Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-09-29

Voices, The Peoples News

September 29, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
New infectious threats are coming. The US probably won’t contain them: If it wasn’t clear enough during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become obvious during the monkeypox outbreak: The United States, among the richest, most advanced nations in the world, remains wholly unprepared to combat new pathogens.

# Education / Schools
National school lunch testing for glyphosate, pesticides, heavy metals, hormones and nutrients revealed: Asheville, NC – Moms Across America announces a nationwide project measuring pesticides, heavy metals, veterinary drugs, hormones and nutrient test results of 43 school lunches gathered from public schools in 15 states in the United States.

# Employment / Labor
Newsom Reverses Course and Signs Farmworker Union Bill After Grassroots Pressure: The California governor has signed a law that makes it easier for farmworkers to participate in union elections.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure
The Supreme Court is expected to define waters of the United States — with potentially huge implications for the Southwest’s streams.

Chemicals linked to birth defects are being dumped in Pittsburgh’s rivers: More than 50 years after the passage of the national Clean Water Act, industrial polluters still regularly dump toxic chemicals. Pennsylvania’s waterways see particularly large releases of chemicals like compounds of nickel and chromium, which are linked to reproductive harm, including reduced sperm count, birth defects, miscarriages and premature births.

The Climate Dystopia Is Already Here: Greenhouse gas emissions are a clear and present danger to American society.

# Environment / Climate / Global
The central banks of the U.S., EU and UK have all been linked to deforestation and ecosystem destruction in Brazil. That’s the finding from a Global Witness report released Wednesday called “Bankrolling Destruction,” which outlines how the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England bought bonds from three agribusiness companies accused of land-clearing in Brazil: Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (ADM), Bunge Ltd Financial Corp and Cargill, Inc.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Intel Warning: Concerns Grow Over Political Stability in Europe Related to Ukraine Crisis. Today Big Unrest in Prague (Update) Earlier this month, an estimated 70,000 demonstrators descended on Prague’s central Wenceslas Square to protest the country’s pro-Western government.

Moscow is moving ahead with plans to annex occupied regions of Ukraine, possibly as soon as next week.

Draft Dodgers Slam Putin’s War After Finally Escaping Russia: Newly escaped Russians who “didn’t want to die” in Ukraine are now sharing what they really think about Vladimir Putin and his disastrous war.

Sergey Poletaev: Is Russian talk of using nuclear weapons just hot air or are Moscow’s warnings serious?

Putin’s threats make Erdoğan’s moves harder to predict. The Kremlin’s new strategy is a game changer for Turkey, and for global affairs. In an increasingly unpredictable global environment, expect Turkish foreign policy to be just as elusive. https://carnegie-mec.org/diwan/88001

A cornered Putin is becoming almost impossible to stop. What the West must do to increase pressure on Moscow.

# Gov / Politics / US
The War On Germany Just Entered Its Hot Phase: That war, hidden behind the U.S. created Ukraine crisis, is designed to destroy Europe’s manufacturing advantage compared to the U.S. It is more likely though to strengthen the economic position of China and other Asian economies.
See also: The U.S. Is Winning Its War On Europe’s Industries And People

The Restore The Republic Act: A bill proposed by a member of “We The People.” George Washington once acutely stated that “the truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains to bring it to light.” Our nation’s story is a tale of courage and cowardice. Light and Darkness. My story is intimately intertwined with it.

Right-Wingers Are Waging Civil War Inside Libertarian Party: State parties are splintering and candidates are bailing. One side calls their foes sore losers, the other calls them alt-right.

Mastriano Called for Prosecuting Abortion as Murder. He’s Not the Only One. Criminal penalties for abortion are widely unpopular, but that hasn’t stopped Republicans from pursuing them.

Millions of Americans Would Approve of Using Violence to Put Trump Back in White House: Around 15 million U.S. adults also say it’s justifiable to use violence to stop Trump from being prosecuted.

# Law Enforcement
As Millions Evacuate, Incarcerated People in Ian’s Path Are Left Behind: Advocates pushed authorities to evacuate what they say are as many as 176,000 incarcerated people who are in danger.

Proposed federal legislation would establish independent oversight over federal prisons: Proposed bipartisan federal legislation would establish independent oversight of the nation’s 122 federal prisons and require the Department of Justice’s inspector general to report its findings and recommendations publicly.

# Legal / DOJ
Judge Warns of DOJ’s Gift to Trump That Could Keep on Giving: “I think it’s a legitimate concern. What the judge is getting at is the very real possibility of unforeseen consequences,” said Vermont Law School professor Jared Carter.

Ginni Thomas Arrives on the Hill to Testify to Jan. 6 Panel: The panel wants to grill Thomas on her communications with several top officials over the 2020 election. Wife of Justice Clarence Thomas is questioned about former President Donald Trump’s push to overturn the 2020 election

# Medical / Health
From COVID to Monkeypox, Our Health System Failed. We Need Medicare for All. Medicare for All would go a long way in correcting the racial disparities we are seeing in monkeypox treatment.

Kaiser Permanente Therapists Keep Striking, Citing Dangerous Delays for Patients: Clinicians say patients routinely wait months between appointments, and therapists are given unmanageable workloads.

# Military / DOD
The Pentagon announced Wednesday it will contract with industry for $1.1 billion in military aid to Ukraine, including 18 High-Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and other arms to counter drones Russia has been using against Ukrainian troops

# Science
This robotic pill clears mucus from the gut to deliver meds: A whirling robotic pill wicks mucus from the gut, allowing intravenous drugs such as insulin to be given orally, experiments in pigs suggest.

# Veterans / VA
Veterans Affairs physicians will begin screening all department patients for military-related toxic exposures starting in November, the latest step in efforts to understand the scope and severity of injuries caused by burn pit smoke and other battlefield toxins.

# Water
Rainwater everywhere on Earth unsafe to drink due to ‘forever chemicals’, study finds: Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large family of human-made chemicals that don’t occur in nature. They are known as ‘forever chemicals’ because they don’t break down in the environment. They have non-stick or stain repellent properties so can be found in household items like food packaging, electronics, cosmetics and cookware.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-09-28

Voices, The Peoples News

September 28, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
Why are wild horses brutally uprooted from public lands while private livestock can stay? The Bureau of Land Management is misleading the American people about the nation’s wild horses and burros.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Global
85 Percent of the World Will Likely Live Under “Deadly” Austerity Measures Next Year: As 143 countries pursue harsh cuts to social programs, experts say “austerity is the worst possible choice.”

# Education / Schools
Students at almost 100 schools in Virginia hosted a walkout over new anti-trans school policies. The proposed policy put forward by Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin would heavily restrict the rights of transgender students in public schools. “This is a step away from the right direction,” one high schooler told BuzzFeed News.

University of Idaho says staff can offer condoms for STDs, not birth control: Memo warns employees they should not speak in support of abortion following state ban on procedure

To Confront the Climate Crisis, Universities Must Refuse Fossil Fuel Industry Funding: Every research dollar, lab hour, and project report that is beholden to or biased by fossil fuel industry influence is a missed opportunity to address the climate crisis.

Los Angeles Teachers Are Burned Out and Priced Out of Living in Their City: The local teachers union lists unaffordable housing, large class sizes and over-testing as contributing stressors.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global
Russian Gas Pipelines to Germany Blown Up: It Sure Does Look Like Someone Blew Up a Major Gas Pipeline Connecting Europe and Russia.  Nord Stream 1 and 2, had been turned off or were never fully operational since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in March, but had held tons of idled pressurized natural gas. That has since been spewing into the Baltic Sea, with one of the largest explosions off the Danish Coast.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure
U.S. seeks allies as split emerges over global plastics pollution treaty: The United States is seeking to form a coalition of countries to drive negotiations on a global plastic pollution treaty

As the Supreme Court considers the fate of American wetlands, Annie Proulx’s Fen, Bog, and Swamp offers an elegiac love letter to overlooked ecosystems. “The history of wetlands is the history of their destruction.” People have always been hanging nature’s sponges out to dry, until the land is firm enough to support a farm or a strip mall. It has been going on so long that attaining any perspective on the losses requires stepping back thousands of years

EPA Launches New Environmental Justice Office: The agency announced the formation of the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights on Saturday, a move it said was in keeping with President Joe Biden’s environmental priorities.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
USDA secretary says he is working on ‘made in the USA’ labeling for beef; cattlemen want faster action: A group of cattle ranchers is pushing hard for reforms on country-of-origin-labeling, known as COOL, and the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture says he is already working on the situation. R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America is out with a new poll of voters that the group says shows “overwhelming” support for mandatory  legislation

What are ultra-processed foods and why are they so bad for you? Ultra-processed foods are extra tasty concoctions that we eat every day. Ultra-processed foods are made mostly from substances extracted from foods, such as fats, starches, added sugars, and hydrogenated fats. They may also contain additives like artificial colors and flavors or stabilizers. Examples of these foods are frozen meals, soft drinks, hot dogs and cold cuts, fast food, packaged cookies, cakes, and salty snacks. Processed foods are essentially made by adding salt, oil, sugar, or other substances. Examples include canned fish or canned vegetables, fruits in syrup, and freshly made breads.

# General Information / Other News
Burning books (or rather book companies): Think of this as the modern capitalist version of burning books, though as with those fossil-fuel companies, it is, in reality, more like burning the future.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Intel Warning: Concerns Grow Over Political Stability in Europe Related to Ukraine Crisis. After Big Unrest in Prague: Earlier this month, an estimated 70,000 demonstrators descended on Prague’s central Wenceslas Square to protest the country’s pro-Western government. Some Czech leaders have blamed Russian propaganda as the impetus for the demonstration, characterizing the protest as “pro-Russian” and against national interests.

Brazil’s Election Will Be Decisive for Indigenous People, the Environment, and the Climate Crisis: A reversal of Bolsonaro’s destructive policies is essential to to protect people and planet.

Get Out Now, U.S. Tells American Citizens in Russia: The embassy in Moscow issued an urgent ‘security alert’ amid widespread panic over Putin’s military draft. Russia may refuse to acknowledge dual nationals’ U.S. citizenship, deny their access to U.S. consular assistance, prevent their departure

# Gov / Politics / US
The 2022 midterm elections are Nov. 8, and there’s a lot at stake. Every seat in the House of Representatives is available, as well as 35 Senate seats and 36 governorships. Here’s a state-by-state guide on voter registration deadlines.

‘People Power Has Won The Day’: Manchin Dirty Deal Defeated: The win was the result of “hundreds of national and grassroots organizations, along with concerned Americans from coast to coast, working together for the health and safety of frontline communities and a livable future for the planet,” said one campaigner.

The big scrub: GOP candidates strip the MAGA from their campaign websites. Republican candidates used to tout their pro-Trump, anti-abortion rights positions on their websites. Now they’ve gone missing.

Manchin ends pipeline push, easing path for spending bill: Sen. Joe Manchin pulls his energy permitting reforms from a government spending bill amid opposition from Democrats and Republicans.

Chomsky: U.S. Must Join Global Call for Negotiations as Russia Escalates Actions: There’s no certainty negotiations would result in peace, but as Chomsky says, there is only one way to find out: Try.

End this lunacy NOW: Biden approves an additional $1.1 billion in security assistance for Ukraine: The Biden regime announced 1.1 billion in additional security assistance for Ukraine on Wednesday, bringing the U.S. commitment to more than 16.2 billion since Russia’s invasion special operation in late February. The announcement of the upcoming aid package, the 22nd such installment, follows referendums held in four Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine.

# Law Enforcement
Woman Gave Birth Alone on Dirty Jail Floor, Lawsuit Claims: Nurses dismissed her cries for help and jail staff laughed, the plaintiff alleges.

# Legal / DOJ
Secret Service took the cellphones of 24 agents involved in Jan. 6 response and gave them to investigators: Senior leadership at the Secret Service confiscated the cellphones of 24 agents involved in the agency’s response to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol and handed them over to the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general  [Where’s the cellphone seizures of those who leaked the Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade to stoke riots all summer?]

States ask appeals court to reinstate 2020 antitrust lawsuit against Meta Platforms Inc: The lawsuit, which was originally filed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), alleged that “Meta used its monopoly power to buy potential competitors and curtail competitive behavior.”

Oath Keepers leader seditious conspiracy trial begins:  Jury selection began Tuesday in the trial of the founder of the Oath Keepers extremist group and four associates charged with seditious conspiracy, one of the most serious cases to emerge from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

# Medical / Health
U.S. district judge is weighing whether or not to issue a preliminary injunction in favor of abortion funds that help Texans pay for abortions out of state. The group of nonprofits argues that statements from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton have made them so fearful of criminal and civil penalties they have ceased their work.

# Military / Global
What are tactical nuclear weapons? Here’s what they mean for the war in Ukraine: What are tactical nuclear weapons? An international security expert explains and assesses what they mean for the war in Ukraine. Putin has characterized the war in Ukraine as an existential battle against the West, which he said wants to weaken, divide and destroy Russia.

# Water
Texas the Biggest Culprit in Toxic Waterway Discharge in U.S., Report Finds: A new report from nonprofit Environment America analyzed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data and found that Texas is the No. 1 state in the U.S. for discharging of toxic pollutants into streams, rivers and lakes. The company released 2.7 million pounds of nitrate compounds into local waterways in 2020.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-09-27

Voices, The Peoples News

September 27, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Facebook shuts down 100,000-member group for using carrot emoji to refer to covid vaccines, because no discussion of vaccine injuries shall be allowed: BBC News (United Kingdom) is on a crusade to stamp out all online references to covid “vaccines” that are negative – including those that use a carrot emoji to bypass social media censors.

Pfizer CEO gets Covid for second time in six weeks. Albert Bourla is quadruple vaccinated with his own company’s jab. Due to drug overdoses and COVID-19 deaths, life expectancy in the U.S. has dropped for the second straight year.

1.4 Million Adverse Events After COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS, Canadian Woman Dies 7 Minutes After Bivalent Booster Shot: A healthy Canadian woman suddenly dropped dead seven minutes after receiving a booster shot, yet it was declared a death by natural causes. VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,418,220 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 31,074 deaths and 258,480 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Sept. 16, 2022.

Where did the coronavirus pandemic start? Two studies point to late 2019 at the Wuhan market: After all this time, questions regarding the origin of the pandemic still linger, but evidence seems to suggest a common point of origin.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
“President Biden isn’t forgiving student loans, he’s charging hardworking Americans $400 billion.”

The truth behind “self-made” billionaires: Billionaires are not made by rugged individuals. They’re made by policy failures. And a system that rewards wealth over work.

Favre is the highest-profile figure caught in the Mississippi welfare scandal, in which the state funneled $77 million of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families funds to people with political connections. But there’s an even bigger scandal here: Nationwide, most TANF money doesn’t go to poor people in the first place. Just 22% of program funds went to cash assistance in 2020

# Education / Schools
850 more unvaxxed NYC teachers, aides fired for not complying with mandate: The city Department of Education has axed another 850 teachers and classroom aides, bringing the total to nearly 2,000 school employees fired for failure to comply with a vaccine mandate increasingly struck down in court.

Biden’s Student-Loan Forgiveness Plan Could Cost $400 Billion: Though, the office also said its estimates are “uncertain,” as it cannot accurately predict how much student loan debt will be repaid after Biden’s plan takes effect. The estimates also do not include loans issued after June 30.

# Employment / Labor
Biden Promised “Good-Paying Union Jobs,” But It Will Take Organizing to Get Them: Activists are poised to leverage and expand the Inflation Reduction Act’s provisions to protect workers’ rights.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical
U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib is demanding that leaders of the seven largest banks in the U.S. agree to halt funding any new fossil fuel production.

Here’s who a Line 5 spill in Lake Huron could affect: Line 5 is still a point of cross-border contention: Enbridge says the pipeline is safe, while a Michigan study shows oil from a spill could reach Manitoulin Island and beyond. Here’s what Lake Huron locals and visitors think https://thenarwhal.ca/line-5-lake-huron/

Time to charge the true cost of fossil fuels: The laws of physics establish the rules on planet Earth. When scientists state that an increase in average planetary temperatures of 2 degrees Celsius will lead to irreversible climate catastrophes, this is not an opinion; it is based on well-established principles of climatology. Fossil fuel products have never been priced to include the true costs to society of the disease, death or planetary disruption they cause.

The U.S. Senate is expected to vote tonight on a spending bill that includes Sen. Joe Manchin’s energy permitting reforms. The GOP leader said in a floor speech Tuesday afternoon adding the West Virginia Democrats’ permitting plan to the bill amounted to a “poison pill.” Republicans have spent years discussing the need to speed energy projects, but McConnell said Manchin’s effort is insufficient.

A Company Behind the Mountain Valley Pipeline Is Showering Schumer With More Donations Than Manchin:
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is the single largest recipient of campaign funds from NextEra energy, whose pipeline project could get fast-tracked with the deal Schumer recently brokered.

Trump tried to open Alaska lands to resource development, what will Biden do? The Bureau of Land Management is taking comments on whether it should open about 28 million acres to oil, gas and mineral extraction. The Tanana Chiefs Conference, a consortium of 37 federally recognized tribes, many of them in the affected region, says the previous administration already failed the consultation test. The conference passed a resolution last year, noting that the road “will have a negative impact on Native subsistence ways and lands,” and that “mining for mere financial gain poses new threats to the survival of our natural and cultural resources.”

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure
Green group influencing Biden admin has deep ties to Chinese government: The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a major U.S. green group that has influenced Biden administration policymaking, has deep ties to the Chinese government.

Video: EPA targets ‘cancer alley’ discrimination: Federal officials are investigating whether Louisiana regulators are discriminating against Black residents by failing to control air pollution in a region some call “cancer alley.”

Houston mayor: Chemicals in soil in Fifth Ward will change cleanup plans: After cancer-causing chemicals were found in Fifth Ward soil, Houston mayor says cleanup plans are inadequate. The city’s health department found dioxins in soil samples along the fence line of a Union Pacific rail yard. Mayor Sylvester Turner said during the 2022 Texas Tribune Festival that plans to clean up the contamination should now include relocating residents.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Giant Food Companies Stampede To Raise Insects For Food: Innovafeed has secured big funding to build a bug factory in Illinois and pledges to “place sustainable development and social impact at the heart of its business model and thus reinforce the global positive impact of the industry.” I haven’t talked with anyone who wants to eat insects instead of real vegetables, meat, dairy, etc. What do you think? ⁃ TN Editor

# Gov / Politics / Global
Ukraine: What the Corporate Press Refuses to Say: Ukraine has been part of Russia for centuries.

New Zealand Prime Minister Calls for a Global Censorship System: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is the latest liberal leader to call for an international alliance to censor speech. Unsatisfied with the unprecedented corporate censorship of social media companies, leaders like Hillary Clinton have turned from private censorship to good old-fashioned state censorship.

Italy holds snap election amid crisis over energy and inflation –Right-wing candidates are expected to win the most votes: “It’s an attack on democracy, and, above all, blackmail,” Salvini said.

Snowden gets Russian citizenship: President Vladimir Putin has granted Russian citizenship to US National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden, Russia’s TASS news agency confirmed on Monday.

Tuesday is the final day for Ukraine regions occupied by Moscow to vote on whether to join Russia; the referendum is viewed by Ukraine and Western powers as a sham, and is believed to be used as pretext for Russia to annex these areas. BBC reports allegations of election officials intimidating voters by going door to door with armed guards.

Revealed: how UK targeted American civil rights leader in covert campaign: The effort was the work of a secret unit known as the Information Research Department, based in London and part of the Foreign Office, which created and distributed literature from fake sources as part of a broader effort to destabilise cold war enemies.

1-2-3-4; We Don’t Want Your F—ing War! Ukraine, Vietnam, and the Necessity of Draft Evasion: Credit where credit is due. Putin has accomplished in less than a week what it took years for Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon to do, drive young men across the border (in that case, Canadian) rather than fight an immoral and failing war.

# Gov / Politics / US
Democratic National Committee Edited Bylaws to Let it Overrule Convention: The amendment removes the authority over DNC decisions from the national convention, which includes thousands of members, and places it instead with the smaller national committee of just under 500.

A Modern Day “Literacy Test” That Threatens Our Democratic Rights: The myth of election fraud has fueled a barrage of new voter restrictions in the last two years. Some states have passed new laws that make voting harder for people who struggle to read, a continuation of one of the most sustained and brazen suppression campaigns in America.

Doug Mastriano said women who violated abortion ban should be charged with murder: Trump’s pick for governor said in 2019 that he believes women who get abortions after a “fetal heartbeat” is detected should be treated as murderers

# Law Enforcement
FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch: “The kids were all just screaming. It was all just very scary and traumatic,” Ryan-Marie Houck described. A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest, for supposed “FACE Act” violations, at his rural home as his children looked on “screaming.”

# Legal / DOJ
Crimes against humanity: UN report on China activity in Xinjiang leaves little room for interpretation: We’re witnessing these crimes before our very eyes, and you’re probably buying stuff from companies that benefit from this. According to a new report, China’s treatment of the Uyghur minority leaves no room for interpretation. The report features mentions of torture, rape, mass detention, forced labor, and widespread surveillance, and a lot of companies are taking advantage of it.

MAGA Derek Zoolander Convicted for Role in Capitol Riot: John Strand rejected a plea deal and waged an online campaign for vindication. Now, he faces a possible 24 years in prison

# Military / DOD
Pentagon opens sweeping review of clandestine psychological operations: The Pentagon has ordered a review of US psyops on social media. In July and August, Twitter and Meta disrupted pro-US influence campaigns on their platforms. Now, the White House is concerned.

# Social
‘Green Gentrification’ Can Force Out Long-Term, Lower-Income Residents: Making neighborhoods more “green” through environmental infrastructure and other green investments such as open space parks, rain gardens, permeable pavement and rainwater harvesting can result in an area being perceived as more desirable, which can lead to rents and property values going up. This, in turn, leads to lower-income residents being pushed out — a process called “green gentrification.”

Jared Kushner’s Firm to Pay $3.25M for Deceiving, Cheating Tenants in Baltimore: The company hounded low-income tenants with a barrage of lawsuits, eviction notices and late fees.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-09-26

Voices, The Peoples News

September 26, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Differentiating between COVID misinformation and evolving science: The Western scientific enterprise is built upon the idea that a hypothesis’s power lies in its explanatory capability. It can never be fully “proven” but can be disproven. The hypothesis that fomites could transmit COVID was replaced by the hypothesis that it was spread primarily as a respiratory virus, which could explain more of the infections. The fomite hypothesis was not wrong or misinformation; it was midinformation.

Deep Investigation on Moderna’s Artificial human gene like SARS-Cov-2. Huge Plot EU, China, US Darpa, Fauci & Gates:
This study is grafted on the enormous suspicions and intrigues on the tests on chimeric superviruses carried out by Fauci himself between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the University of North Carolina summarized in the dossier prepared by the American doctor David E. Martin who first detailed these very dangerous “dual use” vaccine-bioweapon trials (then confirmed by Russian experts)

Biggest Coverup in the History of Science: Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul joined ‘Kennedy’ to discuss his recent clash with Dr. Fauci over the origins of COVID-19 and his promise that Republicans will investigate Fauci over his handling of the pandemic.

New Discovery Can Kill COVID With ‘Hugs’—but There’s a Catch: A global team of scientists has found a molecule that can essentially “squeeze” the COVID virus to death. But can we get it to work on humans?

# Economy / Finance / Trade
A Welfare System Built to Exclude Will Never Reduce Poverty in the US: To fix its broken welfare system, the U.S. must move away from its fixation on fraud, exclusions by design, and the stigmatization of people in poverty.

# Education / Schools
Pennsylvania school district bans Girls Who Code book series: The books are four of more than 1,500 unique book titles that have been banned by schools across the country after conservative pushes to censor books. According to a report released by Pen America in April, 138 school districts across 32 states have banned books from their classrooms and school libraries.

One of Higher Ed’s Worst-Kept Secrets Is Out. It’s Even Grimmer Than We Knew: Out-of-state students are funding flagship universities, and piling up debt in the process.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical
Do Americans want too much from EVs? Americans are thinking too much about occasional long trips when considering an electric vehicle, leading automakers to focus heavily on expanding new cars’ ranges, analysts say.

General Motors will invest $760 million at a Toledo, Ohio, manufacturing plant to build drive units for electric trucks, the automaker’s first U.S. drivetrain facility that will be repurposed for electric vehicles

# Environment / Climate / Global
New Island Rises in South Pacific After Volcano ‘Awoke’: NASA has confirmed the existence of the island, which is growing by the day. A submerged volcano on the seamount known as the Home Reef in the central Tonga Islands has awoken after 16 years of deep sleep to poke its head out of the blue. On 10 September 2022, lava and rock fragments began to ooze into the ocean 25 kilometers (15 miles) southwest of Late Island, while plumes of steam and ash burst through the surface of the waves.

Increase in Strong El Niño Events Linked to Loss of Arctic Sea Ice: Sea ice forms in the Arctic and Antarctic in winter and retreats in summer, but it doesn’t disappear completely, at least not yet. The floating frozen seawater has a surprisingly strong influence on weather patterns and ocean circulation in the polar regions and beyond.

# General Information / Other News
Take Trump’s ‘Warning’ of Violence for What It Is, a Threat: The ex-president and his MAGA militias have made good on their promises to “fight like hell” before. You’d be a fool to believe they won’t do it again.

Nice Democracy You’ve Got Here. Shame If Something Happened to It: Donald Trump’s newest defense strategy is laced with menace. The line between imagination and delusion is thin, as Donald Trump’s initial reaction to an FBI search at Mar-a-Lago in August demonstrated. In the first days afterward, the former president saw the search as a political gift, not a blow: a chance to rally his base https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/09/trump-threats-violence/671458/

Disinvestment Poses as Great a Threat to Libraries as Book Bans: It’s time we reversed the decades of structural attacks that render libraries unable to serve communities effectively.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Putin’s Top Cheerleaders Panic Over Russian Army ‘Mutiny’: Two of Putin’s most strident supporters are freaking out about the disastrous mass mobilization efforts, which they fear could lead to a major revolt against the war in Ukraine.

# Gov / Politics / US
Liz Cheney says she will do whatever it takes to keep Donald Trump from the White House, even if it means leaving the GOP: The top Republican on the House Jan. 6 committee urged voters to prioritize preserving democracy over policy differences during this year’s midterms https://www.axios.com/2022/09/25/liz-cheney-trump-2024-republican-party

Florida, Texas Dial Up Their War on Immigrants: Gabrielle Gurley wrote about how the Martha’s Vineyard episode wasn’t just a political stunt about the border. Abbott and DeSantis made clear their hatred for migrants and Democratic-controlled parts of the country.

Koch Network Showers Fascist Election Deniers With Campaign Cash Ahead of Midterms: “His choice is not unlike the choices that most German industrialists made in the Weimar Republic,” one critic said of billionaire Charles Koch.

Zero GOP Senators Vote to Curb Dark Money’s Stranglehold on Democracy:  “Instead of voting for the DISCLOSE Act and cracking down on the dark money in our democracy, Republicans blocked it,” said Sen. Patty Murray. “Shameful.”

Investigation into congressional stock trading reveals massive corruption red flags: The current Congress has a laughably low approval rating of just 17%. It seems near impossible for the public view of our elected officials to drop any lower. The Times dug into the stock trades that members of Congress made from 2019 to 2021. They found many cases in which politicians or their close family members made stock trades in circumstances in which they could have had insider knowledge.

# Law Enforcement
Video shows train hitting Colorado police car with person handcuffed inside: Yareni Rios-Gonzales hospitalized after officers fail to pull her from car they had parked on tracks

# Legal / DOJ
Oklahoma Lawmaker Calls for Investigation of Prosecutors Who Convicted Richard Glossip: Glossip faces a December execution date as Oklahoma lawmakers call attention to even more disturbing revelations that had come to light: including evidence of prosecutorial misconduct so alarming that state Rep. Justin Humphrey called for an investigation into the Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Office.

Former DOJ official says special master telling Trump to ‘put up or shut up’

Jan. 6 Panel Subpoenas WI House Speaker Over Trump Call: Robin Vos has, in turn, sued the panel to try and block the subpoena from being enforced.

# Medical / Health
In the post Roe v Wade world, what changes should a biology textbook writer make to address the medical repercussions of Dobbs? The proposal was seen by many as an attempt to deflect growing concerns that Republicans are out of step with most Americans who want to preserve some version of choice in every state.

Genetically modified herpes virus delivers one-two punch against advanced cancers: A new genetically engineered virus has delivered a one-two punch against advanced cancers in initial findings from a phase I trial.

Resistance-breathing training found to lower blood pressure: A team of researchers with members from the University of Colorado, Arizona and Alma College, has found that resistance-breathing training can lower blood pressure as much as some medicines and/or exercises. The study is published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.
See also: A multi-trial, retrospective analysis of the antihypertensive effects of high-resistance, low-volume inspiratory muscle strength training https://journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.1152/japplphysiol.00425.2022

Arizona Can Enforce A 121-Year-Old Abortion Ban, A Judge Ruled: “By allowing this law to go into effect, Arizona has put the lives of pregnant people and their doctors at risk,” the ACLU of Arizona said.  The law, which dates back to 1901, has no exceptions for rape or incest, with the only exception being to save the pregnant person’s life. The ban also carries a penalty of two to five years in prison for abortion providers.

# Military / DOD
How Militaries Are Transforming Agricultural Tech Into Deadly Weapons: When you think of military planes, you probably don’t think of the humble crop-duster. But this familiar technology has become a key part of the aerial arsenal of countries around the world.

# Pharmas / Drugs
The Truth About Rainbow Fentanyl: It was never meant for kids, it’s not aimed at their Halloween basket, but it does represent a real threat for casual drug users. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine.  Just two milligrams of fentanyl, which is equal to 10-15 grains of table salt, is considered a lethal dose.  Without laboratory testing, there is no way to know how much fentanyl is concentrated in a pill or powder.

An animal tranquilizer poisoning the heroin supply has drug policy experts worried: A tranquilizer used for animals is appearing more frequently in street drugs across North America, alarming drug policy experts and harm reduction advocates alike. When injected, the mixture of xylazine and fentanyl, sometimes called “tranq dope,” can also produce grisly injuries, such as lesions or open skin ulcers. Because they can be extremely painful, some individuals who use drugs will continue to inject into these open sores and wounds for relief. However, that can make things worse, causing the wounds to necrotize, or essentially rot on the body, often requiring amputation. Sometimes, it can even result in death.

Nearly 15,000 Pharmacies Leaving Tricare Next Month: Thousands of independent and community pharmacies are poised to be dropped from Tricare ‘s pharmacy network next month in a move advocates say could leave patients in rural areas with few options to get prescriptions filled.

# Science
Researcher discovers a muscle that can promote glucose and fat burning to fuel metabolism for hours while sitting: From the same mind whose research propelled the notion that “sitting too much is not the same as exercising too little,” comes a groundbreaking discovery set to turn a sedentary lifestyle on its ear: The soleus muscle in the calf, though only 1% of your body weight, can do big things to improve the metabolic health in the rest of your body if activated correctly.

Scientists finally find a way to recycle plastic indefinitely: Most plastic products can’t be recycled back into their original form. It’s time to change that.

# Social
We Are Proud Boys: Far-Right Gang Normalized Political Violence, Embraced by GOP as Legit Discourse

# Veterans / VA
Vets benefits poised for biggest cost of living boost in 40 years: Veterans could see their benefits boosted by the biggest margin in four decades after Congress on Thursday finalized plans to guarantee that veterans’ checks see the same cost-of-living boost as Social Security payouts.

VA Research Verges on Breakdown Without Congressional Action: A reinterpretation on funding sources for VA researchers affiliated with academic institutions is imperiling irreplaceable studies of veterans’ health.

# Water
As more info on lead in Jackson’s water comes to light, parents are in the dark on their children’s health: Residents in Jackson are accustomed to boiling water, so they can bathe or cook with it, but with lead, boiling water increases the concentration.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-09-25

Voices, The Peoples News

September 25, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Chemicals
# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
BILL III, Virus & Vaccines Emperor, Lobbied US-EU Govts with $8.3 Million Through His NGOs: Intrigues, secrets and mysteries not yet revealed by the big investigation by Politico and Welt journalists on Gates’ Lobbying to US and EU Governments. The investigation by American and German journalists is for now only a stone against the pigeon house because it would be interesting to know who, according to their sources, are the American and European officials or politicians who have received part of $8.3 million to support Gates’ plans and of its NGOs.

# Education / Schools
Parents attack nonbinary teacher at school board meeting: In southern Oregon this week, a battle over pronouns spilled from social media into a school board meeting where parents and other “concerned citizens” demanded the ouster of a nonbinary first-grade teacher. The unidentified teacher was recently hired to teach first grade at Griffin Creek Elementary School in Medford, Oregon

# Employment / Labor
$45.6 Billion in US Pandemic Unemployment Insurance Was Stolen By Fraud, Says Labor Dept: IG Criminals have fraudulently stolen 45.6 billion in unemployment benefits from U.S. government programs meant to assist Americans who lost their jobs during the pandemic.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical
Sen. Kaine says Mountain Valley Pipeline provision in Manchin bill ‘could open the door to serious abuse and even corruption’: The bill would require the federal government to issue outstanding permits for the project within 30 days, including authorizations from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect endangered species, from the Bureau of Land Management to allow the pipeline to cross the Jefferson National Forest in Virginia, and from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to approve its remaining crossing of federal waters. The legislation says that none of those actions would be subject to review by the courts. Additionally, it would transfer any legal action related to the pipeline or challenges to the act itself from the 4th Circuit to the D.C. Circuit.

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure
Trouble bubbles up in newly formed Alaskan lakes. Scientists are worried. Lakes appearing in Alaska because of melting permafrost are “belching” methane into the atmosphere, a scientist working with NASA said. These lakes, called thermokarsts, are so full of the climate-damaging gas that it can be seen bubbling to the surface.

# Environment / Climate / Global
How close is the Amazon tipping point? Forest loss in the east changes the equation: Scientists warn that the Amazon is approaching a tipping point beyond which it would begin to transition from a lush tropical forest into a dry, degraded savanna. This point may be reached when 25% of the forest is lost. In a newly released report, the Monitoring of the Andean Amazon Project (MAAP) estimates that 13.2% of the original Amazon forest biome has been lost due to deforestation and other causes.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
Why is corn syrup in so many American infant formulas? “When we look on the scale, it’s roughly two out of 100  children who received this formula with corn syrup solids were obese compared to those who received the other formulas. And that was consistent at ages two, three, and four years,” Goran explained. “Of WIC participants, roughly 15 out of 100 will be obese by the time they age out of eligibility” at age four, said Christopher Anderson

Formulas for toddlers are a burgeoning business in the United States: Sales of the drinks more than doubled in recent years as companies convinced parents that their little ones needed the liquid boost. But many experts warn that these products, designed for children ages 1 to 3, fill no nutritional needs beyond what is available in a typical toddler diet, are subject to less regulation than infant formula, and are expensive.

FDA warns about Mother’s Touch baby formula that does not conform to standards: On Sept. 16, 2022, Mother’s Touch initiated a recall of its Mother’s Touch Baby Formula because the product did not conform to the FDA’s infant formula standards. This week the FDA emphasized the problem in a public alert.

# General Recalls / Alerts
Condoms, toothpaste, denture cream among 47 more products recalled from Family Dollar for improper storage: Dozens of over-the-counter products, including eye drops and nasal spray, were recalled because they were stored improperly. No adverse events or illnesses have been reported so far. The recalled products were shipped to stores from May to June.

# General Information / Other News
Former President Trump launched a fresh attack on New York attorney general Letitia James: Trump attacks ‘racist’ New York AG Letitia James for her $250 million ‘witch hunt’ lawsuit, claims she is the fraud and wouldn’t have sued him if it wasn’t for her  ‘really bad’ poll numbers in her reelection campaign. ‘I never thought this case would be brought, until I saw her really bad poll numbers. She is a fraud who campaigned on a ‘get Trump’ platform,” Trump said. “James is spending her time fighting for very powerful and well represented banks and insurance companies instead of fighting murder and violent crime.”

# Gov / Politics / Global
Conflict in Ukraine’s Donbas: A Visual Explainer: The armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine started in 2014. This visual explainer shows both the human cost of the war from 2014-early 2022 and the relationships between diplomatic efforts at de-escalation and patterns of fighting and loss of life.

The consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for international security – NATO and beyond: February 24, 2022, is likely to engrave itself on the history template of the contemporary world. Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified and barbaric invasion of Ukraine is not only a manifestation of a huge security danger that has shattered peace in Europe.

# Gov / Politics / US
US has launched 469 wars and interventions since 1798: The Congressional Research Service published a comprehensive report regarding US wars and military interventions around the world from 1798 to our time. It showed that in the period after 1991 until now, there have been 251 military interventions where the overwhelming majority consists of illegal use of force on the part of the United States. The list of countries targeted by the U.S. military includes the vast majority of the nations on Earth, including almost every single county in Latin America and the Caribbean and most of the African continent.

House GOP Rolls Out Agenda With a Fake Lincoln Quote: The House Republican conference thought their agenda was quoting Abraham Lincoln. It was actually quoting a Lehman Brothers ad from the 1980s.

House Democrats Call on DOJ to Investigate DeSantis for ‘Cruel Migrant Flights’: The lawmakers are alleging that the Florida governor and other officials involved may have violated federal law. The group of 50 were not only promised housing and employment — immigration law experts say they were given bad advice that could actually jeopardize their immigration status as they seek to remain in the U.S.

Charles Murray, White Trash, and Madison Grant (Part I): In his book Coming Apart: In other words, those “poor rural white degenerates” were not “white” enough. By the 1850s, “North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Virginia kept poor whites at bay by retaining property qualifications for holding office.”

DeSantis pushing Christian nationalism has Florida newspaper warning of white supremacy: Florida governor Ron DeSantis campaigning for president by pushing Christian nationalism was the focus of a new editorial published online by the Miami Herald on Saturday afternoon. “Is America a Christian nation? The United States is a secular nation with no official religion, so the answer is No,” the editorial board wrote. “But to Republicans such as Florida Gov. DeSantis, simplifying the answer to a Yes is a powerful tool. They’ve found a political gold mine in pitting Christians against the so-called evils of the left, gay and transgender people and teachers accused of pushing a ‘woke’ agenda.”

Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman rallied in Philadelphia on Saturday as he looks to beat Dr. Mehmet Oz in the race for Senate. During the visit, the first since launching his bid to the Senate in February 2021, Fetterman gathered some 600 people, evenly split between White and Black voters. The vote of Black communities in Pennsylvania will be key for the Democratic candidate to win the state’s Senate seat. Fetterman continues to hold his lead over Republican rival Dr. Oz in the Senate race, according to recent polls, despite recent scrutiny over his health.

Trump fans do QAnon symbol again at rally despite security trying to stop them: Donald Trump embraces QAnon again at North Carolina rally as ties to violence raise concern. The FBI has investigated QAnon for violence and domestic extremism for years, and warns its followers will likely “act as a catalyst” for future attacks, including against the U.S. government

Full Mace: ‘There’s a lot of pressure on Republicans’ to have an impeachment vote on President Biden: Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) talks about her vote against the House version of an electoral reform plan, and her views on a potential impeachment vote against the Biden White House, during an exclusive interview with Meet the Press.

# Legal / DOJ
Trump’s team was happy — until the 11th circuit derailed them on Wednesday: “The most serious parts of that criminal investigation — the obstruction of justice element and the violation of the Espionage Act, the willful retention of national defense information — those are really, really serious potential charges. The fact the Justice Department has those materials means that Trump’s effort to delay this has been effectively stymied.”

Letitia James’ fraud case will force Trump to ‘throw his kids under the bus if he needs to’: Speaking with host Alicia Menendez, Johnston, who has an extensive background analyzing Trump’s financial shenanigans over the year, stated he has no doubt that the former president would make his kids the fall guys if push comes to shove. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-kids-2658334385/

Watch: Nazis and Proud Boys clash with anti-fascists outside Texas church hosting drag queen bingo: Under the blazing sun outside, the scene at First Christian Church felt chaotic – and angry. More than 100 people traded insults for hours with counter-protesters across Morton Road. The protesters believed it was wrong for adults to expose their children to drag queens. The counter-protestors believed it was important to create a space that felt safe. Some on both sides hid their faces. Some on both sides displayed big guns.

# Media
Western Media continues to Ignore how Ukraine is Using NATO Weapons to Kill innocent Civilians in the Donbass: The civilian death toll keeps growing as some EU citizens rise up against their governments’ support for Kiev

Western media and politicians prefer to ignore the truth about civilians killed in Donetsk shelling: When Kiev’s guilt in attacks on a maternity hospital cannot be denied, it’s simply brushed under the carpet.

# Medical / Health
Reusable contact lenses more than triple risk of rare preventable eye infection: People who wear reusable contact lenses are nearly four times as likely as those wearing daily disposables to develop a rare sight-threatening eye infection, finds a study led by UCL and Moorfields researchers.

# Nuclear
Chomsky: The U.S. and Israel Are Standing in the Way of Iran Nuclear Agreement: U.S. and Israel are blocking progress on a deal, says Chomsky, and the real goal should be to abolish nuclear weapons.

# Science
Genetically modified herpes virus delivers one-two punch against advanced cancers: A new genetically engineered virus has delivered a one-two punch against advanced cancers in initial findings from a phase I trial.

How an addicted brain works: Addiction is now understood to be a brain disease. Whether it’s alcohol, prescription pain pills, nicotine, gambling, or something else, overcoming an addiction isn’t as simple as just stopping or exercising greater control over impulses. This is what’s at play when you hear about reward “systems” or “pathways” and the role of dopamine when it comes to addiction. But what does any of that really mean?

# Technology
Meta Warned Workers To Shape Up: Now It’s Firing Them At Random Using An Algorithm: [This article was originally published on Aug. 19, 2022.] Meta, formerly known as Facebook, in June told its employees that it planned to not only reduce its hiring target, but it was going to “turn up the heat” on employees via stricter performance management with the intention of weeding out underperforming employees.

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All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-09-23

Voices, The Peoples News

September 23, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Education / Schools
Virginia Commonwealth University will change its fraternity rules and pay $1 million after a 19-year-old pledge died. Students will now be required to complete 12 credit hours at VCU before they can join a fraternity or sorority, alcohol will not be allowed at any event with new members, and Feb. 27 will be recognized as a hazing prevention day.

Two Powerful Unions Have Come Together to Fight the Right’s Attack on Higher Ed: The two unions representing teachers and university professors are fighting for academic freedom and shared governance

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Humans are dosing Earth’s waterways with medicines. It isn’t healthy: Medicines, chemical formulations that alleviate much human suffering, can also be significant pollutants, with active ingredients often excreted from the human body and entering waterways. However, the intensity of this contamination and of its impacts has not been well researched.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Powerful Industry’s Torrent of Manure Overwhelms State Regulators: Cause of Michigan’s worst water pollution is too much waste spread on too little land.

# General Information / Other News
As Bad as the World Looks Right Now, It’s Actually Worse: If the average person paid closer attention to what was really being discussed at the UN, or had the opportunity to listen in on some of the behind-the-scenes conversations as some of us are obligated to do, they would come away from the experience shaken not stirred.

Calls by Zelensky and Biden for UN reform are supported by people around the world, new survey: Echoing his calls for UN reform earlier this year, Zelensky lamented that much talk about UN reform in the past has led nowhere. He called for an expansion of representation to those who remain unheard.

Why This Is More Dangerous Than the Cuban Missile Crisis – Helen Caldicott:  The military confrontation between the US and Russia puts our very existence in more danger than ever before.

“That’s Pretty Extreme”: A day in the town that came up with a jaw-dropping solution to banish homeless people.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Four Moscow-occupied regions in Ukraine are slated to vote on joining Russia starting Friday. The votes in Luhansk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, and Donetsk are universally viewed as a sham by Ukraine and Western powers.
It’s likely Russia will use sham elections as pretense for annexing areas of Ukraine. Voting begins today, and will continue until Tuesday.

From “Special Operation” to “Defensive War”: Russian leadership seemed to think that the best course of action was to retain the appearance of ordinary life. Now all of that could change.

More Storm Clouds Gather Over Armenia, Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan’s military action has jeopardized peace talks. The latest round of brutal violence seems aimed as much against Russia as against Armenia.

The Dirty Little Secret That Could Kill This Putin Fugitive: He’s one of Russia’s most wanted men, and the one Putin fears the most. In an interview, Milov says the proverbial bottom line of Putin’s ham-fisted control over the 10 or so energy companies responsible for overseeing Russian oil and natural gas can be easily translated into English, Russian, or Klingon.

# Gov / Politics / US
Midterms reveal white nationalism’s potency: Midterms reveal white nationalism’s potency. “We must be honest with each other and with ourselves,” Biden said. “Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Russia’s and China’s surveillance states, and America’s surveillance capitalism, are they really so different? Important and useful reporting. Pardon me if I ask an impertinent question: Why aren’t we hearing about corporate surveillance of employees in the United States? Or corporate surveillance of Americans in general? Or how corporate surveillance is being used by the US and state governments? If Russia’s and China’s surveillance states are far more dangerously intrusive than America’s surveillance capitalism, shouldn’t we know more about how the same or very similar technologies are being utilized here?

House Passes Bill to Correct Flaws in Certification of Presidential Elections: The bill had the support of nearly all Democrats and just nine Republicans in the House.

Far-right Republicans are itching for a government shutdown: Rep. Kevin McCarthy May Face Big Problems If GOP Wins Narrow Majority In House. The volatile Freedom Caucus is itching to shut down the government and could throw McCarthy out of his leadership position.

# Legal / DOJ
Judge Cannon’s Mar-a-Lago Ruling Just Got Benchslapped: The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals took a sledgehammer to the Trump-appointed judge’s misreading of the law. There are Trump judges and Trump-y judges. In a per curiam ruling, the panel laid waste to Judge Cannon’s refusal to exclude classified documents seized at Mar-a-Lago from the special master review process, as well as her ban on the FBI using them in its ongoing criminal investigation.

Amended Autopsy for Elijah McClain Shows New Cause of Death: Five former police officers and paramedics involved in the incident are scheduled to be arraigned on Nov. 4: A New Elijah McClain Autopsy Shows He Died Of Complications From Being Injected With A Sedative While Forcibly Restrained, “I believe that Mr. McClain would most likely be alive but for the administration of ketamine,” a forensic pathologist said in the new findings. The five face 32 charges, including manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide. Their arraignment is set for November.

# Medical / Health
She Wanted An Abortion. Now The Embryo Is Suing Her Doctors: The ‘wrongful death’ suit could usher in a new threat for abortion providers and women nationwide

UHC2030: The United Nations’ Global Public-Private Partnership For Healthcare: Agenda 2030 was first outlined with General Assembly Resolution 70/1 (A/Res/70/1). In October 2015, this Resolution committed the UN to Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In UN parlance, “sustainability” is misleadingly used as a synonym for transformation. Nothing about the SDGs is as it first appears.

Monoclonal antibodies may be HIV game-changer: HIV therapies currently need to be taken regularly for life – longer-lasting antibody treatments could one day offer an equally effective one-shot alternative

# Military / DOD
The Navy Accused Him of Arson. Its Own Investigation Showed Widespread Safety Failures: After the USS Bonhomme Richard fire, investigators found missing fire hoses, a broken sprinkler system and other systemic failures. The Navy is still accusing a sailor of arson, against the advice of a military judge.

# Science
Algae With a Secret Surprise Fought Off Deadly Pneumonia: Scientists found a way to turn microscopic plant life into weapons against bacterial infections in mice.

# Water
Vermont effort successfully reduced lead in schools, officials say: Almost all Vermont schools and child care programs have addressed lead in their drinking water systems thanks to a state program https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://vtdigger.org/2022/09/22/a-multi-agency-state-effort-has-successfully-reduced-lead-in-schools-officials-say/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!3noXvCn9M-GrNrVABJ-jwQowoJdORJQrS_gvEuzNmF9lVVCz42tB8fsKRJNGpXbJ1aMe-JPBouvOoy5kzbopFzoPWpfSkwJL$

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All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-09-22

Voices, The Peoples News

September 22, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
# Indigenous / Global
Amazon ecosystem is on verge of collapse, leaders tell brands such as Apple and Tesla as UN gathers in New York. Indigenous leaders from the Amazon have implored major western brands and banks to stop supporting the ongoing destruction of the vital rainforest through mining, oil drilling and logging, warning that the ecosystem is on the brink of a disastrous collapse.

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
# Archaeology
# Border / Immigration
Border agents keep sending immigrants to wrong addresses. Advocates say it’s dooming their court cases. For months, Border Patrol and ICE have been releasing immigrants with documents incorrectly listing their future residences as addresses to nonprofits or churches. These immigrants and asylum-seekers, most of them from Venezuela, then show up to random buildings confused and unsure of what to do next.

Florida, Texas Dial Up Their War on Immigrants: Martha’s Vineyard episode spotlights deep disrespect for migrants and broader interstate rifts.

# Bundy Rides Again
# Children / Youth
# Chemicals
# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
How COVID-19 causes lasting damage to the lungs: COVID-19 can affect the respiratory system in a variety of ways and across a spectrum of levels of disease severity, depending on a person’s immune system, age and comorbidities. Symptoms can range from mild, such as cough, shortness of breath and fevers, to critical disease, including respiratory failure, shock and multi-organ system failure.

Poliovirus is spreading in New York. Here’s what you need to know: With signs of poliovirus spreading in a handful of counties in New York, unvaccinated people could be at risk of paralytic polio. A particular kind of poliovirus is spreading in the United States. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed that the country now joins a list of around 30 other countries where circulation of the virus has been identified. Those countries include the United Kingdom, Israel, Egypt, Yemen and around two dozen in Africa.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Fed Raises Interest Rates by 0.75 Percentage Point for Third Straight Meeting: Officials project short-term rates will rise above 4.25% by year’s end, signal further large increases at coming meetings https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.axios.com/2022/09/21/fed-raises-rates-075-percentage-points-signals-more-to-come__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0McpmldInTl8Qqu8DiL_qjt637bFLhX6hbc7idoSsSn3YVTm2uBzYMhNCloZlCYpnJ-Jc6BQ7VUTd9qMhCLaGcZfHxSYxN6B$

Fed’s Latest Interest Rate Hike Will Harm Most Vulnerable, Critics Say: With each rate hike, and other central banks following suit, warnings of a global recession have mounted.

Progressives Warn Fed’s Interest Rate Hikes Will “Throw Millions of Americans Out of Work”: The third consecutive “jumbo” hike of seventy-five basis points was widely expected, and Fed officials’ outlook suggests another big increase could be in store at their next meeting in November, one of two remaining in 2022.

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Global
# Education / Schools
Canceling Student Debt Is One of Many Steps Needed To Restore the Promise of Higher Education: The president’s debt cancellation plan will help millions of borrowers who have fallen through the cracks of a broken higher education system.

# Employment / Labor
Unionized Boston Starbucks Workers Celebrate Win After 64-Day Strike: Management conceded to workers’ main demand after they picketed 24 hours a day for two months, workers say.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical
Manchin sets up new Congress clash with release of energy permitting bill: Manchin has sought to downplay the personal stakes of his permitting push, describing it as a “balanced” effort to boost domestic fossil fuel projects. The bill would put in place changes that Manchin has sought for years that would benefit fossil fuels projects like new pipelines, as well as the clean energy and power grid projects critical to President Joe Biden’s climate goals.

Manchin’s Big Oil Giveaway Deal Garners Opposition From Both Sides of the Aisle: Manchin’s proposal, released on Wednesday, “would open the door for massive abuse and corruption,” one Democrat said

Biden admin reinstates early $190 million in Gulf drilling leases: The consequences of the sale could be the production of 1.1 billion barrels of oil and the probable release of 723 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemicals / Global # Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Bag Ban Means More Plastic, Not Less: Wegmans, a regional supermarket chain with 107 stores, announced it is eliminating plastic shopping bags from all of its locations by the end of 2022. It plans to shift all customers to stitched-handle reusable bags instead. They are also made of plastic (polypropylene) and usually imported from China, unlike single-use bags made in the United States, but Wegmans considers them “the best option to solve the environmental challenge of single-use grocery bags.”

Senate approves first climate treaty in decades: While the Senate is badly divided on most climate issues, strong backing from the business community to eliminate hydrofluorocarbons.

Duke Energy is leaking a potent climate-warming gas at more than five times the rate of other utilities: The gas, sulfur hexafluoride, is one of the most potent and long-lasting climate pollutants, known collectively as ‘the immortals,’ because they remain in the atmosphere for thousands of years.

Sen. Joe Manchin releases the full text of his permitting reform bill, including provisions to tighten timelines for environmental reviews and a mandate to issue permits for the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

# Environment / Climate / Global
How Kenyans help themselves and the planet by saving mangrove trees: Conserving the carbon-storing forests is good for the environment and village growth https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.coastalnewstoday.com/post/world-how-kenyans-help-themselves-and-the-planet-by-saving-mangrove-trees__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0McpmldInTl8Qqu8DiL_qjt637bFLhX6hbc7idoSsSn3YVTm2uBzYMhNCloZlCYpnJ-Jc6BQ7VUTd9qMhCLaGcZfHya-QPiV$

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Global
# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other
The Formula Shortage Isn’t Over; Male Lawmakers Aren’t Doing Their Jobs As Fathers: A national baby formula shortage is leaving a number of parents, including some lawmakers on Capitol Hill, scrambling to find a way to feed their babies.

# Food Recalls / Alerts
# Foodie Tips, Tricks and How To’s
# General Recalls / Alerts
# General Information / Other News
Trump: I Can Declassify Docs Just ‘by Thinking About It’: The ex-president insisted he declassified material he kept at Mar-a-Lago, even though his lawyers haven’t claimed so in court. Ex-president tells Sean Hannity: ‘Because you’re sending it to Mar-a-Lago or wherever … There doesn’t have to be a process’

‘I’m not sure he’s going to escape jail’: could Trump’s legal woes prevent a 2024 run? New York civil lawsuit accusing Trump and three of his children of ‘staggering’ fraud could derail presidential bid, experts say

The Law and Donald Trump – The Mar-a-Lago gang will need more lawyers.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Russia implodes after Putin summons 300,000 to die for him: Mass mobilization announcement from Vladimir Putin already sending Russia into chaos. The Russian leader may have inadvertently put the final nail in the coffin of his decades-long reign with his bombshell announcement that hundreds of thousands of citizens will be called to face death in the war next door.

More Than 1,100 Russians Arrested for Protesting Putin’s War Escalation: Protests followed Putin’s announcement that 300,000 reservists may be called up to fight, reports human rights group.

Team Putin Begs Rich Russians to Help Save His Failing War: The Kremlin’s cronies are now demanding that Russians “who are fattened up” help fuel Vladimir Putin’s disastrous war.

# Gov / Politics / US
Texas conservatives laud Abbott declaring Mexican cartels foreign terrorist organizations, next step to declare an invasion

GOP Losers Are Accusing Their Own Party of Election Fraud: They’ve lost elections and recounts. Two months from the general, they’re still accusing their party’s nominees of fraud.

President Biden’s first formal State of the Union address focused on Ukraine, inflation, the coronavirus pandemic and a four-point “Unity Agenda.” Russia loomed large in the president’s address, but there were other lines worth paying attention to.

House passes bill aimed at preventing another January 6 by changing the electoral count act: The House will vote on an overhaul of a centuries-old election law, an effort to prevent future presidential candidates from trying to subvert the popular will.

US is becoming a ‘developing country’ on global rankings that measure democracy, inequality: The U.S. is also now considered a “flawed democracy,” according to The Economist’s democracy index.

GOP Losers Are Accusing Their Own Party of Election Fraud: They’ve lost elections and recounts. Two months from the general, they’re still accusing their party’s nominees of fraud.

Noam Chomsky: The War in Ukraine Has Entered a New Phase: The U.S. is recklessly assuming that, if he faces defeat, Putin will pack his bags rather than use nuclear weapons. Seven months on, the war in Ukraine has entered a new phase. Ukrainian forces are running a counteroffensive in the east and south regions of the country while Russia is still bent on annexation plans.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis breaks gubernatorial fundraising record: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R) political operation reported raising $177.4 million through Sept. 9, breaking the gubernatorial fundraising record without adjusting for inflation

Zero GOP Senators Vote to Curb Dark Money’s Stranglehold on Democracy: “Instead of voting for the DISCLOSE Act and cracking down on the dark money in our democracy, Republicans blocked it,” said Sen. Patty Murray. “Shameful.”

# Law Enforcement
# Legal / DOJ
New York’s AG is suing Donald Trump and the Trump organization for fraud:  Former President Donald Trump padded his net worth by billions of dollars and habitually misled banks and others about the value of prized assets like golf courses, hotels and his Mar-a-Lago estate, New York’s attorney general said Wednesday in a lawsuit that seeks to permanently disrupt the Republican’s ability to do business in the state. Attorney General Letitia James dubbed it “The art of the steal.”

Appeals Court Frees Justice Dept. To Use Sensitive Files Seized From Trump: The big picture: The ruling is a win for the Department of Justice after a federal judge temporarily blocked investigators from examining Trump’s storage of the sensitive government records, which the DOJ argued would hinder its investigation.

New York’s $250 million lawsuit against Donald Trump is the beginning, not end, of this case, a tax lawyer explains what’s at stake: New York’s lawsuit against Trump could mean he and three of his kids are prevented from operating a business again in the state, but the IRS will determine whether federal tax crimes also took place.

The Justice Department’s dilemma over prosecuting politicians before an election: A department rule advises federal law enforcement officials to refrain from making public comments about ongoing investigations that may impact an election in the 60 days leading up to that election.

Queer Kids Are Getting Blasted With Too Much Doom and Gloom: We need to remind LGBTQ youth that despite the bigotry and marginalization they face, the have a voice, and they’re not alone.

# Marijuana / Hemp / CBD Oil
# Media
# Medical Alternatives / Herbology
# Medical / Health Global
# Medical / Health
Buy and Bust: After Platinum Health Took Control of Noble Sites, All Hospital Workers Were Fired:  In March, it suspended all hospital services and later furloughed 181 employees, state records show.

US Ratifies Treaty To Phase Down Polluting HFC Gas Used In Inhalers trapping 1,000x more heat than CO2 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.gpb.org/news/2022/09/21/the-us-ratifies-treaty-phase-down-hfcs-gases-trapping-1000x-more-heat-co2__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0McpmldInTl8Qqu8DiL_qjt637bFLhX6hbc7idoSsSn3YVTm2uBzYMhNCloZlCYpnJ-Jc6BQ7VUTd9qMhCLaGcZfHxzor_kU$

# Medical Recalls
# Military / DOD
Pentagon Spending Drains the National Budget and Leaves a Big Carbon Bootprint: Congress’s military appropriations will, in all too many ways, cancel out the benefits of its new climate spending. US military aims for net zero by 2050 but with a carbon footprint greater than some
140 countries critics say it needs radical change https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/10/pentagon-us-military-emissions-climate-crisis__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0McpmldInTl8Qqu8DiL_qjt637bFLhX6hbc7idoSsSn3YVTm2uBzYMhNCloZlCYpnJ-Jc6BQ7VUTd9qMhCLaGcZfH6vbZyya$

# Military / Global
# Nuclear
# Pharmas
# Planetary
# Recycle / Repurpose / Reuse
# Science
5 people with lupus are in remission after CAR-T cell treatment: More than six months after CAR-T cell treatment, five patients are in remission and have functional immune systems.

# Security
# Social
Black Artist Wants Justice After Hotel Room Invasion: Kahlil Robert Irving does not believe the incident “would have taken place and unfolded in such an aggressive and malicious manner” without racial stereotyping being central to it.

Philly Families Faced With Eviction Are Rising Up, Refusing to Leave Their Homes: “I want everyone to fight,” says organizer Sterling Johnson. Host Kelly Hayes talks with Johnson and UC Townhome resident Rasheda Alexander about gentrification, organized abandonment and an ongoing struggle in West Philadelphia, where dozens of families are resisting the demolition of a 70-unit housing development.

# Space / UFO Disclosure / Other
# Sports
# Technology
# Technology / Global
# Tips, Tricks and How To’s
# Veterans / VA
# Water
Desalinating seawater sounds easy, but there are cheaper and more sustainable ways to meet people’s water needs: Nearly 97% of the world’s water is in the oceans, but desalination is no magic bullet for water-stressed coastal cities. With severe droughts affecting over 36 countries could the solution lie in the ocean?

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Attention Readers:

Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-09-21

Voices, The Peoples News

September 21, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Border / Immigration
Three Venezuelan migrants who were flown from Texas to Massachusetts have filed a class-action lawsuit against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. The lawsuit alleges that the migrants were tricked into traveling on an airplane, chartered by the governor, with false promises of hotel rooms, McDonald’s gift cards and hundreds of dollars in cash.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
The Persistent Pandemic: It ain’t over till it’s over. Except it isn’t over. The U.S. has recorded over 379,000 cases and 2,490 deaths in the last seven days as of Tuesday, according to CDC data.

# Education / Schools
State Investigation Reveals Racial Disparities in Student Discipline and Police Involvement: The Illinois civil rights probe of the state’s largest high school district comes after ProPublica and the Chicago Tribune documented thousands of police tickets issued to students for minor infractions.

# Employment / Labor
Philadelphia Home Depot Workers File to Form Company’s First Ever Retail Union: Workers have filed a petition to cover 274 employees at what will likely be the company’s first ever store union.

More Than 1,000 Teamsters Rally Outside Amazon’s Seattle Headquarters: Teamsters Union members were denouncing the tech titan’s “union-busting tactics and dangerous labor practices.”

# General Information / Other News
How a rural Colorado county became an epicenter of Trump’s big lie: First an election official erred. Then Trump’s IT squad arrived. Then the false claims, conspiracies, stolen data and denials ensued.

New York AG Sues Trump and Children Over ‘Staggering’ Criminal Fraud: New York Attorney General Letitia James announced that, following a three-year investigation into former President Donald Trump and his real estate empire, the state is filing a civil lawsuit against the former Republican leader, accusing him and his family members of “staggering” fraud. “There aren’t two sets of laws for people in this nation: Former presidents must be held to the same standards as everyday Americans,” said Letitia James.

Letitia James’s Lawsuit Against Trump Says He Obtained $250 Million Fraudulently: The lawsuit seeks to bar Trump and his family members from being executives of any company in New York State.

# Gov / Politics / Global
West’s Anti-Russia Policies, Partial Mobilization & Referendums in Ukraine: Key Points of Putin’s Address: Referendums on joining Russia will be held in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions of eastern Ukraine on September 23-27, events that will come as Russia continues its special military operation in Ukraine.

Russia Presents Evidence of US Ukraine-Based Military-Biological Activity to Geneva Convention: Russia has presented evidence to the Geneva Convention regarding their military findings in Ukraine where bio-laboratories were seized during special military operations. The documents retrieved so far show that these labs funded by Washington DC were working on dangerous pathogens.

‘The Time Has Come’: Top Putin Official Admits Ugly Truth About War: “I cannot but emphasize the fact that today, we are at war not so much with Ukraine and the Ukrainian army as with the collective West,” Sergei Shoigu said in a televised speech, according to TASS.

# Gov / Politics / US
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tells court not to trust Biden in Trump records case Several other Republican attorneys general joined Paxton in bashing the Biden administration, largely over previous policy decisions they disagreed with.

The Fight Against an Age-Old Effort to Block Americans From Voting: As a new wave of restrictions makes voting harder for people who struggle to read, now 1 in 5 Americans, Olivia Coley-Pearson has taken up the fight, even if it makes her a target.

MAGA Candidate Campaigning as Afghanistan Vet Has No Record of Serving There: J.R. Majewski, a far-right Ohio House candidate with ties to QAnon, appears to have misled voters about his military service https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/21/ohio-gop-majewski-military-00058125__;!!On18fmf1aQ!0l48s-crDRGMrCLTaNx1f73bn-pOWUdT8GaW7MiatqmWh6yu-4ggSiYGm8TH1g_JHA0PURBm2AWyTO0Ild8gYR29y9_wJAwK$

Just 9 House Republicans broke ranks to vote for a bill from Liz Cheney and House Democrats that aims to prevent another January 6. All of them are retiring. The House of Representatives passed a bill on Wednesday to reform the Electoral Count Act, with just nine Republicans — all of whom are leaving Congress after this session — joining every Democrat passing the legislation by a 229-203.

Medical Clinic Shutters Website After Transphobic Attacks: A Nashville area hospital has shut down a webpage for its transgender care center after a right-wing commentator and podcaster attacked the clinic for providing gender affirming care.  “They do not specifically deny anything in my report. Their only defense for drugging and mutilating kids is that their parents allegedly consent to it.” Some online critics claimed that Walsh’s accusations were going to get people hurt or even killed.

# Media
Pentagon’s Information Warfare Review Should Cover the Domestic Side, Too: The Pentagon needs to cease its information war against the American public. The US Department of Defense has ordered “a sweeping audit of how it conducts clandestine information warfare,” the Washington Post reports. The apparent reason for the review is an August disclosure, by Graphika and the Stanford Internet Observatory, that Twitter and Facebook, of social media accounts opened under fake identities and used to feed disinformation to “audiences overseas.”

# Military / DOD
America will hit Russia’s military with ‘devastating strike’ if Putin nukes Ukraine, says US general

# Military / Global
Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert, escalating tensions: President Vladimir Putin dramatically escalated East-West tensions by ordering Russian nuclear forces put on high alert Sunday, while Ukraine’s embattled leader agreed to talks with Moscow as Putin’s troops and tanks drove deeper into the country, closing in around the capital.

# Space / UFO Disclosure / Other
ufo on fire, something out of this world

# Veterans / VA
A military veteran who was awarded more than $1 million in a discrimination lawsuit against the U.S. Air Force still has yet to see a dime from the military branch in nearly eight years. After being illegally fired, a disabled veteran has waited eight years for a $1 million settlement from the Air Force David P. Bighia had hoped to work at Laughlin Air Force Base in Del Rio. Instead, he’s been fighting the Air Force as he faces home foreclosure.

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Due to the nature of independent content, Voices, The Peoples News cannot guarantee content validity.

NOTE: Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. At any point, you can select the link in every email to subscribe, unsubscribe, or send news items: j.selman.1234@livingston.net

All content is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are not necessarily the views of Voices, The Peoples News, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and not Voices, The Peoples News. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This email cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-09-20

Voices, The Peoples News

September 20, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
Yak Titʸu Titʸu Yak Tiłhini say it’s time to return Diablo Canyon lands to Indigenous hands: The tribe, also known as the Northern Chumash, are requesting the return of their coastal home, currently occupied by PG&E’s nuclear power plant.

# Border / Immigration
A Texas sheriff opened a criminal investigation into Gov. DeSantis’s political stunt of sending immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. 48 immigrants were promised work, schooling for their children, and other opportunities, but once they arrived at Martha’s Vineyard, they were left to fend for themselves

How a medical examiner’s office transformed to address migrant death: Amid a shortage of forensic pathologists, Arizona’s Pima County has identified thousands of those who lost their lives in the Borderlands.

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
FDA expected to authorize new Covid boosters without data from tests in people: The FDA’s decision to move forward without data from human trials is a gamble, experts say, threatening to further lower public trust in the vaccines should the new boosters not work as intended.

C.D.C. Virus Tests Were Contaminated, Flawed and Poorly Designed, Agency Says: The contamination suggests that the agency violated standard manufacturing protocols. Rather than relying on the C.D.C. to be the sole test developer, officials could also enlist clinical and commercial labs to create and deploy tests.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Wall Street Giants Set to Smash Profit Records Off Global Hunger, Energy Crisis: “The 100 biggest banks by revenue are set to make $18 billion from commodities trading in 2022,” Bloomberg reported Friday. Anywhere from 10% to 25% of the price, at least, is dictated by deregulated speculative activity.

The Poor Are Being Doubly Hit by Inflation and Policies to Combat Inflation: Global food insecurity has doubled since early 2020 amid high inflation, and the Fed is driving up housing costs.

# Education / Schools
Stressed out, burned out and dropping out: Why teachers are leaving the classroom: It’s not just COVID-19. Low salaries, subpar working conditions and lack of resources in the classroom are three of the reasons why teachers are abandoning the profession.

GOP: Student Loan Forgiveness Hurts Ability to Lure Poor People Into Military: Progressives criticized Republicans for openly advocating for the continuation of the poverty draft.

Texas Banned More Books Than Any Other State Last Year, Analysis Finds: The books that were banned frequently included themes or characters focused on marginalized communities.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Manchin ‘Getting Desperate’ as Opposition to Dirty Permitting Deal Grows
Louder: After the West Virginia senator claimed he’s a victim of “revenge politics,” Sen. Bernie Sanders responded: “Defeating the Big Oil side deal is not about revenge.”

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Other Fury over ‘forever chemicals’ as US states spread toxic sewage sludge:
States are continuing to allow sewage sludge to be spread on cropland as fertilizer and in some cases increasing the amount spread, even as the PFAS-tainted substance has ruined farmers’ livelihoods, poisoned water supplies, contaminated food and put the public’s health at risk.

# General Information / Other News
Trump Is Making Love to QAnon and We Should All Be Terrified: Trump begins openly embracing and amplifying false fringe QAnon conspiracy theory. Fierce differences over politics is a sign of a healthy democracy. Pushing an unhinged conspiracy theory to fire up the base is a sign of the apocalypse.

‘The Right Idea’: Why Trump Is Embracing the QAnon Cult: ‘F–k If I Know’: Trump’s Embrace of QAnon Baffles Allies. The former president has been using Truth Social to tip his cap to the movement that believes America is run by a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles

Trump’s Hiding of Information Isn’t “Unprecedented.” It’s a Horrifying Norm: In response to Trump’s document scandal, let’s challenge the policies of secrecy that are threatening democracy.

Hogwash! That the US goes full banana republic by prosecuting endless Trump crime sprees: Any failure to indict the spate of Trump criminality signals the beginning of the end of America.

Donald Trump and the Presidential Privatization of Secrecy: Enhanced secrecy techniques are the order of the day (and the century, too).

Trump’s Private Security Force: an Operational and Legal Swamp: Trump’s precendent-breaking decision to retain a private security force raises troubling questions about transparency and accountability.

Why the DOJ’s photo of top secret documents held by Trump matters: As photographs go, the FBI image doesn’t look particularly well-composed, with papers scattered across the carpet. But those papers’ bright yellow and red markings, their “TOP SECRET” coversheets, make the randomness of the scene more striking: here is hard-won information that’s highly compartmentalized by the government, lying on the floor of a private office in Florida.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Facebook Tells Moderators to Allow Graphic Images of Russian Airstrikes But Censors Israeli Attacks: Internal memos show Meta [the parent company of Facebook and Instagram] deemed attacks on Ukrainian civilians “newsworthy.” No such carveouts were ever made for Palestinian victims of Israeli state violence.

Russia is building a closer alliance with the world’s autocracies, the west should beware: As Russia becomes isolated from the west following its invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin is becoming more ideologically extreme, and is seeking to improve its cooperation with rogue regimes, particularly North Korea and Iran. This alliance, which is likely to include China, could pose a real threat to the west in the coming years.

Putin Accused of Sending Serial Killers and Cannibal to War: Some of Russia’s “worst criminals” are among the inmates recruited to fight in Ukraine, the country’s top prison watchdog told The Daily Beast.

# Gov / Politics / US
The Intellectual Bankruptcy of Jared Taylor and the American Renaissance: Can Jared Taylor be serious when he summons Rabin to support his racialist thesis? Is he honest? Or is he blinded by his own ideology? Can Taylor’s ideology be supported by morality?

Note: This article is taken from Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure: A Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Critique of Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, and Identity Politics.

Oversight Republicans to force out Hunter Biden documents citing ‘national security threat’: Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are taking up a resolution Tuesday that could force the release of documents related to Hunter Biden that they say the Biden administration is wrongly withholding from the committee’s investigation. The Republicans will take up Resolution 1243, which says that “the President is requested to transmit to the House of Representatives, not later than 14 days after the adoption of this resolution, copies of any document, record, report, memo, correspondence, or other communication in his possession” that relates to Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. It demands the same documentation for a list of companies or bank accounts that may be related.

Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott pull from segregationists’ playbook with their anti-immigration stunts: In the civil rights era, ‘reverse freedom rides’ were more than just a political stunt. They were part of a systematic effort to deprive Black Americans of their livelihoods and force them out. Then, as now, the message Southern racists aimed to send with their “reverse freedom rides” was, “Here, you love them so much, you take care of them.”

Biden again indicates that US will defend Taiwan ‘militarily’ – does this constitute a change in policy? Remarks by the US president come amid heightened tensions between Washington and Beijing and follow a contentious visit to Taiwan by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

A Swing-Seat Candidate Runs Against Corporate Power: Will Rollins, campaigning against a long-serving Republican, is waging much of his race by fighting money in politics and corporate concentration.

World-Renowned Economists Call for ‘Emergency’ Corporate Profit Taxes to Avert Global Recession Governments have a choice, argues a new report: Impose austerity programs that harm the poor, or tax “the multinationals and the super-rich, many of whom have also benefited from the crisis.”

Nobody Should Be Shocked by GOP Cruelty, It’s Their Whole Brand: Republicans simply don’t believe that protecting the people of America is a legitimate function of government. Death, disease, and racism are the coin of the realm for today’s GOP.

# Law Enforcement
Sheriffs Who Spread 2020 Lies Are Planning More Voter Intimidation for Midterms: Far right sheriffs are vowing to “monitor” this year’s midterm elections. They constitute a threat to voting rights. Acontroversial group of right-wing sheriffs that has spread false claims about voter fraud in the 2020 election and propagated Donald Trump’s Big Lie is now vowing to monitor this year’s midterm elections through surveillance of drop boxes and a hotline for reporting purported election fraud.

# Legal / DOJ
Trump’s Lawyers Are Already Bickering With the Special Master, Whom They Picked: Special Master Raymond Dearie asked Trump’s lawyers to explain the details over documents he’s claimed are declassified.

Special Judge Has Simple Test That May Be Disaster for Trump: Special Master Raymond Dearie indicated Tuesday that this case could be very simple and that Trump may be in trouble. Special master grills Trump’s lawyers for evidence that Mar-a-Lago records were declassified: ‘You can’t have your cake and eat it’

# Media
US asked British spy agency to stop Guardian publishing Snowden revelations: The Five Eyes allies were outraged that a contractor like Snowden, working as a computer systems administrator, could get access to their secrets, and that because of US government outsourcing, there were 1.5 million Americans with top security clearance like Snowden.

Why Marvel Fans Are Concerned About a New Israeli Superhero: Shira Haas will play Sabra, an Israeli supersoldier, in the upcoming Marvel film “Captain America: New World Order.” The controversial comic book character has some fans worried. In the comics, Sabra is a mutant who serves as a Mossad agent. The character’s inclusion in the comics has long generated controversy, but Marvel confirmed to Variety that it’s taking a “new approach” with Sabra for the big screen.

# Medical / Health
Heart medication shows potential as treatment for alcohol use disorder: Spironolactone may play a role in reducing alcohol drinking.

Autism Can Be a Growth Market: David Feshbach that recently appeared in Barron’s financial magazine… “Autism Can Be a Growth Market, if Investors Help Scale It Up.” Clearly, there is an expectation that the autism epidemic of the past 30-plus years will continue to grow and, consequently, so will the opportunities for businesses that provide treatments (mostly drugs) for those affected by this neurological disorder.

# Science
New reversible gene-editing technique may be safer and more reliable than standard CRISPR: Chinese researchers say they have developed a new gene-editing tool that is more efficient and safer because it does not permanently change the genome

# Space / UFO Disclosure / Other
Mars is littered with 15,694 pounds of human trash from 50 years of robotic exploration: Discarded pieces of landing gear, crashed spacecraft and wear and tear have produced a lot of debris that is now scattered around the Martian surface.

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Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-09-19

Voices, The Peoples News

September 19, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
‘I Was Representing All Indigenous Voices’: Sacheen Littlefeather Reflects on Declining Brando’s Oscar, Accepts Academy Apology: Native American civil rights activist was honored at a special event over the weekend

# Archaeology
New study of the Gough map shows what might be the lost islands of Welsh folklore: A pair of researchers, one with Swansea University, the other with Oxford University, has taken a new look at the Gough map and have found what might be the lost islands of ancient Welsh folklore. In their paper published in the journal Atlantic Geoscience, Simon Haslett and Davis Willis describe two small islands on the map that do not exist today.

# Border / Immigration
As Migrants Confirm They Were Misled, Calls for Prosecution of DeSantis and Abbott Grow: More than just a political “stunt,” said one critic, this is “about inhumane and illegal conduct toward vulnerable people that is an affront to the values of every decent human being.”

Racist Governors Abbott and DeSantis Deserve Jail Time: Abbott and DeSantis should be looking at jail time or serious civil fines for engaging in this heartless, racist sport.

# Chemicals
In ‘Cancer Alley,’ Judge blocks huge petrochemical plant: Louisiana activists battling to block an enormous plastics plant in a corridor so dense with industrial refineries it is known as Cancer Alley

# Covid / Pandemics / Biologicals
Here’s why researchers believe COVID shot mandates are fueling a backlash, undermining vaccine education: Forcing people to get shots they don’t want often exacerbates their skepticism. Even if a mandate works in the short term, boosting uptake of a particular vaccine, its efficacy wanes as people look for ways to reassert their autonomy, usually by refusing to get the next shot they’re told to get.

Dreaded Side Effect Rears Ugly Head in Latest COVID Variant: Scientists agree that we’re not doing enough to address a “silent” COVID crisis that seems to be spiraling out of control.

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Inflation has returned: Among emerging market and developing economies, inflation reached its highest level since 2011. It now exceeds inflation targets in more than half of these economies with an inflation-targeting framework.

Amazon Raises Prices Throughout Retail, California Alleges: Another antitrust lawsuit tracks with an ingenious line of argument showing how the company famous for ensuring the lowest prices is actually increasing them elsewhere.

The Poor Are Being Doubly Hit by Inflation and Policies to Combat Inflation: Global food insecurity has doubled since early 2020 amid high inflation, and the Fed is driving up housing costs.

# Education / Schools
The Price Kids Pay: Thousands of Illinois students a year are receiving tickets at school for conduct that violates local laws, an investigation by the Tribune and ProPublica has found. The tickets often involve behavior as minor as littering, vaping, using offensive words or gestures, or getting into a hallway scuffle.

# Employment / Labor
More U.S. Employers Are Trapping Workers in a New Form of Indentured Servitude: Bosses in more industries are preventing workers from quitting by charging them for training costs if they leave.

Starbucks Reportedly Plans to Deny Union Workers New Paid Leave Benefits: An internal memo states specifically that the company will attempt to exclude unionized workers from an improved policy.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical Fossil Fuel Industry Seeks to Expand Free Speech for Corporations and Limit It for Citizens: As oil companies push to criminalize dissent, they’re also making the case that climate denialism is protected speech, not fraudulent advertising.

Internal documents show Big Oil PR messages still ‘mislead’ public on climate: Despite claims of transitioning to cleaner energy, internal emails and documents obtained by a congressional investigation show oil companies trying to protect their fossil fuel investments through public narratives that conflict with private communications.

# General Information / Other News
In world beset by turbulence, nations’ leaders gather at UN: The many facets of the Ukraine war are expected to dominate the annual meeting, which convenes as many countries and peoples confront growing inequality, an escalating climate crisis, the threat of multiple famines and an internet-fueled tide of misinformation and hate speech.

Trump’s Former Accounting Firm Begins Turning Over: The House Oversight Committee will use the information in its investigation of allegations of conflict of interest when Trump was in office, and any possible violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause.

Trump’s Latest Threat Is a Doozy and Requires Four Responses: We are dealing with a sociopathic narcissist who wants nothing more than to divide the nation over himself. Trump’s rhetoric is dangerous. We have already seen the consequences of what happens when Trump invites a mob to the streets.

# Gov / Politics / US
Pelosi condemns Azerbaijan over Armenia attack: House speaker’s visit to the Armenian capital, Yerevan, with a congressional delegation came just a few days days after two days of shelling by both sides that killed more than 200 troops. It was the largest outbreak of hostilities in more than two years.

‘Never Seen Anything Like That’: AOC Blasts Male GOP Colleague for Treatment of Female Hearing Witness “Frankly, men who treat women like that in public,” said the New York Democrat, “I fear how they treat them in private.”

Sen. Graham’s Proposed Abortion Ban Could Kill Thousands of Women and Children in the Next Decade. Not only then would Sen. Graham’s proposed abortion force millions to carry pregnancies to term against their will, but it could very well be associated with the deaths of thousands of women and children in the following decade.

# Law Enforcement
Detroit Cops Want $7 Million in Covid Relief Money for Surveillance Microphones: The company behind the mics, ShotSpotter, is going all out to guide police stations across the country on how to use relief money for the controversial technology.

San Quentin Is Still Punishing People for Being Sick: Incarcerated people described filthy conditions and harsh treatment in San Quentin’s medical quarantine unit.

# Legal / DOJ
‘You have to prove the dose’: Why courts are rejecting payouts for exposure to alleged carcinogens like talc or actual ones like asbestos.
But things are a’changin, at least for asbestos. And that signals bad news for the talc https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2022/09/13/you-have-to-prove-the-dose-why-courts-are-rejecting-payouts-for-exposure-to-alleged-carcinogens-like-talc-or-actual-ones-like-asbestos/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!zTiUOmRgA_0lQTMQje1rlLVug83DN7UBzUmep4nael6KHSSoyNz0kZe_q_3kQZqZg0SCdT6qZFGBowG5k9RSbqp1hDWF05i8$

California enacts law to help LGBTQ military veterans: California’s governor has signed a law he says will help military service members who were discharged under “don’t ask, don’t tell” policies to reestablish eligibility for Veterans Affairs benefits.

Judge Halts Texas “Child Abuse” Investigations Into Trans Youths and Families: The judge’s order was limited in scope due to a previous ruling by the state Supreme Court earlier this year.

# Medical / Health
Private Equity Sees the Billions in Eye Care as Firms Target High-Profit Procedures: As private equity groups are swarming into aging America’s eye care, the consolidation is costing the U.S. health care system and patients more money.

Doctors Rush to Use Supreme Court Ruling to Escape Opioid Charges: After a unanimous ruling from the high court, doctors who are accused of writing irresponsible prescriptions can go to trial with a new defense:
It wasn’t on purpose.

# Military / Global
Russian Missile Hits Within 1,000 Feet of Nuclear Reactors: The explosion was at a different Ukrainian power plant to the one that’s been shelled in recent months.

# Science
Drug turns cancer gene into ‘eat me’ flag for immune system: Tumor cells are notoriously good at evading the human immune system; they put up physical walls, wear disguises and handcuff the immune system with molecular tricks. Now, UC San Francisco researchers have developed a drug that overcomes some of these barriers, marking cancer cells for destruction by the immune system.

Researchers develop a reactor that can destroy ‘forever chemicals’:
“Forever chemicals,” named for their ability to persist in water and soil, are a class of molecules that are ever-present in our daily lives, including food packaging and household cleaning products. Because these chemicals don’t break down, they end up in our water and food, and they can lead to health effects https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://newatlas.com/health-wellbeing/reactor-supercritical-water-destroy-pfas-forever-chemicals/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!zTiUOmRgA_0lQTMQje1rlLVug83DN7UBzUmep4nael6KHSSoyNz0kZe_q_3kQZqZg0SCdT6qZFGBowG5k9RSbqp1hCm8ewBK$

CRISPR is 10: A decade of gene editing refinements presents new ways to address agricultural diseases thought to be incurable Because CRISPR applications promise so many benefits, we are impatient to see them realized. Indeed, we may complain that the development of CRISPR therapies is too slow https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2022/09/16/crispr-is-10-a-decade-of-gene-editing-refinements-presents-new-ways-to-address-agricultural-diseases-thought-to-be-incurable/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!zTiUOmRgA_0lQTMQje1rlLVug83DN7UBzUmep4nael6KHSSoyNz0kZe_q_3kQZqZg0SCdT6qZFGBowG5k9RSbqp1hA0Vbd3n$

Moonshot genomics: How CRISPR is opening the door to reshaping life itself: It’s a moonshot idea. If the genome is a book, gene editing is like copy editing—changing a typo here and there, or fixing multiple grammatical errors with carefully-placed tweaks https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2022/09/19/moonshot-genomics-how-crispr-is-opening-the-door-to-reshaping-life-itself/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!zTiUOmRgA_0lQTMQje1rlLVug83DN7UBzUmep4nael6KHSSoyNz0kZe_q_3kQZqZg0SCdT6qZFGBowG5k9RSbqp1hMPEtNhD$

# Veterans / VA
Study finds 37% greater veteran suicide rate than reported by VA: An exhaustive study four years in the making has found nearly a 40% higher rate of veteran suicides than that reported by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

# Water
Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves mocked Jackson at an event after more than 150,000 of the city’s residents had no clean water. For nearly seven weeks, Jackson residents, about 82.5% of whom are Black, were forced to boil what came out of their faucets because of concerns that the water was contaminated.

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