Voices, The Peoples News No. 2024-05-22

Voices, The Peoples News

May 22, 2024
Published by Jedi Selman Since March 2000 to Inform and Educate

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This daily Voices, The Peoples News is posted through the blog function of www.MPEN-Ohio.net

# Indigenous
A call to Biden from the Gullah Geechee: Return part of our ancestral land. Grassroots campaign aims to reclaim Black land at Harris Neck https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://thecurrentga.org/2024/05/21/a-call-to-biden-from-the-gullah-geechee-return-part-of-our-ancestral-land/__;!!On18fmf1aQ!3e_g7dW5nAAjI4Xgq4qK2CkvZwr0rjPmTeOXnV4ao2Ix6AJwf9-2wfYJjVsXIGTWtELjRLE2iPaAvWZ0uX6Kl9VLAByFnb7P$

# Archaeology / Anthropology
‘Hidden Gem’ Fossil Of Dinosaur Skin Preserved Like Glass Reveals It Had Scales And Feathers

Workers Preparing To Expand A Park In China Just Stumbled Upon A Han Dynasty Tomb Filled With Ancient Treasures: Archaeologists Unearth Han Dynasty Tombs In China Featuring Connected Rooms, Windows, And Dozens Of Ancient Treasures. The burial mound likely dates back 1,800 years to the time of the Han Dynasty.

Mysterious Prehistoric Monument In The Shape Of An Enormous Double Horseshoe In France Leaves Archaeologists Baffled: Created sometime during the Neolithic era, this 646,000-square-foot monument was littered with archers’ gear and daggers, suggesting a possible military fortification.

# Borders / Immigration
Biden administration sues Oklahoma over new law allowing arrest of illegal migrants

Legislature inches closer to banning sanctuary cities

Mayorkas urges passage of border security bill, says Biden admin has enforced the law since ‘day one’ The Senate will take up a bipartisan border bill for a second time

New Hampshire, Quebec sign border security agreement

At the US’s latest border hotspot, aid workers brace for volatility

DOJ sues another state to stop prison sentences for immigrants living in US illegally

Mexico deporting American illegal immigrants

# Economy / Finance / Trade / Banks
Recession seems almost certain with 19 states in trouble already, expert warns

# Employment / Labor
Child workers found on poultry company’s kill floor AGAIN despite teen’s death, federal authorities allege.

# Energy / Pipelines / Mining / Etc
Biden faces pressure from activists to halt deepwater oil export plans

# Environment / Climate / Chemicals / Infrastructure Warm Water Rushing Under ‘Doomsday Glacier,’ this new evidence suggests sea levels could rise to a catastrophic level within 10 to 20 years

Former EPA head predicts swift end to Biden’s climate policies under a new Trump administration

Vermont governor vetoes bill restricting neonic pesticide, the legislation “is more anti-farmer than it is pro-pollinator.”

Tiny crumbling island in the US holds key to American people’s existence

Migrating Freshwater Fish Populations Have Declined 81% Since 1970, Report Finds

# Food / Farming / Bioengineering
World Bank Demands End to Farming by 2030 to Combat Climate Crisis

FDA Explains Exactly Why Food Recalls Are on the Rise in the U.S.

# General News
Cartel Crops Infest Public Lands, and They’re as Dangerous as You Think

Revealed: The ‘Human Printer’ Who Follows Trump Everywhere

# Gov / Politics / Global
Spain, Norway And Ireland To Recognize A Palestinian State

Russia begins nuclear drills in response to ‘provocative statements.’ It was the first time Russia has publicly announced drills involving tactical nuclear weapons

569 metric tons of aid that passed through US-built pier fails to reach Palestinians, some ‘intercepted’ by looters: Pentagon

Egypt blew up possible Israel-Hamas cease-fire deal after secretly changing framework to the benefit of terror group:

# Gov / Politics
Speaker Johnson eyes legislation to sanction ICC officials over arrest warrant requests

Oil executives to host Trump fundraiser in Houston

Lara Trump Is Taking The Reins, And Reshaping The RNC In Her Father-in-law’s Image

Another High-Ranking Mike Johnson Aide Eyes The Exit

Trump may get another chance to be president. He’s planning an aggressive second term

Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden

Rosy memories: Voters’ views of Trump’s presidency improve

GOP’s ‘Project 2025’ Plan May See the Rise of Dictator Trump

Republicans back abortion ban in $360B VA budget draft for next year

The International Criminal Court’s accusations of war crimes don’t deter Biden from supporting Israel.

Johnson gives Schumer an ultimatum on Netanyahu

On GPS: How the US may be falling for an Iranian trap in Iraq

Mad Vlad’s nuclear tantrums spook Biden into submission

# Legal / DOJ
A recap of Trump’s trial in NYC, and why a delay in the Jan. 6 case is likely

If Trump’s Acquitted, He’ll Be an Unstoppable Terror

Donald Trump’s Defense Case Just Helped the Prosecution

MAGA Lawyer Gets Dismantled by His Own Damning Trump Emails

Trump’s attorneys found classified docs in his bedroom months after raid

Trump Slams Colombia-Born Judge Presiding Over His Trial by Saying, ‘Take a Look at Where He Comes From’

I was inside the court when the judge closed the Trump trial, and what I saw shocked me, the trial’s judge was ‘an absolute tyrant’

# Media
TV host arrested for heinous crimes against child,  police questioned the ‘well-known’ host for 18 hours.

# Medical / General News
‘A difficult decision’: Walmart to shutter all US health care services and hunker down on inflation-fueled growth in grocery business — what this means for consumers

Trump Makes Horrifying Pledge to Cut Access to Contraception
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-horrifying-pledge-proves-abortion-183649664.html*:*:text=During*20an*20interview*20with*20KDKA,thing*20on*20the*20chopping*20block__;I34lJSUlJSUlJQ!!On18fmf1aQ!3e_g7dW5nAAjI4Xgq4qK2CkvZwr0rjPmTeOXnV4ao2Ix6AJwf9-2wfYJjVsXIGTWtELjRLE2iPaAvWZ0uX6Kl9VLANQ-28lm$ .

Louisiana house votes to criminalize abortion pills

Cover-up of infected blood scandal was ‘subtle, pervasive and chilling.’ Thousands of deaths could have been avoided

Texas woman fainted from blood loss during miscarriage after doctors ‘refused medical care’ due to abortion ban

Trump Tries Cleaning Up the Birth Control Mess He Stepped In

Scientists Just Uncovered The Oldest Human Viruses Ever Found — And They’re Planning To Revive Them

Louisiana House Votes To Jail People For Possessing Abortion Pills

# Medical / Science / Technology
Vein scanning technology is a recent advancement in medicine that non-invasively visualizes a patient’s veins and blood flow. This enables doctors to identify potential issues early and expedite treatment.Credit

# Military / DOD / Nuclear
“We are the peace activists.” Palantir’s Military AI Tech Conference Sounds Absolutely Terrifying

During a press briefing, Pentagon Spokesman Maj. Gen. Patrick S. Ryder confirmed that Russia likely launched a counterspace weapon into the same orbit as a US government satellite on May 16

We tracked secret Russian missile launchers in Ukraine using public satellite data

# NASA / Space / UFO Disclosure / Planetary NASA Tool Gets Ready to Image Faraway Planets

# Science Technology / Biosciences
Scientists Detect Microplastics in Testicular Tissue

# Social
Florida and other states move to block Chinese citizens from buying US homes

# Technology
Microsoft announces feature that records everything you do on your computer for AI. Nope, not worrisome at all.

Google is set to start mixing ads into its new AI-generated search answers. It’s a test of how the company’s biggest revenue stream can adapt to the age of generative AI.

Noland Arbaugh is the first to get Elon Musk’s brain device. The 30-year-old speaks to WIRED about what it’s like to use a computer with his mind—and gain a new sense of independence.

# Water
Cyberattacks on water supplies demand stronger defenses

Lake Mead’s illegal road network is growing. People have created hundreds of miles of unofficial roads trying to reach the water as levels decline.

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