Voices, The Peoples News No. 2022-07-28

Voices, The Peoples News

July 28, 2022
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 To Inform and Educate

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This almost daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Animals / Pets / Alerts / Food Recalls
‘Murder hornets’ have a new common name: Northern giant hornet: Anti-Asian hate crimes helped push U.S. entomologists to give a colorful insect initially dubbed the Asian giant hornet a less inflammatory name.

# Border / Immigration
Former Democratic judges declare invasion, now run for reelection as Republicans in Texas border communities. Two life-long Democrats are now running for judicial reelection as Republicans in Texas border communities. Both women say they are fighting against the Biden administration’s open border policies that they argue are wreaking havoc in their
communities https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.thecentersquare.com/texas/former-democratic-judges-declare-invasion-now-run-for-reelection-as-republicans-in-texas-border-communities/article_f242ea32-0df7-11ed-8dec-e71b3af51dad.html__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2HGrIp1RfTMoRGEHvX_ivdLmCHXfAgPjvU13uJs9SDhH7y4uWhuTN1yh9UorrXhyhZtnTfAeXKjnhMv9IlQs0TWFWvYPsp6J$

# Economy / Finance / Trade
Manchin’s latest shocker: A $700B deal: The West Virginia centrist and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer struck agreement on a party-line bill that almost everyone in Washington had given up on. West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin said in a press release that his agreement with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer “would dedicate hundreds of billions of dollars to deficit reduction by adopting a tax policy that protects small businesses and working-class Americans while ensuring that large corporations and the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share in taxes.”

How the Federal Reserve’s Rate Hikes Affect Your Finances: The central bank is aggressively raising borrowing costs to try to slow spending, cool the economy and defeat the worst outbreak of inflation in two generations.

# Education / Schools
Betsy DeVos and the GOP’s Plan to Destroy Public Schools: “School choice” is a rhetorical dodge. It’s actually all about entrenching right-wing power, control, and Christian nationalism.

Clarence Thomas Bows Out of Teaching at George Washington University After Students Demand His Dismissal A petition with more than 11,000 signatures demanded that Thomas not be allowed to teach this coming term.

# Employment / Labor
An Industrial Policy Without Worker Protections: The domestic manufacturing bill was meant to be the new frontier of bringing good jobs to America. But workers became an afterthought.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Chemical US sold nearly 6 million barrels of oil from reserves to China, records
show: Chinese firm with ties to Hunter Biden had invested in the national oil giant. Rep. Pat Fallon (R., Texas), a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, is spearheading the investigation along with six of his GOP colleagues, including Reps. Ronny Jackson (Texas) and Ralph Norman (S.C.).

House Democrats Block Vote to Ban Strategic Oil Sales to China: In a vote, House Democrats shot down a GOP-led amendment that would ban the Biden administration and U.S. Department of Energy from selling oil kept in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to one of our nation’s biggest foes, China.

House Democrats Don’t Mind Emptying Out Emergency Oil Reserves To China: China, which has equally sized reserves to the U.S., has tapped only 7.4 million barrels of its own stockpile while our emergency supplies are shipped to Beijing.

Could giving up control of your thermostat save the power grid? Letting power companies adjust the appliances of consenting customers could avert blackouts. Some Republicans think it’s government intrusion. It was unclear how many homes had thermostats changed Wednesday, though TXU said tens of thousands of customers participate in the program.

Why Utilities Want to Control Your Smart Thermostat. A small impingement on your freedom can help avert a regional fiasco: EnergyHub is one of several companies that run demand response programs nationwide, and their program is device-agnostic, so it won’t be users of just one brand of thermostat who notice an increase.

Fossil fuel industry lobbying increases as ConocoPhillips fights for more oil drilling in Alaska. Oil and gas companies spent more than $63.5 million lobbying the federal government in the first six months of 2022, an increase of 11% compared to the same period last year when industry spending hit a 10-year low.

Manchin’s Climate Reversal Comes With Major Caveat: Expanding Oil and Gas: The bill essentially locks the government into permitting new oil and gas leases for the next decade.

Leaked Documents Show Florida’s Largest Utility Funded Far-Right News Site to Spread Propaganda: The documents show how Florida Power and Light (FPL) funneled money to a “news” website that promptly published pieces defending the utility’s policy positions and attacking its critics

# Environment / Climate / Interior / Infrastructure Since 2021, Big Oil has spent over $200 million to sabotage climate
action: Climate Power, the group behind the new analysis, said Democrats’ new climate deal sends “a strong signal” that “deep pockets only go so far.”

To Reduce Harmful Algal Blooms and Dead Zones, the U.S. Needs a National Strategy for Regulating Farm Pollution. Midsummer is the time for forecasts of the size of this year’s “dead zones” and algal blooms in major lakes and bays. Will the Gulf of Mexico dead zone be the size of New Jersey,or only as big as Connecticut? Will Lake Erie’s bloom blossom to a human health crisis, or just devastate the coastal economy?

# Environment / Climate / Global
Palm oil producer mired in legal troubles still razing Sumatran forest: A palm oil company has resumed clearing forest in its concession in Indonesia’s Leuser Ecosystem, the only place on Earth where tigers, orangutans and rhinos coexist.

# Food / Farming / GMOs / Chemicals / Global Trudeau Moves Forward with Plan to Reduce Fertilizer Use and Bankrupt Farmers During Global Food Shortage Emergency: This will bankrupt farmers, their land will be scooped up by international billionaires and the global food shortage will deepen.

# General Information / Other News
GOP Rep plants ‘seeds of violence’ as gun victims speak out: Never mind the harrowing shooting stories at a House hearing, Rep. Clay Higgins predicted widespread bloodshed between gun owners and law enforcement if assault weapons are banned.

# Gov / Politics / Global
Syria: NATO, UN are responsible for Turkish Use of Chemical Weapons. Swedish-Iranian Expert Dr. Mansoura Accuses: “Israeli Attacks on Syria would never been Done without Western Support and UN Silence.” Damasco’s Ambassador said. The use of chemical weapons is considered a crime in many international conventions and treaties.  However, the Turkish state continues to perpetrate this crime in front of the whole world on a daily basis.  Although using it against the Kurdish people and guerrilla has been documented hundreds of times, the Turkish state has never been tried

Rep. Haley Stevens Isn’t Paying Her Campaign Interns: Despite her campaign raising millions, one intern got a single Starbucks card. The Prospect can report that Stevens does not pay her campaign interns any compensation.

# Gov / Politics / US
We are One Species, How did we end up so fractured? There are observable differences in such things as skin color and hair texture, as well as some patterns in predisposition to disease based on ancestors’
geographic origins, but the idea of separate races was created by humans and is not found in nature.

Cuba is not a terrorist state, Biden must remove Cuba from the terror list: At the beginning of Biden’s presidency, he stated Cuba’s designation on this list was under review. Eighteen months later, with the administration more concerned about Florida politics than the welfare of the Cuban people, the results of this review have still not been revealed. Cuba remains on the list https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/07/28/biden-should-remove-cuba-from-the-infamous-state-sponsors-of-terrorism-list/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!2HGrIp1RfTMoRGEHvX_ivdLmCHXfAgPjvU13uJs9SDhH7y4uWhuTN1yh9UorrXhyhZtnTfAeXKjnhMv9IlQs0TWFWu5Oq-k_$

Arizona’s senate race already one of the most expensive in the nation (Arizona Public Media) “Clearly, this is a critical race for the Republicans. They view this as a top opportunity to pick up a seat and take the majority,” said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of OpenSecrets.

Wave watch: Hundreds more Republicans running for House than Democrats: There are currently more candidates running for the U.S. House of Representatives than in any other election year since at least 1990, according to OpenSecrets data.

# Legal / DOJ
Where the Diverse Judges Are … and Are Not: There is something unusual about the federal judiciary in Tennessee: It has 23 trial judges, but only three are women. Nearly 100 years have passed since the first female federal judge was appointed by President Calvin Coolidge in 1928. The federal judiciary is still primarily a male institution. Of the more than 1,400 federal judges across the country, 70 percent are men. The federal bench is also overwhelmingly White: 78 percent.

# Medical / Health
Kansas GOP Seeks to Remove Abortion Rights From State Constitution in Primaries: If Amendment 2 passes, the Republican-dominated legislature is poised to quickly advance a total abortion ban in Kansas.

Republican Blocks Contraception Access Bill From Coming to Vote in Senate: Bill sponsor Sen. Ed Markey said that the GOP wants “no abortions, and no birth control to prevent the need for one.”

‘It’s Just Going to Unravel’: One of the Midwest’s Last Abortion Doctors Sees Darker Days Ahead: Dr. Sarah Traxler was once avidly against anti-abortion rights. Today, she oversees access to abortion care for millions of women

Judges in North Dakota and Wyoming on Wednesday blocked enforcement of “trigger” bans on abortions, allowing abortion providers in those states to resume services after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a landmark ruling that established the constitutional right to abortion.  The bans in Wyoming and North Dakota were meant to go into effect this week.

# Pharmaceuticals
GOP Opposition to Drug Pricing Bill Shows Scope of Big Pharma’s Grip on Congress: Republicans are opposing legislation that would lower drug costs for millions.

# Science
Fourth person ‘cured’ of HIV, but is a less risky cure in sight? AIDS researchers announced on Wednesday that a fourth person has been “cured” of HIV, but the dangerous procedure for patients also battling cancer may be little comfort for the tens of millions living with the virus worldwide.

# Technology
U.S. Senate Passes Bill To Boost Chip Manufacturing, Compete With China: The US hopes the $52bn in government subsidies for semiconductor production will help alleviate a persistent shortage.

# Veterans / VA
Senate confirms new VA undersecretary for health after job remained vacant for five years: The Senate confirmed Dr. Shereef Elnahal as the VA’s undersecretary of health. Elnahal previously served as the CEO and president of University Hospital in Newark, N.J., since 2019.

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