Baltic states to bolster NATO defenses https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thehill.com/policy/defense/595364-biden-orders-more-us-troops-to-eastern-europe-amid-russia-ukraine-tensions__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZwQYv2Lqf$

Biden Orders 7,000 Troops to Europe, Sanctions Russia but Holds Back SWIFT https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.airforcemag.com/biden-orders-7000-troops-to-europe-sanctions-russia-but-holds-back-swift/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZwQlC54MW$

Capitol fence to be reinstalled ahead of Biden’s State of the Union address on March 1.
Security officials will reinstall fencing around the Capitol next week ahead of Joe Biden’s State of the Union address.
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The last 24 hours since Russia invaded Ukraine:
* President Joe Biden announced more economic sanctions on Russia, while falling short of some measures Ukrainian authorities had hoped for.
“Putin is the aggressor. Putin chose this war. And now he and his country will bear the consequences,” Biden said on Thursday afternoon.
* Russians are protesting the invasion of Ukraine despite harsh crackdowns on dissent. Thousands Of Russians, Including Celebrities, Are Risking Being Arrested To Protest Putin’s Invasion Of Ukraine.
* “Russian warship, go fuck yourself”: These guards on a Ukrainian island refused to surrender before being killed by Putins’ troops.

# Law Enforcement
Nine Austin cops are accused of shooting and injuring one woman during the 2020 protests against police brutality. Indictments released Tuesday accuse 19 officers of using deadly weapons to injure 11 demonstrators during protests against racial injustice and police violence two years ago.

# Legal / DOJ
Court fees and fines. How court debt widens the racial wealth gap. We examine how standardized legal fines and fees for low-level charges induce disparate treatment and result in disparate impact.

The men who murdered Ahmaud Arbery have been found guilty of hate crimes. Travis McMichael, his father, Gregory McMichael, and their neighbor William Bryan were already convicted of felony murder in Georgia state court in November 2021 for killing Ahmaud Arbery. They were sentenced to life in prison.

Brigham Young University bans LGBTQ students from dating, so people made out on campus in protest. “It makes you feel hopeless and envious, which I hate. I hate that I feel envious when I see straight people at my university.”

# Media
USPS finalizes plan to purchase mostly gas-powered delivery fleet, defying Biden and EPA climate and safety concerns. The Postal Service will spend up to $11.3 billion on a fleet of 90-percent gasoline-powered trucks and 10-percent electric trucks.

# Medical / Health Care
Why is cancer-linked benzene in so many personal care products? Dozens of different spray products, deodorants, shampoos, sunscreens, athlete’s foot treatments, have been recalled in recent months due to contamination with the cancer-causing chemical benzene.

# Military / Global
Russian troops have entered Kyiv, putting Ukraine’s democratically-elected government in the crosshairs. “Last time our capital experienced anything like this was in 1941 when it was attacked by Nazi Germany.”

Putin Declares ‘Special Military Operation’ in Ukraine, Explosions Reported in Multiple Ukrainian Cities https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/23/europe/russia-ukraine-putin-military-operation-donbas-intl-hnk/index.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZwY3wGqDJ$

Putin Authorizes Special Operation in Donbass https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russias-putin-authorises-military-operations-donbass-domestic-media-2022-02-24/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!ifxVgINxljyFOnM0bxNXO_II_B0cByRNSNCV7LJE6Qnq7W8R1dFIluISPQMZweWnwFw0$

Donbass republics ask Putin for military help. The newly recognized Donetsk and Lugansk republics want Moscow to help them “repel the Ukrainian regime’s military aggression”

# Nuclear
Russia just seized Chernobyl. Here’s why it matters: “A nuclear reactor is a vulnerable source of energy because it relies on peace and stability.”

Ukraine Admits It’s ‘Impossible’ to Say if Chernobyl Is Safe: “All Chernobyl facilities” are now under Russian control after clashes at the site, according to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

# Space
The Moon could soon have a space junk problem. On 4 March, a discarded rocket booster will slam into Hertzsprung Crater on the far side of the Moon—humanity’s first known piece of litter to unintentionally reach the lunar surface. Skywatchers originally thought the booster was part of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched in 2015. But now they say it is part of a Chinese Long March 3C rocket that blasted off in 2014.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-21

Voices, The Peoples News

February 21, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration
Border Militias Set Up Fake Humanitarian Stations in the Desert to Trap Migrants Author Patrick Strickland discusses what it will take to resist far right militias and protect our communities.

# Covid / Pandemics
What science says about the future of COVID-19: There are possible ‘unknown unknowns’ that should concern us https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.pacificresearch.org/what-science-says-about-the-future-of-covid-19/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jD7x63UrRjd5oYr6qRbpwVQfC-9jAmZfhBptlan6sH4OP5L8QR2awQ47v3M1wcLtGWJT$

Flurona: How likely are you to get both COVID and the flu simultaneously? Influenza infections have increased at the same time that the omicron variant causes a fourth COVID wave, sparking “flurona”

An international team of researchers wants to find people who are genetically resistant to SARS-CoV-2, in the hope of developing new drugs and treatments.

Question the ‘lab leak’ theory but don’t call it a conspiracy: The lab-leak theory is plausible, and it is rational for scientific institutions to investigate closely, even if some of the people promoting the claim are irrational.

Here are arguments for and against getting your child immunized against COVID https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2022/02/21/here-are-arguments-for-and-against-getting-your-child-immunized-against-covid/?mc_cid=d9f07f341c&mc_eid=c87bac2a19__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jD7x63UrRjd5oYr6qRbpwVQfC-9jAmZfhBptlan6sH4OP5L8QR2awQ47v3M1wRrLze2A$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical NYC’s Big Clean Energy Plan Is Under Attack From One-Time Advocate.
Environmental group Riverkeeper initially supported a proposed 339-mile transmission line from Canada. It’s now asking regulators to reject the deal.
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-18/champlain-hudson-power-express-plan-to-bring-hydro-power-to-nyc-faces-pushback*:*:text=NYC’s*20Big*20Clean*20Energy*20Plan,regulators*20to*20reject*20the*20deal__;I34lJSUlJSUlJQ!!On18fmf1aQ!jD7x63UrRjd5oYr6qRbpwVQfC-9jAmZfhBptlan6sH4OP5L8QR2awQ47v3M1wd6hTgAJ$ .

One California biofuels company is giving its profit margins some gas — by switching its fuel source from landfill-derived methane emissions to a chemically identical byproduct of cattle excrement.  In making this choice, Clean Energy Fuels Corp. has succeeded in boosting its earnings by millions of dollars overnight https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thehill.com/policy/equilibrium-sustainability/595216-equilibrium-sustainability__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jD7x63UrRjd5oYr6qRbpwVQfC-9jAmZfhBptlan6sH4OP5L8QR2awQ47v3M1wVQl0j8U$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global ‘Cancel this project’: Price tag of Trans Mountain expansion nearly doubles. One campaigner called on Canada’s government to instead “put all of our energy and political will into a just transition that leaves fossil fuels in the ground and supports people, communities, and workers.”

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure A war to halt logging in Northern California reignites. Will it end differently this time?
Native American tribes indigenous to the area have joined the fray, demanding a say in the fate of their ancestral homeland.

Environmentalist delusions? Why ‘progressive’ opposition to nuclear energy and crop biotechnology are the biggest obstacles to addressing climate change.  They are sabotaged by a ruthless “elite minority that has a stranglehold over our economy, our political process, and most of our major media outlets.”

A 2016 peace treaty between Colombia’s government and leftist rebels has been bad news for the country’s forests — but in diverse ways and for diverse reasons, according to a new study.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Mapping Contributions by Foundations to Anti-Biotechnology Advocacy
Groups: The impact of the financial relationships that fund the anti-GMO movement can be displayed in both list form and in network maps—we provide the data in both forms. The interactive network maps are composed of two major categories:
* Donor Foundations: Such as, Schmidt Family Foundation, Tides and Bloomberg
* Recipient Nonprofits: Such as, Friends of the Earth, US Right to Know and Sierra Club https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://anti-gmo-advocacy-funding-tracker.geneticliteracyproject.org/?mc_cid=7696c3c25e&mc_eid=c87bac2a19__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jD7x63UrRjd5oYr6qRbpwVQfC-9jAmZfhBptlan6sH4OP5L8QR2awQ47v3M1wTKR0JTs$
See Also: Human and Agriculture Gene Editing: Regulations and Index https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://crispr-gene-editing-regs-tracker.geneticliteracyproject.org/?mc_cid=7696c3c25e&mc_eid=c87bac2a19__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jD7x63UrRjd5oYr6qRbpwVQfC-9jAmZfhBptlan6sH4OP5L8QR2awQ47v3M1wc3T46L4$

# Gov / Politics
Election Workers Are in Crisis. Will Congress Actually Help? Election workers are under new threats. Protecting them might be the one national voting reform Congress enacts.

The Third Party: Our history is so steeped in a two-party political system it’s natural to assume that political parties are government entities. They aren’t. They are nonprofit corporations. And those two corporations have formed a cartel that shuts out competing parties.

The New Domestic Terrorist: The Government’s War on Thought Crimes and Truth-Tellers. The U.S. government, which speaks in a language of force, is afraid of its citizenry.

# Law Enforcement
3 Incarcerated Women Die of COVID After Requesting Compassionate Release https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wvdn.com/25880/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!jD7x63UrRjd5oYr6qRbpwVQfC-9jAmZfhBptlan6sH4OP5L8QR2awQ47v3M1wcZ-qnOi$

Prisoners Sought Compassionate Release. 98 Percent Were Denied. Wardens blocked bids for freedom as COVID-19 spread behind bars, data shows.

The most significant criminal justice policy changes from the COVID-19 pandemic. Which federal, state, and local policymakers have taken meaningful steps to protect people in prisons and jails from COVID-19, and what exactly did they do?

Prisoners Keep Dying of COVID While ‘Compassionate Releases’ Stall in Court At least 54 federal prisoners have died from COVID-19 after having a compassionate release request denied or left pending.

# Legal / DOJ
Federal Judge Says Trump May Be Held Liable for January 6 Insurrection:
According to the judge, there is clear evidence to suggest that Trump shared an “unlawful goal” with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to disrupt the election certification, and sent the rioters in knowing they would commit acts of violence.

Former Minneapolis cop sentenced to prison after fatal shooting. “There is no cause for celebration: no one has won. We all have lost, none more than Daunte Wright and the people who love him.”

# Media
This MintPress study reveals that ninety percent of recent opinion articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal have taken a hawkish view on the Ukraine conflict written by pundits tied to the national security state promoting NATO as a defender of the free world & describe Putin as Hitler incarnate.

# Military / Global
[We must be educated about this conflict in the Ukraine .. so I’m leading with this …] The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It’s About Germany in particular, a pipeline that connects Germany to Russia called Nord Stream 2. The US Foreign Policy establishment is not happy about these developments.

The Nord Stream 2’s Role in the Ukraine Crisis: U.S. lawmakers worry the pipeline will strengthen Russia’s grip on the European energy market. As Western countries weigh potential sanctions against Moscow amid tensions with Ukraine, the future of the Nord Stream 2 natural-gas pipeline from Russia to Germany is in question. The uncertainty is having ripple effects on gas prices.

The dispute over the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline: USA nor the European powers are willing to accommodate Russia’s demand for security guarantees and are recklessly heading for a third world war. There are fierce tensions within NATO over who bears the burden of the confrontation and who gets the spoils in the end.

* * * * * * * * *
US: Extended Russian deployment part of invasion ‘playbook’: Russia on Sunday rescinded earlier pledges to pull tens of thousands of its troops back from Ukraine’s northern border, in a move that U.S. leaders warned put Russia another step closer to launching an invasion of Ukraine.

The Russian president is leveraging his country’s reconstituted military might to force the world to reckon with his demands after having complained for years that he was being ignored.

# Science
Ukrainian scientists fear for the future: As Ukraine braces for the possibility of an imminent invasion by Russia, several Ukrainian scientists have told Nature that they and their colleagues are taking measures to protect themselves and their work, including gathering items for self-defence and preparing to flee.

# Security
Calls to Reform the CIA Are Misplaced. It Shouldn’t Exist at All. New revelations about bulk surveillance of Americans are part of a pattern of abuse that dates to the CIA’s founding.

# Social
Rents reach ‘insane’ levels across US with no end in sight. According to Realtor.com, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021 in the 50 largest metro areas in the U.S.

Biden’s real challenge is not Russia or China, but poverty in America:
Almost daily, headlines speak of hopeful numbers, sustainable growth, positive trends and constant gains. The reality on the ground, however, tells of something entirely different, which raises the questions: Are Americans being lied to? And for what purpose?

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-20

Voices, The Peoples News

February 20, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
‘It’s a powerful feeling’: the Indigenous American tribe helping to bring back buffalo.
The Rosebud Sioux nation in South Dakota aims to build the largest Indigenous owned herd to help food security and restore the land https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.pehalnews.in/its-a-powerful-feeling-the-indigenous-american-tribe-helping-to-bring-back-buffalo/1651982/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!meNc9GpXJ4qVQYTz5p8uglDpScKbMBKRsqKUP67eiLBGbCr_uWdP-CUOVOwMX9BaKTo5$

# Indigenous / Global
# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls Almost half of bald and golden eagles in the United States have lead poisoning. Pollution could hamper population growth. The study surveyed eagles in 38 states, whereas previous work focused on a single region or just a handful of states. “This really solid analysis allows us to look at the eagles’ entire range.”

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Texas Is the Country’s Clean Energy Leader, Almost in Spite of Itself.
The Lone Star State led the nation in new renewable energy capacity in 2021, and is poised to continue to be the leader.

High gas prices are a bad problem; suspending the gas tax is a bad
solution: The gas tax holiday is nothing more than a short-term gimmick that would benefit the interests of incumbent politicians running for reelection rather than benefit their constituents.

A federal permitting agency will take emissions, environmental justice into account.
FERC announced it would take greenhouse gas emissions and environmental justice concerns into account when it reviews natural gas projects.

# Environment / Climate / Global
Thawing permafrost can expose northerners to cancer-causing gas, study says. Radon is an odorless, tasteless gas that comes from the ground.
Thawing permafrost might be exposing people in northern Canada to higher levels of a naturally-occurring gas that causes lung cancer, says a new study out of the U.K.

Study suggests tropical forests can regenerate naturally, if we let them. A study carried out by scientists in 18 countries found tropical forests to be more resilient than once believed and largely capable of regeneration https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newswise.com/articles/researchers-if-left-alone-tropical-forests-can-recover-on-their-own-surprisingly-fast__;!!On18fmf1aQ!meNc9GpXJ4qVQYTz5p8uglDpScKbMBKRsqKUP67eiLBGbCr_uWdP-CUOVOwMXyR_GAfn$

Serious, salty trouble is brewing under Antarctic glaciers. Alarming new research suggests warm seawater is rushing under the ice, perhaps doubling the rate of melting.

A Florida Chemical Plant Has Fallen Behind in Its Pledge to Cut Emissions of a Potent Greenhouse Gas. Documents show that Ascend Performance Materials, the nation’s largest emitter of nitrous oxide, is still emitting significant amounts of the climate super-pollutant.

As temperatures rise, Antarctica is turning green: The Antarctic is warming and native vascular plants are spreading. But the warming could invite invasive species and disrupt the unique ecosystem. As the islands warm, plant life is spreading.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Many countries received recalled infant formula linked to outbreak; one death under investigation: Recalls are being issued worldwide for powdered infant formula, including Similac, following the announcement of recalls in the United States and Canada. Those recalls include actions in Singapore and New Zealand and are related to an outbreak in the United States that has seen at least four children hospitalized. One death is being investigated https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-warns-consumers-not-use-certain-powdered-infant-formula-produced-abbott-nutritions-facility__;!!On18fmf1aQ!meNc9GpXJ4qVQYTz5p8uglDpScKbMBKRsqKUP67eiLBGbCr_uWdP-CUOVOwMX8ybAKj3$

A California Water Board Assures the Public that Oil Wastewater Is Safe for Irrigation, But Experts Say the Evidence Is Scant. Studies in Kern County, performed by oil industry consultants, cannot answer fundamental safety questions about irrigating crops with “produced water,” the board’s own panel of experts concedes.

# General Information / Other News
Police horses trample demonstrators at Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa.
Turns out the lasting image of the Freedom Convoy protest at Parliament Hill will not be bouncy castles but that of a woman with a walker being trampled by a police horse.

American truckers plan convoy to DC in protest of COVID-19 mandates. The move comes as Canadian truckers continue to protest COVID mandates in their country https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/us-organizers-plan-convoys-support-canadian-truckers-2022-02-11/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!meNc9GpXJ4qVQYTz5p8uglDpScKbMBKRsqKUP67eiLBGbCr_uWdP-CUOVOwMX_bVdSfw$

United States Truckers’ Support Group Makes Trip to Canadian Border With
Supplies: “Boots-on-the-Ground Support for Canada’s Freedom Fighters”

# Global Politics
Russia expels deputy US ambassador: The US is considering its response after Moscow showed senior diplomat Bart Gorman the door https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.reuters.com/world/russia-expels-uss-second-highest-official-embassy-moscow-us-state-department-2022-02-17/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!meNc9GpXJ4qVQYTz5p8uglDpScKbMBKRsqKUP67eiLBGbCr_uWdP-CUOVOwMX1g8IzY-$

Moscow responds to US ‘intelligence’ on Russian invasion: The Foreign Ministry has previously claimed February 15 will be remembered as the day Western ‘propaganda’ failed https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rt.com/russia/549743-western-propaganda-media-fail/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!meNc9GpXJ4qVQYTz5p8uglDpScKbMBKRsqKUP67eiLBGbCr_uWdP-CUOVOwMXx6ppOjQ$

Preempting Putin: Washington’s campaign of intelligence disclosures is complicating Moscow’s plans for Ukraine https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2022/02/18/preempting-putin-washingtons-campaign-of-intelligence-disclosures-is-complicating-moscows-plans-for-ukraine/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!meNc9GpXJ4qVQYTz5p8uglDpScKbMBKRsqKUP67eiLBGbCr_uWdP-CUOVOwMXyA7p21Z$

Russian Duma asks Putin to recognize Ukrainian regions as independent:
Russian lawmakers have voted to ask President Vladimir Putin to recognize the self-declared Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in Ukraine as independent nations.

What does Putin want in Ukraine? After months of military buildup and brinkmanship on Ukraine’s border, Russia is ratcheting up pressure on its ex-Soviet neighbor, threatening to destabilize Europe and draw in the United States.

G-7 countries call on Russia to choose diplomacy, ‘substantively’ reduce troops. The foreign ministers from the Group of Seven (G-7) countries on Saturday issued a joint statement urging Russia to choose the path of diplomacy and “substantively withdraw” its troops near the Ukrainian border.

G7 Sees No Sign Of Reduced Russian Activity Near Ukraine https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-g7-russian-activity/31711734.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!meNc9GpXJ4qVQYTz5p8uglDpScKbMBKRsqKUP67eiLBGbCr_uWdP-CUOVOwMXxXpmYAs$

G7 nations express ‘grave concern’ over military build-up in Ukraine, warn Russia of ‘massive consequences’

Donbas leaders call for troop readiness; U.S. warns Russia moves toward attack https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2022/02/19/Russia-Ukraine-Donbas-troops/8791645278176/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!meNc9GpXJ4qVQYTz5p8uglDpScKbMBKRsqKUP67eiLBGbCr_uWdP-CUOVOwMX68q7Cgb$

# Gov / Politics
Democrats hit 30-year high for House retirements, a bleak benchmark reflecting frustrations with the gridlock on Capitol Hill, the toxicity of relations between the parties and the challenges facing Democrats as they fight to keep their slim majority in the lower chamber.

Joe Biden’s tone-deaf presidency: Biden’s seeming lack of awareness regarding the economic woes Americans are experiencing is bad enough.
But his refusal to chart a different economic course is downright disgraceful.

GOP senator faces challenge on Trump credentials: GOP Sen. John Boozman
(Ark.) voted with former President Trump more than 91 percent of the time and snapped up an early 2022 endorsement and a donation from his PAC.

# Legal / DOJ
Judge Rules Trump Must Face Jan. 6 Civil Suits, Slams Words As ‘Encouragement’ Of Violence. Trump’s actions on the day of the U.S.
Capitol riot are not protected as part of his official duties because they focused on his effort to keep power, the judge ruled.

Judge rules Oath Keepers leader must remain in jail ahead of seditious conspiracy trial. A federal judge on Friday ruled that Stewart Rhodes, the Oath Keepers leader charged with seditious conspiracy over the Jan.
6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, must remain in jail while awaiting trial.

Alleged Epstein Pimp Jean-Luc Brunel Found Hanged in Cell: The Frenchman was accused of procuring underage women for the late financier, who died the same way.

How Trump Said Too Much and Helped New York Investigators. Donald Trump couldn’t help himself, and in his boastful attempts to show that he knows everything, he managed to hand investigators exactly what they needed.

# Medical / Health Care
Sen. Ron Johnson Introduces Bill That Would Block Federal Agencies From Interfering With Doctors’ Right to Treat Patients. The bill is titled the “The Right to Treat Act” and would make it so no federal agency would have the authority to regulate the practice of medicine and that no federal law, rule, regulation, or policy would restrict the distribution of FDA approved drugs or a Right to Try drug.

CDC Admits PCR Tests Were Used to Harvest People’s DNA Without Consent.
Following a worrisome tweet from the CDC, another widely criticized so-called “conspiracy theory” has become reality: Covid-19 PCR tests have been forwarded to laboratories for mapping “genomic sequencing”
without consent.

In 2020, Kendra Riley and her husband Dave changed lives Search, Not one, but two of his three daughters were diagnosed with an incredibly rare and fatal disease called metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). MLD is a highly progressive and rare brain disease. The disease usually results in death by the age of six, But not before a long and terrible erosion of physical and mental abilities.

# Technology
Sustainable Future – Digital technology – Unlocking Future 1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning 2. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 3. Edge Computing 4. Quantum Computing 5. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.simplilearn.com/top-technology-trends-and-jobs-article__;!!On18fmf1aQ!meNc9GpXJ4qVQYTz5p8uglDpScKbMBKRsqKUP67eiLBGbCr_uWdP-CUOVOwMXxsNUZHG$

# UFO’s
2022 could be a turning point in the study of UFOs: Interest in UFOs continues to grow, both among scientists and government officials. In 2021, there was an upsurge in peculiar sightings reported, thanks to people with smartphones or other video gear that captured these strange glimmers in the sky.

Disclosure or deception? New UFO Pentagon office divides believers: The U.S. government hasn’t comprehensively studied UFOs in decades — but not all ufologists are excited about a new Pentagon investigative office.

UFOs… whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, there is actually a mounting body of evidence regarding the UFO phenomenon that can no longer be ignored. If you look past all of the alien horror films, the fake blurry UFO videos, and the Ancient Aliens memes, you’d be surprised at how many former high ranking government officials, scientists, and military contractors believe that UFOs should be taken more seriously.

# Water
California Has Begun Managing Groundwater Under a New Law. Experts Aren’t Sure It’s Working. The amount of water pumped from underground vastly exceeds what nature can replenish. And conservation has been a tough sell, especially amid worsening droughts.

A new coalition demands end to new Colorado River diversions: ‘Damn the status quo’: At Hoover Dam, a coalition calls for stopping plans for new diversions of water from the depleted Colorado River. The last few months have seen the river’s reservoirs reach historic lows.

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NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-18

Voices, The Peoples News

February 18, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous / Global
An Indigenous scientist wants us to look at conservation differently.
Jessica Hernandez says Indigenous science and knowledge can make conservation more holistic and help us solve our toughest environmental problems https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.alleghenyfront.org/an-indigenous-scientist-wants-us-to-look-at-conservation-differently/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g0rs0VmfHqbmXUNP3ViCSUgyutIvnSwsE7BfsItieqqO3cuzgp0uUyh-k_VFeQlF7fvo$

# Border / Immigration
Six months after the fall of Kabul, these Afghan refugees are working to rebuild their lives in the US: Since the fall of Kabul prompted the largest military evacuation of refugees in history, more than 76,000 Afghans arrived in the US, the vast majority of whom have since been resettled in communities across the country.

# Children / Youth
When the Child Tax Credit lapsed in January, 3.7 million more children reverted to poverty, according to authoritative research by the Columbia University Center on Poverty and Social Policy. That’s a 41 percent increase, and a national disgrace. For Black kids, the increase was even more dramatic.

# Covid / Pandemics
Sigh … Let’s talk about the Omicron subvariant BA.2.
* What is the BA.2 subvariant? Scientists are learning about a rapidly transmissible ‘stealth Omicron’  that may become the dominant version of the virus. Vox’s Umair Irfan explains.
* A new study indicates BA.2 may spread faster and cause severe illness than the original Omicron variant.

America’s Frontline Doctors team up with Project Veritas to harass medical officials, and launched a video series devoted to Covid-19 disinformation.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Rate of bank branch closures doubled during pandemic. The shuttering of small businesses during the pandemic has had a lasting change on  local communities. Now, businesses that survived are at risk due to the closure of bank branches that fuel local economies https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://publicintegrity.org/inequality-poverty-opportunity/bank-branch-closure-rate-doubled-during-pandemic/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g0rs0VmfHqbmXUNP3ViCSUgyutIvnSwsE7BfsItieqqO3cuzgp0uUyh-k_VFeTZ7vfcY$

# Education / Schools
New charter schools in Texas are now required to submit “a statement of assurance” to the Texas Education Agency ensuring that they abide by a state law that restricts how race and history are taught in K-12 classrooms. The agency did not say if this statement requirement would be expanded to all public schools in the state.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Corn-Based Ethanol Pollutes More Than Gas. For years, corn-based ethanol has been mixed with the gasoline sold at gas stations across the U.S., but a recently published study has found that its carbon intensity is “likely at least 24% higher” than gas, Roadshow by CNET reported.

# Global Politics
Russian & U.S. Women Push for Diplomacy, Not Military Action, to Resolve Crisis https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://freespeech.org/stories/a-call-for-peace-russian-u-s-women-push-for-diplomacy-not-military-action-to-resolve-crisis/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g0rs0VmfHqbmXUNP3ViCSUgyutIvnSwsE7BfsItieqqO3cuzgp0uUyh-k_VFeSrpc3It$

# Gov / Politics
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Trump’s man in Texas, has quietly amassed influence. Patrick urged former governor Rick Perry to mount a challenge to Gov. Greg Abbott, who is seeking a third term. He’s taken the power concentrated in the state’s No. 2 job to another level, forcing opponents from races and tightening his grip on the Senate.

The U.S. is effectively stealing billions from a nation ravaged by a U.S. initiated war. Biden acknowledges Afghanistan is in crisis, U.S.
policies are making it worse.

# Law Enforcement
19 Austin police officers accused of excessive force during 2020 protests are indicted.
Austin officials also agreed to a $10 million settlement with two men who were injured by police with beanbag rounds during the protests.

The number of people killed by police in 2021 was the highest since The Washington Post started tracking it.

Video Shows NJ Cops Violently Arresting Black Teen, Letting White Teen Go After Fight He Started https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://news.yahoo.com/viral-video-black-teen-being-042418989.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g0rs0VmfHqbmXUNP3ViCSUgyutIvnSwsE7BfsItieqqO3cuzgp0uUyh-k_VFeXJ2o-dP$

# Legal / DOJ
Oath Keepers Founder Backed ‘Lord of the Rings’ Government. Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes backed an extreme legal effort that would “break”
the United States government, according to a new report. Lawyers for Stewart Rhodes are arguing their client stopped trying to overturn the election after Jan. 6. That’s not exactly true.

A judge questioned if Jan. 6 plea deals contributed to Republicans calling the attack ‘legitimate political discourse.’ US District Chief Judge Beryl Howell weighed the Justice Department’s decision to let people charged with storming the US Capitol plead guilty to petty offenses such as parading, demonstrating, or picketing.

Donald Trump, Trump Jr. and Ivanka Ordered to Testify in New York Civil Fraud Probe https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/02/17/ny-judge-donald-trump-must-testify-business-practices/6831124001/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g0rs0VmfHqbmXUNP3ViCSUgyutIvnSwsE7BfsItieqqO3cuzgp0uUyh-k_VFeRFzTSCb$

Jury in Trial for Arbery’s Murderers Shown Graphic Images of Gunshot Wounds https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta-news/hate-crimes-trial-jurors-see-graphic-images-of-ahmaud-arberys-wounds/PIHUKQDTVZBYJKHVEPYRCSVEVE/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!g0rs0VmfHqbmXUNP3ViCSUgyutIvnSwsE7BfsItieqqO3cuzgp0uUyh-k_VFeYvKYJwt$

Defense for Arbery Killers Comes Down to a Total Stranger. Evelyn Cofer, a Satilla Shores neighbor, was the only defense witness to be called on the stand for one of the murderers. Lawyers for the other two did not call anyone.

Anger Erupts Over Sentence for Cop Who Killed Daunte Wright. The notorious incident in which the ex-cop said she mistook her gun for a taser rocked the Minneapolis area, and the light prison sentence already is, too.

Archives Confirms Trump Took Classified Docs to Mar-a-Lago. The National Archives said it’s in touch with the Department of Justice over the classified records.

Confirmed: Trump Really Did Take Classified Documents to Mar-a-Lago: The Justice Department is now involved. “NARA has identified items marked as classified national security information within the boxes,” National Archivist David Ferriero wrote in the letter.

Judge Rejects Trump’s Request to Toss Jan. 6 Suits. The District Court judge said that he would not dismiss the suits and that it was “plausible” that Trump’s speech incited the violent mob attack.

# Media
A Conversation About Being Black in the Newsroom: Pulitzer-winning reporter Wesley Lowery breaks down the myth of objectivity. America is at a breaking point. How can journalists properly cover it? Citizens have flooded the streets in cities large, and small, in protest of racism, police violence and other forms of systemic oppression. But media institutions have been shaped by, and contributed to, those same systems.

# Medical / Health Care
Women still aren’t taken seriously by many male doctors, and it can be fatal.

Millions of children could lose Medicaid coverage once the public health emergency ends. That could happen in July, the Department of Health and Human Services has promised to provide states with 60-days notice.

# Water
Billions flow to water systems from federal pandemic relief funds.
Passed nearly a year ago, the American Rescue Plan Act is injecting needed funding into aging water and sewer infrastructure.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-17

Voices, The Peoples News

February 17, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
Can the Vaquita, the World’s Smallest Marine Mammal, Be Saved From Extinction?
The critically endangered vaquita porpoise, a beautiful dolphin about four to five feet long with dark circles around its eyes and an upturned, seemingly smiling mouth, is the smallest marine mammal in the world.

# Children / Youth
Rollups: Private Equity Eyes Youth Treatment Centers as a Takeover Target. A new report highlights increased private equity investment in troubled teen, foster care, and other behavioral services, alongside disturbing reports of abuse and neglect.

# Covid / Pandemics
Corporate Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Passports — Brought to You by BlackRock and Vanguard? Investment giants BlackRock and The Vanguard Group stand to benefit from their ownership stakes in most of the corporations that imposed COVID vaccine mandates, and in some of the technology firms developing vaccine passports.

Severe, critical COVID-19 cases more likely in vitamin D-deficient people. The individuals were categorized according to vitamin D levels – marked as deficient, insufficient, adequate and high-normal – and
COVID-19 disease severity, which was determined utilizing a multivariable regression analysis.

“COVID-19 Bio-Attack Smoking Gun” video: In November, 2019, who could possibly have known that the COVID-19 pandemic was brewing in Wuhan?
Only the people who unleashed it!

# Economy / Finance / Trade
The Year of the Tax Cut: In at least 20 states, including Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, and Mississippi, state lawmakers have proposed tax cuts that would overwhelmingly benefit wealthy households, force cuts to vital public services, and exacerbate racial and economic inequalities.

# Education / Schools
UT faculty members demand answers after Dan Patrick says Liberty Institute intended to fight critical race theory: “Hopefully, even the lieutenant governor understands that a transparently partisan assault on academic freedom at the state’s flagship public university will only hurt the university, and, through it, the state itself.”

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Students at Top Universities Push ‘Legal Imperative’ of Fossil Fuel
Divestment: “Their investments in the fossil fuel industry—an industry whose actions place the health and future of students and the entire planet at risk—amount to nothing less than complicity in the climate crisis.”

Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT and Vanderbilt students take legal action to try to force fossil fuel divestment https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/feb/16/us-universities-fossil-fuel-divestment-students-legal-complaint__;!!On18fmf1aQ!m_pkABMHxi35hY7JoY6N8tdA-Z4AhtNs1Q0x6QppoQIJVmkfTL6ZcdnjQU1zQe7T4Xdq$

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure To Protect ‘Web of Life,’ California Proposal Would Ban Bee-Killing
Neonics: “Our pollinators are threatened. We know the cause, and it’s time to take action.”

A big climate warning from one of the Gulf of Maine’s smallest marine
creatures: Given the rate at which the waters in the Gulf of Maine are heating up, Mainers may need to swap out the lobsters on their license plates for squid https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://apps.bostonglobe.com/metro/2021/12/the-lobster-trap/climate-change-threatens-livelihood-of-maine-lobster-fishermen__;!!On18fmf1aQ!m_pkABMHxi35hY7JoY6N8tdA-Z4AhtNs1Q0x6QppoQIJVmkfTL6ZcdnjQU1zQaeHAFEB$

The drought in the western U.S. could last until 2030: After a brutally hot and dry 2021, the region is now in the worst “megadrought” in 1,200 years. Climate change is to blame.

Pharmaceutical Drug Pollution in Rivers Poses ‘Global Threat to Human and Environmental Health,’ Study Finds https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/feb/14/drugs-have-dangerously-polluted-the-worlds-rivers-scientists-warn__;!!On18fmf1aQ!m_pkABMHxi35hY7JoY6N8tdA-Z4AhtNs1Q0x6QppoQIJVmkfTL6ZcdnjQU1zQcpUjmqz$

# Environment / Climate / Global
Ikea’s race for the last of Europe’s old-growth forest. The furniture giant is hungry for Romania’s famed trees. Little stands in its way.

A mayor in the Philippines took on a mine, and lost her job over it.
When nickel mining firm Ipilan Nickel Corporation began felling trees in a protected forest in its concession area in Brooke’s Point, Palawan, Mayor Mary Jean Feliciano moved aggressively to stop them.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other BPA safety: The toxic chemical limbo game: After careful evaluation of the latest science, European officials have proposed lowering the safe daily dose of bisphenol-A, or BPA. For BPA, lead, and other toxic chemicals, accumulating science consistently lowers the levels we consider safe.

Big Food Producers Are Profiteering Off Inflation, and Bragging About It. Big chains and suppliers like Tyson, Procter & Gamble and Kroger are expanding profits by raising prices, just because they can.

# General Information / Other News
Trump, Trump Jr., and Ivanka will have to go on the record answering—or refusing to answer, questions from the AG’s office about the Trump Organization’s potentially fraudulent valuations of its finances.

DC Cop Was Included on Proud Boys’ Jan. 6 Planning Emails: The officer, who is under investigation by the FBI, was copied on a series of emails and conference call invitations related to the planning of a pro-Trump rally on Jan. 6.

# Global Politics
Putin Flat-Out Lying About Pulling Troops From Ukraine: U.S: The U.S.
believes 7,000 troops have been sent to Ukraine since the Kremlin claimed it was pulling back.

Putin and Bolsonaro: The Second Time as Farce? It’s not the Nazi-Soviet Pact, but their alliance is rotten nonetheless. The ideological reshuffling of the known world continues apace. Compared to the world-shaking impact of the Hitler-Stalin Pact, the meeting of Putin and Bolsonaro is small potatoes, but it gives off a distinctly foul smell.

Tensions in the Russian-Ukraine conflict reached a fever pitch as fallout over Moscow’s announcement of drawing down troops continues.

# Gov / Politics
New York Rep. Kathleen Rice announced Tuesday she will not seek re-election to Congress, marking the 30th Democratic departure from the House headed into the 2022 midterm elections.

US and NATO deem Russia a persistent threat to Europe, will add battlegroups in response. NATO military commanders will draw up plans for the creation of allied battlegroups in central and southeastern Europe, in response to the “new normal” of a persistent Russian threat to the Continent, the alliance’s top official said Wednesday.

House Progressives Urge Biden to Release Afghan Funds ‘Before It’s Too
Late’: “Frozen assets belonging to the Afghan people should be released and used to restore the country’s economy,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal.

Let’s Be Clear: Only the Right Has Become More Extreme Over the Last 50 Years Like in the early 1970s, the left is still against the war machine, still pushing for civil and voting rights, and still fighting the power of big corporations. But the right has moved far, far rightward.

In Post-Trump Reversal, U.S. Joins Call for Global Plastics Treaty. The U.S. and France have joined forces to call for an international treaty to control plastic pollution.

All American presidents have lied, the question is why and when. If presidents must sometimes lie to defend important political values, then, it seems as though the good president must be both able to lie and able to lie well.

# Law Enforcement
Oklahoma case reveals the medical profession’s complicity in American executions. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, “Under the agreement, the doctor stood to receive an estimated $130,000 over the course of the 19-week-period between October 28, 2021, and March 10, 2022, in which the state had scheduled the executions of seven prisoners.”

Killer Cop’s Ugly Past Revealed as Amir Locke Funeral Begins: Officer Mark Hanneman has not been charged with a crime, but a community in mourning was freshly enraged on Thursday.

# Legal / DOJ
Could Thursday Be the Worst Day Yet for Trump and His Kids? A New York judge will decide whether Donald Trump and his children will have to testify in the New York attorney general’s tax fraud case.

Dems urge investigation into Sackler family: A group of Senate Democrats is urging the Department of Justice to open an investigation into whether members of the Sackler family personally engaged in criminal conduct in connection with Purdue Pharma’s role in the opioid epidemic.
“Real justice in this case means holding individual lawbreakers criminally accountable,” the Democrats wrote.

The three men who murdered Ahmaud Arbery had a history of using the n-word and sharing racist, violent messages. Convicted of state murder charges and sentenced to life in prison, Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael, and William Bryan are now facing a federal hate crimes trial.

Trans Youth Are Facing Right-Wing Attacks and a Solidarity Shortage.
“It’s not about bathrooms. It’s about expulsion and it’s about disposability,” says attorney Chase Strangio.

# Medical / Health Care
Physicians Slam Industry Push to ‘Fix’—Not End—Medicare Privatization
Scheme: “The industry thinks they can save it with minor tweaks and cosmetic fixes. But we won’t back down until Direct Contracting is shut down, for good,” one doctor said of the Trump-era program.

Progressive organizations launch new campaign: ‘Make Meds Affordable.’
The new campaign is calling on President Biden to take executive action to lower drug prices.

# Water
This California farming town has a toxic carcinogen in its water. Why are solutions so slow? The chemical 1,2,3-TCP was used to farm in the Central Valley from the 1940s through the 1980s. Dangerous remnants continue to poison local drinking water.

# Veterans / VA
Texas hotel called cops on amputee veteran over service dog, feds say; now it must pay. The Executive Inn & Suites in Killeen is accused of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act and refusing service to the veteran and his service dog, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas announced in a Feb. 15 news release.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-16

Voices, The Peoples News

February 16, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration
Texas has received 1,700 unused wall panels from the federal government that will be used to help build Gov. Greg Abbott’s state-funded wall.
After the Biden administration halted construction of former President Donald Trump’s border wall, the Texas Facilities Commission applied to receive the surplus property after hundreds of wall panels were abandoned.

# Covid / Pandemics
Texas Republicans U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and U.S. Rep. Chip Roy have threatened a government shutdown over funding for enforcement of federal
COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The House recently passed a short-term funding bill, and the Senate must pass it by Friday to avoid a government shutdown.

White House Wants $30 Billion More To Fight Covid. Republicans, and some Democrats, are less than thrilled about the prospect of spending more money on the pandemic.
Current National Debt: $30,042,031,516,700. That’s $90,348 for every single person in America. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.pgpf.org/national-debt-clock__;!!On18fmf1aQ!nsARtV3A-woVK0xepZJx9CDqdyCyL-63RP0AfOS0lHbfaAHvMVGviMec_yQVsc9xTXoT$

Mortality Statistics Tell Heartbreaking Story Of Those Who Didn’t Need To Die The US badly needs a wake-up call on the coronavirus pandemic “Years of potential life lost” is the most sobering and sad Covid-19 statistic I’ve seen.

# Education / Schools
From Banning Books to Burning Them, the Right Is Threatening Education.
The cathedral silence of libraries is being replaced with the sound of furious screaming and the smell of burned pages.

Banning Books from the Classroom: How to Handle Cries for Censorship Challenges to school materials are a common occurrence. How should such challenges be handled? How can they be avoided?

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical How corn ethanol for biofuel fed climate change. California regulators may rule that the biofuel is no better, and might be worse, than petroleum for solving climate change https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ethanol-not-cut-emissions/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!nsARtV3A-woVK0xepZJx9CDqdyCyL-63RP0AfOS0lHbfaAHvMVGviMec_yQVsQygSYKf$

Bills would shift CO2 storage liability to Wyoming, force carbon capture. Regulated utilities could be forced to install carbon capture on coal units, or sell coal plants to a new owner who would retrofit coal plants.

Private equity’s dirty dozen: the 12 US firms funding dirty energy projects. A report, shared exclusively with the Guardian, provides a snapshot of industry’s involvement in some of the country’s most controversial fossil fuel investments https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/feb/15/us-private-equity-firms-funding-dirty-energy-projects__;!!On18fmf1aQ!nsARtV3A-woVK0xepZJx9CDqdyCyL-63RP0AfOS0lHbfaAHvMVGviMec_yQVsUxgtHMG$

Texas could connect to national power grids without losing autonomy, former grid regulator says. Texas has long refused to connect its decentralized grid to two national power networks, but Hunt Energy Network CEO Pat Wood said the state could do so without additional oversight, and without state Legislature approval.

EPA Responds After HuffPost Investigates Gulf Chemical Dump: Nothing To See Here. With only a cursory review, the agency shut the door on studying or cleaning up old toxic waste barrels that litter the seafloor at active drilling sites.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Replacing environmental despair with hope and action. We all have the power to cause change, even if we don’t recognize it.

Top environmental groups call on Biden to protect mature trees and forests on federal lands from logging. Environmentalists say there’s a simple way to combat climate change and store carbon: protecting older trees.  A coalition of more than 70 groups launched a new campaign today called the Climate Forests Campaign and called on the Biden administration to take executive action to protect mature trees and forests on federal lands, which are critical in the fight against climate change.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other How poisonous mercury gets from coal-fired power plants into the fish you eat The Biden administration is moving to revive mercury limits for coal-fired power plants. People fishing along the banks of the White River as it winds through Indianapolis sometimes pass by ominous signs warning about eating the fish they catch.

What you should know about removing PFAS from your drinking water, from types of filtration systems to countertop pitchers. What are PFAS, where are they and why do we need to filter them out of the water?

NASDA puts food safety on the agenda as work begins on Farm Bill 2023:
Food safety is one of 10 specific policy areas that the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture wants to be addressed in the next federal Farm Bill, which must be finished by 2023.

New FDA commissioner has a full plate when it comes to chemistry of food safety. The U.S. Senate on Feb. 15 voted to return Dr. Robert Califf to the role of FDA commissioner, bringing needed leadership to an agency that plays a vital role in protecting public health.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other / Global Ethylene oxide meeting highlights concerns as recalls continue: A number of European countries have again expressed concerns about how the ethylene oxide contamination incidents are being handled. Several nations highlighted the high burden of required action as more products are found to be contaminated at low levels from different origins and described it as “no longer manageable.”

# General Information / Other News
Trump Eats His Words: Donald Trump destroyed documents routinely and in clear violation of the Presidential Records Act. He tore them into pieces. Sometimes he flushed them down the toilet. And sometimes, he ate them. He. Ate. Them.

# Global Politics
Ex-Honduran President Hernández Arrested on Drug Charges; While president from 2014 until last month, he had the support of U.S.
officials waging the war on drugs and some diplomats who did not see a better option. But less than three weeks out of office, his utility exhausted, the U.S. government moved for his extradition and the chance to make him an example in a region wracked by corruption.

# Gov / Politics
Biden Must Fulfill His Promise to Protect the Black Vote. With so much GOP election corruption, Biden must prioritize supporting efforts to protect the Black vote at the local level.

U.S. Push to “Reign Supreme” Stokes the Ukraine Conflict. The commitment to maintain the Atlanticist order in Europe has had policy implications that reach beyond Europe itself.

Rudy Giuliani Reveals Location Of Secret ‘Evidence’ Stash And… Um… Wow.

# Law Enforcement
‘He Didn’t Have to Die’: Chicago 15-Year-Old Shot 24 Times Riding to Store for Snacks. Sincere Cole, 15, “creative” and hardworking, according to his aunt, Brandy Martin, who is pleading with the community to come forward with any information https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://people.com/crime/chicago-teen-shot-24-times-riding-to-store-for-snacks/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!nsARtV3A-woVK0xepZJx9CDqdyCyL-63RP0AfOS0lHbfaAHvMVGviMec_yQVsWA-Hg1r$

# Legal / DOJ
Federal correctional officers plead guilty to bribery and smuggling charges. Each currently scheduled to be sentenced  May 17, facing a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

# Medical / Health Care
Inside the Tactical Tug of War Over the Controversial Alzheimer’s Drug.
The drug trade, affected person advocates, and congressional Republicans have all attacked federal officers’ determination to say no routine Medicare protection for a controversial Alzheimer’s drug.

South Dakota Lawmakers Say No To Expanding Medicaid:  Organizers behind that ballot initiative had tentatively agreed to reconsider or even withdraw their proposed constitutional amendment if the Legislature opted to expand Medicaid on its own.

Medicare Privatization Needs to Be Ended, Not “Fixed,” Doctor-Activists Say. The program allows Direct Contracting Entities to keep as profit the funding they don’t spend on care.

Advocates Sound Alarm About Pilot Program They Say Could Privatize All of Medicare The Biden administration is moving forward with a Trump-era pilot program that would hand over the care of millions of Medicare beneficiaries to private, mostly for-profit, groups.

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All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-15

Voices, The Peoples News

February 15, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Covid / Pandemics
Federal judge green-lights firing of unvaccinated NYC municipal workers.
A federal judge on Friday gave New York City the green light to fire as many as 4,000 municipal workers for refusing to get vaccinated [allegedly] against COVID-19 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nypost.com/2022/02/11/federal-judge-green-lights-firing-of-unvaccinated-nyc-municipal-workers/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hSjWGdjiUQinxBxz0NF4w-SNpAoiM2XSlZg94uDhHC0jnNyd8syfeWF1f4XufbXnzF3p$

California bill would make vaccine mandatory for employment. Democratic California officials have introduced a bill which would force businesses to require their employees to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 or face fines and other penalties.

Medical Company CEO Suggests No Public Health Care for Unvaccinated. The CEO of a major medical equipment maker said that those who refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine should be “automatically considered” to have forfeited the right to obtain COVID-19 treatment in a public hospital.

Omicron-specific shots offer no advantage. Early tests show that Omicron-targeted vaccines do no better than standard ones.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Can monthly cash payments make our economy more equitable? Two guaranteed income projects in New York City and Atlanta are showing how modest monthly cash payments to low-income women of color can make a huge difference in alleviating race and gender-based economic inequities https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.yesmagazine.org/economy/2022/02/11/guaranteed-income-projects-economy-more-equitable__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hSjWGdjiUQinxBxz0NF4w-SNpAoiM2XSlZg94uDhHC0jnNyd8syfeWF1f4XuffjR_-iJ$

# Education / Schools
Silicon Valley Super-Rich Fund Brutal School Recall Election. Those who oppose the recall are calling the effort a power grab by billionaires and right-leaning Silicon Valley investors, some of whom oppose mask mandates.

During Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, the family of Christine Blubaugh, a Grand Prairie teen who was killed by her ex-boyfriend in 2000, highlighted a new state law named in Blubaugh’s honor that requires school districts to teach middle and high school students how to identify dating violence and child abuse.

# Employment / Labor
Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi sue Biden over minimum wage hike for federal contractors. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued the Biden administration again Thursday, this time for requiring federal contractors to pay a $15 an hour minimum wage. It’s the 21st lawsuit the attorney general has filed against the https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/texas-louisiana-mississippi-sue-biden-over-minimum-wage-hike-for-federal-contractors/article_bf775e2c-8abb-11ec-b192-33c541589b32.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hSjWGdjiUQinxBxz0NF4w-SNpAoiM2XSlZg94uDhHC0jnNyd8syfeWF1f4XufQLZBiZn$

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical How Texas’ power grid failed in 2021, and who’s responsible for preventing a repeat.
In the state’s power grid, electricity and natural gas are codependent.
Here’s how the winter storm last year broke the system.

Satellite Detects Giant Methane Cloud Over Louisiana, Cause Remains a Mystery. Geoanalytics firm Kayrros SAS estimates an emissions rate of
105 tons of methane per hour was needed to generate the plume, which could have the same short-term climate impact as the annual emissions from more than 1,900 cars.

# General Information / Other News
What are PFAS? PFAS are a group of manmade chemicals used in a vast number of consumer and industrial products.

Investigation: PFAS on our shelves and in our bodies: Testing finds concerning chemicals in everything from sports bras to ketchup, including in brands labeled PFAS-free.

IN DEPTH: First-of-its kind testing points to dangers and unknowns of PFAS in clothing https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ehn.org/pfas-clothing-2656587709.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hSjWGdjiUQinxBxz0NF4w-SNpAoiM2XSlZg94uDhHC0jnNyd8syfeWF1f4XufZTTkuMh$

# Gov / Politics
Did GOP Senate Candidate Misuse Charity for a Political Hit? End Citizens United is filing a complaint that Senate hopeful Adam Laxalt’s nonprofit group violated the law by engaging in a political attack campaign.

Clinton Campaign Lawyers Paid Tech Company to Infiltrate Trump White House Servers https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nypost.com/2022/02/13/hillary-clinton-campaign-paid-tech-workers-to-dig-up-donald-trump-russia-connections/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hSjWGdjiUQinxBxz0NF4w-SNpAoiM2XSlZg94uDhHC0jnNyd8syfeWF1f4Xufc64XNqK$

Hillary Clinton’s Other Dossier. Another stunning abuse by her 2016 campaign.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will depart for Eastern Europe on Tuesday to meet with NATO allies in the region as it braces for a possible Russian military incursion against Ukraine that U.S. officials say could happen as soon as this week.

Biden’s $7 billion Afghan heist: “We can’t bring our loved ones back, but we can save the lives of people in Afghanistan by advocating that the Biden Administration release this money to its rightful owners: the Afghan people.”

# Law Enforcement
Bodycam Footage Shows Capitol Police Striking Unconscious Trump Supporter Who Died on Jan. 6: Heavily redacted bodycam videos provide a glimpse into conditions at the time Rosanne Boyland lay unconscious, including the sound of her being beaten with a large wooden stick by police.

‘Objectively reasonable’: DC cop cleared for beating unconscious Jan. 6 protester in the head. She died.

Why 4 hunters in Wyoming were charged with trespassing on land they never touched.
A checkerboard pattern of parcel ownership complicates public land access in the West.

Kansas Death in Custody Spurs Call for Youth Justice Reform: Cedric “CJ”
Lofton, 17, died in September after he was forcibly restrained by staff at Wichita’s Juvenile Intake and Assessment Center. Advocates say his death underlines the failure of juvenile justice systems to deal with youth experiencing trauma.

Justice-Involved Individuals and the Consumer Financial Marketplace documents in clear and compelling prose how the financial products and services marketed to individuals and families entangled in the criminal justice system “too often contain exploitative terms and features, offer little or no consumer choice, and can have long-term negative consequences for the individuals and families affected.”

# Legal / DOJ
Engineer Admits He Tried to Swap Nuclear Secrets for Crypto. Jonathan Toebbe faces a prison sentence of up to 17 and a half years under the terms of his plea agreement.

Investigations Into Trump Are Good News, But Won’t Rid Us of Trumpism.
There are currently at least 19 legal actions against Donald Trump. More than a billion dollars in debt, with half of that coming due within the next few years, “Trump is only a few short years away from being subsumed by a tidal wave of red ink that will wash him out of most of his properties and leave him stranded on the beach like some strange orange whale.”

# Medical / Health Care
Woman of Mixed Race Becomes Third Person Ever Cured of HIV. The patient is also the first woman to be cured of the deadly virus.

# Military / DOD
The Pentagon is looking to get military aid to Ukrainians via ground delivery to help Kyiv with a resistance effort from within the country should Russia invade https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thehill.com/policy/defense/594207-pentagon-mulls-new-way-to-arm-ukrainians-if-russia-invades__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hSjWGdjiUQinxBxz0NF4w-SNpAoiM2XSlZg94uDhHC0jnNyd8syfeWF1f4XufQMzi3xC$

# Military / Global
Russian Claims of Ukraine De-Escalation Met With Skepticism. Russia said in a surprise announcement it was sending some troops back to base after the completion of military exercises.

Russia Withdraws Some Troops from Ukraine Border, Says It’s Open to More Diplomacy https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/15/russia-ukraine-border-troops-withdrawal__;!!On18fmf1aQ!hSjWGdjiUQinxBxz0NF4w-SNpAoiM2XSlZg94uDhHC0jnNyd8syfeWF1f4XufSZoqG35$

# Nuclear
Robot photos appear to show melted nuclear fuel at Fukushima reactor:
The fuel at Unit One is submerged in highly radioactive water as deep as two metres (6.5 feet). Details of how the highly radioactive material can be safely removed, stored and disposed of at the end of the cleanup have not been decided.

Nuclear Fusion, a ‘Near-Limitless’ Source of Clean Energy, Gets Closer to Reality After Record-Breaking Experiment: European researchers at the Joint European Torus (JET) set a heat record for the highest sustained nuclear fusion reaction ever recorded at 59 megajoules of heat, more than twice the previous record.

# Social
An Asian woman was stabbed to death in her apartment, as anti-Asian hate crimes rise across the US. Demonstrators gathered to mourn and protest anti-Asian hate crimes following the brutal killing of a 35-year-old Korean American woman in her apartment on Sunday.

Attacks on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders rose by 361% between
2020 and 2021, according to the New York Police Department.

# Sports
This Rams Legend Is Hellbent on Tackling the NFL’s Racism. The Hall of Fame running back loves football so much, he is willing to go toe-to-toe with anyone to rectify the racism and health issues the league has wrought.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of  Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-02-14

Voices, The Peoples News

February 14, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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“Honesty, integrity, and accountability, the values, which should be the hallmark of this government,
have instead been thrown under the bus by an arrogant majority, casualties in a misguided campaign
to shield from accountability those who abuse their office.”
– Louise Slaughter
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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Oklahoma’s Muscogee (Creek) Nation and conservationists are seeking to create the first national park and preserve in Georgia https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://maconmagazine.com/preserving-our-past-protecting-our-present-planning-for-our-future-the-muscogee-nation-speaks-out/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jDzo3daNC$

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls Beloved Symbol of Australian Wildlife, Koalas Officially Become Endangered Species The Australian government has declared the koala, a symbol of Australian wildlife throughout the world, “endangered” following a drastic decline in their population due to bushfires, drought, disease and loss of habitat.

# Archaeology
British archeologists uncover 5,000-year-old stone drum in the grave of three children.
It’s one of only four objects of its kind discovered so far.

# Covid / Pandemics
New US COVID cases have sharply declined. Cases have dropped about 75% since their peak in mid-January. Hospitalizations are also on a downward trend, although the 7-day-rolling average still hovers at around 93,000 in the US.

A small island nation has cooked up not 1, not 2, but 5 COVID vaccines.
It’s Cuba!
In the early days of the COVID pandemic, Cuba decided it was going to make its own vaccine. It didn’t want to rely on the whims of foreign governments or international pharmaceutical companies to immunize its people. At a time when many other low- and middle-income nations continue to struggle to get enough doses, Cuba is exporting vaccine to Iran, Venezuela, Mexico, Nicaragua and Vietnam.

Hong Kong to Vax 3 Year Olds as 5th COVID Wave Ravages City: Yet another wave of the pandemic has strained hospitals as the Chinese-led government imposes new restrictions.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The U.S.
aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia. Today’s sanctions regime is aimed inward, to prevent America’s NATO and other Western allies from opening up more trade and investment with Russia and China. The aim is not so much to isolate Russia and China as to hold these allies firmly within America’s own economic orbit.

# Employment / Labor
Democrats, Speak to Working-Class Discontent, It’s the one way to mobilize Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, not just white workers.

Oshkosh Corporation Seeks Non-Union Labor to Build Postal Trucks. The controversy over locating a manufacturing plant could impact upcoming postal legislation, White House climate goals, and a high-profile Senate race.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global Proposed Canadian rules would allow coal mines to release more toxins in their effluent. The federal government has bowed to provincial and industry lobbying in weakening proposed standards for coal mining effluent, critics say.
Critics say federal government has bowed to provincial, industry lobbying https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/proposed-federal-rules-would-allow-coal-mines-to-release-more-toxins-in-their-effluent-1.6350205__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jD6FyNIFL$

Renewable natural gas could help slow climate change, but by how much?
Also known as biomethane, it can reduce fossil fuel emissions, but warms the planet when it leaks https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/renewable-natural-gas-1.6346783__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jD4kD4tYl$

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Trump-appointed judge just dealt a blow to Biden’s climate efforts. The order blocks federal agencies from basing decisions on the global “social cost of carbon.”

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other / Global China approves gene-edited crops. Researchers in China have welcomed the government’s approval of gene-edited crops. China’s new rules are more conservative than those in the United States, which does not regulate plants that incorporate small changes similar to those that could occur naturally.

# General Information / Other News
Mitch McConnell Is Now at Odds With Trump. That Doesn’t Mean Mitch Is Good.
The enemies of our enemies aren’t always our friends. Case in point:
McConnell’s stealth battle against Trump.

Accounting Firm Drops Trump Org Over Dubious Financial Docs. The Trump Organization’s longtime accounting firm Mazars said it no longer wants Trump’s business, as it doesn’t trust the financial documents the Trump Org has given them.

Ex-DNI: Proof exists to indict MULTIPLE people in Trump-Russia probe:
Ex-Director of National Intelligence claims Biden and Obama KNEW ABOUT Hillary campaign plot to hack Trump servers: ‘Enough evidence in Durham’s Russia probe to indict MULTIPLE people’

# Global Politics
British Government Laundered Fake U.S. ‘Intelligence’ On Ukraine https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/01/british-government-laundered-fake-us-intelligence-on-ukraine.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jD1Djf4Ts$

The Ultimate End of NATO: Russia’s goal is not to destroy Ukraine, this could be accomplished at any time. Rather, the goal of Russia is to destroy NATO by exposing its impotence, writes Scott Ritter.

Wanting Peace With Russia To Focus Aggressions On China Is Just Being An Imperialist Warmonger. This insanely imperialist and white supremacist doctrine is still being cited by high-profile politicians https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2022/02/09/wanting-peace-with-russia-focus-aggressions-on-china-just-being-an-imperialist-warmonger/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jD5vJppXx$

Ukraine’s President Demands Proof From US Over Alarmist Russian Invasion Claims https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theepochtimes.com/ukraines-president-demands-proof-from-us-over-alarmist-russian-invasion-claims_4276178.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jD_v61bJq$

Ukraine replies to Russian demands: The Ukrainian foreign minister has accused Russia of making “unacceptable” demands https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/1/27/russia-weighs-us-nato-responses-to-security-demands-liveblog__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jD_ZDhLHb$

Voters Want Alternatives to Biden and Trump in 2024 Election, Poll Shows. Only 50 percent of GOP-leaning voters say they want Trump to run in 2024, while only 45 percent of Democrats want Biden to run.

Afghans decry ‘theft’ of government reserves. As Afghanistan edges closer to mass starvation and financial collapse, citizens across the country’s political divide, from the Taliban to the government they defeated, are outraged by a Biden administration plan to essentially expropriate the country’s currency reserves, which are held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

# Gov / Politics
How Can the US Accuse Any Nation of Violating ‘Rules-Based International Order’?
The implication is that if Congress approves an illegal war or act of war, that makes it legit. Sometimes the hypocrisy of the U.S.
government, especially when it comes to foreign affairs, it just too much to let pass.

Georgia Republicans Are Trying to Undo Democracy in Local Elections. GOP lawmakers in Georgia are seeking “total control” by targeting key election boards and posts to remove Democrats.

Dystopia disguised as Democracy: All the ways in which freedom is an
illusion: We think we have property interests in our homes and our bodies, but there can be no such freedom when the government can seize your property, raid your home, and dictate what you do with your bodies.

Will Congress Reform the Electoral Count Act? And would that make a difference?

# Law Enforcement
The San Francisco Police Department is investigating why its Twitter account liked a tweet promoting racist, troll-y George Floyd NFTs. The creators of the NFTs say it’s a “unique and progressive way to celebrate the monumental life of George Floyd” and that owning one comes with an “N word pass.”

Deteriorating prisons are making flood risks worse. As the climate crisis fuels bigger storms, deteriorating prisons are making flood risks worse. With floodwaters rising, prisoners wait for help in floating feces https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://theintercept.com/2022/02/12/prison-climate-crisis-flood/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jD1CLGuFX$

In Texas, prisons without air conditioning are getting hotter. The Intercept mapped climate risks for 6,500 detention facilities. In some already miserable places, the suffering is set to intensify.

This Prison in California Forced Incarcerated People to Drink Arsenic for Years Thousands of people were forced to consume arsenic-laced water for years at Kern Valley State Prison.

11 Stabbed in Seemingly Random Spree Across Albuquerque: “There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason at this point,” a spokesperson said of the attacks, which left nearly a dozen people wounded.

Banning the type of police raids that killed Amir Locke is just a start.
Police violence expert Samuel Sinyangwe says it’s time to rethink more common types of raids, too.

Alabama cop arrested on drug and domestic violence charges. The drug charge is a felony and the domestic violence charge is a misdemeanor.

# Legal / DOJ
A new version of the Mueller report reveals that Mueller declined to charge Donald Trump Jr. and Roger Stone with computer crimes https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/revealed-mueller-rejected-charging-donald-trump-jr-and-roger-stone-with-computer-crimes__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jD0Qf5UUX$

The Department of Justice released a new version of the report on Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election on Friday afternoon. This version contains nearly a dozen new unredacted passages and was released in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by BuzzFeed News in 2019.

# Media
Attacks on Journalists Are Just One Looming Threat to Press Freedom in the U.S.
Trump weaponized the term “fake news,” but corporate news media has always had deep, structural flaws.

Watchdog host Lowkey is joined by investigative journalist Matt Kennard to discuss how the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has infiltrated foreign media in an attempt to export obedience to the United States government and promote Washington’s interests around the world. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxv4hIuA2YU__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jD8vrcDj_$

# Medical / Health Care
New HHS Rule Threatens To Ignore the Law That Protects the Healthcare System To protect consumers from surprise medical bills, Congress passed the No Surprises Act in December 2020 after lengthy bipartisan negotiations.

Why Millions on Medicaid Are at Risk of Losing Coverage in the Months Ahead. The Biden administration and state officials are bracing for a great unwinding: millions of people losing their Medicaid benefits when the pandemic health emergency ends.

“Theragrippers” are tiny, shape-changing machines that deliver medicine efficiently to the GI tract. Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines, Johns Hopkins researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that can latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs into the body.

# Military / DOD
Almost 500 U.S. service members have been discharged so far for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. But that number is likely to climb as the various military branches continue the process of dealing with those who are refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19, or have requested exemptions.

# Military / Global
Military campaign to influence public opinion continued after defence chief shut it down. Portions of a military information campaign meant to influence the Canadian public during the COVID-19 pandemic continued to operate months after the chief of the defence staff at the time ordered it shut down in the spring of 2020. The Canadian military recently conducted four reviews of controversial initiatives.

US: Over 130,000 Russian troops now staged outside Ukraine: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke to President Joe Biden for about an hour, insisting that Ukrainians had the country under “safe and reliable protection” against feared attack by a far stronger Russian military, aides said afterward.

# Science
‘Amazing’ nanoparticles from maize: A potent and economical anti-cancer therapeutic https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-02241-y__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jD2Rvwf2l$

# Space
Four years ago, Elon Musk sent a Tesla to space. What happened to it?
The Tesla Roadster has so far traveled over 2 billion miles, way past its warranty mileage.

# Water
Climate crisis and systemic inequities drive push to reform California water laws https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-02-13/climate-systemic-inequity-drive-california-water-law-reforms__;!!On18fmf1aQ!j5kFVx5SuOhJsKsP2pjmPe36dAEIvg_ayJXtvAtvH7BwjV1SCrN1m8o_6n1jD_aC0_xI$

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